
Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles.

Isaiah 40:31

What’s in a Name?

Our Mission: To help individuals become fully devoted followers of Christ.

I just got off the telephone with an A.T.&T. agent regarding our yellow pages ad. I told her that our church now has a new name. She then asked me about the name “Evangelical Free.” I then told her how the word “evangelical” referred to our commitment to the Bible and sharing God’s truth, and how the word “free” came from the history of our movement in the 1800’s where Scandinavian people came to the USA wanting to be free from state church rule, so they could worship God as led by His Word and Spirit. She then responded, “Oh, I thought it meant you were free of evangelicalism.” I then said, “Just the opposite is true, and that is why we changed our name, to better say what we are all about.” At our July 31st congregational meeting, we overwhelmingly voted by a margin of 40-4, with one ab-staining, to change our church name to “Cornerstone Bible Fellowship.” We will also keep a subheading of “an Evangelical Free Church” in our name. Why Cornerstone Bible Fellowship? The Lord Jesus Christ is our Cornerstone, our foundation for life. Even though He was rejected and crucified, He arose and lives today as the Rock of our salvation. Psalm 118:22-23 says, “The stone that the

builders (Jews) rejected, has become the cornerstone. This is the Lord’s doing; it is marvelous in our eyes.” This Old Testament prophecy is clarified in 1 Peter 2:6 as referring to Jesus Christ; “For it stands in Scripture: ‘Behold, I lay in Zion a stone, a cornerstone chosen and pre-cious, and whoever believes in Him will not be put to shame.’” Then we also have the word “Bible” in our new name, to show that we are committed to preaching, teaching and following the Word of God. Psalm 138:2 says of God, “You have exalted above all things Your name and Your word.” And 2 Timothy 3:16 tells us how “all Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness.” 2 Timothy 4 calls us to

“preach the word...for the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching… and will turn away from listening to the truth.” We must continue to preach God’s Word, for that is where His eternal truth is found. Then we also have the word “fellowship” in our new name, to emphasize caring relationships as being the context within which we share the gospel of Christ and grow in the truth of His Word with others. How exciting to see our newly remodeled sanctuary, foyer, offices and basement nearing completion! We should be back in our new sanctuary very soon! A special celebration service to give thanks to God for our newly remodeled facilities will take place on Sunday, September 18. We will have a special brunch that morning in place of the Sunday School time at 9:00am in the Family Life Center. Then our special worship service will follow at 10:30am. It is at this service on September 18th that our new name will officially begin, which will be right at one year after the storm blew off the roof from our sanctuary. Please invite others to this special service, as we celebrate the Lord together and His goodness to us. In our Cornerstone, Pastor Scott

Pastor Scott





Inside: Sanctuary Update Upcoming events Children’s Ministry Awana Youth Ministry Update from the Richardsons

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In Hope of a New Church Family Directory! We’ve implemented a new software program in the church office to assist in keeping protected church family informa-tion. And it has the capability for us to publish our own church pictorial directory. We need information first prior to picture taking arrangements. If you attend here at EFC, whether or not a member, please complete a “Membership Information Form” (available on the back table or at our website under ‘need more info/online forms) and take/mail it to the church office or hand to Kathy Bogner or Jo Little. We appreciate you taking the time to complete this form and getting it back to us! Thanks to all who have turned in their information!

Sanctuary Update . . . This week, contractors have painted and began installing carpet, The new pews will be installed the week of Aug 8th. Sparks music will finish up the sound equipment installation the week of Aug. 15. It now looks like we should be back into our sanctuary by Aug 21, unless unforeseen circumstances hap-pen. Please pray for the workers to make continued good progress and re-main safe. Thanks!

