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    Chapter Six




    (Sirma Wilamov)

    6.1 Introduction

    I wish I had some way to make a bridge from man to man Cross Daman in Richard Wrights Outsider

    Interpersonal communication through the medium of language is humanitys greatest accomplishment. Yet it is ironic that no matter how much means of communication

    have been developed and are still developing, we do not communicate well.

    This study is based on an analysis of a corpus of data consisting of

    contemporary Czech and British radio discussions, which was extended to include

    North American data gathered during a research visit (2008-2009), providing a point

    of triangulation by adding data from a major culture belonging to a different continent.

    Having subjected the data to a contrastive analysis, it is clear that no matter

    what the cultural or social context is, no matter what topic is being discussed

    (education, health, life, culture, politics), no matter who the participants are in terms of

    their institutional role, status, age or sex, the nature and pattern of disagreement and

    conflict is universal. And no matter what linguistic strategies are used to express the

    message on the micro-level, i.e. the level of language, the determining role is played

    by the basic frame of human thinking which is manifested into reality through the

    words we choose to use.

    Analysis of the radio discussions showed that in the prevalent number of

    instances of disagreement and conflict observed in the data, the standard modus operandi is reacting to the opponents opinion; this represents the the main communication strategy. This means to disagree, to protest, to try to overpower the

    other, to interrupt him/her; all of this behaviour is based on conscious or subconscious

    unwillingness to listen. Often the cause of a disagreement or conflict is just hearing

    the words, while lacking a willingness to understand the meaning behind the words

    being communicated by the speaker. Viewing the data from this perspective, it became

    clear that the underlying problem in communication goes far beyond language to the fields of sociology, psychology and neurology because language is a social construct and the main means of human communication.

    The aim of the study presented in this chapter is to look into the nature of

    linguistic violence in media communication and, in the context of linguistic, social,

    psychological and communication theories, to show how important is the role played

    by the media in shaping the opinions of the public and therefore how crucial is the

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    role of language in the way the message is communicated. The second main aim is to

    show why it is important to change the prevalent win-lose pattern of communication to a holistic and democratic win-win alternative as a means of successful communication, and how this can be done.

    The approach to this study has been significantly influenced by a Fulbright

    research stay spent in Hawaii, USA. Hawaii, as a melting pot of diverse cultures, languages and religions, represents an example of how people from numerous and

    quite distinct cultures co-exist and communicate in a spirit of tolerance whilst

    preserving their unique traditions, their own culture and identity. Hawaii, with its high level of ethics, morality and cultural values (reflecting its close connection to

    spirituality as the highest guiding principle in the society), promotes sustainability,

    tolerance and supportive community (ohana) as core social and cultural values. The

    ancient Hawaiian tradition of peacemaking (Hooponopono) emphasizes cooperation and problem-solving realized in the spirit of love, peace and harmony.

    The research presented in this chapter is intended as a pilot study into a

    relatively new field of research, which is not widely known or widely applied in the

    Czech Republic and Central Europe unlike in the United States and East Asia. This study aims to reveal the great complexity and potential of the topic of non-violence in

    media language, opening up new directions and possibilities for further research which

    interconnects and addresses important areas of our lives.

    6.2 Data and methodology

    An important outcome of the research carried out for this study is the Ostrava Corpus

    of Czech and British Radio Debates from the years 2005-2007, which represents

    authentic source material for the research. This corpus is available at the Department

    of English and American Studies, University of Ostrava, Czech Republic.

    The corpus data consists of 18 radio debates (lasting 15 45 minutes each) making up approximately eight hours of spoken language (230 minutes and 238

    minutes for each language), recorded and transcribed. The total is 80 457 words taken

    from British and Czech radio programmes with comparable content broadcast by

    public service stations (BBC, esk rozhlas). For practical reasons the corpus uses a transcription convention that is compatible with both the DIALOG corpus of Czech

    media talk and with common conventions used in conversation and discourse analysis

    based on Jeffersons (2004) transcription system for the analysis of spoken language. During a research stay in the United States (20082009) the corpus data was extended to include a comparable corpus consisting of 208 minutes of North American radio

    debates broadcast by National Public Radio (NPR). Creating a parallel and

    comparable corpus of radio discussions in three different cultures enabled the

    observation of differences and similarities as they occur in the three cultures.

    The criteria for the selection of radio discussions were as follows:

    1. a relatively high number of participants, i.e. interaction between one or two presenters and two or more guests, which ensures a greater variability of

    participant relationships;

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    2. varying content (political, social and cultural topics) in order to give the corpus a wider thematic range. Some topics bring general consensus among

    participants, while others bring disagreement and confrontation, resulting in the

    use of different communication strategies;

    3. varying levels of formality determined by the topic and the selection of guests in the studio.

    As for the broadcast content, the corpus data (with the exception of the North

    American data) are taken from different radio programmes with usually two or more

    discussions within a single type and different hosts, so that both conventional as well

    as habitual language behaviour of the different hosts can be observed.

    The corpus represents a wide range of topics. It contains not only discussions

    about topics such as politics, technology, education or science aimed at a general

    audience, but there are also radio programmes targeted at specific groups such as

    women or the disabled, discussing their specific problems and issues. These represent

    very specific types of programmes which has a significant impact on the conversational structure as well as on the communication strategies used.

    Finally, in order to give an opportunity to observe how media communication

    works in different contexts, the corpus has been chosen to include programmes where

    the atmosphere is cooperative and friendly, as well as argumentative or even

    conflictive and confrontational. This is enabled due to the relatively wide range of

    topics, the number of participants ranging from three to six as well as their roles and

    personal characteristics influencing and co-creating typical patterns and strategies in


    The last point to make concerns an issue that has been widely discussed in past

    decades in relation to optimum methods of acquiring spoken data and also in relation

    to the suitability of spoken data which is crucial mainly for research into authentic conversation, but can also to a large extent be successfully applied to institutional

    discourse (Roger, 1989; Taylor & Cameron, 1987; Cheng, 2003; Warren, 2006).

    Although the size of the corpus designed for this study cannot be compared to the size

    or range of discourse and text types of some other corpora such as the British National

    Corpus, London-Lund, CANCODE, the Czech National Corpus (CNC) or the

    DIALOG corpus, I am convinced that its main value lies in the fact that its parameters

    are specific and narrow, and that it therefore represents a relatively homogenous

    sample of discourse which can be used for further research as well as serving as a

    valuable material basis for a cross-cultural analysis of contemporary language in

    Czech, British and North American debates as a specific media genre.

    The approach taken in this study is based on observations of data as a basis for

    qualitative research and discussion of non-violence as a universal principle of both

    discourse interaction and social action. The study draws on an interdisciplinary

    approach, involving the overlap of language as a social construct with sociology,

    psychology and neurology, and employing methods of discursive constructionism,

    cognitive frame theory, critical discourse analysis, speech act theory, conversation

    analysis, communication theories, and peace and war discourse.

    In the initial stages of the research, the great diversity in instances of verbal

    tension, disagreement and conflict varying across the radio discussions in Czech,

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    British and North American culture (as well as within each of the cultures) posed a

    challenge with regard to the best way to arrive at valid contrastive conclusions.

    Weighing up a number of options for approaching the research goal, the best direction

    proved to be one that goes deeper into the core of miscommunication, above and

    beyond relatively minor conventional and non-conventional linguistic strategies,

    behavioural strategies, social and cultural patterns; a direction that leads us through

    language directly into the meta-nature of conflict which results in the disharmony and

    separation that any pattern of violence always creates.

    Concrete extracts from the corpus data although interesting are not included in the study presented in this chapter. The reason is that the angle of view taken in this

    study focuses rather on the macro-frame and takes into consideration the

    hierarchically highest and hence most influential and determining level the mind frame. It is this level that primarily conditions the choice of all the other hierarchically

    lower levels, going far beyond the immediate linguistic and situational context.

