
Vol 6 Issue 17 Published by: PIA 6, 7 & 8 April 25 - May 1, 2016

In this IssueIn this IssueIn this Issue

DFA: Gov't uses diplomacy, legal means in WPS

More on Region 8, pages 6-7.

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BFAR-7: No shortage of fish supply in CV despite El Niño

CEBU CITY, April 26 (PIA) – The Bureau of Fisheries and

Aquatic Resources (BFAR-7) assured the public that there is no shortage of fish supply in Central Visayas despite the El Niño

phenomenon. BFAR-7 Assistant Regional Director Allan Poquita

said during the recent Association of Government Information Officers (AGIO) and Philippine Information

Agency (PIA) – 7 Forum that El Niño will not affect the fish supply in the region.

"Although there are El Niño damage reports but the most affected in terms of fish production is the fresh water

fishers or aquaculture due to the lack of water supply," said Poquita.

He explained that less water in the fish pond might lead to oxygen deficiency which would result to fish kill.

―We still have sufficient fish supply in our marine life resources,‖ continued Poquita.

Poquita explained that during hot season, a lot of phytoplankton will be produced for the food of the fishes in the


There are plenty of food for the fishes due to the

penetration of the sunlight in deep waters that will cause more algae to bloom.

Poquita also reported the partial cost of damage in the impact of El Niño on fisheries production operations in which

Bohol registered P44.75M, P1.72M in Siquijor, and P1.23M in Cebu.

The damage covers freshwater tilapia, grow-out ponds, seaweeds, bangus grow-out, and caulerpa.

BFAR-7 Chief of Special Concerns Office Mario Ruinata said that they are still in the process of

identifying vulnerable areas and the affected fisherfolk per province.

They are also conducting Information, Communication and Education (IEC) campaign on the impact of El Niño to

fisheries. Ruinata revealed that their aftermath action plan

includes distributing 5,000,000 pieces of tilapia fingerlings and 5,000,000 pieces of milkfish fingerlings regionwide.


TACLOBAN CITY, April 29 (PIA) -- The National

Grid Corporation of the Philippines (NGCP) stepped up its preparations to ensure delivery of enough power supply

throughout the country when voters cast their votes on May 9 in the synchronized national and local elections.

To make this happen, NGCP maintained a power outlook summary for May 8, May 9, and May 10, showing available

capacity, systems load, and gross reserves of electricity in megawatts supplied to electric cooperatives.

For the Visayas regions on May 8, the available capacity is 1,899 megawatts (MW), system load is 1,678 MW, and gross

reserves at 221 MW. On election day (May 9), the available capacity remains

the same for a system load of 1,709 MW and reserves of 190 MW.

The day after (May 10), a slightly higher available energy at 2,121 MW, a higher system load at 1,876 MW, and higher

reserves at 245 MW.

The power outlook is being regularly reviewed by the Department of Energy (DOE) and the Power Task Force

Election, Ma. Rosette Martinez, NGCP Visayas regional corporate communication and public affairs officer

said Thursday, during the 3-day Print Journalism Writeshop at the Ritz Tower de Leyte Annex Building here.

The April 27–29 writeshop, organized by the Philippine Information Agency (PIA), was attended by 25 info officers

from national line agencies, including PIA field personnel in Region 8.

Meanwhile, Herminigildo Itoc, Jr., Project Head, Visayas Project Department, presented updates

on NGCP projects in Eastern Visayas, mostly ongoing expansion of 138 KV lines around the region with a target date

of completion in December, this year. (ldl/mmp/PIA8-Southern Leyte)

More on Region 7, pages 4-5.

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More on Region 6, pages 2-3.

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Philippine government maintains a position of peaceful resolution of disputes and rules-based approach on the West

Philippine Issue with China. This, according to Department of Foreign Affairs

Assistant Secretary and Spokesperson Charles C. Jose during his visit to Bacolod City for the West Philippine Sea Issue

information campaign. Jose explained during a press conference here that the

government is taking the dual track approach to the issue through the diplomatic and legal tracks.

The country, at the moment, with the help of other ASEAN member countries call for the full implementation of

2002 Agreement between ASEAN and China through the Declaration of Conduct (DOC) of Parties in the South China

Sea. ―We believe this DOC and Code of Conduct will be able to manage tension because the actions of China

heighten tension in the area undermining peace and stability,‖ Jose said.

Meanwhile, on the legal end, according to Jose, the result of the Arbitration case filed against China before the Arbitral

Tribunal of United Nations Conventions on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) which defines the maritime entitlements of coastal

states may come out anytime soon. Jose added that the country is also trying to get

the support of the international community like in the

recent Group of Seven (G7) where its foreign ministers issued a statement calling all parties involved to fully respect

diplomatic and legal processes, a first for a group of countries to indirectly refer to the arbitration case filed against China.

G7 is an international organization officially established in 1985 to facilitate economic cooperation among the

world's largest industrial nations; summit meetings of the

member nations began in 1975. Members are Canada, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Japan, and the United

States. The DFA in partnership with the Philippine Information Agency 6 also conducted a Multi-Sectoral Forum on the

West Philippine Sea issue participated in by about 250 representatives from the academe, national government

agencies, local government units, religious groups, fisher folks, among others.

