
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish-Shrine Second Sunday of Easter

Sunday, April 8th, 2018

The Italian National Parish of the Archdiocese of Chicago Served by The Missionaries of Saint Charles – Scalabrinians

1101 N 23rd Ave - Melrose Park - IL– 60160 P (708) 344 4140 — F (708)344 0902


Pastor -Fr. Giovanni Bizzotto, C.S. Associate Pastors -Fr. Augusto Feccia, C.S. -Fr. Yosef A. Sadipun C.S. Parish Deacons -John Battisto -Giulio Camerini -Jose Ramon Arenas Secretaries - Nancy Diaz - Daniel Michel

Office Hours


-8:00am—3:00pm Tuesday– Friday


Saturday -8:30am — 1:00pm -2:00pm—5:30pm


- We’re Closed

Sunday Mass Schedule

5:30pm - Sat. Vigil Mass 7:45am - English 9:00am - Español 10:30am - Italiano 12:00pm - English 1:30pm - Español 5:00pm - Español

Weekly Mass Schedule

English -Monday - Saturday at 7:30am

Español -Martes y Jueves a las 6:30pm

Italiano -Sotto richiesta



Our Lady of Mt Carmel, is served by the Congregation of the Missionaries of

St. Charles – Scalabrinians – . We are an community of Catholic religious

serving migrants and refugees of different cultures, religions and ethnicities in 32 countries.

The Congregation was founded in Italy on November 28, 1887,

by Blessed John Baptist Scalabrini (1839-1905), bishop of Piacenza (Italy).

Our missionary focus is to be migrants with the migrants and to be in mission

with people on the move, with a special priority for the poorest

And neediest migrants.


We encourage all to register at the Parish-Shrine.

+ + +

Les invitamos a registrarse en el Santuario Parroquial.

Support Staff

Business Manager Alexander Sanchez 708.345.3632

Religious Education Modesta Martinez 708.344.4140

Activities Coordinator Miguel Aldana 708.345.3632

Music Coordinator Ann Marie Nabor 708.579.5373

Community Center Site Director Pablo Cruz 708.345.3632

Sacramental Life Confessions Confesiones Saturdays—Sábados 4:00pm—5:00pm or by appointment/ o con cita.

Baptisms Bautizos Come to the parish office. Pase a la oficina parroquial.

Weddings Bodas Contact the priest at least six months in advance. Contactar al sacerdote seis meses antes de la ceremonia

Quinceañera Contactar a la secretaria cuatro meses antes de la ceremonia.

Presentaciones Contactar la Secretaria al menos dos semanas antes

Religious Services Recitation of the Holy Rosary Mon—Sat at 7:00am

Adoration Adoración al Stmo. Sacramento Wednesdays 6:00pm—8:00pm

Novena & Benediction Wednesday/Miércoles 7:30pm

Grupo de Oración Carismática Martes a las 7:00pm

Other Services Gift Shop Hours Venta de Artículos Religiosos During the regular office hours. Durante las horas de oficina

Community Center Centro Comunitario Social outreach Servicios a la comunidad (708) 345 - 3632

Food Pantry Despensa de comida Wednesdays 4:00pm—6:00pm

Religious Education—Catecismo Saturday - Sábados 3:30pm — 6:30pm Sunday - Domingos 10:00am—1:00pm - Mass Included—Incluye la Misa


Church Services For the Month of APRIL

April 10th Tue/Mar - 6:30pm Scalabrinian Mass April 21st Sat/Sab - 7:00pm Feast Dinner April 30th Mon/Lun - 7:30pm Misa por la Paz

Monday/Lunes 5:30pm Clases de Guitarra Tuesdays / Martes 6:30pm Ballet Folkorico 7:00pm Grupo de Oracion 7:00pm Eng. Choir Practice Wednesday/ Miercoles 6:30pm Ballet Folkorico 7:00pm Men of Mt. Carmel 7:00pm OLMC Fitness Club

Thursday/Jueves 6:30pm Ballet Folkorico Friday/Viernes 7:30pm Practica de Coros 7:00pm Matrimonios con Prop. 7:00pm Jornadas Matrimoniales 7:00pm Boys/Girls Scouts 7:00pm Jovenes para Cristo

