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Page 1: Path cycle part1

Paths and cyclesShortest path problem

Traveling saleman problemOther notions of graphs

Discrete mathematics I

Graph theory

Huynh Tuong Nguyen & Huynh Viet Linh

Faculty of Computer Science and EngineeringUniversity of Technology, Ho Chi Minh City.{htnguyen;vietlinh}

8 mai 2010

Discrete Math 1 N. Huynh Tuong, V.L. Huynh Chapter 7 - Paths and Cycles 1/54

Page 2: Path cycle part1

Paths and cyclesShortest path problem

Traveling saleman problemOther notions of graphs

1 Paths and cycles

2 Shortest path problem

3 Traveling saleman problem

4 Other notions of graphs

Discrete Math 1 N. Huynh Tuong, V.L. Huynh Chapter 7 - Paths and Cycles 2/54

Page 3: Path cycle part1

Paths and cyclesShortest path problem

Traveling saleman problemOther notions of graphs

Paths and cyclesConnectivity

Paths and cycles

A path of length n from u to v , in an undirected graph is a sequence ofedges e1, e2, . . ., en such that f (e1) = (x0, x1), f (e2) = (x1, x2), . . .,f (en) = (xn−1, xn), where xi ∈ V and x0 = u, xn = v .

Simple graph case : the path is denoted by its vertex sequence x0, x1, . . .,xn.

Path is a circuit (or cycle) if it begins and ends at the same vertex (i.e. ifu = v).

Path or circuit is simple if it does not contain the same edge more thanonce.

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Page 4: Path cycle part1

Paths and cyclesShortest path problem

Traveling saleman problemOther notions of graphs

Paths and cyclesConnectivity

Paths and cycles




e f

Simple path


Discrete Math 1 N. Huynh Tuong, V.L. Huynh Chapter 7 - Paths and Cycles 4/54

Page 5: Path cycle part1

Paths and cyclesShortest path problem

Traveling saleman problemOther notions of graphs

Paths and cyclesConnectivity

Connectedness in undirected graph

An undirected graph is called connected if there is a path between everypair of dictinct vertices of the graph.

∀u, v ∈ V , u 6= v , ∃ a path between u and v

Connected undirected graph ⇒ ∃ a simple path between every pair ofdictinct vertices.




e f

Discrete Math 1 N. Huynh Tuong, V.L. Huynh Chapter 7 - Paths and Cycles 5/54

Page 6: Path cycle part1

Paths and cyclesShortest path problem

Traveling saleman problemOther notions of graphs

Paths and cyclesConnectivity

Connectedness in directed graph




e f

Cut vertex - articulation point

Cut edge - cut bridge

Discrete Math 1 N. Huynh Tuong, V.L. Huynh Chapter 7 - Paths and Cycles 6/54

Page 7: Path cycle part1

Paths and cyclesShortest path problem

Traveling saleman problemOther notions of graphs

Paths and cyclesConnectivity

Connectedness in directed graph

An directed graph is strongly connected if there is a path a path betweenany two vertices in the graph (for both directions).

An directed graph is weakly connected if there is a path between any twovertices in the underlying undirected graph.

a b



a b


deStrongly connected Weakly connected

Discrete Math 1 N. Huynh Tuong, V.L. Huynh Chapter 7 - Paths and Cycles 7/54

Page 8: Path cycle part1

Paths and cyclesShortest path problem

Traveling saleman problemOther notions of graphs

Paths and cyclesConnectivity


How to prove that there is a path from u to v in a directed graph G whichtraverses at most a given constant number of intermediate vertices.

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Page 9: Path cycle part1

Paths and cyclesShortest path problem

Traveling saleman problemOther notions of graphs

Paths and cyclesConnectivity


How to prove that there is a path from u to v in a directed graph G whichtraverses at most a given constant number of intermediate vertices.


Consider four cities V1, V2, V3, V4 in a country where the air traffic is still veryreduced : there is only a through flight from V1 to V2 and V4, from V2 to V3,from V3 to V1 and V4, from V4 to V2.

