Page 1: Overview of Permasense System


Sistema de

Monitorización de

Corrosión & Erosión



Apto para altas

temperaturas y

ubicaciones inaccesibles

Utilización a gran escala - Adquisición costo – efectiva de

datos desde miles de ubicaciones

Facilidad de instalación - Intrínsicamente seguro

Page 2: Overview of Permasense System

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permasense systems are –

Deployable everywhere on both pipework and vessels

Provide real time direct wall thickness measurements

Monitor both corrosion and erosion

Waveguide technology allows for pipe / vessel temperatures up to 600 deg C

Battery powered sensors, with an average life of 5 years

Wireless system requiring no interconnecting cabling

1. SAFETY AND INTEGRITY permasense systems can be installed in dangerous and difficult to access areas, on virtually any pipework and most vessels, and are intrinsically safe and non-intrusive.

They are applicable to very hot and very cold pipework and are a valuable tool in providing wall thickness measurements in areas where regular manual inspection is not feasible or too expensive.

The characteristics of the design result in very robust and reliable systems, proven in years of oil industry service.

The systems are extremely easy to install and once installed require no personnel intervention for data acquisition or day to day maintenance.


The permasense short-range system comprises of a number of sensors, installed wherever corrosion is to be monitored, wirelessly coupled to each other and to a gateway; in turn connected to the customer’s server hosting the Permasense Data Manager – incorporating database and viewer. Data can also readily be exported from the database to any other customer application.

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The wireless mesh is self-forming, self-managing, and self-healing.

The range is governed by the location of the elements (particularly height), the environment, and the density of sensors in the mesh. There can be 8 data hops between furthest sensor and gateway, giving a typical range of 400m (440yds), although greater distances can be covered if the sensors and gateway are in elevated locations.

Each sensor only communicates for a very short period, thus prolonging battery life. All data packets are encrypted, then deciphered by the Data Manager, then made available to view at the customer’s desk via the customer’s network.

Up to 100 sensors can be accommodated on each gateway.

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The Permasense long range system allows for transmission distances of up to 10km (6miles).

The sensors are as in the short-range system, but each sensor is wired to a range extender incorporating a long-range antenna which communicates directly with the gateway, in a star configuration.

Each range extender can accommodate up to 4 sensors, and up to 100 sensors can be accommodated on each gateway.

The software is as in the short-range system.

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4. THE PERMASENSE SENSORS The permasense sensors are intrinsically safe and are powered by a non-rechargeable battery pack. The batteries have a life of five years in normal operation and can be easily replaced.

Permasense recommends that the sensors are mounted on the pipework using studs.

Studs enable mounting virtually anywhere, on all surfaces and at all pipe wall temperatures. Permasense can provide weld procedures and recommendations for stud materials.

For lower temperature applications, if stud welding is not possible then Permasense can provide pipe clamps which can accommodate one or multiple sensors.

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Short-range system gateways are available in weatherproof (GT100) and intrinsically safe (GT200) form to suit the zoning of the gateway location.

The long range gateways (GT 400) are currently available in weatherproof form.

Two AC power outlets (110/240V) and Ethernet access are required for all gateways. The only cabling required for the system is between the gateway and the client’s network.

At installation each gateway and associated sensors are assigned a channel and unique PAN identifier. The channel is selected to avoid existing 2.4 GHz WiFi network channels in the local area and this prevents interference.

It is not possible for non-Permasense wireless devices to join the Permasense wireless mesh, and no interference has been experienced with other wireless devices on any installed systems to date. A wireless survey can be conducted using a packet sniffer to check existing channel use, if required.


permasense systems can be installed and commissioned in a few days, with no disruption to the operating plant.

The installation and commissioning of the system is however critical for the satisfactory long term operation of the system, and Permasense requires that for the initial installation in any facility, the installation team is trained and supervised by a Permasense support engineer.

