
Granville Public School Lena St, Granville NSW 2142 T: 9637 1083 F: 9897 1518 Email: [email protected]

Term 3, Issue 4

Dear Parents and students,

Welcome to our Week 8 Newsletter Parents, Students and Community, I cannot believe how quickly the term has gone and all of the truly amazing things that have happened at Granville Public School and, what still lay ahead prior to us taking a two week break for the Spring Holidays; please make sure that we see you at the events between now and the end of the term.

New Parent Survey In this survey, we are interested in learning more about your thoughts, feelings and attitudes towards our school and, how the strategic management targets have progressed over the past three (3) years, that is: 2015-2017. . When answering the questions please consider your child’s experiences and, those of yourself and other family members over the past three (3) years. . You will also be asked for input into the next 2018-2022 Strategic School Management Plan in this survey. . Your answers will be used to aggregate, and we will not be evaluating individual respons-es. As such, please be honest as there are no right or wrong answers. The link to the survey is … https://w w w . s u r v e y m o n k e y . c o m / r / 2 0 1 5 -2017_Parent_Review_Survey

SAS Recognition Week This week students, parents and staff in NSW schools are acknowledging the hard work done by School Administrative and Support Staff (SAS Staff) as part of National Recognition Week. Every day of the school year, our SAS staff face new challenges in the running primary school in NSW. They provide important assistance with the provision of the quality education which our children will need for life during this century.

They are always focused on the needs of our community so that our children can have the best education possible. SAS Recognition Week gives the whole school the opportunity to demonstrate to our support staff that they are highly valued members of the school community. I would like to thank them publically for the great work they do in creating such a welcoming environment and supporting the students, staff and parents at Granville Public School. Our dedicated SAS staff includes: School Administrative Team – Mrs Nunez, Mrs Scott, Mrs Paton, and Mrs Bejjani School Learning Support Officers- Mrs Angeleski Mrs Defries, Mrs Kaza, Mrs Ward, Ms Hunt, Mrs Audish, Mrs Taouk, Miss Samira, Miss Nahidah, Miss Riannah, Mr Rasoul, Mr Ibrahim, Mr Will and Mr Adrian General Assistant - Mr Paul and Mr William

Father’s Day I hope all of our fathers had a wonderful Father's Day last Sunday and enjoyed their time with their families. Thank you to the P&C for running another successful Father's Day stall. The gifts that were available were fantastic and provide our students with a great deal of choice. CAPA – Our Spectacular Week 10 will see students from Granville Public School performing in Our Spectacular at the Sydney Opera House. Students will be performing as part of the mass school choir and the elite dance group will be performing their dance item; I would like to thank parents for their continued support of extra curricula activities, and, I would like to give a huge thank you to all of the teachers who give up their time, freely, to ensure that our students are afforded such rich learning


Gregory Grinham


Granville Public School Our School Priorities are Literacy, Numeracy, Student Welfare and Social Responsibility

A Newsletter for the Community of Granville Public School

Thursday 7 September 2017

Granville Grapevine

From the Principal’s desk…………... UPCOMING




15 Yr 1 Aquarium excursion

18 Our Spectacular

20 School Fun Run

21 Parent / Student Canberra


22 Last day of Term 3


9 Students return to school

12 Yr 6 Fundraiser DISCO

17-31 Healthy Harold

19 Kids for Kindy 9:30

27 Grandparents Day

31 Eye Clinic


10 Yr 2 Warragamba Dam



15 Last Day of Term 4

Due to safety










Daniel Street and

Florrie Street gates

will now be closed.

Granville Public School Lena St, Granville NSW 2142 T: 9637 1083 F: 9897 1518 Email: [email protected]

Term 3, Issue 4 Thursday 7 September 2017

Food for thought… Early Education, or pre-school education, is the beginning of

sound educational foundations within any modern day society,

whether it is in a developed nation such as Australia, or, in a

developing nation such as our closest northern neighbour,


I thought that our community would be interested in how

Australia is helping developing nations lay and build these

vital foundations for learning.