    Moving in the analysis from the surface to the core, from the more overt to what is

    covert, deeper and hence more powerful, reveals that conflicts and disagreements are

    rooted in and traceable only against a much broader social, cultural and psychological

    background which overlaps and originates in the context outside the radio studio, in

    the mindset of the participants, their habitual behavioural patterns, their system of

    beliefs, concepts and other factors.

    Another reason for not including concrete fragments of corpus data here is the

    fact that media discourse is dynamic and largely context-based. Utterances

    constructed, positions taken by participants, voices heard and strategies used develop and change dynamically in the course of the whole debate from its beginning to its

    end. An understanding of the whole picture of the conflict, tracing the origins of the

    tension that often builds up and escalates over the course of an entire radio broadcast,

    cannot be demonstrated using mere fragments of discourse. It is necessary to follow all

    of the threads leading to the situation as manifested in the reality in the studio and as

    we hear it; due to space constraints, this would not be possible within this volume.

    Using fragmentary data would not help to achieve the goals of this study; rather than

    trying to systemize and contrast the huge diversity and variability of strategies in

    programmes, topics and participants across the three cultures, the approach in this

    study focuses on what goes beyond individual cultures and hence can be viewed as


    The analyses carried out in the course of the second year of the research sought

    contrastive observations from the three different cultures Czech, British and North American and showed a huge degree of variation. This can be conceptualized into three hierarchically arranged levels, which combine to create a pyramid-like structure.

    The lowest level is the individual level, representing individual/habitual choices,

    preferences and strategies used to approach a situation of (potential) conflict. This

    level covers a range of strategies which speakers choose from the variety of linguistic

    and non-linguistic means at their disposal. The next level, one step up in the hierarchy,

    can be termed the cultural level. It includes social conventions, societal norms, rituals

    and stereotypes that determine the choice of verbal and behavioural patterns that

    speakers use and that can be the same or different depending on the culture. The third

    level represents the hierarchically highest and most decisive macro-level a universal

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    frame of human thinking which overarches and conditions the selection of individual

    choices and cultural patterns at the lower levels, influencing and shaping the words

    and behaviour we choose to use.

    In order to arrive at more objective valid and generalizing conclusions as to

    contrastive aspects in the three cultures, the research would need to rely on a

    considerably larger corpus and a larger spectrum of discussion topics and participants.

    Together with the other reasons mentioned above, this precludes any attempt to draw

    clear-cut boundaries and make simplified claims by saying that, for example, conflicts

    in North American discussions are more abrupt, factual and conflict-based compared

    to Czech debates. This appears to be true for the corpus data analyzed in this research;

    however similar instances can be found within each of the cultures, differing in

    relation to the type of programme, the topic(s) discussed and the individual

    participants present in the studio. Such categorical claims would not stand on solid

    research foundations. I am convinced that language as a social construct is similarly to life too complex, too context-sensitive, too dynamic and too variable to be strictly categorized on its higher planes.

    Though this is not the primary focus of the study presented here, several

    observations can be made on the basis of the analyses carried out. The widest

    divergence can be seen on the level of the individual (habitual) choice of linguistic and

    non-linguistic realizations of strategies to prevent a potential conflict or to approach an

    already existing conflict. The speakers often use politeness as a key strategy for the

    avoidance or mitigation of conflict avoidance, using diverse linguistic and behavioural

    politeness strategies as discussed e.g. in Wilamov (2005). Typically and frequently, speakers use various grammatical and lexical means

    such as discourse markers to mitigate face-threatening acts such as refusal to give a

    direct answer, criticism of the opponent, or expressing a higher or lower degree of

    indirectness relating to the weight of imposition of a face-threatening act.

    Also non-linguistic strategies are present and used intentionally in media

    discourse, such as expressing deference, pessimism, regret, complimenting in order to

    soften the utterance and/or to help to achieve the communicative goal where a bold-on

    record formulation might sound offensive and could give grounds for a potential

    conflict. Numerous strategies used in handling conflict also build upon Grices Cooperative Principle and its maxims used by speakers for the effective resolution of

    conflicts, such as clarifying opinions, summarizing the point the opponent has just

    made, presenting a counter-argument where it is felt the previous speaker does not

    present truthful statements, and so on. Some strategies, by contrast, breach one or more maxims by creating intentional vagueness, avoidance, lies etc.; these are used as

    indirect and arguably effective strategies to approach conflict or tension in


    The results of the contrastive analysis of these communication strategies

    revealed a high degree of diversity and variation in the usage of strategies, differing

    from speaker to speaker, from culture to culture, from topic to topic depending on the

    unique constellation in the studio. It is not possible on the basis of these observations

    to arrive at viable generalizations. The enormous amount of variation that manifests

    itself on hierarchically lower levels cannot be strictly identified as belonging

    exclusively to a particular culture. In order to find a viable solution, to generate a

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    concept that would unify all three cultures investigated, it was necessary to search for

    a different and perhaps less conventional approach that would stand above and

    embrace all of the observed variations, differences and subtleties that are manifested

    on the lower levels in all three cultures, and that would represent the top of the

    pyramid, unifying all various micro-strategies into one simple and universal concept.

    6.3 Discourse, power and strategy

    Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I will meet you there.

    Jalal ad-Din Rumi

    The French sociologist Foucault argued that power and knowledge are concepts that

    are closely interconnected; in his concept every human relationship is a struggle and

    negotiation of power. Discourse according to Foucault (1969) is related to power as it

    operates by rules of exclusion.

    There are many approaches to language which view discourse from a variety of

    different angles. In this section I want to present two perhaps less widespread approaches that have significantly influenced this studys perspective on language and its approach to linguistic research.

    The first approach is Laclau and Mouffes Discourse Theory, which overlaps with language and sociology; the second is Discursive Constructionism, introduced in

    the 1990s, which inter-relates the fields of language and psychology.

    Both theories are closely related to the study presented in this chapter, mainly

    because they view discourse through its relation to society and psychology in a

    different way than some other well-known approaches such as conversational analysis

    (CA), discourse analysis (DA), critical discourse analysis (CDA), and sociolinguistic

    analysis (SA) and hence give a different perspective upon how discourse can be viewed and approached. The following sections provide a more detailed outline of the

    two above-mentioned approaches and show the way in which discursive

    constructionism approaches language as compared with to the other approaches

    mentioned, especially CA.

    6.3.1 Laclau and Mouffes Discourse Theory In their principal work Hegemony and Socialist Strategy (1985), Laclau and Mouffe

    outline the basic principles of their theory of discourse. It builds upon the

    understanding of the social as a discursive construction, and represents a theoretical

    approach to language as well as a theoretical foundation for other social constructionist

    approaches to discourse analysis. Laclau and Mouffes theory draws on two major theoretical traditions, namely Marxism and structuralism. The influence of Marxism is

    seen in thinking about the social, whilst structuralism provides a theory of meaning.

    Laclau and Mouffe combine the two traditions creating a poststructuralist

    theory in which they understand the social field as a web of processes in which

    meaning is created. Poststructuralists agree with the Saussurian structuralist approach

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    in the respect that by positioning the signs in different relations they may create new

    meanings which, however, cannot be seen as definite and unambiguous.

    [] language use is a social phenomenon: it is through conventions, negotiations and conflicts in social contexts that structures of meaning are fixed

    and challenged. (Phillips & Jorgensen, 2001: 25)

    In Laclau and Mouffes approach, the conception of power is similar to that advanced by Foucault. The authors do not understand power in a traditional sense as something that people possess and exercise over others in order to control them, but as

    something that produces the social. In their view power as a social phenomenon creates knowledge and identity and forms our relations in the society. At the same time

    all three elements knowledge, identity and relations are viewed as contingent, i.e. [] at a given time, they all take a particular form, but they could have been and can become different. (Phillips & Jorgensen, 2001: 37) In Laclau and Mouffes conception, human society is dependent on living in the social order, and power is

    viewed as the main constituent of the social order.

    Group identity, permanence and contingence

    In their critique of Marxism, Laclau and Mouffe claim that there are no objective

    conditions that determine into which groups the social space is divided, and that due

    to permanent dynamics in society individuals have several identities as well as

    having the possibility to identify themselves differently in different situations.

