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    Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc.000, 1–?? (2013) Printed 3 May 2018 (MN LATEX style file v2.2)

    On the development of the Papaloizou-Pringle instability of theblack hole-torus systems and quasi-periodic oscillations

    O. Dönmez1⋆1Nigde University, Department of Physics, Nigde Turkey, 51200

    Received 2013

    ABSTRACTWe present the numerical study of dynamical instability of apressure-supported relativistictorus, rotating around the black hole with a constant specific angular momentum on a fixedspace-time background, in case of perturbation by a matter coming from the outer boundary.Two dimensional hydrodynamical equations are solved at equatorial plane using the HRSCSto study the effect of perturbation on the stable systems. Wehave found that the perturbedtorus creates an instability which causes the gas falling into the black hole in a certaindynamical time. All the models indicate an oscillating torus with certain frequency aroundtheir instant equilibrium. The dynamic of the accreted torus varies with the size of initialstable torus, black hole spin and other variables, such as Mach number, sound speed, cusplocation of the torus, etc. The mass accretion rate is slightly proportional to the torus-to-holemass ratio in the black hole-torus system, but it strongly depends on the cusp location ofthe torus. The cusp located in the equipotential surfaces ofthe effective potential movesoutwards into the torus. The dynamical change of the torus increases the mass accretionrate and triggers the Papaloizou-Pringle instability. It is also observed that the growth ofthem = 1 mode of the Papaloizou-Pringle instability occurs for a wide range of fluid andhydrodynamical parameters and a black hole spin. We have also computed the QPOs fromthe oscillating relativistic torus.

    Key words: general relativistic hydrodynamics: numerical relativity: black hole: torus:Papaloizou-Pringle instability: quasi-periodic oscillation


    The coalescing of compact binaries and their interactions withaccretion discs are important issues in astrophysics. The re-cent review about the black hole accretion disc theory givenbyAbramowicz & Fragile (2013) explains how the interaction ofac-cretion disc with a black hole reveals predictions of emission, sig-nature of strong gravity, black hole mass, and spin. The mergingof BH-BH, BH-NS or NS-NS, or accreting a hot matter rotatingaround compact objects may cause a torus to be formed whichmight be responsible for oscillation and emission of BH-torus sys-tems. The hot torus around the black hole is thought to be a mecha-nism gather the particles and form a jet. The internal shocksinsidethe jets can create high energy particles and lead to the emission ofgamma-ray photons(Meszaros 2006). It is important to understandthe dynamics, formation, and stability properties of a torus to showhow the gamma rays are formed.

    The rapid destruction of an accretion disc due to high accre-tion rate, which is larger than the Eddington rate, was first sug-gested by Abramowicz (1983). They pointed out that the

    ⋆ E-mail: [email protected] (OD)

    cusp located in the equipotential surfaces of the effectivepoten-tial moves outwards into the torus. This physical change in theblack hole-torus system can increase the mass accretion rate andmass of the black hole, and it causes a runaway instability. Therunaway instability was firstly discovered by (Abramowicz using a pseudo-Newtonian potential and studied in relativityby Font & Daigne (2002). The comprehensive study of relativisticthick disk which has a non-constant angular momentum aroundtheblack holes has been done by Daigne & Font (2004). They foundthat the disk is dramatically stabilized in case of very small valuesof angular momentum slopes. The non-constant angular momen-tum disk displays more unstable behavior and it causes to growthe mode of the runaway instability more fast. The instability ofaccreting torus orbiting around the non-rotating black hole wasstudied by Montero (2010), and their numerical simulationsshowed that axisymmetric oscillation of torus was exhibited with-out the appearance of the runaway instability. It is also indicatedthat the self gravity of the torus does not play an important role forthe occurring of the instability in a few dynamical time steps. Re-cently, Korobkin (2013), for the first time, demonstrated therunaway instability for a constant distribution of the specific angu-lar momentum by using the fully self-consistent general relativistic

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    hydrodynamical evolution. They have confirmed that the runawayinstability occurred in a few dynamical times.

    The Papaloizou-Pringle instability represents the instabil-ity of the torus around the compact objects. The origin of thePapaloizou-Pringle instability is mostly related with theinterac-tion between the propagation of waves across the co-rotation radius(Papaloizou & Pringle 1984). The waves inside the co-rotation ra-dius carry negative energy while the waves outside of this radiuscarry positive energy. When the waves inside the co-rotation ra-dius lose energy to the waves outside the co-rotation radius, theinstability occurs (Blaes & Glatzel 1986). The Papaloizou-Pringleinstability on the torus was studied by a number of authors inlit-erature. The number of physical parameters play a dominant roleemerging from the hydrodynamical instabilities occurred as a re-sult of interaction between perturbation and the black hole-torussystem. Three-dimensional space parameter of the torus size, thetorus angular momentum and angular momentum of the black holewas studied by De Villiers & Hawley (2002). The growth of thePapaloizou-Pringle instability was observed for a range ofinitialconfiguration of the black hole-torus system. The effect of mag-netic field on the Papaloizou-Pringle instability in the torus wasrevealed by Fu & Lai (2011) using the various magnetic struc-tures and strengths. They have found that the toroidal magneticfields affect the Papaloizou-Pringle instability. The self-gravity ofthe relativistic torus orbiting around the black hole may bethoughtas a central engine of GRBs. So it is important to understandits dynamic, formation and stability properties. The instabilitiesof the self-gravitating torus were studied by Kiuchi;Korobkin (2013) using the general relativistic hydrodynamicscode and they showed that the Papaloizou-Pringle instability growsfor a self-gravitating relativistic torus around the blackhole.

    The interacting matter with a black hole or falling matter intoa black hole is a source of gravitation radiation. Perturbation of thetorus by matter modifies the fluid around the black hole and shockmay be formed. The rotating shock can cause a matter to have anon-linear behavior and its energy heats the gas. So the electromag-netic flares would be produced and these flayers continue to occurfor a long time (Schnittman & Krolik 2008). Interacting particleswith shock waves in the equatorial plane produce a continuesemis-sion ranging from Ultra-Viole to X-rays if they freely driveawayfrom the black hole-torus system (Rees & Meszaros 1994).

    It is known that the central region of the black hole-disc sys-tem, which produces the Gamma Ray Burst (GRB), is not signifi-cantly bigger than the size of the black hole. So the torus is apos-sible physical mechanism to produce GRB and gravitational waveswhich are used to identify the nature of the inner region thatmaybe observed from GRB system (Kiuchi 2011). The small per-turbations on the torus create a hydrodynamical instability whichis responsible for gravitational waves. Its contribution to the grav-itational wave background was estimated by Coward (2002).The gravitational wave radiation from the center of GRB, whichconsists of a black hole and torus, was studied by Lee (2004).Itwas found that the gravitational wave is a natural phenomenon inthe wobbling system.

