Page 1: One World Government and the Anti- Christ Anti-Christ Revelation 13,17 : ‘the Beast’ ‘666’ 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 - ‘man of lawlessness’ sets himself up

One World Government and the Anti- Christ

Anti-Christ Revelation 13,17 : ‘the Beast’ ‘666’

2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 - ‘man of lawlessness’ sets himself up in the temple proclaiming himself to be

God, demands all to worship alone.Daniel 9:27: confirm a covenant/peace treaty with

Israel , then breaks it, ends the sacrifices and defiles the Temple by setting up an ‘ abomination.’

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The Anti- Christ: the false Messiah

Other names:‘Prince of Israel’ (Ezekiel 21:25-27) - Jewish

‘rejects the God of his fathers.’ (Daniel 11:36-37)‘Assyrian’ (Isaiah 10:20-27) ‘King of Babylon’ (Isaiah14:4) ‘ King of Tyre’ (Isaiah 14 & Ezekiel 28) -

equated with Satan himself‘Son of perdition’ (2Thessalonians 2:3) -

also used for Judas Iscariot - sold out to Satan.

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The Woman , the Beast (Anti-Christ) and the False Prophet (Revelation 17)

The Woman -‘harlot’, ‘Mystery Babylon’ The False Prophet - (like Elijah)• performs signs and wonders• forces people to worship the Beast

The Beast- is assassinated and resurrected (Revelation 13:3, 12)

Forces people to take the mark 666 (Revelation 13: 16). No-one can buy or sell without it.

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The Rise and Fall of EmpiresNebuchadnezzars’ Dream of the (Daniel 2 and 7)

The feet of iron and clay can be interpreted as the revised Roman Empire and seat of One World Government

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Nebuchadnezzars’ Dreams of the Statue and Beasts(Daniel 2 and 7)

statue (Daniel 2)

beast (Daniel 7)



head of pure gold

lion with eagles wings


605-539 BC

chest of silver bear with 3 ribs in mouth


539-331 BC

belly & thighs of bronze

leopard with 4 wings

331-168 BC

legs of iron terrible beast with iron


168 BC-476 AD

feet of iron and clay (EU)

Divided 476 AD-

rock which crushes other


Ancient of Days on the



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The meaning of the Statue in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream

Properties of the Metals decrease in value, but increase in strength

Gold – high value , but weak in strength

Iron- lower value, but very strong

Iron/clay mixture - regression, mixture of dictatorial rule and democracy

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Daniel PropheciesNebuchadnezzar’ dreams of the Statue and the Beasts

10 toes (Daniel 2:41) and 10 horns (Daniel 7:7) with the beast coming out of the sea with 10 horns and 10 crowns. (Revelation 13:1) and 10 ‘kings’ of Revelation 17:12.

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The Recreation of the Roman Empire

Attempts to emulate the glories of Rome.800 A.D. ‘The Holy Roman Empire’ Charlmagne

(Charles the Great)1800 A.D. Napoleon Bonaparte –after the French

Revolution.1930’s Mussolini (Italian dictator) Hitler (German Fuerher & Third Reich

Stalin (Russian communist dictator)(Mohammed and Genghis Khan also failed.)

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Leaders who aspired to rule the revised Roman Empire

800 A.D. ‘The Holy Roman Empire’ Charlmagne (Charles the Great)

1800 A.D. Napoleon Bonaparte –after the French Revolution Crowned as Emperor

1930’s Mussolini (Italian Fascist dictator) Hitler (German Fuerher & Third Reich

Stalin (Russian communist dictator)Mohammed and Genghis Khan also failed.

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One World Government

Aim to put Lucifer on the throne, as capstone of the pyramid.

Jesus is the true capstone or cornerstone ( 1 Peter 2:6-7)

Led by the Illuminati, top Freemasons – Sages, Elect and Adepts- the initiated few.

Adam Weishaupt of Bavaria conspired with Thomas Jefferson, US President.

Designed American Seals, the eagle (really a phoenix) and dollar bill with capstone.

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Weishaupt and the Illuminati

1776 Adam Weishaupt , a former Jesuit, connected the Illuminati with Freemasonry.

He planned American War of Independence, French and Russian Revolutions. These were

experiments in ‘New World Order’ to remove the aristocracy.

