Page 1: Our Lady of Mount Carmel - Our Lady of Mt Carmel | Enter ... · Sat. December 23, 2017 - Late Advent Weekday 7:30AM † Calogero Ferrante R/B Charles Ferrante † Wilfred Goodwin

Our Lady of Mount Carmel Roman Catholic Church

10 Saint Francis Way, Passaic, New Jersey 07055-5811

“Enter to worship, leave to serve”

We, the Parish of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, strive to reach out to a diverse community, through worship, stewardship, and service.

Pastor Fr. Brian Tomlinson

OFM, Cap.

Parochial Vicar Fr. Ed Henning

OFM, Cap.

December 24, 2017

Contact Us

Church’s Office: 973.473.0246

Fax/Phone: 973.473.3404

Visit our Website at:

Email us at: [email protected]

Office Open Monday to Friday from 9AM to 4PM

& Closed on Saturdays, Sundays

& Holidays

Baptisms & Marriages By appointment.

Please contact the parish office well in advance.

Mass Schedule

Mon. to Fri. - 12:00 PM

Sat. - 7:30 AM & Vigil 5:00 PM

Sunday - 8:30 AM, 10:30 AM & 2:00 PM (en Español)

4:30 PM (In Filipino 1st Sunday of the Month) Holy Days: 12 Noon & 7:30 PM

Holidays: 9:00 AM Primer Viernes: Adoración 6PM & Santa Misa 7PM (en Español)

Reconciliation 4:00-4:30 PM on Saturdays

& by appointment

Devotions Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

Tuesdays 10:30 AM -11:45 AM

Novenas to: St. Anthony on Tuesdays

Mt. Carmel on Wednesdays

Stations of the Cross 7:30 PM - Fridays during Lent

Parish Secretary Odette Aquino

Music Director & Bulletin Editor Lidia Ferreira

Baptismal Classes & R.C.I.A. Director Tony Uri

Are you interested in becoming a Catholic? Are you a Catholic who wishes to receive the Sacraments

of Confirmation & Eucharist? Have questions? Please call or email us for more information.

Business Manager Joseph Liptak

Page 2: Our Lady of Mount Carmel - Our Lady of Mt Carmel | Enter ... · Sat. December 23, 2017 - Late Advent Weekday 7:30AM † Calogero Ferrante R/B Charles Ferrante † Wilfred Goodwin

Sat. December 23, 2017 - Late Advent Weekday 7:30AM † Calogero Ferrante R/B Charles Ferrante † Wilfred Goodwin R/B The Goodwin Family 5:00PM For an Increase in Vocations and Peace in the World † Maryann Lipari R/B Diane Lotito

Sun. December 24, 2017 Fourth Sunday of Advent 8:30AM For the People of the Parish † Theresa Bongiovanni R/B Grace Wolfe 10:30AM † Judy Cresenta R/B Rosemarie Cresenta 2:00PM Mass in Spanish For God’s Blessings on our Parish 5:00PM Biamonte & Brennan Families In Thanksgiving R/B Pat Biamonte 11:00PM † Fr. Ignatius Zampino R/B Maryann, Charlie & John Christine Elaine & Christian, Jr. Marquez “Happy Birthday” R/B Christian & Melaine Marquez

Mon. December 25, 2017 - The Nativity of the Lord 8:30AM † Maria & Baldassare Gambino R/B Charles Ferrante 10:30AM † Fr. Ignatius Zampino R/B Nancy Ippolito 2:00PM For God’s Blessings on our Parish Tue. December 26, 2017 - St. Stephen, first Martyr 10:30AM Adoration 12:00PM † Amado Banaag “Happy Birthday in Heaven” R/B Cora Banaag † John & Emilie Ruschau R/B The Goodwin Family † Victoria Rosado R/B The Rosado Family Wed. December 27, 2017 - St. John, Apostle 12:00PM † Christy Lipari “Happy Birthday in Heaven” R/B Fran Lordy Stephen W. Goodwin R/B The Goodwin Family † Sebastian De Castro “Anniversary of Death” R/B The Velante De Castro Family Thu. December 28, 2017– The Holy Innocents 12:00PM Ramir Ayala “Happy Birthday” R/B Rene & Mengie Ayala † Nicoletta Lombardi “Happy Birthday in Heaven” R/B Mary Di Gaetano Fri. December 29, 2017 - 5th Day within the Octave of the Nativity of the Lord 12:00PM † Lydia Wyler R/B The Goodwin Family

