Page 1: Pave the Way Foundation Brochure

How canyou help?






Embrace theSimilarities

Savor theDifferences

Bridging the GapToward Global Tolerance

and Understanding


Pave the Way Foundation is dedicated

to achieving peace by bridging “the

intellectual gap” in tolerance and

understanding by enhancing relations

between religions through cultural,

technological and intellectual gestures.

We strive to eliminate the use of

religion as a tool that historically has

been used by some to achieve personal

agendas and to cause conflicts.

Through our projects and our

concrete gestures of good will, we

will pave the way towards global

understanding, educating the every

day person. The time has come that

we must now recognize the dangers

of ignorance, which begets bigotry,

apathy and silence.

Donate your time or talents to help usdisseminate our message. Contact usto <nd out what projects are inprogress.

Donate funds, airline mileage orcredit card points to help Pave theWay Foundation carry out itspurpose. Our mission takes us all theway around the world more thanonce every year. Take a look at thephotos inside. We are funded bydonors like you.

Put us in touch with religious leadersor institutions in your area who canhelp forward our purpose.

Contact us to <nd out how you canopen a Chapter of Pave the WayFoundation in your area.

Do you have another idea of how youcan help? Get in touch!

If you like the idea of increasing cooperationand understanding between differentreligions, there are several ways you canhelp. We welcome your interest andcooperative effort.

Here’s what you can do.

PTW_cover:Layout 1 9/26/11 12:45 PM Page 1

Page 2: Pave the Way Foundation Brochure

How canyou help?






Embrace theSimilarities

Savor theDifferences

Bridging the GapToward Global Tolerance

and Understanding


Pave the Way Foundation is dedicated

to achieving peace by bridging “the

intellectual gap” in tolerance and

understanding by enhancing relations

between religions through cultural,

technological and intellectual gestures.

We strive to eliminate the use of

religion as a tool that historically has

been used by some to achieve personal

agendas and to cause conflicts.

Through our projects and our

concrete gestures of good will, we

will pave the way towards global

understanding, educating the every

day person. The time has come that

we must now recognize the dangers

of ignorance, which begets bigotry,

apathy and silence.

Donate your time or talents to help usdisseminate our message. Contact usto <nd out what projects are inprogress.

Donate funds, airline mileage orcredit card points to help Pave theWay Foundation carry out itspurpose. Our mission takes us all theway around the world more thanonce every year. Take a look at thephotos inside. We are funded bydonors like you.

Put us in touch with religious leadersor institutions in your area who canhelp forward our purpose.

Contact us to <nd out how you canopen a Chapter of Pave the WayFoundation in your area.

Do you have another idea of how youcan help? Get in touch!

If you like the idea of increasing cooperationand understanding between differentreligions, there are several ways you canhelp. We welcome your interest andcooperative effort.

Here’s what you can do.

PTW_cover:Layout 1 9/26/11 12:45 PM Page 1

Page 3: Pave the Way Foundation Brochure

How canyou help?

Supporting Quotes

With affection, I greet the members of the Pave theWay Foundation, and I thank Mr. Krupp for thekind words which he has expressed to me on yourbehalf.

– Pope John Paul IIApostolic Palace, January 18, 2005

I warmly welcome each of you especially Mr. GaryKrupp, President of the Foundation, whom I thank forthe kind words expressed on your behalf. I am gratefulto him for informing me how your work has beenundertaken during the symposium. You have analyzedwithout bias the events of history and concernedyourselves only with seeking the truth.

– Pope Benedict XVISeptember 18, 2008

As . . . initiator of the Alexandria Declaration andreligious advisor to the World Economic Forum, and asa member of the Forum, I appreciated your support andwill remain actively interested as you push forward withyour endeavor.

– Lord George CareyFormer Archbishop of Canterbury

And he’s (Gary Krupp) a soldier of peace.– Ambassador Oded Ben-Hur

Former Israeli Ambassador to the Holy See Rome

Fere are, of course, many organizations devoted toadvancing Catholic-Jewish dialogue and friendship.None, however, has equally grasped the indispensablerequirement of a healthy relationship between theChurch and the State of Israel {. . . as the Pave the WayFoundation}.

– (;e Reverend Dr.) David-Maria A. JaegerOFM, Legal representative and official spokesperson for the

Franciscan Custody of the Holy Land

Please keep up the good work of Pave the WayFoundation in your quest to end the use of religion forjustifying acts of violence.

