Page 1: Paternoster 2013 Catalogue

New Titles 2013

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Paternoster Books January — December 2013


ContentsDear friends

I’m proud to introduce our new catalogue.

2013 is a year that sees Paternoster go from strength to

strength, building on its past success and encouraging a

new future in which our titles remain fresh, interesting and

fostering academic debate, pastoral wisdom and apologetic


Our publications come from established authors, experts in

their fi elds, writers whose objective is to build the kingdom

of God and to see spiritual growth in the church and the


Here is a list of titles whose foundation is academic research

and rigour and whose purpose is to see people develop and

being transformed in their thinking and their lives.

Welcome, then, to our catalogue for 2013. I trust you will fi nd

it helpful in your ministry and academic pursuit.

Every blessing

Mike Parsons Paternoster

Paternoster Catalogue January — December 2013


3. Engaging the Written Word of God

4. C.S. Lewis vs the New Atheists

5. Myth Busted!

6. Covenant and Creation

7. Love Hurts

8. Why O Lord?

9. Bethlehem to Patmos

10. The Tortoise Usually Wins

11. From the Future

12. A Faithful Guide to Philosophy

13. Jewish Themes in the New Testament

14. Working Faith

15. The Future of Biblical Interpretation

16. When Rain Falls Like Lead

17. How to Like Paul Again

18. Demolishing Strongholds

19. Embracing Grace

21. Interfaces. Baptists and Others

21. Andrew Fuller and the Evangelical Renewal of

Pastoral Theology

22. The Appeal of Exodus

22. The Annihilation of Hell

23. Aspects of Reforming

23. Joseph Smale

24. Church as Moral Community

24. Puritan Evangelism

25. The Rise of Reformed System

25. Edward Irving

About PaternosterIn 1935 Howard Mudditt, the son of missionary parents,

gave up his job in the Bank of England to found ‘The

.Paternoster Press’.

The name served as a dual purpose. Most importantly, it is

the name of the Lord’s Prayer (‘Paternoster’ is Latin for ‘Our

Father’), but it was also a reference to Paternoster Row near

St Paul’s Cathedral where many of the major publishers at

that time were based.

Today, Paternoster is the theological imprint of the publish-

ing house Authentic Media. It has seen many changes but

continues to publish cutting-edge Christian literature that

covers the whole spectrum of the theological curriculum.

Page 3: Paternoster 2013 Catalogue

Paternoster Books January — December 2013 [email protected] 3

ISBN // 9781598569612

PRICE // £10.99

PAGES // 344 pp

FORMAT // 216 mm x 140 mm PB

BISAC // Religion/Biblical Studies/General (REL 006 000)

RIGHTS // UK, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Malaysia, India,

Philippines & Hong Kong

RELEASE // January 2013


In this collection of articles written over forty years,

Packer sets out his beliefs about the authority of

Scripture and the principles that should be applied

when interpreting it. Important topics such as the

adequacy of human language, upholding the unity of

Scripture, and challenges in biblical interpretation are

considered in the fi rst two sections: God’s Inerrant

Word and Interpreting the Word. In the fi nal section,

Preaching the Word, Packer turns his attention to

pastoral leaders and the importance of correct and

responsible expository preaching.


• Extremely well-known and infl uential writer

• Accessible writing

• Focused on the Word of God

• Theological, with pertinent application for today


• General readers who want to know more about the

word of God

• Pastors and preachers

• Students


• Profi le on various websites

• Profi le in trade/consumer catalogues

• Feature in Paternoster newsletter

Available from: January 2013 // £10.99

An eminent scholar and pastor draws on a wealth of experience in speaking about the importance of the Bible for believers and the church today.

J.I. Packer

Engaging the Written Word of God

J.I. PACKER is Board of Governors’

Professor of Theology at Regent

College, Vancouver. He is widely re-

garded as one of the most infl uential

thinkers and apologists for Christi-

anity in the twentieth century. He is

author of numerous books, including

Knowing God, Rediscovering Holi-

ness and Concise Theology: A Guide

to Historic Beliefs.

Page 4: Paternoster 2013 Catalogue Trade Order Line: 0800 28 27 28 For all other enquiries : +44 (0) 1908 268500

Paternoster Books January — December 2013



philosopher and apologist, works

with the Damaris Trust, Southamp-

ton, and is an Assistant Professor

in Communication and Worldviews

at Gimlekollen School of Journalism

and Communication in Norway.

ISBN // 9781842277706

PRICE // £12.99

PAGES // 276 pp

FORMAT // 216 mm x 140 mm PB

BISAC // Religion/Philosophy (REL 051 000)

RIGHTS // World

RELEASE // February 2013


How might C.S. Lewis, the greatest Christian apologist

of the twentieth century, respond to the twenty-fi rst

century ‘new atheism’ of Richard Dawkins, Christopher

Hitchens and company? Might Lewis’s own journey from

atheism to Christian belief illuminate and undercut the

objections of the new atheists? Christian philosopher

Peter S. Williams takes us on an intellectual journey

through Lewis’s conversion in conversation with today’s



• Unique – the only book that brings these together

• Excellent, accessible writing from a well-known


• Apologetic

• Answers the questions raised by new atheists today


• Those interested in either C.S. Lewis and/or new

atheists from a Christian perspective

• Students and readers wanting philosophical

reasoning against New Atheism

• Those concerned with a more robust reasoning

behind their own faith

• Ministers and youth workers

• Those seeking answers about life and reality


• Feature on various websites

• Feature in Paternoster newsletter

• Profi le in trade/consumer catalogues

• Promote to Fans of C.S. Lewis

Available from: February 2013 // £12.99

The book will counter the ‘new atheist’ movement using the arguments of C.S. Lewis, thereby appealing to readers interested in both loci and showing that there is nothing especially ‘new’ about the new atheism.

Peter S. Williams

C.S. Lewis vs the New Atheists

Page 5: Paternoster 2013 Catalogue

Paternoster Books January — December 2013 [email protected] 5

ISBN // 9781842278260

PRICE // £9.99

PAGES // 360 pp

FORMAT // 229 mm x 152 mm PB

BISAC // Religion/Christian Theology/Apologetics (REL 067 030)

RIGHTS // World, excluding US, Canada and Mexico

RELEASE // February 2013


Myth Busted! is a unique and engaging work of

apologetics that seeks to convince readers about the

claims of Christianity whilst debunking the layers of

myths and assumptions that might have grown around

its kernel. An encyclopaedic attempt at getting

answers to the questions that often get in the way.