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Thomas Jefferson US President

Conspiracy with the Illuminati of Bavaria to establish ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT

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The American Dollar Bill

shows the Illuminati Pyramid and US Great Seal

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Momentum at the End of World War II &concern for peace led to the formation of :

The League of Nations – 1948 with a peace keeping role which widened to collaboration with theThe World Bank & The World Trade Organisation - controlling wealth and resources and determining policy. The European Economic Community

begins with Benelux countries: Belgium, Luxemburg and Holland-3.

1957 France, Germany and Italy, join- 6

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1972 Great Britain, the Irish Republic, Norway and

Denmark join-10. (1973 Norway pulls out)

The 3 tier Market: BeneluxFranceGermany +5

Make up the 10-inner core with power

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The Beast or Anti- Christ in the form of the Revived Roman Empire can be linked to the fourth kingdom symbolised by the feet and toes of the statue or image in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream in Daniel 2.

The Club of Rome 30 people from 10 countries with an environmental agenda, an ‘invisible

college’ dominated by Freemasons.

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US Architects of the ‘New World Order’

Henry Kissinger – through the Trilateral Commission George Bush Senior - mentioned 200 times in his


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Pecking Order of Power(according to Smith(1998) p.75

LuciferAdepts, Sages and Elect-top FreemasonsCouncil on Foreign Relations-advises US on foreign policy The Bilderbergers-advise Europe on foreign policyThe Tri-lateral Commission- US (dollar)West Germany (Mark), Japan (Yen)The Club of Rome- environmental issuesThe Bank of International SettlementsThe G8The International Monetary FundThe World BankThe Adam Smith InstituteThe Mont Pelerin SocietyThe Business Round TableNational Governments

Pecking Order of Power(according to Smith(1998) p.75

LuciferAdepts, Sages and Elect-top FreemasonsCouncil on Foreign Relations-advises US on foreign policy The Bilderbergers-advise Europe on foreign policyThe Tri-lateral Commission- US (dollar)West Germany (Mark), Japan (Yen)The Club of Rome- environmental issuesThe Bank of International SettlementsThe G8The International Monetary FundThe World BankThe Adam Smith InstituteThe Mont Pelerin SocietyThe Business Round TableNational Governments

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Aims of the Organisations

Council for Foreign Relations:• to eliminate national boundaries and to merge nation states.• to shape economic, foreign and defence policies.Tri-lateral Commission : aims• to keep peace•managing the world economy•military controlBilderbergers- centred in Europe; aim:•to unify Europe initially financed by the US Central Intelligence Agency

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Control of finance and trade around the world

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Trade Control

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) supervises the flow of money round the world.• uses the ‘carrot’ of promised new loans and the ‘stick’ of delayed approval of debt structuring for past debts. • Debt of equity conversions between local governments and bankers. ‘Debt for nature swaps’- trading rainforests for the elimination of debt.The World Trade Organisation imposes trade rules, causing loss of national sovereignty.

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Global Security becomes a major issue

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Global Security : UN and NATO

Huge build up of sophisticated weaponry: nuclear, biological and chemical weapons.

UN- expansion from 1990’s budget increases of 1000 % military personnel 7000%

NATO - expansion, strategy and influence. Need for integration. Taking on an imperialist role. Aim to create a strong military force to enforce policies of UN.Attempts to control terrorism, drugs, crime & sexual exploitation - justification for invasion of countries outside its remit . Seen to be promoting US interests.

U.S seen as the ‘policeman of the world.’

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Attempts to control population, and promote women’s rights at the expense of the traditional


UN strategies

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United Nations: Aims • to maintain peace and security.• to develop friendly relations between nations.• to co-operate in solving international problems and

in promoting respect for human rights.• to be a centre for harmonising actions of the nations.

Underlying Agenda

1. Reduction in world population-sterilization programme and to push up abortions from 50 million per year.

2. Sustainability-extreme eco-utopia agenda cut back population to 1-2 billion to give space to other species!

3. Women’s rights-aggressive push for absolute sexual freedom even for children at the expense of traditional family life.

4. One world system of government and religion - city states, aggressive promotion of NGOs under the guise of grass roots organisations.

