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APRIL 2015
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Nursery growers Care-ing for Florida’s plants

By: Jason Mathis, Florida Farm Bureau Federation

At some point in your travels around townor across this great state, you have passed

one of Florida’s biggest agricultural producers and you probably didn’t realize it.

As a group they rank second only to California in U.S. production, support 147,795 jobs in the state, and had total sales estimated at $12.33 billion in 2010, according to a 2011 Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) report.

These production powerhouses can be found throughout the state and range in size from one-half acre to several hundreds of acres. Any guesses? Thi k container plants.

That’s right, Florida’s ornamental plant operations are major agricultural contributors and vital to the state’s economy. They include farms that grow container plants, in-ground trees and shrubs, shade house ferns, foliage plants and seedlings.

These products are used for residential and commercial landscaping, distributed to home improvement stores and retail garden centers and sold to wholesalers or brokers around the state.

“We bring in products from all around the state,” said Ray Wood, owner and farm manager of Wood’s Tree Farm in Hillsborough County. “We have 120 items that range in size from seven-gallon to 100-gallon trees and palms.”

Like many nursery growers, Wood wants to provide superior quality products to businesses and individuals across the state. And, like his peers, Wood values his role as a steward of the land. He believes it is his responsibility to help protect Florida’s water quality by implementing good land and water management practices.“I always wanted to maintain a clean farm and adhere to any standards that were necessary,” said Wood.

As a result of his hard work and dedication to protecting Florida’s water resources, Wood was recognized by the County Alliance for Responsible Environmental Stewardship (CARES) program in 2013.


Established 14 years ago, the CARES program was founded by Florida Farm Bureau as a way to thank farmers who go above and beyond taking care of the land they farm. Its mission is to promote environmentally sound farming practices while educating the public on agriculture’s role in protecting Florida’s natural resources.The voluntary program requires farmers and ranchers to implement Best Management Practices (BMPs) on their operations.

“We had a lot of help, but it was an easy process to get the BMPs implemented on the farm,” said Wood.

These BMPs are science and research-based and fi ld tested practices that have been determined to be the most effective and practical means for improving water quality and conservation. Producers that implement BMPs highlight agriculture’s commitment to fostering water conservation and land protection through their continued efforts.

According to Wood, the BMPs implemented on his farm include the installation of frost cloth for freeze protection instead of applying water with overhead sprinklers, and drip irrigation, which conserves a considerable amount of water each year.

As Florida’s population continues to increase, there will be more competition for the limited water resources that farm producers desperately need. But, as Floridians and stewards of the land, nursery operators in the state will continue to do their part in conserving and protecting these resources.

To fi d out more about other farmers and ranchers who are doing their part in conserving our natural resources, visit


baby steps

Q. When can my baby start usingsunblock?

A. Now. Sunblock can be applied tonewborns.

TheAAPpreviouslyrecommendedthatsunblockbeusedonlyininfantsover6monthsofage(becauseofthepotentialforskinirritation).However,theriskofskincancer(1in75overalifetime)hasoutweighedconcernsoverpotentialskinirritation.Suncreeniscriti-calbecausesundamageandsunburnatanearlyageiscorrelatedwithahigherriskofskincancerlaterinlife.Translation:usethesuncreenonthatbaby.Anyprod-uctwithaSPFof30isfine;anythinghigherisawasteofmoney.Othertips:trytokeepbabyoutofthesun,especiallyfrom10amto3pmeveryday,applysunscreenliberally(atleastahalfounceeachtime)andreapplyfrequently(everytwohours). Whatsunscreenisbest?Checkoutourotherbook,Toddler Bargains foradiscussiononsunscreensandwhichoneswefoundworkbest.Also:onConsumer ReportshasaspecialreportonsuncreenontheirWebsite(,ratingsandmore. ThekeytopreventingsunburnistoRE-APPLYthesunblockfrequently—don’tbuythecombosunblockandbugrepellent(we’llexplainwhynext).

Q.When should I apply insect repellenton my baby?

