
Overview of the Overview of the New Basel Capital New Basel Capital

AccordAccordBasel Committee on Banking Basel Committee on Banking


R94723073 R94723073 陳世樺陳世樺R93723093 R93723093 蘇郁惠蘇郁惠R94723051 R94723051 郭于綺郭于綺


AgendaAgendaCapital AdequacyCapital Adequacy

Review of Basel IReview of Basel I

Overview of Basel IIOverview of Basel II

Implementation and future prospectImplementation and future prospect


Capital Protects Capital Protects Against InsolvencyAgainst Insolvency

Importance of Capital AdequacyImportance of Capital Adequacy

Protection from Credit and Interest Rate RisksProtection from Credit and Interest Rate Risks


Long-Term SecuritiesLong-Term Securities

Long-Term LoansLong-Term Loans




Liabilities (Deposits)Liabilities (Deposits)

Net WorthNet Worth





Long-Term SecuritiesLong-Term Securities

Long-Term LoansLong-Term Loans




Liabilities (Deposits)Liabilities (Deposits)

Net WorthNet Worth





Enforcement of Enforcement of Capital AdequacyCapital Adequacy

Two Capital RequirementsTwo Capital Requirements-Leverage Ratio-Leverage Ratio

-Risk-Based Capital Ratio-Risk-Based Capital Ratio

Leverage Ratio = Core Capital / AssetsLeverage Ratio = Core Capital / Assets

Risk-Based Approach implemented by Risk-Based Approach implemented by Bank of International Settlements (BIS)Bank of International Settlements (BIS)-Basel Agreement-Basel Agreement


Basel I to Basel IIBasel I to Basel IIBasel I’ s Risk AssessmentBasel I’ s Risk Assessment-Market Risk-Market Risk-Different Credit Risks of Assets-Different Credit Risks of Assets

Basel IIBasel II-3 Pillars-3 Pillars-Unchanged – Market Risk-Unchanged – Market Risk-Reassessed Credit Risk Methods-Reassessed Credit Risk Methods

*Standardised Approach / Internal Ratings *Standardised Approach / Internal Ratings Based / SecuritisationBased / Securitisation

-Added Operational Risk-Added Operational Risk


Outline of the Basel II Outline of the Basel II FrameworkFramework

Implementation: End of 2006


3 Pillars3 Pillars

Pillar 1Pillar 1 Pillar 2Pillar 2 Pillar 3Pillar 3Calculation of regulatory Calculation of regulatory minimum capital minimum capital requirementsrequirements

Regulatory supervisory Regulatory supervisory review so as to review so as to complement and enforce complement and enforce minimum capital minimum capital requirements calculated requirements calculated under Pillar 1under Pillar 1

Requirements on rules Requirements on rules for disclosure of capital for disclosure of capital structure, risk exposures structure, risk exposures and capital adequacy so and capital adequacy so as to increase FI as to increase FI transparency and transparency and enhance market/investor enhance market/investor disciplinediscipline

1. Credit Risk1. Credit Risk

2. Market Risk2. Market Risk

3. Operational Risk3. Operational Risk


Market RiskMarket RiskStandardised MethodStandardised Method-BIS Standards-BIS Standards

Internal ModelsInternal Models-Regulatory Approval-Regulatory Approval

-Risk Metrics / History / Monte Carlo -Risk Metrics / History / Monte Carlo SimulationSimulation

-Subject to Audits and Reviews-Subject to Audits and Reviews


Core (Tier I) and Supplementary (Tier II) CapitalCore (Tier I) and Supplementary (Tier II) Capital

On Balance Sheet and Off Balance Sheet AssetsOn Balance Sheet and Off Balance Sheet Assets

Assigns risk weighting to different asset classes to Assigns risk weighting to different asset classes to obtain a Credit Risk Adjusted Asset Valueobtain a Credit Risk Adjusted Asset Value



Ratio Capital BasedRisk

Credit Risk - Basel ICredit Risk - Basel I


Credit Risk - CapitalCredit Risk - Capital


Credit Risk – On Credit Risk – On Balance SheetBalance Sheet





Credit Risk Adjusted

On Balance Sheet Assets

wwii = Risk Weight of Asset = Risk Weight of Asset

aai i = Book Value of Asset on Balance Sheet = Book Value of Asset on Balance Sheet


