Page 1: Parent connect JUNE JULY 2018 - Learning Curve …...herself, She says that “I like my curly tail; my round tummy and my tiny little feet.” eating good food and exercising Children

TM Parent Connect

‘A healthy child is a happy child’We cannot agree more with the quote mentioned above. As a parent, we know, you’d go to any lengths to keep your child safe and sound. After all, a healthy child is a sign of good parenting. If a child gets enough sleep, eats healthy, plays sports, is physically active, he/she will have a fit future.As easy as the above sounds, to keep your child’s strength on point, you must get your child to abide by certain rules. These rules might not be easy to follow or accept as they will involve some sacrifices from your child and perhaps from your end too, but then what has to be done, simply has to be done. If you’re wondering how exactly you can get your child to be healthy, then read on.Enough Sleep : Human body recharges itself at night. Kids, who tend to be very active during the day need a good amount of sleep during the night. Getting enough sleep is important as it helps muscles grow, sets metabolism rates and resets a child’s mood. Though getting them into bed at the right time is a mighty task, you need to make them realise the value of nap time. Once the habit sets in, you’ll find them getting into bed on time on their own!

Healthy Eating : Instead of telling children to eat healthy foods, explain to them why it is important to do so. If they know that certain foods will make them taller and stronger, or make their hair shinier, they will want to eat them Popeye introduced kids to the concept of ‘eating spinach gives you strength’, find a similar “trend” for others foods! Exercise : Exercise is important for bone and muscle health, for creating positive emotions, alleviating stress and preventing diseases later in life. Everyone loves being a

couch potato, but that too has adverse effects in the later stages of life. Most kids need about an hour of exercise daily – this can be in the form of outdoor play too. These exercises help keep obesity in check, maintain healthy cardiovascular activity and help in improving attention levels too. So, why don’t you let your child play football outside instead of on a screen!Hydrate : Our brains are made of 80% water, which makes hydration absolutely necessary. Hyperactive kids may often feel thirsty and this thirst should not be overlooked. Maintaining a healthy habit of drinking water keeps the body cool and the mind sane and strong. Always

keep a bottle of water readily available next to your kids!We at The Learning Curve take children’s nutrition extremely seriously. A carefully designed diet plan by a practicing nutritionist takes care of all the nourishment of the child at The Learning Curve. With physical activities that motivate the child to keep active, The Learning Curve offers holistic development for your child. After all, your child’s health is our priority!

Taking Care � Your Child’s Health

Parent Connect

he first Parent Teacher Meeting scheduled on 1st or 8th September.

lease check with your center to know the DATE .


Volume:2018-19 Issue: I JUNE- JULY 2018

What’s Inside

Playgroup this month

Nursery update

Junior Kindergarten news

Senior Kindergarten this week


Corporate Daycare

Page no

2 & 3

4 & 5

6 & 7

8 & 9

10 & 11


Page 2: Parent connect JUNE JULY 2018 - Learning Curve …...herself, She says that “I like my curly tail; my round tummy and my tiny little feet.” eating good food and exercising Children


Volume:2018-19 Issue: I

In the first few weeks we learn about colours, like and unlike things as well as different shapes. Our little ones get to explore Colours in a fun way through books and games, dance and paints. Children listen to a story from the book ‘Mouse Paint’, about the 3 mischievous white mice, who are trying to hide away from the ferocious house cat and accidently stumble upon jars of colour. While playing with the colours they learn what happens when two colours mix together to form

a new colour. It’s not only stories as children at The Learning Curve explore colours through painting with their hands and feet. The concept of Shape is introduced to the children by letting them interact with a lot of objects around us with varied shapes . Walking on the basic shapes like circle, square and triangle make them understand that a circle is round in shape and has no side, a square has four sides and triangle has three sides.

Every child has a concept of self and the first interaction any child has is with parents. In the first few weeks we provide opportunity to children on exploring self to learn about their body and learn how to keep clean stay fit by eating healthy food. Children read an interesting book ‘I Like Me’ that tells a story about an enthusiastic pig who loves herself, She says that “I like my curly tail; my round tummy and my tiny little feet.” eating good food and exercising Children enjoy a lot of fun activities like Bathing a baby doll in the class giving each child an opportunity to understand the importance of hygiene and the things used while taking a bath. The focus of the first few weeks is getting children to enjoy fun scribbling, dressing dolls and

painting while driving the learning of eating healthy food , hygiene and naming body parts.