Again, I look forward to any feedback that you may wish to

provide to me in regards to this article or earlier articles.

Gregory Grinham


Driving early childhood education quality in


25 August 2017

Image © Lamanna

AUSTRALIAN COLLEGE of EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH (ACER) has developed a ‘road map’ for quality pre-primary education and supporting parental education programs

throughout Indonesia. Dan Cloney reports.

Research undertaken in the fields of neuroscience, health, education, culture and even economics show that early childhood is the most important developmental phase of the human lifespan, with high-quality preventative early childhood care and education (ECCE) programs yielding higher

returns that later remedial ones.

Quality universal early childhood education is one of the targets of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). SDG 4.2 states that all nations of the world should, by 2030, ensure that all girls and boys have access to quality early childhood development, care and pre-primary education so that

they are ready for primary education.

Work by the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) is contributing to the achievement of this goal in


Indonesia has already made significant progress towards achieving SDG 4.2, with more than 12 million children enrolled in ECCE services. The focus of the Indonesian Ministry of Edu-cation and Culture is now not only on providing ECCE services for children from 16 000 mostly remote and poor communities who are currently without access, but also on ensuring the

quality of all services across the nation.

To support this, the Indonesian Education Sector Analytical and Capacity Development Partnership (ACDP) engaged

ACER to conduct research to contribute towards the development of evidence-based policies and strategies for the universal provision of holistic, integrated, affordable, sustainable, high quality and equitable ECCE programs in

Indonesia, particularly for marginalised populations.

ACER’s work involved developing a ‘road map’ for a one-year ‘Quality Pre-Primary Education for All’ program throughout Indonesia. ACER modelled the cost of ensuring that all villages have at least one ECCE service of sufficient quality, taking into account a minimum teacher salary and other non-salary operational costs including teaching-learning materials, equipment and resources, teacher training and additional

teacher incentives.

Three case studies were carried out in Kota Jambi in Jambi Province, Banyuwangi District in East Java, and Kupang District in East Nusa Tenggara. These districts were selected to represent a range of experience with and commitment to ECCE. Eleven researchers visited the education offices of the selected district and their province to gather data and conduct interviews, before splitting into teams to gather further information through focus groups and onsite visits in two


Through data collection and a review of literature, ACER explored the challenges to the ECCE system in Indonesia related to policies, access, quality, and costs and financing, and developed a set of recommendations to address these


Recognising that high-quality universal early childhood education cannot be achieved without the active and positive involvement – and therefore education – of parents, other caregivers and the community as a whole, the ACDP also sought ACER’s expertise in developing a supporting road map for a ‘Quality Parenting Education’ program. Designed for parents and caregivers of children from birth to six years, the program aims to provide communities with the necessary knowledge, attitudes and skills to support children’s growth,

protection and development.

ACER identified cooperation and synchronisation between the departments providing parenting programs, improving the quality of parenting facilitators and the development of standards for parenting materials as necessary elements of the roadmap towards more comprehensive, systematic and

effective parenting education.

While the most disadvantaged children experience the most dramatic gains from ECCE programs, they are also the least likely to be enrolled. The Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture is unique, at least in Southeast Asia, for understanding that its national agenda and the SDGs around ECCE cannot be achieved without also supporting the involvement of parents

and caregivers.

About the author: Dr Dan Cloney is a Research Fellow in ACER's Teaching, Learning and Leadership research


ACER Publications


Granville Public School Lena St, Granville NSW 2142 T: 9637 1083 F: 9897 1518 Email: [email protected]

Term 3, Issue 4 Thursday 7 September 2017



through 5

obstacles high

above the


The boys on dish duty.

Archery champion

Students had the

opportunity to

create a fire and

make damper in the


High ropes course.

