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The Common Market Organisation (CMO) for cereals, established on 1 July 19671, has been reformed a number of times. The main reform, the MacSharry reform, was agreed in 1992 and fully implemented in 1995/96. It substantially reduced guaranteed prices with the aim of restoring the competitiveness of EU products, helped adapt the quantities supplied to demand via compulsory set-aside and introduced compensatory payments for the loss in farmers' incomes caused by the cut in the intervention price (from 155 ECU to 90 ECU).

The revision process was deepened by Agenda 2000 and then by the 2003 CAP reform, which introduced the decoupling of area payments for cereal producers. The new Single Farm Payment was linked to cross-compliance, an obligation to comply with environmental, public health and animal welfare conditions and good agricultural practices.

In the 2003 reform, while the intervention price was not reduced, the scope of the system was made more focussed. Specific supplementary payments for durum wheat were modified and reduced.

The CAP Health Check in 2008 continued the reform process, in order to improve the market orientation of agriculture and to take into account environmental concerns and address challenges such as climate change, water management and the development of bioenergy. ---fara

From 1st July 2008 the Common Market Organisation (CMO) for cereals was integrated into the Single CMO (Council Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007). Under the Single Common Market Organisation (SCMO) Regulation, measures applying to the cereals sector are classified under "Internal market" and "Trade with third countries".

From the 2013 CAP reform, the CMO for cereals is managed under the Council and European Parliament Regulation (EU) N 1308/20132. While providing an effective safety net for farmers if serious market disturbances occur, it allows farmers to improve their position in the food chain

2.Piaa intern

Domestic support for cereals production is now almost completely decoupled.

2.1Intervenia public

Public intervention in the EU was designed, in the past, to support internal market prices. Some years ago this instrument allowed a large range of cereals to be bought in at fixed prices and without limit. Today its scope is limited and its purpose is to act as a safety-net when serious market disturbances occur.

Public intervention stocks reached their highest level in 1992/93, just before the MacSharry reform was implemented. The price cuts introduced by the reform made intervention less attractive for wheat, which regained competitiveness as animal feedstuff on the internal market.

2.1.1Scopul interveniei publice

The scope of intervention, which was originally available at fixed prices and with no quantitative limits for common wheat, durum wheat, barley, rye, maize and sorghum harvested in the Union, has progressively narrowed.

In the context of the Health Check reform the Council therefore decided to harmonise the public intervention period throughout the EU. From 2010/11 onwards it has been fixed from 1st November to 31 May in all Member States.

As from 2010/11, intervention is open automatically during the intervention period only for common wheat. Durum wheat, barley, maize and sorghum have not been removed from the scope of intervention, but a quantitative limit has been set at "0". As from 2014/15, sorghum is removed from the scope of intervention.

2.1.2 Intervention and reference prices

The cereals sector was traditionally supported by high intervention prices which, since 1992, were lowered by successive CAP reforms (30% in the MacSharry reform and 15% in Agenda 2000).

Since 2001/02 the intervention price has been fixed at 101.31 per tonne for all eligible cereals. Under the Single CMO Regulation, the intervention price became the reference price. 4

Since 2010/11, buying-in (at the reference price) shall be operable only for common wheat up to a maximum quantity offered of 3 million tonnes per intervention period and by automatic tendering procedure above that ceiling.

For durum wheat, maize and barley, the buying-in threshold is set at zero. If the market situation and, in particular, the development of market prices, so requires, the Commission may decide, with the assistance of the CMO committee, to open public intervention, by tendering procedure, beyond this zero limit. In special circumstances the tendering procedures may be set up per Member State or region of a Member State on the basis of recorded average market prices.

2.1.3 Disposal from intervention----fara

Cereals lastly held in intervention stores were mostly disposed of through sale by tender onto the domestic market. They were sold only when the prices offered by traders did not undercut local market prices, and when the offered price is higher than or equal to the reference price (= intervention price, 101.31 per tonne). Some quantities were released as food aid for the Most Deprived Programme (2.79 mio t in 2011 and 162 000 t in 2012)4.

