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Regular Camera Club meeting. 8 p. m. Key West Federal ArtCenter.

TUESDAY—Stone Church Service Club supper, open to winter visitors. 6:00

( , ' p. m. Church Annex.. , Luncheon honoring visiting golfers Craig Wood, Dick Metz,

Frank Walsh, Billy Burke who will give exhibition at Keyy'" West Southernmost Links. Banquet and reception in the

evening auspices Key West Golf Club. Cocktail at the ErnestHemingways.


Meeting Key West Lions Club, Stone Church Annex, 6:30 P. M.• Rotary Club meeting 12:15 p. m. St. Paul’s Annex.

Social meeting of Junior Woman’s Club with Miss Juanita Maygand Solita Cobo entertaining. 5 p. m. Woman’s Clubhouse.

Christmas Party auspices Ladies’ Aid Ley Memorial Church.7:30 p. m. Residence of Mrs. Mary Weatherford.


Concert, Key West Hospitality Band. 5 p. m. Art Center Park.

Key West College Students TroopHome For Christmas Holidays

Over the weekend scores ofKey West students who are inthfcir fall terms at colleges overthe country have begun arrivingfor the Christmas Holidays whichare usually of two weeks dura-tion**• Miss Emma Anne Kennedy,junior at Florida State Collegefor' - Women, at Tallahasseedaughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. S.Kennedy, arrived yesterday. Mrs.Annie Page and daughter. Mar-guerite, freshman at F.S.C.W.,and Betty Rae Russell, daughterof Mr. and Mrs. Everett Russelland freshman at Florida Statearrived Saturday afternoon. Ac-companying them was Mrs.Page’s son, Alton Goehring, whowent to Tallahassee by car forthe purpose of bringing the twostudents home.<* Nick Goshorn, University ofFlorida Student at Gainesville andsister Marguerite, who is at Talla-hassee, son and daughter of Mr.and Mrs. G. N. Goshorn, arrivedyesterday. ' '

Lance Lester, sophomore stu-student at New Orleans TulaneMedical Student; Ignatius Lester,sophomore at U. of F. arrivedSaturday. Jack Hayes, sopho-,more at Loyola Dental School inNew Orleans arrived yesterlay.

Jimmy L. MacMullen, son ofLt. Col. and Mrs. J. D. Mac-Mullen was expected to returntoday from U. of F. Orvis Kempand Miss Cleo Kemp, son anddaughter of Dr. and Mrs. W. P.Kemp and freshman at ClemsonCollege in South Carolina andjunior at Florida State respec-tively arrived yesterday withfriefgs.

Sidney Aronovitz, son of Mr.and*-Mrs. Charles Aronovitz, andU, sUH°rida student arrived Fri- ;rta|.. .Jesus Carmona, Jr., fresh-1maff at University of Florida andson of Jesus Carmona arrived;Saturday. P*ul Sawyer, law j

student, son of Mrs. Paul Saw-yer, arrived Friday. Paul Mesa,!Jr. son of Mr. and Mrs. PaulMesa, arrived Friday from theUniversity of Florida where he isin his freshman year .

Miss Rose Appel, senior atFlorida State, daughter of Mr.and Mrs. Rubin Appel, arrivedyesterday. Miss Cynthia Pearl-man, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.Joe Pearlman, and junior atFlorida State, arrived Saturday.Hilary Albury, son of Mr. andMrs. Hilary Albury is expectedin Wednesday from the U. of F. iwhere e is a sophomore. MissLeonor Warren, sophomore at,Smith College, Northampton, |Mass., and daughter of Dr. andMrs. Wm. R. Warren, arrived Fri- j

I day.Kathryn Lowe, senior at!

F.S.C.W. arrived yesterday. She |is the daughter of Mrs. VirgilLowe. Miss Barbara Taylor,daughter of Col. and Mrs. H. K. jTaylor, is to graduate in Feb-.ruary at the University of Wis- jconsin in Madison, Wise., and iwill spend the holidays this year}with friends in Milwaukee. She'will be here in February. MissjJosephine James, sophomore, and \Miss Gwendolyn James, fresh- jman, at F.S.C.W. and daughtersof Mrs. Thomas James arrivedyesterday.