Evs And Language



PlaygroupAt School -children’s first time away from home . Uniforms, activities, friends and games. So much to do for the very first time. We at TLC, understand parent’s anxieties and our children’s state of minds and like to make sure that every day of the child is fun filled and full of new learning. We begin their learning experience with a wonderful world of Colours.

Parent Connect

Page 3: Parent connect JUNE JULY 2018 - Learning Curve …...herself, She says that “I like my curly tail; my round tummy and my tiny little feet.” eating good food and exercising Children


Letterland is a magical land where the child gets to meet many magical characters who teach them to identify the letters. The first few characters that come in class to meet the children are Annie Apple, Bouncy Ben and Clever Cat. Annie apple who hides behind letter a, is a magical apple of letterland who can talk. We also meet an anteater, alligator and the astronaut. Bouncy Ben comes bouncing with his blue ball and Clever Cat drives her favourite car to reach the class. And when they come, they teach our children how they look in words and the sounds they make. And yes, they also get along with them for some fun activities.

Music And Movement

Physical Experience


There's a proverb which says that “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”. It is very important to make play a part of a child's routine. And we at TLC make sure that the child gets his share of play time every day. We play fun and interesting theme related games in class. Colour hoops game helps our kids identify the colours by placing the colour bean bags or objects in the corresponding colour hoop. Touch the ball is an imitation game where the children have to touch a ball to various parts of the body as told by or shown by the teacher. Duck-duck, goose-goose is a fun game loved by all the children as they get to run around a big circle of other children sitting and have to be fast enough to be able to get the vacant seat. This game lets the child learn to sit together in a circle and wait for their turn.

We at 'The Learning Curve' not only believe in learning through books and activities, but also bring about fun learning through music and movement. Singing and dancing to various theme related songs not only help in developing the language and gross motor movement of the child, but also helps to learn more. Songs like 'Head, shoulders, knees and toes', 'Body rock' and 'Eating healthy food ' makes the chi ldren identify the various body parts and also the importance of eating healthy. 'Bop, Bop, Bop' is a song which describes the fun one can have while taking a bath, while spl ishing and splashing with water. Dancing to 'If you're wearing red today'

and 'Rainbow song' with colourful steamers reinforces the colours the child has learned in class.

Volume:2018-19 Issue: I JUNE- JULY 2018Playgroup

Parent Connect

Page 4: Parent connect JUNE JULY 2018 - Learning Curve …...herself, She says that “I like my curly tail; my round tummy and my tiny little feet.” eating good food and exercising Children

NurseryOur nursery tots have been quick to settle in and have started interacting with the others- teachers and children their own age. This is the time when they start to understand themselves with reference to others- 'How different do I look from my friend', 'Why certain things scare me and not my friend? ', 'I can run fast, but my friend cannot'…. We use this right opportunity to expose to various characteristics an individual can have.

Math in nursery is not only about colors, shapes, patterning, sorting, but it is also about numbers. For children, numbers are symbols and that is how they register the concept in their brains. It's a known fact that we learn better by doing! Yes! We provide exactly the same, hands on experience to understand the number concept in fun way. We read a number book, “HOW MANY FISHES?” It covers numbers from 1 to 10. Number cards and the corresponding objects are used to register the concept well. As said before, numbers are symbols for children and each symbol is different from each other. Textured number cards are given to children for tracing the number (symbol) with finger for better understanding of how a number (symbol) is formed. The concept is again reinforced by placing the corresponding objects to the given number. The objects used can be any open ended material i.e. toys found at the center or using paper glass or using natural thing like twigs/ leaves.

JUNE- JULY 2018Volume:2018-19 Issue: I

Evs And Language


Term 1 Nursery class is all about our children exploring and learning. We read rich language book to our children like 'Quick as a Cricket' which allows children to explore the key characteristics of various animals and insects and identify them. They learn about how different animals have their own unique characteristics, the same way we also are different and unique. They try to relate themselves with the animal characteristics and qualities in

the book such as “I am shy as Shrimp, I am quiet as clam, and I am wild as a chimp”.Children learn how to express the emotion verbally and through facial expression. Children are asked to make faces according to different emotions such as “make happy face or make a sad face”. For better understanding of their own feelings we ask them, “How are you feeling today? Are you feeling happy because your mamma hugged you? Or you are angry on teacher because I didn't allow you to play some more time with your favourite toy?