2.1.4 Implementing rules for cereals intervention

Detailed rules5 have been laid down for the buying-in and selling of cereals by Member State intervention agencies, as well as methods of analysis for determining the quality of cereals. For common wheat, any holder of a homogeneous batch of not less than 80 tonnes harvested within the Union is entitled to offer it to the intervention agency during the intervention period. However, Member State intervention agencies may fix a higher minimum tonnage.

If an offer is admissible, the operator is informed as soon as possible of the store at which the cereals are to be taken over and of the delivery schedule. Intervention agencies must inform the operator within five working days following receipt if an offer is inadmissible. Since the 2013 CAP reform, the notion of intervention centres has been removed. The concept of storage place remains and takes over the role of the intervention centre.

2.2 Special measures

Since the 2013 CAP reform, new safeguard clauses are introduced for all sectors, including the cereal sector, to enable the Commission to take emergency measures to respond to general market disturbances. These measures may be funded from a Crisis Reserve financed by annually reducing direct payments. Funds not used for crisis measures will be returned to farmers in the following year.

In case of severe imbalance in the market, the Commission may also authorise producer organisations or (POs) inter branch organisations, respecting specific safeguards, to take certain temporary measures collectively (for example market withdrawal or storage by private operators) to stabilise the sector concerned.

3.Trade with third countries

3.1 Imports

Various measures have been put in place with the aim of avoiding imbalances on the EU market.

3.1.1 Import licenses

Various measures have been put in place with the aim of avoiding imbalances on the EU market.

3.1.2 Calculation of import duties for cereals

Cereals tariffs under the GATT

The Uruguay Round Agreement on Agriculture resulted in the conversion of nearly all variable import levies into fixed customs charges (i.e. tariff equivalents) as shown in the following table.

However, it was established that for the major cereals (common wheat, durum wheat, barley, maize, rye and sorghum) the import price, including customs duties, should not be lower than 155% of 101.31 /t (ceiling system). To this end variable duties, which can never be higher than the bound tariffs in the table, were introduced for these commodities. ----fara

Variable import duties applying to imports of high quality wheat, durum wheat, rye, maize and sorghum7

This system originates in an agreement between the USA and the EU and involves setting tariffs on the basis of separate world reference prices for clearly defined types of cereal: high quality common wheat8, durum wheat (high, medium and low quality), maize, flint maize, sorghum and rye.

The duty applied to EU cereal imports is fixed on the basis of the difference between the EU intervention price (101.31 /t) multiplied by 1.55 and a representative cif (i.e. cost, insurance and freight) import price at the port of Rotterdam:

- of high quality common wheat for the duties of high quality common wheat and all durum wheat classes,

- of maize for the duties of maize, rye and sorghum

The representative cif price comprises three elements: its price on a world reference market9, plus the cost of freight to a US export port (US Gulf or US Great Lakes/Duluth) plus the cost of freight between the US port and Rotterdam. This total is then converted into euros from dollars at the daily $/ exchange rate.

Therefore, variable import duties are based on two calculations reflecting the two different segments of the market:

1. For cereals mainly used for human consumption, the cif import price of high quality common wheat is used for the calculation of the duties of all durum wheat classes,

2. For cereals mainly used for animal feed, the cif import price of maize is used for the calculations of duties of maize, rye and sorghum

The following reductions apply to the fixed import duties:

3 /t if the port of unloading in the EU is located in the Mediterranean (beyond the Strait of Gibraltar) or Black Sea and if goods arrive via the Atlantic Ocean or via the Suez Canal;

2 /t if the port of unloading in the Union is located on the Atlantic coast of the Iberian Peninsula, in the UK, Ireland, Denmark, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Finland or Sweden and if the goods arrive via the Atlantic Ocean;

24 /t on flint maize meeting certain specifications. Within six months it must be processed into:

prepared foods obtained by swelling or roasting

groats or meal

worked grains (hulled, pearled, sliced or kibbled).