On BS Weightings – On BS Weightings – Basel IBasel I


On BS Weightings – On BS Weightings – Basel IIBasel II

Basel I categories too broadBasel I categories too broad

Standardised ApproachStandardised Approach

Better differentiation of assetsBetter differentiation of assets

Introduces external credit rating (S&P)Introduces external credit rating (S&P)

Improves Risk SensitivityImproves Risk Sensitivity


On BS Weightings – On BS Weightings – Basel IIBasel II


Credit Risk – Off Credit Risk – Off Balance SheetBalance Sheet

Contingent, not actual claimsContingent, not actual claims

Not Face Value, but an amount equivalent to Not Face Value, but an amount equivalent to an eventual on-balance-sheet credit riskan eventual on-balance-sheet credit risk-Convert to Credit Equivalent Amount (CEA)-Convert to Credit Equivalent Amount (CEA)

-Conversion Factors-Conversion Factors

Guaranty ContractsGuaranty Contracts

Basel II introduces Derivative ContractsBasel II introduces Derivative Contracts


Off BS – Guaranty Off BS – Guaranty ContractsContracts

Face Value * Conversion Factor = CEAFace Value * Conversion Factor = CEA

CEA * Risk Weight = Risk Adjusted ValueCEA * Risk Weight = Risk Adjusted Value


Off BS Conversion Off BS Conversion FactorsFactors


Guaranty Contracts - Guaranty Contracts - Basel IIBasel II

Unused portion of loan commitments Unused portion of loan commitments with original maturity of one year or with original maturity of one year or less will be 20%. (Previously 0%)less will be 20%. (Previously 0%)

Uses the Basel II assigned credit risk Uses the Basel II assigned credit risk weightsweights


Derivative Contracts - Derivative Contracts - Basel IIBasel II

FI is exposed to “Counterparty Credit FI is exposed to “Counterparty Credit Risk”Risk”

Distinction between Exchange Traded Distinction between Exchange Traded and Over-the-Counter contractsand Over-the-Counter contracts

Credit Risk of Exchange-Traded Credit Risk of Exchange-Traded Derivatives is ~zeroDerivatives is ~zero

OTC Contract Credit Risk in two elementOTC Contract Credit Risk in two element

Potential Exposure / Current ExposurePotential Exposure / Current Exposure


CEA for Derivative CEA for Derivative ContractContract

Potential ($) + Current ($) = CEAPotential ($) + Current ($) = CEA

CEA * Risk Weight = Risk Adjusted ValueCEA * Risk Weight = Risk Adjusted Value

Current Exposure, if Replacement Value is –ve, Current Exposure, if Replacement Value is –ve, then zero. If +ve, then use that valuethen zero. If +ve, then use that value

Conversion for Potential ExposureConversion for Potential ExposureRemaining MaturityRemaining Maturity Interest Rate ContractsInterest Rate Contracts Exchange Rate ContractsExchange Rate Contracts

Less than one yearLess than one year 00 1.0%1.0%

One to five yearsOne to five years 0.5%0.5% 5.0%5.0%

Over five yearsOver five years 1.5%1.5% 7.5%7.5%




Ratio Capital BasedRisk

Credit Risk – Risk Credit Risk – Risk Based RatioBased Ratio


IRB ApproachIRB Approach

Banks’ internal assessmentBanks’ internal assessment

Some risk weights and formulas still Some risk weights and formulas still givengiven

Covers a range of portfolios with different Covers a range of portfolios with different exposures.exposures.-Corporate, Bank and Sovereign Exposures-Corporate, Bank and Sovereign Exposures

-Retail Exposure-Retail Exposure

-Specialized Lending-Specialized Lending

-Equity Exposures-Equity Exposures


IRB – Data InputsIRB – Data InputsProbability of Default (PD)Probability of Default (PD)

Loss Given DefaultLoss Given Default

Exposure at DefaultExposure at Default


Provided by bank based on own estimatesProvided by bank based on own estimates

Supervisory values set by the CommitteeSupervisory values set by the Committee

Foundation IRB – Use BIS values (except PD)Foundation IRB – Use BIS values (except PD)

Advanced IRB – Use own estimatesAdvanced IRB – Use own estimates


IRB – ImplementationIRB – Implementation

Relies on internally generated inputsRelies on internally generated inputs

Still a minimum standard to ensure Still a minimum standard to ensure comparability across bankscomparability across banks