The gateway is installed first, then the sensors. The correct installation of each sensor – ultrasonic coupling to the pipe wall – is checked using a portable installation computer running the same software as installed with the permanent system.

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The above screen illustrates the signals emanating from the sensor as it is tightened down - signal amplitude and waveform confirm good ultrasonic coupling.

During the initial installation the Permasense team train customer / contractor personnel in the installation and commissioning process, such that subsequent installations can be carried out by the customer. The installation computer and equipment supplied by Permasense for the initial installation is retained by the customer for subsequent installations.

7. DATA The data – thickness measurements - is automatically delivered to the database in the Permasense software suite hosted on the local (customer) server. A continuous stream of consistent data is therefore available at the corrosion / inspection engineer’s desk. The data can also readily be exported from the database to any other customer application. The sensors are programmed on manufacture to deliver a measurement every 12 hours. Each sensor can be reprogrammed at any time to another measurement frequency.

The nature of the Permasense system – permanent sensor installation - means that measurements are always made by the same sensor at the same location eliminating the inconsistencies and uncertainties associated with manual readings taken by different operators using different equipment with location variance over time.

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permasense systems provides orders of magnitude more measurements than manual inspection, and the Permasense Data Manager software assists the user in managing this data. The Data Manager software de-encrypts and validates the data, then streamlines it into groups to enable users to utilise the information more effectively.

The data manager is extremely user-friendly enabling the data to be segmented according to operational requirements, operational corrosion rate flags to be set and the subsequent data to be easily managed to ease user analysis.

The display is set on a traffic light basis, the first gate identifies valid (green) and invalid data (red) and the second gate identifies data that is within (green) and outside (red) the operational limits set by the user. A typical screen is illustrated above and shows all data validated (far left column) with a single location outside operational limits (red flag in second left column)

This enables the significant volume of data to be easily handled by the user allowing for more in-depth analysis of the critical areas which have been flagged as being outside of the set operational limits.

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All data can also be viewed in graphical form and in the above example using the default sample rate of 12 hours and a corrosion rate limit of 0.1mm per year the increased corrosion rate occurring in January would be identified within a few days.

If an area is flagged for review by the Data Manager the measurement rate can be increased if necessary to determine the corrosion rate over shorter time periods, and / or to correlate corrosion activity with changes e.g. in process conditions or inhibitor usage.


The only manual intervention required after installation and commissioning is to change the batteries

The systems are extremely scalable and adding further sensors to an existing system can be done while it continues to operate.


The system is very low maintenance as the mesh is self-configuring, self-managing, and self-healing, there are no sacrificial elements to replace and the batteries have exceptionally long life.

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Continuous wall thickness measurements from the same point eliminates the uncertainty of manual measurements made at extended time intervals and enables corrosion rates to be determined with much greater confidence, and trends to be flagged and subsequently investigated.

The above chart clearly illustrates the distinct trends in different time periods that can be identified from the data, and this can then be associated with prevailing process conditions. This highlights the value of the Permasense continuous monitoring system, to not only provide real time wall thickness data, but also to enable operations to be managed with clear knowledge of the respective corrosion rates.


Over 5000 sensors have been sold, with over 70% installed which have been providing continuous reliable data for up to 3 years in some of the most difficult environments in the oil & gas industry

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Permasense sensors are currently operating or are being installed in a number of different facilities in upstream and downstream areas, but are applicable to most oil & gas facilities

Refinery LNG plants GTL plants Offshore platforms FPSOs


Permasense sensors are currently operating or are being installed for the following applications, but are applicable to many more oil & gas applications

Crude units Stripper towers Furnaces particularly inlets / outlets, u-bends Coolers- particularly headers, inlets / outlets, elbows Heat exchanger casings, inlets / outlets Pump inlets / outlets Amine unit Cokers Cracking units – FCC, cat cracker, hydrocracker MEG units Risers

15. PIPE & VESSEL MATERIALS Permasense sensors are currently installed or are being installed on the following pipe and vessel materials, but are applicable to most dense materials and composites including weld overlays