– Rabbi Shlomo RiskinChief Rabbi of Efrat, Israel

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs,MK Sylvan Shalom acknowledges your effort in pavingthe way for better relations between Jews and Christians,and the Minister and the entire Ministry of ForeignAffairs attribute great importance to such an importantmission. We wish you success in your activity.

– Hillel NewmanForeign Minister’s Bureau State of Israel

His vision (Gary Krupp) extends far beyond himselfand his personal interests, recognizing the value ofcultural and religious differences and collaboration inachieving goals which bespeak the common good of allreligions. Undaunted by history or improbability, Mr.Krupp pursues challenge with dialogue, personalconviction and sensitivity.

– H.Em. Raffaele Cardinal FarinaLibrarian and Archivist of the Holy Roman Church

It was clear that Gary was one of the main anddriving forces behind this unique and commemorativeevent. A Jewish man arranges for the Muslims toparticipate in a concert honoring the late John Paul II andheld in a Cathedral. Only in America. Fis in itselfspeaks volumes regarding Gary’s vision, contacts andoutreach.

– Dr. Faroque KhanChairman of the Board of Trustees Islamic Center of Long Island

In light of the many religious leaders and organizationswho have supported our efforts, Pave the Way Foundationand your personal action has distinguished yourselvesas true movers and defenders of religious freedomthrough sincere committed action.

– ;eophilos IIIGreek Orthodox Patriarch of Jerusalem

Donate your time or talents to help usdisseminate our message. Contact usto Hnd out what projects are inprogress.

Donate funds, airline mileage orcredit card points to help Pave theWay Foundation carry out itspurpose. Our mission takes us all theway around the world more thanonce every year. Take a look at thephotos inside. We are funded bydonors like you.

Put us in touch with religious leadersor institutions in your area who canhelp forward our purpose.

Contact us to Hnd out how you canopen a Chapter of Pave the WayFoundation in your area.

Do you have another idea of how youcan help? Get in touch!

If you like the idea of increasing cooperationand understanding between differentreligions, there are several ways you canhelp. We welcome your interest andcooperative effort.

Here’s what you can do.






Page 4: Pave the Way Foundation Brochure

Currentand Ongoing

Our Awardsand Events


• Initiating "IPAVE" an organization of HighSchool and College students who will be taskedwith verifying and reporting statements and newsreports worldwide. IPAVE will correct inaccuraciesof media generated agendas.

• Working with the Palestinian WASATIA Forumto help established a new party for those who wantpeace in the region and to build a transparent,honest government for the Palestinian people.

• Initiated an independent investigation of thepapacy of Pius XII to shed light on all aspects ofthis controversial period in Vatican history.

• PTWF has implemented the partnership of theVatican Library and the National Library of Israel.Dis project will put on line the most importanteducational elements of the Abrahamic faithsdigitizing Jewish, Christian, and Muslimmanuscripts to bring accuracy of the faithstraditions rejecting the illegal use of religion.

• Building and erecting monument to symbolize thereconciliation efforts of Pope John Paul II, spreadinga message of religious reconciliation.

• Acting as a non-sectarian go-between for Easternand Orthodox churches to eliminate obstacles andmisunderstandings between them.

• Identifying and working to eliminate non-theological, governmental obstacles to improvedrelation between the religions in the Holy Land.

• PTWF sponsors multiple monuments worldwide toeducate,commemorate and recognize historic events.

• PTWF sponsored special gifts for poor Holocaustsurvivors in Israel from the former Soviet Union.

• PTWF sponsors "Friends of Good Health" which,bringing Doctors of all faiths to El Salvador totreat 5000 poor patients.

• Organized the largest Jewish audience in history,simply to thank Pope John Paul II for his enormousgestures to improve Catholic-Jewish relations.

• Arranged a historical mission of scholars to theVatican Library to view original manuscriptsof Maimonides.

• Initiated historic Frst-ever exhibit of manuscriptsof Maimonides and others from the VaticanLibrary to the State of Israel.

• IdentiFed the availability and donor,enabling theVatican Library to acquire the Bodmer Papyrusfor world wide study.

• Improved Judeo Christian tourism to Israel and theHoly Land,eliminating travel restrictions and airportdifficulties,beneFting all the people of the region.

• Sponsored an international symposium on thepapacy of Pope Pius XII to educate and informand bring together all concerned parties to discusstheir historical differences.

• Awarded the PontiFcal Knighthood of Commander of theEquestrian Order of St Gregory the Great by Pope John Paul II.

• Awarded Commander with a Silver Star of the Equestrian Orderof St Gregory the Great by Pope Benedict XVI.