    The social space therefore often naturally collapses into a polar opposition

    according to which only opposing identities are available, such as handicapped /

    healthy, rich / poor, politicians / citizens, those that have power and control over a

    particular area and those who do not.

    Individual and collective identities present in any society are viewed by Laclau

    and Mouffe as a means of exclusion which is not automatically accepted as civilized

    and democratic, but rather as barbaric and coloured (Phillips & Jorgensen, 2001: 50).

    In the media as is also confirmed by the analysis of the radio debate corpus data the concept of us, although often not overtly claimed, stands in opposition to them. In the analyzed radio discussions this can be found for example in a confrontational debate about a controversial documentary on deaf/blind parents and

    their children as the carers of the family, which managed to divide guests, audience

    and listeners into two antagonistic groups.

    It is also interesting to observe how the analysis of us and them can give some idea of what a given discourse actually says about participants themselves

    taking a particular position, how it creates exclusion, and what social consequences

    this exclusion has.

    Another claim and the starting point of Laclau and Mouffes theory is that everything is contingent, everything is in motion and hence all the possibilities for

    potential change are open. This idea has been challenged and has stimulated

    considerable criticism from other researchers (e.g. Chouliaraki & Fairclough, 1999;

    Chouliaraki, 2002) claiming that Laclau and Mouffe overestimate the possibility of

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    change and that they do not pay attention to the structural constraints that are socially

    created, but resistant to change.

    Laclau and Mouffe understand actors (individuals or groups) as subject positions determined by discourses. Everyone does not have equal access to all

    subject positions, and in our society, constraints can, for instance, be a function of

    categories such as class, ethnicity and gender. (Phillips & Jorgensen, 2001: 55)

    6.3.2 Discursive constructionism

    The other approach I would like to discuss here is discursive constructionism (DC).

    Its major focus is descriptions, allegations, reports and claims, which are viewed as

    parts of human practice. The main domain of DC is discourse practices, namely the

    way in which speakers construct their utterances in order to achieve their

    communicative intentions.

    Ashmore (1989) claims that DC is radically constructionist in the sense that it

    believes in the value of authentic data and empirical research. In this respect it can be

    classified also as anti-foundationalist and poststructuralist. One of the significant

    features of DC is methodological relativism, i.e. a conscious avoidance of basing

    research on just one partys version of an event and/or on participants or structures that would be taken as given.

    The main topic of discursive constructionism is discourse through which mind,

    social processes, organizations and events are studied. Discourse is defined as texts and talk as parts of social practice, and its focus is on similar discourse types to

    conversation analysis (CA): talk in work settings, different kinds of mediated

    interaction or professional client interaction. It uses as its main data live talk, in which

    stress, emphasis, overlaps and silence are important signals. In its approach towards

    discourse, DC focuses on action and practice rather than linguistic structure: i.e. the

    focus is primarily on the interpersonal component of language use.

    As is obvious from the above, there are many aspects in which discursive

    constructionism draws on conversation analysis, mainly in the area of methods and

    findings (Woofit, 2005). In many respects it parallels CA, nevertheless what makes

    DC different is the fact that prior attention is given to construction as the main issue.

    Conversation analysis has also been influenced by DC, and has begun to place more

    emphasis on epistemic issues, which are a central focus of discursive constructionism.

    DC distinguishes between two types of construction. One is the understanding

    that discourse is constructed in the narrower sense of using linguistic structures; in the broader sense it works with categories, metaphors and rhetorical commonplaces.

    People are extremely skilled builders of descriptions; they have spent a lifetime learning how to do it. Part of the analytic art of DC is to reveal the complex and

    delicate work that goes into this seemingly effortless building. (Potter & Hepburn in Holstein & Gubrium, 2008: 279).

    DC understands discourse as situated in three areas. Firstly, it is situated

    sequentially, i.e. it builds upon the immediately preceding talk and at the same time it

    provides the environment for the talk that follows. Secondly, it is situated

    institutionally, which means that it originates from structures and practices of

    institutional talk such as media talk etc. Thirdly, it is situated rhetorically.

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    CA, discursive psychology, discourse analysis and some areas of

    ethnomethodology are disciplines that are constructionist in that they consider how talk and texts are assembled and how those assemblages work to accomplish actions (Potter & Hepburn in Holstein & Gubrium, 2008: 285). Potter (1996), outlining the

    foundations of discursive constructionism, distinguishes between how discourse

    accomplishes actions (the action orientation of talk) and how discourse is built as

    factual (its epistemiological orientation).

    Similarly to Laclau and Mouffes Theory of Discourse, discursive constructionism also works with categories. In the broader sense categories are

    normatively tied to a range of different psychological states and characteristics,

    including knowledge. Some categories are explicit and tied institutionally, others are

    more open and/or more temporary (e.g. the categories of doctor, witness, ordinary

    person). Categories are always associated with particular kinds of knowledgeability.

    The discursive psychology of the mind/world relationship

    One of the important features of discourse that stands in the centre of discursive

    psychology is the existence of complex reflexive relationships between descriptions

    of the world and descriptions of mental states (Edwards, 2005); the main point which is simple but fundamental is that the psychological construction works to build the reality. (This is also the basis of Van Dijks concept of mental models or Faircloughs mental representations, which form a foundation for the analysis presented in Chapter 2 of this volume.)

    Another area that is a major focus of discursive psychology is the area of

    mundane epistemics, which includes the study of knowledge and understanding that are viewed as practical and interactional. The concept of understanding in DC is not something floating in phenomenological space, but something structurally located with differential possibilities for checking and modifying. The notion of

    shared knowledge has been reworked by Edwards (1999), and it implies agreement in mental representations of some kind. Agreement can be either abstract, i.e.

    achieved through a mental calculus, or procedural, which means that is something

    open to reformulation and denial.

    Social structure and context

    Context is a very important phenomenon for correct pragmatic interpretation and for decoding speaker meaning. Many disciplines such as discourse analysis, conversation

    analysis, discursive psychology, pragmatics, sociolinguistics, ethnomethodology and

    other interdisciplinary fields crossing traditional boundaries have attempted to delimit

    or define the notion of context. Potter & Hepburn (in Holstein & Gubrium, 2008) outline the three main angles

    of view from which discursive constructionism perceives context. First, the context is

    studied through participants own orientation. In Scheggloffs terms there exists a wide range of potential contextual particulars, and the crucial issue is what contextual

    particulars the participants themselves treat as relevant. The second approach

    considers how social structure is an ongoing accomplishment of different parties.

    It does not see the action as contextually determined by the institutional context

    (media, school, court, etc.), but it views the context as a result of collaborative effort

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    between the participants in interaction who actively produce the relevant structures

    (Drew & Heritage, 1992; Heritage, 2005; Clayman & Heritage, 2002). These

    structures are normative and inferential, and they do not concern the context, but they

    are responsible for the coherence of interaction. The third approach is complementary

    to the previous two, and it studies how social structures are constructed through

    talk and what those constructs are used to do. (Billig ,1992 on British Royal family

    talk; Condor, 2006 on nationalism; Gubrium & Holstein, 2002 on family talk).

    Discursive constructionism also includes some aspects with relevance to

    psychology, such as non-verbal behaviour (gestures; see the analysis presented in

    Chapter 5 of this volume), perception (looking, seeing etc. in professional settings),

    and emotion. The last area emotion has been studied only recently, and there is not much research literature on the topic of the social construction of emotion. For

    instance, Edwards studies counselling talk, viewing emotions under focus (anger,

    upset) as parts of accounts which work to construct actions as reactions. (1997). Although it is not a tradition in the vast majority of linguistic research to

    consider emotions as a part of analysis, DC as an interdisciplinary field brings them

    into an analysis rather than viewing them as a boundary posing a limit to analysis (e.g.

    in research by Edwards or Buttney). (In relation to emotions, see also Chapters 2 and

    3 of this volume on the impact of communication strategies on the emotional

    component of the producer-reader relationship.)

