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Kindergarten is the first school level. There go the kids who are at the age of 6. They go there in order to learn from the first time the alphabet and some basic knowledge. For instance, they learn how to read, to write and count. They also sleep there!!!

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Elementary schoolThe next level is the elementary school. It comprises

6 classes. There go the children from the age of 7 to 12. They learn the basics, like English, Geography, History, Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry to name but a few. Every elementary school has a gym, but unfortunately without satisfactory fitness equipment. Most of the teachers are friendly and kind, yet some of them fail to deliver the lesson effectively and as a result the students fail too to understand the lesson…

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The junior high school is the last school level in order to finish the obligatory education. It comprises 3 classes. At the junior high school, the subjects are more difficult and demanding and the latter one applies for the teachers, as well. Apart from these, at this level we have two more subjects, like Ancient Greek and Biology.

A book for the subject of Ancient Greek

A book for the subject of Biology

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Unfortunately, the facilities of the school are not very satisfactory since most of the buildings are quite old with not many appropriate equipment, such as physics and chemistry laboratories, gyms or the necessary equipment. However, our school is one of those who have these.

Another disadvantage is that the facet of most of them have the form of a factory, something that makes the students not like it very much!!!!!!

BUT, I have to admit that the teachers although they are more strict than at the primary school, they are more kind and friendly.

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The 1st class of the junior high school can be described as the transition stage from the elementary school to junior high school. That’s why we took an interview from two kids who are going to 1st class. (Sorry for laughing!!! :/)

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We will also make a little tour to show you our school both indoors and outdoors!!! Unfortunately, the name of the 1st girl wasn’t heard… so her name is Stefi.

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High School!!!!!!I think that’s enough for the junior high school. We

are moving on to the High School!!!! High school is the last level of school before going to universities, colleges or at other kind of schools in order to qualify ourselves for to find a job!!! High school like junior high school comprises of 3 classes. At the end of the 3rd class of the junior high school, teenagers sit some very difficult exams which are common all over the Greece, so as to go to study in a university or college. The most of them are so anxious about it, even I am very worried, although I have 3 more years until I sit this kind of exam!!!

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The facilities for both of the high school and the junior high school are approximately similar to each other. For instance, there is a gym, a computer classroom, football, volleyball, basketball courts and tables for table-tennis!!!

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We are also members of the school choir!!! With the choir we take part in some celebrations the school prepares and stuff like that!!!

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Time for bloopers????

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Some extra photos???!!!

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