Important Dates in our Church Family

Birthdays: Anniversaries: 8-5 Sharon Handlin 9-2 Eli Rush 8-4 Mr. & Mrs. Max Handlin

8-9 Charles Yingling 9-3 Martha Butler 8-16 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Smith

8-10 Virginia Fuchs 9-3 Sheryl Hollingsworth 9-2 Mr. & Mrs. Gary Bortz

8-11 Alex Gottlob 9-5 Kathy Bogner 9-16 Mr. & Mrs. Lee Bunch

8-12 Danielle Love 9-5 Ramona Rush 9-28 Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Love

8-16 Leah Hess 9-11 Eli Camp

8-21 Wayne Evans 9-12 Deanna Burns

8-22 Malachi Reeser 9-13 Regan Hess

8-24 Judy Evans 9-14 Gloria Ulbrich

8-24 Joshua Horn 9-15 Robbie Reynolds

8-25 Doris Beeney 9-19 Carolyn Houghtaling

8-25 Trenton Ging 9-19 Amanda Murphy

8-25 Kelsey Smith 9-21 Cory Martin

8-26 Ian Smith 9-25 Carolyn Elliott

8-28 Dorothy Potter

8-31 Pat King

If your special date for August or September is missing, please notify the church office at 221-2722.

New Service Times Begin September 4! At our July 31st congregational meeting, we almost unanimously voted to change our Sunday morning service times to: Sunday School at 9:00am and Worship Celebration at 10:30am. This new time change for our services will take place on Sunday, September 4. Please note the change in your schedule. The later worship service time should be more friendly to newcomers, so please invite others to come and worship the Lord with you!

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Second Wednesday Summer Fun and Prayer Night

On this Wednesday, August 10, in the sanctuary or FLC, you are encouraged to come to the church for a time of prayer and family fun! We will have prayer from 7:00-7:30pm fol-lowed by an ice cream social and games. So, come join us in the prayer and fun!

Because You Have Expressed Interest….

On Monday evening Aug. 15 at 6:30pm, in the FLC we will host two representa-tives from Hospice to speak to us for about 45 minutes. We will learn about Hospice itself, plus non-pharmacological pain/symptom manage-ment and dealing with difficult behaviors (dementia/Alzheimer's). More of us would like to be better informed/equipped in caring for others in spe-cial times of need. Come join us for this short session. If you have questions about this event, please contact Kathy Bogner, 221-1027 or Gwen Fox, 221-9323.

Have You Been Baptized as a Believer in Christ?

On Sun. Sep. 25 we will have a baptism service at the end of our morning worship service. If you have not been baptized since you have trusted Jesus Christ as your Savior, you are en-couraged to do so. Please contact Pastor Scott or Pastor Keith or write in your bulletin tearoff of your desire to be baptized. Scott or Keith will then set a time with you to go over the Biblical meaning of baptism.

Annual Church Picnic

Please join us for fun and fellowship at our all church picnic, Sunday, September 11 at 5:00pm at the large pavilion at Island Park..

We plan to begin eating at 5:30pm. Bring 1 main dish and a side dish or dessert to share. Beverages will be provided. This is always a fun family time to relax and fellowship and get to know one another better. Plan to join us!

9/11 Special Worship Service

September 11th, this year is the 10th an-niversary of 9/11. We will have a special worship service that day to honor our Winfield Police department, firefighters, and Emer-gency Medical Service personnel. We will also be giv-ing them a donation in thanks and appreciation for their services, and will lift them up in prayer. We will also acknowledge our service men and women and veterans in appreciation for their service. Please join us to better help us express our appreciation to all those who serve in these capacities.

Celebration Service on September 18

To celebrate and thank God for our newly remodeled sanctuary, children’s ministry area and offices, we will have a 9:00 brunch (no SS classes), special worship service and then reception after to fellow-ship and tour the newly remodeled areas. Invite others to join you! You won’t want to miss it!

Annual Missions Conference

October 1st & 2nd

We are honored to have with us this year at our annual missions conference, Robert Brock, who serves with Voice of the Martyrs, and Barry and Karla Hannant, who serve with the Evangelical Free Church Mission in Mexico City, Mexico.

Barry will share at a men’s breakfast on Saturday, October 1st at 8:30am. Karla will share at a women’s luncheon on Saturday, Oc-tober 1st at 12 noon. Robert will share on Sat-urday evening in our sanctuary at 7:00pm.