    Oscillation properties of the black hole-torus system havebeen studied for numbers of astrophysical systems. Investigatingthe oscillating system can allow us to expose disco-seismicclasseswhich are dominant in relativistic geometrically thin disc. Somenumerical studies revealed the oscillatory modes of the perturbedtorus (Zanotti 2003; Rezzolla 2003; Montero Oscillation properties of the pressure-supported torus werealso examined by Schnittman & Rezzolla (2006). They had found

    a strong correlation between intrinsic frequency of the torus, whichis also called the relative frequency and the frequency of oscilla-tion computed from data that is dumped from the mean wind, andextrinsic frequency, which is a frequency recorded by an observermoving with the flow, shown in observed light curve power spec-trum. The analysis of Quasi-Periodic Oscillations (QPOs) was mo-tivated by observed data coming from the galactic center, low-massX− ray binaries (van der Klis 2004) and high frequency phenom-ena, testing the strong gravity (Bursa 2004) in the innermostregion of accretion disc around the black hole.

    The Observations with X-ray telescopes have uncovered theexisting of QPOs of matter around the black holes (; Strohmayer 2001). The QPOs can be used to test thestrong gravity and the properties of the black hole since theyare originated close to the black hole (Dönmez 2011;Abramowicz & Fragile 2013). In order to understand these phys-ical properties, the perturbed pressure-supported torus is examinedin a close-binary system. In this paper, our main goal is to studythe instability of a stable torus on the equatorial plane based onperturbation, which is coming from the outer boundary of com-putational domain. In order to do that we solve hydrodynamicalequations on a curved fixed space-time for the non-rotating and ro-tating black holes at the equatorial plane. Thus, we investigate theeffects of perturbation and thermodynamical parameters onto thetori’s instability. It is astrophysically possible that a stable blackhole-torus system might be perturbed by a blob of gas like observedin SgrA∗. We have perturbed the torus in a different way fromthe those used in Montero (2007); Schnittman & Rezzolla(2006); Zanotti & Rezzolla (2003) in which it was performed byapplying a perturbation to the radial velocity of the torus andZanotti (2005) in which three different types of perturbations,such as the perturbation of the radial velocity, a small variation ofthe density of the torus and a linear perturbation of the density andradial velocity, were used.

    In this work, we study the effect of perturbation onto the torus-black hole system by solving the hydrodynamical equations on afixed background space-time. The paper is organized as follows:in section 2, we briefly explain the formulation, numerical setup,boundary and initial condition and introduce the initial setup ofthe relativistic torus. The numerical results are described in 3. Theoutcomes of interaction of the torus-black hole system withmat-ter as a result of perturbation coming from the outer boundary andQPOs due to oscillation of the torus are presented Finally, Section 4concludes our findings. Throughout the paper, we use geometrizedunit,G = c = 1 and space-time signature(−,+,+,+).


    2.1 Equations

    We consider a non-self gravitating a torus with an equation of stateof a perfect fluid in a hydrostatics equilibrium around the non-rotating and rotating black holes. In order to model the instabilityof the torus due to perturbation, we have solved the hydrodynam-ical equations on a curved fixed space-time using the equation ofstate of a perfect fluid. The hydrodynamical equations are

    ▽µ Tµν = 0, ▽µJ

    µ = 0, (1)

    whereT µν = ρhuµuν + Pgµν is a stress-energy tensor for a per-fect fluid andJµ = ρuµ is a current density. To preserve and use

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    the conservative properties of hydrodynamical equations,Eq.1 iswritten in a conservative form using the3 + 1 formalism, and wehave (Font 2000)






    ∂φ= S , (2)

    whereU is a conserved variable and,Fr andFφ are fluxes in radialand angular direction at equatorial plane, respectively. These quan-tities depend on fluid and thermodynamical variables which arewritten explicitly in detail in Dönmez (2004); Font represents the source term which depends on space-time met-ric gµν , Christoffel symbolΓαµν , lapse functionα, determinant ofthree metricγij and stress-energy tensorT µν . The conserved vari-ables and fluxes also depend on the velocity of fluid and Lorenzfactor. The covariant components of three-velocityvi can be de-fined in terms of four-velocityuµ asvi = ui/(αut) and LorenzfactorW = αu0 = (1−γijvivj)−1/2. The explicit representationof hydrodynamical equations on a curved fixed background space-time and their numerical solutions at equatorial plane are given inDönmez (2004); Yildiran & Dönmez (2010).

    2.2 Numerical Setups and Boundary Conditions

    We have solved the hydrodynamics (GRH) equations at the equa-torial plane to model the perturbed torus around the black hole.The code used in this paper, which carries out the numerical sim-ulation, was explained in detail by Dönmez (2004); Dö; Yildiran & Dönmez (2010), which gives the solutions ofthe GRH equations using Marquina method with MUSCL left andright states. Marquina method with MUSCL scheme guaranteeshigher order accuracy and gives better solution at discontinuitiesmostly seen close to the black hole. The pressure of the gas iscomputed by using the standardΓ law equation of state for a per-fect fluid which defines how the pressure changes with the rest-mass density and internal energy of the gas,P = (Γ − 1)ρǫ withΓ = 4/3. After setting up the stable torus with a constant specificangular momentum inside the region,rin < r < rmax, we have toalso define the vacuum, the region outside of therin < r < rmaxat where all the variables set to some negligible values. We haveused the low density atmosphere,ρatm = 10−8ρc, outside of thetorus in the computational domain. The other variables of atmo-sphere arepatm = 10−8pc, V r = 0.0 andV φ = 0.0. The nu-merical evolution of torus showed that the dynamic of steady-statetorus was unaffected by the presence of the given atmosphere. TheKerr metric in Boyer-Lindquist coordinates is used to set uptheblack hole at the center of computational domain using an uni-formly spaced grid inr andφ directions. Ther goes from2.8Mto 200M for non-rotating, and1.7M to 200M for rotating blackholes whileφ varies between0 and2π. Typically, we useNr XNφ = 3072 X 256 zones in radial and angular directions at theequatorial plane.

    The boundaries must have been correctly resolved to avoidunwanted oscillations. So we set up an outflow boundary conditionat physical boundaries of computation domain in radial direction.All the variables are filled with values using zeroth-order extrapo-lation. While the velocity of matter,vr, must be less than zero atclose to the black hole, it should be bigger than zero at the outerboundary of computation domain. The positive radial velocity atthe outer boundary lets the gas to fall out from computational do-main. So the unwanted oscillations which may arise at the outer

    boundary can not propagate into the computational domain. Theperiodic boundary condition is used in angular direction.

    2.3 Initial Torus Dynamics

    The analytic representation of the non-self-gravitating relativis-tic torus for a test fluid was first examined by Abramowicz They found a sharp cusp for marginally stable accretingdisc which was located at an equatorial plane. Later, the torus withan equation of state of a perfect fluid was discussed in detailinZanotti & Rezzolla (2003); Zanotti (2003, 2005); Nagar, numerically. The matter of torus is rotating at a circularorbit with non-geodesic flow betweenrin andrmax, and the poly-tropic equation of state,P = KρΓ, is used to build an initial torusin hydrodynamical equilibrium with the values of variablesgivenin Table 1. Using theΓ = 4/3 , it mimics a degenerate relativisticelectron gas. The significant internal pressure in the toruscan bal-ance the centrifugal and gravitational forces to maintain the systemin hydrodynamical equilibrium.

