Page 1: part of BroadwayEducation · A Level Maths and 599 out of 600 for Further Maths. He also received gold certificates in 2011 and 12 in the Maths Challenge and a merit in the Kangaroo

Some of our boarding students took the opportunity to visit Warwick Castle whichis one of the oldest surviving castles in Britain, dating back almost 11 centuries, firstbuilt in 914 and expanded in 1068. The students explored the castle dungeons,watched the castle soldiers use medieval weaponry, walked around the castle towers

and watched the birds of prey perform their show in the grounds. They enjoyedexperiencing first hand a piece of British history and imagining how life would have

been many centuries ago.

Every year an awards ceremony for the most outstanding CIFE students takes place at theHouse of Lords and this year we are proud to announce the top prize went to a

Bosworth student.

The CIFE Gold Award has been awarded to Stanislau Yatskevich from Belarus. Stasfollowed a two year A Level course at Bosworth College and achieved A* in allfive of his A Level subjects – Maths, Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Russian. He iscurrently studying Medicine in Melbourne Australia but has been accepted toread Biochemistry at Oxford from September 2014. His main passion is thearea in which biology and chemistry overlap and his stated aim is to understandhow life works at the molecular level. Stas is also fascinated by history and is apublished author of a historical novel. He has used his knowledge of physics todesign and patent two medical devises on pumping of blood and laser scalpels.

Alongside all of this Stas also found time to play football, work at the summerschool and generally have fun and make the most of his experiences in the UK. He

is an outstanding young man both personally and academically. Bosworth College isvery proud to have been able to facilitate his success.

For more on the CIFE awards please see pages 4-5.

2 0 1 4T H E N E W S L E T T E R O FBosworthI N D E P E N D E N T C O L L E G E

part of BroadwayEducation

Stanislau Yatskevich,Belarusian

This term, we welcome John Perry who has joined Broadway Education as Assistant Director of Marketing & Admissions. John was previously the Admissions & Marketing Manager at Padworth College and prior tothat was the Business Development Manager at Newbury Hall School. John will besupporting the expansion of international interest at Bosworth Independent College and oursister school St. Michael’s School in South Wales.John has extensive experience of working with agents/families in Russia, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan

and Eastern Europe. We wish John well in his role with Broadway Education.

you will find all the latest news on our website

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Page 2: part of BroadwayEducation · A Level Maths and 599 out of 600 for Further Maths. He also received gold certificates in 2011 and 12 in the Maths Challenge and a merit in the Kangaroo

The Chemistry Olympiad runs from January to July, consisting of Rounds 1 and 2 then into the international finalwhich takes place in Vietnam during the summer. Over 5,680 students took part across the UK in round oneand the international final will have more than 70 countries entering a team.

In round one, students have to complete achallenging written test and are marked out of a

possible 65 points. Those who make itthrough to round two will be invited to

attend a selection weekend, on whichthey will take part in both

theoretical and practical testing.From this selection weekend

the final team to representthe UK will be chosen.

The overall idea of theOlympiad is to challengeand stimulate studentsto expand theirknowledge beyond theA Level syllabus and toencourage them tocontinue further.

For round one weachieved the followingmedal successes:

Silver – Cliff Chung, JinZheng, Amir Mazloumi,

Joann Nguyen, Tony Tse,Weng Yee Wong &

Omolemo MonyatsiBronze – Lillian Ntsinyane,

Archie Nthayi, Ernesha Foo,Gaone Koma, Adam Khoo &

Alvin Chan

Well done to all who participated, MrsMaria Johnstone (Head of Chemistry) believes,

“Our students' enthusiasm for Chemistry anddedication to their studies always impresses me. Not only that they are happy to spend a Friday eveningsitting the RSC Chemistry Olympiad paper, but they are looking forward to getting involved in the RSCBill Bryson Prize 2014 and to the Cambridge Chemistry Challenge 2014. These activities are backed upby many hours of learning and preparation that the students are prepared to fit in already very busytimetables. Our silver award candidates are in the top 24.2% of participants in the RSC 2014 Olympiadand our bronze candidates in the top 29.8% of participants.”

Pictured left to right, six of the seven silvermedal winners; Jin Zheng, Omolemo Monyatsi,Joann Nguyen, Weng Yee Wong, Cliff Chungand Tony Tse.

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Page 3: part of BroadwayEducation · A Level Maths and 599 out of 600 for Further Maths. He also received gold certificates in 2011 and 12 in the Maths Challenge and a merit in the Kangaroo

Each year at Bosworth, students have the chance to take part in various Olympiad competitions. This time it isthe Biology Olympiad which runs from January to April, consisting of Rounds 1 and 2 then into the final whichtakes place at Warwick University. Over 5,000 students took part across the UK and the final round at Warwickwill result in the selection of a team to represent the UK against more than 60 countries in the InternationalBiology Olympiad, this year to be held in Bali.