• Clear and accessible answers to often-asked

questions about Christianity

• 145 myths are related and debunked, leaving a

positive Christian message


• Those interested in Christianity but still arguing

against it

• Students interested in the claims of Christianity

• Pastors and those involved in apologetics and



• Feature on various websites

• Feature in Paternoster newsletter

• Profi le in trade/consumer catalogues

• Promote to pastors and students


Professor of History, Emeritus,

University of California, USA.

Available from: February 2013 // £9.99

145 misconceptions about Christianity are argued against in an accessible and philosophical way.

Jeffrey Burton Russell

Myth Busted!145 Myths about Christianity Debunked

Page 6: Paternoster 2013 Catalogue Trade Order Line: 0800 28 27 28 For all other enquiries : +44 (0) 1908 268500

Paternoster Books January — December 2013


ISBN // 9781842278253

PRICE // £12.99

PAGES // 224 pp

FORMAT // 216 mm x 140 mm PB

BISAC // Religion/Biblical Studies/General (REL 006 000)

RIGHTS // World

RELEASE // February 2013


This study analyses the different divine covenants of

the Old Testament and argues that they are closely

related. The successive covenants, from Noah to

David, are seen to express the divine purpose for

humanity from the creation onwards. William Dumbrell

interacts extensively with attempts to explain the

signifi cance of concepts such as the gift of the land,

victory, rest and the divine presence. This extraordi-

nary book also throws light upon the Christian use of

the Old Testament categories. This second, revised

edition brings the subject right up to date.


• A classic work, revised by the author

• Shows something of the unity of the Bible narrative

• Demonstrates the grace of God to humanity from

creation to the present time


• Pastors

• Preachers

• Those interested in biblical theology

• Students of the Bible


• Promote to pastors

• Feature on various websites

• Feature in Paternoster newsletter

• Profi le in trade/consumer catalogues

Before retirement, WILLIAM J.

DUMBRELL taught at both Regent

College, Vancouver, Canada, and

Moore College, Sydney, Australia.

Available from: February 2013 // £12.99

God’s grace demonstrated in the biblical narrative through the lens of covenant.

William J. DumbrellAn Old Testament Covenant Theology

Covenant and Creation (Revised edition)

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Paternoster Books January — December 2013 [email protected] 7

Available from: March 2013 // £8.99

ALAN J. SPENCE is a minister in the

United Reformed Church, and is the

author of several books on Christian

Theology. ISBN // 9781842278109

PRICE // £8.99

PAGES // 150 pp

FORMAT // 216 mm x 140 mm PB

BISAC // Religion/Christian Theology/Soteriology (REL 067 100)

RIGHTS // World

RELEASE // March 2013


Love Hurts is a fresh and compact summary of the

central themes of the Christian message. Journeying

through the Bible’s rich and diverse world of ideas and

stories, it leads the reader on a route mapped out by

one particular motif – the love of God. The meaning

of this idea as it is explained in three key verses in

the New Testament determines the path taken. The

reader is invited to consider the costliness of that love,

the judgement from which it saves men and women,

the sort of life it promises and the role that faith plays

in responding to it. The saving ministry of Jesus is

considered afresh in the light of it. There is also a re-

fl ection on why these short lives of ours have ultimate

signifi cance and the distinguishing mark of those who

are blessed by God. Finally, consideration is given to

the pre-emptive nature of God’s saving love and how

that love is presented to us in the gospel as promise.


• Clear accessible presentation of the Gospel

• Biblical and applied theology

• A well-known writer and speaker


• Pastors wishing to see the Gospel in a fresh way

• Students wanting to be clear on what the Bible says

on the love of God

• Those seeking God; and those helping people to fi nd



• Feature on various websites

• Feature in Paternoster newsletter

• Profi le in trade/consumer catalogues

• Promote to pastors and students

This book offers a fresh outline of the Christian story shaped by the idea of God’s love as it is described in the New Testament.

Alan J. Spence

The Heart of the Christian Story

Love Hurts

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Paternoster Books January — December 2013


ISBN // 9781842277546

PRICE // £10.99

PAGES // 192 pp

FORMAT // 216 mm x 140 mm PB

BISAC // Religion/Christian Life/Prayer (REL 012 080)

RIGHTS // World

RELEASE // March 2013


The book begins by exploring a number of signposts

in Psalms’ scholarship which alert us to the value of

psalms as a form of prayer. The particular focus is

lament psalms, and their potential as a form of prayer

for people engaging with distressing experiences in

life. What follows, is a discussion of lament as a pro-

cess and the areas of potential change for someone

who uses these psalms for prayer. The fi nal section

of the book includes stories of several people who

prayed some of these psalms over a period of time. It

explores their responses and refl ections in an attempt

to evaluate the effectiveness of praying psalms such

as these.


• Accessible examination of the lament psalms

• A practical and pastoral use of the psalms in grief

and sorrow

• Written by an expert on the subject

• Based on empirical research amongst congregations

• Solid theoretical basis for understanding psalms of


• A practical model for engaging with these psalms in


• A fresh way of looking at the content of these psalms


• Pastors and counsellors

• Students in counselling courses

• Those interested in the use of Scripture today


• Feature on various websites

• Feature in Paternoster newsletter

• Profi le in trade/consumer catalogues

DAVID J. COHEN is Head of Biblical

Studies, Lecturer in Hebrew Bible

and Language, Vose Seminary, Perth,

Western Australia.

Available from: March 2013 // £10.99

This book provides an understanding of lament psalms and how they can assist people to engage with their experiences of distress in prayer.

David J. Cohen

Praying our Sorrows

Why O Lord?

Page 9: Paternoster 2013 Catalogue

Paternoster Books January — December 2013 [email protected] 9

ISBN // 9781842278093

PRICE // £9.99

PAGES // 240 pp

FORMAT // 216 mm X 140 mm PB

BISAC // Religion/Biblical Studies/New Testament (REL 006 220)

RIGHTS // World

RELEASE // March 2013


Through this fascinating journey Paul Barnett shows

that the New Testament is historically reliable on the

life of Jesus and the early experiences of the nascent

fi rst-century church.


• The book has a proven track record

• A well-known and compelling author

• Accessible style – useable in evangelism/apologetics


• Students of the New Testament

• Students wishing to know more about Jesus

• Pastors and Bible teachers


• Profi le on various websites

• Profi le in trade/consumer catalogues

• Feature in Paternoster newsletter

PAUL W. BARNETT was formerly

Bishop of North Sydney, is an honor-

ary Associate in Ancient History,

Macquarrie University and lectures at

Moore College, Sydney, and Regent

College, Vancouver.