Fixed duties applying to other cereal products

For other cereals, the tariffs in the table apply. For medium and low quality common wheat, barley and oats, the bound duty is set at a dissuasive level (95, 93 and 89 Euro per tonne, respectively).

All import levies on processed products made from cereals and on cereal-based compound feeding stuffs were "tariffied" or fixed from 1 July 1995.

3.1.3 Tariff quotas

Negotiations on border protection have led the Union to set reduced tariff imports quotas for some cereals.

Reduced tariff quota for maize and sorghum imported into Spain and Portugal10

Import quotas at reduced duties into the Iberian Peninsula result from a WTO commitment, usually referred to as "abatimento". The scheme was introduced when Spain and Portugal's acceded to the EU, in order to preserve traditional maize trade from the USA. Since 1995, it has become an erga omnes Tariff Rate Quota

The EU is committed to facilitating the annual import of 2 mio t of maize and 0.3 mio t of sorghum into Spain and 0.5 mio t of maize to Portugal (maximum tariff 50 /tonne) at reduced import duty if necessary. In Spain, certain cereal substitutes (residues of starch manufacture from maize, brewing and distilling dregs and waste and citrus pulp residues) can also be counted towards the abatimento. Shortfalls in one year can be made up during the first five months of the following year.

In order to meet this import obligation, the Commission can take into account imports into Spain and Portugal at MFN duty or open a tendering procedure for imports at a reduced duty or adopt a flat-rate reduction. In the event of a serious shortfall which cannot be made up by an extra tender at the beginning of the following year, the possibility exists for Spain and Portugal to proceed to direct purchases on the world market. -fr

Neither preferential imports in particular from the Western Balkans and Moldavia - nor the 277 998 tonne duty-free quota (see below) can be taken into consideration for the purpose of complying with this obligation.-fr

Principal fixed tariff import quotas for cereals

Tariff Rate Quotas (TRQs) were introduced in 2003 for barley and low and medium quality wheat in response to large imports from the Community of Independent States. The duty on these had been calculated on the basis of higher US prices and they were able to enter the EU at very competitive rates. A duty-free maize quota was also introduced in 2006, following the 2004 enlargement.

All three import quotas are managed on a weekly basis according to the "simultaneous examination method". Applicants may submit only one license application per week to the appropriate Member State. Applications received by Member States are then submitted each week to the European Commission, which adopts a coefficient of attribution if the requests exceed the available quantity. Within the Commission, this system is managed by the Directorate General for Agriculture and Rural Development.

Low and medium quality wheat11

For low and medium quality wheat, a maximum TRQ of 3 112 030 tonnes is open annually, including a country-specific quota of 572 000 tonnes earmarked for imports originating in the United States and 38 853 tonnes for those originating in Canada. A remaining 2 378 387 tonnes is split into four equal tranches of 594 597 tonnes, one of which is open each quarter to all third countries except the US and Canada. From 2012 onwards to take into account the accession to the EU (in 2007) of Romania and Bulgaria, a fourth sub-quota erga-omnes of 122 790 tonnes is open.

The duty payable on imports under the quota is set at 12 /tonne with a security for the import licences of 30 /tonne.

The quota was increased by 6 787 t in 2006 following WTO negotiations, to take into account the 2004 enlargement. Bilateral negotiations led to an additional 853 t being earmarked for Canada.


For barley, a maximum annual TRQ of 306 215 tonnes is open. The duty payable on imports under the quota is set at 16 /tonne. The quota is increased up to 307 105 tonnes from 2012 onwards to take into account the accession to the EU of Romania and Bulgaria.


Following the 2004 enlargement, the US and the EC agreed on the opening of a TRQ for maize to compensate the US for market losses. Since 2006 a duty-free quota of 242 074 t, split into two equal tranches, has been opened annually to all third countries. Since 2012, to take into account the accession to the EU (in 2007) of Romania and Bulgaria, the quota is increased up to 277 998 tonnes

Other tariff quotas

Several other tariff rate quotas for cereals and related products exist. These are managed on a "first come first served" basis, by which requests for use of the quota are accepted in chronological order of the day of acceptance of customs declarations. This system is managed by the Taxation and Customs Union Directorate General of the European Commission.