Requires bank have strong control Requires bank have strong control environment and process to collect dataenvironment and process to collect data



absorb losses on the underlying pool exposure


Treatment of the Treatment of the securitisation exposures : securitisation exposures : recognition of risk recognition of risk transfertransfer

KIRB: capital required on underlying pool had it not securitised


Rating based Rating based approachapproach

External Rating Base risk weight

AAA 12%

AA 15%

A 20%

BBB+ 50%

BBB 75%

BBB- 100%

BB+ 250%

BB 425%

BB- 650%

< BB- & unrated Deduction


Supervisory Formula Supervisory Formula ApproachApproach


Inputs for the Inputs for the Supervisory formulaSupervisory formula

Credit enhancement level (L)Credit enhancement level (L)

Degree of the exposure (T)Degree of the exposure (T)

Capital requirement for the underlying Capital requirement for the underlying assets (assets (KKIRBIRB))


Operational RiskOperational Risk((Def) risk of Def) risk of loss from inadequate or failed loss from inadequate or failed

‧‧ internal processesinternal processes

‧‧ peoplepeople

‧ ‧ systemssystems

‧ ‧ external eventsexternal events

Basic Indicator Approach

Standardised Approach

Advanced Measurement Approach (AMA)(more risk sensitive FI’s)

Internal Measurement Approach (IMA)

Loss Distribution Approach (LDA)

Scorecard Approach (SA)


Basic Indicator Basic Indicator ApproachApproach

Operational capital = Operational capital = * I * I


I = Gross income (Avg. over the previous 3 years)I = Gross income (Avg. over the previous 3 years)

Standardized Standardized ApproachApproach

Proxy for risk exposure (scale of business operation)

Operational capital = Operational capital = ii * I * Iii

i=1,2,…,8 (business lines) i=1,2,…,8 (business lines)

i i = supervisory factor, ranging from 12~18%= supervisory factor, ranging from 12~18%

IIii = exposure indicator = exposure indicator


Business lines Business lines (Standardised Approach)(Standardised Approach)Business Business

unitsunitsBusiness linesBusiness lines FactorsFactors

Investment Investment BankingBanking

Corporate FinanceCorporate Finance ββ11

Trading and SalesTrading and Sales ββ22

BankingBanking Retail BankingRetail Banking ββ33

Commercial Commercial BankingBanking


Payment and Payment and SettlementSettlement


Agency Services Agency Services and Custodyand Custody


OthersOthers Retail BrokerageRetail Brokerage ββ77

Asset ManagementAsset Management ββ88


Recent modification Recent modification after QIS3after QIS3

QIS3 (Quantitative Impact Study 3)QIS3 (Quantitative Impact Study 3) :: – – the most recent quantitative exercisethe most recent quantitative exercise

– – conducted in 2002conducted in 2002

– – gather information from banks of varying sizegather information from banks of varying size from more than 40 countriesfrom more than 40 countries

on the impact of Basel proposals on the impact of Basel proposals

on their existing portfolioson their existing portfolios


Modification to the Modification to the Pillar OnePillar One

1.1. Recognition of provisions (for IRB)Recognition of provisions (for IRB) ‧ ‧provision(P)= general provision + specific provisionprovision(P)= general provision + specific provision

‧ ‧expected loss(EL)= 12.5*PD*LGD(%)*EADexpected loss(EL)= 12.5*PD*LGD(%)*EAD

(1) (1) general provisions will be removed from the numeratorgeneral provisions will be removed from the numerator

(2) Let k = EL – P(2) Let k = EL – P If k<0 (provision shortfall)If k<0 (provision shortfall) 0.0.5*|k| deducted from Tier 1 capital, 5*|k| deducted from Tier 1 capital, 0.0.5*|k| deducted from 5*|k| deducted from

Tier 2Tier 2 capitalcapital

If k>0 (provision excess)If k>0 (provision excess) amount of k added to Tier 2 capitalamount of k added to Tier 2 capital (up to a limit of 0-6% of the risk-weighted assets at (up to a limit of 0-6% of the risk-weighted assets at

national discretion)national discretion)

Each year, recognize Loan Loss Provision Each year, recognize Loan Loss Provision ((提列壞帳損失提列壞帳損失 ) ) and Allowances for Loan and Allowances for Loan Loss (Loss (備抵壞帳備抵壞帳 , , same as Loan Loss same as Loan Loss Reserve Reserve 壞帳準備壞帳準備 ) ) on a accrual basis.on a accrual basis.