Wedding Banns

♥ Oscar Guillen & Sofia Cuevas ...1

March 30, 2018

Good Friday Collection: $2,061.00

March 31 - April 1, 2018

Easter Sunday Collection: $7,884.00

Weekly Offering or visit our Webpage:

APRIL 8, 2018 SECOND SUNDAY OF EASTER FromthePastor’sDeskSunday of the Octave of Easter and Mercy Sunday. Sunday is the day of the resurrection, when we pass from death to life, from love for ourselves to love for others, from sin to forgiveness, from the dryness of the heart to the feelings of love. This Sunday, it is where on the one hand mercy presents us how the first Christian community lived: they were "one heart and one soul", and on the other hand, the risen one gives us the true Easter message: "Peace be with you" . Jesus is peace: he puts peace between heaven

and earth; grant peace of heart. He tells them: "I leave you peace, my peace I give you" (Jn 14,27), as we recite in the rite of communion. Jesus, glorified and risen, communicates peace to us. But Thomas, as the Gospel presents us, will state: "If I do not see the nail in His hands and do not put my finger in the nail hole and put my hand in His side, I will not believe." However, Jesus accepts the challenge of Thomas. Eight days later, Jesus will return, again with the doors closed, and addressing Tomás invites him to touch his wounds with his hands. He adds: "Do not be an unbeliever but a believer." Thomas no longer needs to touch the wounds of Jesus. Those words were enough for him to proclaim the famous profession of faith: "My Lord and my God." Hopefully on this Sunday of resurrection and mercy you and I kneeling before the risen one will be able to exclaim: "My Lord and my God" and enjoy new life in the risen one, Alleluia!!!

TAPLadderUpProgramTheTAPLadderUpprogramwillbeginprovidingfreetaxapplicationsforthosewhoqualifyeverySaturday.ApplicationswillbedoneinourParishSt.Anthony’sroom.Doorswillopenat8:00a.mona irstcome irstservedbasis.Pleasebringyourincomestatements,socialsecuritycardorI-Tincard,photoidenti icationandbankaccountnumber.FormoreinfocallourCommunityCenterat(708)345-3632.

Leadership Training

Saturday, April 14th 9:00am – 3:00pm at the Quinn Center Coffee & Registration will be at 8:30am 1845 South 9th ave Maywood, IL, 60153 Interested in tapping into your leadership


Want to learn how to effectively build meaningful relationships so you and others can organize to improve your

community? Want to explore how Jesus and other

biblical figures understood and approached leadership?

If so, CSPL is offering a one – day community organizing and leadership

training that is grounded in the Catholic theological and spiritual traditions.


The Golden Jubilee of the new church & the 125th Feast

April 21 at 6:30pm - Feast Kick Off Dinner Hosted by the Feast Committee

May 5 at 7:00pm - “Cinco de Mayo”

Hosted by Grupo Hispano

June 8 at 7:00pm - Concert in Church With our own Local Talents

June 9 at 6:30pm Ice Cream Social

Hosted by the Scouts

June 10 1:30pm - Golden Jubilee Mass Celebrated by Bishop John Manz

Reception follows


April 10th at OLMC The Scalabrinian Priests and Brothers will be gathered here in Chicago for a week of study. We welcome them in our parish on Tuesday night for a liturgy at 6:30pm Please join us in the Mass to pray together and come and

say hello to the many who served in our community. - Pray for us!


Mensaje del Párroco

Domingo de la Octava de Pascua y domingo de la Misericordia. Este es el domingo, el día de la resurrección, en que pasamos de la muerte a la vida, del amor por nosotros mismos al amor por los demás, del pecado al perdón, de la aridez del corazón a los sentimientos del amor. El domingo, en donde de un lado la misericordia nos presenta como vivía la primera comunidad cristiana: tenían "un solo corazón y una sola alma", y de otro lado el resucitado