    Some of the astrophysical systems, which have a torus typestructure, may be formed as a consequence of the merger of twoblack holes, two neutron stars, their mixed combination or formin the core collapse of the massive stars. These phenomena suggestthat the torus might be in non-equilibrium state after it is formed. Inorder to understand the physical phenomena of a non-stable blackhole torus system and perturbation of the torus by a matter whichis coming from the outer boundary of computational domain, webuild the initial conditions for a non-self gravitating perfect-fluidtorus orbiting around a black hole using the formulations given byZanotti & Rezzolla (2003); Zanotti (2003) that assumes to bea non-geodesic motion of the flow . We have considered differentinitial conditions and perturbations given in Table 1.

    2.4 Astrophysical Motivation

    The numerical simulations of the astrophysical systems aregettingmore popular to understand the dynamics of the systems and toexplain the physical phenomena in the results obtained fromtheobservational data. One of the interesting problems in astrophysicsis the torus around the black hole. The interaction of torus with ablack hole may create instability as a consequence of perturbation.It is believed that the central engine for GRBs is the black hole-torus system. Microquasars also consist of the black holes whichare surrounded by the tori (Levinson & Blandford 1996). The per-turbation is one of the mechanism of the evolution triggering theinstability in the black hole-torus system to consider the obser-vational and physical results of the torus and the black hole. Up-coming and lunched ground- and space-base detectors will detecthigh energetic astrophysical phenomena that may be the productof interaction of the black hole-torus system. The possibleappli-cations of our results can be used in the phenomena which are of-fered by a source in microquasars and GRBs. The perturbationsof these systems could be consequence of a matter coming fromthe outer boundary like reported forSgr A∗. The component ofthe gas cloud, falling toward toSgr A∗, has been reported byBurkert (2012). It is seen from this report that the gas cloudis captured and will accreate onSgr A∗ and perturb the possibleaccretion disk, which could be a shock cone (Dönmez 2011)or torus (Moscibrodzka 2006), around the black hole in ourgalactic center. Such a perturbation may explain the properties ofthe flare emission observed in the innermost part of accretion disk

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    Table 1. Initial models of the perturbed torus around the black hole at the equatorial plane. From left to right:P shows the model name,a is the spinparameter of the black hole,Mt/MBH is the torus-to-hole mass ratio,K(geo) is the polytropic constant in geometrized unit,ℓ0 is the constant specificangular momentum,rin androut are the inner and the outer edges of the torus,rcusp(M) is the cusp location,ρc(geo) is the density at the center of thetorus,rc(M) represents the location at where density is maximum,torb(M) is the orbital period atr = rc, Cs andM are the speed of sound and the Machnumber of perturbation, respectively. The total time of thesimulations varies depending on models.

    Param. of Perturb.

    Model aM


    K(geo) ρc(geo) ℓ0 rin rout rcusp(M) rc(M) torb(M) Cs(c) M

    P1 0.0 0.1 4.969 x 10−2 7.329 x 10−5 5.44 15.0 72.99 2.91 25 785.3 0.001 2P2 0.0 0.1 4.969 x 10−2 7.329 x 10−5 5.44 15.0 72.99 2.91 25 785.3 0.001 2P3 0.0 0.1 4.969 x 10−2 1.140 x 10−4 3.80 4.57 15.889 4.57 8.35 151.6 0.001 2P4 0.0 0.1 4.969 x 10−2 1.140 x 10−4 3.80 4.57 15.889 4.57 8.35 151.6 0.01 2P5 0.0 0.01 3.184 x 10−2 2.863 x 10−6 3.95 5.49 29.08 4.107 9.97 197.7 0.001 2P6 0.0 1 2.294 x 10−2 1.153 x 10−3 3.80 4.57 15.889 4.57 8.35 151.6 0.001 2P7 0.0 0.1 3.601 x 10−2 1.628 x 10−4 3.784 4.64 14.367 4.64 8.16 146.4 0.001 2P8 0.0 1 2.294 x 10−2 1.153 x 10−3 3.80 4.57 15.889 4.57 8.35 151.6 0.001 200P9 0.0 0.1 3.601 x 10−2 1.628 x 10−4 3.784 4.64 14.367 4.64 8.16 146.4 0.001 0.1

    P10 0.9 0.1 4.969 x 10−2 1.140 x 10−4 2.60 1.78 19.25 1.78 3.40 39.4 −− −−P11 0.9 0.1 4.969 x 10−2 1.140 x 10−4 2.60 1.78 19.25 1.78 3.40 39.4 0.001 2P12 0.9 0.05 4.969 x 10−2 1.999 x 10−5 3.303 − 21.23 1.41 7.40 126.5 0.001 2

    in the center of our galaxy. In addition, the perturbation which hasa localized density and is similar to those of a dense stellarwindmay help us to understand the internal structure of super-giant fastX-ray transient outbursts.


    The numerical results given in this paper are classified dependingon the torus-to-black hole mass ratio and black hole spin as wellas the size of the pressure-supported stable torus around the blackhole. The perturbation will cause to the oscillation and dynamicalchange of the torus during the evolution.

    We adopt the perturbation from the outer boundary at3.1 <φ < 3.18 betweent = 0M and t = 80M for all models ex-cept modelP2, which has a continues injection during the evo-lution, with different parameters given in Table 1 and the rest-mass density of perturbation isρp = 0.9ρc for all models. Theperturbation-to-torus mass ratio isMp/Mt ∼ 0.00001. The matteris injected toward the torus-black hole system with radial veloci-ties,V r = 0.002, V r = 0.02, V r = 0.2, andV r = 0.0001 andwith an angular velocity,V φ = 0.00001 for all V r, acceleratedradially and reached the torus aroundt = 3000M . The ratio ofangular velocity of the perturbed matter to Keplerian angular ve-locity is V φ/ΩK = 1/35 at the outer boundary,r = 200M . Weuse such a small angular velocity for perturbation due to thetechni-cal difficulties. If the perturbing stream carries significant angularmomentum, the code crashes due to low values of atmosphere’sparameters. The perturbation which is rotating with a high angularvelocity and has a very strong shock could crush the code. Whilethe period of matter at the center of torus is aroundTc = 151Mfor modelsP3, P4, P6 andP8, it is Tc = 785M for modelsP1 andP2. The perturbation starts to influence the torus after∼ 16 orbitalperiod of the torus which has highest density aroundr ≈ 9M formodelsP3, P4, P6 andP8. But it is∼ 4 orbital period for modelsP1 andP2 given in in Table 1. These orbital periods are measuredat the location where the rest-mass density is maximum in theun-perturbed torus.