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The Aim of One World Government is total control

‘By controlling energy we can control nations, by controlling food we can control individuals.’

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One World Government- Aim: Total control

‘By controlling energy we can control nations, by controlling food we can control individuals.’

1. one world political system – the EU2. one world trading and financial system-

World Trade Organisation, World Bank and IMFone world monetary system (currency)-

the euro.3. one world legal system- European Court of

Justice, The Hague.5. one world intelligence- ‘Big brother is watching you!’ computerised tracking system: ID cards,

chips, Mark of the Beast (Revelation 13:16)6. one world religion- New Age, WCC-peace and harmony, R.C. Church taking a leading role in

the formation of an apostate, multi-faith ‘church.’

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Democracy to a Totalitarian SocietyEU

International Criminal Court at the Hague, Netherlands- War Crimes TribunalsEU Executive of 21 members appointed not elected; sophisticated brokering, bargaining and trade offs.The System itself is in control. (Authoritarian & closed)

‘The monster of bureaucracy is always right’It is an illusion that MEPs represent us.

WORLD TRADENorth American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA ) General Agreement on Trades and Tariffs (GATT)World Trade Organisation

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Control of Law and Order

The International Court of Human RightsThe Hague, Netherlands.

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The PlanNew Zealand was a test case, then Alberta

Papua New Guinea, Russia and USA.Stages:

•restructuring- removal of welfare state, thousands loose jobs•corporatisation•privatisation•shares- initially only 49% overseas-selling out overseas,

loss of independence•shares-increase over 51% overseas-assets lost dependence

on other countries for goods•Investors from overseas- loss of sovereignty

Each country assigned a product or service so that it becomes dependent on the world trade system. e.g.

New Zealand- no longer lamb but pine treesU.K- financeJapan- electronicsItaly-designer clothesZambia-copperUganda –coffee

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Control of the Economy and Trade

Forcing interdependence and loss of national sovereigntySome countries are deliberately kept in poverty. e.g. in Africa

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Beware the Mark of the Beast 666

Big Brother is watching you!

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The Mark of the Beast (Revelation 13:18 ) : 666Gematria is a numerical coding system by which the letters of

an alphabet are assigned numerical values.

The letters in GreekΧ “chi” has a numerical value of 600.

ξ “xi”, and it has a numerical value of 60. ς “stigma” has a numerical value of 6.

Stigma also has a literal meaning of “scar, mark, or badge of service”.

Χξς, which has a numerical value of 600 + 60 +6 = 666.

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The Pope’s Title ‘Vicarius Philii Dei.’ 666

Papal crowns inscribed with the title ‘Vicarius Philii Dei.’ which literally means, ‘In-Place of the Son of the Deity’, or vicar of God,

an exact definition of the term anti-Messiah. The Latin numerical value of the title ‘Vicarius Philii Dei’, is 666

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The Mark of the Beast: Similarities between the Islamic Bismallah (Name of Allah) and

the Greek 666 from the Codex Vaticanus

NB The crossed swords denote conquest

Some claim that the Bismallah shows that Islam is the Anti—Christ.

Certainly the Mahdi is a false Messiah.

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The Bishmallah (Name of Allah)

The headband and armband of Islamic terrorist groups like Hamas and Hizbollah carry the Arabic inscription

‘In the name of Allah.’NB In Hebrew the name for both hand and arm are ‘Yad’

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The Anti-Christ and One World Religion

It is probable that the Anti-Christ will emerge from Christendom and Islam officially united into a new


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The Mark of the Beast 666 and the Surveillance Society

Terrorism, drug trafficking, crime and paedophile networks making this necessary

Computer chip implants-criminals, dogs, childrenBiometric data: iris scans, finger prints, face & voice recognition, DNA and genetic testing Tracking systemsBarcodesID cardsSmart cards, credit/debit cardsGlobal positioning satellitesMobile phone/e-mail and internet interception and scanningEchelon intelligence –global spy system: satellites, wire tapping, computers to monitor global electronic traffic

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The occult stars on the flag of the EU

The Anti-Christ System is here!Ref: Smith B (1999) Better than Nostradamus. International Support

Ministries. Marlborough. New Zealand.The Islamic 666revisited