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AM 110

PAD 102






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One of the important sub-components in the administrative machinery of the Government of

Malaysia are government agencies. Government agencies play very important roles in ensuring

the effective implementation of executive functions and to improve efficiency in public services.

Government agencies are responsible to carry out the policies decided upon government. The

successful of government very much depend on the functions of government agencies.

A government agency is a permanent or semi-permanent organization in the machinery of

government that is responsible for the oversight and administration of specific functions, such as

planning agency. The functions of an agency are normally executive in character. A government

agency may be established by either a national government or a state government within a

federal system. The federal government agencies in Malaysia answer to the federal government.

The state agencies usually answer to the state government. A government agencies may be

established by either a national government or a state government within a federal system.

While agencies can be established by legislation or by executive powers. The autonomy,

independence and accountability of government agencies also very widely. Government agencies

are administrative units of government responsible for policy implementation and administration

of governmental activities.

Government agencies in Malaysia are either executive agencies created by the executive

power and answerable to cabinet known as departmental agencies or non-departmental agencies.

Non-departmental agencies most can be created by enabling legislation by the Parliament or

State legislative assembly and answerable directly to the parliament or state legislative assembly.

The federal government agencies in Malaysia answer to the federal government. The state

agencies usually answer to the state government.


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Agencies were divided into 2 groups that are Central Agency and Operational Agency.

Central agencies functions are to assist, coordinate and control the running of operating agencies.

Meanwhile, operational agencies functions is to executing and implementing the policies decided

upon by the government. Most government agencies in Malaysia consists of operational

agencies. Agencies are responsible for implementing the things that government's responsible for

towards the development and implementation of services to citizens. To ensure the operational

agencies runs smoothly, efficiently, and effectively, the central agencies are responsible for

providing several of requirements to monitor their journey towards their objectives.


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Central Agency in Malaysia is important because it assists the government in formulating

public policies, coordinating, controlling and monitoring the various development activities,

programs and projects carried out by all government agencies. Central agencies are also Federal

agencies responsible for formulating the national financial and economic policies, the public

sector human resource policies and the monitoring the implementation of these polices. The

examples of central agencies in Malaysia are Malaysian Administrative Modernization And

Management Planning Unit (MAMPU), National Institute of Public Administration Malaysia

(INTAN), Implementation Coordination Unit (ICU), Economic Planning (EPU),

Treasury ,Public Service Department (JPA) and SERU.


MAMPU is a federal agency that is under the prime minister’s department. Begins with

consultation to government agencies in 1949 with the establishment of the organization and

methods of treasury. In 1967, the service was extended to the establishment of Administrative

Development Unit in the department of prime minister. Then, it joined as part of the

Coordination, Implementation and Administration of Progress but progress administrative duties

transferred to the department of public service. In 1977, MAMPU was established as specialized

agency to focus on the modernization of governance. In general, MAMPU has a role to

modernize the system of government and management consulting services to government

organizations. MAMPU has several objectives as follows. Firstly, MAMPU has to strengthen the


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administrative structure and manpower planning in the development of the machinery at the

federal, state and local government. Secondly, MAMPU has to improve and modernize its

governance systems and procedures at the operational level through research studies and

management system specifically to expedite the implementation of development. Thirdly,

MAMPU introduce new techniques and innovations in the machinery of government to improve

the effectiveness of management systems or resources and programs at all levels of government.

Fourthly, MAMPU introduce a more effective in an effort towards the planning and development

of human resources can be made for economic development. Lastly, MAMPU control and

coordinate the purchase and use of automatic data processing equipment by government

agencies. Malaysian Administrative Modernization or MAMPU also has branches in Sabah and

Sarawak and act as secretariat to the committee on committees such as National Data Processing

and Public Service Ethics Panel.


History of INTAN began in 1959. It begins with the establishment of a Government Official

Officer Training Center in Port Dickson aimed at equipping officers of government officials with

the knowledge and expertise to meet the challenges of the post-independence development

challenges. In 1963, the center move to campus Jalan Ilmu, Petaling Jaya. In 1972, it be

appropriate to institute an expanding role. Today, INTAN has its own complex of buildings and

campuses located in Bukit Kiara, Damansara. INTAN was responsible for organizing various

courses for all groups of public sector either long-term courses diploma or short term. INTAN

also act as agents of change and development to ensure that progressive ideas are practiced to


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promote and develop the country. In addition, INTAN also organizes various seminars,

workshops and conferences. INTAN also conduct research and studies from time to ensure the

effectiveness of the courses and other requirements.


