Page 1: PDF Edition of The Observer for Thursday, February 10, 2011

Thursday, February 10, 2011Volume 44 : Issue 84

ObserverThe Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary’s


INSIDE TODAY’S PAPER Senate discusses meeting with trustee page 3 � Viewpoint page 8 � Grammys preview page 10 � Men’s basketball wins in OT page 20

Students, professors reflect on Egypt

One year ago, junior ChrisLuboja began preparing tospend the spr ing 2011semester studying abroad inCairo. This week, he moved into

Stanford Hall , enrolled inclasses on campus and metwith professors and advisorsto make sure he could catchup after beginning classesthree weeks late.Luboja is one of 12 Notre

Dame s tudents who wereevacuated from Cairo onJan. 31 due to ongoing

protests in Egypt. The stu-dents arrived in Cairo Jan.20, p lanning to spend asemester at the AmericanUniversity in Cairo (AUC).After their evacuation, theychose between returning toNotre Dame’s campus inSouth Bend and enter ingNotre Dame’s LondonProgram.“I t i s d isappoint ing ,”

Luboja said. “Obviously youget to see a bit of history,which is really amazing, butat the same time all of uswere ready to be there forfour months and experience AP

Egyptian anti-government protestors stand in Cairo’s TahrirSquare Wednesday.


Evacuees wait in line to depart Cairo last week. Twelve NotreDame students were evacuated from Cairo to Istanbul.

Evacuated students begin class three weeks late

Kroc panel analyzes situation in Middle East

The protests in Egypt marka moment in history that willhave far-reaching effects forthe entire Middle East, threeexperts said in a Wednesdaypanel discussion.The Kroc Inst i tute for

International Peace Studiespresented the panel ,“Democratic Revolution inthe Middle East? The Rise ofCivil Resistance in Tunisia,Egypt, Lebanon and Beyond,”in response to the unrest cur-rently sweeping the region.The panel featured EmadShahin, associate professor

of Rel ig ion, Conf l ic t andPeacebui ld ing, AsherKaufman, associate professorof history and Peace Studiesand David Cortright, directorof Policy Studies.Shahin said the movements

in Tunis ia and Egypt aregrassroots in nature.“Young people began to use

social media to mobilize thepopulat ion,” Shahin said.“There was an unprecedent-ed show of public interestand everything was non-vio-lent, peaceful.”Economic issues and

human values also causedthe protests in Egypt, Shahin


Candidates for 2011-2012 stu-dent body president and vicepresident debated their platformsand presented ideas for improv-ing life at Notre Dame at aWednesday night debate inLaFortune Student Center.Five tickets will be on Monday’s

ballot. The candidates answeredquestions from Michael Thomas,vice president of elections forJudicial Council, on their plans toimprove student life and studentgovernment. Candidates Catherine Soler and

Emily LeStrange touted theirknowledge of student governmentas their biggest asset.“Our experience is really a

great advantage because therehas never been the opportunity tohave this continuity of leader-ship,” Soler said. “That takes along time to develop. A huge partof when we started here was fig-uring out how to navigatethrough the administration andthrough student government soafter this year we would save anincredible amount of time in tran-sition.”Soler currently serves as stu-

dent body president, andLeStrange is chair of the off-cam-pus concerns council.

Students brave cold for Center for the Homeless

Facing one of the coldestdays of the year in only san-dals, shorts and T-shirts, menof Siegfried Hall walked toclass, stood in front of build-ings and collected donationsfor South Bend’s Center forthe Homeless.Sophomore Andrew Ritter,

Siegfried Hall president andcoordinator for the Day ofMan, said this annual eventhas al lowed the men ofSiegfried Hall to stand in soli-darity with the homeless since2007.“By standing with the home-

less for a day, even though it’snot nearly what they go

through the entire year, it cre-ates waves on campus,” hesaid. “When you see a guywalking around in minimalclothing on a day with a nega-tive one [degree] for a low,you notice. We’re showing oursupport for the South Bendcommunity.”This year 200 of Siegfried’s

248 residents participated,Rit ter said, demonstrat ingstrength and humility.“It’s the toughness of being

able to say you can stand inthat weather, but for the rightreasons,” he said. “We standoutside of DeBartolo Hall andNorth and South Dining Hallwith cups that people dropmoney into.”Freshman Michael Harvey

said that, despite the cold, he

f inds encouragement fromother Notre Dame students.“I’ve learned how cold nega-

tive 15 [degree] wind chill isand that I ’ve not iced a 5degree increase in tempera-ture since the morning,” hesaid. “Your fingers and toes gonumb as you walk fromSiegfried to DeBartolo, butpeople are supportive whichmakes it a lot better.”Lisa Knox, a representative

from the Center for theHomeless, said the organiza-tion and its guests appreciatethe time these men dedicate toraising money.“We think these guys are

stellar. The fact that they’vedone this unique fundraising SARAH O’CONNOR/ The Observer

Sophomores Jesus Perez, left, and Davis Hayes made snow angelswhen a donation of $10 was made to the Center for the Homeless.

see PANEL/page 3 see DEBATE/page 3

see STUDENTS/page 4

see SIEGFRIED/page 4



By MEGAN DOYLEAssociate News Editor


Page 2: PDF Edition of The Observer for Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Observer regards itself as a professional publication and strives for the highest standards ofjournalism at all times. We do, however, recognizethat we will make mistakes. If we have made a mistake, please contact us at 631-4541 so

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The Observer � PAGE 2page 2 Thursday, February 10, 2011

































A free strength trainingorientation will be given from3:15 to 4:15 p.m. today in theRSRC Classroom of the RolfsCenter. The orientation willprovide instruction on thesafe and effective use of boththe strength and cardiovascu-lar equipment. Register viaRecRegister ( f i tness andinstruct ional /special pro-grams).

The women’s tennis teamwill face Michigan today atthe Eck Tennis Pavi l ion .Matches begin at 4 p.m. andadmission is free.

Michael Huber will discuss“Modeling and PredictingRare Events in Baseball” aspart of the math for everyoneseries. The discussion willtake place in 117 Hayes-Healy from 5 to 6:30 p.m.tonight , and pizza andrefreshments will follow.

Tonight from 6:30 to 8:30p.m. the film “Inside Job”wil l be shown in theBrowning Cinema of theDeBartolo Performing ArtsCenter. The film chroniclesthe 2008 f inancial cr is is .Admission ranges from $3 to$6.

The Stepan Center wil lhouse the Keenan Revue ,which takes place from 7:30to 9:30 p.m. tonight. Ticketsare required for admission.

The Student Union Board issponsoring screenings of thefilm “The Notebook” tonight,Friday and Saturday.Tonight’s showing will beginat 10 p.m. and end at mid-night in 101 DeBartolo Hall.

To submit information to beincluded in this section of TheObserver, e-mail detai ledinformation about an event [email protected]


Former mayor’s name toofunny for new gov. centerFORT WAYNE — Modern-

day city leaders say theyprobably won’t name a newgovernment center for a for-mer mayor because of thejokes his name could inspire.Harry Baals is the run-

away favorite in online vot-ing to name the new build-ing in Fort Wayne. The issue is pronunciation.

The former mayor pro-nounced his last name“balls.” His descendantshave since changed it to“bales.”An online site taking sug-

gestions for names showedmore than 1,000 votesTuesday for the Harry BaalsGovernment Center. That’smore than three times the

votes received by the closestcontender.Jim Baals, 51, who has

lived in the city his entirelife, said it’s unfortunate thathis great-uncle’s name won’tbe considered for the build-ing.“Harry served four terms

and was a wonderful mayor.I don’t know what the prob-lem is,” he said. “I under-stand people are going topoke fun at it. That’s OK. I’velived with that name for 51years now and I’ve gottenthrough it. I think everybodyelse can, too.”

Maine biologists nab owltaking heads off chickensBETHEL, Maine — A

Maine barred owl wascaught inside a barn where it

had been decapitating onechicken a day and flying offwith the heads.The Sun Journal newspa-

per reports that the owlkilled five or six chickens.The owl was capturedSunday and has been takento a wildlife rehabilitationcenter.Wildlife biologist Judy

Camuso says owls are havinga tough time finding food thiswinter and the owl was try-ing to survive. She says itwas near death.Camuso says chickens are

too big for owls to carry offand owls are notorious foreating heads, though usuallythe heads of rodents.

Information compiledfrom the Associated Press.

Julie Herder/The Observer

Students make sure Irish coach Mike Brey’s presence is known while TerrenceJennings of Louisville shoots a freethrow during last night’s men’s basketballgame. The Irish won in overtime.

“I didn’t watchthe Super Bowl.I watched thePuppy Bowlinstead.”

Emily Wurz

juniorWelsh Family

“The DarthVader


Christie Ahn


“The Doritosone with the


Meredith Thomas

juniorBreen Phillips

“The DarthVader

commercial, itwas adorable.”

Emily Palid


“The ChevySilverado commercial

where the kid isstuck in a well

and stuff.”

Erin Jenkins


Have an idea for Question of the Day? E-mail [email protected]

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NewsLaura McCrystalAlicia Smith

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SportsChris AllenMatt RobisonKatie HeltScene

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Patrick Sala

Laura McCrystalNEWS EDITOR:

Page 3: PDF Edition of The Observer for Thursday, February 10, 2011

Student body presidentCatherine Soler updated theStudent Senate on studentgovernment’s recent commu-nications with Notre Dame’sBoard of Trustees atWednesday’s meeting.Student government typical-

ly presents to the Board threetimes each year, but a meetingthat had been scheduled forlast week was cancelled dueto snowstorms.Student body vice president

Andrew Bell said many of thetrustees were unable to travelto South Bend for the meeting.In place of the larger pres-

entation, Soler and Bell metwith one trustee. The informa-tion from that meeting will besent to the rest of the board.Bell said the meeting would

not be rescheduled.Soler said one of the main

points discussed at the meet-ing was communicationbetween the University andthe students.They spoke specifically

about e-mails the studentbody receives from UniversityPresident Fr. John Jenkins,Soler said. These e-mailsincluded those about thedeath of junior DeclanSullivan and the events sur-rounding the death of SaintMary’s student Elizabeth“Lizzy” Seeberg,“That’s an essential part of

being a part of the University,and making sure students area part of that,” Soler said.Bell and Soler also talked to

the trustee about the contin-ued efforts of student govern-ment to collaborate with theSouth Bend PoliceDepartment. Soler said she

hopes that relationship willcontinue in the future.Soler and Bell also said they

talked to the trustee aboutchanges with off-campus rep-resentatives in student gov-ernment.“We’ve made changes to the

Off-Campus Council and wehope that will continue tomake things better in thefuture,” Soler said.She said there is a need for

centralizing the services thatare available to off-campusstudents.“When incidents arise off

campus, the University doesn’thave one place to findresources right now,” Solersaid.Student government’s next

presentation to the Board ofTrustees will be in April.

The Observer � CAMPUS NEWSThursday, February 10, 2011 page 3

Soler reviews trustee meetingBy MELISSA FLANAGANNews Writer

“Looking to the next adminis-tration, we are really focusing ondoing things in the academicworld. For example, we have areally great plan to improve tutor-ing resources,” LeStrange said.While presidential candidate

Pat McCormick and running mateBrett Rocheleau both currentlyserve in student government, theyproposed a reinvention of studentgovernment as a platform forlarger social justice issues.“Are we going to have the stu-

dent government we have alwayshad, or can we build this bigger?Can we re-imagine what studentgovernment is about? We haveoutlined a series of proposals inour platform that we think will dothis,” McCormick said. “We thinkwe can make Notre Dame themoral conscience of higher educa-tion in the United States.”Junior class president James

Ward and freshman class presi-dent Heather Eaton presentedtheir platform as modeled solelyand specifically on student ideas.“We heard a lot of people com-

plain that student government justworks for themselves as an insti-tution,” Eaton said. “Which is whywe are running on platforms thatare all student ideas. The thingswe are running for are things thatwe know you want to hear.”Presidential candidate Ricky

Bevington and vice presidentialcandidate Olivia Colangelo saidthey want to bring more unity tocampus. “The primary way we would

like to improve campus life is byproviding more opportunities forthe student body to come togetheras one student body,” Bevingtonsaid. Their ideas included a student

body prayer service, a student-to-student advice network and stu-dent pep rallies for more sports.The candidates outlined their

plans to improve day-to-day stu-dent life. Eaton said she and Ward would

revamp the current system foronline course registration,increase the number of points forGrab n’ Go and install morepower outlets in the HesburghLibrary and LaFortune StudentCenter.McCormick said he would cre-

ate new ways for students to con-tact student government withideas. He and Rocheleau alsopromised to make the Center forUndergraduate ScholarlyEngagement (CUSE) more acces-sible to students and open a pubfor students and professors tomeet casually.“We think we have the most

advanced student services plat-form of any ticket here,”McCormick said. Soler and LeStrange said they

plan to begin “Whine

Wednesdays” to receive consistentstudent feedback. They also said their administra-

tion would work to install lightson McGlinn Fields, build a heatedbus stop at Library Circle andengage more with Hall Presidents’Council. LeStrange said her ticketwants to improve kitchen andexercise facilities in many olderdorms. Bevington and Colangelo dis-

cussed a plan to review the differ-ences between residence halls.“We have a really unique resi-

dence life structure here, and wedon’t want to change that,”Colangelo said. “But there areobviously ways we could make itbetter.” McCormick said he and

Rocheleau would expand studentgovernment to make its governingbody more effective. They wouldcreate a committee to work onsmall issues, such as printing quo-tas and dining hall suggestions,brought forward by students.Their points at the debate also

included popular campaign prom-ises, such as restoring the price ofhot dogs in the Huddle to 25cents. McCormick outlined plansfor a large charity concert in theJoyce Center or Notre Dame stadi-um. Ward said he would like to ana-

lyze the financial aid system andestablish a tiered tuition systemsimilar to those used at Harvardand Yale.The Eaton-Ward ticket also

offered ideas about drinking cul-ture and disciplinary records,such as removing first-yearoffenses from students’ perma-nent records.“We want to address some of

the drinking culture here on cam-pus, in particular the ban ondrinking games and the affect ithas to student life,” Ward said.Candidates Kevin Noonan and

Matthew Thomas formed theperennial Zahm Hall ticket andreceived loud support from fellowZahmbies in the audience. Noonan and Thomas proposed

“hangover hours” in the dininghalls on Saturday and Sundayafternoons with a “firm no-speak-ing-above-a-whisper policy, dimlights, free Advil and no offensivefood.”The ticket also campaigned to

remove Mod Quad from NotreDame and install a weather-con-trol dome over campus.Voting will be held Monday.