Sat. December 30, 2017 - 6th Day within the Octave of the Nativity of the Lord 7:30AM † Francisco Jimenez R/B Amy Ronquillo & Family 5:00PM For an Increase in Vocations and Peace in the World

Sun. December 31, 2017 The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph 8:30AM For the People of the Parish † Nat & Tina Gambino R/B Charles Ferrante 10:30AM † Donald F. Ingrassia R/B Ben & Dorene Ganguzza 2:00PM Mass in Spanish For God’s Blessings on our Parish

Let us, in charity, take time to pray for all the sick & all those in need of

God’s healing power & love. Especially for:

Nicholas Peterson, Rosemarie & Victor Trentacost, James DeLillo, Jr., Calvin Procope, Ilidia de Jesus Neto, Luis De Jesus Branco,

Vincent Costa, Jr., Cheryl Doremus Hall, James Doremus, T.J. Matteo, Andrew Doremus, Eddie Baudendistel, Erna DeIntinis, Eva Kovach,

Angela Artis, Gregory J. Kueken, Rosa Maria Santos, Jake Doremus, Lucila & Melchor Portugal, Michael Doremus, Peter Kueken, Sr., Peter

Kueken, Jr., Grace Noto, Lucas Files, Haley O’Berrigan, Lorraine Sawicki, Fr. Sylvester OFM, Cap. Celestino Rivera, Loreta DiPalma, Jose Serra, Tom Matteo, Jose Antonio Sanchez, Fr. Francis Majewski, Skyler Rose Ferreria, Bryan Amhold, Sandra Walesth, Iris Minter, Kay Stolarz,

Laura & Mark Mikolajczyk, Brother Julius, Ann Lipari, Catherine Finocchiaro, Tom Evans, Fr. Peter, OFM Cap., Jenny Grodus, Antonino

Campanella, Donald Ingrassia, Edward Frenzel, Felix Schrater, Teresa Jackson, Maryann Palmer, Emma Kosck, Carl Merikal,

Karen Orea, Maya Hilario, Ellen Wallace, Joseph Lipari, Gina Giunta, Florescita Marquez Cenizal, & Joseph Lipari, Jr.

(We ask that you contact the Rectory’s office with any updates for this list. Thank you)

Page 2 December 24, 2017 - Fourth Sunday of Advent

In Loving Memory - December 2017

We extend our sympathy to the family and friends of

Donald F. Ingrassi on his passing. May all who sleep in Christ find

in His presence; light, happiness, and peace. Amen.



December 17, 2017

Weekly Offering: 2,220.90 Second Collection: 577.00 Candles: 118.00 Total Offering: $ 2,915.90


Trentacost & Russo Families

R/B Victor & Rosemarie Trentacost

Mary & Anthony Graziano R/B Rose Graziano Salvatore Zingone

R/B Dominica Zingone Finocchiaro & Micari

Families R/B Catherine Finocchiaro

Don’t forget to visit the office and schedule your Mass intentions for 2017/2018. The office is open from

9AM to 3PM, Monday to Friday. Thank You.

Wine: Feliksa & Ignacy

Zaratkiewicz R/B Regina Morales



Granato & Arolan Families

R/B Antoinette Arolan

May God bless you and your family for your generosity to our parish.

(Please remember to always use your church envelopes with

your contributions, this ensures proper credit to your account for tax purposes at the end of the year)

Page 3: Our Lady of Mount Carmel - Our Lady of Mt Carmel | Enter ... · Sat. December 23, 2017 - Late Advent Weekday 7:30AM † Calogero Ferrante R/B Charles Ferrante † Wilfred Goodwin