ICU is a federal agency that is under the prime minister’s department. It was founded in

1971 merged with unit administrative reform in 1972. It was named as the coordination of

implementation and progress of the administration. Role of administrative reformed is then

transferred to the JPA and the unit exist separately and named ICU. ICU’s role is to determine

the coordination and implementation of policies, such as new economic policy, look east policy

and the policy of privatization and development projects in the state and federal level

interdepartmental. For the states in Peninsular Malaysia, ICU has domestic officers progress. In

Sabah and Sarawak is the state development office there. In addition, there is the coordination of

indigenous participation established in Pulau Pinang. ICU is responsible for detecting, analyzing

and coordinating the implementation of national development plans through five major

programs. Firstly, poverty alleviation program which aims to raise incomes of the poor.

Secondly, restructuring program through the involvement of indigenous communities in the areas

of trade and industry. Thirdly, infrastructure program to inspect and monitor all construction to

add, upgrate and repair major roads in the Peninsular Malaysia. Fourthly, social development

programs social programs to handle large programs such as housing, health, social welfare and

others. Lastly, detection project to create management information on planning and development

program. ICU also responsible to the such things as the following. Firstly, corporate control of


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public corporations to conduct activities in accordance with the requirements of the government.

Secondly, development community to track and update the development of community

development projects, plan food and nutrition practices and plans green book. Thirdly,

coordination of indigenous participation in the commercial and industrial sectors of the appeal

process of the appeal of indigenous traders and dealers and coordinate the efforts natives of the



Economic Planning Unit (EPU) is a central agencies which is under Prime Minister’s

Department. EPU was established in 1961 as the Economic Committee under the Executive

Council of the then Federation of Malaysia. The function of EPU are prepare development

programmes and formulate policies and strategies for socio-economic development , monitor

development budget together with Treasury and Public Service Department (JPA) , analyse

economic country position and international to be a basic of planning and economic

development. EPU also manage financial assistance and technique for nation from foreign

government and international institutions. Besides that , Economic Planning Unit (EPU) , give

advice to government on economic issues , initiate and undertake necessary economic research.

EPU also act as secretariat to the Economic Council.



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Treasury's role is to formulate, plan and implement financial policies and budget of the

Federal Government. Tasks are carried out in order to achieve rapid economic growth and a

more equitable distribution of income in accordance with government policy through the New

Economic Policy. Treasury functions are to review the economic and financial position of the

federal government, state government and statutory bodies. Treasury also formulate and

implement fiscal and monetary policies in order to ensure effective and efficient distribution and

management of financial resources. Besides that , the functions of Treasury are to formulate

financial management and accounting processes, procedures and standards to be implemented by

all government , manage the acquisition and disbursement of federal government loans from

domestic and external source.


Public Service Department (JPA) at first, the tasks carried out by the treasury. In 1954,

these tasks are transferred through the establishment of a new agency, the Office of Federal

Personnel. After independence, the office was placed under the prime minister's department and

in 1970 he became the Public Service Department. JPA responsible to formulate government

policies relating to the public services and personnel management such as regards to recruitment,

placement, promotions, training, salary and so on. JPA also together with Treasury create

positions in the public service and review the structure of department government organization.

Besides that , JPA provide scheme of salaries, allowances and pensions. JPA paid to all civil


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servants of the federal government and state governments, statutory bodies and local authorities.

Public Service Department (JPA) keep record of all every civil servants and solve all

dissatisfaction employees or their associations on the salaries, allowances and pensions as well as

the anomalies arising therefrom through the negotiating table. Other than that , JPA provide

training facilities for government employees through National Institute of Public Administration

Malaysia (INTAN) and the granting of the scholarship.


Founded in 1980. It is a merger of two research agencies namely socio-economic research

unit and the general planning and development studies center Malaysia. This merger is an effort

towards implementing all socio-economic research expertise to provide a greater contribution to

the national development process. Generally, this unit to assess the impact of policies and

programs of development programs on citizens for the purpose of supplying information that

could contribute to the planning and implementation of more effective programs. SERU has the

objectives as follow. Firstly, detect needs and socio-economic impacts of research efforts in the

interest of national development planning and implementation of more effective. Secondly,

detect, coordinate and control efforts and socio-economic research from within and outside the

country by agencies so that the research can best contribute to the development of society and

country. Thirdly, provide energy assistance and cooperation in socio-economic research to other

agencies in the field of evaluation, impact plans and projects that have been, are being or will be

maintained. Fourthly, create a forum for discussion on issues of socio-economic problems

through seminars, information collection and analysis at the local, national and international


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level in the national interest. Research coordination role of this unit is important to avoid

overlapping research efforts and to ensure that the research is focus on important matters so that

it gives the best results as planned.