A. When your baby is at least 2months of age.

Mosquitoesandticksareknowncarriersofillness.ThemostnotablediseasesintheUnitedStatesspreadbythesebugsareWestNileVirus(mosquitoes)andLymeDisease(deerticks).Thesafestoptiontoavoidmosqui-toesistostayinsideatdawnandatdusk,whentheyareoutingreatestnumbers.It’salsoagoodideatowearlightcoloredclothing,longsleeves,andlongpantswhenyourbabyisoutside. Asfarasinsectrepellantsgo,themosteffectiveproductscontainDEET.Inthepastyear,theCentersforDiseaseControlhavealsorecommendedPicaridin(soldasCutterAdvancedInsectRepellentwithPicaridin;,,butitisnotrecommendedforkidsunder3yearsofage. Manyparentswanttoavoidusingharshchemicalsontheirchild’sskinandhaveturnedtocitronella-basedrepellents.Arecentstudy,however,showedthatproductscontainingcitronellarepelledmosquitosforamere9.6minutes,while23%DEETwillrepelmosquitoesforfivehours.





1. Don’tuseDEETrepellentsoninfantsunder2monthsofage.It’sfineAFTER2monthsofage.

2. Youngchildrenshouldnotapplyrepel-lentthemselves—that’sMomandDad’sjob.

3. Don’tapplyrepellentunderclothingortowounds.Itgoesonexposedskin—yes,thatmeansALLexposedskinareas,notjustthearmsorlegs.

4. Don’tputDEETnearchildren’smouthsoreyes—andavoidgettingitontheirhands.WhiletheAmericanAcademyofPediatricssaysproductsupto30%DEETaresafeforkids,don’

5. Whataboutnaturalrepellents?Alterna-tivestoDEETmadeofplant-basedoilslikesoybeanscanbeaseffectiveaslow-concen-trationDEETproducts.Translation:theydoofferSOMEprotection,butonlyforlimitedperiodsoftime.However,other“natural”insectrepellentshavenotbeenprovento


6. DEETcomesinseveralforms—theliquids,spraysandlotionsareeffective.TheDEETwristbandsdon’twork.

7. Whenyoucomebackinside,WASHtheDEEToffyourskin.FYI:Picaridindoesnotneedtobewashedoff.

8. DEETproductswithaconcentrationof30%areassafeasthosewith10%.ThirtypercentDEETlastsforfivehours,10%justtwohours.

9. HowmuchDEETshouldyouuse?Thatdependsonhowlongyouplantobeout-doors—10%isfineforlessthantwohours,etc.

10. DEETshouldonlybeappliedonceaday.Therefore,itisNOTrecommendedtouseacombosunblockrepellant,assunblockneedstobereappliedfrequently.

Dr. Ari Brown is an official spokesperson for the American Academy of Pediatrics and has been frequently quoted or interviewed by the national media. Dr. Brown earned her medical degree from Baylor College of Medicine and then went on to complete her pediatric residency at Harvard University/Boston Children’s Hospital with acclaimed pediatrician, Dr. T. Berry Brazelton. She is the co-author of Baby411, a guide for new parents.

Any product with a SPF of 30

is fine; anything higher is a

waste of money.

Old Wives Tale Dark-skinnedpeopledonotneedtowearsunblock.Allhumanswhohaveskinneedtowearsunblock.Whileitistruethatdarker-pig-mentedpeoplehavelessriskofskincancer,thereisstillarisk,andpreventioniseasy.







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Cool SummerAdventures

Whether it’s water or mountains, manmade or natural, there are plenty of family-friendly escapes that beat the

heat and dish up the fun.


Beat the Heat GetawaysBy Geodie Baxter Padgett

By June, we’re over it! Already sagging with sweat from our heads to our toes, we Florid-ians do anything to sidestep the soaring thermostat. And, if given the chance, most Florida families would gladly trade their swim trunks for a chance to pack a parka and board the next expedition to Antarctica. But the good news is there are plenty of places to cool down closer to home.

Cool Clear WaterNatives and naturalists know the secrets of the staying cool during the Florida summer--freshwater springs. Featuring a comfortable year-round temperature of 72 degrees, these natural water wonders offer families a pleasant break from the pounding heat.

Nestled near the old Florida town of High Springs, amid hundred-year-old oaks and Spanish moss, sits Ginnie Springs (386-454-7188), a water wonderland with six sparkling springs: Ginnie Springs, Little Devil Spring, Devil’s Eye Spring, Deer Springs, Dogwood Springs, and Twin Springs. Water lovers will be sure to find something fun to do, from diving in caverns or caves to canoeing, kayaking, snorkeling, swimming and tubing down the river. There are even opportuni-ties to learn to dive from certified instructors.

A tad closer to the Tampa Bay area sits Crystal River, home to three springs favored by divers who enjoy co-zying up to one of nature’s most lovable animals—the manatee. Parents and older children certified in diving can swim and play with the adorable “sea cows” just as long as they avoid chasing or harassing the gentle giants.

