  • 8/10/2019 Pakistan Peoples Party Assignment




    The current revival of political parties and the employment of various ways and means to limit

    their scope both structurally and operationally invite the comment on the future of political

    parties in Pakistan. Foremost among them is the Pakistan peoples party all are agreed that it is

    the largest Single party in the country. Some maintain that it is much more popular than all the

    other parties put together, including its smaller partners in the M!. The real controversy about

    the PPP is, however, related to the kind of politics it represents, or should represent, both inside

    and outside the party.

    The PPP still en"oys the remarkable distinction of having won a ma"ority of seats in #west$

    Pakistan within three years of its e%istence, i.e. from &'() to &')*. +t was not "ust a simple

    breakaway faction of ruling party, as was the case with earlier parties. ather, it emerged due to

    a public disenchantment with yubs political system. -rganiationally, the PPP of the late &'(*s

    both had two features in common/ a backing of the rural elite and wide support from the urban

    intelligentsia. The Muslim league won over large sections of the landlords in Pun"ab and also

    en"oyed the support of middle class urban group of intellectuals and professionals0 who gave the

    party its organiation and ideology.

    The PPP, on the other hand, enlisted the support of emerging medium1scale farmer as well as the

    relatively less1privileged urban intelligentsia, which was the relatively less privileged urban

    intelligentsia, which was geared towards progressive ideas. The former defeated the e%clusively

    rural1based unionist party as well as such e%clusively urban based parties as khakssar tehrik and

    ma"lis1e1ahrar. The letter defeated such as e%clusively rural based parties as Muslim league#s$ of

    &')* and such e%clusively based urban parties as "amat1e1islami and certain religious groups. +n

    both cases rural support represented the power base because of strength while the urban wing

    was responsible for organiational work, such as propaganda, rationaliation of the party

    programme, image building of the leader and preparation of ideological syntheses.

    2hen in power from &')& to &')), the PPPs radical urban intelligentsia was increasingly

    alienated, while their curial organiational work was transferred to PPP confidents within the

    bureaucracy. -n the other hand, the support of landlords was cultivated with renewed vigor.

    3hutto chose to combat the P4 before and after the March &')) elections with the help of

    landlords and bureaucrats. The disgraced intellectuals of his party were no match for the strong

    urban based intellectuals of the P4. +n other words, 3hutto heavily relied on the state power

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    and dispensed with the original street power of party cadres, intellectuals and constituency1level

    workers. 2ith most of the landlord elements staying aloof and party activists being thus

    lienated, the &')1&')' campaign to save 3hutto failed miserably, despite his immense

    popularity with masses at large. ealiing their future to mobilie the general public, with PPP

    high command agreed to forge a board alliance with an earlier adversary, the P4, in &'5& and

    gave birth to the movement for restoration of democracy #M!$. 6ven since, the PPP has played

    its role in the countrys politics from the platform of the M!, while its internal organiational

    problems have continued to produce unrest within its ranks.

    The PPP has undergone more change in its role and personality than any other ma"or party in

    Pakistan within the last 5 years of, martial law. There are two main reasons for this. The PPP,

    unlike other parties, was a ruling party immediately before the present regime took over, and it

    went through considerable tension in the process of ad"usting to become an e%1government party.

    Second, it was the e%clusive target of the governments administrative strange hold, which

    featured a long internment period of its acting persons and a variety of punishments for its

    leaders and workers throughout the country. bitter debate over the ends and means of the

    partys struggle for democracy ensured. +t was alleged that active party work had been forced on

    progressive workers at the base lane, while top1level party leadership remained in the hands of

    upper class politicians. The latter were not concerned with ideological 7uestions and distrusted

    party workers completely. +n one authors words, there were various groups of 8ideological9 and

    8political9 in the PPP, belonging to the 8party cell9 and 8inner cell9 respectively, which fiercely

    opposed one another both in Pakistan and abroad. To these factions was added a small group of

    3hutto faithfuls, such as tika khan, rao ashid and dr. nasir . sheikh. These, therefore, tended

    to command the 3hutto ladies respect and trust to an e%tent which might otherwise be

    considered politically disastrous, due to their sub"ective1paternalistic approach in contrast to theoriginal mass line of the PPP.


    PPP has come into being on the basis of certain principles. Those principles are democracy,

    which is our polity. Socialism, which is our economic program. +slam, which is our religion. PPP

    is struggling for these principles. These principles dont have the program of the opposition

    parties but clearly enunciated these policies in the manifesto of PPP. Pakistan is an agricultural

    country and as well industrial. gricultural and industrial polices is the need for Pakistan

    development and bring prosperity for the common man. 6conomic program is not presented

    during the previous governments and wealth of country is concentrated in only :: families of



    The Pakistan Peoples Party #PPP$ was launched at its founding convention held in ;ahore on

    4ovember :5, &'(). t the same meeting, The

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    unanimously elected as the han, who was at the

    height of his power when the PPP was formed. 3asic principles of PPP enshrined/

    E +slam is our FaithE !emocracy is our politicsE Socialism is our 6conomyE ll Power to the People

    The Party also promised the elimination of feudalism in accordance with the established

    principles of socialism to protect and advance the interests of peasantry.

    +mmediately after its formation, the PPP spread its message among the workers, peasants and

    students throughout Pakistan, who greeted it enthusiastically. 2hile it was still in this process, a

    mass uprising broke out against yub >hans dictatorship and the PPP 7uickly moved to play a

    leading role in this movement. fter yub resigned in March &'(', an interim military

    government took over and announced elections for !ecember &')*. The PPP contested these

    elections on the slogans of D-T+, >P M>4D #bread, clothing and shelter$ and

    Dall power to the people.D

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    The masses responded heavily to it in the polls, where PPP won 5& of &C5 seats allocated to 2est

    Pakistan in the 4ational ssembly #a total of C** seats were contested for in both wings of the

    country $, coming in as the second largest party after 6ast Pakistan 1 based wami ;eague. t the

    provincial level, it won ma"ority in Sindh and Pun"ab legislatures.

    There were not enough means and time to organie and carry the message of PPP to 6astPakistan. The PPP, therefore, confined its election activities to 2est Pakistan and fielded its

    candidates in that wing.