nos regala el verdadero auspicio pascual: "La paz esté con ustedes". Jesús es la paz: pone paz entre el cielo y la tierra; concede la paz del corazón. Les dice: "Les dejo la paz, mi paz les doy" (Jn 14,27), como recitamos en el rito de la comunión. Jesús glorificado y vivo nos comunica la paz; pero Tomás, como nos presenta el evangelio, escéptico dirá: "Si no veo en sus manos la señal de los clavos y no meto mi dedo en el agujero de los clavos y no meto mi mano en su costado, no creeré". Sin embargo, Jesús acepta el desafío de Tomás. A los ocho días regresará Jesús, nuevamente con las puertas cerradas, y dirigiéndose a Tomás lo invita a tocar sus heridas con las manos. Añade: "No seas incrédulo sino creyente". Tomás ya no tiene necesidad de tocar las heridas de Jesús. Le bastan aquellas palabras, para proclamar la famosa profesión de fe: "Señor mío y Dios mío". Ojala en este domingo de resurrección y de la misericordia tú y Yo arrodillados delante del resucitado seamos capaz de exclamar: "Señor mío y Dios mío" y gozar vida nueva en el resucitado, Aleluya!!!

Grupo de Oración los invita a participar de un

Seminario de Vida en el Espíritu. Sera todos los miércoles, empezando el

4 de abril a las 7:00pm

Donde: Salón San Antonio (22nd y Cortez ave.)

Misas en Español Esta semana los días martes y jueves 10 y 12 de abril no se celebraran las misas de 6:30pm en el Santuario de la Virgen del Carmen. Sin embargo solo el martes 10 de abril habrá Misa en la Iglesia a las

6:30pm con los Padres y Hermanos Scalabrinianos.

Taller de Naturalización y Renovación de DACA

Solo por Cita! Sábado, 14 de abril, 2018

A las 9:00am

Aquí en Nuestra Parroquia de Nuestra Señora del Monte Carmelo

Para preguntas o programar una cita llame al:


Para mas información sobre la renovación de Daca favor de llamar:



Jubileo de Oro y 125 Aniversario de la Fiesta de Ntra. Sra. Del Monte Carmelo

Abril 21 (6:30pm) - Cena de Inauguración de la Fiesta

Organizado por el Comité de Fiesta

Mayo 5 (7pm) - Fiesta de Cinco de mayo Organizado por el Grupo Hispano

Junio 5 (7pm) - Concierto en la Iglesia

Junio 9 (6:30pm) Convivio con Helado

Organizado por las niñas y niños exploradores

Junio 10 (1:30pm) - Misa de Jubileo y Convivio Misa Celebrada por el Obispo John Manz

Convivio después de Misa

ElprogramaparaimpuestosgratuitosTAPseratodoslosSabadosenelsalonSanAntonio.Laspuertasabriranalas8:00a.m.Seatenderaporordendellegada.Porfavortraersusestadosdeingresos,tarjetadesegurosocialoI-Tin,identi icacionynumerodecuentadebanco.Paramasinformacioncontactealcentrocomunitario:CasaEsperanzaal(708)345-3632


Abril 10,2018 Los Sacerdotes y Hermanos Scalabrinianos se reunirán aquí en Chicago para una semana de estudio. Les damos la bienvenida en nuestra parroquia el martes por la noche para una

liturgia a las 6:30 p.m.. Los invitamos a que nos acompañen en Misa para orar juntos y

saludar a los muchos que sirvieron en nuestra comunidad. ¡Oren por nosotros!


Seconda Domenica di Pasqua —«Abbiamo visto il Signore!» In assenza di Tommaso, il Risorto è apparso ai discepoli, ha mostrato loro i segni della sua passione, ha comunicato loro la pace messianica e, in una Pentecoste anticipata, lo Spirito che, attraverso le loro mani porterà a compimento l’opera della salvezza. Ma Tommaso, un uomo tutto d’un pezzo non ha paura di non essere edificante, si impenna: «Se non vedo, non crederò!» L’apostolo Tommaso è un tipo onesto e franco. Dal vangelo traspare, a