If seeing rather than swimming with nature is more your style, visit one of the spring attractions: Silver Springs, Homosassa Springs or Weeki Wachee Springs. Sign up for a glass-bottom boat tour at Silver Springs. See-through floors and open sides give pas-sengers great views of local spring life. A state park and rehabilitation center for manatees, Homosassa Springs treats visitors to an up-close-and-personal, underwater viewing of the lumbering creatures. At Weeki Wachee, the family can kick back with ani-mal shows or check out a performance by the world famous mermaids.


Mountain MusingsRetreat from the heat with an excursion to the Blue Ridge Parkway in the Smoky Mountains of North Carolina. A mere day’s drive from Tampa Bay, the sojourn will satisfy those pining for the picturesque mountain scenes and cooler temperatures.

Take the clan and Fido to the Balsam Mountain Inn (800-224-9498) for a break. Over a cen-tury old, the inn is a bed and breakfast that blends quaint charm with a family friendly feel. Children can enjoy a multitude of games and puzzles while Mom and Dad relax. Or cart the family to the nearby Great Smoky Mountains Railroad (800-872-4681), and climb aboard for a lovely train ride through fertile valleys, stunning gorges, and even tunnels. During the summer, kids can often catch Thomas the Train as he chugs into the station for a visit.

If the slow track drives the kids stir crazy, consider a stay at the Cataloochee Ranch (800-868-1401). Located in the verdant Maggie Valley, this working horse ranch boasts some fine cooking and lots family fun. The family can saddle up for horseback riding, practice their backhands on the tennis court or take a dip in the pool. Special hikes and storytelling around the fire delight the younger crowd as does an afternoon casting their reels into the stocked freshwater fishing pond. For a day off the ranch, check out the town of Cherokee and the Oconaluftee Village, a real-life village depicting Cherokee life in 1750.


Water ParksFloridians joke that to survive the grueling summer, one must stay inside or submerged. So, if the walls are clos-ing in, and the family needs out, a trip to a water park can satisfy the wanderlust and the stifle the heat in a hurry. Whether it’s floating in a scenic pool or flying down a rapid water ride, water parks appeal to just about everyone.

If the heat has you yearning for the ultimate in water parks, snatch the swimwear and head to New Braunfels, Texas to experience Schlitterbahn Waterpark Resort (830-625-2351). With dozens of ways to beat the heat, the whole fam can cool down in any of six water playgrounds or on the nine thrill water rides. For those eager to take on one of the

country’s best water rides, embark on the Master Blaster—a roller coaster-like ride using water jets to propel riders up and down. And no need to Motel-6 it while visiting, Schlitter-bahn is a full-scale resort, so the family can eat, sleep and breathe water park 24/7!

Closer to home, snow-capped mountains and a winter theme provide a scenic twist to the usual water park envi-rons at Disney’s Blizzard Beach. Visitors cool down from the hot sun on slides and water raft rides amid a wintry moun-tain setting. Daring waterslide aficionados can brave the Summit Plummet, the tallest waterslide in the country at 120 feet. This amazing water slide torpedoes riders down at 55 miles per hour. And once the waterlogged little ones want a break, the family return to any of the Disney resorts located only a short distance away.


Ybor City A national historic landmark, Ybor City thrives on culture and authen-tic Cuban cuisine. A great daytime destination for the family, the city still captures the ambiance of its cigar–making heritage. Just strolling down Seventh Avenue amid beautiful brick facades, wrought iron lampposts and decorative buildings transports visitors to a turn-of-the-century town once known as the cigar capital of the world. Sip some fine Sangria (Shirley Temples for the kids) at the stunning Columbia Restaurant, renowned for its décor and its delicious fare. And don’t forget, a trip to Ybor wouldn’t be complete without sampling some black bean soup or tasting a true Cuban sandwich.