    2hen rmy rulers refused to transfer power to wami ;eague, which had won an absolute

    ma"ority in the national legislature, a bloody civil war broke out in 6ast Pakistan leading to

    +ndian Military intervention defeating Pakistani rmy. The humiliated army @enerals had to step

    down. Mr. 3hutto took over as

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    Tarbela. Be made Pakistan self1sufficient in the field of fertiliers, sugar, and cement. Be

    nationalied 3anks and ;ife +nsurance

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    spared. 4ot a single PPP worker betrayed the party despite temptations by Martial ;aw


    !espite ine%plicable repression, PPP survived and indeed, gained in strength. +ts own activists

    reaffirmed their resolve to fight against the criminal dictatorship. Segments of masses which had

    become alienated from it now rallied to its support. The progressive forces outside the PPP3egan to cooperate with it. The leadership of the party was in the hands of Mrs. 4usrat 3hutto

    and 3enair 3hutto13huttos widow and daughter respectively who gave it a renewed sense of

    radicalism. The PPP ccepted the challenge of @eneral =ia when Ms. 3enair 3hutto

    commanded the party workers and supporters that party would fight on all fronts 1 at the polls as

    well as in the field demonstrations, public meetings and protests. So the party participated in the

    non1party local bodies elections. +t swept the polls throughout the country from >arachi to

    >hyber, the urban as well as rural areas, and washed away the impression that PPP has lost its

    popularity or mobiliation capacity. +t paved the way for the political parties to unite.

    The proof of the partyGs centrality to the politics of Pakistan came when nine political parties,including some which had helped in its overthrow as member of the P4, united with it in the

    Movement for the estoration of !emocracy #M!$. +n its first statement issued in February,

    &'5&, the movement demanded the holding of Dfree, fair, and impartial electionD. 2hen the

    government failed to oblige, the M!, in the summer of &'5C, brought out its followers to

    confront the military in the streets of Sindh.

    3enair 3hutto rescued and rebuilt the party from scratch, leading an epic movement for the

    restoration of !emocracy0 her historical welcome in ;ahore on &*th &'5( was the turn of the

    tide. +n the meantime =ia was digging his own grave. Be dismissed his handpicked protIgI

    Muhammad >han Aone"o and dissolved the 4ational ssembly of Pakistan on May :', &'55. few days before his death, while revealing his plans for a presidential system, he told a

    confidante D+ will be around a long timeD. Fate intervened on l)th ugust, &'55 when the

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    able to form a government at the han.

    +n the general elections held on :H -ctober, &''*, the Pakistan PeopleGs Party suffered defeat dueto massive rigging. The party had formed an electoral alliance with the Tehrik1e1+sti7lal and

    Tehrik1e14afa Fi7h Aafria #T4FA$, under the name of Pakistan !emocratic lliance #P!$ The

    PPP won H( of &*) national assembly seats contested by it. +slamic Aamhoori +tehad #+A+$ led by

    Mian Muhainmad 4awa Sharif won with ma"ority.

    PPP allegations were confirmed by @hulam Mustafa Aatoi, the caretaker Prime Minister in &''*

    that the elections were stolen and had been rigged. +n Sindh a reign of terror was let loose. So

    much so that sif li =ardari was involved in &: criminal cases including a case of murder of ?

    persons. !espite Aam Sadi7 and MuaffarGs personal supervision he was ac7uitted in all the cases,

    Aam Sadi7 said had + been instructed by the President + would have managed to defeat 3enair.

    fter the dismissal of 4awa Sharifs @overnment in &')C, 3enair 3hutto returned to office,

    following long March on 4ov. &5, &'': when 3enair 3hutto was baton charged and arrested.

    Many PPP leaders and workers were beaten and arrested by Sharif @overnment. 3enair 3hutto

    once again returned to the office of Prime Minister. 3enair 3hutto had redefined the Party

    programme at the Silver Aubilee of the Party at ;ahore in 4ovember, &'':. The 4ew Social

    contract envisaged a social market economy, Privatiation of the means of production,

    downsiing of the government, devolution of power and decentraliation to the level of ;ocal

    @overnment. So 3enair 3huttos government was dismissed for the second time on 4ovember

    ?, &''( by her handpicked President Faroo7 ;eghari, who betrayed her as @eneral =ia1ul1Ba7had betrayed her father. +n the aftermath of the &''), engineered elections, Pakistan fell into the

    grip of a civilian dictatorship and the Muslim ;eague into the clutches of Sharif family. Sharifs, a

    protIgI of =ia, amended the constitution. Taking advantage of the nuclear tests of May :5, the

    government proclaimed an 6mergency which enabled the Federal government to impose a

    unitary form of @overnment by arrogating powers of provincial governments to itself. +n the

    province of Sindh, the countryGs second largest Province, where the Muslim ;eague was a

    Minority party with less than a fifth of the seats in the Provincial ssembly maneuvered to form

    government. similar threat loomed large on the 4orth 2est Frontier Province where the

    Muslim ;eague minority @overnment had parted ways with the traditionally strong wami

    4ational Party. The government of the 3aluchistan 4ational Party led by khtar Mengal was

    over thrown. +n a bid to concentrate powers in their family, the Sharif brothers maneuvered the

    passage of the Shariat 3ill i.e. the l?th mendment #< &?$ in the 4ational ssembly which was

    however stalled in the Senate.

    3enair 3hutto is in forced e%ile these days and her husband sif li =ardari is in "ail since

    4ovember, &''( facing bravely a number of cases engineered by Sharif @overnment. as process

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    of victimiation, spurred by political vendetta. @eneral Pervai Musharraf took over on -ct. &:,

    &''' by removing corrupt and inept @overnment of 4awa Sharif. +n reply to a petition by

    4awa Sharif in the Supreme .4iai who ob"ected to 3egum 3huttos becoming the chairperson following

    3huttos death but 7uickly became an irrelevant force in Pakistans policy.

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    nswer is not difficult although many would dispute it. Masses perceived 3hutto as a genuinely

    sincere person. s his daughter 3enair herself acknowledges he was not an angel0 he may have

    made many mistakes in his life. 3ut the thing which continued with him till his last breath in

    awalpindi district "ail was his sincere commitment to improve the lot of people of Pakistan. +nhis presidential address at the &'() PPP convention, he declared his resolve to refer everything to

    the PPP. nd so he did during the ne%t &: years. Be believed that 8people alone could finally

    settle the issues. 4o individual held a special mandate from @od to lay down the law for the

    people of Pakistan9.

    3huttos charisma is not attributable to his looks0 smart Paris tailored1suits or his family

    background but to his very positions on various issues. nd these policies, in turn, had become

    the partys policies and accounted for its success. Be did not avoid the issues0 but as he would

    have put it, the issues avoided him as in a similar spirit he once told the supreme court that he

    wasnt power1hungry but power was hungry for him.