Miss Alice Parks, junior atF.S.C.W, arrived yesterday. She!is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.'Charles Parks. Edna Roberts,junior at F.S.C.W. and daughter;of Mr. and Mrs. George F. Rob- *erts, arrived yesterday. Miss:Mary Louise Bonniwell, fresh- jman at F.S.C.W. and daughter of jMr. and Mrs. George Bonniwell,arrived yesterday.

Miss Betty Moreno, student at iPennsylvania Museum of Indus- jtrial Art arrived Friday to spend ithe holidays with her parents Mr.and Mrs. B. C. Moreno.

Division Street School PupilsStage Program Last Friday

The primary department stu-dents of the Division StreetSchool put on a Christmas pro-gram on Friday which was verymuch enjoyed. The programfollows;

Song, “On Merry ChristmasMdrning”*—lß.

Recitation. “The ChristinasShops.”

Song. “Ting-a-Ling-Ling”—lA.•Selections, Rhythm Band.Play, “Santa’s Workshop.”

Characters:Workmen Glenwood Carey,

Dooftld Cates. Walter Johnson,Kenneth Spencer.

Santa Claus—Paul Watler.Jacks-in-the-Box—Daniel Es-

tevtfc, Joseph Lewis, DonnieSands.

Soldiers—Cecelio Alayon, Nor-berto Diaz, Adolfo Barcelo, FredShoneck. Murray Harris, GilbertLaris, Kenneth Riviera, ReneRodriguez.

Bunnies—Joseph Roberts, Ker-mit Kerr, Oscar Oropeza, Ray-mond Gwynn.

Mrs, Mary LopezWeds Jose Perez

Mrs. Mary Gonzalez Lopez andJose C- Perez were married Sat-urday afternoon at the home ofCounty Judge Raymond R. Lord.Judge Lord officiating.

The bride was attended byMrs. Lopez, clerk in the office ofthe tax collector of MonroeCounty. Mr. Perez is thethshcellor at the Cuban consul-ate. The newly-weds will be athome to their many friends at 919Elisabeth street.

Chocolate Drops—Alice Her-nandez, Onelia Casada. NancySands, Mary Jo Granados.

Lollipops Shirley Albury,Nellie Gibson, Claudia Roberts.

Peppermint Sticks - CharlesWilliams, Jimmy Sheppard,Teresa Arias, Orion Hinde, GloriaVelasquez.

Kisses—Fay Knowles, LoudreDiaz, Jennie Mae Russell, RoseMary Roberts, Nathalie Valdez.

Bon-Bone—Sylvia Clark, ZaidaDiaz, Ondina Thrift, Edna MacHarris, Lenore Kimberly, MaryLouise Ranger.

Tops—Eugene Carey. RalphBetancourt, Mario Medina, DonaldMalone. Eduardo Garcia.

Hobby Horses - ChirlesAuxier. Cornelius Carey, MarioRoque.

Dolls—lsabel Avila. CarmenAvila,, Betty Lou Kelly, Mar-celle Richardson, Betsy BellCates, Manolia Martinez, AngelaMartinez.

Manger Scene—Upper Grades.Carols—Upper Grades Chorus.

Christmas TeaDance Monday

A social meeting will be heldThursday at the Woman’s Club-house with Miss Juanita Maygand Miss Solita Cos bo enter:ain-ing the Junior Woman’s Club at5 o’clock.

Plans for the annual ChristmasTea Dance honoring college boysand girls will be discussed. The

t dance will be held Monday.


New First Lady Gown

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INEW WARDROBE of Mrs.Eleanor Roosevelt includes(above) Persian coral satinevening gown having violetsat the left shoulder and adraped scarf falling to the


Key West StudentsAre Prize Winners

CLEWISTON, Dec. 19 (FNS).—Over one thousand dollars in cashwas mailed this week to FloridaJunior High School students, win-ners in the recent state-wide es-say contest on the subject of“What Sugar Production MeansTo Florida”. Several hundredstudents praticipated in theawards which were made by theUnited States Sugar Corpora ion.

Prizes were awarded for thestate-at-large, for congressionaldistricts and in each of the 67counties of the state.