-Malting barley

A maximum annual TRQ of 50 000 tonnes of malting barley14 is open (order number 09.0076). The duty payable on imports under the quota is set at 8 /tonne. From 2012 onwards to take into account the accession to the EU of Romania and Bulgaria, the quota is increased up to 50 890 tonnes .

-Other cereals

Several other quotas for cereals, by-products of cereal processing and animal feed preparations exist for all third countries15. Also, quotas exist for fish feed from Norway and the Faroe Islands.

-Manioc, sweet potatoes and manioc starch

The import tariff on manioc was fixed at 6% ad valorem under the GATT Uruguay Round, but there are preferential regimes with several countries. A large TRQ was agreed with Thailand, the main manioc supplier.16 In addition TRQs for smaller quantities of manioc, sweet potatoes and manioc starch exist for other countries17. In view of the changes to the CMO for cereals, imports of manioc and sweet potatoes have decreased very considerably.

3.2 Exports

3.2.1 Export licences

Most exports of cereals from the EU to third countries are subject to the issuing of export licences18. Since 2008 no licence is needed for malt.

3.2.2 Export refunds

As part of the WTO Uruguay Round Agreement, the EU committed to reducing its budgetary expenditure on export subsidies by 36% and the volume of subsidised exports by 21% over the six year period 1 July 1995 to 30 June 2001.

As EU intervention prices gradually fell increasingly into line with world market prices, following successive reforms of the CAP, EU exports became less and less dependant on export subsidies, which were reduced from 3.1 billion in 1992 to 10 million in 2008.

Since September 2006 no export refunds have been granted for cereals and since November 2007 for processed cereal products.

The granting of export refunds is now only an option as part of emergency measures.

3.2.3 Export controls

When world cereals prices approach prices on the internal market, the Commission may take action to prevent exports from leaving the Union. It may:

impose an export tax

-fix a time limit for the issuing of export licences

totally or partially suspend the issuing of export licences

totally or partially reject outstanding applications for export licences.

None of these measures has been used for many years.

4. Exceptional Measures

In order to react efficiently and effectively against threats of market disturbance caused by significant price rises or falls on internal or external markets or other events and circumstances significantly disturbing or threatening to disturb the market, where that situation, or its effects on the market, is likely to continue or deteriorate, the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts to take the measures necessary to address that market situation20.

In 2007/08, tight supplies led the Union to temporarily suspend customs duties on imports of the main cereals21. A first regulation, adopted by the Council in December 2007, applied until the end of the marketing year. The Commission was then empowered to prolong the measure after July 2008. The market situation finally improved and the Commission decided to reintroduce customs duties from 26 October 200822.

During the last months of 2010/2011 marketing year and for entire 2011/12 and 2012/13 marketing years, tight supplies led the Union to temporarily suspend customs duties on imports of the main TRQs of cereals.

Under Article 220 of Council and EP Regulation (EU) N 1308/2013, the Commission may take exceptional support measures in order to take account of a loss in consumer confidence due to public or plant health risks.

Under Article 221 of Council and EP Regulation (EU) N 1308/2013, the Commission may take measures to resolve specific problems only if it is not possible to adopt the required emergency measures in accordance with Article 219 or 220.

5. Other relevant measures - fr

Cereals farmers may benefit from direct payments under Regulation (EU) No 1307/2013.



Organizarea pieei comune (OCP) pentru cereale, nfiinat la 1 iulie 19671, s-a reformat de cteva ori. Principala reform, reforma "MacSharry", a fost stabilit n 1992 i complet implementat n 1995/96. A redus n mod substanial preurile garantate cu scopul de a restabili competitivitatea produselor EU, a ajutat la adaptarea cantitilor furnizate la cerere prin intermediul obligatoriu din circuitul agricol i a plilor compensatorii introduse ca urmare a pierderii veniturilor fermierilor cauzate de reducerea preului de intervenie (de la 155 ECU pn la 90 ECU).