    There was hardly an issue that missed his attention. Be talked of moneyed classes and monopoly

    capitalists e%ploitation of masses0 of 8intolerable spread of corruption90 of a 8monstrous

    economic system of loot and plunder90 of fundamental rights restoration0 of Aammu and

    >ashmir0 of +ndian armament0 of heroic struggle of Kietnamese people0 of merican interference

    in Pakistans internal affairs0 of the infamous Tashkent agreement0 of 8police violence90 and of

    8cultural degradation9. +n other words, there was hardly in issue which was not addressed by him

    and thus his party. The thrust of his approach towards issues was beyond any doubt progressive/

    he was anti1imperialist0 stood for Pakistans withdrawal from military alliances and called for its

    solidarity with the third world particularly china, the Middle 6ast and Kietnam0 and proposedsolutions to curb e%ploitation of industrial workers and farmers. ;;is greatest success, however,

    was carrying Pun"ab and younger generation with them.

    This latter achievement had an interesting background. 3hutto came into limelight following the

    differences he developed with the yub regime over the &'(? war ceasefire and the Tashkent

    declaration. Be constantly harped on the theme that yub was opposing and suppressing him to

    prevent public disclosure of how and why the 8Tashkent declaration came about. yub initially

    tried the 8carrot approach9 with him by meeting him on &(th &'(( and offering him an

    ambassadorial assignment to France 8or any other place of #his$ choice on specially worked out

    terms9. 3hutto declined. yub then suggested to him setting up of a sugar or "ute mill at ;arkanaand assured him 8every facility for the pro"ect9. 3hutto again declined, telling the president of

    his preference 8to confine #his$ family of generations.9 President yub then used the 8stick

    approach9 and told him that he 8had not seen the buffets of life9 to know politics as he is a

    8young man born with a silver spoon in #his$ mouth. yub warned him that he would follow him

    to grave. +t is a different matter that he didnt but someone else did even subse7uently yubs

    attempts to seek rapprochement with 3hutto continued0 abdur rehman khan #yubs brother1in1

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    law and ambassador to F@$ anwar afridi and yub awan #!+@ 42FP and !+3 respectively$0

    altaf hussain #industries minister$0 governor musa and even yubs sons akhtar and tahir yub

    met 3hutto several times to dissuade him from indulging in politics. 3hutto resisted all offers

    and threats which very few of our politicians even today are capable of doing. 3ut 3hutto was

    more concerned with his place in history. Be by then had e%perienced the receptions accord to

    him in the whole of Pun"ab, particularly ;ahore, following his resignation from cabinet in &'((

    and so was convinced of his popularity due to his anti1+ndian and strengthening of the armed

    forces of the armed forces of the stands. Bis arrest on 4ovember &:th &'(5 further increased his

    public acclaim.

    Bis constant identification with the student community had own the hearts of the younger

    generation. 4o leader since then has talked of students as 8the constituent assembly of a

    franchise less population of &:* million people9. Be constantly retired that 8student cannot be

    segregated from the miseries of the masses nor from the frustration of intelligentsia. Be is a part

    of sorrowful society which the wheel of e%ploitation grinds9.

    Thus 3hutto was already set to win by the time he formed his party. Pun"ab was appreciative of

    his courages resistance against yub and his sincere commitment to public sentiments like anti1

    e%ploitation and anti1+ndian themes. 4evertheless PPP helped 3hutto in providing him with an

    unprecedented platform0 it had an intelligent and honest team so much so that despite =ia

    regimes best efforts, no charges of corruption were over levied against a single founder member

    of the party. People during the PPP governments time indulged in corruption but they were the

    opportunist and mostly the feudal elements. The intelligentsia team around 3hutto helped to

    build his public image0 in other words he had good advisors.


    ctually it was a combination of all three factors. -ne without the other could not have worked.

    Policies alone, sadly enough. P, and PSP, P4P and other likeminded groups not making headway

    despite their staunch progressive attitudesL Many like an 4P leader from Sindh would wash

    away their guilt of 3huttos e%ecution by voting for him at least once before looking into issues.

    former colleague of 3hutto from awalpindi is more cynical when he says that 3huttoblundered when he suppressed several generals to appoint =ia and himself in the process

    became a 7alamdar for all times. 3ut the reality is that there is presently no leader of 3huttos

    caliber on the scene. 3ring him back and he would address the issues in such a way that he could

    strike the right cords in relevant segments of society and combination of policies and his

    personality would prove lethal. Perhaps he would also have failed to launch a successful anti1

    government agitation0 but he would have proved very dangerous to the regime no wonder than

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    that he was removed from the scene. 3ut 8the party is still not yet over9, has some find to their

    discomfort, and the party formed by him continues to dominate the national political scene.


    Miss 3enair 3hutto should now devote her energies to organie the PPP. ;arge publicgatherings may be avoided as PPP does not need to repeatedly show its massive support. The

    public adulation for the 3hutto family has already been demonstrated effectively during the pril

    may period in &'5( when mammoth crowds thronged the PPP processions and meetings. 2hat

    the party now re7uires is organiational structure that could help galvanie the ne%t phase of its

    struggle. nd this organiational work is most actually re7uired in the Pun"ab.

    t the same time, however, ma"or organiational changes should be avoided as PPP appears to

    start the ne%t stage of its struggle against the government. +.e. midterm polls by fall of &'5(.

    Ma"or displacements at this time within the party would obviously antagonie a section of the

    party workers who affiliate themselves for various reasons with the former office barriers. +nsuch a situation displaced workers support in any struggle is not assured as any degree of

    success would be attributed to the ability and e%cellence of the new office barriers. -n the other

    hand, it can safely be assumed that in the absence of such changes, the new office barriers would

    have continued to support the party as they were not e%pecting any promotions in the foreseeable

    future. The above is borne out by reports that some of the affected workers have announced that

    if the recently announced organiational changes are not withdrawn then they would consider

    "oining the political party likely to be formed by the "atoiNkhar cli7ue. +t can of course be argued

    that if it was the degree of their loyalty then it is better that they were removed. 3ut generally

    speaking it is a bad strategy to changes generals right before a battle especially when every

    individuals support counts.

    The PPP since the inception has been criticied for its lack of organiation. !espite it has

    continued to en"oy public support and in a way its support could be compared with the following

    Muslim league en"oyed during the Pakistan movement. 3ut the Muslims of +ndia ignored this

    criticism and voted overwhelmingly for a political group which was more a movement than a

    political party. Similar is the case of PPP which won in the &')* and &')) elections.

    4evertheless this cannot become the e%cuse for not organiing the party because history does not

    always repeat itself. The functional infighting witnessed within the party since Miss 3huttos

    return to Pakistan over trivial matters are not signs of party that has a firm ideological base. Thefunctionalism and "ealousies goes to show the immaturity and insecurity of the local party

    leadership as they are nominated and not elected0 they endavour to do everything within their

    means to please to nominating authorities. This hardly bread initiative. There must be some

    reason after all that the government appears rela%ed despite miss 3enairs confidence/ it takes

    comfort from the fact the party leadership #not necessarily the workers$ continue to air their

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    functional differences in public despite the chairpersons enunciating a clear and ma"or public

    goal of holding the national general election by this fall.