Safety Harbor Resort and SpaSpanish Explorer Hernando DeSoto discovered the natural mineral springs flowing below the historic Safety Har-bor Resort and Spa and believed the restorative waters were the legend-ary Fountain of Youth. Today, visitors still retreat to the beautiful spa for an experience in rejuvenation or for a

little fun. Situated on the water, the spa is a perfect Mom and Dad retreat or family day trip/weekend getaway. The young and young at heart can enjoy dolphin or manatee watching by the water’s edge. The kids will love the swimming pools and the tennis academy while Mom and Dad enjoy a massage. 727-726-1161

Tampa TheatreIt doesn’t even matter what’s play-ing, Tampa Theatre is a show in itself. Built in 1926 by well-known theatre architect John Eberson, the movie palace features lavish Florida Mediterranean décor including gar-goyles, fountains, flowers and even a twinkling star ceiling. The theatre still books several acts a year as well as shows contemporary art films and Hollywood classics. Look for Sing-a-long Mary Poppins and the Wizard of Oz this summer, 813-274-8286.

J.B. Starkey Wilderness ParkPart of the Starkey Wilderness Preserve, J.B. Starkey Park boasts a great respite for families eager for a little nature. For bird watchers, the

park is site 73 on the western section of the Audobon Society’s Great Flori-da Birding Trail. Play a bird watching game with the kids, and keep an eye out for the nearly 150 species that have been identified in the park. Fish-ing lovers will find freshwater fishing along the Anclote and Pithlachascotee rivers. And equestrians will enjoy ten miles of marked trails along with hitch-ing posts, corral and water trough. For those who just want a nature walk, 27 miles of marked foot trails await.

Skyway Fishing PierKnown for great catches of tarpon, grouper, Spanish or King Mackerel, or shark, the Skyway Fishing Pier allows visitors to pull their car right up to the area they wish to fish. The pier, really part of the remnants of the original Sunshine Skyway Bridge, ranks as the longest in the world. In fact, visi-tors will note the pier is divided into two sections, the North Pier (located in St. Petersburg) and the South Pier (located in Palmetto). A perfect place to fish with the kids or for an angler’s break away from the family, the Skyway Fishing Pier offers bait, tackle, pole rentals, concessions and souvenirs in addition to the fishing.

Cool Hotspots in Tampa BayThe temperature may be hot, but there’s always some place to go in Tampa Bay where you don’t even think about the heat. Here, the ParentGuide rolls out five hotspots that really rank in terms of cool.


Karl McLaughlin’s second grade son, Travis, spent a season in pee wee football. “It was more competi-tive than I’d expected,” reflects Karl. “When the season ended, Travis signed up for indoor, non-contact football after school. Frankly, he enjoyed that more—they played for fun. There wasn’t any traveling or worry about overall standings. Just a bunch of kids playing football.”

Regardless of your child’s actual ability, Wolff urges parents to always“reward their child’s effort– not the outcome.” He draws an analogy to when children are young and mastering new skills, such as rid-ing a bike or swimming: parents praise their children’s early efforts, regardless of success of failure. Receiving that praise encourages children to continue trying until they succeed.

However, once children become involved in competitive sports, many parents become driven by the outcome.Their child’s success or failures become the focal point, and praise becomes tied to a good finish rather than a good effort.

“I see a lot of parents too con-cerned over the standings. Some-times the boys are having more fun than their parents, who are worry-ing too much and not thinking about the team as a whole. Kids pick up on that, and it can be dishearten-ing,” adds Coach Holmes.

Rather than focusing on the out-come, Wolff urges parents to help their children enjoy the experi-ence of the event. After a game or event, ask your child what they en-joyed the most. Their answer may surprise you—for many children, it may not have anything to do with their performance.

“Two years later, Janie wanted to compete again,” Kate New-comb shares. “She was more prepared. But one of her favorite parts, still, was putting on the team uniform, and hanging out with her girlfriends,” Kate laughs. “I guess that’s okay!”

To keep the overall experience fun, Wolff encourages adopting a ritual—a pizza or ice cream—that you enjoy after a game or event, regardless of the outcome.

“After one rainy game, I stopped for coffee and got Travis a donut. Somehow that became a habit— our after-game donut,” McGlough-lin recalls.

Athletics is an important part of social and physical health. By being an encouraging and supportive par-ent, you can guide your child as far as their interest and abilities take them, giving them positive memo-ries of sports to last a lifetime.

Four Rules for Supportive Sports Parents• Praise your child’s efforts, and not worry about the immediate success.

• Be patient with your child and not hurry his or her develop-ment.

• Make minor, subtle sugges-tions about their skill while still offering positive regard for their work.

• Help your child recognize their progress by drawing com-parisons to previous years or games.

Source: Good Sports: The Concerned Parent’s Guide to Competitive Youth Sports, by Rick Wolff

Sometimes the boys are having more fun than their parents, who are worrying too much and not thinking about the team as a whole.