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20 SCUNTHORPE TELEGRAPH Friday, November 21, 2008 visit our website

Tickled pinkwith thirdhospital bed

Charity ball aids more cancer patientsKIND-hearted fundraisers havenotched up a hat-trick for cancerpatients on a Scunthorpe hospitalward by paying for a third electronicbed.Paul Hope (52) and his daughter Charlie

(23), of Crowle, have raised enough money,through donations and cash collected fromtheir annual Pink CharityBall, to provide Ward 18 atScunthorpe General Hospitalwith an extra valuable bed.The fundraising duo sought

to raise cash for the ward inmemory of their wife andmother, DianeHope,who diedin November 2006 after a10-year battlewith breast can-cer.Firefighter Paul said: “It’s

the third bedwe’ve bought fortheward sincewe started fun-draising.“Really it’s thanks to all the

people who have supportedus, through the coffee morn-ings and the Pink Ball.“One of the lads at Crowle

Fire Station completed theGreat North Run and raisedjust over £300.“It’s through the generos-

ity of people who contributeand support us and notwhat Ido.“We couldn’t do it without them. Also the

Scunthorpe Telegraph and other companiesin the area who have supported us aswell.”One of the hottest strikers in Europe –

Liverpool and Spain’s Fernando Torres –helped the cause score a winner, when hissigned football shirt was auctioned off inJuly for £755.In total more than £13,000 has been raised

for the cause, with each elec-tronic bed, which gives pa-tients more comfort, costingaround £3,500.Ward 18 manager, Julieann

Woollass, said: “I would like tosay a very big thank you to thefamily ofDianeHope,whowasa former patient with us, fortheir very kind donationswhich have enabled us to buyan electric profiling bed.“This new bed will be of

benefit to our patients andstaff.“Patients are able to movethemselves intomore comfort-able positions using thestate-of-the-art electric con-trols and it is also easier forstaff as well.“The money was raised by

the family holding a Pink Ballwhich was a huge success andmust have taken an enormousamount of effort to organise.

“So, thank you to the family for all of theeffort involved in the fundraiser.”Every bed in Ward 18 is now electronic so

the fundraisers will now be collecting cashto buy electronic recliner chairs for theward’s day patients.

by Selina [email protected]

THANK YOU: Paul Hope anddaughter Charlie Hope, whoraised £3,500 for a new elec-tronic bed for ward 18, with wardmanager Juilieann Woollass.

IN MEMORY: Diane Hope.

Christmasin Scunthorpe

Let thefestivitiesbegin

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Shop locally and save!With Christmas fast approaching, savemoney and time by doing all yourfestive shopping locally.

With two shopping centres, The Parishes andThe Foundry in the heart of the town centre,a vibrant market and a wealth of specialityshops, the choice has never been better.

For the party season check out ‘the streets’at the top of the High Street where you willfind the latest designer party wear, uniqueand vintage ball gowns and jewellery. Alongthe High Street and in The Parishes there aretop high street names like H&M, DorothyPerkins and Top Shop. Inside WestgateDepartment Store you’ll find Wallis, Oasisand Bay Trading, to name but a few.

Sunday shopping in Scunthorpe is easierthan ever! You can park all day for just £1 inThe Parishes multi storey car park and thereare new, earlier bus services into town onroutes 31A and 32A.

On Thursdays Shops in The Parishes and TheFoundry along with your favourite stores onthe High Street will be staying open until lateoffering fantastic choice and value.

This year there is no need to spend time andmoney travelling out of town, everything youneed, from a stylish outfit for the Christmasparty to the perfect gifts for all the familycan all be found in Scunthorpe town centre.


Beat the credit crunchDo all your festive Christmas shoppingat ScunthorpeMarket!

Scunthorpe town centre - for everything you need this Christmas

Thursday late night shopping with free car parking after 4pm(4pm-8pm in The Parishes multi storey) and free evening buses into town.For details call Tourist Information on 01652 657053

With low prices and great value there has neverbeen a better time to rediscovermarket shoppingBe inspired by a range of gift ideas, from mobile phones andcomputer games to ornaments and hand made teddy bears.Don’t forget to check out the affordable range of dresses,shoes, handbags and accessories.

Market days areFriday and Saturday,but the food hall isopen fromMonday toSaturday