For Monroe county, firs, prize,$5, went tc Helen Rose Wells;second prize, $3, Praxedes Nor-cisa, and third prize, $2, ElinorLarsen. All three of the studentsare from Key West Junior HighSchool, Key West,-Fla.

Visitors ReturnFor twenty‘Fifth Year

Mr. and Mrs. B. N. Bentley ofTowanda, Pa., are in Key Westtoday for a week’s visit. Thisyear is the 29 h year they havevisited Key West.

The Bentleys called at TheCitizen office and pointed ou:the attractions of the Keysand Key West and showinghow unfounded is the propagandaupstate cities use against KeyW’est, in which they claim thatlack of water and high prices isnoted here. Many visitors comedown here with water jars andcarrying all their food, believingthe sfory, and go away greatlygrieved at upstate sources whichdeliberately give out the misin-formation.

Miss Emily MatinezWeds Henry Garcia

Henry Garcia and Miss EmilyMartinez were married Fridayafternoon, December 16. Tbewedding took place at St. Mary’sStar of the Sea Catholic church.Father A. L. Maureau, S.J., offi-cia mg.

The bride was given in marri-age by her cousin, Mario Rios,and matron of honor was Mrs. Es-tela Rios Carlos Rios acted asbest man. Esteia Delgado wasthe flower girl.

After the wedding a receptionwas held at the home of Mr. andMrs. Carlos Rios. Sr., uncle andaunt of the bride.

Refreshments were served andmany beautiful gif s were re-ceived by the newly-weds.

The couple are at home to theirmany friends at 916 Elizabethstreet.


Meeting of Young DemocratsClub. 8 p. m. County Courthouse.

TuesdayCraig Wood, 1938 Augusta

Open Champ, and Billy Burke,ex-U. S. Open Champ, will teamup in a best ball golf matcnagainst Dick Metz, 1938 runner-up

I in the U. S. Open and U. S. Four-hall Champ, and Frank Walsh,

1 noted Chicago pro, in an exhibi-tion sponsored by the Key West

j Golf Club and Jaycee-Recreation| Department-. Winter PrograntCommittee*. 2 p. m. Southern-most Golf Course.

WednesdayCountry’s top notch golfers,

Dick Metz, Frank Walsh, BillyBurke and Craig Wood, will fishthe Key West reef in Raul Vas-quez’ charter boat for a prize ofa Pfleuger rod and reel to go tothe golfer getting the biggestfish. Fishing tournament issponsored by the Key West GolfClub and Junior Chamber ofCommerce.

FridayAnnual Community Christmas

Tree, sponsored by Lions Club,WPA Recreation Department,NYA group, Girl and Boy Scouttroqps.

i - T

Bairstows Arrive / J

In Key WestMrs. E. C. Bairstow and. daugh-

ter, Miss Josephine, arrived lastweek and are living at the homeat the corner of Francis andSouthard s reets.

Mr. Bairstow arrived severalweeks ago and started prepara-tions to get the home all arrang-ed by the time Mrs. Bairstow anddaughter arrived.


Five MarriageLicenses Issued

Records at the office of Pro-bate Judge Raymond R. Lordshow the issuance of five mar-riage licenses during the w?ekjust past, making a of 14issues during the month of De-cember to date.

Bakers HaveGuests Sunday

Thomas Canavel, battalionchief of the Chicago Fire Depart-ment, and Mrs. Canavel werevisi:ors in Key West yesterday,and were guests of Chief HarryM. Baker and Mrs. Baker at theirhome, 1125 United street.

Accompanying the Canavelswere J. Mulhoney, brother ofthe chief of the Chicago Fire De-partment, and Mrs. Mulhoney,who were delighted with themany sigh Is which are seldomencountered, either in fauna orflora, by the dwellers in thenorth.

The group expressed their in-terest in the many things theywere shown and staled that ifpossible :hey would pay KeyWest another visit before the endof the winter season.

Sunday ConcertWas Deferred

Regular concert of the KeyWest Hospitality Band, whichwgs, scheduled at the Art CenterIbr yesterday afternoon was post-It"* 1 in deference to the Vesperservices held at the same hourm the High School auditorium.

Earlier in the day the bandplayed a concert for the largecrowd which attended the ballgame between Key West and ateam from Miami.