―Through this information campaign we started since 2015, we hope to raise the level of awareness of our

countrymen to fully understand the issue because we believe that an informed citizenry makes informed decisions through

the whole of nation or whole of government approach,‖ Jose added.*(JCM/EAD-PIA6 Negros Occidental)



PIA-7 RD Minerva Bc Newman, on the basics

in news writing during writeshop held in

Tacloban City: "One idea, in one sentence, in

one paragraph," for print; and "One idea, in

one sentence, in one breathe," for broadcast.

#‎JournalismWriteshop #‎AGIO8 #‎PIA8

Hazel F. Gloria

Easter Anne D. Doza

Marcelo M. Pedalino

NLRC Executive Labor Arbiter Jessie Sullano

asks the support and cooperation of

employers, workers and media for the success

of the 2016 Labor Month celebration which

will be opened by job fairs at SM City Iloilo and

Amigo Plaza Mall on May 1 in a press

conference held at DOLE 6 Regional Office.

Sullano is the Co-Chairman of the 2016 Labor

Month celebration. Joining him are DOLE 6

ARD Salome Siaton, PCCI-Iloilo Chapter

President Donna Rose Ratilla, CPU Employees'

Union President Amy Campos and representa-

tives of RCC member agencies. (PIA6/Iloilo)

DYMR-Radyo ng Bayan Cebu Gloria Cañete

and PIA -7 Amor Saludar interview DOLE

Secretary Rozalinda Dimapilis-Baldoz on April

27 during the 2016 Pre-Labor Day Job and

Career Fairs held at the Mandaue City

Cultural and Sports Complex in Cebu. The

event was attended by national and local

officials led by President Benigno S. Aquino III,

members of the Region 7 Tripartite Industrial

Peace Council, returning OFW’s, program

beneficiaries, private sectors partners/

employers and other invited guests. (vvv/PIA

Cebu) DFA Assistant Secretary and Spokesperson Charles C. Jose

expounds on the diplomatic and legal tracks being pursued by the

Philippine government regarding the West Philippine Sea Issue.

(PIA6/NIR Negros Occ.)

NGCP assures stable power for elections


DA revives web-based price monitoring system

ILOILO CITY, April 25 (PIA6) — The Department of Agriculture has activated its Agriculture and Fisheries Market

Information Service (AFMIS) for the department to come up with a consistent price of major commodities in Western Visayas.

A press release from the DA information

office said that the AFMIS is a web-based system that integrates various information

resources of cluster agencies into a single data base

and application system. According to the DA price monitoring

team, through the system, the farmers, fisherfolk,

consumers, investors can get timely and

reliable market information for them to make better investment and marketing decisions using information and communication technology.

―Poor access to information such as prices and commodity profiles results to poor investments

in the region,‖ said Rhea Resol, DA Agribusiness

and Marketing Assistance Division Senior Agriculturist.

―Through AFMIS, investors and other

stakeholders will be given access to major commodity profiles such as crops, fish, chicken, swine and vegetables,‖ Resol added.

A major function of the AFMIS is access to

Bagsakan prices for Mega Manila and regional retails, prices of fertilizers and insecticides, which are vital especially in times of calamities in whichever part of

the country. Resol also said that aside from price

monitoring. AFMIS also provides links to other

agri-related websites such as corn and other food grains Info Network, Mango Information Network, Agri and Non-Agri Minimum Wage by region, and

Foreign Trade Statistics under the Food and Agriculture Organization.

The key players in the operation of AFMIS

are Agribusiness and Marketing Assistance Service,

Agriculture and Fisheries Information Section, Philippine Statistics Authority, Information and Technology Center for Agriculture and Fisheries and

the National Agriculture and Fishery Council. (JCM/ESS/PIA-Iloilo)

By Elsa S. Subong

Capiceño tops soldiers’ training course

By Jemin B. Guillermo

ROXAS CITY, Capiz, April 29 (PIA6) – A Capiceño has emerged as top one in the recently concluded training of the Philippine


J ovel Jovena, a Bachelor of Science Tourism

Management graduate from barangay Oyong, Sigma, Capiz bested the 83 others in the

six-month Candidate Soldier Course and Scout

Ranger Orientation Course for incoming soldiers. Lieutenant Colonel Ray Tiongson,

Spokesperson of the Philippine Army’s 3rd Infantry Division disclosed that Jovena received the

Commander, 3rd Infantry Division Award for topping the Candidate Soldiers Class 388 during the graduation rites, April 27 at Camp Peralta in

Jamindan town. He added that Jovena’s general point

average in all evaluated subjects both academic

and non-academic in the said training was 89.76


In the Candidate Soldiers Class 389, BS Information Technology graduate Ven Gador from barangay Suay, Himamaylan City, Negros Occidental

topped the Class with a general point average of 89.80 percent and also received the Commander, 3rd Infantry Division Award.

Jovena and Gador are among the 168

newly enlisted soldiers who will bring peace and development in the countryside.