Myuna Bay




Granville Public School Lena St, Granville NSW 2142 T: 9637 1083 F: 9897 1518 Email: [email protected]

Term 3, Issue 4 Thursday 7 September 2017

Lachlan Macquarie College Mathematics Competition

16 teams of elite primary mathematics students

travelled to Darcy Road Public School to compete in the

Lachlan Macquarie College Mathematics Competition.

Teams from many different schools from as far as

Concord West and Seven Hills competed, all trying to

progress to the finals. The teams solved problems

requiring them to apply their arithmetic knowledge,

their understanding of 2 and 3 dimensional shapes and

their logical reasoning skills.

Granville Public School entered two teams in this inter-school competition. The first team

included Sean Sacriz, Ishan Shrestha, Oliver Luan and William Wang. The second team

included Samia Syeda, Ella Zhang, Khan Salicioglu-Achi and Fraz Maqsoodi. Both teams

competed well. The first team placing a close second overall to the competition winners,

Concord West Public School and will now compete in the finals on the 30th of November.

The second team moving the closest, out of all 16 teams, towards creating a net for a

truncated cube.

All of the students are to be commended for the hard work

they have done to not only gain maths knowledge and skills

but also to be able to use them to solve complicated

problems. They are also to be commended for the way they

represented Granville Public School, not only as talented

mathematicians, but as respectful students who are able to

work as a team to achieve!

All of the students who took part in this competition are also part of the Granville Public

School Olympiad Mathematics Competition Program. This is an internationally renowned

mathematical problem solving competition in which students complete five olympiad tests

throughout the year. Students in years 3-6 who show an ability and interest in

mathematical problem solving participate officially in this competition and work as a group

to practice their strategies during class mathematics lessons. At the same time all of the

Granville Public School students are taught problem solving strategies and have

opportunities to solve mathematic problems and puzzles

in their regular classes. Many of these students go on

to compete in school teams and the official Olympiad

Competition as their knowledge, skills and strategies

improve with the help of their class teachers.

We are very proud of all our students for their

efforts and achievements in mathematical problem

solving! Keep up the great work Granville!

Granville Public School Lena St, Granville NSW 2142 T: 9637 1083 F: 9897 1518 Email: [email protected]

Term 3, Issue 4 Thursday 7 September 2017

Early Action for Success News – Term 3 We would like to extend a warm welcome

to Mrs Doreen Vella who was

successfully appointed as the new

Literacy Instructional Leader through

merit selection. Mrs Vella joined the EAfS

team in Week 5 and has already been

getting to know the K-2 students and

teachers. She looks forward to getting to

know the Granville PS school community

and sharing her Literacy knowledge with

the teachers and parents.

During the past 7 weeks, Mrs Mansour,

Mrs Hasan, Mrs Khan and Mrs Douglas

have been working with a number of

PaTCH (Parents as Teachers and

Classroom Helpers) volunteers. These

parents have been busy learning how

best to support our students with their

learning and have spent hours in the

classrooms working tirelessly with the

students. We would like to extend our

thanks to the parents for their dedication

to the PaTCH program and also to the

classroom teachers and students for

welcoming them into their class.

I would also like to thank Mrs Choghari and Mrs Ayoub, who have both spent many hours repairing home readers and

guided reading packs for our students

Mrs Douglas (Instructional Leader) and

EAfS team.

Granville Public School Lena St, Granville NSW 2142 T: 9637 1083 F: 9897 1518 Email: [email protected]

Term 3, Issue 4 Thursday 7 September 2017

Live Life Well Information, facts and tips for better health



It’s the most important meal of the day – but one in four

children in Australia skip breakfast.

At school, a hungry child can lose concentration in class,

have no energy for playtime and snack on unhealthy foods,

such as chips or biscuits.

A calm and healthy breakfast every day is the best defence

against this happening. It also helps children to get into

good habits that they can carry through life.

Parent / Carer

Breakfast ideas

Breakfast can include all sorts of options: cereals, bread,

fruit, dairy products (such as eggs, milk, yoghurt and

cheese) and meats.