Students will receive an e-mailfrom the Judicial Council directingthem to the voting website, whichwill be open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. A ticket must win 50 percent of

the student body vote to win theelection, and the large number oftickets will likely send the electionto a runoff, Thomas said. Anotherdebate would be held between theremaining candidates before therunoff election.

KIRBY McKENNA/The Observer

The 10 candidates for student body president and vice president sitin LaFortune Student Center before Wednesday’s debate.

Debatecontinued from page 1

Contact Megan Doyle [email protected]

Contact Melissa Flanagan [email protected]


said.Only 200 individuals con-

trol led 90 percent of thenational wealth in Egypt,according to Shahin.“An alliance between state

bureaucracy and businesscronies created corruption,producing lots of losers andvery few winners,” he said.Kaufman discussed the

pol i t ical landscape ofLebanon and its relationshipto the rest of the MiddleEast.

“What we’re seeing now inLebanon is part of the largerpicture,” he said. “The abili-ty of Lebanon to really havean effect on the Middle Eastis miniscule and the eventsin Egypt will certainly havemore dramatic effects.”Kaufman said the events in

Egypt might change thesense of political stagnationthat pervades the MiddleEast.“We’re witnessing an his-

tor ical moment of cata-clysmic powers,” he said.“We’ll have to wait and seewhere it takes us.”Cortr ight d iscussed the

non-violent nature of the

protests in Egypt.“This is perhaps the most

dramatic expression of peo-ple power in his tory,” hesaid. “Never before havepeople in a region mobilizedin such numbers.”Cortright said the protes-

tors’ non-violent approachsends a positive message.“We can see that the

means of non-violent resist-ance are an effective tool forsocial change and are creat-ing an entirely new politicsin Egypt and throughout theregion,” he said.

Contact Emily Schrank [email protected]

Panelcontinued from page 1

Page 4: PDF Edition of The Observer for Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Observer � CAMPUS NEWSpage 4 Thursday, February 10, 2011

Group allocates fundsto athletic department


Saint Mary’s StudentGovernment Association (SGA)voted Wednesday to set aside$1,000 of its capital budget torepair or replace fitness equip-ment for student use. Athletics Commissioner

Christine Brown approachedthe board the first meeting ofthe semester with a requestfrom the Athletics Departmentasking for a full or partialreimbursement of funds thatwere used to replace two back-boards. SGA discussed therequest at its last meeting anddecided it needed more infor-mation from the AthleticsDepartment. Saint Mary’s Athletic Director

Julie Schroeder-Biek was pres-ent at the beginning ofWednesday’s meeting to discussthe reimbursement request andanswer questions. Schroeder-Biek said the AthleticDepartment requested thereimbursement because themoney it spent on the back-boards cut into its funds for theAngela Athletic facility, whichstudents use.The Athletic Department

replaced the backboards to ful-fill new NCAA equipment regu-lations. According to a newNCAA mandate, “starting withthe 2010-2011 season, a redlight placed behind each back-board or LED lights placedaround the backboard shall berequired.” The Athletic Department was

informed of the change in regu-lations two years ago andanticipated the cost; however,problems arose when the LEDlights did not fit the back-boards. “The backboards were so

outdated that the LED lightsdid not fit,” Schroeder-Bieksaid. “The additional costs toreplace the backboards wereunexpected.” Schroeder-Biek said the

money spent on the new back-boards was pulled from theportion of the fundraisingmoney student athletes earnfrom football parking in the fallsemester. She said the AthleticDepartment has a set budgetand no funds to request new

equipment, which led to usinggeneral funds for the AngelaAthletic facility.“As you know, the back-

boards are used not only by thebasketball team, but also byintramural basketball,”Schroeder-Biek said. “Thereare over 1,000 people a weekusing the fitness center.“We put in this reimburse-

ment request because the costof the new backboards [$3,380]cut into the funds for updatingthe facility,” Schroeder-Bieksaid. “That’s where the [reim-bursement] money would go —back into the fitness center.” Schroeder-Biek thanked the

board for extending the oppor-tunity to clarify the issue andleft. The board discussed theissue with a pro and con list. Those who supported giving

funds to the AthleticsDepartment focused on thepoint that the money would begoing to support the athleticfacility and eventually it wouldbenefit the entire student body. “It may open a can of worms,

but there are 1,100 girls thatgo to the gym every week,”senior Julie Laemmle said.“Not only will students use it,but prospective students tour-ing the campus would be moreattracted to equipment morerecent than the 1970s.” SGA also debated the effect

that granting this request tothe Athletics Department,which is outside of SGA’s usualjurisdiction, would have in set-ting a precedent for futurerequests. “If we give money to one

department, we open ourselvesto other departments, includingacademic departments that wedon’t fund,” Student DiversityBoard President Morgan Gaysaid. “It would be setting thewrong precedent; SGA tradi-tionally gives money to studentclubs and organizations.”After an extended discussion

and a motion with severalamendments, it was decidedthat SGA will set aside $1,000of the remaining $3,218.96available of the capital budgetfor repairs and equipmentreplacement to the AngelaAthletic facility.

Contact Megan Loney [email protected]


that area and trave laround that region.”As one of five students who

returned to South Bend,Luboja sa id he based h isdec is ion on h is personalcomfort level.“I had spent the last year

kind of mentally preparingmyself for Cairo, so I don’tth ink I was rea l ly in themindset to jump on boardwith London,” he said. Luboja said he was able to

enroll in courses that willallow him to continue work-ing toward h is majors infinance and Arabic. “The Univers i ty pret ty

much left all the doors openfor us,” he said. “They werereal ly accommodat ingbecause they want to makesure we graduate on timeand get the c lasses weneed.”Junior Alex Huth, who was

in Cairo with Luboja, decid-ed to enter Notre Dame’sLondon Program. “I wanted to go to London

because I had already decid-ed I wanted to s tudyabroad,” he said. Mike Huth, Alex’s father,

said he encouraged Alex togo to London.“I think all of them were

really unhappy with the waythings turned out and reallydisappointed,” Mike said.“We were kind of encourag-ing them to go to London, …stay the course on this over-

seas semester.”Alex arr ived in London

with six other Notre Damestudents last week. He saidthe process of being evacuat-ed from Egypt to Turkey,deciding whether to go toLondon or return to SouthBend and scheduling coursesfor the semester was morestressful than the days hespent in Cairo without accessto Internet or mobile phoneconnections. The Universitywas helpful, Alex said, butthe process was “a night-mare.” While Alex has not deter-

mined whether he will con-tinue his major in Arabic inaddi t ion to h is f inancemajor, he said Notre Dame’sLondon Program is workingto arrange an Arabic coursefor the s tudents who le f tCairo.“ In my opin ion, Notre

Dame did a really good jobbeing accommodating to us,”he said.Alex said he and the six

other s tudents who wereoriginally in Cairo live in adormitory bui ld ing inChelsea, an area of the citythat i s a 45 minute walkfrom Notre Dame’s campusin Trafa lgar Square. Theother Notre Dame under-graduates s tudying inLondon l ive more than anhour walking distance fromChelsea.Junior Henry Hodes also

chose to go to London afterleaving Cairo. Despite thedisappointment of leavingCairo, he said he is happy tos t i l l have a s tudy abroad

experience.“I’ve not regretted it since

we got here,” Hodes said.“Again, it’s not Cairo, it’s notwhat we originally intend-ed,” he said. “We’re havingto be a little flexible when itcomes to where we’re living,for example.” Mike Huth sa id whi le i t

was scary to be out of touchwith his son while he was inCairo, he was impressed byNotre Dame’s communica-tion with parents.“There was about a two-

day period where we reallydidn’t have much contact ata l l wi th [Alex] and … wewere glued to CNN prettymuch from the time we gotup from the time we went tobed,” Mike sa id . “ [NotreDame] d id a great job o fstaying in touch by e-mailand the American Universityin Cairo a lso d id a greatjob.”Luboja sa id he and the

other 11 students continueto follow media coverage ofthe events in Egypt.“Now it’s a little personal

having been there,” he said. He also had the opportuni-

ty to meet Egyptian studentsand has kept in touch withthem since he left Cairo.“Every time I talk to them

they say, ‘You have to comeback’ because I think theykind of feel bad that theyweren’t able to see every-thing,” Luboja said. “I defi-nitely plan on going backonce everything stabilizes.”

Studentscontinued from page 1

Contact Laura McCrystal [email protected]

is really humbling,” Knoxsaid. “Their impact is greatand the money they raise forthe shelter is critical, but mostimportantly, they raise aware-ness of our organization andits volunteer opportunities.”Siegfried residents also con-

tinue to collect money afterthe Day of Man. E-mails sentto friends and family bring incontributions, Ritter said, andthe dorm ends col lect ionsaround the end of February.“If people just want to make

a check to the Center for theHomeless and send it to ourrector [Fr.] John Conley, then

we’d be more than happy totake donations any time dur-ing February,” he said. “Butdonations to the Center for theHomeless are always morethan welcome.”Knox said the Center also

welcomes students to volun-teer and become involved inthe organization.“Peter Lombardo, our direc-

tor of community involvement,coordinates outreach on cam-pus. If you want to volunteer,contact him or you can visit usonline at,” she said. “Iwould encourage anyone tohelp us or to check their localorganizations and see whatthey can do.”

Siegfriedcontinued from page 1

Contact Nicole Toczauer at [email protected]

SGA to give $1,000 for equipment repairsand replacements in Angela Athletic Facility

Saint Mary’s hosts blood drive

Saint Mary’s students, fac-ulty and staff donated bloodat an American Red Crossblood drive on Saint Mary’scampus Wednesday. According to the Red Cross,

recent snowstorms led to thecancellation of blood drivesand 1,000 units of blood havegone uncollected. “The blood supply is at crit-

ically low levels due to thisissue, so we encourageeveryone who is able to giveblood to do so thisWednesday,” said JenniferKornexl, blood drive coordi-nator for Saint Mary’s

College. The drive was held in the

Earley Conference Rooms ofthe Student CenterBasement. Kathy Strycker, Goshen

team supervisor for the RedCross, said the drive was asuccess.“We’ve been very

impressed,” Strycker said.“We’ve had 23 people donatethis first hour. We hope thissets the tone for the day. Wehad a goal of 74 units, andwe’ve been fortunate enoughto have 95 people sign up.”“I ’m surprised by how

many people signed up andby how many are returningdonors,” senior Christ ineGallic added.

Despite a previous experi-ence of fainting while donat-ing blood, sophomore JuliaFletcher donated blood forher second time Wednesday.“It’s a really good cause,

and I want to help out anyway I can,” Fletcher said. Kornexl said donat ing

blood is important becauseone donation can save up tothree lives.Senior Kelly Zenere said

donating blood is a way togive back to the community. “I feel like I’m giving back

with my body,” Zenere said.“To me, it’s the biggest wayto give back.”

By SUSAN HEADNews Writer

Contact Susan Head [email protected]

Page 5: PDF Edition of The Observer for Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Observer � NATIONAL NEWSThursday, February 10, 2011 page 5

Officals sayborder salesnot priority

The White House says trackingthe bulk sale of high-poweredrifles from border states gun-shops which legally sell thou-sands of assault weapons thatend up in Mexico each year isnot an emergency, and hasrejected a request from the that monitors weaponssales to do so without publicreview.Instead the Bureau of Alcohol,

Tobacco, Firearms andExplosives’ proposed require-ment that firearms dealers nearthe Mexican border to reportmultiple purchases of high-pow-ered rifles will undergo a stan-dard, three-month review peri-od, opening it to public com-ment.The agency wants to require

gun dealers in California,Arizona, New Mexico and Texasto report the sales of two ormore rifles to the same customerwithin a five-day period, but isnot proposing any ban on sales.A similar requirement alreadyexists for handguns.“It’s not against the law, and

it’s not going to be against thelaw, for you to buy 40, 50, even100 of these weapons and putthem in the bumper of your carand drive them around or evendown to the border,” ATFspokesman Scot Thomassonsaid. “This would just allow us toput out an investigative lead atthe time of the sale.”Last month 20 people were

federally indicted for allegedlyparticipating in a ring thatbought more than 700 guns to besmuggled into Mexico for use bya drug cartel. In that case, sever-al times individuals boughtdozens of AK-47s as well as .50caliber high powered rifles capa-ble of shooting down airplanes,even after rifles they purchasedearlier had been seized.For example, on Dec. 9, 2009,

Douglas, Ariz., police officersfound nine AK-47 rifles hidden ina car bumper. The guns weretracked back to SeanChristopher Steward, who hadbought them in a batch of 40 AK-47 type rifles at Lone WolfTrading Co., in Glendale, Ariz.,the day before. Just five daysafter this seizure, Stewardbought 43 more AK-47 rifles andpistols, according to courtrecords. Altogether, after theseizure, Steward bought at least143 more weapons, mostly AK-47s from Lone Wolf before hisJanuary 2011 indictment.In another case, on Feb. 20,

2010, an Isuzu Rodeo was seenon Tohono O’odham Nation landin Arizona driving toward theborder. The driver abandonedthe vehicle but was later foundby law enforcement. The Isuzuwas found with 41 firearmswrapped in plastic, including 37AK-47 rifles and pistols pur-chased by Uriel Patino betweenin the past month at Lone WolfTrading Co. After this seizure,Patino purchased another 159weapons, mostly AK-47s fromLone Wolf, before being arrested,according to court records.Indeed, almost all of the hun-

dreds of guns identified in theindictment were sold by the LoneWolf Trading Co., which was alsoidentified in a Washington Postinvestigative series last year asthe top seller of weapons foundat Mexican crime scenes.