Procesul de revizuire s-a pronunat de Agenda 2000 i apoi de Reforma PAC din 2003, care a introdus decuplarea plilor pe suprafee pentru productorii de cereale. Noua Ferm cu Plat Unic a fost legat de eco-condiionri, obligaia de a respecta mediul, sntatea public i condiiile de bunstare a animalelor i bunele practici agricole.

n reforma din 2003, n timp ce preul de intervenie nu a fost redus, domeniul de aplicare a sistemului a fost mai concentrat. Plile suplimentare specifice pentru grul dur au fost modificate i reduse.

La 1 iulie 2008, Organizaia comun a pieei (OCP) pentru cereale a fost integrat n OCP unic (Regulamentul (CE) nr. 1234/2007). n conformitate cu Regulamentul unic de organizare a pieei comune (SCMO), msurile ce se aplic sectorului cerealelor sunt clasificate conform "Pieei interne" i "Comerului cu rile tere".

Din cadrul Reformei PAC din 2013, OCP cerealelor este gestionat sub Consiliul i Regulamentul Parlamentului European (UE) N 1308/20132. n acelai timp ofer o siguran eficient pentru agricultori dac apar perturbri ale pieei, aceasta permite agricultorilor s-i mbunteasc poziia lor n lanul alimentar.

2. Piaa intern

Suportul intern pentru producia de cereale este acum aproape complet decuplat.

2.1 Intervenia public

n trecut, intervenia public n UE a fost conceput pentru a sprijini preurile pieei interne. Civa ani n urm, acest instrument permitea o gam larg de cereale s fie cumprate la preuri fixe i fr limit Astzi domeniul su de aplicare este limitat i scopul su este de a aciona ca o plas de siguran, atunci cnd apar perturbri grave ale pieei.

Stocurile de intervenie public au atins cel mai nalt nivel n 1992/93, chiar nainte ca reforma MacSharry s fie implementat. Reducerile de pre introduse de reform a fcut intervenia mai puin agreabil pentru gru, care i-a recptat competitivitatea la fel ca furajele de animale pe piaa intern.

2.1.1 Scopul interveniei publice

Domeniul de intervenie, care a fost iniial disponibil la preuri fixe i fr limite cantitative pentru grul comun, grul dur, orzul, secara, porumbul i sorgul recoltate n Uniune, s-a redus progresiv.

n contextul Reformei sntii ,Consiliul a decis, prin urmare, s se pun de acord cu perioada de intervenie public n ntreaga UE. ncepnd cu 2010/11 acesta a fost stabilit la 1 noiembrie la 31 mai n toate statele membre.

De la 2010/11, intervenia este deschis automat n timpul perioadei de intervenie pentru grul comun. Grul dur, orzul, porumbul i sorgul nu au fost eliminate din sfera de intervenie, dar o limit cantitativ a fost setat la "0". ncepnd cu 2014/15, sorgul este eliminat din sfera de intervenie.

2.1.2 Preurile de intervenie i de referin

Sectorul cerealier a fost in mod traditional sprijint de marile preuri de intervenie n care,ncepnd cu 1992,a fost redus de reformele sucesive PAC ( 30% n Reforma MacSharry i 15% n Agenda 2000).

Din 2001/02, preul de intervenie a fost stabilit la 101.31 pe ton pentru toate cerealele eligibile. n conformitate cu Regulamentul unic OCP, preul de intervenie a devenit preul de referin.

ncepnd cu 2010/11, achiziionrile (la preul de referin) pot fi realizabile numai pentru grul comun de pn la o cantitate maxim oferit de 3 milioane de tone pe perioada de intervenie i de adjudecare automat mai sus de acest plafon.