A number of factors influence what people like to eat at

breakfast, such as their food preferences, cultural

background, religious beliefs and the time available before

they have to head out the door.

Quick and easy ideas

Cereal with milk*, yoghurt and/or fruit

Wholegrain toast, raisin bread or muffins with a little

polyunsaturated or monounsaturated margarine (not

butter), fruit spreads, Vegemite or sliced banana

Fresh fruit with yoghurt

Fruit smoothies made with fresh or canned fruit

Porridge with warm milk and stewed fruit

It is also important to have healthy drinks with breakfast.

Water or low fat milk (for children over 2 years) is best. Try

to limit fruit juice to 1/2 a glass a day as fruit juice contains

lots of sugar. Instead, give a piece of fruit to your child to

get fibre into their diet.

Handy tip: Discourage your child from eating breakfast in

front of the television. This can also help speed up your

morning routines!


Every Wednesday 8:30am to 8:50am .

Come to walk or run for fitness and fun.

Collect your stamps for a healthy breakfast in Term 4.


FUN RUN Granville Public School will be holding a School Fun Run for the students as a major fundraiser this term so we do ask for your support. The more money we raise the more we can provide for the students through vital

school projects, in particular P-6 Garden.

The event has been extended to Wednesday 20 September 2017 and we request for all sponsorship forms and money to be return to the office by Wednesday 20 September 2017.

Please note: Granville Public School is not registered for online fundraising.

As a reward for your efforts, each child will receive an incentive prize based on the total amount of

sponsorship raised.

Thank you in advance for your participation, and Happy






Granville Public School Lena St, Granville NSW 2142 T: 9637 1083 F: 9897 1518 Email: [email protected]


These three innovative and exciting programs are

designed to motivate students to learn, gain

speed, practise at home and challenge other

students from around the world!

Only $15 per student.

Preschool applications are now being

accepted for children for 2018.

Granville Public School preschool caters for

children who turn four (4) by 31 July 2018.

Children must be in their final year prior to

enrolment into Kindergarten as

preschool is a one (1) year

placement only.

Applications are available from

the School office or the Preschool.

Enrolment Applications for

KINDERGARTEN are now available.

Applications can be collected from the

front office.

Term 3, Issue 4 Thursday 7 September 2017


ARRIVING LATE TO SCHOOL - Parents are reminded to accompany students into the office and supply an explanation when students are arriving late to school. Notes are required by law for all absences from school within 7 days of the absence.

SCHOOL CANTEEN - Please ensure that all student lunch orders are submitted to the canteen each day before 8.55am. Lunch orders will not be accepted after this time.

LOST PROPERTY - As the weather is so changeable lately, children often take jumpers and jackets off during the day. Please ensure that your child’s name is written clearly on each item of their school uniforms.

BIRTHDAYS - If your child wishes to celebrate their birthday with a cake in the classroom please speak to your child’s teacher prior to the day to arrange an appropriate time. For safety reasons knives are not permitted in classrooms, therefore it is preferable to bring


TOILETS - Parents, if you require the use of a TOILET, please use the toilets located in the LIBRARY.

DID YOU KNOW GRANVILLE PUBLIC SCHOOL HAS AN APP? - You can - access events, newsletters and notifications, send through absence notes for your child and change your contact details with the school.

Available at no cost from your app store for smart phone or tablet.


TERM 3 18/07/17 - 22/09/17

TERM 4 09/10/17 - 15/12/17


TERM 1 30/01/18 - 13/04/18

TERM 2 01/05/18 - 06/07/18

TERM 3 24/07/18 - 28/09/18

TERM 4 15/10/18 - 19/12/18

Year 1

Sydney Aquarium Excursion

Friday 15 September 2017

Cost: $30

Don’t miss out.

Granville Public School Lena St, Granville NSW 2142 T: 9637 1083 F: 9897 1518 Email: [email protected]

Term 3, Issue 4 Thursday 7 September 2017