Page 1: Outdoor Sign Spinner Sign Waving Machine for Business B2B Factory Direct SignTastic Machines





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SignTastic Machines U.S.A.


Page 2: Outdoor Sign Spinner Sign Waving Machine for Business B2B Factory Direct SignTastic Machines

The highest quality, safest, most affordable, factory

direct machine available.

Easy To Own


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Fascinate A CrowdMore CustomersGrow Your Profits

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Sign WavingMachine

Page 3: Outdoor Sign Spinner Sign Waving Machine for Business B2B Factory Direct SignTastic Machines

The Sign Waving Machine

This machine was invented by a Fortune500 Business Specialist and is guaranteedto make you smile.

This sign waving machine is superior toanything in the market and it will help youadvance and develop your business bysimply flipping the “on” switch.

The creator-designer and inventor of theSignTastic Sign Waving Machine made

SignTasticSign Waving Machine

Patent PendingContract ProtectedAll Rights Reserved

SignTastic Sign Waving Machine madesure that every engineer, machinist, graphicdesigner and stylist could assure everycustomer that safety, quality and long lifewas built into every machine.

We’re very pleased that you havediscovered sign waving for your businessprosperity.

Learning about SignTastic Machines willhelp you choose the best sign wavingmachine the world has ever seen.

Page 4: Outdoor Sign Spinner Sign Waving Machine for Business B2B Factory Direct SignTastic Machines

The Sign Waving MachineSignTastic Sign Waving Machine

During the research anddevelopment stage for the signwaving machine we tested withinmany market segments. One ofthe real-life market investigationsinvolved a grocery store thatwanted to sell more in theirproduce department, theywanted to sell more banana’s.

We loaned our newest model ofWe loaned our newest model ofthe SignTastic Sign WavingMachine to it’s produce managerand did she get the surprise ofher life.

We explained to her that themotion of the sign is the magicthat creates awareness and moredollar sales.

She set up the table top modeland flipped the “on” switch andlike all people, she smiled.

Page 5: Outdoor Sign Spinner Sign Waving Machine for Business B2B Factory Direct SignTastic Machines

The Sign Waving MachineSignTastic Sign Waving Machine

What she noticed was that everyperson walking around looked atthe sign. A human being isforced by mother nature toobserve any type of motion.

Once they look the humaninstinct continues as all peopletry to detect a message. Is itdanger? Is it fun? Can they eatit? Can it eat them? Sounds

Selling MoreBanana’s

it? Can it eat them? Soundsfunny we know but these humaninstincts keep us safe andsnooping at the same time.

In those couple of seconds youcan deliver and they are forcedby nature to receive anymessage you send.

They always notice the motion,take in the message and thenthey remember the message,almost 82% of the time.

Page 6: Outdoor Sign Spinner Sign Waving Machine for Business B2B Factory Direct SignTastic Machines

The Sign Waving MachineSignTastic Sign Waving Machine

She turned “on” the machine andin a short period of time reporteda dramatic increase in sales.

82% of the people rememberedthe message and over half of thepeople bought banana’s.

At the end of the week bananasales went up 64% which was abig profit boost. There was nobig profit boost. There was nolabor needed, the machine runsfor hours and hours and keepswaving your message.

A sign in motion is an absolutewinner for any business ownerno matter what you’re selling.

You can sell anything,anywhere at anytime and it onlycosts a few penny’s a day tooperate.

Page 7: Outdoor Sign Spinner Sign Waving Machine for Business B2B Factory Direct SignTastic Machines

The Sign Waving MachineSignTastic Sign Waving Machine

The machine operates indoors oroutdoors, day or night, hot orcold so you just put the machineto work and walk away.

The SignTastic Machine is alsothe safest machine available.

Other machines may leave youat risk due to their contraptionlike mechanics with all thelike mechanics with all themoving parts that could harmyour employees or all thosepeople walking by the sign.

With a patent pending, contractprotected waving transmissiondevice you’re a lot safer with aSignTastic Machine.

The incredible method that isused inside the machine makes ita lot safer for use around kidsand their parents.

Less WorryLess Risk

More ProfitsEasy To Operate

Safe Around ChildrenOutdoor – Indoor

All WeatherAnytime Machine