Congressman resigns after sending photosCLARENCE, N.Y. — A mar-

ried New York congressmanaccused of sending a shirtlessphoto of himself to a womanabruptly resigned Wednesday,saying he regretted actionsthat had hurt his family andothers.The gossip website Gawker

reported Wednesday that Rep.Christopher Lee, a two-termRepublican with a young son,had e-mailed the photo to awoman he met on the Craigslistclassified-ads website.Lee said in an e-mailed state-

ment that his resignation waseffective immediately. Thestatement offered no confirma-tion or details of a Craigslistposting.“I regret the harm that my

actions have caused my family,my staff and my constituents,”Lee said in a statement postedon his congressional website. “Ideeply and sincerely apologizeto them all. I have made pro-found mistakes and I promise

to work as hard as I can toseek their forgiveness.”Lee said the challenges faced

in western New York, where heserves the 26th CongressionalDistrict, and across the countryare “too serious for me to allowthis distraction to continue, so Iam announcing that I haveresigned my seat in Congresseffective immediately.”Lee’s resignation comes

almost a year after DemocratEric Massa resigned his seat inwestern New York’s 29thCongressional District amid aninvestigation into whether hesexually harassed malestaffers. Massa gave contradic-tory explanations for hisbehavior, acknowledging hegroped and tickled a staffer ina nonsexual way and wrestledwith others at his 50th birth-day party but then denying anygroping occurred.In Lee’s case, a woman

described as a 34-year-oldMaryland resident and govern-ment employee providedGawker with e-mails she said

were an exchange between herand Lee in response to an adshe placed last month in the“Women Seeking Men” sectionof Craigslist.Gawker reported that Lee

identified himself as a divorced

lobbyist and sent a photo ofhimself posing shirtless in frontof a mirror. It said the womaneventually broke off the contactwith Lee after becoming suspi-cious that he had misrepre-sented himself.

Associated Press

Associated Press


Rep. Chris Lee, fourth from right, resigned abuptly Wednesday afterbeing accused of sending a shirtless photo of himself to a woman.

Page 6: PDF Edition of The Observer for Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Observer � NATIONALNEWSpage 6 Thursday, February 10, 2011

HOUSTON — Rep. GabrielleGiffords is able to speak: Sheasked for toast at breakfast onerecent morning.Her ability to say even just a

word, a month after being shot inthe head, pleased her family,friends and doctors. It may alsoprovide valuable clues about thecondition of her injured brain.“We’re elated at this,” said her

spokesman C.J. Karamargin, whoadded that she is speaking “moreand more.” “We always knewGabby is a fighter and that she’snot going to let this thing win.And you know, every day is proofof that.”Few details have emerged

about her recovery since shebegan intensive rehabilitation atTIRR Memorial Hermann hospi-tal late last month. But doctorsnot involved in her care said hersimple request for toast couldindicate higher level cognition.The lawmaker was apparently

asking for something in an appro-priate context, said Dr. RichardRiggs, chair of physical medicineand rehabilitation at Cedars-SinaiMedical Center in Los Angeles.“It was a desire. It was a want.

It was something that would bepreferable rather than just abasic need,” Riggs said. “It wasencouraging. I was very excitedto see it . and the fact that it wasan appropriate context gives itmore meaning.”Brain injury patients who

regain speech typically begin todo so about four to six weeksafter the incident, Riggs said.“At this stage of recovery, it is

unlikely that Giffords would beable to say more than one to twowords at a time, said KatherineSullivan, president of the neurolo-gy section of the AmericanPhysical Therapy Association.

In rehabilitation, a patientwould progress from saying oneword, to possibly a few and final-ly to a full sentence, said Sullivan,also a neuroscientist at theUniversity of Southern California.“So it might be one word,

‘toast,’” in this case, Sullivan said.The bullet pierced the left

hemisphere of Giffords’ brain,Sullivan noted, the side that isassociated with language, whichincludes three crucial elements:hearing, comprehending andresponding.All three are needed for com-

munication and, based on thereports, Giffords can do this,Sullivan said.“There’s nothing surprising

about the plasticity of the brainespecially in a young healthy per-son and that’s the good news,”Sullivan said. “I have seen themost miraculous things so I can’tsay I’m surprised.“I can say she has a long road

left on her recovery because ofthe very serious injury,” she said.Arizona state Sen. Ken

Cheuvront, a friend of Giffordswho shared a house with her andanother lawmaker when theyserved together in theLegislature, said he was excitedto hear that she can speak.“It gives all of us a lot of hope

that she’ll have a full recovery,”Cheuvront said.Six people, including a 9-year-

old girl and a federal judge, werekilled in the attack outside a gro-cery store where Giffords wasmeeting with constituents.Thirteen people, includingGiffords, were injured.The FBI and the Pima County

Sheriff’s Office have finished theirinvestigations into the shooting.The 22-year-old man accused inthe shooting, Jared Loughner, haspleaded not guilty to federalcharges of trying to assassinateGiffords and kill two of her aides.

Recovering Rep.Giffords able to speakAssociated Press

CLARENCE, N.Y. — A marriedNew York congressman accusedof sending a shirtless photo ofhimself to a woman abruptlyresigned his seat Wednesday,saying he was quitting becausehe regretted actions that hadhurt his family and others.The gossip website Gawker

reported Wednesday that Rep.Christopher Lee, a two-termRepublican, had e-mailed thephoto to a woman he met onthe Craigslist classified-adswebsite.“I regret the harm that my

actions have caused my family,my staff and my constituents,”Lee said in a statement postedon his congressional website. “Ideeply and sincerely apologizeto them all. I have made pro-found mistakes and I promise towork as hard as I can to seektheir forgiveness.”Lee said the challenges faced

in western New York, where heserves the 26th CongressionalDistrict, and across the countryare “too serious for me to allowthis distraction to continue, so Iam announcing that I have

resigned my seat in Congresseffective immediately.”Lee’s resignation comes

almost a year after DemocratEric Massa resigned his seat inwestern New York’s 29thCongressional District amid aninvestigation into whether hesexually harassed male staffers.A woman described as a 34-

year-old Maryland resident andgovernment employee providedGawker with e-mails she saidwere an exchange between herand Lee in response to an adshe placed in the “WomenSeeking Men” section ofCraigslist.Gawker reported that Lee

identified himself as a divorcedlobbyist and sent a photo ofhimself posing shirtless in frontof a mirror. It said the womaneventually broke off the contactwith Lee after becoming suspi-cious that he had misrepresent-ed himself.A state official who spoke on

the condition of anonymitybecause he wasn’t authorizedto speak on the issue said thecongressman hadn’t yet submit-ted his resignation to the NewYork secretary of stateWednesday evening.

New York congressmanresigns after accusationsAssociated Press

Please recycle The Observer.

Page 7: PDF Edition of The Observer for Thursday, February 10, 2011

INDIANAPOLIS — Indianalawmakers have started workon one of the more controver-sial aspects of Republican Gov.Mitch Daniels’ sweeping edu-cation agenda: a plan to tieteacher pay to student per-formance.A Republican-controlled

Senate committee begandebating the bill Wednesdayand plans to vote on it nextWednesday. Lawmakers maytweak some specifics, but theidea is that Indiana teacherswould be evaluated each yearand ranked into one of fourcategories: highly effective,effective, improvement neces-sary or ineffective. Local dis-tricts would create their ownevaluations systems but wouldhave to include objectivemeasures of student achieve-ment.Teachers who fall into the

lowest two categories wouldn’treceive any automatic payraises. Those in the top twocategories could get pay rais-es, but the salary increaseswould be based primarily onstudent academic performanceand not on years of experi-ence.

State Superintendent ofPublic Instruction TonyBennett said the goal is to rec-ognize and reward greatteachers.“This is a huge pillar of com-

prehensive education reform,”Bennett said.Some teachers and teacher

union leaders say they supportthe idea of annual evaluationsbut don’t think test scoresshould play a heavy role inthem.“Test scores are an easy,

quick and — I think — lazyway to evaluate,” said NancyPapas, a lobbyist for theIndiana State TeachersAssociation.Sen. Scott Schneider, R-

Indianapolis, noted that otherfactors could be included aslocal districts set up their indi-vidual systems.“This bill goes so much far-

ther than test scores in evalu-ating teachers,” he said.Bennett said it’s important

for local districts to come upwith their own evaluation sys-tems and their own ways to tieteacher pay to evaluations —but that the state would create“guidelines and guardrails.”The state Board of Education,for example, would establishmeasures used to determinestudent academic growth andwould set criteria to define thefour rating categories.Some at Wednesday’s four-

hour committee meeting raisedpractical concerns about howprincipals in large districtswould handle evaluations forso many teachers, and someobjected to a provision of thebill that allows teachers toevaluate other teachers undercertain circumstances.Sen. Tim Skinner, a

Democrat from Terre Hautewho is a teacher, said a provi-sion in the bill allowing char-ter schools to hire teacherswho aren’t certified would be abad idea. Up to half of charterschool staffs could teach with-out being certified, under theproposal.Skinner said the provision

was another example ofDaniels and Bennett going outof their way to relax rules forcharter schools — which arepublic schools that are free ofcertain state regulations —while tightening rules for tra-ditional public schools. He saidteachers feel under attackdespite Bennett’s assertionthat good teachers have noth-ing to worry about.

The Observer � NATIONAL NEWSThursday, February 10, 2011 page 7

CHICAGO — Chicago MayorRichard Daley met Wednesdaywith wary airline executiveswithout reaching a deal toensure that a $15 billion expan-sion of O’Hare InternationalAirport — a project he haschampioned for a decade —doesn’t grind to a halt when heleaves office this spring.After a high-stakes powwow

in Washington between Daleyand airline executives, whichU.S. Transportation SecretaryRay LaHood brokered, the par-ties said there was no agree-ment on what airlines shouldpay for the ongoing expansionat the major air-travel hub.They did, however, say theyintended to talk again at somepoint.Daley’s trip to the nation’s

capital to meet with CEOs fromAmerican and United — the

largest airlines out of O’Hare —underscores how much he isscrambling in his final days inoffice to boost capacity atO’Hare to guarantee its long-term viability.“He has put his heart and soul

into airports since the day hewas elected, and he sees thisexpansion as one of his biggestachievements,” said JosephSchwieterman, a Chicago-basedtransportation expert. “And hemay think it’s unfair to hand allthis over, unresolved, to anincoming mayor.”But United and American filed

a lawsuit last month that coulddash Daley’s hopes of resolvingthe issue before he leaves officein May. The suit wants the cityfrom issuing bonds to financethe expansion, charging thatChicago is violating a leaseagreement that gives airlinesauthority to approve expendi-tures for capital projects.

In a joint statement followingWednesday’s meeting, the twoairlines indicated they and thecity remain far apart, so theywere “unable to reach an agree-ment that would permit us tosuspend our litigation.”Unless a deal is forged and the

lawsuit within, litigation coulddrag out for months, even years.O’Hare is one of the country’s

busiest and most congested air-ports. And city officials arguethat finishing a second phase ofexpansion, which would includea new runway and terminal, willhelp reduce delays in Chicagoand throughout the U.S. air-transport system.The first phase of the project

culminated with the completionof a new runway and a controltower in 2008. A plane carryingDaley and other VIPs was thefirst to officially touch down onthe stark white concrete as partof runway-opening ceremonies.

Airline execs halt O’Hare deal Lawmakers debateIndiana education bill


Teachers rally against Gov. Mitch Daniels’ attempts to pass a neweducation bill at the Statehouse in Indianapolis Wednesday.

Associated Press

Associated Press

Page 8: PDF Edition of The Observer for Thursday, February 10, 2011

Viewpointpage 8 Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Observer


“To have doubted one's own firstprinciples is the mark of a

civilized man.”

Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.U.S. jurist

Submit a Letterto the Editor at

The myth of Notre Dame’s bubbleEarlier this year, The Observer desig-

nated the blog “Things Notre DameStudents Like” as “the No. 1 must-visitwebsite for ND students.” By now, mostof us have probably read or are famil-iar with this blog,a collection ofvarious traits andqualities that theauthor thinksapply particularlywell to NotreDame students. This list covers a widevariety of topics, with everything from“Making Religion a Competition” to“Only Riding with One Cab Driver”included as things that Notre Damestudents really like.I’d like to propose my own addition

to this list of things Notre Dame stu-dents like, and that is talking about“the Notre Dame bubble.” In case youaren’t familiar with this phrase, theNotre Dame bubble is the idea thateveryone here has enjoyed a highlyprivileged upbringing and continues tolead a sheltered existence here oncampus away from the harsh realitiesof the outside world. It is a stereotypethat assumes that all Notre Dame stu-dents act as a monolithic whole, think-ing the same thoughts, holding thesame beliefs and opinions and possess-ing similar habits and interests. Nowgranted, there are a few prominentexamples of groupthink on our cam-pus, such as the increasing number ofguys who inexplicable choose to wearTimberland work boots as everydayshoes, or the affinity for the cold-weather beating combination of UGGboots and a knee-length black NorthFace coat shared by so many girls.Encouraged by these examples as wellMr. Kessler’s blog, proponents of “thebubble theory” seek to define and pub-licize their view of what the quintes-

sential Notre Dame student should be,and in so doing ignore many of thequalities that really make Notre Damegreat.Here’s some news for everyone in

danger of buying into this outlook onlife at Notre Dame: The whole idea of“the Notre Dame bubble” is bull. Itdoesn’t exist, and in reality this mythonly serves to perpetuate some veryunfortunate stereotypes about NotreDame students. If I were a prospectivestudent reading Mr. Kessler’s blog, Iwould be inclined to believe that NotreDame is a school made up solely ofrich white kids who know and care lit-tle about life beyond their campus, thatall Notre Dame students are devout,socially conservative Catholics whoattend mass every week and shudderat the thought of disobeying Churchteachings, and that it is impossible tobe friends with members of the oppo-site sex because “gender relations”(whatever that even means) are sostrained.The problem with these stereotypes

is that they completely ignore the greatdiversity of thought, ideas and experi-ences that we have here at NotreDame. Obviously, not everyone here isa rich white kid, because 80-percent ofthe student body is on some form offinancial aid and 25 percent are non-white. Nor are we as ignorant of theoutside world as some would have youbelieve, as evidenced by the 57-percentof Notre Dame students who partici-pate in study abroad programs or theover 65-percent who regularly takepart in service projects, many in disad-vantaged locations throughout thelocal South Bend community. Justbecause our university is unfriendly tothe LGBTQ community does not meanthat we students are not supportive,and though the vast majority of the

student-body claims to be Christian,there are still plenty of us who have lit-tle use for religion and couldn’t careless about Church teachings. As far asgender relations go, single-sex dormsand parietals only create obstacles ifyou let them, and most students herewould say they have little problemforming solid platonic friendships withmembers of the opposite sex. Clearly,the conventional wisdom perpetuatedabout Notre Dame students is moreoften than not quite wrong.Now, I do not intend this column to

be an attack on Bob Kessler’s blog. Ithink on the whole most of us wouldagree that it is very entertaining anddefinitely points out some of the moreegregious traits of Notre Dame stu-dents with wit and intelligence. WhereI think the danger lies is in acceptingall those stereotypes that he highlightsas universally true and failing toacknowledge that they are not repre-sentative of the Notre Dame studentbody at large.Each individual student at this uni-

versity brings with them an immensewealth of talents, ideas and a uniqueoutlook on life. Together we create anincredibly rich and diverse community,one that has the potential to help us allbecome wiser and more compassion-ate. This unique combination of experi-ences, perspectives and opinions is oneof the qualities that truly makes NotreDame an extraordinary and specialuniversity. It would be a shame toassume we are all the same, when infact it is our differences that make usso lucky to call Notre Dame home.

Ryan Williams is a sophomore. He canbe reached at [email protected] views expressed in this column are

those of the author and not necessarily those of The Observer.

Notre Dame is home to a top-tenmen’s basketball team this year, butjudging by the buzz on campus (orlack thereof) you would not guess it.For whatever reason, this campus

continues toignore one ofthe top teams inthe country,which is in con-tention to winwhat is easilythe toughestconference.While Notre Dame students typi-

cally embrace the Irish footballteam as their own when theybecome a student, that same sup-port is not afforded to the basket-ball team.But why is this?It is understandable that the foot-

ball program receives the uncondi-tional support of the student body,as this university is a footballschool. But it is not as if the schoolis consistently fielding a men’s bas-ketball team of the same caliber asthe bottom-feeders of the Big East,such as DePaul, Providence or SetonHall.Since head coach Mike Brey took

over the squad, the Irish haveearned a berth in the NCAA tourna-ment six times (this season will bethe seventh). Prior to his arrival,Notre Dame had been shut out ofthe March Madness festivities formore than a decade.Reaching the NCAA tournament

seven times in 11 seasons at aschool not known for its basketballis not exactly mediocre, especiallyin the Big East.But as Brey and the Irish continue

to win, students continue to feel adeeper allegiance to the teams theygrew up rooting for — MichiganState, UCLA, Louisville — and thelist goes on and on.It gets old to turn around and see

that half the student section isempty, as was the case on Sundayagainst Rutgers. There is no suchthing as a bad Big East home game.And, oh by the way, the team isranked No. 7 in the nation.While this article was written

before Wednesday’s game againstNo. 15 Louisville, I suspect the stu-dent section will be full now that anelite opponent will show up atPurcell Pavilion. Students will worktheir way out of the woodwork afterrealizing that it is a top-25 matchupbetween teams contending for a BigEast championship. Some will haveto pick up their ticket booklets thathave gathered dust over the pastthree months.So, Notre Dame, continue to sup-

port your team back home over thenext six weeks. I’m sure UCLA ismuch more exciting in the vauntedPac 10. But you will only have your-self to blame when this season isover and the accomplishments ofthis team are even more evident.The Irish could win the Big East,have the conference’s player of theyear, and earn one of the top seedsin the NCAA tournament, and muchof the campus still won’t be payingattention.But I bet you can tell me how

many days until football springpractice begins.

The views expressed in the InsideColumn are those of the author andnot necessari ly those of TheObserver.Contact Andrew Owens at

[email protected]


Supportingthe team

Andrew Owens




Ryan Williams



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Page 9: PDF Edition of The Observer for Thursday, February 10, 2011

Viewpoint page 9

The Observer

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Love is all you needSince 496 A.D. the Church has celebrated

St. Valentine’s feast day on Feb. 14th. Formany centuries, of course, the day simplyrecognized the person of Valentine — apriest imprisoned and subsequently mar-tyred for his faith inJesus Christ around269 A.D., a timewhen Christianitywas still considereda crime against theRoman Empire.Valentine aided his fellow Christians inwhatever ways he could, including by mar-rying young Christian couples, until he gotcaught. The Emperor Claudius actuallybecame fond of his prisoner Valentine, untilValentine decided to have a go at convert-ing Claudius to the faith. Enraged, Claudiuscondemned him to death.When I hear stories of martyrs, I imagine

Jesus himself observing those deaths withheartfelt pain and love. St. Valentine hadthis in common with Christ himself:Knowing he was God’s beloved, he offeredhis life to share that love. PerhapsValentine had heard and taken to heart averse from John’s gospel: “Just as I haveloved you, you also should love one anoth-er” (John 13:14).We can be attracted by what we hear

every day about love when we check our

favorite websites, listen to music or watchTV. The images, expectations and manyconflicting messages come at us fast andfurious. When we want to think more seri-ously about the topic, however, we ought toturn to the wisdom of Jesus, Love in humanform. Today’s version of the feast day of St.Valentine, for many, has become simplyanother example of our Christian faithcrashing headlong into cultural demandsthat actually conflict with the best of whatwe know love to be.Jesus said many things about love, prob-

ably many more than are even recorded inthe gospels. One thing he never promisedabout love: That it’s easy. He certainly did-n’t recommend chocolate, flowers, a fancyrestaurant or a quick hook-up just toensure that you aren’t “alone” onValentine’s Day. No, Jesus teaches us thatlove packs a wallop; that love will ask ourlives of us and will give us life to the fullest.“Love your enemies,” he said, without anysugar-coating. “Do good to those who hateyou” (Luke 6:27).Jesus spoke both about how we are to

love as well as about how we are loved.And we would do well to listen, onValentine’s Day and every day, for don’t wemake some of our dumbest mistakes inlove when we forget that we are loved?Don’t we allow ourselves to settle for some

cheap substitute for love precisely when welose sight of the fact that we are absolutely,unconditionally, at each and every moment,God’s beloved? “Even the hairs on yourhead are all counted,” Jesus told the peoplewho followed him in the days of his publicministry (Luke 12:7).We ought to head into Valentine’s Day

remembering that our commercial, secularsociety promotes pleasure, usually throughexercising our purchasing power. Our faith,lived honestly and whole-heartedly, cannotalways promise pleasure but will lead usthrough love to genuine happiness.Consider the beautiful and well-knownwords of St. Paul, who — once he knewChrist’s love — wrote of love as nothingother than the active stance of our livestoward others: “Love is patient; love iskind; love is not envious or boastful orarrogant or rude. It does not insist on itsown way; it is not irritable or resentful; itdoes not rejoice in wrongdoing, but rejoicesin the truth. It bears all things, believes allthings, hopes all things, endures all things”(1 Cor. 13:4-7).Now, we can be serious about our faith

and still feel the allure of the commerceconnected to this holiday — who can resista heart-shaped Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup,wrapped with its fellow hearts in a pack ofsix and festooned with a large come-hither

sign announcing its deeply discounted, buy-me-now Valentine’s Day price? And, fulldisclosure, I bought some heart-shapedPeeps (how great is it that Peeps are nowavailable for every holiday?!) and three dif-ferent kinds of chocolates for my childrenand my husband. But those treats — andtreats they are — cannot possibly expressthe truth of my love for them, or reflect thedaily challenges and joys of trying to laydown our lives for one another as followersof Jesus Christ.Consider St. Valentine’s feast day an

opportunity to celebrate the loves of ourlives, and perhaps too a chance to “re-align” our understanding of love, so that itmore closely conforms to what our LordJesus teaches us about love. As St. Johnwrote, “Beloved, since God loves us somuch, we also ought to love one another”(1 John 4:11). The daily offering of our-selves to our friends and our families; tostrangers and yes, to our enemies, is trulyworth celebrating.

This week’s Faithpoint is written byKate Barrett, director of the EmmausProgram. She can be reached [email protected]

The views expressed in this column arethose of the author and not necessarily those of The Observer.

Kate Barrett


In response to the Feb. 9 Scene Commentary “Sex onTV,” I concur with Scene Writer Stephanie DePrez: Yes,let’s talk about sex. It seems sex has become the commoncurrency of not only the 30-minute sitcom but also ourdaily interactions. That which is the greatest mystery hasbeen relegated to purely pleasurable objectification. But,is there anything really mysterious or sacred about sex?A common misconception regarding the Catholic Church

imagines that the stern and sober hierarchy denouncessex. And, moreover, the Church merits no place in my bed-room. Au contraire, however, for the Church embracesand exalts sex as the most sacred mystery between manand woman. In Theology of the Body, Pope John Paul IIexplains that man is to woman and woman is to man themost profound mystery. After all, it’s the mysteriousness ofour beloved that peppers romance with excitement. Itmakes our heart flutter at the sight of a new crush. Themystery, though, reaches even further into the depths ofour humanity: Into sex. Mystery — deriving from the Latinmysterium or sacramentum — means sacrament. Sound abit “churchey?” It is. Anyone with an elementary under-standing of the Catechism knows the definition of sacra-ment: “an outward sign conveying an inner reality.”So what’s the sacramentality — the mystery of sex? By

sex, human beings manifest and make real the image ofGod. The ultimate unity — physical, emotional and spiritu-al — of man and woman in sex reflects and makes reallove of the Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Like it ornot, the Church by the Trinity is present in the bedroom.The mystery of sex continues, making man and womanmore truly themselves as they become co-creators in theimage of God. For this reason, the Church rejects contra-ception. When couples use contraception, they deny themystery of sex and use it for their own ends — they objec-tify sex and objectify one another. Casual sex is as logicalas a casual mystery — it’s illogical. So being inclined tomystery, I’ll keep the chastity belt and keep the crucifixabove the forthcoming marriage bed.

Beth Simpsonsenior

Howard HallFeb. 9

Let’s talkabout sex


Let me begin by saying that I think the SiegfriedDay of Man, while perhaps indeed a little “phallocen-tric” (“Practical Men,” Feb. 8), is a good thing.Raising money for a good cause is something thateveryone can get behind (women included, but again,that’s beside the point). Mr. Mullen’s letter (“Be aMan,” Feb. 9), though, encourages enforcement ofgender roles without presuming to do any legitimategood in the world.First, regarding the “true meaning” of a man. In

his letter, Mr. Mullen states that the average mancries twice a month and that he finds such behavior“nauseating and embarrassing.” This implicationthat the free expression of emotion is a negativequality is what’s truly nauseating. In Mr. Mullen’sideal world, men would suppress their emotions,pushing them down and letting them build until theyfind more masculine outlets for their feelings, likegolfing or murder. In my opinion, being in touch withone’s emotional state is a trait to be admired (thoughperhaps my views are tainted by the relative lack oftestosterone in my bloodstream).Second, regarding Mr. Mullen’s assertion that

women don’t like “feminine, sensitive” guys. This is

an absurd case of stereotyping and isn’t backed upby legitimate evidence. Women like men of allshapes, sizes and sensitivities. Women also some-times like women, who happen to occasionally befeminine.Finally, regarding the idea that “the absence of

true manhood is a serious problem in our society.”This is the most dangerous statement Mr. Mullenmakes, because it places masculinity on a pedestalabove femininity and promotes it as a virtue in itself.Men and women have elements of both masculinityand femininity, and if one is going to hold up one asan ideal, one must be prepared to idealize the otheras well. To do anything less would be blatantly sexist.I wonder what would happen if Farley held a “Day

of Woman,” raising money while participating instereotypically feminine activities. Would this eventbe viewed in the same light by which Mr. Mullen seesthe “Day of Man?”