Available from: March 2013 // £9.99

The historian Paul Barnett examines the New Testament story and beyond in this revision of his bestselling work, Bethlehem to Patmos.

Paul W. Barnett

The New Testament Story

Bethlehem to Patmos

Page 10: Paternoster 2013 Catalogue Trade Order Line: 0800 28 27 28 For all other enquiries : +44 (0) 1908 268500

Paternoster Books January — December 2013


ISBN // 9781842277874

PRICE // £9.99

PAGES // 200 pp

FORMAT // 216 mm x 140 mm PB

BISAC // Religion/Christian Church/Leadership (REL 108 030)

RIGHTS // World

RELEASE // April 2013


The Tortoise Usually Wins is a delightful exploration

of the theory of quiet leadership. Written for reluctant

leaders, it interacts with three key biblical images

of leadership – the leader as servant, shepherd and

steward – and links them with some of the key virtues

of quiet leadership – modesty, restraint, tenacity, inter-

dependence and other-centeredness. Brian Harris is

the principal of a highly regarded theological seminary

and also pastors a thriving local church, so the book

carries the wisdom of both professor and pastor, satis-

fying the reader both intellectually and practically.


• This book explores what has come to be known as

‘Quiet Leadership’ from a Christian perspective

• Readable and accessible, it combines solid content,

theological refl ection and practical application

• At the end of each chapter there is a brief interview

with a leader who models the qualities explored in

that chapter


• Undergraduate students studying leadership

• Pastors

• Church leaders

• Leaders in Christian schools

• Leaders of mission agencies

• Leaders in the not-for-profi t sector


• Feature on various websites

• Profi le in trade/consumer catalogues

• Featured in Paternoster newsletterBRIAN HARRIS is Principal, Vose

Seminary, and Senior Pastor, Carey

Community Baptist Church, Perth,

Western Australia.

Available from: April 2013 // £9.99

The Tortoise Usually Wins is a theological exploration of the theory of quiet leader-ship aimed at those who reluctantly accept the mantle of leadership, but who often make a signifi cant difference.

Brian Harris

Biblical Refl ections on Quiet Leadership for Reluctant Leaders

The Tortoise Usually Wins

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Paternoster Books January — December 2013 [email protected] 11

JOHN McCLEAN is Vice-Principal,

Presbyterian Theological Centre,


ISBN // 9781842277560

PRICE // £9.99

PAGES // 300 pp

FORMAT // 216 mm x 140 mm PB

BISAC // Religion/Christian Theology/Systematic (REL 067 110)

RIGHTS // World

RELEASE // April 2013


This book gives an exposition of Wolfhart Pannenberg’s

thought by tracing the important theme of anticipation.

The recognition of the importance to Pannenberg of

the challenge of philosophical atheism and the way in

which anticipation enables him to overcome this

challenge gives a vantage point from which it becomes

possible to discern what Pannenberg is attempting to

achieve in much of this project. The theme of

anticipation is a key to his theological project, and

the book traces it through the doctrines of revelation,

Christ, redemption and God.


• An accessible exposition of a key structural element

in Pannenberg’s thought

• The fi rst detailed examination of Pannenberg’s

doctrine of reconciliation in over 30 years

• A careful and appreciative assessment

• A comparison of Pannenberg’s use of ‘anticipation’

with New Testament ‘now-not-yet’ motif


• Students of Pannenberg and of systematic theology

• Undergraduates wanting an accessible introduction

to Pannenberg’s theology


• Feature on various websites

• Feature in Paternoster newsletter

• Profi le in trade/consumer catalogues

Available from: April 2013 // £9.99

The study of anticipation exposes the structure of Pannenberg’s thought in important theological areas and opens up signifi cant avenues for critical discussion of his thought.

John McCLean

Coming to Grips with Pannenberg’s Thought

From the Future

Page 12: Paternoster 2013 Catalogue Trade Order Line: 0800 28 27 28 For all other enquiries : +44 (0) 1908 268500

Paternoster Books January — December 2013


ISBN // 9781842278116

PRICE // £13.99

PAGES // 355 pp

FORMAT // 229 mm x 152 mm PB

BISAC // Religion/Philosophy (REL 051 000)

RIGHTS // World

RELEASE // June 2013


A Faithful Guide to Philosophy is the only British

Christian introduction to philosophy. It is a book that

will be used as a course textbook and by church study

groups and individual readers alike. It covers subjects

of central importance to the Christian worldview – the

relationship between faith and reason, the objective

reality of truth, goodness and beauty, the existence

and nature of God, the existence of the human soul

and of free will, the existence of angels, the believability

of miracles in general and the resurrection of Jesus in

particular, the coherence of the idea that God is a trin-

ity of divine persons, and so on – from a philosophical

viewpoint. This is the broadest range of topics covered

by any Christian introduction to philosophy and will be

prized by many.


• The only British Christian introduction to philosophy

• The only introduction to philosophy to cover the

particular range of topics

• Of central interest to the Christian worldview

• Written by well-known author and speaker

• Readable and thoroughly thought-provoking


• Anyone interested in philosophy

• Students of A-Level and undergraduate courses in


• Christian parents of those students

• Pastors who want to be competent in the

philosophical climate of today


• Feature on various websites

• Feature in Paternoster newsletter

• Profi le in trade/consumer catalogues

A major new introduction to philosophy from a Christian viewpoint.

Available from: June 2013 // £13.99

PETER S. WILLIAMS is Philosopher

in Residence at the Damaris Trust;

Assistant Professor in Communica-

tion and Worldviews at Gimlekollen

School of Journalism and Communi-

cation in Norway.

Peter S. Williams

A Christian Introduction to the Love of Wisdom

A Faithful Guide to Philosophy

Page 13: Paternoster 2013 Catalogue

Paternoster Books January — December 2013 [email protected] 13

ISBN // 9781842278215

PRICE // £10.99

PAGES // 200 pp

FORMAT // 216 mm x 140 mm PB

BISAC // Religion/Biblical Studies/New Testament (REL 006 220)

RIGHTS // World

RELEASE // June 2013

PAUL MORRIS is an evangelist with

Christian Witness to Israel.


Jewish Themes in the New Testament is an exami-

nation of what the New Testament teaches about

the Jewish people in the era of the New Covenant.

The core of that teaching is an affi rmation of God’s

continued faithfulness to them. In a day when opinions

regarding the Jewish people are increasingly polarized

as some stress their position centre-stage and others

consign them to the dustbin of history, this book seeks

to demonstrate from the New Testament that both

extremes are wrong. This unique book considers the

theological issues, but it is concerned for much more;

it is about Jewish people and the Jews as a people, as

the New Testament sees them.