The new soldiers will be assigned in the

different battalions in Western and Central Visayas and the Negros Island Regions to perform peace and development works in the countryside and likewise

add to the unit’s strength in said areas, Tiongson


The joint enlistment, entrustment of firearms and graduation ceremonies of the new soldiers was graced by 3ID commander Brig. Gen. Harold

Cabreros and Capiz Governor Victor Tanco represented by Sangguniang Panlalawigan member Eleuper Martinez.

The 6-month training that started in October

26, 2015 aimed to provide the candidate soldiers with the basic knowledge and skills of soldiery, develop their character worthy to become members

of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) and prepare them to perform duties as riflemen and automatic riflemen of the infantry squads, Tiongson

said. (JCM/JBG/PIA6)

Drones boost disaster assessment protocols in Iloilo

ILOILO CITY, April 27 (PIA6) – Drones were flown over agricultural areas in drought-stricken Iloilo Province to advance aerial

assessment procedures and inform disaster preparedness and response efforts.

T he mission was deployed by the Department

of Agriculture (DA) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United

Nations (FAO) as a follow on to the launch of its

joint initiative in March, which integrates the use of drone technology in agriculture disaster risk reduction and management (DRRM).

―Closely observing the extent of damage

experienced in the province could help technical experts in determining areas for improvement in the drone mapping methodology that is currently

being developed by DA with the support of FAO,‖ said FAO Representative in the Philippines José

Luis Fernández in a press report shared to PIA-6 by

UN-FAO. Based on DA reports, more than 25 000

hectares of agricultural areas in Iloilo have been

affected by prolonged dry spells. Preliminary assessments also indicate that it is

among the provinces with the largest number of

farmers struggling from the impacts of the current El

Niño. In Passi City, rice farmers have reported

experiencing as much as a 75 percent drop in

harvest during the last cropping season. Data-rich maps generated from drone flights in

Passi City and Pototan Municipality will allow DA technical specialists to provide sound and

evidence-based recommendations. The two-day mission covered approximately 800 hectares.

―This exercise serves as a litmus test for the

drone protocols for aerial risk and damage assessment that we have developed over the past

year and are continuing to improve.

The information we gather here will be useful for immediate- and medium-term planning, and can facilitate better-informed decision-making on how

we respond to crises and at the same time improve disaster preparedness among farmers,‖ said Director Christopher Morales of the DA Field Operations


DA and FAO are coordinating with local government units and other relevant Government agencies to deploy a series of drone flights in other

disaster-affected provinces. ―Employing modern technologies and

scientific tools will be instrumental in achieving our anti-hunger and poverty goals, especially in the most

vulnerable agricultural areas,‖ Fernández added. FAO has been backstopping the Government’s

DRRM agenda since 2009 through a series of

projects including a recently concluded multi-country project funded by the European Commission Human

Aid and Civil Protection Department.

The project facilitated the dissemination of stress-tolerant rice varieties and risk reducing practices to farmers and fisherfolk in highly

vulnerable communities. FAO also assisted DA in the formulation of a national DRRM strategy for agriculture and fisheries. (UN-FAO/PIA6)


SAN JOSE, Antique, April 27 (PIA6) - - The Patadyong and other local products are on display at Pasundayag – Local Products

Bazaar at EBJ Freedom Park starting April 25-May 1 in celebration of Tiringbanay Festival of the town of San Jose.

Antique products on display at 'Pasundayag'

By Pilar S. Mabaquiao

P asundayag-Local Products Bazaarl displays

various stuffs from handwoven cloth called Patadyong to plants and flowers, bamboo

products, locally processed foods, fresh veggies,

herbal and health products,pottery not only from San Jose but from others towns as well like Sibalom, San Remigio, Tibiao and Bugasong.

Provincial Director Mercedes Young of the

Department of Trade and Industry lauded the initiatives of Mayor Rony Molina and the Municipal Government of San Jose for holding the Pasundayag

2016- Local Products Bazaar.

She is hoping that this undertaking will be sustained for the benefit of the consumers, local producers and entrepreneurs.

This year’s Tiringbanay Festival carries the theme ―Unity in Diversity for a Progressive San Jose.‖

Bagtason Loom Weavers Association

(BLWA) is one among the 15 exhibitors that displays hand woven cloth called Patadyong. Other products on display are hats, pillow cases, scarf and


Other activities featured in the Tiringbanay Festival are Farmers’ and Fisherfolks Day (April 27) Sport Activities (Dart Competition, Arnis and

Boxing) Boat Raising, Motocross and Kirita-ay sa Tiringbanay Food Fest at EBJ Freedom Park.

The highlight of the event was the Devotional Procession and Vespera Mass in honor of St. Joseph

the Worker on April 30 and the Eucharistic Celebration on the Feast Day on May 1. (JCM/PSM/PIA6Antique)

ILOILO CITY, April 28 (PIA6) — The Mines and Geosciences Bureau-6 (MGB) is focusing its information, education and

communication (IEC) campaign at this time on geohazards.