    This aspect of DC is of particular relevance to the corpus analyzed for this

    chapter, because the emotions reflected in the participants choice of words and manifested in their intonation are very important carriers of communicative meaning,

    not only in those parts of media discourse which handle disagreement and conflict,

    but in general. Together with the content, i.e. information provided, they co-create the communicated meaning.

    DC represents a particularly potent direction of research because it steps

    outside the field of linguistics, combining it with the fields of psychology and

    sociology. Offering a multi-dimensional approach to the analysis of language, DC

    opens up a new space and new potential for further, more holistic research into

    language as a means of communication.

    6.3.3 Intentionality, rationality and strategy in talk

    Since the study presented in this chapter deals with the concept of the communication

    strategy, in this section I will discuss different definitions of the term as well as its

    relation to action, intention and choice.

    The analysis of social action and interaction is derived from sociological and

    anthropological traditions. In the context of these traditions the notions of meaning and intention are associated with subjectivity, consciousness, goals, strategies and agency.

    Along with these terms, traditional social science distinguishes between

    behaviour and action. The American sociologist Parsons, who developed a general theoretical system for the analysis of society (Action Theory, 1937), claims that

    actions are implemented by agents who consciously entertain and pursue goals, selecting means to achieve these goals by reference to standards of appropriateness

    which may be more or less consciously entertained. (Heritage, 1991: 312).

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    Weber (1947) gives a more brief definition, claiming that action is viewed as behaviour to which subjective meaning is attached. Searle (1979) develops an

    intentionalist view of meaning and action to support his theory based on Grices Cooperative Principle and more specifically conversational implicature. Searle draws

    on a long tradition of philosophical argument, mainly in the sense that for a correct

    interpretation of the meaning of action it is crucial to understand the intention that lies

    behind it.

    The key to the correct pragmatic interpretation of meaning is contextual

    knowledge, i.e. knowledge of real-world objects, cultural context, social knowledge of

    statuses, roles and other relevant sociological factors is important (Levinson, 1979) as

    well as so-called procedural knowledge, which involves the normative organization

    of action.

    The concept of strategy

    Social science theory offers two concepts of the term strategy. The first concept emphasizes the aspect of choice and rationality and has largely been developed from

    these. This concept views a strategy as a set of actions of a rational agent who has a conscious goal and who has preferences that can be factored into the decision

    procedure (Luce & Raiffa, 1957 in Heritage, 1991: 314). The other concept of strategy arises from cognitive psychology and has been

    increasingly used by researchers of interactional data. The link shared by these

    researchers is the belief by cognitive linguists that human behaviour is thought of as


    The rationality concept represents one of the core values in Brown and

    Levinsons politeness theory, where politeness strategies are viewed as outcomes of rational and conscious planning of speakers (1987). Also Miller et al. (1960) see

    strategies as small actions that are coordinated as sub-plans with the respect to the achievement of some overall goal, however they do not attribute these strategies

    to the conscious awareness of the agent.

    Nevertheless, an important element of the concept of strategy as it is viewed in

    this chapter is the distinction between a cognitive strategy, which fits behaviour and is

    not a property of an agent (hence the agent cannot consciously control it), and a

    conscious strategy, which guides behaviour (Heritage, 1991: 315; see the discussion

    in the Introduction to this volume).

    Another point that needs to be mentioned in this connection is the observation

    that creating a theoretical typology of strategy types is somewhat easier than the actual

    work with the data. What is particularly problematic is deciding under what

    circumstances the participant intended to use a particular conversational procedure or employed it strategically and when it was merely unintentional.

    As Heritage (1991: 316) states, strategic contexts often involve a conscious choice of two or more actions aiming to achieve the same goal (especially after the

    first one has failed) moving from off-record to on-record and sometimes involving a kind of manipulation in order to achieve a desired outcome.

    Generally, as Heritage (1991: 326) states in his article based on sociological

    literature, there are three main areas in attributing conscious strategy when interpreting

    data and assigning intent to the speaker of the utterance. The first area concerns the

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    problem of recognizing intent in contexts where such intent may be ambiguous or invisible, especially when the invisibility of a strategic move is often a feature of the success of a strategic procedure. Only in institutional settings, where the participants

    have clearly defined and delimited social roles and goals, can the intentional strategies

    be identified with a higher degree of certainty (Levinson, 1979; Atkinson & Drew,

    1979; Moerman, 1988). Secondly, it can be difficult to determine the point at which

    such an intention was formed. Thirdly, there is often a contingently fluctuating line between activities that are strategic (cognitive strategies) and those moments that reach

    the threshold of conscious strategy (Sacks, 1967; Heritage & Atkinson, 1984; Jefferson, 1989 in Heritage, 1991: 328).

    6.4 Media language, power, asymmetry and institutionality

    If thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought. George Orwell

    The mass media in our contemporary world have a significant influence on many areas

    of our lives. This is possible due to the medias creative and flexible use of communication and rhetorical strategies as well as their far-reaching influence on

    millions of people around the world.

    The media represent a powerful and effective force not only in politics where they modify power dynamics and shape the outcomes of political events such

    as elections but they also have an impact literally on all areas of life, such as education, health, sports, culture and leisure. One of the reasons why the media are so

    powerful is that they shape the opinions of almost all age categories.

    There are, however, two sides of the coin. The media can be both

    manipulating and manipulated. The fact that the information they transmit can be

    and often is ideologically loaded by those involved makes the media vulnerable to manipulation from the outside. This is a very sensitive issue because the media have

    enormous responsibility in terms of desirable objectivity that is required from them by society because of their mass reach. Objectivity, nevertheless, is a very relative

    concept, and it can be approximated by a willingness to present a particular problem

    from as many different angles as possible, which enables an issue to be viewed in its

    full complexity.

    In relation to what has been discussed previously, the role and responsibility of

    the media as I view it is not that of an institution which presents the audience with

    ready-made solutions, or that intentionally selects only some opinions to be given

    voice whilst excluding others, but as a democratic medium. After all, the function of

    the media is encoded in the etymology of the word itself, defined as follows:

    Media [] is a truncation of the term media of communication, referring to those organized means of dissemination of fact, opinion, entertainment, and

    other information.1

    1 Retrieved August 20,


  • 13

    6.4.1 The centrality of language and the role of rhetoric in the media

    One of the major means that gives the media power is language; the media make use

    of languages expressiveness, the power of persuasion and a wide range of communication strategies operating through language. As Norman Fairclough claims:

    the exercise of power in modern society is increasingly achieved through ideology, and more particularly through the ideological workings of language.

    We live in a linguistic epoch, as major contemporary social theorists such as

    Pierre Bourdieu, Michael Foulcault, and Jurgen Habermas have recognized in

    the increasing importance they have given to language in their theories.

    (1989: 3)

    Although the power of the media is primarily determined by its linguistic power, it is

    not only the language itself, nor the information that has the power, but it is primarily

    the way in which information is communicated.

    In relation to media communication, it belongs to the sphere of rhetoric how

    language is managed, structured and conditioned in the presentation of information.

    As Nwagbara argues, the skills of rhetoric are vital for the management of media

    discourse, and the way utterances are constructed and managed significantly

    determines either more objective and neutral or more biased ways of presenting an

    utterance to the public. On the other hand the possibility of subjectivity is equally

    significant. Therefore he claims it entails [] a serious need for the artful and strategic management of language and discourse [] especially in media discourse that has public appeal and mass reach. (2007: 122)

    The influence of language on perception and behaviour

    Ferdinand de Saussure claimed that language is one of the most conservative social

    institutions. Language as a social construct involves institutional structures. If

    knowledge is power, language is power too, and those who control language have an

    enormous influence on how we perceive reality. Even more importantly, they set the

    model for what behaviours are viewed as acceptable in a society.