    3.1 Perturbed Torus Around the Non-Rotating Black Hole

    To analyze the dynamics of the torus and its instability after theperturbation, we plot the density of the torus for the inner regionat different snapshots for modelP1 seen in Fig.1. The torus, ini-tially stable, is perturbed by matter coming from the outer bound-ary. In the color scheme while the red is representing the highestdensity, the blue shows the lowest value of the density of torus. Att ∼ 3000M , perturbation hits the pressure-supported stable torusand then the spiral structure with a quasi-steady state caseis de-veloped as time progresses. Once the perturbed torus reaches thequasi-steady state, the non-axisymmetric dynamical features are in-troduced in the accreted torus. This quasi-steady state structure ro-tates around the black hole and produces quasi-periodic oscillation.The rotating gas represents wave-like behavior and it travels inwardor outward. From Fig.1, we conclude that the torus stays in steadystate and the inner radius is located aroundr = 15M before it in-teracts with perturbation. After the perturbation, the inner radius ofthe torus gets closer to the black hole and, at the same time, thecusp located in the equipotential surfaces of the effectivepotentialmoves outwards into the torus. As a result, the inner radius and cusplocation of the newly developed quasi-steady-state torus equal toeach other and oscillate among the points,rcusp = rin = 4.71M ,3.48M , 6.2M , 3.63M and4M which can be seen in the zoomedpart of Fig.2, during the evolution. The specific angular momen-tum corresponding to these cusp locations areℓ = 3.77M , 4.36M ,3.67M , 4.23M and4M , respectively. The location of the cusp ofthe perturbed torus moves out from the black hole and hence, theaccreted torus reaches to a new quasi-equilibrium state. Inadditionto evidence supplied by Fig. 1 and the right panel of Fig.2, Fig.5also shows that the angular momentum distribution of the torus in-creases outwards fromr ∼ 5.25M , which represents the locationof the cusp at a fixed time, to the larger radii. After all, the distri-bution of density is non-axisymmetric. It is also seen in thecolorplots that the perturbed torus has an oscillatory behavior,and theoscillation amplitude stays almost constant during the compressionand expansion of the torus.

    The rotating torus has centrifugal forces which pull out gasoutwardly around the black and causes less the gas accreted than

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  • Instability of the torus and QPOs 5

    0 50 100 150 200r/M








    0 50 100 150 200r/M









    Figure 2. Time evolution of the rest-mass density along the r for modelP3(left panel) and modelP1 (right panel). The portion of the density aroundthe cusp location is also given for modelP1.

    the Bondi rate during the perturbation. The angular velocity of thetorus is larger than Keplerian one, and it exponentially decays forthe larger r. The distribution of angular momentum is maintainedby the disc pressure. The angular momentum of the torus closetothe horizon may be transferred to the black hole after the torus isperturbed. This transformation can be used to explain the spin upof the black hole.

    In order to reveal the effect of the size of torus and inner ra-dius onto the instability and dynamics of the torus, we considerthe perturbations of the tori for the same mass, but with differentsizes. The time evolution of the central rest-mass density of torus,each of them plotted alongr at φ = 0, are shown for modelsP1andP3 in Fig.2 . For these models, we have applied a perturbation,which isρp = 0.9ρc, from the outer boundary betweent = 0Mandt = 80M to evolute the influence of perturbation to the over-all dynamics of torus. The perturbation destroys the torus,triggersthe Papaloizou-Pringle instability and can cause the location whichhas the maximum density to approach the horizon. Such perturba-tion induces the matter to fall into the black hole or out fromcom-putational domain. While the maximum rest-mass density of torusslightly oscillates for modelP1, seen in the right panel of Fig.2, therest-mass density for modelP3 significantly decreases, seen in theleft panel of the same graph, during the time evolution.

    Accretion rate shows time variation in a great amplitudesimilar to one happening in low or hard X-ray time variation.Computing the accreting and the mass accretion rate are impor-tant indicators to understand the disc behavior and its instabil-ity around the black holes. The non-axisymmetric perturbationonto the steady-state torus, which has a constant specific angularmomentum, around the black hole can describe the Papaloizou-Pringle instability. Instability of the accreted torus canbe sub-ject to perturbation coming from the outer boundary in a numberof circumstances which may cause unstable mass accretion rates(Papaloizou & Pringle 1984, 1985). We have confirmed that theaccretion rate is governed by some physical parameters: thetorus-to-hole mass ratio, the location of cusp, initial specific angular mo-mentum of the torus, Mach number of the perturbed matter andthe angular momentum of the black hole. The mass accretion ratecomputed fromP1,P3, andP4 are depicted in the left part of Fig.3.We have noticed that the mass accretion rate for the models are thesame at early times of simulations, but later the mass accretion rate

    for models,P3 andP4, drop exponentially as a function of timeand the Papaloizou-Pringle instability is developed. Interestingly,the mass accretion rate for only modelP1 does not increase in am-plitude, and it oscillates arounddM/dt = 5 x 10−5.

    The mass accretion rate of the perturbed torus produces lu-minosity associated with the central engine of gamma ray burst.The expected maximum accretion rate from the gamma ray burstis as high asdM/dt ≈ 0.01 − 1M⊙/s (Chen & Beloborodov2007). Fig.3 indicates that the computed mass accretion rate fromour numerical simulations,dM

    dt∼ 2 x 105(M⊙

    s) dM

    dt(geo) where


    (geo) is the mass accretion rate in geometrized unit, is in or-der of or slightly higher than the expected maximum accretion rate.It is also shown in the left panel of Fig.3 that the mass accretionrate suddenly increases after perturbation reaches to the torus andshortly after the Papaloizou-Pringle instability is developed. All themodels in Fig.3 exhibit the Papaloizou-Pringle instability whichgrows exponentially with time and present a non-linear growth rate.After long time later (it is approximatelyt = 15000M for mod-elsP5 andP7), it reaches a saturation point and finally reaches anew quasi-equilibrium point. Before the saturation point,the toruslooses mass and then it relaxes to the quasi-stationary accretionstate.

    It is obvious from the right part of Fig.3 that the accretion ratesexponentially decay during the time and is always bigger when themass ratio of the torus-to-black hole is larger. Decaying a mass ac-cretion rate reaches a constant valuedM/dt ≈ 0.1M⊙/s aroundt = 14000M(t = 82torb). It is in good agreement with the ex-pected accretion rates for accreting disc with the GRBs. As it canbe seen in Fig.3, the amplitude of mass accretion rate and itsbehav-ior manifest a dependence on the mass ratio of the torus-to-blackhole. While the mass accretion rates for all models decay with timedue to the strong gravity which overcomes angular momentum ofthe torus, it oscillates around a certain rate for modelP1, shown inFig.3. The oscillation behaviors of all models are seen during thetime evolution. When the accreted torus gets close to the black holeand cusp moves outwards into the torus, modelP1 reaches persis-tent phase of quasi-periodic oscillation without the appearance ofthe Papaloizou-Pringle instability.

    The continuous perturbation of the black hole-torus systemcan lead not only instability of the torus but also oscillates of itsdynamics around the certain points, seen in Fig.4. The left panel inFig.4 exhibits the time variation of mass accretion rate formodelP4 computed forr = 8M which is true for the perturbed matterinjecting from the outer boundary continuously. The density of thetorus at a fixed timet = 17200M andφ = 0 alongr is shownin the right panel. It is seen in this plot that the perturbation startsto interact with a torus aroundt ∼ 3000M , and then nonlinearoscillation is developed. It is noted that the continuous perturbationcan create different types of dynamical structures, accretion ratesand shock wave on the disk.