• Awarded the Title of Officer Brother, by permission of HerMajesty Queen Elizabeth, to the Anglican Venerable Order of StJohn of Jerusalem.

• Awarded the Tree of Life Award by the Jewish National Fund forwork between Christians and Jews.

• Awarded the Servitor Pacis Award (De Servant of Peace) by theVatican’s Ambassador to the United Nations.

• Awarded the Nostre Aetate Award from Sacred Heart Universityfor our inter-religious action between the faiths.

• Twice honored by the Constantinian Order of St. Georgereceiving two Benemerenti Medal of Good Works.

• Awarded the Humanitarian Award by the New Seminary of theUnited Nations.

• AwardedtheMedalof thePatriarchateof theGreekOrthodoxChurch.• Awarded the Fatwa of Al-Aqsa from the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem.• Awarded the Jerusalem Medal by the Superior of the Franciscan

Custody of the Holy Land for projects beneFting the Custodyand for improving Vatican-Israeli relations.

• 2010 recipient of the "GIUSEPPE SCIACCA" Award forHistory at the PontiFcal Urbaniana University in Rome.

• January 2011, President of PTWF Gary Krupp was named byInside VaticanMagazine as one of the top ten people in the worldfor 2010 .


Commendatore Gary Krupp addressing Pope John Paul II,January 18, 2005.

Pave the Way Foundation was co-founded byMeredith and Gary Krupp in 2002. Gary Kruppis uniquely suited to bridge the gap betweenreligions. Gary is the only Jewish man in history tobe knighted, by Pope John Paul II, raised in rank byPope Benedict XVI to the Order of St. Gregory andinvested by permission of Her Majesty QueenElizabeth as an Officer Brother in the AnglicanOrder of St. John of Jerusalem. Being a trustedmember of the Papal household has enabled himto act as a catalyst in initiating changes andeliminating many obstacles to the furtherance ofJudeo-Christian relations.

Directors Richard Kandel, Chairman ElliotHershberg and Gary Krupp at the openingof PTWF sponsored exhibit at the Museumof Jewish Heritage in New York.

Gary Krupp ddressing the participants of thesymposium studying the Papacy of PopePius XII.

Gary and Meredith Krupp with ChiefRabbi of Israel Yona Metzger.

Gary Krupp and Aleksander Simic, PTWFrepresentative in Serbia, meet with BishopChristomos of the Serbian Orthodox Church.

Board of Directors

Rabbi Benjamin BlechDaniel P. Buttafouco, EsqStanley Browne.Br. Austin David CarrollWilliam Cox, Esq.John DibariJohn R. Drexel IV, KStJ.Robert FontiRobert Gaynor

David Hauser, PDE.Richard I. Kandel, CPAPeter J. KleinFrank MacKayGary MeliusDoyle MillsBarbara Kane O'NeillJacob ParkerNorman Weisfeld

Elliot M. HershbergChairman, Board of Directors

Meredith S. KruppFounder/Secretary

Gary L. Krupp, KC*SG OStJFounder/President

Harry M. EpsteinTreasurer

Page 5: Pave the Way Foundation Brochure

Currentand Ongoing

Our Awardsand Events


• Initiating "IPAVE" an organization of HighSchool and College students who will be taskedwith verifying and reporting statements and newsreports worldwide. IPAVE will correct inaccuraciesof media generated agendas.

• Working with the Palestinian WASATIA Forumto help established a new party for those who wantpeace in the region and to build a transparent,honest government for the Palestinian people.

• Initiated an independent investigation of thepapacy of Pius XII to shed light on all aspects ofthis controversial period in Vatican history.

• PTWF has implemented the partnership of theVatican Library and the National Library of Israel.Dis project will put on line the most importanteducational elements of the Abrahamic faithsdigitizing Jewish, Christian, and Muslimmanuscripts to bring accuracy of the faithstraditions rejecting the illegal use of religion.

• Building and erecting monument to symbolize thereconciliation efforts of Pope John Paul II, spreadinga message of religious reconciliation.

• Acting as a non-sectarian go-between for Easternand Orthodox churches to eliminate obstacles andmisunderstandings between them.

• Identifying and working to eliminate non-theological, governmental obstacles to improvedrelation between the religions in the Holy Land.

• PTWF sponsors multiple monuments worldwide toeducate,commemorate and recognize historic events.

• PTWF sponsored special gifts for poor Holocaustsurvivors in Israel from the former Soviet Union.