    Gay (1999) mentions two key ways in which language shapes both perception

    and behaviour and more significantly, how it influences our thought and action. First, lexis is always loaded, and as such it serves as a means of

    interpretation. More specifically, as Gay puts it, Individuals think about their world in the terms provided by their language. As a result of socialization individuals have a

    predisposition to select those terms which coincide with the existing values in their

    societies. I would add that in any spoken or written communication the entire process of

    decoding the meaning is very complex. The words are always loaded. On one hand there is the speakers unique concept of the world as he perceives it, and hence the unique meaning that a particular word carries for him; on the other hand the same

    word may be loaded differently for the addressee, and so the actual meaning in the immediate context needs to be negotiated. This, however, is possible only in spoken

    discourse, and as communication, psychology, and neurolinguistic theories claim,

    speakers often do not go through this phase, which is the main cause of

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    miscommunication. As Bolton (1986) claims, the main reason for semi-effective or

    ineffective communication, which is a major social problem of our society, is that we

    do not listen carefully to what the other conversational partner is saying. Successful

    communication does not mean merely to hear the words, but above all it means to

    understand what is the message being communicated behind the words.

    The first of Gays claims is actually closely related to the cognitive linguistic theory of frames. It reflects the power of the word to activate a frame of semantic

    knowledge which relates to the specific concept it refers to. A relevant aspect of frame

    semantics in relation to media discourse is outlined in section 6.6.3 of this chapter.

    Secondly, the idea of the symbolic power of language has been elaborated by

    the French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu. Gay (1999) builds upon his claim, saying that

    behavior is shaped by the linguistic perspective of an individual's thought. I consider this to be a key idea. In other words, language gives a structure to consciousness

    which guides action.

    6.4.2 Radio discussions as a genre of media discourse

    For the past three decades, institutional interaction (including media talk) has been a

    focus of various discursive approaches to language, specifically Conversation Analysis

    (Heritage & Clayman, 2002; Hutchby, 1996) and Critical Discourse Analysis (which

    was established and further developed by Fowler, 1991; Hodge & Kress, 1992;

    Fairclough, 1995, 2003; Weiss & Wodak, 2003). There will not be a detailed

    discussion about these two approaches here, as it is not central to this study. The two

    approaches share many aspects, with the major difference that CDA does not limit

    itself to specific structures of talk, but systematically relates them to the socio-political

    context, which is highly important for the analysis of media language.

    Defining discussion A discussion as defined by the Merriam-Webster Dictionary is viewed as a consideration of a question in open and usually informal debate or as a formal treatment of a topic in speech or writing.2

    As an object of the analysis of media discourse, however the term discussion requires a more narrow definition. For this purpose I have adopted mejrkovs (2003) definition, which has been slightly modified.

    Discussion can be defined as a communicative event that is characterized by particular features, namely (1) face-to-face communication, and (2) its public character

    (it is addressed to a public that is or is not present in the studio, but the main target

    audience are listeners outside the studio. Other characteristics are a fixed time of

    broadcast, and a type of discussion (informative, entertaining, consensual,

    confrontational) that corresponds with the radio stations intent. It is this intent that to a large extent influences the preference for particular communication strategies that

    both host(s) and guests in the studio use. The radio discussions in the studied corpus

    are for the most part informative, however all of the above aspects can be found there.

    2 Retrieved July 28, 2009.

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    Features of media talk as a type of institutional dialogue

    As has already been mentioned, institutional dialogue of different kinds has been a

    domain mainly (though not exclusively) of conversational analysis, which belongs

    among the leading methods currently applied to media discourse. It observes the

    interaction of people in natural settings and aims at identifying recurring patterns in


    One of the fundamental assumptions of conversational analysts is that [] participants build the context of their talk in and through their talk. (Heritage in Silverman, 1997: 163). Drew & Heritage (1992) outline three basic features of

    institutional talk of any kind, which have been modified here according to the corpus

    data of radio discussions:

    1. Institutional interaction (including media talk) involves participants in specific goal orientations which are tied to their institutionally relevant identities,

    specifically host-guest, guest-guest, host-host, host-audience, and guest-


    2. Institutional talk involves special constraints such as what topics will be discussed.

    3. Institutional interaction is associated with inferential frameworks and procedures that are particular to media interaction. The most characteristic

    procedure indicating institutionality is the turn-taking mechanism which

    establishes who is going to talk when, signals when a participant has the right to

    speak, and manages the overall structural organization of the interview.

    Interviews as a discourse of power and asymmetry

    Gubrium & Holstein (2002) offer another view of interviews, which includes also

    radio discussions as a format with multiple participants. They say interviewing of all kinds mediates contemporary life and [it] is becoming the experiential conduit par excellence of the electronic age. (Gubrium & Holstein, 2002: 9)

    The discourse of a vast majority of contemporary interviews in its essence is

    genuinely asymmetrical. As has been mentioned before and will be discussed in

    greater detail later, participants have roles that are given within the institutional

    framework; these roles are fixed and consequently determine the type and functions of

    the utterances which they produce. The host asks questions, collects and summarizes

    information, whilst the guest in the studio typically provides answers. In this type of

    discourse the operating principle is control, which is focused mainly on keeping these

    functions and roles separate so that the expected institutional framework is not


    The interviewer is not expected to provide answers or give his/her opinion; the

    interviewee is not expected to ask questions or take over the initiative. It can be said

    that media discourse as well as institutional discourse in general locates knowledge

    within the respondent, but control with the interviewer.

    The subjects behind interview participants

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    The interview not only produces interview data, but also it simultaneously constructs

    individual and public opinion. What does it mean in terms of communicative

    practice to be an interviewer, and what does it mean to be an interviewee?

    An interesting concept of viewing the subjects roles in an interview encounter is offered by Gubrium & Holstein (2002), who perceive subjects participating in an

    interview encounter as both active and passive at the same time.

    Respondents are viewed as passive vessels of answers for experiential questions put to them by interviewers (2002: 12). They passively possess the information which the interviewer needs to obtain. This may sometimes be a sensitive

    issue. Since the success of the interview is dependent on mutual cooperation between

    the interviewer and the interviewee, it is of great importance that the interviewer is

    careful about how s/he asks questions.

    On the surface the interviewer can be seen as a purely active figure, however,

    actually his/her passivity lies in the fact that s/he is detached from the actual data of the field in the sense that s/he merely collects what is already there. The main purpose of the interview is hence to tap into information without unduly disturbing and, therefore, biasing or contaminating the respondents vessel of answers. (Gubrium & Holstein, 2002: 13) The interviewer is expected to remain neutral and to

    avoid shaping the information that is conveyed. This undoubtedly involves the

    interviewers efforts to control him-/herself in order not to imprint his or her presence, own experience or opinion onto what the respondent communicates.

    The core of an interviewer as an active subject is actually the same as that of

    the respondent interviewers are producers of knowledge. Gubrium and Holstein call the interview a concerted interactional project, in which the interviewer is engaged in the interactional co-construction of the interviews content (2002: 15).

    Another important aspect of media discourse is the notion of voice. Voice refers to the subject position that is taken for granted behind speech. (Gubrium, 1993;

    Holstein & Gubrium, 2000 in Gubrium-Holstein, 2002; see also Chapters 2 and 3 of

    this volume for a discussion of voice). The concept of voice involves the question of who actually speaks over the course of an interview and from what standpoint.

    Sometimes participants shift their position, indicating these shifts by using verbal

    prefaces such as This is what I would tell you as a doctor, but as a friend, sometimes offering solutions from different points of view Well, from the point of view of a politician , but from the point of view of a citizen and sometimes hiding behind collective concepts of we This is how we see it. In the course of an interview, voices mix and blur into each other, and it is sometimes difficult to identify who owns

    the voice behind a particular opinion.

    Interactional asymmetry as a feature of media talk: the case of Czech, British and

    North American corpora of radio discussions

    Asymmetry is one of the most central governing principles in media talk, and it is

    closely related to sociological phenomena of power and control. Heritage (in

    Silverman, 1997: 175) observes four types of institutional asymmetry, namely (1)

    asymmetries of participation, (2) asymmetries of interactional and institutional

    knowhow in which the interaction is embedded, (3) epistemological caution and asymmetries of knowledge, and (4) rights of access to knowledge.

