
Parish of Saint Ceciliaof Saint CeciliaofApril 15, 2018

Veni Sancte Spiritus

The Month of the

Holy Spirit

ALTAR GUILD Ron Case, 399-9331, [email protected] ANNULMENTSJoe Fondacaro, 871-5757 ext. 222,[email protected] Barb Browarsky, 871-5757, ext. 202BEREAVEMENT Barb Browarsky, 871-5757, ext. 202BOOSTERSMatt Weisenborn, Athletic [email protected] Barbara Browarsky, 871-5757, ext. [email protected] Steve Sullivan, [email protected] SCOUTS Jeff Krietemeyer, 324-6497DAY OF ADORATION Carolyn Peddicord, 254-2623, [email protected] MINISTERS & LECTORS Dave Rosselot, 396-6022FESTIVAL Doug & Joy Kornish [email protected], [email protected] MARKET Anita & Carl Dalessandro, [email protected] MARRIAGE PREP Susan Kellison, [email protected] BEARERS TBDGIRL SCOUTS Sharon Krietemeyer,[email protected] TBD

GYM SCHEDULING Matt Springer, 871-5757, ext. [email protected] HOME DISTRIBUTORS/VISITS Fr. Jamie Weber, 871-5757, ext. 201HOSPITALITY Emily Adams, [email protected] LEGION OF MARY Barbara Browarsky, 871-5757, ext. 202MOMS GROUP Holly Hemak, [email protected]

OAKLEY FOOD PANTRY & COMMUNITY DINNER Stan Messerly, 731-2500PASTORAL COUNCIL Jason Hemak, 919-3491RESPECT LIFE GROUP Brigid McLinden Duffy, 379-0821, [email protected] Patricia Donnelly & Renee Dawson, 533-6060SACRAMENT OF THE SICK Fr. Jamie Weber, 871-5757, ext. 201ST. VINCENT DE PAUL Tom McNally, 871-5757, ext. 203WEDDING COORDINATOR Marta Misleh, 871-5757, ext. 207 [email protected]

WEDDING RESERVATION Bob Kellison, 871-5757, ext. 208 [email protected] COMMITTEE Angela Egner, (413) 854-7253, [email protected] COMMISSION Mark Milliron, [email protected] ADULT MINISTRY Sarah Rose Sperduto, 871-5757, ext. 218 [email protected]

WEEKEND MASSES: Sat. 4 PM & Sun. 8 & 10 AMDAILY MASSES: Mon.-Sat. 9 AM, Wed. 6:45 AMTHE ROSARY: Mon.-Sat. 8:40 AMDAILY COMMUNION SERVICE: Mon.-Sat. 8 AMHOLY DAY MASSES: 9 AM, 12:10 PM & 5:30 PMLATIN MASSES: Tues. 9 AM CONFESSIONS: Mon.-Sat. 9:30 AM, Wed. 7:05-7:15 AM and 7:05-7:50 PM, Sat. 3-3:30 PM, Sun. 7-7:30 AM and 9-9:30 AMADORATION: Wed. 9:30 AM-8 PMHOLY HOUR: Wed. 7-8 PMSTATIONS OF THE CROSS: Fri. 9:30 AM BAPTISMAL PREPARATION: Please register for your baptism at under the Sacraments tab. You can also select your class dates there.

MASS SCHEDULE FOR ST. MARGARET-ST. JOHN: Mon.-Fri. 11:45 AM, Sat. 3 PM, Sun. 9 & 11 AMMASS SCHEDULE FOR ST. ANTHONY: Sun. 8:30 & 11:30 AM

MONDAY, APRIL 16 8:00 AM Communion Service9:00 AM Special Intentions of Mary Lou Boylan

TUESDAY, APRIL 17 8:00 AM Communion Service 9:00 AM Agnes Metcalf Off Jean Gordon

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18 6:45 AM Intentions of St. Cecilia Families 8:00 AM Communion Service 9:00 AM Agnes Metcalf Off Jean Gordon 9:30 AM Eucharist Adoration (9:30 AM-8 PM) Holy Hour 7-8 PM with Confessions until 7:50 PM