    Accretion into the black hole or out from the computationaldomain is driven by a transport of angular momentum via spiralshock waves created on the torus. The higher specific angularmo-mentum of the torus outwards can allow the torus to become morestable. Fig.5 shows the specific angular momentum of the torusalong the radial coordinate for modelsP1,P5, P6, andP7. The Ke-plerian specific angular momentum is also plotted at the top of thesemodels to compare them. The specific angular momentum changesdrastically depending on the radius. It becomes apparent that the in-creasing of the specific angular momentum outwards leads to sta-bilize the torus and suppresses the Papaloizou-Pringle instability,seen in Fig.1. The Papaloizou-Pringle instability visibleimmedi-

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    Figure 1. The rest-mass density of the perturbed torus during the timeevolution for ModelP1, given in a linear color scale. The torus is perturbed by a mattercoming from the outer boundary. The matter interacts with the torus aroundt = 3034M and distorts it. The local Papaloizou-Pringle instabilityis formedaroundt = 4540M and it is suppressed during the evolution. The structure of the torus is highly turbulent and makes quasi-periodic oscillation. The domainis [Xmin, Ymin] → [Xmax, Ymax)] = [−120M,−120M)] → [120M, 120M ].

    ately after the perturbation starts to influence of the stable torus.The Papaloizou-Pringle instability performs a torque on the torusand the angular momentum of the torus is redistributed. So itam-plifies the mass accretion rate (Zurek & Benz 1986). The rotatingquasi-steady-state torus can only be seen in modelP1. Because thesubstantial amount of the specific angular momentum is kept insidethe regionr < 50M . Meanwhile, it is seen in Fig.5 that specificangular momentum is sub-Keplerian which indicates that thegaspressure creates a pressure force and it supplies a radial support tothe torus.

    The newly developed angular momentum distribution of theblack hole-torus system, after the non-axisymmetric perturbation,might have the local Rayleigh stability condition depending on theslopes and its signs. As you can see in Fig.5, the slope of the spe-

    cific angular momentum is bigger than zero (dℓ/dr > 0), which isthe limit of the Rayleigh-stable torus, in modelP1 for r < 50M ,but it is dℓ/dr < 0 and produces the Rayleigh-unstable torus for50M < r < 75M . Any increase of the specific angular momen-tum in the radial direction stabilizes the torus.

    Fig.6 represents the time evolution of the maximum rest-massdensity at the center of the torus, each of them normalized totheirinitial values, for modelsP5, P6, P7, P8, andP9. For these mod-els, we have applied the same perturbation with different densities(ρp = 0.9ρc), giving the first kick to the black hole-torus system.The matter begins to influence the torus aroundt = 3120M . Theperturbation triggers the non-stable oscillation of the torus for mod-els given in Fig.6 except the modelP8. These models exponentiallydecay and produce sharp peaks after perturbation reaches the torus.

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  • Instability of the torus and QPOs 7

    5000 10000 15000 20000 25000t/M








    t (ge





    5000 10000 15000 20000t/M







    t (ge


    P5 (M

    t /M

    BH = 0.01)

    P7 (M


    BH = 0.1)

    P6 (M



    Figure 3. Left panel: the mass accretion rates for modelsP1, P3, andP4 computed atr = 6M in geometrized unit. Three different models, the torus withdifferent rin − rc while keeping the same sound velocity or vice verse, are considered to show the effect of perturbation on the torus. Rightpanel: massaccretion rate for modelsP5, P6, andP7.

    0 5000 10000 15000 20000t/M








    0 50 100 150 200r/M









    Figure 4. The mass accretion rate (left panel) and the rest-mass density oftorus along r (right panel) are plotted for modelP2 .

    0 50 100 150 200r/M















    Figure 5. The specific angular momentum for modelsP1, P5, P6, andP7and for Keplerian are plotted as a function of radial coordinate a long timelater that the disc is perturbed and instability is developed.

    Thus, these results imply that subsonic or mildly supersonic per-turbation produces the pressure-supported oscillating torus aroundthe black hole, and amplitude of the oscillation gradually decreaseswhile the Mach number of perturbation increases. Such oscillationscan cause the matter to fall into the black hole or outward fromthe computational domain. These physical phenomena can signifi-cantly reduce the rest-mass density of the torus during the time evo-lution seen in Fig.6. Depending on the initial configurations, suchas, mass ratio of the torus-to-hole and inner radius of the last stableorbit of the torus, the reducing rate of the rest-mass density is de-fined at the end of simulation. The density of the stable initial torushaving an initial radiusrin = 5.49M given in modelP5 decreasesslower than the one with the smaller inner radius given in modelsP6, P7, P8, andP9. This result is also confirmed by modelP1. Thematter of the torus close to the black hole would fall into theblackhole due to the strong gravity after the torus is triggered byper-turbation. Therefore, the mass of the black hole and its spinwouldincrease with time significantly. We also note that the reduction ofthe rest-mass density for modelP6 is slightly slower than the modelP7. So the lower the torus-to-hole mass ratio looses the fasterthematter during the evolution. But it needs a further consideration toreveal a global conclusion.

    3.2 Perturbed Torus Around the Rotating Black Hole

    In order to put forth the effect of the rotating black hole onto theperturbed torus, we have perturbed the stable torus orbiting aroundthe rotating black hole using the initial parameters given in models,P10, P11, andP12 in Table 1. We have analyzed the time evolu-tion of the rest-mass density of the torus with/without perturbationand found that perturbed torus given in modelP12 become unsta-ble before the perturbation reaches to it but it is stable formodelP11. The period of fluid at the location of the highest density formodelP11 isTc = 39.4M . The structure of unperturbed torus on afixed space-time metric background, called a Cowling approxima-tion, never changes during the evolution shown in Fig.7. Thetoprow of Fig.7 clearly shows that the torus in the Cowling simula-tion does not develop a Papaloizou-Pringle instability where steadystate structure of torus remains almost constant during theevolu-tion (i.e. at leastt ∼ 11torb). Because the negligible mass accretionrates through the cusp freeze the growth of the Papaloizou-Pringleinstability modes in Cowling approximation (Hawley 1991).

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  • 8 O. Dönmez

    0 5000 10000 15000 20000t/M





    ρ/ρ 0






    Figure 6. The variation of the maximum density of torus in logarithmicscale as a function of time, each of them normalized to its initial valueρo ≡ ρc, for the models,P5, P6, P7, P8, andP9. The torus loses thematter during the time evolution for all cases while it is almost stable beforethe perturbed matter reaches the torus.

    0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000t/M








    Figure 8. The time evolution of the rest-mass density at a fixed point onthetorus for models,P11 andP12, for a = 0.9. The inner radii of the modelsare different, but the same perturbation is applied to the both models.

    The perturbations on the torus having different inner radiiandtotal mass produce diverse dynamics. As it can be seen in Fig.8 thatthe spiral pattern is produced around the rotating black hole, and itcauses the gas falling into the black hole during the simulations. Atthe same time, it also creates regular oscillation seen in the secondand third rows of Fig.7 and modelP11 in Fig.8. It is seen fromthe modelP12 in Fig.8 and, last two rows of Fig.7 that the torusresponds somewhat differently to the applied perturbation, and thetorus with a low mass, which is far away from the black hole, has anon-oscillatory behavior. Both of these models indicate that at theend of the simulation, the rest-mass density of the torus is reducedsubstantially. On the other hand, it is shown that the torus,whichdoes not have a cusp point, is unstable even before the perturbation,and has a non-linear dynamic during the evolution as seen in the lasttwo rows of Fig.7.