TM Parent Connect

Page 5: Parent connect JUNE JULY 2018 - Learning Curve …...herself, She says that “I like my curly tail; my round tummy and my tiny little feet.” eating good food and exercising Children

Letterland is systematic and child friendly phonics program which helps children in reading and writing. Even very young children are attracted by colourful characters which help our little ones to hold their interest and attention. In our class, characters come alive in special pattern i.e. writing pattern. We in TLC follow writing pattern for our nursery kids. So the first character to enter our little ones classroom is a special cat named Clever Cat who doesn't say “meow” but she says “kuh” and she introduces letter “c”, followed by Annie Apple, the only talking apple in the Letterland who introduces letter “a” and Dippy Duck who is a detective and lives in duck pond and introduces herself as letter “d”.

Children learn as they play. And this is how P.E helps your child, i.e. learning through play. But to get charged up for play a Warm up is important and we make children ready for the games through a fun warm up “OPEN THEM, SHUT THEM”. Children reinforce the concept of animal and its character is t ics through a core act iv i ty named “Let's move like”, wherein children have to walk like different animals. Also numbers are r e i n f o r c e d b y H O P S C O T C H and DOG AND T H E B O N E g a m e . A f t e r p l a y i n g s u c h energizing games Cool down is required which is done doing a fun activity called pencil exercise. Children pretend to be a pencil and stand straight without moving thus body muscles are made to relax.

LetterlandTo help the child remember the sounds these letter make, alphabet song is sung and to he lp ch i ld wr i te , handwriting song is introduced. Music is fun for children, it helps them remember things faster and in better way. And that's what we provide in Letterland. Children do finger tracing on character, trace the letter on the alphabet as well as on the textured cards. Nursery is the first step where children do pre-writing on textured pattern cards which helps the child register the writing pattern of the letters. Once the child knows how a letter is traced it will be easier for him to write in kindergarten. So Letterland In Nursery is all about polishing the pre-writing skills through different mediums.

Music And MovementPhysical Experience M u s i c i s a n o t h e r f u n component of our curriculum which is linked with the concept and math. Learning i n c h i l d r e n i s a l s o incorporated through songs where children are active participant and when children are actively involved learning happens better. Even this session has three parts, “Warm Up, Core and Cool

Down” Children get charged up when they sing “Greeting Song” and “Johnny Works with one Hammer”. The characteristics for being quick, slow is reinforced by song, “Jack Be Nimble, Jack Be Quick” and “Aussie Rock”. Math and theme is again revised by the musical game “MATCH THE DICE”. After having so much fun children stand in a circle taking deep breaths and playing ringa a ringa roses by “Squeezing hands and taking deep breath” instead of running around.

JUNE- JULY 2018Volume:2018-19 Issue: I

TM Parent ConnectNursery

Page 6: Parent connect JUNE JULY 2018 - Learning Curve …...herself, She says that “I like my curly tail; my round tummy and my tiny little feet.” eating good food and exercising Children

Junior KindergartenA new year, a new beginning! Your child's year has started with a bang, with new learning and more fun. Through this year, your child will learn new topics in EVS, M a t h , a n d L e t t e r l a n d . P h y s i c a l Experiences has new, fun and exciting games and Music and Movement will be even merrier. It's been a few weeks that your child came to their new class. Let's see what have they learned so far.

As per Paul Halmos, the famous American mathematician, 'The only way to learn mathematics is to do mathematics'. Yes, hands on experience with concrete objects is the best way to make our children understand the otherwise difficult and abstract math concepts. In the first 5 weeks of school, the focus of maths is laid on numbers and pre-math concepts like shapes, sorting and patterns, With the use of concrete objects, number lines and dice, concepts like number sequence, counting and number value are taught to the child. In the similar way, for shape concepts various objects in the class and surrounding like, plate, rule, television, toys, etc. are

used to help them identify the shapes. The storybook 'Mouse Shape' tells the story of how 3 mice play around with various shapes to make a big cat and scare the house cat running behind them. Sorting of objects on 2 attributes like size and colour is taught with the use of various toys and objects around the class, like a small yellow button and small red button, etc. Patterning is the next step to sorting. In this, the child learns to form ABC patterns with the help of different objects like blocks, Legos, ribbons, beads, etc. Patterning worksheets also reinforce this concept. 'Elmer's Colours' is a colourful book about a colourful elephant, Elmer, whose body is patches of colours arranged in a pattern that makes him different from the others.