THURSDAY, APRIL 19 8:00 AM Communion Service 9:00 AM Jessica Tillery Off Bill & Bobbie Liebel

FRIDAY, APRIL 20 8:00 AM Communion Service 9:00 AM Charles Ringwald Off Sr. Mary Henry Bernard

SATURDAY, APRIL 21 8:00 AM Communion Service 9:00 AM Marian Schott Off Jean Gordon 4:00 PM Joan Bath Off Eileen Rodgers 6:00 PM Wedding of Sean Flynn & Whitlee Goode

SUNDAY, APRIL 22 (Fourth Sunday of Easter) 8:00 AM Fr. James Brooks Off Jack & Sue Helbling 10:00 AM Special Intentions of Chris & Harry Sarros & Regan Stacey by The Flischel Family

MARRIAGE BANNS III Sean Flynn & Whitlee Goode II Ben Schneider & Christina Fallot II Neil Eveld & Allison Jones I Chance Dunaway & Christina Wince I Chris Janowak & Lauren Andreiasson





















3105 Madison RoadCincinnati, OH 45209(513)

PARISH STAFFRev. Jamie Weber, Pastor 871-5757, ext. 201 / [email protected]. Jason Williams, Parochial Vicar 871-5757, ext. 205 / [email protected] Browarsky, Rectory Secretary 871-5757, ext. 202 / [email protected] Egner, Regional Dir. of Religious Ed. 871-5757, ext. 215 / [email protected] Don Franer, Regional Facilities Manager 968-5089 / [email protected] Mike Goedde, School Principal 533-6060 / [email protected] Kellison, Music Dir./Stewardship 871-5757, ext. 208 / [email protected] Misleh, Assistant to the Pastor 871-5757, ext. 207 / [email protected] Rose Sperduto, Coordinator of Youth and Young Adult Ministry 871-5757, ext. 218 / [email protected] Matt Springer, Reg. Dir. Fin. & Operations 871-5757, ext. 204 / [email protected]




Month of the Holy SpiritThe month of April is the Month of the Holy Spirit. Most of us have a relationship with Jesus but find the Holy Spirit to be a little more distant. This month let us unite ourselves with the Holy Spirit. We should take time to learn about the gifts of the Holy Spirit and how we can move beyond our limitations and participate fully in the life God gave us. These gifts give us insight on how to live the faith with right judgment and to come back to them when we wander off of the path.

Next month we will celebrate Pentecost. The Apostles re-ceived the Holy Spirit that day, but that outpouring was not just for them. We are all meant to receive the Spirit. Let us learn and know Him and make Him part of our lives, and let us be able to share the Spirit with those around us.

Amen? Amen!



APR 152018

A LTA R GU ILD SCHEDU LEFOR THE WEEK OF APRIL 16-22MONDAY 9 AM J. Brown (Acolyte 1) M. Simon (Acolyte 2)

TUESDAY 9 AMC. Brereton (Acolyte 1) J. Escobar (Acolyte 2)

WEDNESDAY 9 AM B. S. Dalessandro (Acolyte 1) M. Simon (Acolyte 2)

THURSDAY 9 AM (School - Assigned)

FRIDAY 9 AM J. Hilgefort (Acolyte 1) J. Hilgefort (Acolyte 2)

SATURDAY 9 AM A. Melgoza (Acolyte 1) R. Case (Acolyte 2)

SATURDAY 4 PM J. Prues (Acolyte 1) J. Weber (Acolyte 2)

SUNDAY 8 AM R. Peddicord (Acolyte 1) C. Brereton (Acolyte 2)

SUNDAY 10 AM D. Bonomo (Crucifer) B. Krietemeyer (Acolyte 1) C. Herzner (Acolyte 2)

COL LECT IONS FOR THE WEEK END ING APR I L 1Offertory $25,558 | Online Sunday $6,021 | TOTAL $31,579

The Crowning of Mary, Queen of Heaven

Thursday, May 3, at 7pm in the church

7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7

7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7

On Saturday, May 5, the eve of the Flying Pig Marathon, St. Cecilia will have the annual blessing of the run-ners at the 4 PM Mass. Please tell your friends and family to come and be spiritually strengthened for the race!