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Page 10: Path cycle part1

Paths and cyclesShortest path problem

Traveling saleman problemOther notions of graphs

Paths and cyclesConnectivity


M =

0 1 0 10 0 1 01 0 0 10 1 0 0

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Page 11: Path cycle part1

Paths and cyclesShortest path problem

Traveling saleman problemOther notions of graphs

Paths and cyclesConnectivity


M =

0 1 0 10 0 1 01 0 0 10 1 0 0

M2 =

0 1 1 01 0 0 10 2 0 10 0 1 0

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Page 12: Path cycle part1

Paths and cyclesShortest path problem

Traveling saleman problemOther notions of graphs

Paths and cyclesConnectivity


M =

0 1 0 10 0 1 01 0 0 10 1 0 0

M2 =

0 1 1 01 0 0 10 2 0 10 0 1 0

M3 =

1 0 1 10 2 1 00 1 2 01 0 0 1

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Page 13: Path cycle part1

Paths and cyclesShortest path problem

Traveling saleman problemOther notions of graphs

Paths and cyclesConnectivity

Couting paths between vertices

Let G be a graph with adjacency matrix A with respect to theordering v1, v2, . . ., vn (with directed or undirected edges, withmultiple edges and loops allowed).

The number of different paths of length r from vi to vj , wherer is a positive integer, equals the (i , j)th entry of Ar .

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Page 14: Path cycle part1

Paths and cyclesShortest path problem

Traveling saleman problemOther notions of graphs

Dijkstra’s algorithmBellman-Moore algorithmFloyd-Warshall algorithmFord’s algorithm

Shortest path problem





Ho Chi MinhHa Noi

Lang Son Da Nang Ca MauGbps

Ho Chi MinhHa Noi

Lang Son Da Nang Ca Mau



20$ 40$

Ho Chi MinhHa Noi

Lang Son Da Nang Ca Mau

1300 km

800 km800 km

200 km 400 km

Discrete Math 1 N. Huynh Tuong, V.L. Huynh Chapter 7 - Paths and Cycles 11/54

Page 15: Path cycle part1

Paths and cyclesShortest path problem

Traveling saleman problemOther notions of graphs

Dijkstra’s algorithmBellman-Moore algorithmFloyd-Warshall algorithmFord’s algorithm

Shortest path problem

Given a graph G = (V , E), and a weighted function w : E → Z, the length ofpath p = e1, e2, . . . , ek is calculated by w(p) =


i=1w(ei ).

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Page 16: Path cycle part1

Paths and cyclesShortest path problem

Traveling saleman problemOther notions of graphs

Dijkstra’s algorithmBellman-Moore algorithmFloyd-Warshall algorithmFord’s algorithm

Shortest path problem

Given a graph G = (V , E), and a weighted function w : E → Z, the length ofpath p = e1, e2, . . . , ek is calculated by w(p) =


i=1w(ei ).

Given P a set of all path from s to t. Shortest path problem from s to t isdefined by minp∈P w(p).

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Page 17: Path cycle part1

Paths and cyclesShortest path problem

Traveling saleman problemOther notions of graphs

Dijkstra’s algorithmBellman-Moore algorithmFloyd-Warshall algorithmFord’s algorithm


The problem is also sometimes called the single-pair shortest path problem, todistinguish it from the following generalizations :

The single-source shortest path problem, in which we have to findshortest paths from a source vertex v to all other vertices in the graph.

The single-destination shortest path problem, in which we have to findshortest paths from all vertices in the graph to a single destination vertexv . This can be reduced to the single-source shortest path problem byreversing the edges in the graph.

The all-pairs shortest path problem, in which we have to find shortestpaths between every pair of vertices v , v ′ in the graph.

These generalizations have significantly more efficient algorithms than thesimplistic approach of running a single-pair shortest path algorithm on allrelevant pairs of vertices.

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Page 18: Path cycle part1

Paths and cyclesShortest path problem

Traveling saleman problemOther notions of graphs

Dijkstra’s algorithmBellman-Moore algorithmFloyd-Warshall algorithmFord’s algorithm


The most important algorithms

Dijkstra’s algorithm solves the single-pair, single-source, andsingle-destination shortest path problems.

Bellman-Ford algorithm solves single source problem if edge weights maybe negative. It can be applied for directed graph.

A* search algorithm solves for single pair shortest path using heuristics totry to speed up the search.

Floyd-Warshall algorithm solves all pairs shortest paths.