    3.3 Low-Density Perturbation

    The dynamical respond of the black hole-torus system to pertur-bations presents incredible evidences about how the high-energeticphenomena occur close to the compact objects. In order to extractthe information from these phenomena and to compare them withthe observation, we need to understand the dynamics of the torus-black hole system in detail. In the previous subsections we havediscussed the dynamical respond of this system to the high-densityperturbation (i.e.ρp = 0.9ρc). In addition to high-density per-turbation we also perform a perturbative analysis with a lowden-sity (i.e.ρp = 10−4ρc), which is more realistic in the astrophys-ical system, to black hole-torus system. The all numerical resultsfrom high-density perturbation, low-density perturbation and non-perturbation are plotted and given in Figs. 9 and 10 for modelsP3andP1, respectively.

    The initial torus given in modelP3 in Table 1 is stable and itssize isrout− rin = 11.319M . The evolution of the rest-mass den-sity of this torus without a perturbation is not exactly constant andslightly decay during the evolution due to the small amount of mat-ter accreted onto the black hole (c.f. Fig.9). The similar trend wasalso found by Zanotti (2003). On the other hand, the instabil-ity is triggered by perturbation and the interaction of the size of thetorus with a low- or high-density perturbation produces Papaloizou-Pringle instability, but the time of the formation of the instabilityfor low-density perturbation is slightly larger than the high-densityone. It is apparent from Fig.9 that the instability is fully developedand the highest rest-mass density of the torus reaches∼ 50% of itsinitial value in case of the low-density perturbation during the lessthan one orbital period (t ∼ 120M which equals to∼ 0.79 orbitalperiod) just after the interaction, but it is∼ 6% in case of the high-density perturbation. A considerable amount of matter falls onto theblack hole after the instability is developed and it oscillates dur-ing the time. And, the high-density perturbation causes thefasterloss of matter if we compare with the low density perturbation. Itis also noted that the oscillation properties of the black hole-torussystem for both cases prominently different and they exponentiallydecrease over time. But the high-density perturbation casegoesrapidly toward to zero. The development of the non-axisymmetricmodes and comparison of the different physical parameters in theinstabilities are explained in the next Subsection 3.4 in detail.

    Revealing the impacts of the size of the torus, location of theinner radius of the torus and the severity of the density of the sub-stance used as a perturbation is important to understand thephys-ical mechanism in the astrophysical phenomena. Fig.10 representshow the different values of the rest-mass densities of perturbationsaffect the bigger size of the torus with a inner radius located atrmin = 15M . The initial torus given in Fig.10 has size57.99M ,which is almost∼ 5 times larger than the modelP3 and it is per-turbed by low- and high-rest-mass density. It is observed that if thedensity of the perturbation is larger, accretion toward to the torushas a considerable amount and therefore a high amplitude quasi-periodic oscillation is developed very rapidly. On the other hand, ifthe magnitude of the rest-mass density of the perturbation is small,less mass accreates during the evolution. Hence more time will beneeded to produce the instability and the quasi-periodic oscilla-tion as shown in Fig10. In this case, oscillation grows slowly fora smaller accretion rate. In addition to these, it is also noted that thenormalized rest-mass density in the case of the non-perturbation isalmost constant.

    We conclude this subsection by comparing Figs.9 and 10 thatthe size of torus, the location of the inner radius of the torus and the

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  • Instability of the torus and QPOs 9

    Figure 7. Densityρ of the torus at the equatorial plane for different models,P10, P11, andP12 with a black hole rotation parameter,a = 0.9, given in alinear color scale. While the top row shows the unperturbed torus around the rotating black hole, the others indicate theperturbation of torus having differentsize and density. The domain is[Xmin, Ymin] → [Xmax, Ymax)] = [−100M,−100M)] → [100M, 100M ].

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  • 10 O. Dönmez

    0 5000 10000 15000 20000t/M












    densityp = 10

    -4 density


    densityp = 0.9 density


    (Model P3)

    Figure 9. The evolution of the rest-mass density of the torus at thepoint, where the rest-mass density is maximum, for modelP3 with no-perturbation and with different values of densities of the perturbation inlogarithmic scale. It is normalized to its initial value using the density at thecomputed point.

    0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000t/M









    ty c,o


    densityp = 10

    -4 density


    densityp = 0.9 density


    (Model P1)

    Figure 10. Same as Fig.9 but it is for modelP1 and linear scale is used.

    amount of the perturbation play an important role to determine thetime of the formation of the Papaloizou-Pringle instability and thequasi-periodic oscillation in the black hole-torus system.

    3.4 Fourier Mode Analysis of the Instability of the Torus

    The non-axisymmetric instabilities can be identified and charac-terized by using the linear perturbative studies of the black hole-torus system. The characterization of the instability, which is car-ried out by defining the azimuthal wave numberm and computingthe saturation point, is performed from the simulation databy com-puting Fourier power in density. The Fourier modesm = 1 andm = 2 and growth rate are obtained at the equatorial plane (i.e.θ =π/2) using the following equations given in De Villiers & Hawley(2002),

    Im(wm(r)) =

    ∫ 2π


    ρ(r, φ)sin(mφ)dφ, (3)

    0 2500 5000 7500 10000 12500 15000t/M










    e P


    m=1, densityp = 0.9 density


    m=2, densityp = 0.9density


    m=1, densityp= 10



    m=1, non-perturbed

    (Model P3)

    Figure 11. Evolution of the modes growth for perturbed and non-perturbedtorus around the black hole for an initial data given in modelP3.

    Re(wm(r)) =

    ∫ 2π


    ρ(r, φ)cos(mφ)dφ, (4)

    From the Eqs.3 and 4, the mode power is defined as

    Pm =1

    rout − rin

    ∫ rout



    [Re(wm(r))]2 + [Im(wm(r))]

    2) dr, (5)

    whererin and rout are the inner and outer radii of the initiallyformed stable torus. The values of these radii are given in Table 1for all models.

    The growth of the main Papaloizou-Pringle instability modesin case of high- and low-density perturbations, and withoutany per-turbation for modelP3 is given in Fig.11. The mode powers ofm = 1 andm = 2 are shown as a function of time. It is shown thatthe modes grow significantly for torus. As expected, non-perturbedblack hole-torus system does not present any mode growing dur-ing the evolution. After aboutt = 502M times which is equalto t = 3.3torb orbital period, the torus starts to developm = 1andm = 2 non-axisymmetric modes and these modes undergoexponential growth untilt = 757M strongly. Both modes growtogether until aboutt = 1741M . They diverge at this time andconverge again at the saturation point. The saturation point rep-resents the largest value of the mode amplitude which is reachedat tsat = 3351M (i.e. tsat = 22torb) for modesm = 1 andm = 2. It is important to note that the non-axisymmetric dynam-ics survives with an remarkable amplitude even after the satura-tion of the Papaloizou-Pringle instability. Meanwhile, the m = 2mode shows more erratic behavior betweent = 1741M andt = 3351M . Them = 1 deformation for the low-density per-turbation,ρp = 10−4ρc, is slightly different than the high-densityperturbation. The exponential growth in the high-density perturba-tion stars at later time (i.e.t = 990M ) and reaches its peak valueat t = 4542M which is called the saturation point.