Carbon steel Cast carbon steel P5/5 Chrome P9/ 9 Chrome 1% Cr (5130) Duplex P265GH (430-161) 1.4571 (316Ti) P295GH (17Mn4)

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Permasense Overview v2


At BP Cherry Point refinery, following installation of the Permasense systemengineer Jeff Waytashek comments in the tough job – a lot of climbing around and there is the risk to people when you’re dealing with hot pipes”. On the new sensors, which have been in place at Cherry Point since August 2010, he says: “I’m confident these sensors will be standard in all refineries one day. The data is so remarkable – I think this is one tool corrosion engineers won’t be able to liwithout”

The full article can be accessed via the following link

At the Gelsenkirchen refinery operated by BP

cast carbon steel U-bends, but ultrasonic wall thickness measurementexposed to significant hazard

The Permasense system was installed to ensure continued safe operation

The above picture shows two Permasense sensors installed on a Uthickness of approximately 25mm (1”)

ollowing installation of the Permasense system,Jeff Waytashek comments in the BP Magazine, that manual measurement

a lot of climbing around and there is the risk to people when you’re dealing with . On the new sensors, which have been in place at Cherry Point since August

2010, he says: “I’m confident these sensors will be standard in all refineries one day. The I think this is one tool corrosion engineers won’t be able to li

The full article can be accessed via the following link

operated by BP, the inspection team wanted to

, but the high temperature prevented accurate manual ultrasonic wall thickness measurement, because the inspectors would have

se system was installed to ensure continued safe operation

The above picture shows two Permasense sensors installed on a U-bend of thickness of approximately 25mm (1”) and operating at 380°C (720°F

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, corrosion that manual measurement was “a

a lot of climbing around and there is the risk to people when you’re dealing with . On the new sensors, which have been in place at Cherry Point since August

2010, he says: “I’m confident these sensors will be standard in all refineries one day. The I think this is one tool corrosion engineers won’t be able to live

, the inspection team wanted to monitor prevented accurate manual

would have been

se system was installed to ensure continued safe operation

bend of wall

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The Permasense system has been delivering reliable measurement data for over 3 years and enabled operation to continue with confidence until turnaround

A segment of the data trace is shown in the above chart

At the BP Lingen refinery the site wanted to establish the nature of the dominant corrosion mechanism in a section of pipework which was to be replaced at the next shutdown.

The section of pipework was to be replaced to address a high temperature corrosion issue, but the site had to identify if the corrosion was sulphidation where 5Cr-1/2Mo would be used or naphthanic acid corrosion where 1.4571 would be used.

The Lingen site were able to interpret the corrosion nature from the Permasense data as follows:

" the data from the Permasense sensors over a year clearly showed localised thinning / pitting in the pipes as well as in the column. This thinning is interpreted as naphthanic acid corrosion and results in the recommendation to upgrade to 1.4571"

This enabled the site to ensure that the replacement section could be manufatured in the correct material prior to shutdown.

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Provides reliable continuous wall thickness data

Can be installed in dangerous and difficult to access areas

Data is available remotely

Intrinsically safe and non-intrusive

No personnel day to day intervention

Improves plant and pipeline integrity


Continuous monitoring

Accurately monitors wall thickness changes

Very sensitive to wall thinning

Relate product inventory to corrosion rate

Assessment and optimisation of process changes

Assessment of inhibitor strategy

Setting of process limits


Reduces unplanned outages

Manage and optimise shutdowns

Relate product inventory to corrosion rate

Extremely robust and reliable

Virtually zero downtime

Evaluation of cause and effect

Improve efficiency and reliability


Substantially reduces cost of corrosion monitoring

Easy inexpensive installation

No cabling cost

No data acquisition cost

Sensors are fully re-deployable

Can reduce inhibitor costs

Allows management of process product inventory

Increase efficiency and reliability

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