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    The most obvious feature of asymmetry in the analyzed radio discussions is the

    direct relationship between the institutional roles, tasks, rights and obligations of the

    participants. In a previous study (Wilamov, 2008) dealing with the turn-taking mechanism, I was interested in how both interviewers and interviewees depart from

    the established norm that is set in the institutional framework, how these departures are

    addressed and potentially sanctioned, and how they reflect the asymmetric nature of

    media discourse.

    I looked more closely into the functions of hosts and guests turns as they relate to Heritages typology of institutional asymmetries. The results of the analysis showed quite a remarkable asymmetry, which is reflected in the unequal number of

    diverse functions performed by hosts and guests turns, an asymmetry that is reflected in the communicative force that lies beyond the literal meaning of the utterance.

    Guests in the corpus data either answer or react to the hosts questions, or react to his/her request for the clarification of a particular term or concept s/he has used or

    to his/her request to expand on their answer, or the guests contribute their opinions on

    another guests answer. However, the power behind the hosts turns is much stronger. Hosts typically outline the structure of the discussion and the topic discussed;

    they decide when one topic will be closed and another opened; they open a discussion

    with the knowledge about the topic that guests and audience outside the studio are presented with; they choose which guest will answer the question; they require the

    guests to explain, add or specify their answer. The hosts evaluate to what extent the

    answer provided is satisfactory, and determine whether or not the length of the reply is

    appropriate; they may ask the guest to further elaborate on the reply or they may

    interrupt the guest if the utterance is too long. It is the host who evaluates whether or

    not the guests answer is relevant to what is expected, and the host has the authority to decide. The host has the right to complement a guests answer any time, and sometimes s/he even provides his/her own answer, although this is not within the

    expected norm of the institutional framework.

    The last case is actually an example of departure from the norm. However, even

    in cases when participants rights ensuing from an expected institutional framework are overstepped (whether such a departure from the norm is sanctioned or not), we can

    see the true nature of power and asymmetry that lies at the core of media interaction

    as a type of institutional discourse. The analysis of the radio debate corpus data

    identified several types of departures from the norm both by the hosts and by the

    guests, and showed that it is only the host that has the right to exercise sanctions if a

    guest oversteps the given framework, not vice versa.

    Relating language and power to the context of Austins speech act theory (1962), which is discussed in relation to the power of the word in a greater detail in

    section 6.6.1 of this chapter, it is obvious that whereas guests use language to say things, a large number of the hosts turns are used to do things. In Austins terms, the hosts utterances perform actions as they make guests do what the host requires. This reflects the nature of power issuing from the institutional framework and enabling

    the host to perform these actions.

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    6.5 The nature of violence and non-violence in communication

    Victory attained by violence is tantamount to a defeat, for it is momentary.

    Mahatma Gandhi

    Communication technologies today allow us to communicate and cooperate instantly

    almost with the whole world. In this sense our planet has become a global village. An ongoing process of globalization in which regional economies, societies, cultures,

    languages and ideas have become integrated through global networks of exchange is at least in the developed world considered to be given.

    Violence is any act of aggression and similarly to language it is a social construct. What is considered as violent is context-sensitive, and acts that are labelled as violent in a certain social and cultural context are not necessarily

    considered violent in another.

    6.5.1 Defining violence and non-violence: a dualistic concept of todays world Dictionaries define violence as a physical force exerted for the purpose of violating, damaging (in the sense of meaning, content or intent), or abusing (unjust exercise of

    power).3 The Violence Preventive Aliance (VPA) in its World Report on Violence and

    Health defines violence as:

    the intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against oneself, another person, or against a group or community, that either results in or

    has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm,

    maldevelopment, or deprivation.4

    Violence that can be defined as a physical or psychological degradation of something

    or somebody represents only one of many alternative responses to conflict. However it

    represents a conscious and intentionally chosen way to achieve a goal, and as such it

    can be classified as a strategy.

    Typology of violence

    Violence manifests itself in many forms physical, psychological, behavioural and verbal. The World Health Organization (WHO) divides the general definition of

    violence into three subtypes according to the victim-perpetrator relationship. Violence

    can be (1) self-directed, (2) interpersonal (in the family and community) or (3)

    collective (social, political and economic violence committed by larger groups).5

    Violence and non-violence is a complex and multi-level concept that manifests

    itself on both concrete and abstract levels, and it can be verbal as well as non-

    verbal. One of the most cogent attempts to grasp the complexity of the polar nature of

    this concept is the one presented by Allen (2005 in Allen, 2008): 3 Retrieved August 5, 2009.

    4 Retrieved August 5,

    2009. 5 Retrieved August 8,


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    Violence is individual and institutional, personal and political. It might be

    silence, bullying, harassment, physical assault, suicide; oppression, exploitation,

    war Violence is injustice that results in dysfunctional, imbalanced relationships among people, groups, nations, people and our environment, even within one body and mind. Non-violence in this context means moving

    toward dynamic balance justice, health, peace by devising creative interventions into the dysfunctional systems ideally, before a crisis occurs; but with conflict resolution, direct action, and other creative, non-violent methods,

    afterwards. Non-violent action generates win-win outcome for inevitable

    conflict and change; it moves toward better balance in relationships with the

    goals of wholeness, fairness, and sustainability. (Allen, 2005: 292)

    6.5.2 The Nature of Conflict

    There is a large amount of conflict and disharmony in our society and media talk. All

    sorts of conflicts in the world enter our reality via the media. Racial issues, minorities

    fighting for their rights against majorities, labour disputes, abortion versus pro-life

    movements, environmentalists against city councils, journalists against politicians,

    politicians against politicians, anarchists against the whole society. Military conflicts,

    terrorism, arms races, breakdowns in negotiation.

    Focusing on a problem rather than on a solution creates negative energy and has

    an influence over the way in which information is communicated. Moreover, the

    problem is often not even a part of our immediate reality, but it is channelled via the

    media (radio, television and newspapers) in a dramatic and conflictive way, which has

    direct or indirect effects on our conscious and subconscious mind.

    Conflict has a dual nature. As Bolton (1986) claims, conflict is both

    constructive as well as disruptive and/or destructive. Conflict is constructive because

    it allows for honest expression of feelings. Research in psychology and social science

    confirms that open disagreement enables a person to achieve clarity and to

    communicate their needs, values and opinions, which as a result enhances their self-

    confidence and self-esteem. Another positive impact of conflict is its dynamic nature,

    which prevents stagnation and fosters creativity as it allows for the exchange of often

    conflicting or at least opposing views. It may increase motivation for change and

    innovativeness because of the greater diversity of the viewpoints. Consequently, this

    may enhance ones awareness of ones identity as well as increasing understanding for the others position. (Bolton, 1986: 208).

    On the negative side, conflict in its essence is disruptive, and in worse cases it

    may be destructive. When it starts, its destructive effect has a tendency to expand.

    Often conflict becomes detached from the original cause and whilst escalating, it

    absorbs and emotionally exhausts those who are involved.

    Emotional, value and substantive aspects of conflict

    Social psychology and communication theory generally distinguish between three

    kinds of conflict, namely:

    1. a conflict of emotions (i.e. antagonistic feelings between participants);

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    2. a conflict of needs (i.e. substantive issues that are objective and tangible and can be approached rationally and therefore solved); and

    3. a conflict of values (principles, standards, and qualities ranked high and considered desirable), which rarely has any solution. The reason is that in this

    type of conflict nothing is tangible or concrete, because the conflict is a matter

    of attitudes to life, of the expectations, opinions and beliefs we hold; these

    differ from individual to individual or from company to company.

    All three aspects of conflict mentioned above can be observed in the radio

    debate corpus data from the three cultures under investigation. The most frequent

    types of conflict observed in the corpus are those of needs as well as those of values.

    Radio discussions are in fact meant to cast light on particular issues, to clarify them for

    the audience as a target addressee, and to offer a range of potential solutions.

    Unfortunately, these discussions are often blurred by the imposition of one persons values and opinions on others, or with the use of overt or covert manipulation that

    involves the rhetorical skills of the speaker hiding the manipulations more or less

    successfully behind pseudo-rational justifications and objective reasons. Emotions often come into play and the original disagreement turns into a heated conflict ending

    up dramatically and as a rule without any solution.

