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Customer ServiceThe customer is always right.By Delicia Powell

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Telephone Etiquette

Agent: Welcome to the Customer Q&A! My name is Angela. How may I assist you today?

Customer: Well first off, you took forever to answer my call. The first thing you could do is tell me why was I on hold so long. I only have a thirty minute lunch break, and this is ridiculous.

How should the agent respond to the customer?

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Customer Service Is Attitude and Action.


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Empathy: The Must-Have Skill For All Customer Service Reps

Agent : I understand your frustration, and I’m sorry for the inconvenience that you have faced. Who do I have the pleasure of

speaking with today?

Customer: Tom Baker

Agent: Thank You Mr. Baker! How may I assist you today?

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The Value of Empathy

What is true 100% of the time, however, is that when a customer reaches out for service, she or he wants to be heard and feel like the person on the other end of the conversation truly understands what they are going through.

We’ve all had bad customer service experiences, and (hopefully) we’ve all had great ones, too. There are a number of differences, and they all stem from the presence of empathy. Roughly 80% of the time, service reps don’t even ask for a customer’s name. That’s an easy way to say, “I don’t care about you or your problem.”

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Customer: Well, I purchased an Apple iPod off of your site, and I notice that it didn’t work upon arrival. I would like my money back.

Agent: I sympathize with your situation. Let me look into this

Agent: If I understand you correctly, you want a refund on a damaged iPod?

Customer: Yes, your company sent me a non-working iPod.

Agent :Ok Mr. Blake, I will refund you for the damage iPod. Please hold a few seconds, and I will be right back.

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The truth is customers expect that you would value their call and the business they give or the business they can give, and hold times on customer service calls can be the make or break of a future deal.

What the customer perceives of your company during the hold times has a significant tell on how the customer would react when they actually speak with the customer service person and even whether they would continue their association beyond this first touch-point.

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Being Proactive

Know There's a Problem? Tell Them You're Fixing It.

Customers share a great deal about themselves through their interactions with companies. It’s in companies’ best interests to turn the data resulting from those interactions into opportunities to proactively interact with customers and anticipate their needs.

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Refund money at all times if asked – and suggest to refund if it isn’t

One of the most important things to WOW your customers and not just satisfy them is to always give them the option to get a refund. At any time. No matter who and under which condition. It is something we have made a firm policy and have received tons of amazing feedback.

The reason is simple. If someone buys your product, it is all about trust. And if you always show complete transparency, by offering a refund at any time, you can really prove that. Also, as you issue refunds, you will be much more likely to investigate exactly why the person wasn’t happy with your product or service. That way you can improve the product and really feel the pain point, instead of arguing about whether you should issue a refund or not.

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Thanking your customer for the wait

Agent: Thank you for your patience, Mr. Blake.

Agent: I was able to refund your balance of $72.50. Please expect 2-3 business days for your payment to show up on your account.

Customer: Thank You Angela!

Agent : Your welcome, is there anything Else I could help you with?

Customer: No

Agent: Okay Mr. Blake, You have a great day!

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In-person, face to face with your customers

The same goes for in-person customer service.

Listen to your customer's concerns in their entirety. Even if you have heard the same complaint a dozen or more times that day, and you already know how to fix the issue, most customers feel better about an interaction with a company if they are allowed to fully vent their frustration before getting a solution.

Apologize if there was an issue that caused the customer to be frustrated. Even if it wasn't your fault or the fault of the company you work for, expressing empathy to a customer will give them a much better opinion of you and your company.

Keep a smile on your face, and never let an angry customer visibly affect you. If you remain calm and helpful, the customer is much more likely to walk away satisfied.

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Face To Face Interaction

Offer your customer multiple options. Customers like to feel like they have choices, so phrase questions or offers in several different ways.

Time is money, and the more efficiently you can serve your customers, the more money you save them. Customers do not have time for slow service or habitual mistakes, handle their needs quickly, accurately and courteously. This step alone is sure to bring customers time again.

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Why You Should Always Be Thanking Customers?

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Reasons To Be Thanking Customers

Your customers want to feel valued

No one likes to feel like they are in a one-way relationship, the kind where you are always giving yet are never receiving. The same is true in commerce. Customers want to feel like there is a two-way relationship with a company.

It can have financial benefits

Thanking customers to get them to feel valued should be enough to motivate most of you. But, it also has some financial benefits.

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How To Start Thanking Customers  

Thanking customers is a step towards a total customer retention strategy.

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Always Say “Thank You” – Kindness and Gratitude will Take You Far

Last, but certainly not least, always say “Thank you.” As many as 3 out of 4 customers say they have spent more with a company because of a history of positive experiences. Kindness and gratitude for a customer’s business is an undeniable way to further enchant them for the long term.

Craft every thank you send out from your company to be specific to the customer, relevancy is key. Be as appreciative as possible to your customers for taking the time to go through the process of resolving their issue. Finally, follow up with a good old fashioned “Thank you.”

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Customer Experience

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Create a “Wow” Experience for your Customers

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12 Things Every Customer Wants

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Good customer service

The customer needs are top priority.

Every customer wants to feel appreciated.

Take time to go above and beyond to fulfill their needs.