Page 3 December 24, 2017 - Fourth Sunday of Advent

Reflections from Fr. Brian Robert A Schuller tells about a farmer in Washington who was especially proud of the ap-ples he produced every year, and with good reason. His farm was at a high elevation, and the cold winds that came through there made his apples especially crisp and flavorful. Every year, after he harvested his crop, he would polish those apples until they virtually shone. Then he would put them into beautiful packages to show them off. These weren’t your ordinary run-of-the-mill apples but the kind that made beautiful gifts to send loved ones for Thanksgiving and Christmas. As word of his marvelous apples spread, it got to the point where he was inundated with orders even before he had harvested the fruit. One year, just before harvest time, a severe hailstorm pummeled his property. When it was all over, there wasn’t a single apple without blemishes on its skin. There was nothing wrong with the apples. They just didn’t look as pretty as they usually did, and the farmer was afraid that the people who had ordered them might be disappointed and ask for their money back. Then he had an idea. He took all of the apples with the little blemishes on the outside and wrapped every one of them the same way he did every year. He put them in the same kind of packages. Then he added a note. It read: “Notice these high-quality apples. This year repre-sents the finest crop. You can see the blemishes caused by the hailstorm, which created the ex-treme cold giving the ultimate flavor and ultimate crispness to these apples.” Well, not a single order was returned. In fact, just the opposite happened. The following year when his orders started coming in he had many requests from people who wanted to make sure they got the apples with the blemishes this year, too! That’s the way it works for people of faith. We don’t escape the blemishes. We wear them proudly, for we could not be who we are today without the growth that those blemishes brought with them. Storms come, but if you are smart, you will prepare yourself for that time when life sends us the unexpected squall. Prepare yourself by building strong relationships. Prepare yourself by keeping yourself fit physically, mentally and spiritually. Decide to build your life on the rock of faith. ADVENT IS A TIME to get ready for whatever the Lord sends us to make our faith tried and true. I remember reading about: A TV news camera crew on assignment in Southern Florida filming the widespread de-struction from Hurricane Andrew. In one scene, amid the devastation and debris, stood one house on its foundation. The owner was cleaning up the yard when a reporter approached him. “Sir, why is your house the only one in the entire neighborhood that is standing?” asked the reporter. “How did you manage to escape the severe damage of the hurricane?” “I built this house myself,” the man replied. “I also built it according to the Florida state building code. When the code called for two-by-six roof trusses, I was told that a house built according to code could withstand a hurricane. I did and it did. I suppose no one else around here followed the code.” That man was prepared. Our Blessed Mother gives you and I her guaranteed advice as we prepare for her Son’s Birth. “Do whatever He tells you.” Build according to her Code of Teaching and you’ll always remain secure and strong when the storms of life come your way.


Page 4: Our Lady of Mount Carmel - Our Lady of Mt Carmel | Enter ... · Sat. December 23, 2017 - Late Advent Weekday 7:30AM † Calogero Ferrante R/B Charles Ferrante † Wilfred Goodwin

COVER SHEET Church Name: Our Lady of Mt. Carmel 10 Saint Francis Way Passaic, NJ 07055-5811 Phone Number: 973 473-0246 Bulletin number: 911108 Contact Person: Lidia Ferreira - [email protected] or Joseph Liptak- [email protected] Date of publication: 12.24.17 (Sunday’s date) Number of pages transmitted: 4 pages Special instructions: If you need to contact us, please call, we do not check e-mails daily, but if you send an email, please use [email protected] Thank you, have a great day. For Office Use Only: Approved by: _________ Uploaded to JSP on: _____________________ By:__________ Emailed to Peter K., Fr. J. Prada on: _____________________ By:__________

Page 5: Our Lady of Mount Carmel - Our Lady of Mt Carmel | Enter ... · Sat. December 23, 2017 - Late Advent Weekday 7:30AM † Calogero Ferrante R/B Charles Ferrante † Wilfred Goodwin

The Youth Choir will be on break for the next 5 weeks. We will resume practice on January 28th, 2018 at


The Adult Choir will break after Christmas and resume practices on

January 21st, 2018.

Thank you for your dedication to our parish. Enjoy the break!

Mass Schedule December 24th & 25th


8:30 AM Christmas Day Mass

10:30 AM

Christmas Day Mass

2:00 PM Christmas Day Mass (Spanish)


8:30 AM - Advent Mass 10:30 AM - Advent Mass

2:00 PM - Advent Mass (Spanish)

5:00PM - Vigil Mass for Christmas

11:00 PM

”Midnight Mass”

(10:30 PM - Christmas Carols)

New Year’s Day, January 1, 2018, The Solemnity of Mary, The Holy Mother of God is not a Holyday of

Obligation this year. Therefore, the daily Mass will be only at 9AM since it is a holiday. Thank you. Have a Happy and

Healthy New Year!