    The baffling thing is that the same caetrie of high party leadership accompanies Miss 3enair

    3hutto whatever she goes. -ne cannot help wondering that when and how these leaders get time

    to organiing the party. This trait perhaps can again be attributed to insecurity among these

    leaders0 they perhaps want to always to be seen with the chair person in order to show their

    strength to their rivals and to foreclose any adverse remarks made against them in front of miss

    3enair. +t would thus be a much better idea to give the local party leadership a chance to come

    in the forefront so that they are strengthened at least locally.


    Political activist with the PPP, &'))15H0 repeatedly imprisoned and kept under house arrest by

    the Pakistani government0 political e%ile in ;ondon, 6ngland, &'5H15(0 returned to Pakistan in

    pril, &'5(0 Pakistan co1chair, beginning in &'5(0 fter elections held 4ovember &'55, invited

    to form the government, became Prime Minister in &'55 but her government was illegally

    dismissed in ugust &''*. She again came to power after her Party won a ma"ority in elections

    held in -ctober &''C. Ber government was once again dismissed illegally in 4ovember &''(.

    Since then PPP under her leadership has been sub"ected to political persecution first by 4awaGs

    regime and then by Musharraf regime. The leadership faced all the difficulties with courage and

    has remained united under her leadership despite coercion and intimidation.


    6ver since the Pakistan peoples party, led by late =ulfi7ar li 3hutto, coined the populist slogan

    of 8roti, kapra aur makan9,


    ccording the basic documents approved by the ;ahore convention held on 4ovember C*, &'(

    the Pakistan peoples party guiding prinicples were/

    +slam is our Faith

    !emocracy is our politics

    Socialism is our 6conomy

    ll Power to the People


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    The election symbol of Pakistans peoples party is arrow.



    =;F+J ;+ 3BTT-

    4ST 3BTT-

    364=+ 3BTT-

    3+;2; 3BTT- =+!+




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    &'55 C5.? ),?H(,?(& 'HN:*) 3enair


    in government

    &''* C(.5 ),)'?,:&5 HH N :*) 3enair


    +n opposition

    &''C C).' ),?)5,(C? 5' N :*) 3enair


    +n government

    &'') :&.5 H,&?:,:*' &) N :*) 3enair


    +n opposition

    :**: :?.) (: N :*) min fahim +n opposition

    :**5 C*.( &*,(*(,H5( &:H N CH: 3enair

    bhuuto Q

    yousuf raa


    +n government

    :*&C &?.:C (,'&&,:&5 H)N:): 3ilawal



    +n opposition


    nder 3huttos leadership a diminished Pakistan began to rearrange its national life. Be removed

    the armed forces from the process of decision1making, but to placate the generals he allocatedabout ( per cent of the gross national product to defence. +n &')C the 4ational ssembly adopted

    the countryGs fifth constitution. 3hutto became Prime Minister, and Faal 6lahi

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    Shaheed 3huttos period was the period of reforms in Pakistan. ll reforms were focused for

    betterment of common person. Bere are few of the reforms introduced by Shaheed =ulfikar li


    ;and eforms

    ;abor eforms +ndustrial and

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    3enair 3hutto civil servant, @hulam +sha7 >han, was appointed President, and 3enair

    3hutto became Prime Minister after the PPP won the general elections held in 4ovember &'55.

    She was the first female political leader of a modern +slamic state. +n ugust &''* President

    +sha7 >han dismissed her government, charging misconduct, and declared a state of emergency.

    3hutto and the PPP lost the -ctober elections after she was arrested for corruption and abuse of

    power. The new Prime Minister, 4awa Sharif, head of the +slamic !emocratic lliance,

    continued the programme of privatiing state enterprises and encouraging foreign investment

    begun in the &'5*s. Be also promised to bring the country back to +slamic law and to ease

    continuing tensions with +ndia over >ashmir. The charges against 3hutto were resolved, and she

    returned to lead the PPP. +n pril &''C +sha7 >han once again used his presidential power, this

    time to dismiss Sharif and to dissolve parliament. Bowever, Sharif appealed to the ahn subse7uently became embroiled in a power struggle that

    paralysed the Pakistani government. +n an agreement designed to end the stalemate, Sharif and

    >ahn resigned together in Auly &''C, and elections were held in -ctober of that year. The PPPwon and 3hutto was again named Prime Minister. Faroo7 hmad >han ;eghari became the new

    president in 4ovember &''C.

    P%.)$),' %+ %3,&:

    !uring the election campaigns the 3hutto government voiced its concern for womenGs social and

    health issues, including the issue of discrimination against women. 3hutto announced plans to

    establish womenGs police stations, courts, and womenGs development banks. !espite these plans,

    3hutto did not propose any legislation to improve welfare services for women. !uring her

    election campaigns, she promised to repeal controversial laws #such as Budood and =ina

    ordinances$ that curtail the rights of women in Pakistan, but the party did not fulfill these

    promises during her tenures as Prime Minister, due to immense pressure from the opposition.

    P%.)$4 %& T/.)5/&:

    The Taliban took power in >abul in September &''(. +t was during 3huttos rule that the Taliban

    gained prominence in fghanistan. She, like many leaders at the time, viewed the Taliban as a

    group that could stabilie fghanistan and enable trade access to the

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    5* thousands new literacy centers were set up throughout the country.

    W%3,& A/)+':

    Ten thousands young people were given loans of ?* thousands each to start their own

    businesses. Kery first time a separate ministry for women affairs was established to solve their


    2omen 3ank was established.

    2omen were given loan facility to start their own businesses.

    arachi, ;ahore and +slamabad.

    W/(,+ P%,+:

    6lectricity was supplied to H thousand Killages in twenty months, which is a record.

    6lectricity supplied to more than &: lac houses.

    Private sector was encouraged and & billion R investment from private sector was

    arranged for electric generation.

    @hai 3rotha and 4eelam Ahelum pro"ects #& thousand Mega 2atts$ were initiated.

    To overcome the energy problem an agreement was signed with arachi and Peshawar.

    (** new post offices were opened.

    Port Jasim was e%tended.

    Pakistan Steel Mills was e%tended and its productivity increased.

    6mployment of ?*** workers were secured by restarting 3aluchistan Te%tile Mills.

    Millat Tractors was e%tended and its productivity increased from &:*** tractors per year

    to &5*** tractors per year.

    new plant of Suuki

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    n assembly plant of Toyota Bi ce, Aeeps and

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    6lectricity to &5,*** villages.

    irport at Sehwan Sharif.

    irport at @awadur.

    2ork on >etti 3andar Port started.

    arachi. near end to terrorism acknowledged by friends and foes like.


    gosta submarines for the Pakistan 4avy.