God speaks in whispers and we live in a loud world. Hearing God’s voice amidst the noise and

busy-ness of our lives can be difficult. But He is always there to

guide and help us, and He has given us other people and

resources to help us, as well. If you think God may be calling

you to religious life and you need someone to talk to, give Fr.

Dan Schmitmeyer a call at 421.3131, ext. 2890.

Stewardship involves sharing talent. God has given each individual unique skills and talents so that together we can do the work of our Lord. Put your faith and love into action. Volunteer for things that interest you. Build lasting friend-ships and become part of the family of Saint Cecilia Parish. Check the directory on page 2 or contact the parish office at 871-5757, ext. 202, and we can put you in touch with the people with whom you should chat.


Credo (I Believe)The Importance of Personal Prayer

Once a month, we will be sharing some tips and advice on how to bring Christ into our homes, especially those homes with little children. There will be tips on activities that we can do as a family to celebrate a certain liturgical season, different opportu-nities we have here at St. Cecilia for families, and various ways we can pass on the faith to our children at age-appropriate ways.

To start this new series, let’s talk about perhaps the greatest thing we can do as a family to pass on our faith to our children, prayer. First off, we have to realize that prayer is efficacious. This means that there is real power behind prayer; that there is truly an effect from prayer. We are not just rattling off a bunch of memorized words to a wall or a church. The very fact that prayer is efficacious, that there is truly something happening when we pray, should be the first reason we should always strive to pray, both as individuals and as families. Too often, we make excuses, saying we don’t have enough time in the day or that prayer is too difficult or we don’t hear anything back. If we remind ourselves of the efficacy of prayer, and that God is waiting for us to converse with him, it may become more difficult to make these excuses.

God is there. He is waiting. He wants to have a relationship with us, and the only way we can have a relationship with another person is to TALK with that person. Can you image a relationship with someone where you do not communicate? It simply wouldn’t work. That is why prayer is perhaps the most important thing we can do every single day.

So how do we do it? First, if you don’t have an individual prayer life, start there. Sit alone for a short period of time, 5 or so minutes, open up a gospel, read a short passage, and let God speak to you first. We should do this EVERY DAY. No Bible, No Breakfast; No Bible, No Bed. This means we shouldn’t eat breakfast in the morning until we’ve heard from the Word of God, nor should we fall asleep before we’ve heard from the Word of God. I promise that if you do this, your daily routines will be transformed and God will begin to be seated at the center of your day.

Now that you have your personal prayer life off and running, it’s time to share this with your family. We will pick up here next week.

A Gospel Reflection by Father Jason Williams

LUKE 24 :35-48

“You are witnesses of these things.”

Since Easter we have heard much about dying and rising with Christ, the effects and fruits of our Baptism, and the encoun-ters between the risen Christ and his disciples. Today, again, the Gospel places us in the room where Jesus comes to his apostles in peace and leads them to deeper faith in his work of salvation. They don’t fully understand, and he continues to help them little by little to put all the pieces together. At the end of their encounter, he reminds them that what they have seen and heard are the events of the Good News that he came to offer the world: salvation from sin and eternal life.

We, too, are witnesses of these things. He encounters us in his Word and in the Eucharist. Little by little he helps us grow in faith so that we may also share in his mission of restoring the relationship between humanity and God. Each of us does that primarily by the way we live our lives — our actions, our words, our attitudes. This Easter Season, today, now, God is offering us the grace to turn away from sin and be faithful to the Gospel. We die with Christ by removing from our lives those things that separate us from God, who then fills the spaces that were occupied by sin with his love. When we live in more constant union with him, we can’t help but become better reflections of his love in the world. May he grant us the grace to do so!

Pensamientos EvangélicosMorimos con Cristo al quitar de nuestras vidas las cosas que nos separan de Dios,

quien luego llena con su amor los espacios ocupados por el pecado.“We die with Christ by removing from our lives those things that separate us from God,

who then fills the spaces that were occupied by sin with his love.”


Adoration & MadtreeWednesday, April 18 — 7 PM Holy Hour

at St. Cecilia Church followed by a gathering at MadTree. Join us!

