Page 1: Once A Yea r Phenom ena WVSTA Confer ence O ctobe r 25-27 · Get ready for the best professional development program for science teachers in West Virginia. T he theme this year is


West Virginia Science Teachers Association 

LAB REPORT - September 2018 Volume 21 Number 3 

Once A Year Phenomena  WVSTA Conference October 25-27 

Get ready for the best professional development program for science teachers in West Virginia. The theme this year is “Teaching Science in Superposition” . Our conference chairs, Angela McKeen and Robin Sizemore worked to keep the conference affordable - just $130 for early bird registration (ends October 1) also includes 2 lunches and a banquet. Be sure to check out the pre-conference workshop and the tours.  

● Conference registration - ● Hotel reservations - Call 882-278-8150 for room reservations.  

Join us for the WVSTA Fall conference for the latest in science content, teaching strategies, networking opportunities, and new this year are poster presentations on current research to enhance and expand 



Page 2: Once A Yea r Phenom ena WVSTA Confer ence O ctobe r 25-27 · Get ready for the best professional development program for science teachers in West Virginia. T he theme this year is


your professional growth. Take advantage of this unique opportunity to collaborate with science education leaders and your peers. At WVSTA you will gain experience in innovative teaching strategies for elementary classrooms, middle school classrooms, and the high school classrooms. Come for the sessions, the vendors, and the speakers . . . stay for the fun and camaraderie of your peers in science. 

It’s Your Time and Your Turn 

Share your knowledge and experiences with your colleagues from around the state at the WVSTA conference. Tell your colleagues what works in your classroom or about new experiences and opportunities, show what you learned in a summer professional development, demonstrate a new technology. There are many opportunities to present formally and informally, including research posters, sharathons, lectures, and hands-on sessions. This is a great way to build support from your administrators to attend the conference and build your professional portfolio.  

The strength of the conference depends on a variety of interested and interesting presenters. WVSTA has a long history of accepting proposals, but you have to (1) register for the conference (2) submit your proposal. Here’s the link. - 

Congratulations to Margaret Howells PAEMST Awardee - 2016 Elementary Science 

Margaret Howells has been an educator for 30 years, teaching multiple subjects at the elementary and middle school levels. She is in her 10th year at Wheeling Country Day School, where she teaches all subjects for third grade and serves as the school’s Dean of Students.  Margaret strives to infuse the multi-subject curriculum with scientific thought, inquiry, and a sense of curiosity. She is passionate beyond the constructs of the classroom and school calendar. During the summer, two weeks are spent at a nearby stream teaching “Creek Week.” She leads students in second through sixth grades in investigations involving stream health, water quality, geology, and biodiversity. 


Please share this newsletter with your colleagues. Send us your news and information. Follow WVSTA on Facebook and Twitter.   Newsletter editors: Josh Revels ( [email protected] and Carolyn Thomas ( [email protected]


Page 3: Once A Yea r Phenom ena WVSTA Confer ence O ctobe r 25-27 · Get ready for the best professional development program for science teachers in West Virginia. T he theme this year is


 “Receiving the Presidential Award is an incredible honor and recognition of striving to be a more effective teacher. This award also recognizes my supportive family, the many students and colleagues who have taught me so much, and a school committed to progress and excellence. It attests to the benefits of professional development in a teacher’s career and is a platform for thanking those who initiated quality professional development in science so that teachers like myself could gain expertise.” Margaret Howells  

The Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST) are the highest honors bestowed by the United States government specifically for K-12 mathematics and science (including computer science) teaching. The award recognizes those teachers who develop and implement a high-quality instructional program that is informed by content knowledge and enhances student learning. Awardees serve as models for their colleagues, inspiration to their communities, and leaders in the improvement of STEM (including computer science) education. The National Science Foundation administers PAEMST on behalf of The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy. 

Rachel Eades-Gill awarded WV OBTA    



The West Virginia Outstanding Biology Teacher Award for 2018 is awarded to Rachel Eades-Gill of Midland Trail High School. Eades-Gill began her role as a science educator at Meadow Bridge High School in 2005 and came to Midland Trail High School in 2011. Throughout her career she has been an exemplary science educator, earning the praise of principals, parents, fellow teachers and students. 