Nature has always fascinated the children. Keeping this interest in mind, we try to help our junior kindergarteners learn more about these elements in school. Farm animals and zoo animals are taught to the children with the help of wonderful books like 'Old Mac Donald had a farm' and 'Dear Zoo'. The focus of these book are on the names of various farm and zoo animals, their characteristics, the sound they make and the food they eat. It also talks about the young ones of these animals. 'Milking the cow' activity was a hit with the children as it was Use of models along with book reading makes the story session even more engaging. To make the experience more exciting, incursions are planned for the children in which a farm or zoo set up is make in the class. Various art activities like 'Zoo animal train', 'Farm Animal Puppets' and activity worksheets are also given to the children.

Evs And Language


JUNE- JULY 2018Volume:2018-19 Issue: I

TM Parent Connect

Page 7: Parent connect JUNE JULY 2018 - Learning Curve …...herself, She says that “I like my curly tail; my round tummy and my tiny little feet.” eating good food and exercising Children

Letterland is the most favourite session of the children as all the Letterland characters come to class to meet them. The focus of Term 1 in Letterland is to make the child able to recognize the lowercase alphabets a-z and also learn the phonic sounds of each letter. But in the initial weeks the letters focused on are- a, c, d, g, h, i, m, n, o, p, s, t. Along with the recognition and phonic sounds of these letters, writing these letters in correct formation gains a prime focus. A lot of practice in pattern writing and letter writing is given in the form of worksheets, tracing letter in semolina ( rava )or sand. Handwriting songs of letter makes it easier to write as the song explains the steps to form the letter easily.

'Play give children a chance to practice what they are learning'. And P.E. session provides just this opportunity to your child. The games played dur ing P.E. are related to the topics covered in EVS. 'Creepy Crawlies Relay' lets the children pretend to be insects and participate in the insect world relay or to learn about

seasons, 'Freeze' is the favourite game with the children. But like we all know, a warm up activity is essential before any physical activity as much is cool down. Stretching exercises on the song of 'BINGO' is a fun way to do warm up. 'Up, Down, Stop, Go' activity help to cool down the children as they have to be focussed to listen to the instructions.

Volume:2018-19 Issue: I

A session of Music and Movement is a combination of warm up, core activity and cool down. This is a musical fun session where the child indulges in singing and dancing on songs related to the concepts learnt. 'Old Mac Donald' and 'Farmer in the dell' transports the children to the farm while 'Sally the camel' and 'Luna Lagoon' takes them deep in the jungle. And on the way, they cross the insect world singing along with 'The tiny caterpillar' and the 'Lovely butterfly'. It's much more fun when they dance to 'Shake my sillies out' and 'Four seasons' make up the year ’.


Physical Experience

Music And Movement

Junior Kindergarten JUNE- JULY 2018

TM Parent Connect

Page 8: Parent connect JUNE JULY 2018 - Learning Curve …...herself, She says that “I like my curly tail; my round tummy and my tiny little feet.” eating good food and exercising Children

Senior KindergartenSenior Kindergarten, the final year of the preschool, marks the beginning of a new change that's about to happen in a child's life. So we take our share in preparing the child for a smooth transition from preschool to high school. At 'TLC', in the 1st few weeks, we expose the child to deeper knowledge about the concept learned in Junior Kindergarten. This helps to strengthen the foundation for complex concepts to be covered.

Math is not always about numbers, senior kindergartners at TLC learnt math in fun practical way where they got hands on experience to explore shapes from circle, triangle, rectangle and square to diamond, pentagon, hexagon and octagon by drawing and also to be able to cut the shapes with child friendly scissors. It can be pleasing time playing with shapes so they explore the game of tangrams and read a book of 'Mouse Shapes'. The children also assimilated their knowledge of primary colours

(Red, Blue and Yellow) to the formation of secondary colours (Orange, Green, and Purple) through sensorial activities of mixing of colours while listening to the story –'A Colour of His Own' about a Chameleon who is upset of his changing colours and then meet a friend and later stays happily. They also strengthen their capabilities on counting numbers step by step up to 20 in the first 5 weeks. Along with counting children also learnt about sequencing and ordering numbers through one to one correspondence via concrete objects.