    Tanks for the rmy.

    Missile capability developed which was to be announced as the @olden Aubilee gift to the

    4ation on ugust &H, &'').


    n end to the load shedding by enlisting the private sector in power development sector

    through a uniform policy of tariffs and concessions hailed by the 2orld 3ank as a model

    for the developing countries.

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    large number of

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    6ffective anti1narcotics measures and legislation adopted for the first time.

    Balf a doen ma"or drug barons e%tradited.

    !eath penalty and confiscation of property provided in the law for drug pushers.


    3enair 3hutto entered upon another phase of the political career, assuming the role of

    opposition leader in parliament. Bere she demonstrated greater resilience, imagination, and

    capacity to mobilie the masses. 3etween &''*1'C, she adopted three pronged strategy as

    opposition leader. First, she made efforts to mend relations with the army, and by the end of

    &'':, had developed a relationship of trust and accommodation with the military elites, which

    was no mean achievement. Second, she was consistent in targeting President @hulam +sha7 khan,

    inside and outside parliament0 she missed no opportunity to attack him, portraying the president

    as the principal architect of her governments downfall and holding him responsible forweakening the democratic process in the country. She was skillful in creating a wedge between

    the president and Prime Minister 4awa Sharif, particularly on 5th amendment issue and

    discretionary powers of the president. She continued to put pressure on @lulam +sha7 khan until

    he was provoked into a confrontation with the government. Third, she aroused the masses against

    the president and the government, and once she had succeeded in winning the president away

    from the 4awa Sharif government, she threatened to lunch a long march of opposition. She

    persuaded the military to remain neutral, alleged the government was court, inefficient, and had

    rigged the polls, and demanded fresh elections. More important, she cultivated relations with

    other opposition parties and leaders opposed to PM; #4$ and 4awa Sharif. Finally, between

    Aanuary and april&''C, 3hutto shrewdly e%ploited the differences between the president andprime minister on 5th amendment, both of whom sought her support on this issue. !uring these

    few months, she had an opportunity to consolidate close personal contacts with number of

    political leaders.

    The president dismissed the 4awa Sharif government in pril &''C, on the same charges as he

    had earlier leveled against the 3hutto government in &''*.


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    the country, however, it was being wrongly portrayed by some groups having vested interests as

    weakening of the PPP1led government.

    !ispelling the impression by some news analysts with regard to the amendment to the 4

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    This is going to be another landmark achievement of the present government by taking the

    course of consultation for consensus1building on key issues of national importance, the anti1

    government spin doctors are trying to belittle the achievements of the government with regard to

    progress made by the country. The restoration of peace in Swat and Malakand and handling of

    the +!Ps. The government had launched a number of schemes for alleviation of poverty,

    empowerment of women and employment to the unemployed.

    The launching of 3enair +ncome Support Programme worth s)* billion, 3enair 6mployees

    Stock -ption Scheme in more than 5* state owned enterprises, through which &: shares worth

    more than s&&* billion have been given to employees, free of cost.

    dditionally, 3enair @reen Tractors Scheme for small farmers, subsidy to the people in

    provision of about )* items at the tility Stores, increase in the minimum wages of the workers

    to s (,***, revival of trade unions through + :**', restoration of thousands of sacked

    employees, regulariation of contract employees, 4ational +nternship programme, increase in the

    salaries of government employees are some other steps taken by the government.

    +n addition to short term measures, the present government has also launched new policies in the

    field of education, te%tile, power, petroleum and natural resources.

    PPP leadership en"oys the credit of addressing the long outstanding issue of 3aluchistan.

    DPresident sif li =ardari personally offered apologies to the people of 3aluchistan for the

    in"ustices meted out by the previous regimes and we take pride in initiation of process for

    restoration of rights for people of 3aluchistan through gha1e1Bu7oo71e13aluchistan.D

    The C'1point initiative of constitutional, political, administrative and economic reforms was

    recently presented in the "oint sitting of the Parliament, which has won great applause from all

    corners of life including the nationalist leadership of the aggrieved province. This has restored

    the trust of the people of 3aluchistan in the federation of Pakistan which was eroded by the

    myopic and arbitrary policies of the past regimes.

    The present government has also empowered the people of @ilgit13altistan by delegating (&

    areas of legislation to the elected representatives of @3 legislative assembly and held free, fair

    and transparent elections participated by all ma"or political parties. This has not only brought

    blooming democracy to the region rather has also demonstrated that democracy can neutralie

    parochial and sectarian divides of the society. The present government is not shy of facing the

    challenges0 it has successfully resolved the issue of net hydel profit of 42FP and @as

    !evelopment Surcharge #@!S$ to 3aluchistan.

    D-ur government has already paid s&* billion out of total s&&* billion to 42FP and an

    amount of s&:* billion will be paid to 3aluchistan on @!S.D +t is important to note that the

    issue of @!S was pending since early (*s, which has only now been redressed by the present


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    The president advised to remodel the 4F< ward by ensuring e7uity of resources distribution to

    all federating units.

    The work in this regard is in progress and the 4F< ward

    There is an e%tra ordinary parado% within the original Pakistan peoples party and successor

    Pakistan peoples party #shaheed 3hutto$. 3oth keep harking back to the founder =ulfi7ar li

    3hutto. 3eing the eldest child of founder, 3enair 3hutto claimed the tittle of inheritance after

    =..3BTT- was toppled and then hanged. -n that claim she headed de facto the PPP, with her

    widowed mother as chairperson. She also headed two elected PPP governments.

    ;ater, a 3hutto son, Mir Murtaa 3hutto, having broken away from elder sister, set up Pakistan

    peoples party dedicated to the late =ulfi7ar li 3hutto, designating it as Pakistan peoples party

    shaeed 3hutto PPP#S3$. Mother 4usrat 3hutto moved over to the new edition of the original

    PPP, as its chairperson. fter the death of Mir Murtaa 3hutto took over. 4usrat 3hutto is now

    too old and too sick to hold any position.

    +t has been an open secret that there was no love lost between the sister and younger is

    also known to the world that Mir Murtaa 3hutto was slain, along with his guards and

    supporters, "ust outside the house where the 3hutto family children grew up togather. 3enair,

    Murtaa and others. 2hen Mir Murtaa 3hutto was slain, sister 3enair was the prime minister

    of Pakistan.

