Page 1: OLoughlin Catholic College Newsletter 30th October …...Hazeldine Nardone, Ruby Campfield, Kallin Grace, Alysha Lay, Noah Faye, Tannwyn Lewis, Noah Fahy Year 9 Team Jacob Donohue,

O’Loughlin Catholic College

70 Mueller Road, Karama NT

Ph: 89451277

[email protected]

Dates to remember:

6th November 2017

Year 12 Exams Commence

14th November 2017

O’Loughlin Day

20th - 22nd November 2017

Year 11 Exams

24th November 2017

Creative Arts Night

27th - 29th November 2017

Year 10 Exams

30th November 2017

Year 11 Mass and Liturgy

Year 11 Last Day

1st December 2017

Year 12 Graduation and Mass

4th - 7th December 2017

Middle School Transition Week

7th December 2017

Year 10 Last Day

8th December 2017

Year 6 Orientation Day

Year 7 - 9 Activities and Mass

13th December 2017

Presentation Afternoon

Year 7,8 & 9 Last Day

In this Issue:

College Prayer

Principal Report

From the Front Office

Year 9 Coffee Club

Year 12 Chemistry

Ignite Conference 2017

NT Sports- Hockey Report

NT Sports - Swimming Report

Vanderlin Drive Road Works

O’Loughlin Catholic College


30th October 2017

Page 2: OLoughlin Catholic College Newsletter 30th October …...Hazeldine Nardone, Ruby Campfield, Kallin Grace, Alysha Lay, Noah Faye, Tannwyn Lewis, Noah Fahy Year 9 Team Jacob Donohue,


Prayer for Students undertaking


Loving God be with me now,

as I prepare for my exams.

Thank you for the many talents and gifts you have given me and for the opportunity of education.

Calm my nerves and anxiety, help me to remember all that I have studied,

to express it clearly and to answer the questions the very best that I can.

Holy Spirit, sit with me in my exam - and always.

In Jesus' name


Prayer by Sandhurst Youth Ministry

Page 3: OLoughlin Catholic College Newsletter 30th October …...Hazeldine Nardone, Ruby Campfield, Kallin Grace, Alysha Lay, Noah Faye, Tannwyn Lewis, Noah Fahy Year 9 Team Jacob Donohue,


Dear O’Loughlin Community, We are so proud of our 2017 Year 12s. The College shared a most successful day with them last Friday as we celebrated the end of formal classes and wished them well for exams and the end of all assessments in our whole school assembly. The Year 12s were dignified, respectful and in fine spirits. Thank you Year 12s for making it such a brilliant day. It is an emotional time for us all as we prepare for their graduation. We greeted them six years ago in Year 7, or in the ensuing years, have walked with them across all aspects of their education and life, and now must say farewell. But the wonderful thing about our community is they all know that they are welcome back here anytime! It was World Teachers and School Staff day last Friday as well and thanks to our Local Member of Parliament, Ngaree Ah Kit, for sharing lunch with us and presenting us with a cake. Ngaree spoke of the huge impact that teachers and school staff have on our young people and, no doubt, we all agree. Our O’Loughlin staff is incredible and I also thank them and recognize their continual efforts to support and foster the positive personal growth of our students, as we aim for high achievement in everything we do. Week 4 is upon us and the end of the year is in sight. Please check the calendar on our website for event and end dates. The ‘Presentation Afternoon’ has been one big change to the schedule. Both O’Loughlin Day and Creative Arts night are soon. Exciting times ahead. I am very pleased to announce the following staffing news for 2018:

• Therese Schembri will become our Year 8 Coordinator. (Ella Carrie will be on Maternity Leave.)

• Cassie Henderson is returning as our Head of Physical Education and Health Faculty.

• Staci Sherman will be our Finance Officer. I am looking forward to seeing many of you over the next 6 weeks at the various events. It has been a wonderful year to date and there will be much for our community to celebrate at its conclusion. All the best Rhett Bowden

Page 4: OLoughlin Catholic College Newsletter 30th October …...Hazeldine Nardone, Ruby Campfield, Kallin Grace, Alysha Lay, Noah Faye, Tannwyn Lewis, Noah Fahy Year 9 Team Jacob Donohue,
Page 5: OLoughlin Catholic College Newsletter 30th October …...Hazeldine Nardone, Ruby Campfield, Kallin Grace, Alysha Lay, Noah Faye, Tannwyn Lewis, Noah Fahy Year 9 Team Jacob Donohue,



The interview process is well under way for 2018. If you have siblings or know of students wanting to attend O’Loughlin Catholic College in 2018 please get their enrolment

applications in as soon as possible to avoid missing out on a position.

Some years levels do have wait list for 2018

Enrolment forms can be collected from the front office or downloaded at:

Once completed and returned with all the required documents and application fee we will then be able to book in interviews.

