Page 1: Pastel Evolution - Pastel Evolution ERP... · Pastel Evolution provides full ERP functionality at a competitive price. Ashley

oftline Pastel has a solution for larger businesses that are looking for more than justaccounting software.

Pastel Evolution provides full ERP functionality at acompetitive price. Ashley Pillay, divisional director,puts his money where his mouth is.

Pastel Evolution minimises business risk and cost.Tell us more.

We believe in giving customers what they want. Howmany horror stories have you heard in the market aboutprojects that have run way over time and budget withno recourse to the ERP vendor? We provide peace ofmind to our clients by assuming some risk. Once wehave determined a client’s specific requirements wework on a four to six week implementation timeframe.We guarantee our implementation projects, so if weover-run on either time or cost, we carry the risk.

Is Evolution deployment easy because it is not ascomprehensive as mainstream ERP solutions?

No, not at all. Pastel Evolution offers the same modulesas most other ERP systems. It’s comprehensive andships standard with a range of business solutionsincluding General Ledger, Accounts Payable andReceivable, Inventory Control, Cash Books, ProjectManager and Report Writer. Our add-on modulesinclude HR, Payroll, Sales Force Automation,Procurement Management, CRM, BI, SDK,Manufacturing and Job Costing.

We have two key differentiators. Firstly we limit ‘scopecreep’ in our system implementation by doing a properanalysis of the client’s requirements upfront.

Secondly, we are a local company and can respond toclient requests quickly. Our in-house development teamhas a huge advantage over our competitors, who arenot always based in South Africa.

ERP implementation has never been so quick and easyThis has resulted in Evolution securinga customer base of over 4,500companies in a very short time period,across 52 countries and multipleindustries. I like to refer to our approachas “glocal” - a global customer presence,that meets local market requirements.

You’ve mentioned the standard add-on modules. Does Evolution offeranything different?

Yes, we have also secured largenumbers of customers in specific marketverticals and have been able to addressthese verticals by developing specificadd-on modules.

One of these verticals is local governmentand their requirements for a MunicipalBilling module. Because municipalitieshave such a vast range of clients, allcharged differently and with differentbilling frequencies, a general multi-purpose accounting package is not aneffective management tool. This moduleenables municipalities to improve theaccuracy and timeliness of billing, whichin turn improves revenue collection andcustomer relationships.

Our intention is more than justdeployment of another module; we wantto build an effective delivery partnershipwith government in order to create loyaltytowards a home grown solution.

How involved is a client in theimplementation process?

We understand that companies don’thave the time or resources to get caughtup in their ERP implementation, so wemake the process as simple for them aspossible.

Amongst other things, we assessoperations, workflow and system usageto determine a client’s system require-ments. Often, we make suggestions onstreamlining functions which can improvethe business’ efficiency and thereforeprofit.

It is important to note that PastelEvolution is not resource-intensive anddoes not require teams of in-houseexperts to ensure that it runs smoothly.In addition, because Pastel Accountingis so widely used in South Africa with180 000 clients, the resource pool islarge which means that it is easy to findstaff skilled to work on Evolution.

Does this easy implementation comeat a cost?

The total cost of ownership is low. WithPastel Evolution we have tried to debunkthe myth that ERP systems are complex,cumbersome and expensive toimplement.

Total cost of ownership is on every FD’smind when acquiring an ERP applicationand the software is just one smallelement. We have worked incredibly

hard at developing relationships with ourstrategic partners to provide what Ibelieve is one of the lowest total cost ofownerships in the ERP space globally.Because pricing is not dependent on theprevailing exchange rate, our customersare able to budget properly for their ERPimplementation.

Some clients might also find hard-ware a challenge when procuring anew ERP application. How simple isit to set up the appropriate platformfor Pastel Evolution?

Pastel Evolution operates off mainstreamtechnology. It runs on a Microsoft SQLdatabase and operates over a Wide AreaNetwork with ease. Pastel has alsoinitiated a number of joint venturepartnerships with hardware vendorswhich allows us to provide an all-in-oneERP solution at very competitive prices.

Contact Pastel Evolution

Tel: +27 11 304 3530E-mail: [email protected]:

Pastel Evolution:

“We work on a fourto six week


“we have tried to debunkthe myth that ERPsystems are complex,cumbersome and expen-sive to implement.”