In round one, students have to complete a 2 hour online test answering multiple choice questions; of which thereare 90 in total. In round two, entrants have to sit a 90 minute written paper and for the final, entrants will takepart in practical assessments and an additional written paper.

The overall idea of the Olympiad is to challenge and stimulate students to expand their knowledge beyond the A Level syllabus and to encourage them to continue further.

For round one we achieved the following medal successes:Gold - Cliff Chung, who has qualified to go through to the next roundSilver – Samson Law, Liza Olkhova and Faria JanBronze – Wei Qiang Lim

We also had four students who received Highly Commended and six students who received Commendedcertificates, this was across both year groups AS and A2. Well done to all who participated, in particular the ASstudents as a lot of the questions on the test are still to be studied.

Dr Judy Fitzsimons (Head of Biology) believes, ‘The Olympiad is a great experience because it recognises student achievement and encourages youngpeople to challenge themselves.’

Our medal winners, pictured from leftto right; Wei Qiang Lim, Faria Jan, CliffChung, Liza Olkhova and Samson Law

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Page 4: part of BroadwayEducation · A Level Maths and 599 out of 600 for Further Maths. He also received gold certificates in 2011 and 12 in the Maths Challenge and a merit in the Kangaroo

Bosworth Independent College is a member of the Council forIndependent Education (CIFE) this is a national organisation of

independent colleges which specialise in preparing students,home and international, for university entrance. Every yearan awards ceremony for the most outstanding CIFEstudents takes place at the House of Lords and this yearwe are proud to announce the top prize went to aBosworth student, as shown on the front cover, the CIFEGold Award has been awarded to Stanislau Yatskevichfrom Belarus, pictured left.

Lord Lexden hostedthis Annual

Academic AwardsPresentation on

behalf of CIFE ofwhich he is

Honorary President.The Awards

Ceremony took place inthe Cholmondeley Room,

House of Lords, accompanied byAfternoon Tea. Pictured right, Mrs Carter (Principal), Mr Maine (HostParent to Munir), Munir, Teresa and Baba with his mum.

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Munir Jamal E Abukhder, Libyan - College award winner Joined us in January 2012 to follow an eighteen month A Levelprogramme. He achieved A* in A Level Maths, A in Biology, A in Chemistry and C in AS Psychology, and is presently studyingMedicine at Birmingham University. Prior to coming to the UK, Munirworked as a volunteer in the main hospital in his city during the peakof the Libyan revolution and saw and dealt with situations manyseasoned doctors would have struggled to cope with. Despite havingto put his education on hold for a year and arriving late because of visaissues, he started his A Level course with enthusiasm and conviction. We are very proud that Munir has received the CIFE College award.

Baba Bob-Soile, Nigerian - Andrew Osmond Maths award winner Joined Bosworth College in September 2011 to follow a 2 year A Level programme. He achieved 600 out of a maximum 600 marks forA Level Maths and 599 out of 600 for Further Maths. He also receivedgold certificates in 2011 and 12 in the Maths Challenge and a merit inthe Kangaroo Round. He was a crucial part of the team that won theregional maths challenge, he received a silver award in the PhysicsOlympiad and successfully completed an Open University coursealongside A Level study. When not competing in mathematicalcompetitions, Baba plays basketball where he was a vital part of theBosworth team. Perhaps more importantly, he was always very happy tohelp others, both in and out of the classroom, and was one of the mostpopular students within the student body. He is presently studyingEngineering at St. John’s College Cambridge.

Teresa Zhaoxi Wang, Chinese - Andrew Osmond Maths award winner

Took an eighteen month A Level programme at Bosworth IndependentCollege and achieved A* in Maths, Further Maths, Chemistry andPhysics and an A grade in Chinese. She dropped just 9 marks in all 12Maths units. She hopes never to have to take another IELTS exam aslong as she lives, as getting the brilliant maths results was child’s playin comparison to 7.0 in each English skill at the same sitting. However,

her determination got her there and she is presently studying ActuarialScience at The London School of Economics. Teresa described herself as

’composed’,’ logical’ and ‘determined’ in her personal statement – in ourreference, we described her as ‘ambitious’, ‘intelligent’ and ‘talented’. She

is also kind, spirited and a good friend.

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Page 6: part of BroadwayEducation · A Level Maths and 599 out of 600 for Further Maths. He also received gold certificates in 2011 and 12 in the Maths Challenge and a merit in the Kangaroo

During February half term Bosworth students went on a trip to the National History Museum. This Londonmuseum housed in the beautiful architecture of the Waterhouse building first opened to the public in 1881. The museum has a vast number of items, built up over the past century ofdonated or bought collections, to give you an idea it houses 55 millionanimals, including 18 million insects and 9 million fossils, as well as alife sized replica of the largest creature on earth the Blue Whale.

The students had numerous galleries to view, to name just a few:volcanoes & earthquakes, treasures in the Cadogan, dinosaurs,mammals, images of nature, creepy crawlies, the vault, visionsof earth, the cocoon and the Attenborough studio. Thesegalleries offer students first-hand experience, allowing them tosee the scale of many creatures as well as the similarities anddifferences between species.