• A unique perspective on the New Testament


• The author has worked amongst the Jewish people

for 30 years

• Clear and decisive writing


• Those interested in the New Testament

• Evangelists, particularly those to the Jews

• Pastors and preachers

• Home-groups and individuals interested in the



• Feature on various websites

• Feature in Paternoster newsletter

• Profi le in trade/consumer catalogues

Available from: June 2013 // £10.99

The book outlines what the Bible teaches about the Jewish people and religion.


Jewish Themes in the New Testament

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Paternoster Books January — December 2013


ISBN // 9781842277430

PRICE // £14.99

PAGES // 224 pp

FORMAT // 216 mm x 140 mm PB

BISAC // Religion/Christian Life/Social Issues (REL 012 110)

RIGHTS // World

RELEASE // June 2013


This book tells the story of a number of different faith-

based organizations based in different parts of Europe,

but characterized by the same set of goals and aspira-

tions – to bring faith-inspired action into contexts of

social injustice and marginalization in urban areas.

Each story involves innovative leadership, sacrifi cial

volunteering and giving, and a strong sense of going-

beyond-the-self in order to reach out to disadvantaged

others. Their story is one of the complexity of practis-

ing faith in the now-society – how faith serves but

does not proselytize; meets the needs of others not of

selves; acts in the public arena but is not incorporated

into secular governance and values; keeps its integrity

but reaches out beyond its boundaries; and signals the

need for ethical response in partnerships with others

for whom faith is not the principal motivation.


• Unique subject: faith-based organizations at work

• Diversity of situations across Europe by a diversity of

experts in the fi eld

• Accessible style; practical lessons


• Readers who approach this topic from a lay faith or

political perspective

• Those who want to know how the church is working

for social justice

• Those interested in the diversity of Christian

response to injustice


• Feature on various websites

• Feature in Paternoster newsletter

• Profi le in trade/consumer catalogues

Available from: June 2013 // £14.99

PAUL CLOKE is Professor of Human Geography at the

University of Exeter, UK.

JUSTIN BEAUMONT is Lecturer at the Faculty of Spatial

Sciences, University of Groningen in The Netherlands.

ANDREW WILLIAMS is an Associate Research Fellow in

Political Geography at the University of Exeter, UK.

Each chapter of Working Faith narrates the inspiring story of how faith is the prime motivation for an organized response to social and political need in different contexts. This book is one that records different expressions of faith in our time – faith-in-action; faith that works.

Paul Cloke, Justin Beaumont and Andrew Williams

Faith-based Organizations and Urban Social Justice

Working Faith

Page 15: Paternoster 2013 Catalogue [email protected]/

Paternoster Books January — December 2013Paternoster Books January — December 2013


This concise book considers one crucial

issue: to what extent should a plurality of

interpretative approaches and results be

curbed by particular parameters of


Responsible Plurality in Biblical Hermeneutics

Matthew R. Malcolm & Stanley E. Porter

ISBN // 9781842277881

PRICE // £9.99

PAGES // 170 pp

FORMAT // 216 mm x 152 mm PB

BISAC // Religion/Biblical Studies/ Exegesis and Hermeneutics

RIGHTS // World (excluding North America)

RELEASE // September 2013


How should we expect multiple interpretations of the

Bible to be kept in check? Each of the contributors,

experts in their fi eld, considers one parameter of

responsibility, which may act as a constraint on the

validity of competing biblical interpretations. Stanley

E. Porter considers theological responsibility; Walter

Moberly on ecclesial responsibility; Richard S. Briggs

on scriptural responsibility; Matthew R. Malcolm on

kerygmatic responsibility; James D.G. Dunn on histori-

cal responsibility; Robert C. Morgan on critical respon-

sibility; Tom Greggs on relational responsibility, and

Anthony C. Thiselton considers the topic as a whole.

What emerges is a plurivocal but concordant projec-

tion of fruitful ways forward for biblical interpretation.


• The contributing authors, who represent

acknowledged excellence in their fi elds: Stanley

Porter, Walter Moberly, James D.G. Dunn, Anthony

Thiselton, Matthew Malcolm, and others.

• The focus of the book, on one pressing issue, with

each author contributing an essay that fi ts the


• Very focused, with each contributor offering a

concise chapter on their set topic

• Hot issue in biblical hermeneutics

• Top scholars as contributors


• Those engaged in the academic study of the Bible

• Those interested in the area of hermeneutics

• Those engaged in pastoral biblical education


• Sample to key media

• Feature on various websites

• Profi le through social media platforms

Available from: September 2013 // £9.99

MATTHEW R. MALCOLM is Lecturer in

New Testament and Greek, Trinity

Theological College, Western Australia

STANLEY E. PORTER is President, Dean,

and Professor of New Testament at

McMaster Divinity College, Hamilton,

Ontario, Canada

The Future of Biblical Interpretation

Page 16: Paternoster 2013 Catalogue Trade Order Line: 0800 28 27 28 For all other enquiries : +44 (0) 1908 268500

Paternoster Books January — December 2013


Exploring the question ‘where is God when

we suffer?’ through biblical, theological

and personal narratives.

When Rain Falls like LeadExploring the Presence of God in the Darkness of SufferingAndy Percey

ISBN // 9781842278130

PRICE // £8.99

PAGES // 150 pp

FORMAT // 216 mm x140 mm PB

BISAC // Religion/Christian Theology/Apologetics

RIGHTS // World

RELEASE // September 2013


Why suffering? Why pain? Why? Are there any

answers to that question? Where is God in the middle

of this? This is the question at the heart of scripture

and key to the identity of the people of God through-

out the ages. This unique, biblically-rooted and

pastorally-focused book explores these questions,

engaging both the biblical narratives as well as our

personal experience. This poignant work based in part

on the author’s own loss and grief, doesn’t just provide

a study of the issue. It speaks words of genuine hope.


• Unique in beginning with the author’s exploration of

his own grief

• Poignant pastoral warmth borne of experience

• Not a book that has answers, but a book that speaks

to the ‘messiness’ of bereavement


• Those suffering bereavement and loss

• Those helping sufferers

• Pastors and counsellors

• Anyone with a heart for people in distress


• Feature on various websites

• Feature in Paternoster newsletter

• Samples to key contacts

• Profi le in trade/consumer catalogues

• Promote to Church leaders list

Available from: September 2013 // £8.99

ANDREW PERCEY is Associate

minister of Haywards Heath Baptist

Church, UK.