E A S T S I D E F A I T HAPR 152018

“Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.” – Hebrews 4:16


Be a man. What it means to be a true Christian man in today’s society.The 2018 Catholic Men’s Conference on April 28 at The Taft Theatre

With keynote speaker Bas Rutten, Archbishop Dennis Schnurr, Father Mitch Pacwa, Father Larry Richards, and Coach Gerry Faust.

Visit for more info and to purchase tickets.

Solemn Easter Vespers Solemn Easter Vespers, with the Mount St. Mary’s Latin Schola and Athenaeum Chorale, will be held this Sunday, April 15, at 7 PM, in the Athenaeum’s beautiful Italian Romanesque Chapel of St. Gregory the Great. Please join us and invite your family and friends. There is no admission charge, and everyone is welcome to attend.

SMSJ Adult Ministry SeriesJoin us in the cafeteria of St. Margaret-St. John Parish on Monday, April 30, at 1 PM, for Father Andrew Umberg and His Christian Solar System Rings — a set of eight sterling silver rings with stones that depict all the major bodies of our solar system. Light refreshments to be served after Father Andy’s presentation.

Golden Anniversary Mass in 2018Married couples celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary in 2018 are invited to attend one of the following Golden Anniversary Masses offered:• August 4, 2018, 4:30 PM. St. Peter in Chains Cathedral,

Cincinnati, Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr, Celebrant• August 4, 2018, 4:30 PM. Our Lady of the Immaculate

Conception, Dayton, Bishop Joseph Binzer, Celebrant Visit the Office for Marriage & Family Life at or call (513) 421-3131, ext. 2653, before June 22 to register.

Becoming Catholic. Seeking faith? Curious about the Church?

Want to learn more? Call us today at 513-871-5757, ext. 215.

Love your faith even more.Sacred Heart Radio. 89.5 FM & 740 AM




Thank you to everyone who helped make the Easter Triduum a truly holy experience — staff, volunteers, sacristans, lectors, cantors, altar servers, choristers and everyone who attended the services and Masses here at St. Cecilia. We are truly blessed to be able to celebrate together the sacrifice and the resurrection of our Lord in such beautiful way. – Fr. Jamie

Prayer Intentions for the Week We pray for God’s loving graces for all of the families of Saint Cecilia parish and school this Easter season. Contact Barb Browarsky at the parish office, (513) 871-5757, ext. 202, with Mass and sanctuary devotional candle intention requests.

PA R I S H N E W S & N O T E S APR 152018


Archives on the WebIf you are ever unable to make it to Mass at St. Cecilia and would like to catch up on what you missed, you can find weekend homilies and past bulletins archived on our website. Both can be found under the MEDIA tab at

Ruah WoodsRuah Woods Psychological Services (RWPS) seeks to integrate the best of psychological science and the truths of the Catholic faith — empowering people to

more fully embrace and live out their vocation to love according to God’s plan. RWPS provides psychological assessment and therapy for adults, couples, and children. They can be reached at and 513-407-8878.

Glória in excélsis Deo. We celebrate Latin Mass every Tuesday at 9AM.

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Need a little spiritual pick-me-up in the middle of the week? Join us for our 6:45 AM Mass every Wednesday. Then head to the Madison Diner with us for breakfast. It’s a nice crowd and great food.

Oakley Food PantryThe pantry is always in need of food and household items. You can drop off donations at any of the St. Cecilia church doors or in the vestibule during the day or on Tuesdays from 10-11 AM at the pantry at the United Church of Christ at 4100 Taylor Avenue directly across the street from the school. Whatever you can give would be greatly appreciated.

Marriage Annulments The Catholic Church dedicates much time and effort to prepare couples for marriage. However, despite the couples’ best efforts, unfortunately a marriage union sometimes fails to reach fulfillment for both parties and may end in a civil divorce. The Catholic Church has mechanisms and processes in place to assist people in these situations, especially if they anticipate another marriage.

If you find yourself in this circumstance, we would like to help. To learn more about how to get assistance, please contact Joe Fondacaro in our pastoral region at 871-5757, ext. 222, or at [email protected]. All inquiries are kept in strict confidence.