Loan loss expenseLoan loss expense XXXXXX

Allowances for Loan Loss Allowances for Loan Loss XXXXXX

When actual loan loss occursWhen actual loan loss occurs

Allowances for Loan Loss XXXAllowances for Loan Loss XXX



Reduction of net loan asset


Recent modification Recent modification after QIS3after QIS32. 2. Recognition of provisions (for standardized)Recognition of provisions (for standardized)

-different risk weights for past due loans with -different risk weights for past due loans with

specific provisionspecific provision


Specific provision level of Specific provision level of the past due loanthe past due loan

Risk weightRisk weight

≧≧ 20%20% 100%100%

nonenone 150%150%


Recent modification Recent modification after QIS3after QIS33. 3. Operational risk: partial adoption of AMAOperational risk: partial adoption of AMA

- - Advanced Measurement Approach is required Advanced Measurement Approach is required for large international banks and banks with for large international banks and banks with significant risk exposuressignificant risk exposures

- allowed partial adoption: partially AMA, partially - allowed partial adoption: partially AMA, partially basic indicator approach or standardized basic indicator approach or standardized approachapproach


Recent modification Recent modification after QIS3after QIS3

4. 4. Operational risk: risk reduced by Operational risk: risk reduced by insurance (for AMA)insurance (for AMA)

- recognition of insurance as risk mitigant- recognition of insurance as risk mitigant :: insurance amount deducted from capital insurance amount deducted from capital

requirement (up to 20% of total operational requirement (up to 20% of total operational risk capital requirement risk capital requirement ))


Pillar 2Pillar 2 :: Supervisory Supervisory reviewreviewGuiding PrincipalsGuiding Principals

--For BanksFor Banks :: assess their capital adequacy positions assess their capital adequacy positions relative to their overall risks.relative to their overall risks.

-For Supervisors-For Supervisors :: review and take appropriate actions review and take appropriate actions in response to those response to those assessments.


Principle 1: Banks should have a process for Principle 1: Banks should have a process for assessing their overall capital adequacy in assessing their overall capital adequacy in relation to their risk profile and a strategy for relation to their risk profile and a strategy for maintaining their capital levels.maintaining their capital levels.

Principle 2: Supervisors should review and Principle 2: Supervisors should review and evaluate banks’ internal capital adequacy evaluate banks’ internal capital adequacy assessments and strategies, as well as their assessments and strategies, as well as their ability to monitor and ensure their compliance ability to monitor and ensure their compliance with regulatory capital ratios. Supervisors with regulatory capital ratios. Supervisors should take appropriate supervisory action if should take appropriate supervisory action if they are not satisfied with the result of this they are not satisfied with the result of this process.process.


Principle 3: Supervisors should expect banks to Principle 3: Supervisors should expect banks to operate above the minimum regulatory capital ratios operate above the minimum regulatory capital ratios and should have the ability to require banks to hold and should have the ability to require banks to hold capital in excess of the in excess of the minimum.

Principle 4: Supervisors should seek to intervene at Principle 4: Supervisors should seek to intervene at an early stage to prevent capital from falling below an early stage to prevent capital from falling below the minimum levels required to support the risk the minimum levels required to support the risk characteristics of a particular bank and should characteristics of a particular bank and should require rapid remedial action if capital is not require rapid remedial action if capital is not maintained or restored.maintained or restored.


Update of Pillar 2Update of Pillar 2

-stress testing-stress testing Estimate the extent to which the IRB capital requirements Estimate the extent to which the IRB capital requirements could increase during a stress scenario.could increase during a stress scenario.

-banks’ review of concentration risks and the treatment -banks’ review of concentration risks and the treatment of residual risks that arise from the use of collateral, of residual risks that arise from the use of collateral, guarantees and credit derivatives.guarantees and credit derivatives.


Pillar 3Pillar 3 :: Market Market disciplinediscipline

PurposePurpose--Complement the minimum capital requirements of Pillar 1 Complement the minimum capital requirements of Pillar 1 and the supervisory review process addressed in Pillar 2.and the supervisory review process addressed in Pillar 2.

Disclosures requirementsDisclosures requirements -allow market participants to assess key information about a -allow market participants to assess key information about a

bank’s risk profile and level of capitalizationbank’s risk profile and level of capitalization..