Page 17: Paternoster 2013 Catalogue [email protected]

Paternoster Books January — December 2013 17

CONRAD GEMPF is an American who came across the

ocean to fi nish his studies and never went back. Having

gained a PhD from the University of Aberdeen, he currently

teaches New Testament at the London School of Theology. ISBN // 9781780780610

PRICE // £7.99

PAGES // 128 pp

FORMAT // 216 mm x 140 mm PB

BISAC // Religion/Biblical Studies/Paul’s Letters (REL 006 720)

RIGHTS // World

RELEASE // June 2013


Conrad Gempf loves St Paul. He thinks he’s a genius.

And with this book, he shows you why you should

think so too. Yes, he admits that Paul was without

doubt one of the most diffi cult people to work with in

the history of the world. So he sympathizes with any

doubts you may have, but asks that you just let him

take you on a ride through three of Paul’s letters (really,

two letters and a memorandum), in order to hear both

sides of these conversations. Conrad thinks he can

completely change your understanding of these letters

and of Paul’s character. However, keep your arms and

legs inside the carriage at all times, because along

the way some wild twists and turns will emerge before

a fi nal surprise promises to change your relationship

with Paul for good.


• Popular but not frothy

• Conrad is a popular speaker at the Youthwork



• Those who think they don’t like Paul

• Those who want a better understanding of Paul


• Sample to key media

• Feature on various websites

• Profi le through social media platforms

• Sample to key event organizers e.g. Spring Harvest,

Greenbelt, Soul Survivor, Youthwork conference

• Offer interviews to Premier, UCB, TWR and more

• Feature in trade/consumer catalogues

Paul revealed in 3D as some of his letters are set against their appropriate background and examined from more than one perspective. You’ll be surprised at what you see!

Available from: June 2013 // £7.99

Conrad Gempf

The Apostle You Never Knew

How to Like Paul Again

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A revised and updated edition of DavidDevenish’s clear biblical teaching on spiritual warfare.

Demolishing StrongholdsEffective Strategies for Spiritual Warfare

David Devenish

ISBN // 9781860248016

PRICE // £8.99

PAGES // 320 pp

FORMAT // 198 mm 130 mm PB

BISAC // Religion/Christian Life/Spiritual Warfare (REL 099 000)

RIGHTS // World

RELEASE // January 2013


David Devenish shares insights drawn from many

years of personal experience in helping people break

free from strongholds that have bound them. In this

no-nonsense guide, he gives us effective strategies for

spiritual warfare which include:

• Having a biblical model for understanding the

enemy’s strategies and dealing with them.

• Keeping a balance between the reality of Satan and

the demonic realm, our responsibility for our actions,

and the absolute sovereignty of God.

• Understanding that strongholds are wrong thinking,

and learning to use Godly power to pull them down.

• Understanding our authority in Christ.

• Knowing our weapons and using them.


• No-nonsense guide to spiritual warfare

• Clear biblical teaching

• Revised and updated

• David is part of the Newfrontiers international

leadership team


• Those who want a guide to spiritual warfare

• Church leaders and those with a pastoral ministry


• Newfrontiers regional weekends in 2013

• Sample to other key event organizers e.g. Spring

Harvest, New Wine

• Sample to key church leaders and media

• Feature on various websites

• Profi le through social media platforms

• Profi le in trade/consumer catalogues

Available from: January 2013 // £8.99

DAVID DEVENISH serves as part of the leadership team of

Newfrontiers. Based at Woodside Church, Bedford, UK, he

works with many churches in the UK, Russia and Ukraine,

and encourages church planting in unreached parts of the

world. He has written a number of books including What on

Earth is the Church For? and Fathering Leaders, Motivating


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Many Christians wake up in the morning with a sense that something just isn’t quite right — a feeling that they haven’t quite done enough, prayed enough, or confessed enough to make themselves worthy of God’s love.

Settling the Guilt That Unsettles You

Daniel A. Brown, PhD

ISBN // 9781780781020

PRICE // £8.99

PAGES // 224 pp

FORMAT // 229 mm x 152 mm PB

BISAC // Religion/Christian Life/General (REL 012 000)

RIGHTS // World

RELEASE // March 2013


In this biblically rich, but highly accessible new book

from Daniel Brown, believers will be given the tools

to overcome their ‘low grade guilt’ and rediscover —

or discover for the fi rst time — the liberating, all-in

grace that Christ promised us through his death and

resurrection. In ‘low shelf’ terms, Brown provides a

clear overview of Law and Grace, and how God has

provided both — not to point out what we are doing

wrong, but to help us more fully live in the love he has

given to us.

In Embracing Grace, guilt-weary readers will be able

to: clearly understand the relationship between Grace

and the Law; equip themselves with the tools to over-

come the lies of the adversary; and appropriate their

position in Christ on a daily basis.


• Foreword by beloved, internationally-known leader

and bestselling author Jack Hayford

• Includes stories from Daniel’s travels around the globe

— accessible for Americans and internationals alike

• Easy-to-read, short chapters provide clear,

accessible tools to make grace a daily reality

• Endorsements: Mike Kai, Wayne Cordeiro, and many

other Christian leaders


• For anyone who wants to understand grace



• Publicity targeted at radio and television opportunities

• Email and social media campaign

• Featured in industry catalogues

• Promoted throughout the CBA and independent

sales channels

Available from: March 2013 // £8.99

DANIEL A. BROWN pastored The

Coastlands (Aptos, CA), a congrega-

tion that birthed 37 other congrega-

tions under his leadership, for 22

years. Daniel now travels more than

100,000 miles per year convincing

believers, in nations and churches

around the world, that God has great

ministry plans for them.

Embracing Grace

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Paternoster Books January — December 2013


January to June 2013

ine: 0800 28 27

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Paternoster Books January — December 2013

Available from: February 2013 // £29.99

David Bebbington & Martin Sutherland (eds)International Baptist Studies

The book is a collection of twenty-one essays discussing

how Baptists throughout the world have related to other

Christians and to other institutions and movements over

the centuries.

The theme of this collection of twenty-one essays, ‘Baptists

and Others’, includes relations with other Christians and with

other institutions and movements.