tratti, il suo carattere: non sarà facile portarlo a credere, ad accettare il rischio della fede. Lo sentiamo molto vicino a noi, col suo bisogno di cose reali e tangibili, con la sua diffidenza per l’ideologia staccata dal quotidiano. Perché ciò che sorprende, è che si possa credere (G. Crespy). Il Signore capisce tutto questo, al punto che otto giorni dopo prende in parola Tommaso e va incontro alle sue esigenze: «Metti la mano nel mio costato, e credi…» Quanto a noi, credenti del ventesimo secolo, rimarremmo tranquillamente nell’orbita liturgica della Pasqua, accontentandoci di ripetere: «Beato quelli che pur non avendo visto, crederanno»? L’esperienza di Tommaso deve diventare la nostra: dobbiamo aspirare a vedere la potenza della risurrezione manifestarsi nella nostra vita personale e collettiva; dobbiamo volere che la forza del Signore guarisca le ferite dei nostri fratelli, risvegli gli oppressi, strappi alla morte uomini e donne ancora sprofondate nel peccato. Dobbiamo dare il nostro contributo. Perché ciò che è sorprendente nella fede, è che si possa credere all’impossibile e fare di tutto perché si realizzi. Allora, ma allora soltanto, Gesù può diventare per ciascuno di noi «mio Signore e mio Dio». Segni di solidarietà — I cristiani di Gerusalemme organizzano il loro stile di vita in modo analogo di quello di alcune sette e comunità monastiche dell’ebraismo di allora. Ma non intendono fondare un sistema valido per tutti i tempi e ovunque; non cercano di creare un’utopia economica e sociale. Ci tengono soltanto a dare dei segni di concordia e di solidarietà, e questo non è caratteristica del monachesimo o del comunismo: è la caratteristica del cristianesimo, in quanto tale. Il mondo di oggi attende dai cristiani i segni di tale solidarietà, e questo passa necessariamente attraverso una vita in cui si mette in comune ciò che si è e ciò che si ha.

Fr.Feccia’sRe lection


I sacerdoti e fratelli scalabriniani saranno riuniti qui a Chicago per una settimana di studio. Li accoglieremo

nella nostra parrocchia martedì sera per una liturgia alle 6:30pm. Unitevi a noi

nella Messa per pregare insieme e venire a salutare i molti confratelli che

hanno servito nella nostra comunità. Pregate per noi!


Linda Bandy Mary Donato

Judith Escamilla Jacob Duda

Kristie Goldi Linna Goldi

Susan Humpf Vandy Liala Ethan Maidl

Joseph Pulido Lauren Rendi Luke Westrick

Ann Yench Alexandra Vitali

Anna Baffa Jan Clark

Sara Zonca

Nancy Oshea Madeline Vittori

Nico Felice Emilio Scalzitti

Nell Baker Fabiola Pintor Isabel Pintor

Marie Torchia Kelly Ann Haymaker Macy Grace Giacone

Josephine Grasso June Stellato Conny Rico John Sepka

Robert J. Villa Louis DeGuiseppe

SATURDAY, APRIL 7 SATURDAY WITHIN THE OCTAVE OF EASTER 7:30 am † 5:30 pm † Maria Raquenel Salina by PBH Friends † Carm Ruffo by Toshi Family SUNDAY, APRIL 8 SECOND SUNDAY OF EASTER 7:45 am † 9:00 am † 10:30 am † Concetta Picano by Daughter Elisabetta & Angelo DeBiasio 12:00 pm † 1:30 pm † 5:00 pm † MONDAY, APRIL 9 THE ANNUNCIATION OF THE LORD 7:30 am † TUESDAY, APRIL 10 EASTER WEEKDAY 7:30 am † 6:30 pm † WEDNESDAY. APRIL 11 SAINT STANISLAUS 7:30 am † Maddalena Marena by 7:30 Morning Mass THURSDAY, APRIL 12 EASTER WEEKDAY 6:00 pm † 6:30 pm † FRIDAY, APRIL 13 EASTER WEEKDAY 7:30 pm † SATURDAY, APRIL 14 EASTER WEEKDAY 7:30 am † 5:30 pm † SUNDAY, APRIL 15 THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER 7:45 am † 9:00 am † 10:30 am † 12:00 pm † 1:30 pm † 5:00 pm †

Rest In Peace † Hermelinda Huicochea

† Victor M. Delgado † Vita Barco

Memorial Mass for Caterina Cremasco, Mother of Fr. Giovanni Bizzotto, c.s.

On April 14th, 2018 at 5:30pm I invite you to join me in praying for my Mother on her one year Anniversary of Entry into God’s Glory.

Abril 14, 2018 a las 5:30pm los invito a rezar por mi Mamá Caterina Cremasco en su Primer Aniversario en la Gloria del Cielo.

Messa 5:30pm Aprile 14, 2018

Vi invito a ricordare e pregare per mia Mamma Caterina Cremasco nel suo 1 Anniversario nella Gloria del Cielo.

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