NOTICE OF DEPARTURE Please be advised that as part of the Terms and Conditions signed at enrolment, we require 10 school week’s written notice. Failure to comply, will render parents liable for 10 weeks school fees. Extraordinary circumstances will be taken into account. If you feel you have extraordinary circumstances, please include this information with your “Student Departure” form. Exemption is given at the discretion of the Principal. “Student Departure” forms can be obtained from the front office or Mrs Cook at [email protected]


Last homework centre for this term 4 is this Wednesday 29th November 2018

Page 6: OLoughlin Catholic College Newsletter 30th October …...Hazeldine Nardone, Ruby Campfield, Kallin Grace, Alysha Lay, Noah Faye, Tannwyn Lewis, Noah Fahy Year 9 Team Jacob Donohue,



Reminder School Fees Statements were mailed to parents last week.

Thank you to those parents who have paid or are on a payment plan.

With only six weeks of term left, payment of school fees would be much appreciated within the next seven (7) days. Otherwise, if you have a query regarding your school fees or would like to go on a payment plan, please contact Marie Petrie, Finance Officer as soon as possible.

Kind regards

Joanne Fejo Business Manager

Page 7: OLoughlin Catholic College Newsletter 30th October …...Hazeldine Nardone, Ruby Campfield, Kallin Grace, Alysha Lay, Noah Faye, Tannwyn Lewis, Noah Fahy Year 9 Team Jacob Donohue,



The culmination of ten week’s planning occurred over two days (Tuesday 17, Wednesday 18 October) when both Year 9 Food Technology classes ran their ‘Pop-Up Coffee Shops’! In the week prior to the event, students undertook intensive barista training with Chris from Chris’ Coffee setting up his stall on the College grounds. Students worked in pairs gaining skills ranging from coffee grinding, heating and texturing milk, along with pouring different types of coffees.

In the weeks leading up to the event students undertook a range of planning tasks including:

• Creating a corporate business logo • Designing and printing menus & invitations • Liaising with invited guests • Completing food preparations in advance • Decorating and setting of tables • Food and beverage service to guests

Each of the groups set high standards by achieving the goals they set at the start. Students gained an appreciation of the amount of work and effort involved in providing food and beverage service, whilst maintaining high standards. Guests included family members and staff members, who were most appreciative of the students’ efforts, presentation of meals and the level of hospitality provided. Overall it was a very successful event and some students have indicated their interest in pursuing opportunities in the hospitality sector in the near future.

Bernard Clarke Food Technology Teacher

Page 8: OLoughlin Catholic College Newsletter 30th October …...Hazeldine Nardone, Ruby Campfield, Kallin Grace, Alysha Lay, Noah Faye, Tannwyn Lewis, Noah Fahy Year 9 Team Jacob Donohue,



Many thanks to Dr Vinuthaa Murthy and Ms Elisa Bradtke for their help to measure the purity of the year 12 chemistry ester samples. The year 12s synthesized isoamyl acetate – synthetic banana

scent. The most pure sample was synthesized by Kyle and Jason Orian who had an overall match of 99% to an absolutely pure sample of isoamyl acetate. The samples were analysed using infra-red spectroscopy on a high-grade machine managed by CDU. It’s a rare and fantastic opportunity to

have our school samples run on such an accurate instrument and we are thankful for CDU, Dr Murthy and Ms Bradtke for their help.

Page 9: OLoughlin Catholic College Newsletter 30th October …...Hazeldine Nardone, Ruby Campfield, Kallin Grace, Alysha Lay, Noah Faye, Tannwyn Lewis, Noah Fahy Year 9 Team Jacob Donohue,


Vinuthaa left and Elisa on the right. IR-spectrometer in the middle with Mr Turley. The chance to use analytical grade equipment at CDU is a rare opportunity to add some real world relevance to year 12 practicals.

Top spectrum is Jason and Kyle’s sample – the bottom spectrum is a pure sample of isoamyl acetate. The score of 990 means Jason and Kyle’s sample is a 99% match for pure banana scent.

Page 10: OLoughlin Catholic College Newsletter 30th October …...Hazeldine Nardone, Ruby Campfield, Kallin Grace, Alysha Lay, Noah Faye, Tannwyn Lewis, Noah Fahy Year 9 Team Jacob Donohue,


IGNITE CONFERENCE 2017 We departed Darwin on Thursday early in the morning and made our way to Brisbane for Ignite 2017. The first day in Brisbane was a tiring one as we didn’t get much sleep. The first day of Ignite was amazing, we made our way to registration and soon after we had our first night rally for the trip. The music at Ignite was great and was performed by Emmanuel Worship. A day at Ignite consisted of the group waking up in the morning quite tired still and making our way to the conference by foot. Once we got there Ms Hives and Ms Orian made us wear the crocodile hats that they brought for our Mascot. First up in the morning was the morning Rally where they got us pumped for the day. We then had keynotes, workshops, small groups and then to finish of the night we had the night Rally. We would walk back to our accommodation at the school, shower and wind down for the night with help from hot chocolate and cookies. Highlights from the trip would have to be the morning and night rallies, adoration, small groups and the amazing talks. Ignite was amazing and we encourage you to COME in 2018. Written by Amy Craig (Year 11)