Pentru grul dur, porumb i orz, pragul de achiziie este stabilit la zero. Dac situaia pieei i, n special, dezvoltarea preurilor de pia, impune acest lucru, Comisia poate decide, cu sprijinul Comitetului OCP, de a deschide intervenia public, prin licitaie, dincolo de aceasta limita de zero. n circumstane speciale procedurile de licitaie pot fi stabilite per stat membru sau regiune a unui stat membru pe baza nregistrrilor preurilor medii de pia.

2.1.3 Normele de aplicare ale interveniei de cereal

Normele de aplicare au fost stabilite pentru achiziionarea i vnzarea cerealelor de statul membru de intervenie, precum i metodele de analiz pentru determinarea calitii cerealelor. Pentru grul comun, orice titular al unui lot omogen de cel puin 80 tone recoltate n cadrul Uniunii are dreptul de a-l oferi organismului de intervenie n perioada de intervenie. Cu toate acestea, organismele de intervenie ale statului membru pot stabili un tonaj minim mai mare.

n cazul n care o ofert este acceptat, operatorul este informat ct mai repede posibil de magazinul n care cerealele sunt luate pentru a fi preluate i de programul de livrare. Organismele de intervenie trebuie s informeze operatorul n termen de cinci zile lucrtoare de la primirea n cazul n care o ofert este inadmisibil. ncepnd cu reforma PAC din 2013, noiunea de centre de intervenie a fost eliminat. Conceptul de stocare rmne i preia rolul de centru de intervenie

2.2 Msuri speciale.

ncepnd cu reforma din 2013, clauzele noi de salvgardare sunt introduse pentru toate sectoarele, inclusiv sectorul cerealier, pentru a permite Comisiei s ia msuri de urgen pentru a rspunde perturbrilor generale ale pieei. Aceste msuri pot fi finanate dintr-o rezerv finanat de criz prin reducerea anual a plilor directe. Fondurile neutilizate pentru msurile de criz vor fi returnate agricultorilor n anul urmtor.

n caz de dezechilibru sever pe pia, Comisia poate autoriza organizaiile de productori sau (POs) ntre organizaii, s respecte garaniile specifice, s ia unele msuri temporare colective (de exemplu, piaa de retragere sau depozitare de operatorii privai) pentru a stabiliza sectorul n cauz.

3.Comerul cu rile tere

3.1 Importurile

Diferite msuri au fost puse n aplicare cu scopul evitrii dezechilibrelor pe piaa UE.

3.1.2 Calcularea taxelor de import pentru cereal

Tarifele de cereal in cadrul GATT

Acordul ntreg al Uruguay-ului privind agricultura a dus la transformarea aproape a tuturor taxelor variabile de import n taxe vamale fixe (adic tarife echivalente) aa cum este prezentat n tabelul urmtor

Aici Tabel

Taxe variabile aplicabile importurilor de nalt calitate a grului, grului dur, a secrii, porumbului i sorgului

Acest sistem provine de la un acord ntre SUA i UE i implic stabilirea tarifelor pe baza preurilor de referin separat din lume pentru tipurile definite de cereale: gru comun de nalt calitate, grul (calitate nalt, medie i joas), porumb, porumb sticlos, sorg i secar.

Taxele aplicate importurilor de cereale EU sunt stabilite n baza diferenei dintre preul de intervenie EU (101.31 / t) nmulit cu 1,55 i un pre de import reprezentativ cif (cost, asigurare i navlu) la portul Rotterdam:

- de gru comun de nalt calitate pentru sarcinile de gru comun de nalt calitate i toate categoriile de gru dur,

-de porumb pentru sarcinile de porumb, secar i sorg

Preul reprezentativ cif cuprinde trei elemente: preul su pe o pia de referin din lume, plus costul de transport la un port export SUA (Golful USA sau Marilor Lacuri USA/Duluth) plus costul de transport marf ntre portul SUA i Rotterdam. Acest total este apoi convertit n euro la USD la cursul de schimb zilnic $/ .