Johnson’s algorithm solves all pairs shortest paths, and may be fasterthan Floyd-Warshall on sparse graphs.

Perturbation theory finds (at worst) the locally shortest path.

Additional algorithms and associated evaluations may be found in[Cherkassky et al.].

Discrete Math 1 N. Huynh Tuong, V.L. Huynh Chapter 7 - Paths and Cycles 14/54

Page 19: Path cycle part1

Paths and cyclesShortest path problem

Traveling saleman problemOther notions of graphs

Dijkstra’s algorithmBellman-Moore algorithmFloyd-Warshall algorithmFord’s algorithm

Dijkstra’s algorithm [1959]








s t












s t












s t












s t












s t





Discrete Math 1 N. Huynh Tuong, V.L. Huynh Chapter 7 - Paths and Cycles 15/54

Page 20: Path cycle part1

Paths and cyclesShortest path problem

Traveling saleman problemOther notions of graphs

Dijkstra’s algorithmBellman-Moore algorithmFloyd-Warshall algorithmFord’s algorithm

Dijkstra’s algorithm [1959]

This algorithm is based on the labelling.Some notations :

k : k-th iteration

ℓk(u, v) : minimal distance from u to v after k-th iteration

Sk : set of vertices with the smallest labels in each iteration.

Important formula

ℓk(a, v) = min{ℓk−1(a, v), min(u,v)∈E{ℓk−1(a, u) + w(u, v)}}

Discrete Math 1 N. Huynh Tuong, V.L. Huynh Chapter 7 - Paths and Cycles 16/54

Page 21: Path cycle part1

Paths and cyclesShortest path problem

Traveling saleman problemOther notions of graphs

Dijkstra’s algorithmBellman-Moore algorithmFloyd-Warshall algorithmFord’s algorithm

Dijkstra’s algorithm

Input : weighted simple graph G // G has vertex s = v0, v1, . . . , vn = t

Ourput : shortest path from s to t

ℓ(vi ) = ∞, i = 1, . . . , n ;

ℓ(s) = 0 ; S = ∅ ;

While (t 6∈ S) do

u = vertex 6∈ S having smallest ℓ(u) ;

S = S ∪ {u} ;

For each (vertex v 6∈ S) do

If (ℓ(u) + w(u, v) < ℓ(v)) then

ℓ(v) = ℓ(u) + w(u, v) ;




Discrete Math 1 N. Huynh Tuong, V.L. Huynh Chapter 7 - Paths and Cycles 17/54

Page 22: Path cycle part1

Paths and cyclesShortest path problem

Traveling saleman problemOther notions of graphs

Dijkstra’s algorithmBellman-Moore algorithmFloyd-Warshall algorithmFord’s algorithm

Dijkstra’s algorithm


any G , any length ℓ(vi ) ≥ 0, ∀i ; one-to-all ; complexity O(|V |2).

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Page 23: Path cycle part1

Paths and cyclesShortest path problem

Traveling saleman problemOther notions of graphs

Dijkstra’s algorithmBellman-Moore algorithmFloyd-Warshall algorithmFord’s algorithm


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Page 24: Path cycle part1

Paths and cyclesShortest path problem

Traveling saleman problemOther notions of graphs

Dijkstra’s algorithmBellman-Moore algorithmFloyd-Warshall algorithmFord’s algorithm


i 1 2 3 4 5 6

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Page 25: Path cycle part1

Paths and cyclesShortest path problem

Traveling saleman problemOther notions of graphs

Dijkstra’s algorithmBellman-Moore algorithmFloyd-Warshall algorithmFord’s algorithm


i 1 2 3 4 5 6

π(i) 0 3 9 +∞ +∞ +∞

Discrete Math 1 N. Huynh Tuong, V.L. Huynh Chapter 7 - Paths and Cycles 19/54

Page 26: Path cycle part1

Paths and cyclesShortest path problem

Traveling saleman problemOther notions of graphs

Dijkstra’s algorithmBellman-Moore algorithmFloyd-Warshall algorithmFord’s algorithm


i 1 2 3 4 5 6

π(i) 0 3 9 +∞ +∞ +∞

Discrete Math 1 N. Huynh Tuong, V.L. Huynh Chapter 7 - Paths and Cycles 19/54

Page 27: Path cycle part1

Paths and cyclesShortest path problem

Traveling saleman problemOther notions of graphs

Dijkstra’s algorithmBellman-Moore algorithmFloyd-Warshall algorithmFord’s algorithm