    Unlike the modelP3, the amplitudes at the saturation pointsof m = 1 andm = 2 modes do not coincide for modelP1. Themaximum amplitude of them = 1 mode is always larger, but thesaturation times for both modes almost equal to each other,tsat =5681M (tsat = 7.2torb) for ρp = 0.9ρc and tsat = 13889M(tsat = 17.7torb) for ρp = 10−4ρc as shown in Fig.12. Them = 1andm = 2 modes grow rapidly regardless of the initial values

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  • Instability of the torus and QPOs 11

    0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000t/M








    e P

    ower m=1, density

    p = 0.9 density


    m=2, densityp = 0.9 density


    m=1, densityp = 10



    m = 2, densityp = 10



    m=1, non-perturbed

    (Model P1)

    Figure 12. Same as Fig.11 but for modelP1.

    of the perturbations. But the mode in the high-density perturbationstarts to grow early than the low-density one. After they reach to thesaturation point, the behaviors of the mode powers almost remainthe same during the rest of the simulation (c.f. the inset of Fig.12.)The difference between the saturation points of the high- and low-density perturbations ist = 8232M (t = 10.5torb).

    The mode power given in Figs.11 and 12 and the mass ac-cretion rate given in the left panel of the Fig.3 clearly showthatthe significant mass accretion appears when the growing modeofthe Papaloizou-Pringle instability reaches to the saturation point.It happens due to the spiral wave generated as a consequence ofinteraction between black hole-torus system and matter used as aperturbation. The spiral wave, and therefore, Papaloizou-Pringle in-stability transports the angular momentum of the torus through theco-rotation radius.

    Mode powers ofm = 1 deformations for non-rotating blackhole with a small (modelP3) and bigger (modelP1) sizes of aninitial tori, and for a rotating black hole (modelP11) are computedand given in Fig.13. As it is displayed in Fig.13, the growingtimes,maximum amplitude and developed saturation points of the m=1non-axisymmetric mode are modified by the size of the torus, theblack hole spin and the density of the perturbation. The interactionof the non-axisymmetricm = 1 deformation with a black hole spinleads to the formation of a high-amplitude in the growth rateand itreaches to the saturation point. While the maximum mode power ofthe Papaloizou-Pringle instability is weak for the bigger size of thetorus, it has vigorous one for small size of torus and torus aroundthe rotating black hole. It is hard to define the exact definition ofthe saturation time because of the weak-maximum power mode.

    3.5 QPOs from the oscillating Torus

    We have performed the simulations using different values ofℓ0,rcusp, rin andrc of the initial torus with a perturbation given inTable 1. For these initial perturbed discs, the global oscillationsare seen at various frequencies. The frequencies of oscillating torusare computed by using the proper time. The unit of the computedfrequency is in the geometrized unit and it is translated to Hertz offrequency using the following equation,

    f(Hz) = f(M)× 2.03027 × 105 ×




    , (6)

    whereM is the mass of black hole,f(M) is the frequency in

    0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000t/M










    e P





    Figure 13. The m=1 growing mode amplitude for different models,P1,P3 andP11. ModelsP1, P3 are for the different size of the torus aroundthe non-rotating black hole butP11 represents them = 1 mode for theperturbed torus around the rotating black hole.

    the geometrized unit,M⊙ is the solar mass andf(Hz) is the fre-quency inHz. Applying a perturbation to a perfectly stable torusgives rise to an epicyclic motion in radial direction due to the os-cillation mode. The radial epicyclic frequency is the frequency ofthe displaced matter oscillating in radial direction. Fig.14 consistsof a fundamental frequency at∼ 199Hz and number of over-tones, which are the results of the non-linear couplings,∼ 399Hz,∼ 600Hz , ∼ 800Hz etc. that they can determine the ratios1:2:3:.... It suggests that the non-linear oscillation of the torus dueto the perturbation is a consequence of fundamental modes ofthetorus. The power law distribution given in the right panel ofFig.14 indicates how the peaks appear as a function ofφ at fixedr = 8.12M which almost represents the point of maximum den-sity of the torus. The amplitudes for the corresponding peaks arealmost the same for allφ at the same frequencies. In both graphs,two strong narrow peaks locate at∼ 199Hz and∼ 399Hz. Fig.14 also indicates that QPO frequencies are global and just con-fined within the torus. We note from a long history of experience inour numerical models that the computed QPO frequencies do notdepend on the excision radius defined in Boyer-Lindquist coordi-nate. The QPO behavior of the oscillating torus found in our workmight be used to explain commensurability frequencies observed inthe sources,H1743322, XTE J1550564, andGRS 1915 + 105(McClintock & Remillard 2004).

    The QPO’s frequencies from our simulation for the blackhole M = 2.5M⊙ are approximately the same as found inZanotti & Rezzolla (2003); Zanotti (2003). They computedthe power spectrum of theL2 norm error of the rest-mass den-sity for differentη after the long time evolution. The fundamen-tal frequencies, which are seen around200Hz, and the series ofovertones for both cases are observed. Our study indicates thatthe perturbed torus, which is caused either by the introduction ofa suitable parametrized perturbation to the radial velocity doneby Zanotti & Rezzolla (2003); Zanotti (2003) or by a mattercoming from the outer boundary toward the torus (our simulations),produces regular oscillatory behavior. The modes observedfromboth perturbations are called the pressure(p) mode of oscillationof the torus. The small size of accretion torus orbiting around theblack hole can be used to explainp mode in high frequency quasi-periodic oscillations (Rezzolla 2003). Thep mode represents

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  • 12 O. Dönmez

    the oscillation of matter in the horizontal direction at theequato-rial plane and is trapped inside the torus. As shown in Figs.1and3, the structure of the torus changes significantly due to theangularmomentum transport of the torus. So thep mode is able to surviveduring the evolution. Due to the two-dimensional structureof thesystem, the magnetic field did not create a strong effect on the waveproperties ofp mode(Fu & Lai 2011).

    It is known from previous discussion that the torus loses mat-ter during time evolution, and it has chaotic behavior seen in modelsP3 andP4. Due to this irregular non-linear oscillation, only a fun-damental mode appears, but their overtones are absent in thepowerspectrum when the torus is initially more close to the black hole.We suggest that the variation of the torus’s matter results from thenon-spherically symmetric perturbation of the inner accreted torus.