Charlie O'LearysophomoreKnott Hall

Feb. 9

Day of woman

I write in response to The Observer’s Question ofthe Day regarding the placement of a giraffe in arefrigerator. The responses, while funny, were nec-essarily limited to trite one-liners, and do not, in myopinion, fully capture the spirit of such an undertak-ing at Notre Dame. Here’s how it would really work:First, putting a giraffe in a refrigerator is most

definitely an event. Which means it’s going to needSAO approval. They will have to clear it with theOffice of Risk Management. The general counselwill then produce a custom consent waiver whichthe giraffe must sign before participating. Of course,giraffes are not legally empowered to consent toanything, so you’d have to get your AR who is a lawstudent to file a motion with the US District Courtfor the Northern District of Indiana requestingpower of attorney. Once the waiver has been signed,a t-shirt committee will be formed to design a com-memorative jersey for this momentous occasion.The shirt will naturally require separate SAOapproval. These shirts will then be sold from a tablein South Dining Hall to benefit some worthy charity.As the giraffe presumably hails from Africa, itwould be best if the charity was involved in buildingschools in Uganda or something. If that fallsthrough, there’s always the South Bend Center forthe Homeless.As for the refrigerator, university policy probably

requires an Energy Star-certified model, eventhough it will never actually be used for refrigera-tion. In fact, it will need to be unplugged and havethe refrigerant drained, which will likely requiresome sort of EPA disposal permit. At this juncture,the Philosophy Department and the College ofScience will jointly convene a panel discussion ofdistinguished faculty to debate whether or not theappliance, sans refrigerant, is still, ontologically, arefrigerator.By the time all the pieces are in place, the giraffe,

which was already at an advanced age when weobtained it from the Potawatomi Zoo, will likelyhave died. Fr. Jenkins will preside over the memori-al service in the Basilica. Finally, the giraffe,according to its final wishes as conveyed byUniversity Spokesman Dennis Brown, will be cre-mated and the urn deposited in the refrigerator.The entire assembly will then be interred in a LEEDGold-rated mausoleum in the Cedar Grove ceme-tery, donated by the (pick one:Eck/Jordan/DeBartolo/Pasquerilla) family. I guessthere’s only question left: How do we get the giraffeinto the crematorium?

Matthew BalkeyDillon Hall

Feb. 9

Concerning giraffes

Because the ... giraffes willthank you too?

Page 10: PDF Edition of The Observer for Thursday, February 10, 2011

Scene Thursday, February 10, 2011

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page 10

Keenan RevueStepan Center7:30-9:30 p.m. Tickets available at Gate 3 in theJoyce Center, student ID required

The Keenan boys are ready tomake us laugh and have fun withtheir hilarious skits and perform-ances starting Thursday. Go witha group of friends and enjoy thisfantastic once-a-year event. Ifyou miss i t Thursday, catchencores on Friday and Saturday.

“The Notebook”DeBartolo Hall8-10 p.m.Two for $1

Begin your Valentine’s week-end by watching one of the mostromantic love stories of all time.Go with friends or a loved one,but be sure not to miss it.

Stoplight PartyLegends NightclubMidnightFree for students, ID required

Whether you are taken, in acomplicated relationship or sin-gle and ready to mingle, thisLegends party promises to be agood time. Dress in red, yellow orgreen according to your relation-ship status (taken, it’s complicat-ed and single, respectively) anddance the night away.

“Chicago”Washington Hall7:30 p.m.$8, $6 for students, available atLaFortune Box Office

The Pasquerilla East MusicalCompany (PEMCo.), after weeksof preparation, is ready to per-form what promises to be anamazing interpretation of theaward winning musical“Chicago.” This is a great way toend a weekend full of fun activi-ties.

Contact Maria Fernandez at [email protected]

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The 53rd annual Grammy Awards are set to takeplace Sunday at the Staples Center in Los Angeles,where they have been held every year since 2004. Asalways, the awards arrive accompanied by a wave ofmixed reactions from themusic community. The peren-nial questions of “are theGrammys still relevant?” and“why was so-and-so nominat-ed?” are just as prevalent thisyear as in previous ones.When surveying this year’s nominations, it is

apparent that Eminem could be consideredthe leader in this year’s edition. He hasbeen nominated for a total of 10awards, including Album of theYear, Song of the Year andRecord of the Year. Other artists receiving

nominations include LadyGaga, Bruno Mars, Jay-Zand Lady Antebellum. Withthe exception of BrunoMars, a relative newcomerto the awards, these artists comprisesome of the Grammy’s favorites in recentyears. (Note: To avoid confusion from this pointon, take note that the eligibility period for thisyear’s awards is Sept. 1, 2009 to Sept. 30,2010, not just all of 2010.)In the Album of the Year category, for exam-

ple, Lady Antebellum, Gaga and Eminem joinKaty Perry and surprise nominee Arcade Fire.The indie rock group got a nod fortheir expansive concept album “TheSuburbs.” Most of the nomineesbesides Arcade Fire are neither toosurprising nor too adventurous, soit’s nice to see a little bit of variety.Eminem seems to be a favorite in

this category, if only because awardsshows love a comeback story. That’sunderstandable, but what they see in“Recovery” is more difficult to understand.Out of the artists nominated in this catego-ry, Arcade Fire probably deserve the titlethe most — but I wouldn’t bet on themwinning.The Song of the Year category features

two of the same artists as Album of theYear — Eminem (and Rihanna), “Love theWay You Lie” and Lady Antebellum,“Need You Now” — as well as Cee LoGreen’s blissfully profane “Forget You,”and nods to country crooner MirandaLambert and folk artist Ray LaMontagne.Cee Lo certainly deserves this award,

but that again seems like a long shot. Lookfor either Eminem or Lady Antebellum tocome out on top in the Song of the Yearcategory.All three of those songs — “Forget You,” “Love the

Way You Lie” and “Need You Now” — are also nomi-nated for Record of the Year, so one might think that,for example if Eminem wins song of the year, then LadyAntebellum will win Record of the Year. However, the Record of the Year category also

includes the now-famous Big Apple anthem “EmpireState of Mind” by Jay-Z and Alicia Keys. This recorddefinitely deserves to win this category and seems tohave a pretty fair chance of taking home the award aswell.Elsewhere in the nominations, look for Justin Bieber

to edge out Drake for Best New Artist (a somewhat puz-zling term when applied to those two artists), LadyGaga’s “Bad Romance” to win Best Female Pop VocalPerformance and Michael Jackson to posthumously win

Best Male Pop Vocal Performance with “This Is It.”Lady Gaga also seems set to win Best Pop Vocal Albumfor “The Fame Monster.”On the rock side of the spectrum, “Tighten Up” by

The Black Keys seems to be a shoo-in for Best RockSong, while Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers will prob-ably win Best Rock Album with “Mojo.” Remember, ifthere are two things the Grammy committee loves, it’s

comebacks and classic rockers. Arcade Fire will likelywin AlternativeAlbum of the Yearamid a surprisinglystrong set of nomi-nees, which is ashame becauseVampire Weekend cer-tainly deserves theaward for “Contra.”As far as rap goes,

Kanye West should getBest Rap Solo perform-ance with “Power,” whileEminem will get Best RapAlbum with “Recovery.”Eminem and Rihanna’s“Love the Way You Lie”and Jay-Z and Alicia Keys’

“Empire State of Mind” are certainlythe frontrunners in both the BestRap/Song Collaboration and Best RapSong categories.

Regardless of whowins what, the awardsceremony promises to beextremely entertainingas always. Live perform-ers include Katy Perry,Lady Gaga, Eminem,Arcade Fire, B.o.B,

Barbara Streisand — whowill receive this year’s“MusiCares Person of theYear” award — Muse,Bruno Mars and a collabo-rative performance byRihanna and Drake.Award presenters include

Jamie Foxx, Neal PatrickHarris, John Mayer, MileyCyrus, LL Cool J, SethRogen and Selena Gomez.As always, there are a

few surprise nominees atthis year’s Grammys, andthere will certainly be a fewsurprise wins as well. Manyquestion the relevance ofthe awards ceremony —but it would be fair to

counter that the ceremony has never been that rele-vant. Pop quiz time: Which album won the Album of the

Year award in 1992? “Unforgettable … With Love,” acollection of Nat King Cole covers by his daughterNatalie Cole — an interesting album, but nothinggroundbreaking — or Nirvana’s “Nevermind?” Here’s ahint: It wasn’t Nirvana.Whether the Grammy Awards are relevant or not,

whether they actually “matter” or not, they are at leastvery entertaining. Tune into CBS Sunday at 8 p.m. andjoin America in celebrating (some of) the best musicreleased recently.

The views expressed in this column are those of theauthor and not necessarily those of The Observer.Contact Chris Collum at [email protected]

SceneThursday, February 10, 2011 page 11

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Chris Collum

Scene Writer

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The Observer � CLASSIFIEDSpage 12 Thursday, February 10, 2011

When the call came to thehome of Lt. Col. MichaelRowells, his wife Molly assumedit was a joke. Why else wouldsomeone insist her husband hadwon a chance to play a round ofgolf with Tiger Woods?On Wednesday, the American

serviceman teed up alongsidethe 14-time major winner at theDubai Desert Classic pro-am.The 47-year-oldM i s s i s s i p p inative had flownto Dubai fromA f g h a n i s t a n ,where he isdeployed withthe 401st ArmyField SupportBrigade.“It’s amazing

to watch howthese guys hitthe ball,” saidthe self-described golffanatic. “It makes me want togo back and practice, but I haveto wait until October.”Rowells beat out 16,000 other

amateur golfers in a drawbefore the tournament at theEmirates Golf Club. In the mid-dle of his first combat tour inAfghanistan, where his unit ischarged with logistics, thefather of four scrambled to geta passport for his trip to Dubai.He used a set of clubs borrowedfrom the golf course.

However, Rowells brought hisown caddie. Huey Hughes ofCharleston, S.C., is a fellowserviceman on their Bagram AirField military base. He said he’dbeen working 14-hour days foreight months.“Here we are fighting these

wars and deployed and all of asudden he wins this tournamentand you are hand-selected to becaddy with a guy,” he said. “Tocome out and do this is an

opportunity ofa lifetime.”Rowells had-

n’t played infour months,and it showedwhen he hitseveral ballsinto the water.He shankedothers from thedeep roughdespite his 9handicap. Itprobably didn’thelp that one

of the world’s greatest golferswas looking on along with agallery of several dozen.“I was nervous, absolutely, for

not playing for so long andeverything else,” said Rowells,wearing an Army golf hat overhis crew cut.“It’s not so much intimidating

as much as you see someone hitthe ball so pure, so often, andyou think, ‘Can I get anywherenear that?’” he said. Still,Rowells sank several par putts

that elicited praise from Woods,and some approach shotsearned a “great shot” from thethird-ranked golfer. He alsoexhibited a healthy sense ofhumor throughout, at one pointnoting how enjoyable it was tobe playing in the rough sincethere is no grass inAfghanistan.“I came in wanting to play

decent and I really didn’t,”Rowells said. “But it didn’t mat-ter. The experience was so farbeyond what my score wouldhave been. The time with Tiger,and the time here at EmiratesGolf Club, has just been tremen-dous regardless of how manyballs I put in the water.”Rowells met Woods on the

putting green before they start-ed and had a chance to chatthroughout the day. Much oftheir conversation, Rowellssaid, revolved around his timein the military, including post-ings around the United Statesand helping with the recoveryeffort after the earthquake inHaiti.Woods’ father Earl did two

tours during the Vietnam Waras a member of the U.S. ArmySpecial Forces, rising to therank of lieutenant colonel. Henamed his son after a SouthVietnamese army colleaguewhom he fought alongside.“He understands the services,

and that is always a plus,”Rowells said. “A lot of peopledon’t quite understand what we

do. I think he has decentrespect for the military and thatis always nice. We spoke a littleabout his dad, some of theplaces he had been, like FortBragg, where I’ll be ending upin the next year-and-a-half orso.”As he walked off the 18th

green, Woods said he had “agreat time today” playing withsomeone whose career pathwas reminiscent of his dad.“He understands, obviously,

what my dad went through,”Woods said. “He was workingwith a reserve unit of (specialforces) guys in the early days.We have a little bit of a connec-tion, no doubt.”

For his part, Rowells calledWoods a “class act.” He saidnothing — not even the golfer’spersonal troubles that madeheadlines last year — wouldchange his opinion about a manwho remains his golf idol alongwith Jack Nicklaus, ArnoldPalmer and Phil Mickelson.“I played with a Tiger that

struck the ball very well, was acomplete gentleman, a classact, easy going and put me atease,” he said. “One of the larg-er-than-life figures was verydown to earth and very accom-modating to somebody thatcame in to do this.”


Associated Press

“The experience wasso far beyond what myscore would have been

regardless of howmany balls I put into

the water.”

Lt. Col Michael Rowells

U.S. serviceman plays golf with Woods in Dubai


American army officer Lt. Col. Michael Rowells takes a break fromthe game with Tiger Woods at the Emirates Golf Club Wednesday.