    Within the set frame of the institutional discourse it is the hosts responsibility to prevent such conflict or to manage it if it is already in progress. The ways in which

    interview hosts handle conflict are diverse, and depend on their experience, their

    ability, and the use of power which issues from their institutional role and their right to

    stop violent discourse. There are, however, cases in the corpus data when the host

    forgets about the rule of neutrality, departs from the expected normative institutional

    framework and joins the conflict. For example: in the case of a discussion about a

    documentary portraying a handicapped family, it is the host who (being blind himself)

    actually initiates the conflict and stirs it up. Instead of being aligned with his role as a

    host and ensuring an equal right for each participant to express their opinion in a

    discussion, he steps out of his role, takes sides and positions himself not as a host, but

    as an aggrieved blind person.

    6.5.3 The two dimensions of non-violence

    Robert J. Burrows (1996), in his book The Strategy of Non-Violent Defense, classifies

    four categories of non-violence based on two sets of continua, namely

    1. principled pragmatics as an approach whose core aspect is full commitment to non-violence, and

    2. reformist revolution, which focuses on and reflects the way the conflict is handled.

    Burrows draws a demarcating line between these two approaches to non-

    violence. Whilst the first views non-violence as a way of life, the second applies it as a

    technique or a pragmatic strategy to achieve a communicative goal.

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    Burrows claims that in order to practice non-violence as a way of life, three

    principles have to be followed, namely:

    1. Non-violent action is chosen because of its ethical superiority.

    2. Only non-violent means will be conducive to the creation of a society free of violence.

    3. The purpose of the fight is not to defeat the so-called other side because they are partners and not opponents. To see the so-called others as partners is a

    crucial step toward the notion of the unity of humankind. (Satha-Anand, 2002)

    However, Satha-Anand, in a paper presented at the International Peace

    Research Association Conference (2002), argues that the dividing line between the

    above-mentioned approaches is illusory because a pragmatic non-violent strategist

    cannot claim to be non-violent if his use of non-violent language or non-violent action

    is not consistent.

    Non-violence: Going beyond the absolute

    Violence of any kind, including violence in human communication, is by its nature

    dividing, separating and in its essence fear-based. Violence is exclusive because it is

    based on the either-or polarity scale. It draws on the concept of Ego as the centre of

    the world, who is the owner of the only truth. Life, however, is far more complex than this, and every person creates and represents the world for him-/herself. Through

    the state of our inner world, we create a unique perspective for the way in which we

    perceive and understand the world outside us. Perception reflecting mental patterns

    and coloured through the filter of emotions, as well as the system of our beliefs and

    concepts, is based on individual experience often rooted in cultural and societal norms.

    As long as we consider our truth to be the only truth, there will not be peace.

    Everything needs to be considered in the larger context and seen from various angles,

    because only such an approach can lead to awareness of the complexity which is

    denied by violent strategies (which by contrast enhance polarization). This is the kind

    of complexity which McAlister (1988) says is to be seen in:

    feminists who rail against the system of male supremacy, but at the same time love their fathers, sons, husbands, brothers, and male friends. That kind of

    complexity that sees an underpaid working man who beats his wife both as someone who is oppressed as well as an oppressor. Violent tactics and strategies

    rely on polarization and dualistic thinking and require us to divide ourselves into

    the good and bad [and] assume neat, rigid little categories easily answered from

    the barrel of a gun, ... Non-violence allows for the complexity inherent in our

    struggles and requires a reasonable acceptance of diversity and appreciation for

    our common ground. (McAlister, 1988: 56)

    As Allen states, the main benefit of a non-violent approach is that it is an

    organizational paradigm which avoids unnecessary confrontation, does not ignore

    abuses of power and injustice, and prioritizes a principle that reaches beyond the

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    progressive community, hence gaining hence recognition and support from people

    outside that community (96). In Allens view, the concept of non-violence, which is ranked hierarchically above individuals, institutions, communities and cultures,

    represents the core value for the sustainable development of the world:

    we humans need to consciously change from a culture and world organized around violence (which came to us by way of the theory of survival of the

    fittest) to species that has learned enough about sustainability to begin

    organizing ourselves around non-violence. (2008: 96)

    6.6 Non-violence as a communication strategy and category of force

    Non-violence is a weapon of the strong. Mahatma Gandhi

    Non-violence in communication can be viewed as a strategy of managing good conflict. And because its main goal is to build harmonious and equal relationships, it should be the preferred strategy in any culture.

    Non-violence is often mistakenly understood as weakness, when confronted

    with the violation of the human right to freedom, dignity and respect. However,

    although peaceful and calm on the surface, it is a powerful and effective strategy in

    dealing with conflict and represents an alternative option to both inaction and


    Non-violence is often confused with other non-violent alternatives for handling conflict, such as denial, avoidance, compliance, indifference or capitulation,

    which issue from learned behavioural patterns, or with other non-violent alternatives in

    managing conflict, such as civil disobedience, mediating, peacemaking or pacifism. It

    is, however, not the purpose of this study to deal with the differences between these

    alternatives in greater detail.

    Netzer (2007) defines non-violence as a field that [] refers to behaviour in conflict and is a strategy for using ones Power. It demands making a conscious decision to regard the opponents as human beings, the same as we are, and actively

    confront them with moral Power without causing them physical or psychological

    damage (humiliation). Both violence and non-violence are types of force. However whilst non-

    violence is force by virtue of being based on respect for oneself and others, resulting in

    harmony, the true mechanism of violence is based on an unequal distribution of power

    which results in pressure.

    6.6.1 On the power of the word in the context of Austins and Searles speech act theory

    Shakespeare was not the only nor the first person to have considered the power of the

    word when in 1600 he had Rosencrantz in Hamlet say that ... many wearing rapiers are afraid of goosequills. The Greek poet Euripides, who died in about 406 B.C. said, The tongue is mightier than the blade.

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    By the term behaviour as it is used in this study I understand not only behaviour traditionally perceived as action, but language behaviour too. Austins speech act theory (1962), further developed by Searle (1969), represents one of the

    central concepts in the branch of pragmatics that represents unlike conversational or discourse analysis a rationalist approach to language. The main idea of speech act theory is based on the Austins observation that utterances perform actions.

    For the present discussion, however, of greater importance is Austins belief that there is a lot more to language than the meaning of its words and phrases. Austin

    was convinced that we do not just use language to say things (to make statements) but

    we use it to do things (perform actions). It was this conviction that eventually led him

    to a theory of what he called illocutionary acts, which examines what kinds of things

    we do when we speak, how we do them and how our acts may succeed or fail. Any speech event consists of three related acts. First there is the locutionary

    act, which is the basic act of utterance, or producing a meaningful linguistic

    expression. Although it may sometimes not seem so on the surface, what we say we

    say with a certain intention. This is another dimension, or the so-called illocutionary

    act. The illocutionary act is performed via the communicative force of the utterance.

    In other words, there is power behind the words. The power that is behind the words

    is called the illocutionary force of the utterance.

    We do not create an utterance that has a particular function (e.g. an explanation,

    request, apology, etc.) without intending it to have an effect which we want to see in

    reality. This phase is the third dimension in speech act theory, the perlocutionary act.

    Depending whether the hearer decodes our intention correctly and the speaker gets the

    message across as s/he intends, the act leads consequently to a concrete action.

    For pragmaticians, the most important aspect of speech act theory is the

    illocutionary force, i.e. the speakers intention, because it is this power that enables that the same locutionary act to have different illocutionary forces. For example the

    force behind the speech act of thanking can be that of refusal, whilst an explanation

    can actually be an apology. (See Wilamov, 2004.) Austins Speech Act Theory, based primarily on a lexical classification of

    illocutionary acts, was further developed and modified in Searles A Taxonomy of Illocutionary Acts (1975); Searle classified the five types of general functions that are

    performed by SAs according to how the acts fit the world and vice versa.