JUNE- JULY 2018Volume:2018-19 Issue: I

Evs And Language


In EVS our children in Senior Kindergarten enjoyed learning about Insects and Bugs that they can see around them especially in Rainy season. From honey bee to ants to crickets – they learnt about insects with wings and creatures that crawl. Butterfly, a beautiful creature that we see- their life cycle from egg to caterpillar to a winged creature was learnt by making beautiful models in the class. A beautiful book 'Waiting for Wings' – where children listen to the process of a caterpillar growing into a butterfly comes alive as the teacher narrates the story interestingly.Children gained a sense about their own

bodies by a study of Body parts. A fun exercise they did... Along with this they also enjoyed learning about how we make sense of the world with our sense organs.

TM Parent Connect

Page 9: Parent connect JUNE JULY 2018 - Learning Curve …...herself, She says that “I like my curly tail; my round tummy and my tiny little feet.” eating good food and exercising Children

In the first few weeks, our children revisited the phonic sounds of all letters while identifying objects beginning with the sound. They revisited all their Letterland friends from Annie apple on an apple tree to zig-zag zebra zipping by. With teachers dressed up as their Letterland friends adding to the fun element, the objective was to reinforce the understanding of letters. The children spent a lot of time practicing their letter formation Uppercase and Lowercase. T h e c h i l d r e n w e r e reacquainted with the 5 special letters “the vowels– a,e,i,o,u” needed to make words. We will be moving on to revise CVC words – with special focus on word families like -at, -ap, am words, -et, -en and -em words.

We drive concepts in playing games which not only caters to the gross motor skills and coordination but also gives an additional learning. When children played games such as- Catch me if you can they learn about team building and taking leadership. Hopscotch not only taught them sequencing of numbers but also less than and greater than along with balancing on one foot and jumping forward. Children also played a game of Dog and the Bone where they got to know the numbers and which made them spontaneous while they were enhancing their listening skills. Through action rhyming tune children learnt about pre-mathematical concepts of opposites like taller –shorter, high –low. These exercises were always supported with warm up and cool down activities like going up-down-walk-run and stretching towards the ends for relaxing.


JUNE- JULY 2018Volume:2018-19 Issue: I

Music And Movement

Physical Experience

Along with studies, children also had enjoyment in the classroom singing theme related rhythmic songs. The butterfly song, Bugs bugs bugs..... The caterpillar....The Cocoon. The caterpillar song was a fun song where children used the musical instruments and learnt about the life cycle of Butterfly. 2 little feet go tap, tap, tap; Plants, Bloop Bloop went the little frog, 5 little speckled frogs focused on the numbers and helped children to learn about one more and one less. These

songs enhanced the flavour of such mathematical and EVS concepts and which helped children to understand and remember it well.

Senior Kindergarten

TM Parent Connect

Page 10: Parent connect JUNE JULY 2018 - Learning Curve …...herself, She says that “I like my curly tail; my round tummy and my tiny little feet.” eating good food and exercising Children

Daycare‘A home away from home' is what is said about our day care. And we strive to make this true for our children. In the day care, our children are cared and nurtured just the way a mother would do at home. But is only nurturing important? We, along with nurturing, provide a wide range of activities for our children which help in the all-round development of the child; from stories to facts, from games to art, from toys to books. And yes, all this is age appropriate.

We give children time to explore their creative side through craft and painting activities.

The most colourful and crafty time of the day is the art time and activity time. During rainy day theme children made a blow painting lightning scene and an owl collage using different types of papers to understand birds. Various art techniques like lines colouring technique, crayon rubbing, are used by children to create artworks.

JUNE- JULY 2018Volume:2018-19 Issue: I

The monsoons are here and rainy season is in full swing. Everything around is green and cool and fresh. And what best time to talk about the various elements of nature. Thus themes related to nature like flowers, rainy day, trees, birds are chosen for this term. All the activities, like stories, facts, art, games, etc. carried out through the week, are related to a specific theme.