Penguins need scoring relief without stars Sidney Crosby’s return date

from a concussion is stillunknown. Evgeni Malkin isheaded toward surgery andwon’t play again until next sea-son. Chris Kunitz is day to day,and Mike Comrie, Mark Letestuand Arron Asham are all side-lined with various injuries.May as well add one more

Pittsburgh Penguin to the out-of-action bunch.At least the Penguins know

for sure when forward MattCooke will return to the lineup.He’ll be back once he’s doneserving a four-game suspension,brought down by the NHL onWednesday.Indeed, it is a tough time for

the short-handed Penguins.How much do they miss theirinjured stars? Well, consider

they have just one goal com-bined in consecutive losses. Andthey’re not catching any breakswith the schedule, either.The Penguins are home

Thursday to play Los Angeles.Then they head into a ruggeds t r e t c h ,playing nineof 11 gameson the road.T h e y ’ l l

face theKings — aswell as playroad gamesat theI s l anders ,R a n g e r sa n dColorado —w i t h o u tCooke. The league moved swift-ly on him, a day after he hitColumbus Blue Jackets defense-

man Fedor Tyutin from behindin a 4-1 loss. Tyutin was pum-meled face first into the boards.He quickly returned to hisskates.Cooke was whistled for a five-

minute major penalty for charg-ing, and issuedanother five min-utes for fightingBlue Jackets for-ward DerickBrassard after thehit.“Cooke delivered

a forceful hit frombehind on an unsus-pecting opponent,”league disciplinari-an Colin Campbellsaid. “Also, he isconsidered a repeat

offender under the league’ssupplemental discipline rules.”Cooke, who will forfeit

$87,804.88 in salary, was alsosuspended for two games onNov. 28, 2009. He is eligible toreturn Feb. 20 at Chicago.“The player looks him right in

the eye, knows he’s coming andmakes sure he keeps his num-ber turned toward him,”Penguins coach Dan Bylsmasaid after the loss. “But Mattdoes hit him there and sendhim into the boards.”Tyutin saw Cooke rushing him

and remained in the game afterthe punishing play.So, while Cooke sits out —

and others continue their roadback to action — the Penguins,in second place in the AtlanticDivision behind Philadelphia,must journey on. Barring amajor collapse, the Penguinsaren’t in serious danger ofmissing the playoffs, of course.But without Crosby and

Malkin, they likely won’t con-tend with Philadelphia orTampa Bay for the top spot inthe Eastern Conference. Norwill they be serious threats towin their second Stanley Cup inthree seasons.After all, Crosby, Malkin and

Kunitz have combined for 65goals. No Penguin in the lineupTuesday night had more than10. In fact, Crosby, Comrie,Malkin, Asham and Letestu hadcombined for 39 percent ofPittsburgh’s goals enteringTuesday.The Penguins, with the dead-

line approaching, can look forcenter help via a trade, ofcourse. The most marketableout there appears to be NewJersey’s Jason Arnott, who has13 goals and 11 assists. Butthere figures to be quite a linefor his services.

Associated Press

“The player looks himright in the eye, knowshe’s coming and makes

sure he keeps his number turned toward


Dan BylsmaPenguins coach

Page 13: PDF Edition of The Observer for Thursday, February 10, 2011

SYRACUSE, N.Y. — AustinFreeman had 14 points to leadfour Georgetown players indouble figures, and the 11th-ranked Hoyas rallied late tobeat No. 12 Syracuse 64-56 onWednesday night.Georgetown (19-5, 8-4 Big

East) extended its winningstreak to seven games and gavecoach John Thompson III hisfirst win in the Carrier Dome insix tries. It was the thirdstraight home loss for Syracuse(20-5, 7-5), only the third timethat’s happened in coach JimBoeheim’s 35 years.

Georgetown tied the game at55 on a wide-open 3-pointerfrom the right wing by HollisThompson with 3:47 left.Freeman followed with a fastbreak layup after a Syracuseturnover.Kris Joseph and Brandon

Triche missed from 3-pointrange for the Orange, andJason Clark sneaked insidetwice in a row for layups to giveGeorgetown a 61-55 lead with2:05 left and Syracuse couldn’trally. The Orange’s last basketwas a layup by C.J. Fair with6:36 left.Syracuse shot 39.6 percent

and was 4 of 16 from beyond

the arc and was outrebounded34-28. Georgetown finished 24of 53 (45.3 percent) and had 20assistsThe key to the Hoyas’ winning

streak has been the perimeterplay of Freeman, Chris Wright,Jason Clark and Thompson.Entering the game, they hadcombined for 149 3-pointersand were shooting 40.3 percentfrom beyond the arc.The Hoyas were 10-0 when

they hit at least eight 3s and15-0 when they shot at least 33percent from long range. Onthis night, they kept that streakalive, hitting 9 of 21 (42.9 per-cent) as Thompson led the waywith a 3 for 3 performance and11 points. Clark hit two and fin-ished with 12 points. JulianVaughn also had 12 points andWright had six points and nineassists.Joseph scored 14 points, Fair

had 12, and Brandon Triche 11as the Orange struggled fromthe field, shooting 39.6 percent.Rick Jackson got in foul troublein the second half and had aseason-low four points.Georgetown entered the game

ranked second in the nation inshooting, hitting 50.5 percent,and had used the 3-pointer as adagger all season. The Hoyaswere on the mark in the firsthalf. Five players hit frombeyond the arc as the Hoyasdrained 6 of 12 against theSyracuse zone but struggledinside, making just 5 of 15shots.But after a 3 from the top of

the key by Wright gaveGeorgetown a 16-10 lead mid-way through the first half, the

Orange responded with a 13-2run.A three-point play by Markel

Starks with 2:11 left in the halfand a 3 from the left corner byThompson knotted the score at29 before Dion Waiters made arunner at the buzzer to giveSyracuse a two-point lead atthe break.Syracuse extended the lead to

37-31 on a steal and layup byWaiters, but seconds afterScoop Jardine was knocked tothe floor on a drive, Jackson,Syracuse’s rock all season, wascalled for his fourth foul with14:40 left as the game becamea bruising affair in the paint.With Jackson on the bench,

Freeman drained a 3 from theright corner to give Georgetowna 44-40 lead, but Fair respond-ed with a pair of baskets offpretty passes from Jardine.Fair’s underhand scoop car-omed high off the glass and inat 12:20 and less than a minutelater he converted a reverselayup to tie it at 44.Joseph’s three-point play

broke the tie at 10:45 and whenVaughn was called for hisfourth foul, a pair of freethrows by Jardine put theOrange up 51-47 at 9:00.The Orange didn’t wilt with

three freshmen on the floor, butwhen Jackson returned with5:37 left, the Hoyas ran away.Wright fed Nate Lubick with a

pretty pass through the lane fora dunk to pull the Hoyas to 53-52 at 4:58 and Thompson’s 3started a decisive 9-0 run.

Temple 77, Fordham 66Ramon Moore scored 22

points to lead No. 24 Temple toits fifth straight win overFordham on Wednesday night.Scootie Randall and Micheal

Eric each added 12 points forthe Owls (18-2, 8-2 Atlantic 10),who forced 17 turnovers andhad a 49-36 rebounding edge.Temple now sits ½ game

behind Xavier and Duquesnefor first place in the conference.Lavoy Allen had a season-

high 14 rebounds, seven pointsand four assists for Templebefore leaving the game late inthe second half with an appar-ent left ankle injury.“We’ll see,” said Temple

coach Fran Dunphy.“Everything will be determinedprobably tomorrow when hegets up. They’ll put him in acast tonight and see how he’llreact. I don’t know. It’s too soon

to tell.”Chris Gaston scored 27 points

for Fordham (6-16, 0-10),which has dropped 12 straightgames and has yet to win in2011.The Rams, who had only

seven players available becauseof injuries, trailed by as muchas 25 in the first half beforepulling within three as Templemissed 18 of its first 20 shotsfrom the field after halftime.Fordham trailed 53-50 after

Frazier hit a 3-pointer with13:17 to play. The teams tradeda few empty possessions beforeRandall scored on an alley-ooplayup to kick off a 6-0 Templerun.It was 62-57 after Alberto

Estwick made a 3 for Fordham,but Randall answered with oneat the other end for Temple.Less than a minute later, JuanFernandez, who had been onthe bench with four fouls,returned to the game andknocked down a 3 that made ita 69-57 game.“It’s a long season, and we’ve

played now 23 games. I don’tknow that we’ve been able tobe complacent in any game,”Dunphy said. “There was a lotof things they did, I thought,that were terrific, but there wasa lot of things we did in thestretch that were really good inthe first half.”

Ohio 71, Toledo 58Tommy Freeman scored 21

points to lead Ohio to a winover Toledo on Wednesdaynight, extending the Rockets'losing streak to six games.TheBobcats (12-12, 5-5 Mid-American Conference) led 36-23 at halftime after shooting 14of 29 from the floor (48.3 per-cent), including 7 of 16 from 3-point range (43.8percent).Freeman finished witha career-high seven 3-pointerson 14 attempts from beyond thearc. Ivo Baltic added 16 pointsand DeVaughn Washingtonchipped in 14. Ohio forced 18turnovers, leading to 22points.The Rockets (4-20, 1-9)shot 50 percent from the field(12 of 24) in the second half,but never got within 12 pointsand trailed by as many as 24,68-44, with 6:12remaining.Malcolm Griffinscored 16 points, Jay Shunnaradded 13 and Reese Hollidayand Justin Anyijong scored 11each for Toledo, which has lost11 of its last 12.

The Observer � SPORTSThursday, February 10, 2011 page 13


Georgetown topples Syracuse at Carrier DomeTemple holds on in scare against Fordham; Ohio downs Toledo to extend Rockets’ losing streak to six games


Georgetown forward Julian Vaughn is blocked by Syracuse forwardBaye Moussa Keita during Georgetown’s 64-56 win Wednesday.

Associated Press

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The Observer � SPORTSpage 14 Thursday, February 10, 2011


Texas raises ticketprices, adds boxes

ARLINGTON, Texas — TheAL champion Texas Rangershave raised ticket prices forabout two-thirds of their seatsfor 52 non-premier homegames, though many of theincreases are for $2 or lessper seat.Coming off their first World

Series, the Rangers increasedfrom 19 to 29 the number ofhome dates considered pre-mier games with higherprices. But about 30,000 seats(69 percent) at RangersBallpark for those games willcost less than last season.Individual ticket prices were

announced Wednesday. Thebiggest increases are forlower box and club seats.Advance sales on non-pre-

mier games are $62 ( from$50) for lower box and $58(from $45) for club seats. Forpremier games, the increasesare from $60 to $69 for lowerbox seats and $55 to $65 forclub seats.Seats with all-you-can-eat

food are up from $34 to $39for non-premier games; andfrom $39 to $45 for premiergames.Premier games include most

Friday and Saturday homegames during the season, July4 against Balt imore and afour-game midweek seriesagainst Boston in August.The Rangers lowered prices

on upper box and bleacherseats for a l l games, whi leupper reserved seatsremained $15 for non-pre-mier games and decreasedfrom $20 to $17 for premiergames. Grandstand reservedseats increased $1 to $7 fornon-premier games, butdropped $3 to $8 for the rest.Cash parking remains $10,

reflecting the $2 drop fromthe start of last season insti-tuted when the new owner-ship group took over lastAugust. Parking is only $5 forFriday games.Individual tickets go on sale

March 5 for all games exceptopening day.For the Apri l 1 opener

against Boston, fans have toregister online for a drawingto determine who gets thechance to buy the remaininglimited number of individualreserved seats and standingroom tickets. Or the team isoffering 10-game plans thatinclude a ticket to openingday.

Associated Press


Cavaliers drop 26th consecutivegame, extend NBA record streak

CLEVELAND — Forget theNBA record, the Cavaliers areofficially as bad as any team inany pro sport.Cleveland’s losing streak

reached 26, matching the 1976-77 Tampa Bay Buccaneers’record for consecutive incompe-tence on Wednesday night with a103-94 loss to the Detroit Pistons,who were supposedly a beatableopponent for the bottom-dwellingCavs.Instead, Cleveland’s season

slipped further into shame.The Cavs (8-45) remain winless

since Dec. 18 and have nowdropped 36 of 37. Their nextchance to end the unimaginableslide will be on Friday against theLos Angeles Clippers. After thatcomes a home game against theroad-winless WashingtonWizards on Sunday.Rodney Stuckey scored 22 to

pace the Pistons, who didn’t wantto be remembered as the teamthat let the Cavs get off the mat.The Cavs and their fans had

hoped this was the night thestreak stopped.Cleveland had played well in its

previous four games, losing by acombined 21 points and actuallycame into the matchup favoredto beat Detroit, which was play-ing its second straight after host-ing the league-leading SanAntonio Spurs on Tuesday.But the Cavs fell into a 12-point

hole at half, and although theypulled within three in the third,they fell apart early in the fourth.Only some late buckets ingarbage time made the score

respectable.When the final horn sounded,

Cleveland’s fans didn’t botherbooing as the Cavs dropped theirheads and walked dejectedly tothe locker room.“Well, one of these days,” one

fan climbing the stairs mumbledas he left.There had been so many

encouraging signs lately. TheCavs fell 99-96 on Monday inDallas, when they failed to exe-cute in the closing seconds andset a new league record for con-secutive losses over one and twoseasons. Coach Byron Scott washeartened by his young team’seffort against the Mavericks, andwith eight straight home gamesahead, the time seemed right forCleveland to get back in the wincolumn.Not yet.After playing the Spurs, the

Pistons were ready for the Cavs.

They built an 11-point lead afterthree and never let Cleveland getgoing in the fourth.Will Bynum scored 17 and

Charlie Villanueva 13 for thePistons, who played withoutguard Rip Hamilton. He sat outwith a strained right groin.Antawn Jamison scored 20 of

his 22 points in the second halffor Cleveland. J.J. Hickson scored18 with 15 rebounds.Down 55-43 after a flat first

half, the Cavs came out inspiredin the third quarter.They went to Jamison, who

scored just two points in the firsthalf, early and he single-handed-ly brought them back by outscor-ing the Pistons 10-4 in the first3:32 as Cleveland closed within59-55. However, Detroit respond-ed, carried an 81-70 lead into thefourth and took care of business— just like Cleveland’s previous25 opponents.


Cavaliers guard Ramon Sessions lays the ball up during the Cavs103-94 loss to the Pistons Wednesday in Cleveland.