    We have also analyzed the time evolution of mass accretionrate for the model,P11 reported in Table 1 to compute Fourierspectra of the perturbed torus around the rotating black hole. Af-ter the perturbation starts to influence the torus dynamics,mass ac-cretion rate oscillates around its quasi-equilibrium point. Due to adistinctive quasi-periodic oscillation of the unstable torus, the pe-riodic character of the spiral structure becomes more evident afterperturbation reaches to the torus a long time later. After the torusrelaxes to regular oscillation, it loses the mass, and the oscillationamplitude decreases during the evolution. The computing QPO fre-quencies from the mass accretion rate might not give definiteinfor-mation, but we may approximately predict it. The power spectra ofmass accretion rate shows a fundamental mode with a strong am-plitude at500Hz and series of overtones, as a consequence of thenon-linear couplings, located at1001Hz, 1491Hz, and1998Hzfor a = 0.9 andM = 2.5M⊙. It is worth emphasizing that a fun-damental frequency from the torus around the rotating blackholeis much larger than the non-rotating case seen in Table 2. This isan acceptable result because the torus is more closer, and gravityis more stronger in case of the rotating black hole. Table 2 alsosuggests that a linear scaling is presented for the black hole spin.

    The observed high frequency QPOs around the black holesand neutron stars were described by Kluzniak & Abramowicz(2001); Abramowicz & Kluzniak (2001); Blaes (2007);Mukhopadhyay (2009); Mukhopadhyay (2012) using a sin-gle model which has addressed the variation of QPO frequencies.Based on the proposed model, they had predicted the spin of theblack hole using the observed QPO pairs which seem to appear ata3 : 2 ratio. The lower and higher frequencies of pairs for any sys-tem areνl = ν⊥ − νs/2 andνh = νr + νs, respectively. Here,ν⊥,νr andνs are theoretical values of radial, vertical epicyclic frequen-cies (Dönmez 2007) and spin frequency of the black hole, respec-tively. Using the above model we find that the computed commen-surable frequency,600 : 399, is exposed at∼ 8.1M . The estimatedvalue of location of resonance from numerical computation,whichis∼ 9M , is in the suitable range of theoretical calculation.


    We have performed the numerical simulation of the perturbedac-creted torus around the black hole and uncovered the oscillationproperties to compute QPOs. Instead of giving a perturbation to theradial velocity or to the density of the stable torus studiedby differ-ent authors in literature, the matter is sent from the outer boundarytoward the torus-black hole system to perturb it. We have initiallyconsidered the different sizes of the stable tori and torus-to-holemass ratios to expose oscillations of the tori, and computedthe fun-

    damental modes and their overtones which results from the excita-tion of frequencies due to perturbation.

    We have confirmed that the torus around the black hole mighthave a quasi-periodic oscillation only if we choose a suitable ini-tial data for a stable accretion torus. There are a number of differ-ent physical parameters which may affect the oscillation proper-ties of the torus. It is seen from our numerical simulations that thesize of torus and its initial radius affect the frequencies of oscillat-ing torus and their overtones. The size of torus and its rest-massdensity also influence the time of onset of the instability and thepower of oscillations and, this oscillation creates radiation of hotterphotons. The similar conclusion has been also confirmed by Bursa(2005). The oscillation and mass losing rate of the perturbed torusstrongly depend on the Mach number of perturbing matter. Uponthe given appropriate parameters of perturbation, the subsonic ormildly supersonic flow produces the pressure-supported oscillatingtorus around the black hole and the amplitude of oscillationgrad-ually decreases while the Mach number of perturbation increases.For the most of the models given in Table 1, we have found thatthe rest-mass density of the torus substantially decreasesdue tothe Papaloizou-Pringle instability which is developed as aconse-quence of interaction between the propagation of waves across theco-rotation radius. The mode powers ofm = 1 andm = 2 grow asa function of time. It is depicted that the modes grow significantlyfor torus. On the other hand, a torus which has a bigger inner radiusand size, develops a new inner radius and cusp location aftera per-turbation. During this progress, a Papaloizou-Pringle instability isdeveloped. Later, the black hole-torus system reaches a newquasi-steady state and does not present a Papaloizou-Pringle instability.Thus, the inner radius, the specific angular momentum of torus, sizeof the torus, and Mach number and density of the perturbationplaya critical role in the onset of the Papaloizou-Pringle instability.

    Our studies also indicate that QPOs are common phenomenaon the disc around the black holes. If the accretion disc or torushave a quasi-periodic behavior, it emits continuous radiation dur-ing the computation. The amplitude of oscillation is excited bynonlinear physical phenomena. It has been explained in terms ofthe excitation of pressure gradients on the torus and it is called pmode. It is shown that the power law distribution of oscillating sta-ble torus includes a fundamental frequency at∼ 199Hz and theirnumber of overtones,∼ 399Hz, ∼ 600Hz, and∼ 800Hz thatthey can determine the ratios1 : 2 : 3 : 4. These frequencies areobserved at any radial and angular directions of the torus. The com-puted QPO frequencies are almost the same as the ones given byZanotti & Rezzolla (2003); Zanotti (2003) even though theyapply a perturbation to the radial velocity or to the densityof thestable torus in order to have an oscillation. The mode calledas pis also the same in both simulations. We have also confirmed thatthe fundamental QPO frequencies and their overtones for a rotatingblack hole are much higher than the non-rotating case due to stronggravity and location of the inner radius of the accreted torus. Thestrong gravity plays a dominant role in the high frequency mod-ulation of observed X-ray flux in the binary system (Bursa It is consistent with the computation from our simulationsseen in Table 2.

    Finally, we have performed the numerical simulation using2D code on the equatorial plane. Clearly, to investigate the effectsof forces in the vertical direction on the torus instabilitythat mayplay an important role on the dynamics of the whole system,3Dnumerical simulations are required. The mode coupling in the ver-tical direction is likely to affect the instability of a perturbed torus-

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  • Instability of the torus and QPOs 13

    200 400 600 800 1000f (Hz)





    er s



    of d


    ty (



    y un






    100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000f(Hz)







    er s



    of d


    ty (



    y un






    Figure 14. Power spectrum of the rest-mass density at a single point (any φ or r) for M = 2.5M⊙ for modelP1 shown in Table 1. A fundamental frequencyappears at far left of the both graphs. The others are the consequence of overtones. The computed frequencies at anyr or φ overlap.

    Table 2. The frequencies of genuine mode and its series of overtones,due to the nonlinear coupling, inside the torus from the evolution of mass accretion rate.It is computed for different black hole spins while the mass of the black hole is assumed to beM = 2.5M⊙.

    Model a/M f1[Hz] o1[Hz] o2[Hz] o3[Hz]

    P1 0.0 199 399 600 800

    P11 0.9 500 1001 1491 1998

    black hole system. Therefore, we plan to model the same perturbedsystem by using3D code in the future.


    We would like to thank the anonymous referee for constructivecomments on the original version of the manuscript. The numer-ical calculations were performed at the National Center forHighPerformance Computing of Turkey (UYBHM) under grant number10022007.


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    1 Introduction2 Equations, Numerical Setups, Boundary and Initial Conditions2.1 Equations2.2 Numerical Setups and Boundary Conditions2.3 Initial Torus Dynamics2.4 Astrophysical Motivation

    3 Numerical Results3.1 Perturbed Torus Around the Non-Rotating Black Hole3.2 Perturbed Torus Around the Rotating Black Hole3.3 Low-Density Perturbation3.4 Fourier Mode Analysis of the Instability of the Torus 3.5 QPOs from the oscillating Torus

    4 Conclusion