On Sunday, October 2nd, Robert will share at our worship service at 10:30am and Barry and Karla will share during the Sunday School hour at 9:00am in the sanctuary. A fel-lowship meal will follow worship at 12 noon in the FLC. Please join us for this special missions weekend!

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Workdays in the Basement Remodeling of the Children’s Ministry area will be each Saturday in August from 9:00am till however long people are able to help. Please join us when you can, in getting this area completed for our children!

Refrigerator Available: As we move forward in the project of bringing the offices to the main church building, we have a refrigerator that we will not be using. If you have need of a refrig that is approximately 5 ft. by 28 inches by 28 inches, please contact the church office, 221-2722.

There is a need for caregivers in our church family to cook meals, run errands, do laundry, etc. If you have that skill and the available time, please call the church office, 221-2722.

Prayer Needs

Pray for Greg Nelson, shoulder surgery healing ahead of schedule. Physical ther-

apy now underway. Greg will go back to work in one week. Praise & pray for Tahnee Reeser and baby Josiah following Tahnee’s stroke and

Josiah’s birth. Pray for Grayce Abel, recovering from knee replacement surgery. Pray for Paul Swisher, recovering from back surgery. Pray for students and teachers as they return to school soon. Pray for Christian stu-

dents and teachers to be a light for Christ to their peers.

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Adult Bible Fellowships for Aug/Sept Sundays at 11:00 am in August/9:00am in September

FLC Adult Bible Fellowship The FLC Adult Bible Fellowship class has begun a new study called “Walking with God in the Desert”. This is the final volume of the Faith Lessons DVD series that we have been going through for the past year or so. “Are you going through a difficult period of life? The loss of a loved one? Unemployment? A crisis of faith? During these desert times it’s easy to think God has disappeared. Instead, discover that it’s only when we are totally dependent on Him that we find Him closer than ever and can experience God’s amazing grace and pro-vision” This class, facilitated by Gregg Little, meets at 11am each Sunday through the end of the month, then beginning in September it will meet at 9am. As soon as we are able to use our sanctuary again, this class will become the Sanctuary Adult Bible Fellowship Class. Come and join us as we hear from God’s word about His promises of provision and love when we face difficulties.

‘Master God's Book' -2 Corinthians/Isaiah Adult Bible Fellowship In August, meeting at 11am, the class will finish the study of the Book of 2nd Corin-thians. This class meets in the center education wing classroom off the south hallway till the sanctuary is in use and will then move to the Family Life Center. The class is taught by Richard Smith.

In September, at 9am, in the Family Life Center, Pat Potter will teach the study of the book of Isaiah. The Book of Isaiah is a compilation of history, predictions, warnings, and promises relayed from God, through Isaiah, to the people of Judah. Throughout his long minis-try, Isaiah preached about God’s righteousness, warned about judgment for sin, and pro-claimed God’s love and forgiveness. He also prophesied the glory that awaits those who remain faithful to God. Among Christians, the book of Isaiah is one of the best-loved books of the Old Testament. The primary reason for this is that Isaiah contains more prophecies of the Messiah, Jesus, than any other Old Testament book. John 12:41 says that Isaiah “saw Jesus’ glory and spoke about Him.” You’re invited to join this class!

College/Career Adult Bible Fellowship Class This class is using A. W. Tozer’s book “The Pursuit of God.” through August. Psalm 42:1 says “As the heart panteth after the water brooks so panteth my soul after Thee, O God.” The desire to worship God and to inspire others to a deeper awareness of God was in the heart of A. W. Tozer. Through “The Pursuit….” we will be encouraged to seek the practice of godliness and a level of spiritual reality for all who seriously seek after God. Watch the bulletin for information about the September study. Please come to the Library/Prayer Room off the north education wing hallway and join us. Chris Law facilitates this study. Class meets at 11am till September, then at 9am.