• PTWF sponsors "Friends of Good Health" which,bringing Doctors of all faiths to El Salvador totreat 5000 poor patients.

• Organized the largest Jewish audience in history,simply to thank Pope John Paul II for his enormousgestures to improve Catholic-Jewish relations.

• Arranged a historical mission of scholars to theVatican Library to view original manuscriptsof Maimonides.

• Initiated historic Frst-ever exhibit of manuscriptsof Maimonides and others from the VaticanLibrary to the State of Israel.

• IdentiFed the availability and donor,enabling theVatican Library to acquire the Bodmer Papyrusfor world wide study.

• Improved Judeo Christian tourism to Israel and theHoly Land,eliminating travel restrictions and airportdifficulties,beneFting all the people of the region.

• Sponsored an international symposium on thepapacy of Pope Pius XII to educate and informand bring together all concerned parties to discusstheir historical differences.

• Awarded the PontiFcal Knighthood of Commander of theEquestrian Order of St Gregory the Great by Pope John Paul II.

• Awarded Commander with a Silver Star of the Equestrian Orderof St Gregory the Great by Pope Benedict XVI.

• Awarded the Title of Officer Brother, by permission of HerMajesty Queen Elizabeth, to the Anglican Venerable Order of StJohn of Jerusalem.

• Awarded the Tree of Life Award by the Jewish National Fund forwork between Christians and Jews.

• Awarded the Servitor Pacis Award (De Servant of Peace) by theVatican’s Ambassador to the United Nations.

• Awarded the Nostre Aetate Award from Sacred Heart Universityfor our inter-religious action between the faiths.

• Twice honored by the Constantinian Order of St. Georgereceiving two Benemerenti Medal of Good Works.

• Awarded the Humanitarian Award by the New Seminary of theUnited Nations.

• AwardedtheMedalof thePatriarchateof theGreekOrthodoxChurch.• Awarded the Fatwa of Al-Aqsa from the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem.• Awarded the Jerusalem Medal by the Superior of the Franciscan

Custody of the Holy Land for projects beneFting the Custodyand for improving Vatican-Israeli relations.

• 2010 recipient of the "GIUSEPPE SCIACCA" Award forHistory at the PontiFcal Urbaniana University in Rome.

• January 2011, President of PTWF Gary Krupp was named byInside VaticanMagazine as one of the top ten people in the worldfor 2010 .


Commendatore Gary Krupp addressing Pope John Paul II,January 18, 2005.

Pave the Way Foundation was co-founded byMeredith and Gary Krupp in 2002. Gary Kruppis uniquely suited to bridge the gap betweenreligions. Gary is the only Jewish man in history tobe knighted, by Pope John Paul II, raised in rank byPope Benedict XVI to the Order of St. Gregory andinvested by permission of Her Majesty QueenElizabeth as an Officer Brother in the AnglicanOrder of St. John of Jerusalem. Being a trustedmember of the Papal household has enabled himto act as a catalyst in initiating changes andeliminating many obstacles to the furtherance ofJudeo-Christian relations.

Directors Richard Kandel, Chairman ElliotHershberg and Gary Krupp at the openingof PTWF sponsored exhibit at the Museumof Jewish Heritage in New York.

Gary Krupp ddressing the participants of thesymposium studying the Papacy of PopePius XII.

Gary and Meredith Krupp with ChiefRabbi of Israel Yona Metzger.

Gary Krupp and Aleksander Simic, PTWFrepresentative in Serbia, meet with BishopChristomos of the Serbian Orthodox Church.

Board of Directors

Rabbi Benjamin BlechDaniel P. Buttafouco, EsqStanley Browne.Br. Austin David CarrollWilliam Cox, Esq.John DibariJohn R. Drexel IV, KStJ.Robert FontiRobert Gaynor

David Hauser, PDE.Richard I. Kandel, CPAPeter J. KleinFrank MacKayGary MeliusDoyle MillsBarbara Kane O'NeillJacob ParkerNorman Weisfeld

Elliot M. HershbergChairman, Board of Directors

Meredith S. KruppFounder/Secretary

Gary L. Krupp, KC*SG OStJFounder/President

Harry M. EpsteinTreasurer

Page 6: Pave the Way Foundation Brochure


Spreadingthe Word



• Initiated the Frst Loan in history from the VaticanLibrary to the State of Israel.Dis then “Paved theway”for the Frst loan from Israelis to the Vatican.

• Serves as lead organization in the quest forFnalization of legal and economic relationsbetween Israel and the Holy See.