T his IEC drive is on rain-induced landslides

and floods targeting some 1,300 barangays in the towns of Iloilo, Aklan, Capiz and


Mae Magarzo, chief of the MGB’s Geosciences Division, said the participants are the barangay officials, especially those composing the local disaster

councils, persons with disability, women’s groups and

the local planning councils. ―We will continue to spread the awareness on

geohazards and the usefulness of the geohazard maps

to the barangays, until we reach them all,‖ Magarzo said. ―Through the information campaign on

geohazards, the barangays will know how to use the

maps and see how vulnerable their areas to landslides and floods,‖ she added.

Meanwhile, MGB-6 Regional Director Leo Van

Juguan said in a press release, it is their responsibility for mapping the country in terms of vulnerability to rain-induced landslides and flooding.

―These are the two most common geohazards

experienced by the country during heavy rains and typhoons,‖ Juguan said.

He also said that with the detailed mapping in a

scale of 1:10,000 completed in 2014, the MGB is now focusing on disseminating the results to local

government units. ―We have been presenting the

geohazard maps to various stakeholders in different forums,‖ Juguan said.

―Dealing with the effects of climate change is

tough and teaching our barangays to locate their most vulnerable areas to landslides and flooding is our way of helping them to be more aware and be

more prepared,‖ Juan further said.

The MGB hoped that with the correct information the LGUs, particularly the barangays will be able to ensure that no lives are lost when

landslides or flooding occurs. (JCM/MGB/ESS/ PIA-Iloilo)

MGB-6 steps up info campaign on geohazards

By Elsa S. Subong

KALIBO, Aklan, April 28 (PIA6) -- The best in Rescuelympics among local government units and national government

agencies in Aklan received a total of P285,000 cash prizes in major and special awards in the recently-concluded 3rd Provincial

Rescuelympics 2016 held by the province of Aklan through the Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office


T he rescuelympics was one of the major

activities of the province in celebration of its 60th anniversary and was conducted to test

the capacity of local government units and some

national government agencies in life-saving, First Aid, fire-fighting and other emergency scenarios to prevent loss of lives and properties during natural and man-made calamities and other incidents.

The rescuelympics had two categories – Inter-municipality and inter-agency, which gave major and special awards.

In the inter-municipality category, the local government unit of Malay garnered first place, winning P50,000.00 cash, while LGU-Kalibo placed

second, winning P40,000.00 cash; and LGU-Batan, third, with P30,000.00 cash prize.

LGU-Malay also took home most of the special

awards, like Best in First Aid scenario, Best in Fire Fighting, Best in Uniform, Best in Safety Analysis, and

Best in Water, Search and Rescue (WASAR).

For these awards, LGU-Malay got P5,000.00 each, or a total of P25,000.00, plus plaque and trauma kit.

The other special awards were won by

LGU-Kalibo – Best in Basic Life Support and Best Display in Rescue Equipment, with cash Prize of P5,000.00 for each award, plus plaque, trauma kit and

spine board. LGU-Malay was also adjudged the Best in

Admin special award for 1st to 3rd class municipality with a cash prize of P20,000 and a plaque, while

LGU-Malinao took the same special award, P20,000 and a plaque for 4th to 6th class municipality.

LGUs who also excelled in various scenarios

received spine board and plaque each: Kalibo, Best in Vehicular Extrication; LGU-Malay, Best in WASAR; and LGU-Malay, Best in Multiple Casualty

Scenario. Trauma kits were given were given too to LGU

-Kalibo as Biggest Contingent; LGU-Altavas for being

the Most Punctula Team, and LGU-Buruanga for being the most Compassionate.

The Most Disciplined Team was LGU-Malay,

which received a spine board and plaque; and as Best Swimmer, it also received a plaque; while LGU-Batan also receive a plaque for its Best Effort.

For the inter-agency category, the Bureau of

Fire Protection (BFP) was adjudged first place, getting P20,000.00 cash prize and plaque; Philippine Army (PA), second, P15,000.00 and plaque; and third,

Philippine Coast Guard (PCG), P10,000.00 and plaque. A consolation prize of P5,000.00 was given to the Philippine Air Force (Reserved).

The BFP also romped off with four of the 5

special awards - Best in Vehicular Extrication,Best in Rescue Relay, Biggest Contingent (15 participants) and Most Compassionate while Philippine Army was

Best in WASAR. A total of 11 LGUs and 4 government agencies

joined the Rescuelympics.

This is the third time for LGU-Malay to emerge as Champion of the rescuelympics since its conduct in 2014, and according to Galo Ibardolaza, PDRRMO

Executive Officer, the LGU will be elevated to the Hall of Fame but will still be invited to display their

rescue equipment and other paraphernalia, and to

conduct rescue demonstration before other Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction Offices. (JCM/VGV PIA6 Aklan)

Best LGUs, agencies in Rescuelympics get cash prizes

By Venus G. Villanueva


NEGROS ORIENTAL, April 27 (PIA) -- A total of 15,183 local and overseas job vacancies are up for grabs during the

Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE)-Negros Island Region’s job fair at Negros Oriental Convention Center on May

1 to commemorate this year’s 114th Philippine Labor Day Celebration.

DOLE-NIR announces job vacancies for local,

overseas employment

O f the total job openings, around 7,062

will be offered for local employment and 8,121 for overseas workers from 110

participating companies and recruitment agencies.