Prin urmare, taxele variabile de import se bazeaz pe dou calcule ce reflect cele dou segmente diferite de pia:

1. pentru cerealele utilizate n principal pentru consumul uman, preul cif de gru comun de nalt calitate este utilizat pentru calcularea taxelor de toate categoriile de gru dur,

2. Pentru cerealele utilizate n principal pentru hrana animalelor, preul cif la import de porumb este utilizat pentru calculele de taxe de porumb, secar i sorg

Se aplic urmtoarele reduceri la taxele de import fix:

3 / t n cazul n care portul de descrcare n UE este situat n Marea Mediteran (dincolo de Strmtoarea Gibraltar) sau Marea Neagr i n cazul n care mrfurile care sosesc prin Oceanul Atlantic sau canalul de Suez;

2 / t, n cazul n care portul de descrcare in Uniunea European este situat pe coasta atlantic a Peninsulei Iberice, n Marea Britanie, Irlanda, Danemarca, Estonia, Letonia, Lituania, Polonia, Finlanda sau Suedia i dac mrfurile care sosesc via Oceanul Atlantic;

24 /t porumbul sticlos ndeplinete anumite specificaii. n termen de ase luni trebuie s fie prelucrate n:

alimente preparate obinute prin umflare sau prjire

crupe sau fin

boabe (decojite, lustruite, tiate sau zdrobite).

Taxe fixate aplicate altor produse cerealiere

Pentru alte cereale, se aplica tarifele din tabel. Pentru grul mediu i comun de calitate inferioar, orz i ovz, taxa limit este stabilit la un nivel descurajator (95, 93, 89 Euro / ton, respectiv).

Toate taxele de import pe produsele prelucrate din cereale i pe baz de cereale compuse de hrnire au fost "tarifate" sau fixate la 1 iulie 1995.

Contingent tarifar redus pentru porumb i sorg importate n Spania i Portugalia

Contingentele de import la taxele reduse n Peninsula Iberic rezulta dintr-un angajament de WTO, de obicei, denumite n continuare "abatimento". Sistemul a fost introdus atunci cnd Spania i Portugalia au aderat la UE, pentru a pstra negoul comercial tradiional de porumb din SUA.

UE se angajeaz s faciliteze anual importul de 2 mil t de porumb i de 0,3 mil t de sorg n Spania i 0,5 mil t de porumb n Portugalia (tariful maxim 50 / ton) la taxa de import redus dac este necesar. n Spania, anumitori nlocuitori de cereale (reziduuri de la fabricarea amidonului din porumb, borhot de bere Dregs dar i reziduuri de pulp de deeuri i citrice), de asemenea, pot fi numrate spre abatimento. Neajunsuri ntr-un an pot fi alctuite n primele cinci luni ale anului urmtor.

Principalul tarif fixat asupra cotele de import ale cerealelor

Contingente tarifare (TRQs) au fost introduse n 2003 pentru orzul i grul de calitate joasa si medie ca rspuns al importurilor mari din comunitatea statelor independente. Taxa pe acestea au fost calculate pe baza preurilor mari de SUA i au fost capabile de a intra n UE la preuri foarte competitive. Un contingent de porumb cu scutire de taxe a fost introdus, de asemenea, n 2006, n urma extinderii din 2004.

Gru de calitate joas i medie

Pentru grul de calitate joasa si medie, contingentul maxim tarifar de 3 112 030 tone este deschis anual, inclusiv un contingent specific rii de 572 000 tone pentru importurile originare din Statele Unite i 38 853 tone pentru cele originare din Canada. cele 2 378 387 tone rmase sunt mprite n patru trane egale din 594 597 tone, dintre care unul este deschis n fiecare trimestru, pentru toate rile cu excepia SUA i Canada. ncepnd cu anul 2012 pentru a ine seama de aderarea la UE (n 2007) Romnia i Bulgaria, o a patra subcontingent de 122 790 tone este deschis.