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Operational agencies are called as implementers. It is say so because operational agencies

were implementing governments projects and programmes. It also consists of the government

agency such as ministry and department. They are carrying development task and providing

services to the public. In government administrative system, the operational agencies can be

divided into ministries, government department and public bodies.

Firstly, ministries are the highest government agencies in the federal administration

mechanism. It is responsible in regulation of policy, plan, control, and synchronization of matter

related to its area of duties. Ministries created by executive power to implement today

government operations. The ministry is divided into two forms that is portfolio ministry and non-

portfolio ministry. Several ministers in non-portfolio ministry was selected by Prime Minister to

carry out special duties at Jabatan Perdana Menteri (JPM). There are twenty-three ministries in

portfolio ministry as in 2014. Malaysia’s Prime Minister, Y.A.B. Dato’ Sri Mohd. Najib Bin Haji

Abdul Razak was the ministers of finance. He was assist by the second ministers of finance that

is Y.B. Dato’ Seri Ahmad Husni Bin Mohamad Hanadzlah. While the deputy prime minister,

Y.A.B. Tan Sri Dato’ Haji Muhyiddin Bin Mohd. Yassin was the ministers of education and he

was assisted by the second ministers of education that is Y.B Dato’ Seri Haji Idris Bin Jusoh.

Next is government department. Government department is the second highest

operational agencies. It is directly under minister’s control. It also do not have an authority. The

functions of department is related to implementation of policy form by the government and

involve in providing services to society which cover social, security, development, and other

fields. Government department are fully government funded based on government budget.


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Example of government department are Department of Transportation. Under the Department of

Transportation are Department of Civil Aviation, Road Transport Department, Marine

Department Malaysia and others. Next example are, Ministry of Internal Affairs. Under Ministry

of Internal Affairs are National Registration Department, Immigration Department, Prison

Department and many more.

The third operational agencies are public bodies. Government agencies established

according to government act. The functions of public bodies are to implement special duties

parallel to the national objectives and mission. Also responsible to take over certain tasks and

responsibilities as well as the function of other department. The objectives are enable

government to involve directly in fields that private sector refuse to involve due to problem of

capital. The second objective are enable administrative mechanism to operate freely form

government administrative rules. Therefore, these bodies can move effectively and efficiently

parallel to private firms. Public bodies can be divided into Statutory Bodies and Non-statutory

bodies. Statutory body is created by an act or statute of parliament or state legislative assembly.

It is semi autonomous body to perform a specific task stated in the act. It has an authority to

regulate and control. Such bodies do not have shareholders, but are typically boards appointed by

a sponsor minister. Statutory bodies are partly government funded and has its own fund. The

example of statutory bodies are FELDA, FAMA, FINAS, LHDN, LLM, Public University and

so on. While non-statutory bodies are government linked companies (GLCs). It is registered

under the Malaysian Company Act 1965 and was a corporate entity. Government own 51% share

capital. Non-statutory bodies established to operate commercial affairs. It also has full autonomy.

Based on business oriented and profit making. It generate its own fund. For example,



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What to be clear is, the government agencies play very important roles in making sure that

the effectiveness and implementation process executive functions and to improve efficiency in

public services. Government agencies are responsible to carry out the policies decided upon

government. The successful of government are very much depend on the functions of

government agencies. After go thoroughly in this topic, we are able to identify the Malaysian

government agency, able to differentiate between central and operational agency, Explain the

functions of government agency and was able to explain the example of government agencies.

We also can conclude that central agencies functions is to assist, coordinate and control the

running of operating agencies. Central agencies was under control of federal government and it

implement all government agencies. It consist of MAMPU, INTAN, ICU, EPU, TREASURY

and JPA. As for operational agencies, it execute and implement the policies that decided upon by

the government. It also known as implementing agency because it implement the government

projects and programmes. Operational agencies can be divided into three that is ministry,

government department and public bodies.


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