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    The name PPP #shaheed 3hutto$ is used for the faction of the PPP founded and originally led by

    late Mir Murtaa 3hutto. The group was formally established in &''?. +t claimed to be the true

    successor of the party founded by his father =..3BTT- forty seven years earlier in

    4ovember, &'(). Mir Murtaa 3hutto had always opposed the policies of PPP led by 3enair

    3hutto, accusing it of deviating from the basic principles and creed of the party laid down by

    founding convention and "ealously upheld by the founder chairperson =ulfi7ar li 3hutto.

    fter the &'55 elections, the graph of PPP led by 3enair 3hutto, begain to decline. Mir was in

    e%ile, but he maintained a sustained attack on the then PPP leadership for betraying the ideology

    and legacy of shaheed =ulfi7ar li 3hutto.

    There were widespread charges of corruption against the top leadership of the PPPunder the

    3enair 3hutto leadership. +t was on alligations on corruption and abuse of state power that the

    president ghulam isha7 khan dismissed the Pakistan peoples party government.

    The party had been weakened by general discontent among the people party against the partyleadership. s a result the PPP lost the &''& election. 3ut in the &''C election, it again returned

    to power, through with a thin ma"ority.

    Mir Murtaa 3hutto also got elected as a member of Sindh provincial assembly from the safe

    ancestral seatin larkana while he was still in e%ile. Be was sharply critical about the way the top

    leadership was running the government.

    Be tried his best to impress upon his sister to desist from acting in manner which was, he

    maintained, not conductive to the prevail.

    Finally, Mir murtaa 3hutto decided to #by his definition$ resurrect and reclaim the party. Becalled a national convention which met at )* arachi on March &?, &''?. The

    convention adopted the future course of the party, he main ob"ective was identified as saving the

    party and upholding the ideology and the legacy of shahed =ulfi7ar li 3hutto.

    The life chairperson of PPP, begum 4usrat 3hutto nominated Mir Murtaa 3hutto as the

    chairperson of new PPP. She added shaheed bhutt to partys tittle, making it Pakistan peoples

    party #shaheed 3hutto$ or the PPP#S3$ as it has come to be generally called.

    The convention had drawn representatives of workers from all over the country. +t unanimously

    adopted a resolution formally electing the nominated Mir Murtaa he

    The PPP#S3$ has continued to work to achieve what it believes are the ob"ectives set by its

    founder chairman shahedd =ulfi7ar li 3hutto.

    The part received a "olt and setback when on September, :*, &''( its chairman, Mir Murtaa

    3hutto, was assisinated along with his si% commande in a target shooting incident "ust outside

    the family mansion in arachi. This was the time when his own sister prime minister of

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    the contry. The provincial government of Sindh was headed by a PPP man, the trusted insider

    bdullah shah, now alleged to be absconding.

    -n the insistence and re7uest by central committee of PPP#S3$, provincial, districts and grass1

    root bodies and workers of the party, the widow of Mir Murtaa 3hutto, ginwa 3hutto took over

    the office of the chairperson of PPP#S3$ on 4ovember C*, &''(.

    +n &''), the PPP #S3$ took part in general elections held on February, &''). The party secured

    one seat in national assembly and two seats in Sindh provincial assembly. @hinwa 3hutto has

    been steering the party, consistently advocating the philosophy of devolution of power to people

    at the grass root level.

    t present the @hinwa 3hutto is also the chairperson of Pakistan national conference, an alliance

    of si% like1minded parties belonging to the inclined political parties including national workers

    party, Pakistan awami party, communist madoor kisan party, Pakistan labor party and siraiki

    national movement.

    The basic principles of the PPP1sb are the same as adopted by the partys founding convention in


    E +slam is our Faith

    E !emocracy is our politics

    E Socialism is our 6conomy

    E ll Power to the People

    Membership of the party is granted to a person who reposes full confidence in the mottoand in

    the basic resolution and founding documents of the PPP as founded by shaheed =ulfi7ar li

    3hutto. The partys membership card has the partys basic principles inscribed on it. The

    duration of the vlidity of the card is for two years.

    +t will be recalled at the original PPP was founded on 4ovember C*, &'() at a convention held at

    !r mubashir hassans residence, H1k, gulberg, ;ahore. The convention elected =ulfi7ar li

    3hutto as chairman of the Pakistan peoples party and A..ahim as the secretary general.


    l1 =ulfi7ar was a terrorist organiation founded in kabulin February &'5& by Murtaa 3hutto,

    which grew out of Pakistan liberation army which had been established by Murtaa and his

    brother shah 4awa. +t sought the overthrow of =ia regime and drew on support from ;ibya and

    fghanistan. +t claimed responsibility of a number of acts of sabotage and for the assassination

    of such =ia supporters as chudhari ahur elahi.


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    Second, there is a serious organiational gap between the leadership and the workers, resulting in

    the absence of guidance for action, lack of opinion1making at the popular level and overall

    8psychic anarchy9. The gap is a result of the removal of the earlier leadership from the party and

    the ascendancy of a post &')& leadership within the country with whom party workers find it

    difficult to identify0 the most significant reason seems to be the diminished power of intellectuals

    in the party. The longer this gap continues, the more difficult if becomes for 3enair 3hutto and

    her close associates to forge together the disparate elements in the party. 2hile leaders e%ist and

    workers abound, the integration between the two can only be effected through organiational and

    ideological work, which is usually the preserve of the intelligentsia. PPP can be considered weak

    on this account, more than it has ever been since its inception. The organiational breakdown of

    the party can therefore be ascribed to non1functioning of the vital wing of intellectuals.


    Third, the PPP has yet to come to grips with the fact of the &'5? elections and the emergence of a

    parliament. The legislators, who claim to have mass popularity and who are engaged in arelatively uninterrupted process of putting some institutional pressure on the overall frame work

    of martial law with the aim of removing it, are an ambivalent category of political leaders, 7uite

    a few of whom have come from PPP ranks. The political struggle for this party is thus becoming

    a morass of conflicting forces, each with confusing aims. The partys thinking on the legitimacy

    of sitting members of national and provincial assemblies is far from clear and by no means

    geared towards action against them. -n the other hand, the PPP cannot afford to forget the

    peculiar electoral framework imposed by president =ia which has given rise to the brand of

    politicians via the electoral e%ercise of February &'5?.

    serve test of the PPPs maturity as a party will come in the event of a conditional revival ofparties. 3eing a non1registered party and the bearer of 3huttos legacy, all efforts are being made

    to eliminate it from the political scene. 2ill the party leadership opt for a more radical approach,

    or will it try to seek an accommodation with the ruling elite on this issueL 2ill it search for allies

    among members of various assembliesL 2ill it try to go at it alone, or will it at some point

    abandon fellow members of M!L +ndications are that 3enair will find it hard to change the

    e%isting balance between the radicals and conservatives. lso, bestowing legitimacy on the

    elected members of the assemblies will lead to a moral crises and lienate it from the rest of the