Coming Again this Fall Beginning in September through April of 2012, on the last Sunday of each month at 9:00am, guys and gals will meet separately for a study just for them. The women will be meeting in the sanctuary, led by Jeanie Harris. The men, meeting in the Family Life Center, will be doing a study discussing issues brought out in the movie “Courageous.” This will be led by Gregg Little. The “Courageous” movie will come out in late Septem-ber. It is produced by the same company that did “Fireproof.” The “Courageous” movie is great for families and has a wonderful gospel message, especially pointed to-ward husbands and fathers. You won’t want to miss this!

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Women’s Events † Men’s Events † Senior Saints Events

Women In Grace (WIG) Gathering . . . Karla Hannant, missionary from Mexico, will be speaking to the women of our church at the Oc-tober Missions Conference. This will be a luncheon beginning at 12 noon till 2pm on Saturday, October 1 in our Family Life Center. Keep this date open on your calendar, you’ll want to be there!

Men’s Ministry Breakfasts

All men and boys are invited to the Ark Valley Guys of Integrity free men’s breakfasts on the second Satur-day of every month at Eagle Nest, located at 112 East 9th Ave in downtown Winfield. The breakfast begins at 8:30 am followed by an inspirational lesson in God's Word. The program is done by 10:00 am. Plan to come and join us on Saturday mornings of August 13 and September 10th and you will be blessed. We are also planning a special breakfast for men for our October missions conference on Saturday, October 1 at 8:30am with missionary Barry Hannant form Mexico. Senior Saints Lunch at College Hill Coffee will resume meeting on the third Thursday of

each month, at 12:30pm on September 15th. All those 60 or better are invited to join us for fellowship during lunch and a time of inspiration from Pastor Scott. If you need or would like transportation, just call the church of-fice, 221-2722, before 11:00am of that day and you will be picked up before and taken home afterwards! Please come join us!

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Are you interested in church membership? A church membership class will begin on Sunday, September 11 at 9:00am in the kitchen off of the Family Life Center. This class will go over what we as a church

believe, what we are all about, the ministries we have to offer and how you can get involved. This class will be led by Pastor Scott. If you are interested in attending, please note it on you bulletin tear-off, or contact the church office or Pastor Scott. Everyone attending will receive a workbook. This will be a time for you to get to know other new people.

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Evangelical Free Faith Explorers Billie Martin 620-221-9155 [email protected]

August 2011

Praise the Lord for the recent rain! God is good to give us the things we need in His timing. As my time as Children's Coordinator for the Evangelical Free Faith Explorers comes to an end this month, I am re-minded of these beautiful verses.

Ecclesiastes 3

A Time for Everything

1 There is a time for everything,

and a season for every activity under heaven:

2 a time to be born and a time to die,

a time to plant and a time to uproot,

3 a time to kill and a time to heal,

a time to tear down and a time to build,

4 a time to weep and a time to laugh,

a time to mourn and a time to dance,

5 a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them, a time to embrace and a time to refrain,

6 a time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to throw away,

7 a time to tear and a time to mend,

a time to be silent and a time to speak,

8 a time to love and a time to hate,

a time for war and a time for peace.

For a season of three years, I have had the great privilege of working with the children and families of this church. As a part-time volun-teer, I've been able to get to know and love so many families. It must be said that we have an awesome church, filled with people who treat each other like family, and are tenacious in their love for the Lord. As my season as Director comes to an end, I want to say thanks to all

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the children and their families for being so gracious and kind to me. Together, we've been able to do a number of good things for the chil-dren, church, and community.

I am so thrilled that a long-time dream of mine has come true, or at least at the time of this writing is well on the way! For years, I have collected photos, ideas, and samples in a file on my computer. I have dreamed of seeing our Children's Department being turned into a place besides the usual standard tables and chairs. I've dreamed of themed rooms and halls for the children, with color and life! No, these things are not eternal, but, they do tell the children and fami-lies of our church that we care about them. Oh, and we do!!!! We've been hard at work this summer, remodeling the basement of the church. I can't wait to fill it with AWANA children in early September!

