
Online Tracking of HT connections

Login Screen

This page provides login and apply new connection functionality for admin and user. When user clicks on apply button he will get instruction page.


This page provide some instruction to user that user fill apply form carefully.

This page helps the user for applying online .After reading the Instructions carefully user clicks on Apply Button.

Application Form Part 1 Here user fills all the mandatory fields for new connection . User will receive E Form Number in his/her email-id . After filling all the required information click on Apply Button .

Application Form Part2 Here user fills all the mandatory fields for new connection . User will receive E Form Number in his/her email-id . After filling all the required information click on Apply Button .

Successful Registration

This page provide E-Form Number. Allows user to fill details related to Load Calculations.

Track Connection

In This page user will see his/her detail and he/she will see application approval progress in which he will check application Pending/ approval/Rejected status.

This is the Dashboard of the SDO Login Page . After clicking on New connection over here he /she will get all the details of new connection.

SDO LoginThis page shows all the New connections Along with the filter at the top.

Various Functions performed by SDO for approval process

Green Box – Steps ApprovedGrey Box – Steps Pending

Status bar of HT

Document Verification

Here SDO will enter the document detail submitted by the consumer for connection.

After enter documents detail SDO will enter the Application Fee detail and enter the Date of A&A form and issue the Application fee.

Issue Application Fee

Load SanctionHere SDO will Approve consumer sanctioning of Load and enter the Date of Load Sanctioned. This date can not be less the the date of A&Aform and Forward this application to next step.

Demand Notice

SDO will issue Demand Notice by filling all the required details and click on Save Button .Note : Date of Issue of Demand Notice can not be less then the date of load sanctioned.

In response to the Demand Notice Issued by SDO , Compliance of Demand Notice must be filled to add Date of Test Report.Note : Date of compliance of DN can not be less then the date of issue of Demand Notice.

Test Report Verification

Here SDO Approved/Reject Test Report if consumer has not deposited test fee report.

SDO verify the test report at his end.Note: Date of Test Report Verification can not

be less then the date of compliance of DN.

Generate SCO Number

Here SDO Generate SCO number and enter the date of issue of SCO and give remark for consumer.

Note : Date of Issue of SCO can not be less then date of Test Reprot Verification (if Nigam and CEI not inclueded) Or Date of Issue of SCO can not be less then Date of Completion of Field Work (if only FE nigam Included) Or Date of Issue of SCO can not be less then Date of

Issue of NOC (if only CEI Included) Or if both included then Date of Issue of NOC

Here SDO enter the Date of NOC from CEI and verify the other detail at his end and if report is OK then he/she will also click on Save Button after entering the Remarks.

Note : Date Of NOC From CEI can not be less then the date of completion of field work (if Nigam Included) other wise (if not included) then Date of Test Report verification.

NOC from CEI

Release ConnectionAfter verification of all the steps the connection is released.Note : Date of conneciton release can not be less then the Issue of SCO date.

Summary Report for New Connection

Thank You

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