    Speech act type Direction of fit S = speaker

    X = situation

    Declarations make words change the world S causes X


    make words fit the world S believes X


    make words fit the world S feels X


    make the world fit words S wants X

    Commissives make the world fit words S intends X

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    Table 1 Searles taxonomy of speech acts in Thomas (1995)

    Declarations are speech acts that from a position of authority have the power to

    change the world via the utterance. This is a feature typical of institutions or specific

    contexts; in radio discussions or interviews, a host may say And this is where we stop

    our discussion for now.

    Representatives, by contrast, are speech acts connected to our belief system,

    i.e. to what the speaker believes to be the case or not. Here belong statements of fact,

    assertions, conclusions, descriptions that we have accepted from our parents, teachers,

    friends, authorities and have made a part of our belief system which creates our reality.

    Here there belong many beliefs issuing from what Carl Gustav Jung calls the

    collective consciousness, i.e. shared beliefs and moral values rooted and operating as a unifying force in the society. This is how children should be raised. This is how we

    do things here.

    Expressives are speech acts that state what the speaker feels. They express our

    emotional states (anger, fear, defensiveness, pleasure, pain, joy, sadness). In many

    cultures feelings are treated as something that it is not appropriate to display publicly

    because it is mainly the mind, information, knowledge and mental energy that the

    society values. Nevertheless, research into psychology, quantum physics and

    bioenergetics confirms that emotions represent a strong driving force, a powerful

    energy and a key for the correct interpretation of the message, containing more

    substantial and unique information compared to a message which is communicated

    merely by words.

    Whilst expressives reflect our inner world, directives are speech acts in which

    speakers use their power through words to get someone else to do something. Thus the

    host of a radio discussion says: Norman Filkenstein, your assessment of why Israel

    attacked now?

    The last type of speech act as classified by Searle is the category of

    commissives. By performing commissives, speakers commit themselves to some

    future action and hence use the power of the word to create a potential reality for the

    future (e.g. promises, threats, refusals, etc.)

    6.6.2 Linguistic violence

    From what has been outlined above, it is obvious that language is a powerful tool in

    the respect that it co-creates our reality.

    Language is a social construct and as such it can do violence: violence against

    either individuals or groups that is psychological rather than physical. Physical

    violence causes pain and often it is connected to the immediate survival reaction, based on our instincts. Physical pain brings us to the present moment in which it is

    happening and makes us more alert and conscious about what is going wrong.

    Unfortunately we seem to be far less aware, less sensitive and more tolerant of

    linguistic violence just because it happens on a more subtle level. Linguistic violence

    uses psychological force, not physical force, which however does not mean that it is

    less dangerous. It is as dangerous as physical violence and its most dangerous aspect is

    that it is more abstract and hence less tangible and therefore more covert, which

    makes its perception less obvious.

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    Linguistic violence occurs when we are hurt psychologically and/or socially

    by words. Gay (1998) draws attention to a very important aspect of linguistic

    violence. While most people are conscious of the pain that words can cause, many social groups are often unconscious of injustices that language helps to create and

    sustain. (545) Gay (1998) views linguistic violence as a continuum that ranges from subtle

    through abusive to grievous forms. By subtle forms he generally means linguistic

    forms that cause harm and hurt that is minimal and unintentional, like for example the

    case of childrens jokes or lighter forms of irony. Abusive forms can be traced especially in racist, sexist, and classist discourse. These uses of language hurt

    psychologically, and unlike subtle forms, participants are more aware of their

    degrading intent. The third type grievous forms are the strongest in their force and they intend to silence or even eliminate individuals or a social group.

    Another important distinction that Gay (1999) suggests is a distinction between

    oppressive and offensive language; this distinction is found on all levels of the continuum of linguistic violence which includes subtle, abusive, and grievous forms.

    Whist offensive language relates to language forms that hurt the individual against whom they are directed, oppressive language represents more intense forms that cause psychological harm:

    Within moral philosophy Joel Feinberg has distinguished hurt and harm, and this

    distinction has been applied to language by Stephanie Ross and others.

    Sometimes, when we are conscious of the negative effects of terms, words hurt

    us. Such hurt is equally real in individual verbal insults and institutionally

    sanctioned demeaning terminology. It usually hurts a child when someone yells

    You're ugly! [] Language that hurts us is termed offensive. On other occasions, when we are not conscious of the negative effects, words can still

    harm us. Such harm also occurs on both individual and institutional levels.

    [] Inhabitants of Africa may accept their nations as underdeveloped and less civilized until they learn about the imposition of colonial rule and Eurocentric values. Language that harms us is termed oppressive. (Gay, 1999: 309)

    I agree with Gay in the respect that linguistic violence and its perception is

    much better classifiable in terms of a continuum because the actual boundaries

    between hurt and harm are based on the subjective perception of an individual and/or collective values. As has been said before, every person lives in his/her own

    world created by the system of beliefs, concepts and expectations. Every person views

    the reality through the filter of their own mental patterns, which create the frames in

    which we organize our perception of the world, as well as through our emotions,

    which are closely connected to our thoughts, creating in every individual a unique

    perception of reality. Therefore what one person may feel or consider as hurt or harm

    may hardly be noticed by another.

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    6.6.3 Discourses and frames

    Galtungs peace and security discourses Discourses and frames are mental mechanisms by which we organize our thoughts,

    ideas and the concepts of the world. New information is integrated into pre-existing

    frames or discourses which constitute the existing system of our perception about how

    the world works. Our use of these mechanisms is generally unconscious, however they

    represent the filter through which we perceive the outside world. Therefore for the

    mass media such as radio or television that directly work with information, it is

    inevitable to bring discourses and frames to the level of awareness, because they have

    an enormous influence and a wide-reaching effect.

    Johan Galtung, a Norwegian sociologist and a founder of the discipline of Peace

    and Conflict Studies, originated the concept of so-called Peace Journalism, which is

    becoming increasingly influential in the area of communication and media studies.

    Galtung (2004) identifies two opposing types of discourse, namely peace

    discourse and security discourse. Security discourse is in its essence fear-based, i.e.

    it focuses on the clear and present danger of violence either real or potential, and its

    main strategy to achieve peace is security, in order to weaken evil/strong parties through defeat or deterrence or to convert them into good parties.

    Peace discourse, by contrast, is based on conflict transformation, which is

    empathetic, creative and non-violent in turn producing. It takes the opposite direction

    to security discourse, and its best approach to security is peace. The key words for this approach are acceptability and sustainability.

    Galtungs concept of peace embraces a wide range of relationships as well as groups and nations, and also distinguishes between Negative and Positive Peace.

    Negative peace in Galtungs conception refers to the mere absence of overt violent conflict, whilst positive peace includes an added value of collaborative and supportive relationships.

    Lakoffs cognitive linguistic frames The basic concept of frame semantics draws on the claim that a word activates a frame

    of semantic knowledge that relates to the specific concept to which it refers. In this

    way a word unlocks access to particular knowledge. Frames are based on recurring

    experiences and words specify a certain perspective in which the frame is viewed.

    Lakoff (2004) presents his cognitive linguistic approach of two competing

    frames which dominate the current American political scene and that can be also

    observed in the corpus data from British, Czech and North American radio

    discussions. They are related to the two general perceptions of the family model in the

    society, namely (1) the nurturant parent frame, which Lakoff links to the progressive stream of American society, and (2) the strict father frame, which he relates to the conservative stream. The main points to compare the two frames as Lakoff

    characterizes them are summarized below:

    The nurturant parent frame The world is basically good and can be made even better. It is our responsibility

    to work towards that.

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    Both parents share responsibility for raising children. Nurturing equals empathy (feeling and caring how others feel) plus

    responsibility (for taking care of oneself and others for whom we are


    Political values based on empathy, protection from harm, fulfilment in life, fairness, freedom and open communication.

    Political values based on responsibility: competence, trust, commitment, community building.

    Role of government: provide infrastructure and services to enact these values. Foreign policy: Promote cooperation and extend these values to the world.

    The strict father frame The world is dangerous and difficult; children are born bad and must be made


    The father is the moral authority; he has to su