    M!. +t seems the leadership, ideological orientation, and organiational structure of the PPP

    will continue to remain unchanged in the foreseeable future. Perhaps its leadership is content to

    bid its time until destiny calls. 3enairs return home after shah 4awa 3huttos death continued

    to bother the regime, the latter cannot risk facing her in the political arena. The gradual

    civiliation of the regime from the February &'5? elections owns wards seem not to have

    changed the military "untas conflict1resolution approach. s far as the internal organiational

    matters of PPP are concerned 3enair tends to under play them. +n her view it is the oppressive

    nature of president =ias regime which calls for immediate response. For mass mobiliation, she

    is content to play with 3huttos charisma which she fully represents. That in turn might lead her

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    to view Pakistan politics and PPP in terms of immediate result orientation, instead of long1term

    management of organiational and ideological matters. +n other words leadership roles would be

    filled in by those who were inducted into the party by 3hutto after it come to power, having little

    contact with constituency1level workers as well as party1cadres and intellectuals. The

    momentous task faced by 3enair, therefore, is to link mass1based leaders and workers with

    middle and top leadership in the party. +t is difficult to say how far she will concede the initiative

    to the workers in organiational matters. 3ut one thing is certain. 2ith her own position firmly

    established, it is the so1called party faithfuls and not personal confidants who are going to be

    3enairs real asset in her political career.


    t the time of PPP was founded in &'(), the supremacy of military in politics of Pakistan was

    well1established and the doctrine "ustifying the role in politics well1developed. Bowever, the

    doctrine came to be 7uestioned during the anti1yub movement ignited by the economic policies

    yub pursued and ramparent corruption of his regime. 3hutto correctly diagnosing thisdisaffection founded the people party that swept the elections of &')* in 2est Pakistan. For the

    first time in the history of Pakistan an alternative power structure to military dominated power

    structure emerged threatening the domineering position of the military in politics.

    3esides the conflict in the political interests, the ideologies and the perceptions of the military

    and the PPP were also opposed to each other. The party and chairperson thought that electoral

    victory of this party gave him the right to impose effective control on powerful military defined

    as the national interest. This obviously was not compatible with the rule of guardian of PPP also

    proclaimed to establish and strengthen peoples democracy, and introduce several reforms

    including land reforms. These changes were unacceptable to the military. significant portion ofits officer class came from landowning class. Some had become themselves absentee landowners

    due to the allotment policies of yub concerning lands opened new barrages.

    Thus, after the elections of &')* basic conflict of interest has developed between the military and

    the PPP conducive for a smooth transfer of power from the former to the letter. The militarys

    distrust of PPP and its reluctance to transfer power to it is graphically reflected during transfer of

    power after fall of 6ast Pakistan. Oahiya and his colleague tried not to transfer power to PPP. The

    transfer occurs only after a split occurred in the military top brass and the young officers at the

    @BJ threatened a coup against Oahiya.

    fter assuming power and during his rule 3hutto took several drastic and radical steps to assert

    his and his partys control over the military. They included sacking of a score of generals,

    restricting of the military command leading to the abolition of post of

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    party to the military elite. Some measures were carried out in a way causing humiliation to the

    leaders of his powerful institution. Bowever, constrained by the situation in which it was since

    6ast Pakistan debacle, the military did not react to this measure immediately and sharply. s it

    resentment against PPP accumulated, it finally led the army to stage a coup against the 3hutto

    government. +t chooses a time for the coup against the 3hutto government. +t choose the time for

    the coup when it found the party and its leader weakened due to their lienation from a

    significant segment of urban strata because of the authoritarian tenor of PPP rule and myopic

    policies particularly the conduct of &')) elections.

    The overthrew of the first PPP government by then

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    The party aimed to introduce 8real democracy9 for which the first condition was the abolition of

    privileges and the transfer of power to people. +t believed that political privileges were

    inseparably related to economic privileges ine7ualities.

    +n calling for the socialist solution to the countrys problems the PPP manifesto proclaimed that

    the only correct way to deal with them was to change #a$ the e%ploitive capitalist structure, and#b$ Pakistans situation as an underdeveloped country within the neocolonialist power sphere.

    The ultimate ob"ective of the partys policy was the attainment of classes society which it

    thought was possible only through socialism.

    +t stood for an 8independent foreign policy9 as an indispensible instrument for safeguarding and

    promoting national interest in the sphere of international relations.

    The PPP had declared that towards +ndia, 8a policy of confrontation would maintained until the

    7uestion of >ashMir, Farakka, 3eruberi #in 6ast Pakistan, now in 3angladesh$, and other

    pending matters are settled. 6ntirely in consonance with the principle of supporting liberation

    movements, Pakistan will support the cause of the people of ssam who are fighting for their


    8The Tashkent declaration will be repudiated, being a treaty e%ported under duress. 4o

    negotiations may be conducted under the cover of this invalid treaty9.

    The party stood for mi%ed an economy. The ultimate ob"ective of the partys policy was

    attainment of a classs society through socialism. Bowever, it was within the public sector that all

    the ma"or sources of production of wealth were pledged to place in public sector that all

    the basic industries such as iron and steel, nonferrous metal, heavy engineering, machine tools,chemicals and etc.

    3ut when the party came to power, in e%traordinary circumstances and after the country had been

    fragmented, it looks radical steps through controversial nationaliation of financial and

    educational institutions. These measures were termed by the critics as the cause of economic

    difficulties, perhaps the criticism was half1truth, if seen in retrospect.

    The PPP also stood for local self1government in the accepted sense of the management of local

    affairs by elected representatives of the citiens living within the area. The PPP claimed that the

    so1called the system of basic democracies, introduced by yub khan, was a perversion of local

    self1government. That system was meant to bolster the edifice the corrupt leadership.

    The PPP promised that the local bodies under the socialist regime would compromise urban

    municipalities and agglomerations, in convenient sies, of rural areas, corresponding somewhat

    to district councils.

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    in vogue in advanced countries. 3ut @reater emphases on foreign policy issues by government

    kept the peoples attention discarded from real issues.

    The party, which had secures highest percentage of votes in what was at that time west Pakistan,

    came to power when the country had not yet overcome the truma of dismemberment. +t was

    obliged to enter into delicate negotiations with +ndia for the release of P-2s, which resulted inthe Shimla accord. +t could also boast on the building a consensus for the adoption of &')C

    constitution and consciously pursuing the nuclear option.

    3ut as time passes by, and government took decisions against the 4P governments in the

    42FP and 3aluchistan, the language crises in Sindh and the police strike, its grip over things

    gradually eroded. +ts grasp over economy suffered owing to utopian approach of its stalwarts.

    Political polariation in the domestic sphere was compounded by confrontation with the west

    over the issue of china. 6ven more delicate was the nuclear on which the western powers were

    far from happy with the PPP. This was the girm pursuit of an 8independent foreign policy9. +tcost the =..3BTT- government dearly and enabled the a%is between the opposition and

    establishment to become strong enough to dislodge him in a military coup.