Page 11: OLoughlin Catholic College Newsletter 30th October …...Hazeldine Nardone, Ruby Campfield, Kallin Grace, Alysha Lay, Noah Faye, Tannwyn Lewis, Noah Fahy Year 9 Team Jacob Donohue,



On Thursday 19th October O’Loughlin College sent two teams to participate at the inter-schools mixed Hockey Championships at Marrara Hockey centre. The participants had a fun day mixing with students from a number of other schools, displaying great sportsmanship and skill. Both teams had success winning many games. Thanks to Karl Hochman for playing with the Year 9 team. Overall both teams finished in second place in their respective pools.

The following students were involved;

Year 7/8 Team

Brooke Wauchope, Ethan MacDonald, Joshua Crisp, Luke Donohue, Mitchell MacDonald, Julia Hazeldine Nardone, Ruby Campfield, Kallin Grace, Alysha Lay, Noah Faye, Tannwyn Lewis, Noah Fahy

Year 9 Team

Jacob Donohue, Djimila Totham, Dom Andrade, Matilda Johnson, Audrey Fryar, Andi Moliere, Connor Manzie, Casey Jong, Michael Kudra, Karl Hochman, Janelle Ingles

Thanks to Lusi Sekitoga and Mrs Fox for supporting the teams

Page 12: OLoughlin Catholic College Newsletter 30th October …...Hazeldine Nardone, Ruby Campfield, Kallin Grace, Alysha Lay, Noah Faye, Tannwyn Lewis, Noah Fahy Year 9 Team Jacob Donohue,



The following students represented O’Loughlin Catholic College at the Darwin Region Middle Swimming Carnival on Friday 27 October at Casuarina Swimming Pool.

Sophie Fowler, Hayley Innes, Madyson Wistrand, Amy Devlin, Sasini Perera, Jai Allman, Phoenix Riggs, Ben Ramplin, Leigh Devlin, Martin Krantz and Teaghan Coutts.

The highlight was the middle school boys 15 and under relay event won by the College.

All the students did well on the day, and more results are tabulated below. It would be even better with more participants next year!

Well done to our students, and thank you to Miss Shirley and Ms Lara.

Event Name Boys 6x50 Freestyle Relay OCC second Girls 6x50 Freestyle Relay OCC third Boys 12-15 50 Butterfly 2nd Ben Ramplin

3rd Martin Krantz Girls 12-15 50 Butterfly 3rd Amy Devlin Girls 12 Year Olds 50 Backstroke 3rd Sophie Fowler Boys 14 Year Olds 50 Backstroke 1st Ben Ramplin

2nd Leigh Devlin Girls 14 Year Olds 50 Backstroke Amy Devlin 2nd Boys 15 Year Olds 50 Backstroke Middle School 2nd Leigh Devlin,

3rd Martin Krantz Girls 12 Freestyle 100 3rd Sophie Fowler Boys 14 freestyle 2nd Martin Krantz,

3rd Leigh Devlin Boys 12-15 100 Freestyle 2nd Ben Ramplin Girls 12-15 100 Freestyle 3rd Amy Devlin Girls 15 & Over 100 Freestyle Boys 14 100 Freestyle 1st Ben Ramplin Boys 12 Year Olds 50 Breaststroke Girls 12 Year Olds 50 Breaststroke 1st Sophie Fowler Boys 14 Year Olds 50 Breaststroke 1st Martin Krantz Girls 14 Year Olds 50 Breaststroke 3rd Amy Devlin Girls 13 & Under 200 Freestyle Relay OCC girls’ team 3rd Boys 15 & Under 200 Freestyle Relay OCC boys FIRST! Girls 15 & Under 200 Freestyle Relay OCC girls’ team 3rd

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Shoal BayWaste Depot

Holmes JungleNature Park


Closed road

New Traffic Signal

For further information visit

VANDERLIN DRIVE DUPLICATION ACTIVATION OF TRAFFIC SIGNALSThe duplication of Vanderlin Drive between Mueller Road and the McMillans Road roundabout is almost complete.

New traffic signals at the upgraded intersection of Kalymnos Drive and Vanderlin Drive in Karama are scheduled to be switched on from Friday October 27.

All four lanes of the newly duplicated carriageway will then be open from Shoal Bay access road to Calytrix Road.

Single lane traffic will remain in both directions from the Shoal Bay access road to McMillans Road roundabout until further works are completed.

It is anticipated that the full duplicated carriageway will be open to traffic by mid November.

Should you have any queries, please contact Senior Project Manager Ben Langdon on 8999 4822 or email [email protected]