Pentru orz, cota maxim anual de 306 215 tone este deschis. Taxa pltibil la importuri n cadrul contingentului este setat la 16 / ton. Contingentul este crescut pn la 307 105 tone din 2012 ncepnd s ia n considerare aderarea la UE a Romniei i Bulgariei.


Ca urmare a extinderii din 2004, SUA i EC ul au convenit deschiderea contingentului tarifar pentru porumb pentru a compensa pierderile pieei din SUA. Din anul 2006 un contingent duty-free de 242 074 t, mprit n dou trane egale, a fost deschis anual pentru toate rile tere. Din anul 2012, pentru a ine seama de aderarea la UE (n 2007) a Romniei i Bulgariei, contingentul a crescut pn la 277 998 tone

Alte cote tarifare

Exist mai multe contingente tarifare pentru cereale i produse conexe. Acestea sunt gestionate pe o baz "primul venit primul servit", prin care cererile de utilizare a contingentului sunt acceptate n ordinea cronologic de zi a acceptpriideclaraiilor vamale. Acest sistem este gestionat de impozitare i uniune vamal al Directoratului General al Comisiei Europene

Orz de bere

O cot maxim anual de 50 000 de tone de orz de bere este deschis (numrul 09.0076 de ordine). Taxa pltibil la importuri n cadrul contingentului este stabilit la 8 / ton. Din 2012 ncepe s se ia n considerare aderarea la UE a Romniei i Bulgariei, cota crete pn la 50 890 tone.

Mai multe alte cote pentru cereale, produse de prelucrare a cerealelor i furaje preparate exist pentru toate rile tere. De asemenea, contingentele exist pentru producia de pete din Norvegia i Insulele Feroe.


Ca preurile de intervenie din EU au crescut progresiv n linie cu preurile de pe piaa mondial, urmnd reformele succesive ale PAC, exporturile UE au devenit din ce n ce mai puine dependente de subveniile de la export, care s-au redus la 3.1 miliarde n 1992 la 10 milioane n 2008.

Din septembrie 2006 nici o restituire la export nu a fost acordat pentru cereale i din noiembrie 2007 pentru produsele din cereale prelucrate.

Exporturile de control

Atunci cnd preurile cerealelor din lume se apropie de preurile pieei interne, Comisia poate lua msuri pentru a preveni exporturile de a prsi Uniunea European.

Se poate:

-impune o tax la export

- fixa un termen limit pentru emiterea licenelor de export

-suspendarea total sau parial a emiterii licenelor de export

-respingerea total sau parial a cererilor de licene de export.

Nici una dintre aceste msuri nu a fost folosit pentru mai muli ani.

4.Msuri excepionale

Pentru a reaciona eficient i efectiv mpotriva ameninrilor de pia cauzate de scderile sau creterile preurilor pe pieele interne sau externe sau a altor evenimente i circumstane semnificative care perturbeaz sau amenin s perturbe piaa, n cazul n care aceast situaie, sau efectele sale pe pia, probabil continu sau deterioreaz, Comisia este mputernicit s adopte acte delegate s ia msurile necesare pentru a ndruma acea situaie a pieei.

n 2007/08, bunurile strnse au condus Uniunea s suspende temporar taxele vamale la importurile principale de cereale. Un prim regulament, adoptat de Consiliu n decembrie 2007, se aplic pn la sfritul anului de comercializare. Comisia a fost apoi mputernicit s prelungeasc msura dup iulie 2008. Situaia pieei s-a mbuntit n cele din urm i Comisia a decis s reintroduc taxele vamale la 26 octombrie 2008.

n ultimele luni ale anului de comercializare 2010/2011 i pentru ntregii ani de comercializare 2011/12-2012/13 , bunurile strnse au condus Uniunea s suspende temporar taxele vamale la importurile prinicipalelor cote ale cerealelor.

n conformitate cu articolul 220 a Consiliului i Regulamentul (UE EP) N 1308/2013, Comisia poate lua msuri de sprijin excepionale pentru a ine cont de o pierdere a ncrederii consumatorilor datorit riscurilor plublice sau fitosanitare.