    That was the beginning of long period of military rule, ethnicity, and proliferation of illicit

    weapons, heroin and terrorism. =..3BTT- was subse7uently hanged for complicity in

    controversial murder case. The leadership of the party was assumed by =.. 3huttos wife,

    begum 4usrat 3hutto who, along with her daughter 3enair 3hutto, kept it live.

    +n Aune &'5(, the o%ford1educated 3enair 3hutto, who had gone into self1e%ile after her father

    e%ecution, landed at ;ahore and led a mammoth procession, even bigger than her fathers, and

    gave a new life to another phase of peoples power.

    +n &'55, elections the PPP agenda basically remained the same as it promised to end poverty,

    eliminate slums, illiteracy and ill health, economic and social in"ustice and unite the nation

    bitterly divided by ethnic sectarian differences.

    +t drew public attention towards 8a grave crises striking at the very roots9 of the country which it

    believed had emerged with the 8illegal overthrew of the elected government of the people, the

    assassination of popularly elected prime minister and savior of the nation who brought took the

    '*,*** prisoners of war with honor and saved Pakistan when earlier military dictator ship had

    dismembered it.9. The main thrust of party was against military rule and the policies pursued bygeneral =ias military government.

    The PPP assumed power with its wings clipped by the military dominated establishment.

    3enair 3hutto took oath as prime minister but insider said she had no control over the foreign

    policy, including afghan and >ashmir policy, nuclear and financial matters. Two years later, the

    3enair government was removed on charges of corruption.

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    The general elections threw up Mian 4awa Sharif, as prime minister. Be was a former chief

    minister of Pun"ab during =ias years s also during 3enair government.

    +n the game of power politics, the PPP was advised to form a coalition with the MJM, both at

    the center and also in the Sindh province where the PPP was in a commanding position for form

    government without any non1PPP support. 3ut the romance with the MJM did not last. Soon thestalwarts of both parties were fighting pitched battles in the streets of >arachi.

    2hile still in the coalition with PPP, the MJM secretly stuck a deal with 4awa Sharif, the rich

    rival of the PPP. The MJM voted against 3enair 3hutto when the non1confidence motion was

    brought against her.

    +n &''C the 4awa government was removed, on charges 7uite similar to those that had proved

    the undoing of the 3enair government. general elections were ordered.

    This tie round, the PPP pledged to create 8public private partnership9 to achieve the full

    potential of the 8market forces9 for economic development and social progress.

    The party claimed that its 8new social contract9 was aimed at ensuring a balance in the powers

    and functions of federal, provincial and local governments.

    2hile pledging to continue that peaceful nuclear policy, it gave utmost importance to

    development of highly trained, professional, modern and well e7uipped armed forces, re7uire for

    the defense and internal security of the country.

    +t re"ected the idea of Pakistan unilaterally signing the nuclear non1proliferation treaty #4PT$,

    and pledged to work for a mutual arms reduction treaty with +ndia. !evelopment of peaceful uses

    of nuclear energy one of the main elements of the nuclear policy. Friendship with china remained

    the corner stone of its foreign policy and relations with central sian states gained importance.

    +t considered the self1determination for the people of >ashmir a national issue, above internal

    political differences. The PPP affirmed its support for a peaceful solution of the >ashmir issue in

    accordance with the principles embodied in the 4 resolutions and in negotiations agreed upon

    at Shimla.

    +t promised that its privatiation policy would be geared to achieve full participation of the forces

    of the production, social development and an end to monopolies.

    lthough it promised to be about reduction in defense e%penditure through mutual arms of

    reduction treaty with +ndia, the party fully supported moderniation of the armed services for

    effective defense against outside aggression.

    +n &'') the PPP presented its 8agenda for change9 and adopted a seven1pronged strategy to rid

    the country of devastation caused by the policies of general =ia and his political successor

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    4awa Sharif. +t was generally seen as a repudiation of the list of allegations leveled against the

    PPP government as ground of its dismissal.

    ffected by the controversial 5th amendment, the PPP government pledged to do away with it.

    This time the emphases were on alleviation on human misery, despair and on the development of

    infrastructure and human resources on a large scale. The political agenda included structural,electoral institutional and constitutional reforms that had become vital not only to radically

    transform the relationship between the state and society but also to find a stable basis for national


    +t believed that decades of dependence on foreign resources mobiliation strategy had completely

    arrested the creativity of the people. nd the isolation and remoteness of the people of Pakistan

    and their elected representatives from the task of shaping their own destiny was evident from the

    +MF conditional ties.

    +t felt that the most economic problem facing the nation was the staggering public debt. +tpledged that all proceeds from privatiation of public sector units, especially infrastructure

    pro"ects, would be used e%clusively for the retirement of public debts.

    The PPP believed the continuation of its 8agenda for change9 for sustaining Pakistan, its

    democratic institutions, for the alleviation of human misery, despair of development of

    infrastructure and human resources on a large scale. long with structural, electoral, institutional

    and constitutional reforms had become vital not only to radically transform the relationship

    between the state and society but also to find a sustainable basis for national security.

    The PPP believed that through structure ad"ustments periodically entered into by successive care

    taker governments, even the elite and national bureaucracy had forfeited decision making rights.

    The power a authority had passed on to foreign institutions.

    The PPP saw that owing to periodic military interventions, special disparities has aggravated.

    The distinction between the needs and wants was disappearing fast. @rowing demand of the

    unessential items was resulting in moral degradation of all sections of society. ll this was

    providing a fertile ground for e%tremist elements who promised a revolution.

    The PPP therefore stressed that the state, has to provide a policy frame work, as well as

    resources, to act through a grand coalition of non1governmental organiation of people, financial

    institutions, co1operatives and decentralied government agencies, all working in tendem undernew norms, so that the worker strata of society are meaningfully empowered.

    +t believes that a lasting solution has to be found to get out of a debt demographic1 dictatorship1

    dehumaniation help with a debt retirement plan, bringing population growth to less than : and

    has consolidating democratic governance. dynamic balance has to be found between

    Political parties and pressure groups Page 3!

  • 8/10/2019 Pakistan Peoples Party Assignment



    democracy and development, rural and urban areas, the federation and the provinces and the

    provinces and the districts, authority and accountability.

    sustainable model of development, high rates savings and investment for a much needed

    higher growth rate should help eradicate poverty and underdevelopment. +n the meanwhile peace

    in the region and e7uitable and collective end to lethal arms race, accompanied by the "ustresolution of disputes, could release tremendous resources to bring prosperity for the hundreds of

    the millions of people living below the poverty line in the sub1continent.