Next appearance of the bandwill be at Bayview Park Fridayafternoon in cooperai ion with theRecreation Department of WPAm presenting the annual Christ-mas Tree celebration for under-privileged children of the city.



Notice is Riven, that onthe ihtrfyAffrst lay of December.ISSS, at t+n o'clock A. M r assoon thereafter a* owunsel ran lo*heard. Int ereWnt a Petition tothe FirreA* Chart of Monroe Coun-ty, KUwrida, Asking tor an orderauthorising the adoption by me oftotinor child, to tit,Thomae i'tuingston KoWrt*

James i> Roberts, jjlUM’IH A. HARRISAttorney for Petitioner.

novis; decs-12-lJU*3*

LA CONCHA HOTELXa Um Center of tho Businas*

and Theater DistrictOpen The Year Around

Garage Elevator Fireproof


Established IMSLicensed Funeral Directors

and F.mbahners24 Hour Ambulance Service i

* Phone 135 Night CSS j

PERSONAL MENTIONJohn Saunders left on the bus

yesterday afternoon and will, take up his annual run duringthe winter season with the Flor-

i ida East Coast Railway.

Miss Annie Saunders and MissMarjorie Frow, who are attend-ing Camp Roosevelt, arrived over

i the: highway yesterday for theholiday season with their fami-

'Miss Emfha Ann Kennedy,daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. S.Kennedy,- ngtndent at FloridaState College for Women, arrivedon the afternoon bus yesterdayafternoon for the holidays.

Kermit Richardson, son of Mr.and Mrs. Paul Richardson, whohas been for some time in Fer-nandina, Fla., arrived yesterdayfor the holidays with the family.

Miss Margaret Dexter, studentat Florida State College for Wo-men, arrived yesterday to spendthe holidays with her mother andother relatives.

Attorney Jack Kirchik was anarrival on the bus from Miamiyesterday for a visit with hisparents and left this morning onthe return.

Miss Catherine Knowles andmother, Mrs. Robert R. Knowles,left yesterday afternoon for Mi-ami on receipt of a notice advis-ing of the sudden death of Mrs.Amelia Pinder, sister of Mrs.Knowles.

Miss Esther Martin, who wasvisiting for several days lastweek, left over the highway yes-terday for her home in Austin,Texas, after a very pleasant visit.


Leo Warren, safety director forthe WPA, who had been attend-ing a meeting in Jacksonville,was a returning passenger on thebus yesterday afternoon.

Charles Pent, who for yearshas been the Chief Deputy in theoffice of the sheriff of Hills-borough county, arrived yester-day to spend the holidays withrelatives and friends, his firstvisit in 27 years.


Richard Knowles, who wasspending the week end with thefamily, left yesterday for PigeonKey, where he is employed bythe Overseas Road and TollBridge Commission.

Miss Edna I. Roberts, daughterof Mr. and Mrs. George F. Rob-erts, student at Florida StateCollege for Women arrived Satur-day from Tallahassee and willspend the Christmas holidayswith her parents and relatives.

Gabriel Ayala, Gus Ayala andRoland Ayala, were arrivals thismorning on the Cuba from Tam-pa, coming for a visit with theirbrother Armando at the homeFleming and Grinnell streets. Ithas been more than 36 yearssince Roland has visited his oldhome in Key West.

Misses Teresa and Mary Sulli-van, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Sullivan, students at the Flor-ida College for Women at Talla-hassee, arrived on the Cuba thismorning from Tampa to spendthe Christmas holidays with thefamily and friends.

Miss Benildes Remond, princi-pal at San Carlos Institute, lefton the Cuba this morning for Ha-vana to spend the holiday seasonwith relatives and friends.

County Commissioner elect T.Jenkins Curry, is a visitor in Key


A MODERN ALGER STORYi They say the chances of get-ting in the movies out in Holly-wood are a thousand-to-one andthat out of the hundreds thatcool their heels in the outer of-fices, only a handful see the

j “boss.” .. . This is the success

story of a young man who want-ed to advance himself; who wasnot content to sit in the outer of-fice or linger in the corridor.