As I step away from my volunteer position, I am happy to jump back into the job of homeschooling my sons. Their growth, along with the other children of our church is important. I will continue helping in the Children's Ministry by teaching the 5th and 6th grade AWANA girls. I have really grown to love that time and opportunity! I know that our lives fill up with so many things. But, I would encourage you all to search for some way you can help the children of our church this school year. What can you do? Pray for them, speak to them, help teach them, get to know them. INVEST IN THEM! So often we talk about wanting to be known as the church who loves and is kind to people. " Amen," I say. But, let's strive, too, to be known as the church who cherishes chil-dren! Let's do what it takes to get children to attend, grow them to be Christ-like, and provide a place and leadership that will allow them to do it with enthusiasm!!

In closing, I would like to again say thank you to those who have called with uplifting and friendly words over the years. To those that have sent thank-you cards and kind sentiments, I have often wondered if it was proper etiquette to send a thank you card after receiving one! I appreciate all the relationships that I have been blessed to grow in since taking on this role. The Elders, Deacons, Staff, and volunteers have blessed me in ways too numerous to mention the past three years! :) We really are blessed to have such a precious church family.

May we continue to do what is right and good in the eyes of the Lord.



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August 2011 From the Richardsons Serving in Africa

Dear Friends, Tom and I have been married for 21 years. Our first year of marriage we spent in Haines, Alaska. We moved up there so I could run the Summer Inn Bed and Breakfast. It was a historical house that overlooked the Chilkoot Inlet (gorgeous) with 5 guest rooms. When I got the job I thought, "How fun! I'll be able to sit and visit with guests from all over the world while sipping tea and eating muf-fins." What was I thinking? There was no time for sipping tea and eating muffins. I had to have rooms ready, cook, wash dishes, shop for groceries, do banking, and greet guests at the ferry. Because of road development here in Kenya, several missionary families are passing through Ngurunit rather than going over Maralal Mountain on their way to and from Nairobi. Passing this way cuts the driving time down, is much easier on the vehicles, and gives us a chance to show hospitality. This weekend we had 20 guests come through to stay with us. The Richardson B&B was open. The girls got the rooms ready, Russell fixed the sink in the bathroom and hung up the toilet paper holder, Tom cleared a tree out to make parking easier, and I made soup and bread. We enjoyed having the house full and sharing a meal with other TMM families and their friends from Texas and Alabama. This might not seem like a big deal, but for us it has been an opportunity to help. Traveling in Northern Kenya is difficult. Roads are dusty, rutted, rocky, and corrugated. There isn't Cracker Bar-rel, Texaco, or Motel Six along the way. So for us to have our home ready for travelers to relax, eat, and share how life is on their station (or in general) is a small way we can care for them. So, if you're ever traveling by, don't forget to stop in. The Richardson B&B is here and we'd love to have you! Thank you for your support which helps us to keep going.

Love, Tom, Karen and kids 1 Peter 4:9,10 "Be hospitable to one another without complaint. As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one an-other..." Other Info: ****** We would appreciate prayer for the elders to handle an issue in the church that has come up which I'm not at liberty to share right now. Please pray that God would give them wisdom to know how to proceed, so in the end Jesus is glorified. **** Escape, Kristyn's turtle, has finally escaped. **** We are the only missionary family in Ngurunit, so having guests drop in has been an encouragement to us. **** We have a furlough coming up next year. We are starting to make our plans. We are not sure how the station will continue without a missionary family here. We are asking the Lord to take care of the details.

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Our Mission: To help individuals become fully devoted followers of Christ!

Weekly Regular Schedule Sundays Aug/Sept

...Worship Service 9:30/10:30am

...Fellowship and Refreshments 10:45/10:00am

...Sunday School, for all ages 11:00/9:00am

...Middle School & Sr. Hi Youth Groups 6:00pm


...Awana (Sept. thru April) 6:20—8:00pm

...Divorce Care (Sept. thru April) 6:30—8:00 pm

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Winfield Evangelical Free Church 3725 East 9th Avenue Phone: 620.221.2722 Winfield, KS 67156 Fax: 620.221.1196

Scott Schaefer, Senior Pastor – e-mail: [email protected] Keith Reeser, Youth Pastor—e-mail: [email protected] Administrative support staff – e-mail: [email protected]

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