We share fun-filled facts with our children based on the theme we cover during the week.

? Did you know that a rainbow always make a full circle?

?And there are 3 main categories of flowers depending on the time they bloom?

?And when we sneeze our heart stops beating for a millisecond?

Imagine our children learning these important fact about various topics. Children are also encouraged in a conversation on these topics.

Not only facts we are art and craft masters…

Fact Time: did you know this....

TM Parent Connect

Page 11: Parent connect JUNE JULY 2018 - Learning Curve …...herself, She says that “I like my curly tail; my round tummy and my tiny little feet.” eating good food and exercising Children

Do you all still easily remember the lessons you learnt in your school? Or do you remember the rhymes and songs that your parents sang to you when you were a child? I am sure the answer for most of you must have been the rhymes and songs. Yes, that is the power of Music. It stays with us for a long time. And we use this power of music to make the children learn new things in the day care. Various theme related rhymes and songs are sung to the children during the rhyme time and music time. Rhymes like 'Little bird', 'It's raining it's pouring', 'Five fat peas' are sung in class. Dancing songs like 'Ants go marching', 'Ring a ring o roses', 'Body Boogie' are the most enjoyed by the children.

Sing Along Tra La la!!!

Teacher tell me a story…The time of the day when we tell stories to our children and take them on a magical journey of the fantasy world. It could be a puppet show , read me a story or narration with voice modulation.We at The Learning Curve make sure that the children are exposed to rich stories at least once a day. These stories help in language development and they are fun too. 'The crow and the bird' is a story about a small blue bird and a crow. The blue bird invites the crow for dinner and cooks his favourite food. But the crow disrespects the invitation and comes late for dinner. Tired and hungry, the bird finishes the food she cooked and there is none left for the crow to eat. What does the crow do....Children hear this and many more such wonderful, enchanting and

moral stories are read to the children every day, especially before the naptime. Various age appropriate books are also given to the children to read or flip through. This helps to develop reading habit in the children.

Play TimeThe time of the day when we have indoor and outdoor games to r e f r e s h t h e children and to ensure physical movement. G a m e s l i k e ' H o p s c o t c h ' , F l o o r m a z e ' , ' A n g r y b i r d bowling' 'Lemon and spoon' and outdoor games l i k e c r i c k e t , football and obstacle course are played. Even age old games like musical chair, sakhli are introduced to the children. These games help to develop the gross muscles of the child.


TimeChildren practice kid safe yoga poses that ensures physical fitness. Yoga is also made a part of the daily routine to help develop the physical and mental well being of the children. So during yoga session, one day the child becomes a flamingo, some other day a seed, a lightning bolt or a butterfly. Yes these yoga poses are a lso r e l a t e d t o t h e theme.

JUNE- JULY 2018Volume:2018-19 Issue: I

TM Parent ConnectDaycare

Page 12: Parent connect JUNE JULY 2018 - Learning Curve …...herself, She says that “I like my curly tail; my round tummy and my tiny little feet.” eating good food and exercising Children

It’s 2018 and the Indian workforce is growing in numbers and combatting traditional definitions of gender roles more than ever before. With more and more women choosing to work after a baby, there’s an increased demand for environments and support systems that make it possible for a woman to pursue her career AND enjoy motherhood.

Enter, Corporate Daycares.

Set-up & run by professionals (like The Learning Curve) on the premises of corporations, Corporate Daycare is an ideal and necessary facility that must be offered in order to retain employees and get them to be productive.

For one, when a daycare & preschool is available in the office building, employees have to worry less about their child and they in-turn can work in peace. Additionally, employees can check on their children and spend some quality time in-between a work day even, making this an ideal set-up.

Corporate Daycare by The Learning Curve

No more separation anxiety; your children

are closer to you than you imagine.

Having a quality child care centre nearby makes the workplace more desirable for both employers and employees alike. Corporate Daycare is playing a key role in elevating child care standards in India. Employers looking forward to integrating daycare units at their workplace are sure to boost their employee’s morale and their performance. Needless to say, corporate daycare are a win-win situation for the employers and employees alike!


JUNE- JULY 2018Volume:2018-19 Issue: I

TM Parent Connect


To find out how the learn ing curve can open a t y o u r workspace ...

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