Serving in the modest capacityof a private secretary, at a salaryof SIO,OOO, a year was not enoughfor our subject. So he studiedand prepared himself at WhiteHouse academy hoping, someday, his chance would come.

1 ■'

There are Good Angels hover-ing about for those who burn the jmidnight oil in the struggle up-ward. A big movie executive,unbenownst to our subject, hadhis eye on him. And one day:when things looked their black- jest the chance of a lifetime to goin the movies came. And, quitenaturally, the erstwhile secretarybecame top vice-president of thegreat Goldwyn Corporation.

iYoung men. Do not feel dis-

couraged in your progress on thepath of advancement seems snale-like. But do not linger in a jobyou feel is too small for you. Goout after success and, someday,you will find success looking youup,—as it has vice-president Jim-mie Roosevelt.


VANCOUVER, B. C. Cana-dian veterans who fought for loy-alist Spain are drifting back totheir homes, facing more seriousproblems than those who return-ed from the World war. Someare wounded and virtually all arejobless and Canada provides nopension for them. Private sub-scriptions thus far have beenenough to provide them withmedical treatment and an allow-ance of $6 a week each. ,

West today, making final prep-arations for taking his seat withthe other commissioners at the

i first meeting in January.


We take this means to expressour sincere appreciation for thekindnesses extended us on the

i occasion of the passing of our■ loved one, Charles Atwell. The. beautiful floral pieces, messagesof condolence and loan of carswere especially appreciated.decl9-ltx




We don't claim to make theMost Bread—but we do claim

to make thej BEST BREAD i

Try Aunt Molly’s Bread


Fredric MARCH-Virginia BRUCE—in—



Bj|SlijßySmtmm MIXMASTER

Feather-light cakes .. . creamy-flu If masked potatoes. . . velvet-smooth icings, sauces, dressings ... fine-textured batters of all kinds ...oranges juiced andstrained in a jiffy—yes, these and many more are theevery-day tasks that only Mixmaster can perform soquick, so well. Does all the tiring arm-work of cook-ing, baking, getting meals. Get yours today. Completewith juice extractor and strainer, mayonnaise oildropper $23.75



Today’s edition carries an an-nouncement on page one sponsor-ed by Albury's Service, 800 Si-monton street, calling attentionto the appointment of Willis Wil-son to be in charge of the garageand repair service.

Mr. Wilson will be rememberedas having been formerly in thesame business here. He comesfrom an active, responsible gar-age business in New York Cityfor the past five years. All re-pair services at any time of nightand day will be featured at Al-bury’s Service, as well as roadservice at all hours.

FINED HIMSELFAVILLA, Ind.—Justice of the

Peace Vern Halferty of this cityfined himself $5.40 for recklessdriving.

TRANSPORTATIONSteamer Cuba Arrives

Steamship Cuba, of the P. andO. S. S. Cos., sailed shortly after11 o’clock this morning for Ha-vana with 104 passengers book-ing from Key West There were87 first cabin and 17 secondcabin. There were also 12 auto-mobiles leaving on the vessel.

The Cuba arrived shortly be-fore 8 o’clock with nine firstcabin and three second cabinpassengers for Key West; 69 firstcabin and 17 second cabin forHavana.

Key West arrivals were: G.Ayala, Gus Ayala, R. F. Ayala,W. F. Coachman, Mrs. Coach-man, Bessie Coachman, TeresaSullivan, Mary Sullivan, DonaldCruz, B. T. Garnett, S. Plumb,Robert Alseana.

Listed on the manifest of theship were the following items:For Key West, 33 tons of freightand 11 sacks of mail. For Ha-vana, no freight, two automobilesand 200 sacks of mail.

Steamer Coming InFreighter Colorado, of the

Clyde-Mallory Lines, is due toarrive tomorrow morning fromNew York with shipments offreight for merchants in KeyWest.

The vessel will, after discharg-ing, leave for Tampa to dischargeand from that point will returnto New York.

~MONROE THEATERMickey Rooney-Judy GarlandCecilia Parker-Lewis Stone


Matinee: Balcony. 10c; Orches-tra, 15-20c; Night. 15-25 c

Ask Your Grocer ForStrong Arm


C OF F PEServing the Key West trade for

over thirty-fiva years!


The Favorite In Key Westthy it today





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