“Pastel Evolution is notresource-intensive anddoes not require teamsof in-house experts”

Ashley Pillay

“Total cost of ownership is on every FD’s mind whenacquiring an ERP application”

Page 2: Pastel Evolution - Pastel Evolution ERP... · Pastel Evolution provides full ERP functionality at a competitive price. Ashley

oftline Pastel has a solution for larger businesses that are looking for more than justaccounting software.

Pastel Evolution provides full ERP functionality at acompetitive price. Ashley Pillay, divisional director,puts his money where his mouth is.

Pastel Evolution minimises business risk and cost.Tell us more.

We believe in giving customers what they want. Howmany horror stories have you heard in the market aboutprojects that have run way over time and budget withno recourse to the ERP vendor? We provide peace ofmind to our clients by assuming some risk. Once wehave determined a client’s specific requirements wework on a four to six week implementation timeframe.We guarantee our implementation projects, so if weover-run on either time or cost, we carry the risk.

Is Evolution deployment easy because it is not ascomprehensive as mainstream ERP solutions?

No, not at all. Pastel Evolution offers the same modulesas most other ERP systems. It’s comprehensive andships standard with a range of business solutionsincluding General Ledger, Accounts Payable andReceivable, Inventory Control, Cash Books, ProjectManager and Report Writer. Our add-on modulesinclude HR, Payroll, Sales Force Automation,Procurement Management, CRM, BI, SDK,Manufacturing and Job Costing.

We have two key differentiators. Firstly we limit ‘scopecreep’ in our system implementation by doing a properanalysis of the client’s requirements upfront.

Secondly, we are a local company and can respond toclient requests quickly. Our in-house development teamhas a huge advantage over our competitors, who arenot always based in South Africa.

ERP implementation has never been so quick and easyThis has resulted in Evolution securinga customer base of over 4,500companies in a very short time period,across 52 countries and multipleindustries. I like to refer to our approachas “glocal” - a global customer presence,that meets local market requirements.

You’ve mentioned the standard add-on modules. Does Evolution offeranything different?

Yes, we have also secured largenumbers of customers in specific marketverticals and have been able to addressthese verticals by developing specificadd-on modules.

One of these verticals is local governmentand their requirements for a MunicipalBilling module. Because municipalitieshave such a vast range of clients, allcharged differently and with differentbilling frequencies, a general multi-purpose accounting package is not aneffective management tool. This moduleenables municipalities to improve theaccuracy and timeliness of billing, whichin turn improves revenue collection andcustomer relationships.

Our intention is more than justdeployment of another module; we wantto build an effective delivery partnershipwith government in order to create loyaltytowards a home grown solution.

How involved is a client in theimplementation process?

We understand that companies don’thave the time or resources to get caughtup in their ERP implementation, so wemake the process as simple for them aspossible.

Amongst other things, we assessoperations, workflow and system usageto determine a client’s system require-ments. Often, we make suggestions onstreamlining functions which can improvethe business’ efficiency and thereforeprofit.

It is important to note that PastelEvolution is not resource-intensive anddoes not require teams of in-houseexperts to ensure that it runs smoothly.In addition, because Pastel Accountingis so widely used in South Africa with180 000 clients, the resource pool islarge which means that it is easy to findstaff skilled to work on Evolution.

Does this easy implementation comeat a cost?

The total cost of ownership is low. WithPastel Evolution we have tried to debunkthe myth that ERP systems are complex,cumbersome and expensive toimplement.

Total cost of ownership is on every FD’smind when acquiring an ERP applicationand the software is just one smallelement. We have worked incredibly

hard at developing relationships with ourstrategic partners to provide what Ibelieve is one of the lowest total cost ofownerships in the ERP space globally.Because pricing is not dependent on theprevailing exchange rate, our customersare able to budget properly for their ERPimplementation.

Some clients might also find hard-ware a challenge when procuring anew ERP application. How simple isit to set up the appropriate platformfor Pastel Evolution?

Pastel Evolution operates off mainstreamtechnology. It runs on a Microsoft SQLdatabase and operates over a Wide AreaNetwork with ease. Pastel has alsoinitiated a number of joint venturepartnerships with hardware vendorswhich allows us to provide an all-in-oneERP solution at very competitive prices.

Contact Pastel Evolution

Tel: +27 11 304 3530E-mail: [email protected]:

Pastel Evolution:

“We work on a fourto six week


“we have tried to debunkthe myth that ERPsystems are complex,cumbersome and expen-sive to implement.”

“Pastel Evolution is notresource-intensive anddoes not require teamsof in-house experts”

Ashley Pillay

“Total cost of ownership is on every FD’s mind whenacquiring an ERP application”