• Initiated and sponsored an exhibit on the Lifeof Pope John Paul II and the Jewish people atNew York’s Museum of Jewish Heritage.

• Enabled major technology acquisitions forhospitals in Europe and the Middle East toenhance medical care for the sick and the poor.

• Arranged a gift to digitize the Vatican andFranciscan manuscript collections for availabilityon the internet.

• Initiated “Project Baby” encouraging Christian,Jewish and Muslim institutions to donate infantsupplies to needy mothers in the Middle East.Eachreligion’s donations go to recipients of other religions.

• Sponsored interfaith conferences to foster mutualunderstanding and develop a practical plan ofaction to strengthen inter-religious relations.

• Initiated the invitation for Israel to attend theannual Rimini meeting, helping to increaseCatholic tourism to the region.

• Sponsored concerts in the United States andEurope inorder to strengthentiesbetweenthe faiths.

• Co-sponsored a monument in Israel with thePhilippine government to recognize its efforts toaid the persecuted people of World War II.

• Assisted the Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Jerusalemto achieve full recognition by the Israeli government.

• Worked with Israeli airport security personnel toteach about the religious sensitivities of visitingpilgrims, thus enhancing tourism to the region.

Gary Krupp is greeted by Pope Benedict XVI at thepresentation of the Bodmer Papyrus to the VaticanLibrary. Vatican Secretary of State, His EminenceTarcisio Cardinal Bertone, looks on.

PTWF initiated the historicfirst loan ever from the VaticanLibrary to the State of Israel.(L to R) Archbishop Pietro Sambi,former Apostolic Nuncio to Israel,James Snyder, Director of the IsraelMuseum; Rabbi Yona Metzger, ChiefAshkenazi Rabbi of Israel and RabbiShelomo Amar, Chief SephardicRabbi of Israel.

Pope Benedict XVIinspects the BodmerPapyrus, Gospels ofSt. John and St. Luke(175-225AD),duringtheir presentation totheVaticanLibrary.PTWF was instrumentalin the prized documentsacquisition.

PTWFEuropeanDirectorDr.RolandoClementoni and wife, Gabriella joinGary and Meredith Krupp withVatican Secretary of State H.Em.Tarcisio Cardinal Bertone.

PTWF Directors John Drexel IV,Meredith Krupp and PTWF Repin Israel, Sam Philipe prepare todistribute formula and diaper giftsto Muslim moms in Israel.

PTWF’s Rabbi Abraham Kiss(right) lectures at the Islamic Centerof Long Island.

PTWF Director Dr. RolandoClementoni Gary and MeredithKrupp Richard Kandel and HarryEpstein meet with E. Em. RaffaeleCardinal Farina Librarian andarchivist of the Holy Roman Church.

Dr. Costantino Fiore, PTWFrepresentative in France, and GaryKrupp meet Dr. Kamel Kabtane,Rector of the Grand Mosque of Lyon.

PTWF representative in Israel, Fr.Angelo Ison, hands a PTWF check toAmbassador Itzhak Oren, Director ofthe Rishon LeZion Foundation, for thePhilippine monument commemoratinglife saving efforts during the Holocaust.

Gary Krupp with Shimon Peres,President of Israel.

Gary Krupp with former IsraeliPrime Minister Ehud Olmert.

Father Angelo Ison, Meredith andGary Krupp meet with the GreekOrthodox Patriarch of JerusalemBeophilos III.

With Lord George Carey, FormerArchbishopofCanterburyandChairmanof the Alexandria Declaration forPeace in the Holy Land.

Gary Krupp and PTWF IsraeliRepresentative, Fr. Angelo Ison,meeting with Archbishop NourhanManougian, Canon Sacrist of theArmenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem.

Gary and Meredith Krupp withthe Grand Mufti of Jerusalem andPalestine-Al Shiekh MohamadAhmad Husean.

Page 7: Pave the Way Foundation Brochure


Spreadingthe Word



• Initiated the Frst Loan in history from the VaticanLibrary to the State of Israel.Dis then “Paved theway”for the Frst loan from Israelis to the Vatican.

• Serves as lead organization in the quest forFnalization of legal and economic relationsbetween Israel and the Holy See.

• Initiated and sponsored an exhibit on the Lifeof Pope John Paul II and the Jewish people atNew York’s Museum of Jewish Heritage.

• Enabled major technology acquisitions forhospitals in Europe and the Middle East toenhance medical care for the sick and the poor.

• Arranged a gift to digitize the Vatican andFranciscan manuscript collections for availabilityon the internet.