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GREEN BAY, Wis. — Packerscoach Mike McCarthy had onefinal chance Wednesday to goover an injury report, providing a

fitting end to Green Bay’s champi-onship season.Cornerback Charles Woodson

(broken collarbone) won’t needsurgery, wide receiver JordyNelson (left knee) played through

his injury, linebacker A.J. Hawk(wrist) needs an arthroscopic pro-cedure, and wide receiver DonaldDriver (ankle) would be out ifGreen Bay had to play anothergame.Add those to the 16 other

Packers on injured reserve andMcCarthy believes his next teamwill certainly be more talentedcoming into training camp. Thatdoesn’t mean Green Bay’s titledefense will be any easier.“The most important thing is

we need to be the best footballteam next year. We can be maybethe most talented and best foot-ball team. But sometimes themost talented team doesn’t win,”McCarthy said. “We have to makesure we’re the best football team,that everybody’s doing their role,doing what they’re supposed tobe doing at the level they’re sup-posed to be doing it.“Because that was a great

experience to watch this group ofmen pull together and fightthrough the adversity that theyneeded to, and play their bestfootball when it counted.”Now, McCarthy said the next

lesson the Packers need to learnis how to deal with success afterthe franchise’s 13th NFL champi-onship and fourth Super Bowlwith a 31-25 win over Pittsburghon Sunday.“It’s here, it’s right here, it’ll

start with our whole organiza-tion, top to bottom,” the coachsaid. “Handling success, to me, isthe biggest challenge in this busi-

ness.”That’s one of the reasons why

defending titles successfully hasbeen so rare.New England last repeated as

champion six years ago, and noteam from the NFC has evenmade two consecutive SuperBowls since the Packers did it in1997 and 1998.McCarthy’s life is already

changing in ways big and small.His daily cup of Starbucks coffeehad “congratulations” on itWednesday morning, and he saidit’ll take him at least a month torespond to everyone who reachedout to him.He’s still thrilled with his chat

with President Barack Obama onMonday (“He started with, ‘Thisis a tough phone call for a Bearsfan to make””) and is honoredthat a street will be named afterhim somewhere near LambeauField.Both McCarthy and general

manager Ted Thompson are inline for contract extensionsbefore their current deals end in2012. McCarthy declined todirectly address his own contractnegotiations or which teams con-tacted the Packers for permissionto talk to his assistants.“Continuity is important, but

change happens in this business,”McCarthy said. “Time will answerthose questions.”The other uncertainty comes

after the collective bargainingagreement expires March 3.The end of the labor deal and a

potential lockout could mess upeveryone’s offseason plans.McCarthy said it also affectsnegotiations to extend assistantcoaches, and even when thePackers might be able to visit theWhite House because it’s usuallyattached to an organized teamactivity or a minicamp.He also sounded less than

thrilled about a proposed 18-game schedule.“I know what the company line

is, but you’re talking to a guy thatbarely made it through 16, so youcan figure that one out for your-self,” he said.No matter when the season

begins or how long it might be,Green Bay will have its core inplace, led by Super Bowl MVPAaron Rodgers and his receivers.Running back Ryan Grant andtight end Jermichael Finleyreturn from injured reserve.The Packers are also well-

equipped to run defensive coordi-nator Dom Capers’ attacking 3-4scheme with young stars corner-back Tramon Williams, nosetackle B.J. Raji and linebackerClay Matthews continuing theirdevelopment.The abundance of talent also

taught McCarthy a lesson abouthimself.He said he learned to handle

his own ego this season by dele-gating leadership in a variety ofways, including letting the cap-tains talk before games late in theseason after getting the idea driv-ing home one day after practice.

The Observer � SPORTSThursday, February 10, 2011 page 15


McCarthy believes Packers’ talent will improveAssociated Press

Page 16: PDF Edition of The Observer for Thursday, February 10, 2011

average Notre Dame team.The age of Harangody is

over. This Irish have a teamfull of stars, not just one. Afteryears of relying on one starplayer and the 3-ball, MikeBrey has found a true teamwith interchangeable parts andstrong defense. Notre Dame is a team full of

role players who are ready todo their jobs every night. Justat the time when the Irishlooked to fall back into its moldwith Hansbrough as the super-star, we saw the real NotreDame emerge. Hansbrough is the leader,

plain and simple. He gets theball with less than two minutesto go. He wills the ball into thehoop. He makes others aroundhim better. That is his role. Hesinglehandedly led the Irish onthe aforementioned run thatturned the game around forthe Notre Dame, scoring fivepoints to tie the game in a mat-ter of seconds. But then hepicked up the ominous fourthfoul, and the Irish weredoomed once again. But the difference between

the teams of Irish past and thisone goes back to a lessonlearned a year ago, rightaround this time, when do-it-all forward Luke Harangodywent down with an injury thatleft the Irish without theirbiggest star for the biggeststretch of the year. This learning experience was

evident last night.Abromaitis is the multi-pur-

pose man. He went from hit-ting 3s, to guarding Louisvillephenom guard PrestonKnowles, to ripping rebounds

away from taller defenders onhis way to 24 points — most ofwhich came when Hansbroughwas either struggling from thefield or sitting on the bench infoul trouble. But the game-changing contribution had yetto be made, as the leadchanged hands more timesthan Jack Cooley — the guywho does the dirty work — hasbeen called Luke Harangody.Then along came Carleton

Scott. Scott is the catalyst. Hewent from shooting 1-for-7from the field with three pointswith less than 10 minutes togo, to shooting 5-for-11 on thenight with 16 points and eightrebounds, two of which cameafter Scott blocked a shot, gotthe rebound on one end, andsnatched another on a putbackon the other end. The lankysenior forward even goes intothe crowd after the game tocelebrate. It’s a mutual feeling.The crowd feeds off his energyand he feeds off theirs, makinghis game that much better.Finally, we have the often

criticized and seldom appreci-ated vital defenders who reallytake away the other team’sbest scoring options. Seniorforward Tyrone Nash is giventhe assignment of guarding theopposing big men, who arealways bigger than he is. ButNash uses his quickness anddeceptive length to get hisopponent in foul trouble. Casein point: Nash held instrumen-tal Cardinals forwardsTerrence Jennings and GeorgeGoode to a combined 16 pointsand 10 rebounds while draw-ing fouls on Jennings, whicheventually led to Jennings foul-ing out early in overtime.Meanwhile, transfer forward

Scott Martin guarded red-hotsharpshooter Kyle Kuric, limit-ing him to two field goals in the

last 15 minutes of play after hescored 26 points until thatpoint. Martin is the quintessen-tial team player, passing offmultiple shots to keep themovement and rhythm of theoffense going while playing 39minutes.With these pieces of the puz-

zle, we are fortunate to witnessthe true meaning of the wordteam. The crazy thing is thatno one — probably not even

Mike Brey himself — expectedthis team to be in the top-10this year with an undefeatedrecord at home, after defeatingthe likes of Connecticut,Marquette, Georgetown,Gonzaga and Louisville, inaddition to knocking off No. 2Pittsburgh on the road. The truth is, this Notre Dame

team looks poised and overlyready to make a run into lateMarch and early April.

The Irish have a lot going forthem right now, including asix-game Big East win streak.Plus the coach wears a turtle-neck, so what isn’t going wellfor the Irish these days?

The Observer � SPORTSpage 16 Thursday, February 10, 2011


Johnson returns to Pebble Beach for redemptionPEBBLE BEACH, Cali f . —

Dust in Johnson returns toPebble Beach with conflictingemotions.Rare is a defending champi-

on who is looking for redemp-tion.Johnson has a chance to

make history as the first play-er to win three successiveyears at the Pebble BeachNational Pro-Am since thisiconic event began in 1937.Forgotten is how he built a

four-shot lead in 2009 andwas declared the winner whenrain cut the tournament shortto 54 holes . Or how hesmashed one last drive to setup an easy birdie from thebunker on the final hole lastyear for a one-shot victory.No, the last ing image of

Johnson at Pebble Beachcomes from the U.S. Open lastsummer.He had a three-shot lead

going into the f inal roundwhen he took two chips fromthe rough — one of them left-handed — and took a triplebogey on the second hole.Then came an aggressive playwith the driver on No. 3 thathe hooked into the bushes fora lost ball. His tee shot on the

fourth went into the ocean.It added to a colossal col-

lapse in his first chance to wina major. Johnson closed withan 82, the highest final roundby a 54-hole leader at the U.S.Open in nearly 100 years.He had yet to get out to

Pebble Beach by Wednesday,and planned to play only acouple of holes before sneak-ing over to Cypress Point .Johnson has moved into thecelebrity rotation, meaning hewill play Monterey Peninsulaon Thursday and Spyglass Hillon Friday before he gets hisfirst crack at Pebble Beach.Which memories will come

back?“Neither,” Johnson said.

“I’m just coming out to playthe golf course. It’s still good,even though the last time Iplayed it I struggled a littlebit. But I’m still excited to getback out there and play. I’malways going to love this golfcourse, no matter what. I’mjust ready to get back out andplay.”But then he paused, and

offered a slight smile.“Get a little redemption for

the last round of the Open,”he said.Johnson does not lose confi-

dence easily. Despite a round

that would haunt some play-ers, he was right back in themix two months later at thePGA Championship, poised towin another major until hefailed to realize he was in abunker on a Whistling Straitscourse that has too manybunkers to count. Instead ofgett ing into a playof f , hewound two shots behind.Unfazed, Johnson won theBMW Championship a monthlater to mark himself as a ris-ing star.That’s not to say he hasn’t

learned from his mistakes,especially at Pebble Beach.Johnson attributes his U.S.

Open blunders to playing andthinking too quickly. He isamong the fastest players inthe game, and Johnson spentthe latter part of last year try-ing to slow down.“In the f irst couple of

rounds, I might get a l itt lequick,” he said. “I probablyneed to do it more in the first,second and third rounds thanI do in the final round. Thefinal round is when you’rethinking and you’re more con-scious of what ’s going on.That’s when it’s most impor-tant, when you’re under thegun and when you’ve got ashot to win.

“Slow for me is still prettyfast,” he said. “I’ve got to feellike I’m moving pretty slow,which probably isn’t slow.”The AT&T Pebble Beach

National Pro-Am gets underway Thursday with the usualsuspects — Johnson going fora third straight win, Phi lMickelson trying to f indmomentum sometime beforethe Masters, Davis Love IIIplaying for the 25th consecu-t ive year, and Padraig

Harrington making his PGATour debut.Harrington was on his way

out to Pebble Beach for apract ice round when hebumped into Johnson. Hestopped to shake hands andpass along a playful message.“I’m trying to take the tro-

phy off your hands this week,”Harrington said.“Good luck,” Johnson said

with a del ivery that Cl intEastwood could appreciate.


Dustin Johnson talks to the press Monday in Pebble Beach, Calif., inhis first return to the course since last year’s U.S. Open.

Associated Press

Write Sports. Contact Douglas at [email protected]

Shockcontinued from page 20

The views expressed in thiscolumn are those of author andare not necessarily those of TheObserver.Contact Andrew Gastelum at

[email protected]

Page 17: PDF Edition of The Observer for Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Observer � SPORTSThursday, February 10, 2011 page 17

ed in singles play and stand as athreat together in doubles.Despite a doubles loss by thepair last weekend against NorthCarolina, this weekend bringsan opportunity to secure threewins.“Learning from our losses is

the most important thing to helpus succeed in future matches,”Frilling said.Supporting the juniors at the

top of the singles rotation is cru-cial for Notre Dame, and a sur-prise at the bottom of the sin-gles lineup has been freshmanJulie Sabacinski. Sabacinskiwon the first match-clinchingvictory of her career againstWake Forest Sunday. Positionedat No. 6 singles with a 3-2

record, she has recently comeinto her own as a member ofthe Irish.“Playing more matches makes

my game more refined, and Ihave finally adjusted to collegetennis,” Sabacinski said. “[Thisweekend] I am going to focus onbringing high energy to eachmatch.”Seeded at No. 8, Michigan (4-

0) poses the most imminentthreat to the Irish. This marksthe second straight season theWolverines have begun with a4-0 record.No. 18 Vanderbilt (4-1) will

take on the Irish at 11 a.m.Saturday. On Sunday at 11 a.m.,Notre Dame will stand as thefirst ranked opponent the No.74 Badgers (4-1) have faced thisseason.

Mathewscontinued from page 20


Junior Shannon Mathews prepares for a forehand againstDePaul April 16 at the Eck Tennis Center.

Contact Megan Finneran [email protected]

You feel like if you can get toovertime in a game like that, wereally felt like we had momen-tum getting to overtime, becauseit was not an easy one for us.”The Irish won the tip-off to

start the extra period andHansbrough found an openScott, whose 3-pointer sparked a13-0 run for the Irish on theirway to the victory.

“I don’t think Carlton had asmooth game, but when he hadthat clean look to start overtime,there was no second thoughtwhen he rose up to take thatone,” Brey said. “It’s not surpris-ing. They have the will to get toovertime, and that’s experienceand maturity. This group haskind of been developed now andthey’re a pretty confident group.They’ve won a lot now, and wow,is that a good habit to have.”

Nel came to the U.S. with aplan in mind. He wants to turnhimself into an elite swimmerand compete onthe internation-al stage.“With the

help of mycoaches andfel low team-mates, I hopeto swim thefastest that Ihave everbeen,” Nel said.Nel has been

a contributingfactor on theIrish squad. Hehelped NotreDame to victories in the 800-yard free relay and the 400-yard backstroke relay in theDennis Stark Relays Oct. 8 inthe Rolfs Aquatic Center. Hefinished fourth in the 400-yardIM in the Hawkeye InvitationalDec. 4 and finished second inthe 400-yard backstrokeagainst Utah Nov. 12. Overall, Nel is just glad to be

part of the tradition at NotreDame. He has embraced allthere is to offer and appreci-

ates everything that peoplehave done for him here.“Being part of the Notre

Dame swimming team is anamazing honor,” he said.“They are all a great group ofgentlemen and it’s been anhonor training and building

re la t ionsh ipswith them thispast season.”Although Big

East champi-onships andNCAA competi-tions are on hismind, Nel saidthe pinnacle ofhis swimmingcareer wouldbe represent-ing his homecountry ineither the 2012or 2016

Olympic Games.“It is a dream I have always

had,” Nel said. “I know that Ican reach that goal here atNotre Dame.”Up next for the Irish are the

Big East DivingChampionships Feb. 11-13 andthe Big East swimming cham-pionships Feb. 16-19 inLouisville, Ky.