TableTable :: Disclosures in the New AccordDisclosures in the New Accord

Subject Type Location in Supporting Document

Scope of Application Strong recommendations Pillar 3

Capital Strong recommendations Pillar 3

Credit Risk-general Strong recommendations Pillar 3

Credit Risk-Standardised Approach

Requirements and strongrecommendations

Pillar 3

Credit Risk MitigationTechniques

Requirements and strongrecommendations

Pillar 3

Credit Risk-IRB Approaches Requirements Pillar 3

Market Risk Strong recommendations Pillar 3

Operational Risk Strong recommendations and, in future, requirements

Pillar 3

Interest Rate Risk in theBanking Book

Strong recommendations Pillar 3

Capital Adequacy Strong recommendations Pillar 3

Asset Securitization Requirements Asset Securitization

ECAI Recognition Requirements Standardized Approach

Supervisory Transparency Strong recommendations Standardized Approach and Pillar 2


Dialogue with market participants and Dialogue with market participants and supervisorssupervisors --avoid potentially flooding the market with information that would be hard to use avoid potentially flooding the market with information that would be hard to use

in understanding a bank’s actual risk profilein understanding a bank’s actual risk profile..

Align with national accounting standardsAlign with national accounting standards


Implementation of Implementation of New AccordNew Accord

Transition to New AccordTransition to New Accord -Committee members within the G10-Committee members within the G10 Implementation date for New Accord of year-end 2006.Implementation date for New Accord of year-end 2006.

-outside the G10-outside the G10 *The minimum capital requirements will be implemented after year-end 2006.*The minimum capital requirements will be implemented after year-end 2006. *The first priority is implementing key elements of the supervisory review and market discipline *The first priority is implementing key elements of the supervisory review and market discipline

components of the New Accord.components of the New Accord.


Forward looking aspectsForward looking aspects

-AIG (the Accord Implementation Group)-AIG (the Accord Implementation Group) for national supervisors to exchange information on for national supervisors to exchange information on the practical implementation challenges of Basel 2 and the practical implementation challenges of Basel 2 and on the strategies they are using to address these issues.on the strategies they are using to address these issues.

-CTF (Committee’s Capital Force)-CTF (Committee’s Capital Force) responsible for considering substantive modifications responsible for considering substantive modifications to and interpretations of the New Accord. to and interpretations of the New Accord.


-reconciling any major unintended inconsistencies in the-reconciling any major unintended inconsistencies in the treatment of similar exposures.treatment of similar exposures.

-close any loopholes and unintended effects of the new-close any loopholes and unintended effects of the new framework.framework.

-banks adopting the more advanced approaches to risk-banks adopting the more advanced approaches to risk assessment will be required to run them in parallel with theassessment will be required to run them in parallel with the existing Accord for 1 year prior to the implementation of existing Accord for 1 year prior to the implementation of

Basel Basel IIII..


Cross-border implementationsCross-border implementations -enhance cooperation between supervisors on a practical-enhance cooperation between supervisors on a practical basis.basis.

-supervisors should avoid performing uncoordinated approval-supervisors should avoid performing uncoordinated approval and validation work in order to reduce the implementationand validation work in order to reduce the implementation burden for banks.burden for banks.

-the legal responsibilities of supervisors for the regulation of-the legal responsibilities of supervisors for the regulation of their domestic banking organizations and the arrangementstheir domestic banking organizations and the arrangements of consolidated supervision will not change.of consolidated supervision will not change.

-mutual recognition-mutual recognition


ConclusionConclusionCapital adequacyCapital adequacy

-capital requirement-capital requirement

Basel I to Basel IIBasel I to Basel II

Pillar1Pillar1 :: minimum capital requirementsminimum capital requirements - Credit Risk- Credit Risk

*On BS *On BS & & Off BS Off BS



**Rating based approachRating based approach

*Supervisory Formula Approach*Supervisory Formula Approach


-Market Risk-Market Risk

*Standardised Method*Standardised Method

*Internal Models*Internal Models

-Operational Risk-Operational Risk

**Basic Indicator ApproachBasic Indicator Approach

*Standardized Approach*Standardized Approach

-Recent modification after QIS3-Recent modification after QIS3

Pillar2Pillar2 :: Supervisory review Supervisory review

Pillar3Pillar3 :: Market disciplineMarket discipline

Implementation of New AccordImplementation of New Accord