• Initiated “Project Baby” encouraging Christian,Jewish and Muslim institutions to donate infantsupplies to needy mothers in the Middle East.Eachreligion’s donations go to recipients of other religions.

• Sponsored interfaith conferences to foster mutualunderstanding and develop a practical plan ofaction to strengthen inter-religious relations.

• Initiated the invitation for Israel to attend theannual Rimini meeting, helping to increaseCatholic tourism to the region.

• Sponsored concerts in the United States andEurope inorder to strengthentiesbetweenthe faiths.

• Co-sponsored a monument in Israel with thePhilippine government to recognize its efforts toaid the persecuted people of World War II.

• Assisted the Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Jerusalemto achieve full recognition by the Israeli government.

• Worked with Israeli airport security personnel toteach about the religious sensitivities of visitingpilgrims, thus enhancing tourism to the region.

Gary Krupp is greeted by Pope Benedict XVI at thepresentation of the Bodmer Papyrus to the VaticanLibrary. Vatican Secretary of State, His EminenceTarcisio Cardinal Bertone, looks on.

PTWF initiated the historicfirst loan ever from the VaticanLibrary to the State of Israel.(L to R) Archbishop Pietro Sambi,former Apostolic Nuncio to Israel,James Snyder, Director of the IsraelMuseum; Rabbi Yona Metzger, ChiefAshkenazi Rabbi of Israel and RabbiShelomo Amar, Chief SephardicRabbi of Israel.

Pope Benedict XVIinspects the BodmerPapyrus, Gospels ofSt. John and St. Luke(175-225AD),duringtheir presentation totheVaticanLibrary.PTWF was instrumentalin the prized documentsacquisition.

PTWFEuropeanDirectorDr.RolandoClementoni and wife, Gabriella joinGary and Meredith Krupp withVatican Secretary of State H.Em.Tarcisio Cardinal Bertone.

PTWF Directors John Drexel IV,Meredith Krupp and PTWF Repin Israel, Sam Philipe prepare todistribute formula and diaper giftsto Muslim moms in Israel.

PTWF’s Rabbi Abraham Kiss(right) lectures at the Islamic Centerof Long Island.

PTWF Director Dr. RolandoClementoni Gary and MeredithKrupp Richard Kandel and HarryEpstein meet with E. Em. RaffaeleCardinal Farina Librarian andarchivist of the Holy Roman Church.

Dr. Costantino Fiore, PTWFrepresentative in France, and GaryKrupp meet Dr. Kamel Kabtane,Rector of the Grand Mosque of Lyon.

PTWF representative in Israel, Fr.Angelo Ison, hands a PTWF check toAmbassador Itzhak Oren, Director ofthe Rishon LeZion Foundation, for thePhilippine monument commemoratinglife saving efforts during the Holocaust.

Gary Krupp with Shimon Peres,President of Israel.

Gary Krupp with former IsraeliPrime Minister Ehud Olmert.

Father Angelo Ison, Meredith andGary Krupp meet with the GreekOrthodox Patriarch of JerusalemBeophilos III.

With Lord George Carey, FormerArchbishopofCanterburyandChairmanof the Alexandria Declaration forPeace in the Holy Land.

Gary Krupp and PTWF IsraeliRepresentative, Fr. Angelo Ison,meeting with Archbishop NourhanManougian, Canon Sacrist of theArmenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem.

Gary and Meredith Krupp withthe Grand Mufti of Jerusalem andPalestine-Al Shiekh MohamadAhmad Husean.

Page 8: Pave the Way Foundation Brochure

Embrace theSimilarities

Savor theDifferences

253 W 35th Street15th Floor

New York, NY 10001-1907tel: (212) 629-0046fax: (516) 432-7561

47 Farrell StreetLong Beach, NY 11561-2603

tel: (212) 629-0046fax: (516) 432-7561

email: [email protected]:

Pave the Way Foundation is a501(c)3 not-for-proHt foundation. Bridging the Gap

Toward Global Toleranceand Understanding


Pave the Way Foundation is dedicated

to achieving peace by bridging “the

intellectual gap” in tolerance and

understanding by enhancing relations

between religions through cultural,

technological and intellectual gestures.

We strive to eliminate the use of

religion as a tool that historically has

been used by some to achieve personal

agendas and to cause conflicts.

Through our projects and our

concrete gestures of good will, we

will pave the way towards global

understanding, educating the every

day person. The time has come that

we must now recognize the dangers

of ignorance, which begets bigotry,

apathy and silence.
