Page 1: On-line model-based optimization and control of fed-batch processes using Matlab code, OPC server, SCADA, and PLC





















ew Biotechnology · Volume 29S · September 2012

easured with the microfabricated chips with a sensitivity of.01 cP. In follow-up studies, blood plasma samples taken fromatients will be tested. This system is promising for applicationsuch as diagnostics and prognostic medicine.

Acknowledgment: This work is supported by TUBITAK underrant 111E184.

Keywords: MEMs; Microcantilevers; Biosensor; Viscosity;lood plasma.


oster 5.0.12

n-line model-based optimization and control of fed-atch processes using Matlab code, OPC server, SCADA,nd PLC

uris Vanags∗, Vytautas Galvanauskas, Oskars Grigs, Konstantinsubencovs, Valerija Stepanova

Riga Technical University, Riga, Latvia

n fed-batch processes, substrate feeding profiles are usually cal-ulated before the cultivation by means of mathematical modelsr according to other a priori information. Due to random varia-ions and disturbances in real processes, it is hard to ensure goodepeatability. According to the proposed approach, the probleman be solved by correcting the control strategy by means of ann-line model-based optimization procedure each time the newata (glucose/saccharose and biomass measurements) is received.he first phase of the procedure involves re-identification of theodel parameters based on the new data, and the second one

nvolves the on-line re-optimization of the feeding profiles basedn the mathematical model identified in the first phase. Afterorrection, the optimized feeding profile should be transferred tohe process control system (PLC) and executed. Technically, theroposed approach cannot be implemented directly using onlytandard process controllers (PLC) and process visualization sys-ems (SCADA) due to the limited mathematical tools available inhese systems. Hence, a program code for Matlab software waseveloped, which establishes connection with SCADA over thePC server. The code also involves mathematical model of therocess and optimization routine. The algorithm compares theeasured process data with the prediction of the model, and,

n case of significant deviations, the optimization routine is per-ormed, and a new feeding profile is calculated. In such a way,fed-batch cultivation process is always carried out according to

he on-line re-optimized control strategy. The proposed approachmproves the repeatability of the fed-batch process.







oster 5.0.13

ass spectrometry facility in METU-Central Laboratory,olecular Biology – Biotechnology R&D Center

amay Seker1,∗, Dilek Kincal1, Tugba Dogan1, Meral Yücel1,2

Middle East Technical University, Molecular Biology-Biotechnology&D Center, 06800 Ankara, TurkeyMiddle East Technical University, Department of Biology, 06800nkara, Turkey

iddle East Technical University Central Laboratory is a scientificesearch, training and education center, featuring state-of-the-artquipments for material characterization and molecular biologynd biotechnology. Molecular Biology-Biotechnology R&D Cen-er is a part of METU Central Laboratory and aims to be aeference laboratory/crossing point for the advanced projects inurkey promoting the industry-university-government interac-ions. Mass Specrometry Unit in METU MBB Center was newlystablished and equipped with AGILENT 6460 QQQ LCMSMS,GILENT 7100 Capillar Electophorase and AGILENT NanoLC-hipMS. LCMSMS system has multimode ESI/APCI ionisation

ystem and access for APPI, Nanosprey, MALDI and Chip. Thenit has a pesticide database for scanning 284 different com-ounds, a forensic and toxicology database for 187 compounds

n 20 different main groups and METLIN database which isersonal Compound Database and Library. It includes masses,hemical formulas, and structures for over 25,000 endogenousnd exogenous metabolites, lipids, and di- and tri-peptides. Cap-llar electrophorese can be coupled to mass spectrometry andsed in different applications ranging from sugar analyses tohe double-single DNA strand analyses and peptide profiling. InanoLC-Chip MS system, the all autosampler, pre-column and

nalyses column and pump systems are fixed in a small sizeolymer chip decreasing 50% fitting connections. Nano levelnalyses and sample volume decresing to 0.01 �L helps for thenalyses of the metabolites and drugs in original physiologicalevel. Biomarker analyses, lipidomics, protein phosphorylationnalyses and proteomics are the main application areas foranoLC-ChipMS.

Keywords: LCMSMS; CE; CE/MS; NanoLC-ChipMS


oster 5.0.14

ptimization of production conditions for Trichodermap. P7 as a biocontrol agent in liquid culture

. Maral, S. Sargın, R. Eltem∗, F.Vardar Sukan

Ege University Faculty of Engineering, Department of Bioengineering,5100 Bornova, Izmir, Turkey

richoderma spp. have been widely used as antagonistic fungalgents against several pests as well as plant growth enhancers.ycoparasitism, spatial and nutrient competition, antibiosis by

nzymes and secondary metabolites, and induction of plantefence system are typical biocontrol actions of these fungi.

Trichoderma spp. can be efficiently used as spores (especially,onidia), which are more tolerant to adverse environmental S163