Nelcontinued from page 20

“With the help of mycoaches and my

teammates, I hope toswim the fastest that I

have ever been.”

Bertie NelIrish freshman

Contact Matthew Robison [email protected]

Sivacontinued from page 18

Contact Eric Prister [email protected]

Page 18: PDF Edition of The Observer for Thursday, February 10, 2011

That was very similar. We wentout and took care of business inovertime.”Hansbrough led the Irish

with 25 points, including five 3-pointers. He said that he wasnot pleased with the team’sgame offensively, but whenovertime came, it was NotreDame’s time to shine.“We were trying so hard to

make our runs that we reallyweren’t making our shots,” hesaid. “[Senior forward] Ty[Nash] missed a hook shot, Iwas missing some shots. Ithought [fourth-year forwardTim Abromaitis] really steppedup and willed us to the wintonight. I’ll be honest with you,we were in a heck of a drought,but in overtime we just gotthings going. We were due. Ifyou give us enough time, we’regoing to start making someshots. To see our guys and theway they willed us back into it— it’s just a heck of a win forus tonight. This is one of thewins I’m going to remember forthe rest of my life.”Abromaitis finished the game

with 23 points and eightrebounds. He made all nine ofhis foul shots, and played allbut one minute against theCardinals.The Irish trailed for most of

the first half, and by as muchas eight with five minutes to goin the period. But 10 pointsfrom sophomore Jack Cooley inthe last six minutes of the halfkept them within four going tothe locker room. Cardinals jun-

ior Kyle Kuric led the way forLouisville with 18 of his 28points in the first, including aspectacular one-handed dunkto end the period.“We probably feel in a game

like that like you don’t deserveto be down four,” Irish coachMike Brey said. “You deserve tobe down 12, so to be down four,you’re counting your blessings.Jack and [freshman guard] Eric[Atkins] gave us a great lift offthe bench tonight. Jack wasfabulous — he was scoring forus. We couldn’t score, and I felttonight that we were going tohave to get 85 or 90 to get outof here tonight.”The back-and-forth game

continued throughout the sec-ond half. The lead changed 10times throughout the game andwas tied 13 times. Louisville

took a two-point lead with 1:19to go before Nash drew a fouland made both free throws,tying the game 74-74. With nine seconds to go,

Notre Dame called a timeoutand switched to a zone defense,which forced senior guardPreston Knowles to fire up anerrant 3-point attempt as timeexpired in regulation.“We did not talk about it in

the timeout,” Brey said. “Wetalked about what we weregoing to do on the [sophomoreguard Peyton] Siva ball-screen,and we kind of changed on thefly, and we did a great job.That’s veteran guys making itwork. That helped us, andchanged their rhythm a littlebit, and forced a tough shot.

The Observer � SPORTSpage 18 Thursday, February 10, 2011

for each team take their shots,the team with the most goals winsthe shootout. If no team haspulled ahead after three rounds,the shootout continues until oneteam scores and the other misses.The intensity and drama a

shootout consists of providesgreat entertainment to fans. Yet italso can be a perplexing and con-fusing event. Though one team“wins” and one “loses” ashootout, any game that goes to ashootout results in a tie for bothteams’ NCAA record. To add tothe confusion, the CCHA, NotreDame’s conference, awards threepoints for a win, zero for a loss,and one for a tie in the confer-ence standings, solely in confer-ence games. The winner of theshootout then receives an extrapoint, in addition to the one pointearned for the draw.Irish coach Jeff Jackson said he

dislikes the shootout deciding anextra point, because it is not con-tested in game-like conditions.“I think it’s not part of the

game,” Jackson said. “[Teams]get an extra point for scoring onegoal on a breakaway in a non-game environment.”Jackson is also not a shootout

supporter because the attitude ofa team can be heavily influencedby an event that doesn’t changethe game’s official result.“We tied the game last night

and it felt like we lost,” Jacksonsaid after Notre Dame’s shootoutvictory Jan. 29, in reference tothe previous night’s shootout loss.“The kids battled hard for 65minutes, and we tied the game

according to the NCAA. We had tomotivate them this morning,because they were down, and itshouldn’t be that way after a hardfought tie, like in the good oledays of hockey.”While Jackson is not a fan of

the shootout, some of his playershave opposite emotions.“I love [the shootout]. I think it’s

great for the fans,” Irish seniorcenter Ben Ryan said. “Havingthe shootout decide [an extrapoint] is awesome for the sport ofcollege hockey.”Notre Dame sophomore goal-

tender Mike Johnson also said hethinks the shootout is exciting,though sometimes the result canbe disheartening.“I think it’s definitely fun for the

league,” Johnson said. “But ifyou’re on the losing end, it’s kindof bitter, even though it’s still atie.”Though the shootout may be a

tie for the NCAA, the extra pointfor a shootout win can be criticaldown the conference stretch. Butboth players take a calmdemeanor into the event.“When I [approach] the goalie, I

just think of a few different thingsI’m going to do,” Ryan said. “Iknow his tendencies a little bit,but I don’t try to psyche myselfout.”Johnson echoed the thoughts of

his teammate.“It’s just reaction,” Johnson

said. “I just go out there and tryto stop the puck. I try not to thinktoo much about it and just focuson one shooter at a time.Sometimes it goes your way, andsometimes it doesn’t, but you justhave to brush it off either way.”

Contact Sam Gans [email protected]

Shootoutcontinued from page 20

GRANT TOBIN/The Observer

Irish senior forward Tim Abromaitis drives on a Louisville defenderduring Notre Dame’s 89-79 win over the Cardinals Wednesday.

Breycontinued from page 20

see SIVA/page 17

Page 19: PDF Edition of The Observer for Thursday, February 10, 2011


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Across1 Thirsty toddlerʼs

request5 Hurl curse words

at?9 With 65-Across,

go against thegroup … or whatthe shadedsquares literallydo in theanswers to thestarred clues

14 Replysuggesting“perhaps”

15 Big name in PCs16 Sister of the


17 *Averagenationalearnings

20 Let it all out?21 Mont. neighbor22 “Hooked on

Classics” recordcompany

23 Era of ___(period in NotreDame footballhistory)

24 One who worksin feet andmeters

25 Chamberworkers: Abbr.

26 *Capital ENE ofJerusalem

30 Olympicgymnast Paul orMorgan

31 Something forpairs to enter?

32 Screw up37 Organ donation

site39 Genre for the

Spice Girls andOasis

41 “Slow andsteady wins therace,” e.g.

42 Poker gamememento,maybe

43 Turn around44 *Symbol above a

548 Danish kroner,


52 Not look sogood?

53 Partner of 40-Down, traffic-wise

54 Nervous as ___

55 Pole positionholder?

56 Use a portion of,as one song inanother

59 *Easter baskettreat

62 Ex-governorSpitzer

63 Jerk64 Race

assignment65 See 9-Across66 Spotted67 Ciudad del ___

(second-largestcity in Paraguay)

Down1 Exhaust, with

“out”2 Green card, in

brief3 Medieval close-

combat weapon4 Bart Simpson

catchphrase5 Mock6 French “present”7 Make some

connections8 Saw right

through?9 Shut out

10 Sets up, as poolballs

11 Short onlinemessage

12 Pro pitchers13 Falls (over)18 Actor Rickman

of the HarryPotter films

19 Bit24 Bill bloater26 “Excuse me …”27 Lunch spread,

often28 Qtr. starter29 Application

letters33 “No sweat …”

34 Some soupingredients

35 QB Flutie36 Place the first

bet38 2006 Winter


39 Orange FreeState settler

40 Partner of 53-Across, traffic-wise

42 Penguinʼs locale45 Ca, Co or Cu46 Some races47 Get out of the

cold?48 Circus


49 Floridaʼs ___National Forest

50 ___ to go51 “There, there”56 Before you know

it57 Time to give up?58 Thin blade60 Cleveland ___,

O.61 Caustic soda

Puzzle by Mike Nothnagel

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48 49 50 51 52 53

54 55 56 57 58

59 60 61

62 63 64

65 66 67




The New York Times Syndication Sales Corporation500 Seventh Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10018

For Information Call: 1-800-972-3550For Release Thursday, February 10, 2011

Edited by Will Shortz No. 0106

Page 20: PDF Edition of The Observer for Thursday, February 10, 2011

They did it again.I am still in shock going all

the way back to the Old SpiceTournament. At one point it looked as

though thehome streakwas over,afterLouisvillewent on an 8-0 run early inthe secondhalf to makeit 55-50.Two min-

utes laterthe scorewas 59-55with theIrish looking as though noteven a timeout could stopthem from scoring points. That is definitely not the

Notre Dame team I am accus-tomed to. But, then again, this isn’t the

The last time the Irish hit theice for a series, on Jan. 28 and 29against Miami (Ohio), a shootoutdecided both games. The firstcontest left the Notre Dame stu-dents and fans disappointed. Thesecond left the Irish supporterselated.Yet, according to the NCAA, the

result of both games was thesame: a tie.The shootout is a competition

used when two teams are tiedafter regulation play and fiveminutes of overtime. Threeskaters are selected by each teamto attempt a one-on-one break-away against the opposition’sgoaltender. After all three players

SportsWednesday, February 9, 2011 page 16

The Observer


Sophomore goaltender Mike Johnson makes a save in ashootout loss Jan. 28 against Miami in the Joyce Center.

SportsDay, Month XX, 2005 page 28

The ObserverSportsDay, Month XX, 2005 page 28

The ObserverSportsFriday, October 1, 2010 page 24

The ObserverSportsMonday, September 27, 2010 page 20

The ObserverSportsDay, Month XX, 2005 page 20

The ObserverSportsDay, Month XX, 2005 page 28

The ObserverSportsThursday, February 10, 2011 page 20

The Observer


Shootouts decide CCHA gamesND WOMEN’S TENNIS

Three matches presentchance to bounce back

Freshman Nel travels from South Africa to join Notre DameMEN’S SWIMMING

Before freshman Bertie Nelcould spend his days swim-ming mile upon mile in theRolfs Aquatic Center, he had tomake an 8000-mile journeyjust to get to campus. TheTzaneen, South Africa, nativedecided to take the challengeof living, learning, and swim-ming in America head on.

Nel admits that coming tothe U.S. has not been easy, butit has been worth the effort.“I have always heard that

everything is bigger and betterin America, and that is true,”Nel said. “Everything wasdone on a much bigger scalehere, and it was rather over-whelming, but a lot of fun.”Most freshmen have trouble

balancing schoolwork andsocializing, adapting to livingon their own, and learning the

ins and outs of the collegeexperience. Nel had to do sowith limited knowledge of theEnglish language and withoutthe luxury of a short tr iphome.“I grew up in South Africa

with Afrikaans as my mothertongue,” Nel said. “I have hadEnglish classes since thefourth grade, but never asintensive as here in America.”On top of adapting to a new

language and a new educa-

tional system, Nel’s had thechallenge of competing in oneof the toughest col legiateswimming conferences. But itis also an opportunity forwhich he is grateful.“Swimming is completely dif-

ferent than back in SouthAfrica,” Nel said. “I absolutelylove the team camaraderieand spirit, and training washarder than I ever expected itto be.”Although there have been

challenges, Nel has not had togo them alone. He has had thesupport of his teammates,coaches, and classmates theentire time. He has not seenhis parents since freshmenorientation, but he has newfamily here.“I am thankful for two great

families on campus, my fellowteammates and Stanford HallGriffins who are always there

With two losses behindthem, the No. 13 Irish (3-2)want nothing more than asolid performance this week-end, when Michigan,Vanderbilt and Wisconsin trav-el to the Eck Center to face offagainst Notre Dame over thecourse of four days.“They are all tough teams,

but if we compete the way weare capable I know we can dowell in all of the upcomingmatches,” freshman JenniferKellner said.Kellner’s contributions last

weekend included a win inboth singles and doubles play

against Wake Forest. At theNo. 5 singles position, she hasstood out among a determinedfreshman class that hasimproved throughout the sea-son. “I’ve been working on a lot

of small things the coacheshave been telling me, but theycertainly make a big differ-ence,” Kellner said. “Thingslike stepping into the ballmore and working on my serv-ing toss have been a few ofseveral things.”In the singles competition,

juniors Kristy Frilling andShannon Mathews still remainthe driving force behind theIrish. They are both undefeat-

see MATHEWS/page 18


In January 2009, Louisvilleand Notre Dame found them-selves tied at the end of regula-tion at Freedom Hall inLouisville, Ky. The Cardinalscame out firing in the extraperiod and pulled out a 14-point victory. Two years later, it was Notre

Dame’s turn for revenge.Led by seven points from sen-

ior forward Carlton Scott in thefinal five minutes, the No. 8Irish stayed undefeated athome, beating No. 16 Louisville89-79 at the Purcell Pavilion.“It’s just two great teams bat-

tling it out,” senior guard BenHansbrough said after thegame. “This game was verysimilar to two years ago, whenit went into overtime and theyjust burst out and won by 14.

Dealing with the CardsMEN’S BASKETBALL

GRANT TOBIN/The Observer

Irish senior guard Ben Hansbrough drives on Louisville’s Mike Marra during Notre Dame’s 89-79overtime win over the Cardinals Wednesday. Hansbrough had a game-high 25 points in the effort.

Overtime thriller endswith another ND victory

see DIGGINS/page 13 see SHOCK/page 16

By ERIC PRISTERAssociate Sports Editor

Role players, not stars,lead team’s magic run

see NEL/page 17

see SHOOTOUT/page 18

By SAM GANSSports Writer



Sports W riter