• Explores issues that have not previously been examined in

their own right

• The contents refl ect original research on many parts of the



• Baptist seminaries, universities and colleges throughout the

world, especially in the US

• Students and researchers in Baptist life and ministry


• Profi le on various websites

• Profi le in trade/consumer catalogues

• Samples to key contacts

Interfaces. Baptists and Others

Available from: February 2013 // £24.99

Keith S. Grant

Andrew Fuller and the Evangelical Renewal of Pastoral Theology

An exploration of the pastoral theology of Andrew Fuller (1754-1815) suggests that evangelical renewal did not only take place alongside the local church – missions, itinerancy, voluntary societies – but also within the congregation as the central tasks of dissenting pastoral ministry became, in the words of one diarist, ‘very affecting and evangelical’.

How did evangelicalism transform dissenting and Baptist churches in the eighteenth century? Is there a distinctively congregational expression of evangelicalism? And what

contribution has evangelicalism made to pastoral theology?

KEY POINTS• A needed study in 18th century pastoral theology and preaching

• Addresses a lack of research on the subject

TARGET AUDIENCE• Historians of Baptist and evangelical movements

• Pastoral theologians

MARKETING• Profi le on various websites• Profi le in trade/consumer catalogues• Featured in Paternoster newsletter• Samples to key contacts

ISBN // 9781842277799 PRICE // £24.99

PAGES // 177 pp FORMAT // 229 mm x 152 mm PB

RIGHTS // World RELEASE // February 2013

BISAC // Religion/Christianity/History (REL 015 000)

ISBN // 9781842276747 PRICE // £29.99

PAGES // 420 pp FORMAT // 229 mm x 152 mm PB

RIGHTS // World RELEASE // February 2013

BISAC // Religion/Christian Church/General (REL 108 000)

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Paternoster Books January — December 2013

Available from: April 2013 // £34.99

Nicholas Ansell

Universal Salvation and the Redemption of Time in the Eschatology of Jürgen Moltmann

The Annihilation of Hell This work analyses and evaluates Jürgen Moltmann’s model of universal salvation and its relation to his understanding of

the redemption, or eschatological fulfi lment, of time.

The ‘Annihilation of Hell’ thus refers both to Hell’s annihila-tive power in history and to the overcoming of that power as envisioned by Moltmann’s distinctive theology of the cross in which God becomes ‘all in all’ through Christ’s descent into


KEY POINTS• The only in-depth study of (a) Moltmann’s view of Hell and universalism, (b) his philosophy of time, and (c) the interrelationship between them

TARGET AUDIENCE• Moltmann experts, including many writing PhDs on his thought• Researchers on the topics of hell, fi nal judgment and universal salvation

MARKETING• Profi le on various websites• Profi le in trade/consumer catalogues• Featured in Paternoster newsletter• Samples to key contacts

ISBN // 9781842275252 PRICE // £34.99

PAGES // 410 pp FORMAT // 229 mm x 152 mm PB

RIGHTS // World RELEASE // Apirl 2013

BISAC // Religion/Christian Theology/Eschatology (REL 067 060)

Available from: February 2013 // £24.99

ISBN // 9781842277805 PRICE // £24.99

PAGES // 321 pp FORMAT // 198 mm 130 mm PB

RIGHTS // World RELEASE // February 2013

BISAC // Religion/Biblical Studies/Old Testament (REL 006 210)

In reading the literary rhetoric of the Book of Exodus Kürle

uncovers new insights in the author’s purposes.

The unique work undertakes to interpret the Book of Exodus

as a whole in terms of its rhetorical aims.


• Unique approach to the Book of Exodus

• Clear and accessible writing

• Opens up a way of reading other important Old Testament books


• Students and teachers in Biblical Studies

• Those interested in Old Testament research

• Those interested in contemporary studies of Exodus


• Profi le on various websites

• Profi le in trade/consumer catalogues

• Featured in Paternoster newsletter

• Samples to key contacts

Stefan Kürle

The Characters God, Moses and Israel in the Rhetoric of the Book of Exodus

The Appeal of Exodus

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Paternoster Books January — December 2013

The book illustrates the fact that in reforming theology sixteenth-century theologians also reformed practice or the imperatives of Christian living.

Experts in Reformation studies identify and elucidate areas of sixteenth-century reforming activity in Martin Luther, John Calvin and other leading reformers to demonstrate the thoroughgoing nature of the Reformation agenda.

KEY POINTS• Contributors are experts in the fi eld• A thorough, nuanced reading of primary texts• Concretized in the historical moment

TARGET AUDIENCE• Students and scholars of the Reformation• Theologians• Those interested in Reformed Theology and practice

MARKETING• Profi le on various websites• Profi le in trade/consumer catalogues• Featured in Paternoster newsletter• Samples to key contacts

ISBN // 9781842278062 PRICE // £29.99

PAGES // 300 pp FORMAT // 229 mm x 152 mm PB

RIGHTS // World RELEASE // April 2013

BISAC // Religion/Christian Theology/History (REL 067 080)

Available from: April 2013 // £29.99

Available from: June 2013 // £29.99

Tim Welch

God’s ‘Moses’ for Pentecostalism

Joseph Smale Joseph Smale was a catalytic fi gure in the church life of Los Angeles, leading many towards the ‘Promised Land’ of Pentecostal blessing in 1905-1906; although his subse-quent experiences led him to retreat from the burgeoning Pentecostal movement.

Joseph Smale (1867-1926) was one of the central fi gures involved in the chain of events leading to the 1906 Azusa Street Revival in Los Angeles.

KEY POINTS• Readable and critical account of Smale’s life• This account of Smale’s life and ministry revises and amends current thinking

TARGET AUDIENCE• Historians and those interested in Pentecostalism• Students of Church History

MARKETING• Profi le on various websites• Profi le in trade/consumer catalogues• Featured in Paternoster newsletter• Samples to key contacts

ISBN // 9781842277812 PRICE // £29.99

PAGES // 380 pp FORMAT // 229 mm x 152 mm PB

RIGHTS // World RELEASE // June 2013

BISAC // Religion/Christianity/Pentecostal & Charismatic (REL 079 000)

Michael Parsons (ed.)

Theology and Practice in Sixteenth Century Europe

Aspects of Reforming

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Paternoster Books January — December 2013


Available from: September 2013 // £29.99

Clifford B. Boone

Preaching for conversion in late-seventeenth century English Puritanism as seen in the works of John Flavel

Puritan Evangelism An examination of the sermons of John Flavel shows that

the effectual call was absolutely central to Puritan preaching

Scholarly investigation of English Puritanism has included

descriptions of Puritan theology and preaching. The relation-

ship between the two, however, has not been thoroughly

investigated. This study focuses upon the relationship between

the theology held by the Puritan preacher and the content and

delivery of his sermons.