The Dinosaur gallery was among the most popular of the day,the students were fascinated by the large Diplodocus skeleton(affectionately nicknamed Dippy) which was located in the mainhall and the animatronic Tyrannosaurus Rex that replicated how aT-Rex would act when hunting for prey.

The students came back with renewed enthusiasm for science andready to tackle their mock exams at the end of March.

As part of the GCSE Geography course,students complete a study visit to London inwhich the focus is on urban regenerationand sustainability.

This is a full day’s activity visiting theuniversity district of Bloomsbury, OxfordStreet and the Crossrail site, China Town andTrafalgar Square, the Siemens sustainability

exhibition (the Crystal) in Docklands andGreenwich Millennium Village, giving the

opportunity to travel by train, bus, tube, cablecar and the Docklands Light Railway.

In Bloomsbury and Oxford Street students recordchanges to the central business district of the city

including the new Crossrail and cycle hire scheme. Both

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of these developments are relevant to the urbantransport section of the examination specification.They also walk through Greenwich MillenniumVillage, a new sustainable urban community next tothe River Thames, recording as they go the aspectsthat make the district more sustainable than otherareas. The fieldwork booklet that they keep andupdate will help them answer examinationquestions on the topics in the future.

Mr Alan Mawer (Head of Geography) believes suchfield trips are invaluable, ‘I hope the students take onboard the more innovative sides of the city. I thinkseeing things in reality; gives a sense of scale to theseprojects and aids with memory. I think it is importantthey can see for themselves the different environments andhow they continue to develop. ’

GCSE students from Bosworth participated in theNational School First Aid Competition organised by St. John Ambulance and held annually.

The students had been preparing for thecompetition for weeks at an after school club,learning the essentials of first aid and crisisresponse. The aim of the competition is todevelop the students’ first aid knowledge and toincrease their confidence if they were required tosave a life.

The competition was separated into threedifferent rounds; firstly the students had tooperate in pairs to respond to a simulated accident,where the victim was played by an actor whofeigned one of the injuries that the students had beenlearning to treat.

Secondly, there was a question round whereby thestudents had to demonstrate their knowledge of first aidterms such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation and defibrillation.Lastly, for the final round the students had to operate as one singleteam and respond to an accident in which there were multiple casualties.

The students narrowly missed out on third place but gained a potentially lifesaving grasp of first aid.

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Princess Ebi, one of Bosworth’s current A2 students, was selected to attend a day atGoldman Sachs, a leading global investment banking, securities & investment

management firm. It is a massive achievement to be selected as it is a nationalcompetition and Princess had to submit her CV and cover letter as well as answer around of questions to qualify.Princess’s particular interest is in the 10,000 women programme, where moneyis donated to women in developing countries to set up their own businesses.She managed to meet one of two women that she knew of in Nigeria who hadbeen helped by this scheme, one runs a bead making company and the other acatering company. She was able to discuss this in her application.

Goldman Sachs aim is to encourage female students to be more involved andaware of the ever-changing world of finance with their Girl’s Inspire A-Level

programme. The participants have the chance to spend a day at the London officeon Fleet Street, with the aim of achieving an insight into the world of financial services.

Students were able to meet with industry professionals and develop skills to aid theirtransition from school to university and also from university to the world of work. They were

also able to find out more about the career opportunities available to them across the various divisions and givenvery useful help and support in CV writing.Furthermore, all participants of this event will be able to apply for an internship with Goldman Sachs, and once atuniversity students can apply for a 2 week internship in the spring of their first year or for a 2 month internship inthe summer of their penultimate year. Princess enthused about her experience, ‘No matter what your interest or career path this programme is extremelyworthwhile as it gives a real insight into a large corporate organisation and they have opportunities available in alldepartments. Goldman Sachs also has its own university and will train new employees in all disciplines, so they willconsider most degree paths if the candidate fits their criteria. I am excited that I have the opportunity to apply foran internship and I hope that I am successful and I would strongly encourage future students to apply for thisprogramme.’Princess Ebi is currently studying: Economics, English Literature & Sociology at A2 Level, with Psychology alreadystudied to AS Level, and Princess got all ‘A’ grades at AS Level. Princess is looking to study Politics, Philosophy &Economics at university. Her long term intention though is to work for a development agency to help establishentrepreneurial businesses for young females in sub Saharan Africa.

One of Bosworth’s recent weekend activities involved going rock climbing tothe Pinnacle climbing centre in Far Cotton. All climbing is undertaken with thehelp of qualified instructors and students are guided on the colour climbs.The wall offers a variety of climbs for a variety of levels, with routes of up to16 metres.Indoor climbing offers students the chance to have a really positive, physicaland mental challenge and it encourages them to help and support each other.The feedback from the students was that although ‘a little scared’, it was‘amazing’ and ‘fantastic’.

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