Bannering this year’s theme ―Kinabukasan Sigurado sa Disenteng Trabaho,‖ the newly created DOLE-NIR is pressing forward its early efforts

towards the 2016 Labor and Career Fairs to pay

tribute to the Filipino workers. Job fairs will be conducted simultaneously at

the Negros Oriental Convention Center in

Dumaguete City and SM City Bacolod in Negros Occidental. This is intended to facilitate the employment of jobseekers where they can meet in

one venue several employers who are looking for

applicants who can fill up their vacancies. Following his installation as Interim Director of

DOLE-NIR, Atty. Johnson Cañete said the agency is

all set for this year’s Labor Day commemoration with its lined up activities which also include the launching of ―Lakaw ko, Edukasyon Mo,‖Jobs and

Career Fairs, Trade Fair, RTWPB and DTI’s

Diskwento Caravan, Government Mitigation for K to 12 Program Implementation Orientation for would be-displaced teaching and non-teaching personnel,

Pre-Mother’s Day Celebration. Free services from TESDA will be offered

such as massage, haircut, manicure, and pedicure,

employer and workers forums.

The ―Lakaw ko, Edukasyon Mo‖ aims o raise awareness on the plight of child laborers and other vulnerable children thru walk for a cause with a

registration fee of P20. Proceeds will be used to purchase school

supplies of withdrawn and vulnerable children from

DOLE’s Child Labor-Free Barangays in Barangay

Mayabon, Zamboanguita town and Azagra, Tanjay City. Pat of DOLE’s employment facilitation services is the establishment of pre-employments desks and

advisory services from DFA, NBI, SSS, PHILHEALTH, PAGIBIG, PRC and OWWA. (rmn/jct/PIA7-Negros Oriental)

Jennifer C. Tilos

CEBU CITY, April 27 (PIA) -- GSIS Cebu Branch is now accepting applications for GSIS Scholarship Program for Academic

Year 2016-2017.

GSIS now accepts applications for scholarship program

T his scholarship program has recently been

revised under Board Resolution No. 24

dated March 10, 2016. The most significant enhancements in the revised Policy and Procedural

Guidelines (PPG) cover the following: 1. Opening of scholars for any college

level during K to 12 program’s transition period for Academic Year 2016-2017 to AY 2017-2018.

2. Inclusion of Permanent Total Disability (PTD) pensioners below 60 yrs old who still have children in college.

3. Increase of scholarship slots from 200 to 400 slots. For Region VII, 23 slots are given to qualified applicants.

4. Increase in monthly stipend from P2,000 to P3,000.

5. Grant of monetary incentive to those

who will graduate with latin honors (cum laude-P20,000, magna cum laude-P30,000 and summa cum laude-P50,000)

All active and regular GSIS members at the

time of application with at least three (3) years of

service and with salary grade of 24 or below or its

equivalent job level will qualify to nominate a scholar.

The member is allowed to nominate one (1) scholar who meets the following qualifications:

1. must be a child of a member, including the child/dependent of solo parent as defined under the Solo Parents’ Welfare Act of the dependent of a childless married or single member;

2. an incoming freshman or college student in any year level who is accepted in or taking up any 4 or 5 year course.

Eligible members may secure an application and certification forms from GSIS Cebu Office or may download the same from the GSIS website

at For all applicants, please submit the following

requirements to GSIS Cebu for processing: 1. Duly

accomplished forms; 2. Dependent’s Birth Certificate (PSA issued or authenticated by PSA); 3 Employment Certification to be signed by the Agency Authorized

Officer; and 4 School Certification to be signed by

the Authorized School Officer.

For applicants with sectoral group affiliation,

please submit the following additional requirements:

1. Endorsement form the head of agency/office attesting to the veracity of the sector you

belong; 2. Original/Certified true copy of

government-issued authentication: PWD ID or National Council on Disability Affairs, Certificate of

Confirmation of Tribal Membership from National Commission on Indigenous Peoples (NCIP) and Solo Parent ID from Local Social Welfare Development

Officer (LSWDO). Eligible GSIS members will be selected based

on their annual basic salary and length of service.

The scholar shall be entitled to the following benefits during the 4 or 5 year course duration: 1 Actual cost of tuition and miscellaneous fees not to

exceed P40,000 per academic year, regardless of the number of terms (not to include summer classes) and 2 Monthly stipend of P3,000.

Deadline of submission will be on June 10,

2016.(hfg/PIA-7/GSIS press release)

Hazel F. Gloria

TAGBILARAN CITY, April 26 (PIA) - - The Department of Science and Technology (DOST) is holding a public hearing on the

proposed implementing rules of the PAGASA Modernization Act on April 28 to 29 at Bohol Tropics Resort.

Public hearing on PAGASA modernization set

I nvited to the activity are participants

from local government units, academe, non-government organizations, Provincial

Disaster Risk Reduction Management Offices,

farmers, fisherfolks, shipping industry, as well as members of the local media.

This is in line with the recent enactment of Republic Act 10692, according to Venus Valdemoro,

officer in charge of PAGASA Public Information Unit, Public Information and Training Section–Research and Development and Training Division (RDTD).

Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) has recently presented a draft Implementing Rules and

Regulations (IRR) after the country enacted the

PAGASA modernization Act. The Act provides for the modernization of the

country's weather forecasting bureau and provides

for its initial modernization phase of three years and funds worth P3 billion to be used for the duration.

Article 8 of the said law bares the components of PAGASA modernization which includes its

physical resources and operational techniques, enhancement of its research and development capability, and establishment of regional weather

centers. It also calls for the establishment of PAGASA data center, creation of the agency's human resource development program,

enhancement of weather data collection and

information dissemination services, public weather information, education and advocacy program as well as development of regional and international

cooperation programs. Along this line too, PAGASA invites people who could provide significant and valuable insights about the proposed IRR.

Comments and suggestions from the

participants will also help PAGASA in improving its existing products and services, Valdemoro said.

For more information, contact telephone

numbers 927-9308 or 434-2696, and mobile number 0947-5727800 or PIA Bohol at 5018554 or 09209545482. (rmn/rac/PIA7-Bohol)

Rey Anthony H. Chiu


DUMAGUETE CITY, April 26 (PIA) -- Labor Sec. Rosalinda Baldoz unveiled recently the first labor laws compliant

establishment marker of San Miguel Brewery's (SMB) Sales Office in the city.

B aldoz lauded SMB for a strong leadership that

cooperates with the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) along with its

contractor or business partners complying with legal

requirements for labor standards. SMB’s Human Resource Management Officer

Leo Rameses Amoyan said SMB takes pride to be

socially responsible for its workers and act as big

brother to its business partners by paying required minimum wage and benefits including facilitating discussion with SSS, Pag-Ibig, and PhilHealth.

Amoyan said the company also ventures into safety consciousness by providing safety training and capabilities to its contractors through

DOLE- Occupational Safety and Health. Its sales office or SMB’s plant has a total of

25 regular employees in sales, finance and logistics

supplemented by 61 manpower complement from its

nine contractors Jeff Marketing, JOEREN Mobile, Magic Disco Sound System, CARA/Enterprises/Carret Multi-Purpose Cooperative, Mil Oros

Corporation, DVD Ref Shop, F&E Bacolod, Negros Marine Security Services Corporation and Perfect Clean General Services.

With DOLE’s labor laws compliance system

implementation, Baldoz acknowledged San Miguel’s top management for requiring its contractors to be labor laws compliant.

The business partners of SMB provide outsourced services from hauling, security, janitorial, automobile, refrigeration, among others.

To date, the country has 372 Labor Laws Compliance Officers dispersed throughout the various regions conducting joint assessments and

ensuring compliance with labor laws are in sync with

DOLE’s massive campaign in the promotion and protection of every Filipino worker’s welfare.

The labor chief also posed the challenge to

existing Industry Tripartite Councils (TIPC) in the region to gear up in industrializing Joint Assessments, labor assessments, compliance processing until all

its member-industries obtain their Certificate of

Compliance. She encouraged the business sector to

emulate the SMB approach in view of the company’s

vast coverage and voluminous number of contractors. The signing of commitment towards continuous observance of the labor laws between

SMB, its partners, and the government sealed the unveiling ceremonies. (rmn/jct/PIA7-Negros Oriental)

First labor laws compliant marker in Dgte unveiled

Jennifer C. Tilos

CEBU CITY, April 25 (PIA) -- Civic groups and government institutions recently met to craft a unified program solely for

Children at Risk (CAR).

Stakeholders collaborate to solve Children at Risks

C AR is the new term for street children,

abused, and those children in conflict with the law or CICL, as suggested by

the Children’s Legal Bureau (CLB) during the initial

consultative meeting. The consultative meeting of about 30 civic and

government organizations was spearheaded by the Women and Protection Desk-Family Gender Juvenile

Services WPD-FGJS) of the Cebu City Police Office (CCPO)

Police Inspector Arieza Otida made a

presentation on the current status of street children in the city of Cebu, the abused, and those who are classified as CICL.

―We have about 400 of them based on the survey conducted by our 11 police stations and most of these have problems with their families,‖ Otida

said. She said much of the criminality has been

focusing on the adults when they found out these

were CICLs and some are street children when they

were young. Most of the street children are covered in

Police Station 3 within Osmena Boulevard.

These are found near the Basilica where there are convergence of tourists, making them prone to engage in pickpocketing.

Theft is the leading classification of crimes

mostly committed by CAR. ―Although there was a slight decrease of CICL

from over 200 in 2014 to just 200 in 2015, in

the first months of this year we already have 50 rescued,‖ Otida said.

She said 90 percent of their rescued children

have problems with the family. Otida presented to the group three proposals

that need their collaborative effort.

First is the establishment of a safe, secure, and child-friendly facility, Intervention and Diversion Programs, and the reintegration.

―There are so many of us that just do one thing

and then another has a separate objective, we would wish for everyone to pledge a commitment in a plan and work for its sustainability,‖ Otida said.

It was suggested that instead of putting up a new facility, the Cebu City Task Force on Street Children will be complimented.

Another meeting is scheduled in May, this time

to get concrete actions from the groups to be plotted in a collaborative plan.