i 1 2 3 4 5 6

π(i) 0 3 9 +∞ +∞ +∞3 9 10 5 +∞

Discrete Math 1 N. Huynh Tuong, V.L. Huynh Chapter 7 - Paths and Cycles 19/54

Page 28: Path cycle part1

Paths and cyclesShortest path problem

Traveling saleman problemOther notions of graphs

Dijkstra’s algorithmBellman-Moore algorithmFloyd-Warshall algorithmFord’s algorithm


i 1 2 3 4 5 6

π(i) 0 3 9 +∞ +∞ +∞3 9 10 5 +∞

Discrete Math 1 N. Huynh Tuong, V.L. Huynh Chapter 7 - Paths and Cycles 19/54

Page 29: Path cycle part1

Paths and cyclesShortest path problem

Traveling saleman problemOther notions of graphs

Dijkstra’s algorithmBellman-Moore algorithmFloyd-Warshall algorithmFord’s algorithm


i 1 2 3 4 5 6

π(i) 0 3 9 +∞ +∞ +∞3 9 10 5 +∞

9 10 5 6

Discrete Math 1 N. Huynh Tuong, V.L. Huynh Chapter 7 - Paths and Cycles 19/54

Page 30: Path cycle part1

Paths and cyclesShortest path problem

Traveling saleman problemOther notions of graphs

Dijkstra’s algorithmBellman-Moore algorithmFloyd-Warshall algorithmFord’s algorithm


i 1 2 3 4 5 6

π(i) 0 3 9 +∞ +∞ +∞3 9 10 5 +∞

9 10 5 6

Discrete Math 1 N. Huynh Tuong, V.L. Huynh Chapter 7 - Paths and Cycles 19/54

Page 31: Path cycle part1

Paths and cyclesShortest path problem

Traveling saleman problemOther notions of graphs

Dijkstra’s algorithmBellman-Moore algorithmFloyd-Warshall algorithmFord’s algorithm


i 1 2 3 4 5 6

π(i) 0 3 9 +∞ +∞ +∞3 9 10 5 +∞

9 10 5 69 8 6

Discrete Math 1 N. Huynh Tuong, V.L. Huynh Chapter 7 - Paths and Cycles 19/54

Page 32: Path cycle part1

Paths and cyclesShortest path problem

Traveling saleman problemOther notions of graphs

Dijkstra’s algorithmBellman-Moore algorithmFloyd-Warshall algorithmFord’s algorithm


i 1 2 3 4 5 6

π(i) 0 3 9 +∞ +∞ +∞3 9 10 5 +∞

9 10 5 69 8 6

Discrete Math 1 N. Huynh Tuong, V.L. Huynh Chapter 7 - Paths and Cycles 19/54

Page 33: Path cycle part1

Paths and cyclesShortest path problem

Traveling saleman problemOther notions of graphs

Dijkstra’s algorithmBellman-Moore algorithmFloyd-Warshall algorithmFord’s algorithm


i 1 2 3 4 5 6

π(i) 0 3 9 +∞ +∞ +∞3 9 10 5 +∞

9 10 5 69 8 69 8

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Page 34: Path cycle part1

Paths and cyclesShortest path problem

Traveling saleman problemOther notions of graphs

Dijkstra’s algorithmBellman-Moore algorithmFloyd-Warshall algorithmFord’s algorithm


i 1 2 3 4 5 6

π(i) 0 3 9 +∞ +∞ +∞3 9 10 5 +∞

9 10 5 69 8 69 89

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Page 35: Path cycle part1

Paths and cyclesShortest path problem

Traveling saleman problemOther notions of graphs

Dijkstra’s algorithmBellman-Moore algorithmFloyd-Warshall algorithmFord’s algorithm


Discrete Math 1 N. Huynh Tuong, V.L. Huynh Chapter 7 - Paths and Cycles 20/54

Page 36: Path cycle part1

Paths and cyclesShortest path problem

Traveling saleman problemOther notions of graphs

Dijkstra’s algorithmBellman-Moore algorithmFloyd-Warshall algorithmFord’s algorithm


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