She received her bachelor’s degree from West Virginia Institute of Technology and her master’s degree from Marshall University Graduate College. In her tenure as a teacher, Eades-Gill has taught many science courses in addition to biology. In addition to her teaching responsibilities, she is active in the 

professional teaching community, having participated in her school’s staff development council and curriculum team. She is the Science Bowl team coach and assists with the dropout prevention program. 

A major portion of the nominee's career must have been devoted to the teaching of biology/life science, and candidates are judged on their teaching ability and experience, cooperativeness in the school and community, and student-teacher relationships. OBTA recipients are special guests of Carolina Biology Supply Company at the Honors Luncheon held at the NABT Professional Development Conference, receive gift certificates from Carolina Biological Supply Company, resources from other sponsors, award certificates, and complimentary one-year membership from NABT.  


Please share this newsletter with your colleagues. Send us your news and information. Follow WVSTA on Facebook and Twitter.   Newsletter editors: Josh Revels ( [email protected] and Carolyn Thomas ( [email protected]


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Conference Scholarships 

Pat Obenauf Scholarship honors the first president and executive director of the West Virginia Science Teachers Association. Teachers and pre-service teachers are encouraged to apply for the Dr. Pat Obenauf Scholarship. Dr. Obenauf was a leading supporter of science education for a long time. WVSTA would not be here without her guidance over decades. To share her love for science education with others, this scholarship will pay the registration for one teacher and one pre-service teacher. To apply for this scholarship, answer the following:  

● why you want to attend the conference 

● how you think it will help in your classroom 

● how you will share your knowledge gained at the conference with others. 

Apply via email to Linda Fonner ([email protected])- due September 25. 

NASA West Virginia Space Grant Consortium Scholarships. This is the 4th year we have been awarded a grant by the NASA West Virginia Space Grant Consortium to bring specialized professional development ot K-12 teachers.   

More than 15 teachers are recipients of the scholarship which covers registration and lodging. These teacherswill attend forensics sessions, keep a conference journal, and provide session feedback. For more information about the program contact Mark Flood, PhD at [email protected]

“This research was made possible by NASA West Virginia Space Grant Consortium, Training Grant # NNX15AI01H.” 


Looking Ahead 

● 2019 WVSTA Conference Committee: Do you live or work near Charleston, site of the 2019 WVSTA conference? Robin Sizemore is the conference chair and is looking for volunteers to serve on the conference planning committee. Please contact Robin at [email protected] 

● WVSTA Elections are Coming Watch for news about candidates for the WVSTA executive board and your ballot.  



Please share this newsletter with your colleagues. Send us your news and information. Follow WVSTA on Facebook and Twitter.   Newsletter editors: Josh Revels ( [email protected] and Carolyn Thomas ( [email protected]


Page 5: Once A Yea r Phenom ena WVSTA Confer ence O ctobe r 25-27 · Get ready for the best professional development program for science teachers in West Virginia. T he theme this year is




Please share this newsletter with your colleagues. Send us your news and information. Follow WVSTA on Facebook and Twitter.   Newsletter editors: Josh Revels ( [email protected] and Carolyn Thomas ( [email protected]


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The Wonder of Science Paul Anderson, science teacher and founder of Bozeman Science has many

NGSS resources available for free, including videos, posters, planning cards,

and graphic organizers to help you and your students. 


WVU Planetarium  The WVU Planetarium invites you and your students, clubs, and scouts to schedule a FREE field trip! They offer a variety of lessons and films that are great for all ages: Visit or contact [email protected] to schedule a fun space-themed adventure! 

AAAS Project 2061 Science Assessment Website 

The assessment items on this website are the result of more than a decade of research and development by Project 2061, a long-term science education reform initiative of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Here you will find free access to more than 600 items. The items: 

● Are appropriate for middle and early high school students. ● Test student understanding in the earth, life, physical sciences,

and the nature of science. ● Test for common misconceptions as well as correct ideas. 



Please share this newsletter with your colleagues. Send us your news and information. Follow WVSTA on Facebook and Twitter.   Newsletter editors: Josh Revels ( [email protected] and Carolyn Thomas ( [email protected]