Stakeholders present in the meeting include

LIONS Club International, Zonta Club of Cebu, Dilaab Movement, Share A child Movement, CLB, Children of Cebu Foundation, SOS, Community

Scout and Guidance Center, Rotary Club of Cebu, Legal Alternatives for Women, Department of Social Welfare and Services, City Prosecutors Office,

Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical Center Pink Room, Ramon Aboitiz Foundation Inc. and the 11 stations of CCPO. (rmn/fcc/PIA7-Cebu)

Ferliza Calizar-Contratista

TAGBILARAN CITY, April 26 (PIA) -- Overall crime volume in Bohol increased 7.4 percent or some 50 more crime cases in

March as against the previous month, reports from the Provincial Peace and Order Council (PPOC) meeting showed.

B ohol recorded a total of 722 index

and non index crimes in March as against 672 in February, according to Bohol

Police Chief in Camp Dagohoy, Police Senior

Superintendent Dennis Agustin during a meeting on April 22.

Of the 722 crime cases in March, 26 percent or 189 of these cases are classified as traffic-related

incidents. Police have been hinting that due to traffic

incidents in Bohol, crimes would continue to

increase despite efforts to curb criminality.

In homicide, for example, while Bohol police records 15 cases for the month, 14 of these cases or 93 percent are traffic-related, according to Agustin's

report. Another 69 percent of the cases of physical

injuries are traffic-related incidents, or 120 cases of the 173 recorded for the month, according to police

data. Index crimes in March showed a drop of 15

cases lower than previous months, and an increase of

65 cases in non-index crimes.

While it saw a decrease in traffic-related incidents from 190 to 189 cases, violation of special laws in March went up with 52 cases more.

Another 14 more cases showed up for other non-index crimes in March, police reports bared.

Reading a data from the Provincial Investigation and Detection Management Bureau, Agustin showed

that Bohol police have done good in traffic-related incidents, except for homicide which went up by five cases more. (rmn/rac/PIA7/BOhol)

Bohol police records 7.4% increase in crimes

By Rey Anthony H. Chiu


Mussel farmers in Samar back in business

Ninfa B. Quirante

TACLOBAN CITY, Leyte, April 29 (PIA) - Mussel farmers in Samar are back in business.

T his, as the Bureau of Fisheries

and Aquatic Resources (BFAR)

declared the whole Eastern

Visayas as now free from red tide toxins.

In a press release from the bureau,

it said that the Cambatutay Bay in

Tarangnan, Irong-Irong Bay in Catbalogan,

Villareal Bay in Villareal, and Maqueda Bay

in Jiabong, Samar have all been declared

free of toxic red tide.

The BFAR advisory dated April 27,

2016 brought good news to more than a

thousand families that rely on mussels for

livelihood. ―Now, we are back on

business,‖ said Danilo Gabin, producer of

mussel crackers from Jiabong, Samar.

Mussel harvesting and selling was

suspended for sometime due to the

presence of red tide causing organisms in

the different bays in Samar.

Mussel farming provides livelihood to

a thousand Samarnons and the onset of

red tide toxins brings them bad news. (ldl/


NGCP's energy transmission projects in EV near completion

H erminigildo Itoc, Jr, Project

Head of the Transmission Line

Projects of the NGCP told

government information officers at

the Print Journalism Writeshop that

the projects, Ormoc-Maasin, Ormoc

-Babatngon, and Ormoc-Tongonan in

Leyte are 96%-97% completed.

The transmission line project of Sta.

Rita-Quinapondan which is 95 kilometers

long is also 90.38% complete.

He added that the Ormoc-Maasin

line, 114 kilometers long is now 96%


The project is set to be completed

December 2016.

Ormoc-Babatngon line which is 81

kilometers long is expected to serve

Samar island.

"If this will be completed, there will

be no more power interruption in Samar,‖

said Itoc.

Another project , Sta. Rita

-Quinapondan loop project, 95

kilometers long will bring a more

reliable transmission corridor in

Eastern Samar, it will relieve Paranas

substation of overloading, the NGCP

expert said.

T h e O r m o c - T o n g o n o n

transmission line project, which was

heavily damaged by then typhoon Yolanda,

will soon be fully rehabilitated by

December 2016.

Presently, it has a completion rate of

90.38 percent.

―Some 15 pole sites for erection are

still under expropriation,‖ said Itoc.

NGCP is a privately owned

corporation in charge of operating,

maintaining and developing the country’s

power grid. (ldl/nbq/PIA 8-Samar)

TACLOBAN CITY, Leyte, April 29 (PIA) - The National Grid Corporation of the Philippines (NGCP) said that four projects

leading to better transmission lines are nearing completion.

Ninfa B. Quirante

Buoys with lights enhance fish sanctuaries in SoLeyte

MAASIN CITY, Southern Leyte, April 21 (PIA) - Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in this province are poised to level up for

aesthetic and practical value, as the floaters used to define territorial limits are now equipped with solar lights.