• Unique on the way in which the theology of the Puritan

preacher shaped his manner and matter of preaching.

• Surprisingly little has been done in terms of defi ning the Puritan

view of the effectual call. This book addresses that topic.


• Those interested in Puritan studies, Puritan theology, Puritan

homiletics, and case studies of infl uential Puritans.


• Feature on various websites

• Feature in Paternoster newsletter

• Samples to key contacts

• Profi le in trade/consumer catalogues

ISBN // 9781842277843 PRICE // £29.99

PAGES // 278 pp FORMAT // 229 mm x 152 mm PB

RIGHTS // World RELEASE // September 2013

BISAC // Religion/Christianity/History (REL 015 000)

This book details the development and contours of Karl Barth’s robust and lively vision of Christian and ecclesial life in the early years of his career.

In this remarkable work Michael O’Neil investigates Karl Barth’s theology in the turbulent and dynamic years of his nascent career, between 1915 and 1922.

KEY POINTS• Focuses in depth on a short, signifi cant period of Barth’s theology• Method: an exegetical treatment of Barth’s early works detailing the development of his understanding of Christian and ecclesial life

TARGET AUDIENCE• Barth scholars and readers• Theological students

MARKETING• Profi le on various websites• Profi le in trade/consumer catalogues• Featured in Paternoster newsletter• Samples to key contacts

ISBN // 9781842277829 PRICE // £24.99

PAGES // 224 pp FORMAT // 229 mm x 152 mm PB

RIGHTS // World RELEASE // June 2013

BISAC // Religion/Christian Theology/Ecclesiology (REL 067 050)

Available from: June 2013 // £24.99

Michael D. O’Neil

Karl Barth’s Vision of Christian Life, 1915-1922

Church as Moral Community

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Available from: September 2013 // £24.99

Jan van VlietThe Intellectual Heritage of William Ames

This work establishes the signifi cance of the thought of Puritan William Ames (1576-1633) in deepening and sys-tematizing established Reformation teaching on Christian doctrine and life in a way that ensured its subsequent development through the early modern period and beyond.

This book argues that William Ames built on existing, but as yet un-developed and un-codifi ed, thought of Reformed and Puritan forerunners to construct an early theological system on the twin pillars of covenant theology and piety.

KEY POINTS• This is the fi rst exhaustive examination of the thought of William Ames in the areas of covenant theology and piety

TARGET AUDIENCE• Libraries• Seminaries• Instructors in theology/historical theology/church history

MARKETING• Profi le on various websites• Profi le in trade/consumer catalogues• Featured in Paternoster newsletter• Samples to key contacts

ISBN // 9781842273944 PRICE // £24.99

PAGES // 224 pp FORMAT // 229 mm x 152 mm PB

RIGHTS // World RELEASE // September 2013

BISAC // Religion/Christianity/History (REL 015 000)

Available from: September 2013 // £24.99

Peter ElliottRomantic Theology in Crisis

Edward Irving The book is an exploration of the Romantic theology of

19th century Presbyterian minister Edward Irving (viewed

through his close relationships with Thomas Carlyle and

Samuel Taylor Coleridge) and an explanation of how it

precipitated the ministerial crises he faced.

This book explores the impact of Romanticism on early

nineteenth century British theology by examining the career of

Church of Scotland minister Edward Irving.


• It is the fi rst comprehensive exploration of the relationship

between Coleridge and Irving, based on Coleridge’s letters,

notebooks and marginalia.


• Those interested in nineteenth century Christianity in the U.K.

• Pentecostal and charismatic readers who are interested in

their antecedents.


• Feature on various websites

• Feature in Paternoster newsletter

• Samples to key contacts

• Profi le in trade/consumer catalogues

ISBN // 9781842277836 PRICE // £24.99

PAGES // 217 pp FORMAT // 229 mm x 152 mm PB

RIGHTS // World RELEASE // September 2013

BISAC // Religion/Christian Church/History (REL 015 000)

The Rise of Reformed System

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Paternoster Books Backlist


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F.F. BruceTim Grass

Grass outlines the life of F. F. Bruce — One of the most signifi cant Evangelical scholars of the 20th century. He does so with originality, insight and a grasp of the implications for the church today.

9781842277379 £14.99

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Paul Barnett expounds Luke chapters 9—19 with the intention of provoking faith and faithfulness in the lives of Jesus’ followers today.

9781842277676 £14.99

Hospitality and Community After ChristendomAndrew Francis

This book aims to show how nurturing hospitality in the “discipleship community” leads to growth. It seeks to re-examine the challenge, biblically and in radical Christian movements.

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In Christ, In ColossaeDerek J. Tidball

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9781842277867 £11.99

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The book gives a critical overview of the Christen-dom model and a thorough examination of the Anabaptist subversion of that model, showing that Jesus should be central to any reading of scripture.

9781842277355 £10.99

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Sharing God’s Passion is an excellent resource for Chris-tians who wish to grow in their understanding of God’s purposes for the world and to embody God’s passion as his prophets did so faithfully.

9781842277454 £14.99

The Ethics of EvangelismElmer Thiessen

This is a brief and accessible examination of the ethics of evangelism in a post-Christian culture. Thiessen discusses the immoral practices and attitudes that are sometimes associated with evangelism and then turns his insightful attention to a better way of approach-ing the subject.

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In a very accessible way Michael Reeves writes about God as Trinity in order for both our understanding and faith to grow.

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Paternoster Books Backlist


The World of 1 CorinthiansMatther R. Malcolm

In The World of 1 Corinthians Matthew Malcolm aims to broaden our understanding of Paul’s letter to the church in Corinth by allowing us to see it in its wider context of Greek and Roman culture and literature.

9781842277423 £14.99

Theological Interpretation of ScriptureStephen E. Fowl

This book introduces students to the practice of reading scripture theologically and shows how explicitly theological concerns can be brought to bear on the interpretation of scripture.

9781842276860 £7.99

Understanding JesusPeter S. Williams

Examining the Gospel accounts of Jesus’ life from an apologetic perspective clearing the ground from the preconceived ideas and prejudices and opening up fi ve ways to consider the claims of Jesus’ life and ministry.

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A Prophet Like Moses?Havilah Dharamraj

In evaluating Elijah as a prophet after the Mo-saic paradigm, Dr Havilah Dharamraj proposes a radically different schema for interpreting what is one of the most dramatic and diffi cult texts in the Old Testament, namely, the earthquake-wind-and-fi re theophany at Horeb (1 Kings 19).