Page 6: Our Lady of Mount Carmel - Our Lady of Mt Carmel | Enter ... · Sat. December 23, 2017 - Late Advent Weekday 7:30AM † Calogero Ferrante R/B Charles Ferrante † Wilfred Goodwin

We would like to thank the following

parishioners for their help with the

Christmas decorations:

Peter Rosario Betsy Hasset Susan Lipari

Vergil Ferreira Mirtha Rodriguez

Rosa Cubero & Joseph Liptak

We could not have done it without your help.

Many Thanks.

Rachel’s Vineyard, a Post-Abortion Healing Retreat

Rachel’s Vineyard Sponsored by the Diocese of Paterson, is a safe place to renew, rebuild, and redeem hearts broken by abortion. Weekend retreats offer you a supportive, confidential and non-judgmental environment where women and men can express, release, and reconcile

painful post-abortive emotions to begin the process of restoration, renewal, and healing.

Friday, January 26 - Sunday, January 28, 2018. For more information, please call 973-377-1004 extension 425 or email [email protected]. Thank you.

Page 7: Our Lady of Mount Carmel - Our Lady of Mt Carmel | Enter ... · Sat. December 23, 2017 - Late Advent Weekday 7:30AM † Calogero Ferrante R/B Charles Ferrante † Wilfred Goodwin

At Christmastime, a schoolteacher in England supervised the construction of a manger scene in a corner of the classroom. It delighted her pupils to set up the model barn and cover the floor with real straw and then arrange the clay figures of Mary and Joseph and the shepherds and the Wise Men and the animals, all facing a little crib in which a tiny doll represented the Infant Jesus. One lad simply could not tear himself away from it. He kept returning to it, and each time stood there completely engrossed and wearing a puzzled expression on his face. The teacher noticed him and asked, “Is anything bothering you? Do you have a question to ask? What would you like to know?” With his eyes still glued to the manger scene, the boy said slowly, “What I’d like to know is, where does God fit in?” A good question and a better one is – “does He fit in?” Listen to the following true story. A couple from the United States spent some time serving as missionaries in one of the former Soviet republics. They were caring for children in an orphanage and, like anyone who has been involved in ministry with such kids, they were simply overwhelmed by the tragedy of so many children who’d been abandoned. On one occasion this missionary couple was teaching the children about Christmas. They told them all about Mary and Joseph, the shepherds and wise men, and about the baby Jesus. They told them all about God’s love for the world embodied in the birth of Jesus. And after teaching the children the Christmas story, this couple invited them to draw some pictures of the manger scene. All the pictures were wonderful! But one in particular caught their attention. It was drawn by a little boy named Misha. And what made Misha’s drawing distinctive was that there was not one, but two babies lying in the manger. “Misha, what a wonderful picture!” said the woman missionary. “but who is the other baby in the manger with the baby Jesus?” Misha looked up with a lovely expression on his face. “the other baby is Misha,” he smiled. “Oh? How is it that you added yourself to the manger scene?” she asked. And this is what Misha said. “When I was drawing the picture of the baby Jesus, Jesus looked at me and said, ‘Misha, where is your family?’ I said to Jesus, “I have no family.” Then Jesus said to me, “Misha, where is your home?’ And I said to Jesus, ‘I have no home.’ And then Jesus said to me, ‘Misha, you can come and be in my family and live in my home.”’ That little boy captured the secret of Christmas. Jesus came to make us His Family members. We are to be at home with Him. There is a “Peanuts” comic strip in which little Lucy and Charlie Brown are contemplating the coming of Christmas. Lucy opens her bible and begins to read… “And in that region there were shepherds out in the field keeping watch their flock by night… and an angel of the Lord appeared to them. And they were filled with fear… And the angel said to them, “Be not afraid for behold, I bring you good news of great joy which will come to all the people… And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace among men with whom he is pleased.” Then Lucy sighs a gentle sigh and says to Charlie Brown, “Like I’ve said before, that’s what Christmas is all about.” And Charlie Brown replies, “You’re right! So who needs Santa Claus” We all need Jesus! A Blessed Christmas to you and your family.

Fr. Brian