B uoys embedded with stored

energy harnessed from the sun

during the day have been

functioning for MPAs in four out of ten

municipalities, illuminating the zone by

evening, reported Eva Abad, head of

the Provincial Environment and Natural

Resources Management Of f i ce


The solar lights in buoys can

warn fishermen fishing during the night

that the enclosed, secluded area is off

limits to them, Abad explained in an

interview at the dydm Kapihan sa PIA live


The provincial government procured

an initial set 20 units buoys with solar

lights worth P 800,000.00 for distribution

in ten municipalities, and four are now

actually using it.

She, however, was not able to

name the recipient towns during the live

radio interview, saying the list was not

with her.

There are now 64 identified

coastal protected areas around the

province, with twelve (12) more

being contemplated this year along the

Sogod Bay area, and Abad said all of these

MPAs will eventually be provided with

solar lights.

In a related development, Abad

disclosed that MPAs with ten hectares and

above areas were given by the provincial

government with a fiber glass paddle

boat, in which 50 units were already


For MPAs with areas below ten

hectares, the Bureau of Fisheries and

Aquatic Resources (BFAR) gave 16

fiberglass paddle boats, Abad further

reported. (mmp/PIA8-Southern Leyte)

Marcelo M. Pedalino


ESamar agri-program adds coffee projects,

fishery rehab

BORONGAN CITY, Eastern Samar, April 25 (PIA) - The High-value Commercial Crops Program of the Provincial

Government of Eastern Samar — through the Office of the Provincial Agricultural Services (OPAS) — is ongoing and is set to

develop and industrialize the coffee industry of the province.

A ccording to Eastern Samar

Provincial Agriculturist Regalado

Opeña, OPAS was able to

distribute planting materials to farmers

who passed the requirements of the


He further said that it yielded good

results since the fertilizer given

were free while more than 30,000 coffee

seedlings were planted in the province

which are expected to grow after six


Meanwhile, the ₱ 27-M fishery

rehabilitation program, which was

reconstructed after the onslaught of

super typhoon Yolanda and typhoon

Ruby — is slated to be finished

soon as well as the implementation of the

₱ 24- M seaweed industry for 1,600


As for the drift gillnet that they are

implementing for their Flying Fish Project,

Opeña said they had started their

distribution in Guiuan, Llorente, and

Salcedo while their distribution in San

Julian is ongoing. Aside from drift

gillnets, OPAS was also able to distribute

fishcages to fishermen whose fishing

equipment had been destroyed due to

recent past calamities.

These projects are all freely given

by the Provincial Government in

cooperation with the Bureau of

Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR)

and the National Government, Opeña

concluded. (SDC/PIA-E. Samar)

Samuel D. Candido

ECC orients Samarnons on employees’ compensation benefits

CATBALOGAN CITY, Samar (PIA) - Samarnons will now have a better appreciation of the benefits they can avail of under

the employees compensation program.

T he Employees Compensation

Commission (ECC) held April 29

an advocacy seminar on the pro-

gram at the new Maqueda Bay Hotel here.

S o m e 1 0 0 p a r t i c i p a n t s

composed of human resource officers,

union representatives, employers and

workers in the government sector and

private firms and uniformed men from

the police, army, navy, and their civilian

employees learned about the

benefits due them in case of

work-connected injuries, sickness and


Discussed were the components of

the EC program such as prevention, com-

p e n s a t i o n a n d r e h a b i l i t a t i o n

services and the recent EC program

reforms anchored on the 3Es - Equalized,

Enhanced, and Expand reforms - to

answer the challenges of the EC program.

Earlier, Atty. Jonathan Villasoto,

ECC Deputy Executive Director faced

the Tacloban media in a press

conference where he enumerated the

different employees covered by the


The ECC officials have also

consulted both SSS and GSIS to update

on the recent ECC policies to

facilitate processing of claims. (ldl/nbq//PIA


Ninfa B Quirante

PhilHealth calamity program still open to Region 8 residents

TACLOBAN CITY, Leyte, April 21 (PIA) - All residents of Eastern Visayas, once hospitalized, can avail of health insurance

benefits, PhilHealth Regional Vice-President Walter Bacareza assured this in a press conference held recently.

Consuelo B. Alarcon

S aid calamity policy was pushed by

Bacareza anchored in the recent

calamity ―Yolanda‖ that struck the

region, in November 2013.

―Ibig sabihan lahat ng taga Eastern

Visayas can avail of PhilHealth benefits

for all kinds hanggang ngayon,‖ Bacareza


When Yolanda brought vast

devastation to the people in the region,

the PhilHealth official took steps by

lobbying at central office to grant this

calamity policy in response to the health

needs of the victims and survivors during

those times.

However, asked by the local media if

this will be a lifetime benefit, he did not

confirm, considering the upcoming

new administration, which could adopt

news PhilHealth policies.

―Yun ang hindi natin alam kaya

excited ako three months from now

ano ba talaga ang direksyon,‖ Bacareza


―Under the said calamity policy,

it will only be the regional vice

president (RVP) who can recommend

for removal of the said policy and/or the

president‖, he added.

Bacareza believes that the said policy

was the best thing that ever happened to

the health system programs in Eastern

Visayas for it spells the essence of a true

universal health care.

To date, a total of 82 hospitals in

the region are now PhilHealth

accredited facilities; 49 are government

hospitals and 33 are private hospitals.


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