9781842275337 £24.99

Anthony C. Thiselton and The Grammar of HermeneuticsRobert Knowles

A provisional and preliminary attempt to show how the for-mative hermeneutical thinking of Anthony C. Thiselton - once systematized and critiqued - can begin to resolve the major problems found in the discipline of hermeneutics today.

9781842276372 £39.99

Created in Christ Jesus for Good WorksEster Petrenko

The relationship between the so-called ‘theological’ (Eph 13) and ‘paraenetic’ (Eph 46) sections of Ephesians has been a matter of extensive scholarly discussion.

9781842277270 £24.99

For Whom Did Christ Die? Jarvis J. Williams

A careful and exegetical reading and examination of the Pauline passages that suggests particu-lar atonement, together with a thorough engagement with contemporary scholars on the subject.

9781842277300 £24.99

Psalms in Their ContextJohn C. Crutchfi eld

Taking seriously the context of each psalm in the book of Psalms, Crutchfi eld examines what that context has to teach us about the meaning and application of the psalms.

9781842273968 £24.99

The Characterization of God in ActsLing Cheng

Based on the plot-oriented nature of the Acts narrative, a key thought behind this book is how God is revealed in the deployment of characters and events.

9781842276280 £24.99

Tradition and the Baptist AcademyRoger A. ward & Philip E. Thompson

The essays in this volume explore the essence of Christianity and religious practices that are handed down’ through generations, and the characteristic Baptist resistance to such tradi-tions and how this can be overcome or modifi ed.

9781842273272 £24.99

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A Pledge of LoveBrian C. Brewer

A Pledge of Love is a close and thorough examination of Hubmaier’s view of the sacraments within the context of worship. This ground-breaking work examines the distinctive theology of this important Anabaptist and his possible infl uence upon others.

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Bedford’s Victorian PilgrimMichael A. Brealey

A close reading of the life and letters of William Hale White shows that some misun-derstandings have arisen in the interpretation of this important fi gure. The book of-fers such signifi cant issues as doubt, loss of faith, and crises over vocation and church.

9781842277348 £24.99

Balancing Head and Heart in Seventeenth Century Puritanism Larry Siekawitch

An examination of the doc-trine of God in the theological construction of Stephen Charnock, exploring his use of reason and his commitment to experiential faith.

9781842276709 £24.99

John OmanAdam Hood (Ed)

A volume of signifi cant contri-butions to our understanding of John Oman.

9781842277317 £24.99

Since We Are Justifi ed by FaithMichael Parsons (Ed.)

An accessible and academic reading of the doctrine of justifi cation by faith in the theologies of the Reformation.

9781842277775 £24.99

Spirituality in AdversityRaymond Brown

The unique feature of this scholarly and very readable work is that it examines the way those persecuted responded to hardship: their faith, their worship, their perseverance.

9781842277850 £34.99

The Lord’s WatchmanTim Grass

This is the fi rst book on Irving for many years that shows how his theology and pastoral practice were intricately linked, and how they devel-oped over time.

9781842274262 £24.99

To Meet and Satisfy a Very Hungry PeopleTimothy B. Walsh

A scholarly examination of the emergence of English Pente-costalism at the beginning of the twentieth century.

9781842275764 £24.99

W.E. SangsterAndrew Cheatle

Cheatle examines the life & thought of W.E. Sangster over against the theology of John Wesley, demonstrating his independance from the founder of Methodism.

9781842272169 £24.99

Wesley as a Pastoral Theologian David B. McEwan

This book examines Wesley’s life and demonstrates that he was a theologian concerned with humanity’s relationship with God.

9781842276211 £24.99

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Title Author ISBN Price Release Date Page QTY

Engaging the Written Word of God J.I. Packer 9781598569612 £10.99 January 2013 3

C.S. Lewis vs the New Atheists Peter S. Williams 9781842277706 £12.99 February 2013 4

Myth Busted! Jeff rey Burton Russell 9781842278260 £9.99 February 2013 5

Covenant and Creation William J. Dumbrell 9781842278253 £12.99 February 2013 6

Love Hurts Alan J. Spence 9781842278109 £8.99 March 2013 7

Why O Lord? David J. Cohen 9781842277546 £10.99 March 2013 8

Bethlehem to Patmos Paul W. Barnett 9781842278093 £9.99 March 2013 9

The Tortoise Usually Wins Brian Harris 9781842277874 £9.99 April 2013 10

From the Future John McClean 9781842277560 £9.99 April 2013 11

A Faithful Guide to Philosophy Peter S. Williams 9781842278116 £13.99 June 2013 12

Jewish Themes in the New Testament Paul Morris 9781842278215 £10.99 June 2013 13

Working Faith Paul Cloke, Justin Beaumont

and Andrew Williams 9781842277430 £14.99 June 2013 14

The Future of Biblical Interpretation Matthew R. Malcolm &

Stanley E. Porter 9781842277881 £9.99 September 2013 15

When Rain Falls Like Lead Andy Percey 9781842278130 £8.99 September 2013 16

How to Like Paul Again Conrad Gempf 9781780780610 £7.99 June 2013 17

Demolishing Strongholds David Devenish 9781860248016 £8.99 January 2013 18

Embracing Grace Daniel A. Brown, PhD 9781780781020 £8.99 March 2013 19

Interface. Baptists and Others David Bebbington and

Martin Sutherland 9781842276747 £29.99 February 2013 21

Andrew Fuller and the Evangelical Renewal of

Pastoral Theology Keith S. Grant 9781842277799 £24.99 February 2013 21

The Appeal of Exodus Stefan Kürle 9781842277805 £24.99 February 2013 22

The Annihilation of Hell Nicholas Ansell 9781842275252 £34.99 April 2013 22

Aspects of Reforming Michael Parsons 9781842278062 £29.99 April 2013 23

Joseph Smale Tim Welch 9781842277812 £29.99 June 2013 23

Church as Moral Community Michael D. O’Neil 9781842277829 £24.99 June 2013 24

Puritan Evangelism Cliff ord B. Boone 9781842277843 £29.99 September 2013 24

The Rise of Reformed System Jan van Vliet 9781842273944 £24.99 September 2013 25

Edward Irving Peter Elliott 9781842277836 £24.99 September 2013 25

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Theology is ‘good’ and worthwhile when it causes us to worship God.

All the great theologians, from Augustine to Luther, from Calvin to

Moltmann, for example, would demand that our theology turns our

hearts to God in gratitude and worship. Paternoster seeks to retain

this tradition: good theology, accessible reading, encouraging us

to be grateful, to worship God, and to be sent out in compassion

on the missio Dei into which we are called.
