Page 1: Oktoberfest Arbeit Gesellschaft · Gymnastic Society President – Ray DeVries Treasurer – Rich Gangnes ... look in the cool light of late Summer knows what a tremendous improvement

Sahalie Sentinel - Issue 2 (2009-2010), Sept 2009 Page 1

Fall is in the Air!

With summer winding down and all the summer activities behind us the Fall General Mem-bership Meeting is upon us. The meeting will start promptly at 7:30 p.m. at the Issaquah Brewhouse, so get there early (6:30 p.m.) if you plan on having dinner. Coming Soon - a dues notice in your mail box. Please make your payment as soon as you are able. If you need to discuss possible payment options please contact Karen Odegard. Signing up for house manager weekend - Sign up for a weekend as soon as you can, if you have not signed up for New Years (already filled) or Carnival in the last 5 years your names will be placed in a hat and some lucky members will be assigned to house manager duties during Carnival. Work Parties - Many of us have already put lots of hours in during the Siding and Painting project but there are still projects to be completed before the 2009-2010 season. If you need to get your work parties done please show up on the posted dates. You don’t have to be muscle bound to participate in the work parties we do have inside projects that are im-portant to the club especially cleaning parties prior to rentals.

Oktoberfest Arbeit Gesellschaft

To go with our new look, we will be having an Oktoberfest Work Party on

October 17th at approximately 4 pm. Bring your own Brats to grill and a

six-pack of your favorite Beer to add to the Blind Beer Tasting.


Page 2: Oktoberfest Arbeit Gesellschaft · Gymnastic Society President – Ray DeVries Treasurer – Rich Gangnes ... look in the cool light of late Summer knows what a tremendous improvement

Sahalie Ski Club Executive Board President: Lynn Boyle 206-755-7363 Vice-President: Bruce Kuenzi 206-781-8317 Secretary: Linda Schrott 253-952-5200 Treasurer: Karen Odegard 425-430-1651 Past-President Tom Attwood 425-922-2401 Finance Dev DeRuz 206-240-1344 Building Maintenance: Rob Jones 206-409-7285 Wood/Fuel/Safety: Chris Rathe 426-260-1001 Membership: Chavell Gunner 206-817-3179 Hill & Lift: Bryan Gilson 206-522-3012 Entertainment: Anne Allan 425-417-8876 Lodge Manager: Karen Thompson 425-226-5859 ---------------------------------- The Sahalie Sentinel is an almost-monthly publication of the Sahalie Ski Club, Inc., a non-profit organization with a large ski lodge located at Snoqualmie Pass, Washington. The mission of Sahalie Ski Club is to encourage skiing and enjoyment of the outdoors by all its members, and to promote good fellowship. The Sentinel takes the summer off – no issues in June, July or August. Check out the club’s website at: for updates over the summer. Deadline for news items for the next issue is the 20th of the month. Please direct all submissions (articles, notices, photos) to the editor: Bruce Kuenzi. Electronic files preferred, send to [email protected]

Welcome back, Sahalie!! I hope you all had a wonderful summer and an amaz-ing summer it was! As this season ends, we start looking ahead to a great ski sea-son, weekends at the lodge, and all the fun activities that Anne and her committee have planned and of course, the Sahalie Auction 2010. We haven’t started our annual fall work parties, yet we have already ac-complished an incredible amount of work during the spring and early summer weekends. The siding and paint project was a monumental task and was incredibly successful due to the efforts of many members who were willing to put their lives on the line as they climbed the heights of Sahalie to paint, pound, or spray. Again, a huge thank you goes to Wayne Machmiller and Rob Jones for their organization and commitment and to our contractor, John Clausson for all his guidance and hard work. Sahalie looks absolutely gorgeous! It is important to note that we saved thousands of dollars in high lift work through the use of Patrick’s equipment. He has been a great friend to Sahalie and has helped us in other situations as well. Unfortunately, his equipment can no longer be stored on our property due to the hazardous materials and environmental risk his equipment poses to our property. We look forward to continuing a great relationship with him. If you were unable to make it up during the paint project, you have your chance during the Fall work parties. Remember, everyone needs to put in 3 days worth of work parties. We don’t have any huge projects ahead of us for 3 reasons: 1) 4 rentals during the fall - prohibits us from making big messes 2) lack of money 3) lack of a work force that has the energy to tackle anything big. But we still have lots to do. Wood needs to be cut and stacked, new boot cubbies built, possibly street side shutters put to-gether (depending on our budget), new flooring material by cold room, and of course lots of clean up. Our first General Membership Meeting is Monday, September 14th. Please peruse the 2009-10 proposed budget so you will be prepared to discuss and vote on it. I look forward to an exciting year and hope to see you all at the meeting. Lynn

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Page 3: Oktoberfest Arbeit Gesellschaft · Gymnastic Society President – Ray DeVries Treasurer – Rich Gangnes ... look in the cool light of late Summer knows what a tremendous improvement

Your Leadership

The Board of Trustees for 2009-2010

President – Lynn Boyle Vice President – Bruce Kuenzi Finance/Budget – Dev DuRuz Treasurer – Karen Odegard

Membership - Chavell Gunner Secretary – Linda Schrott

Wood, Fuel and Safety – Chris Rathe Building Maintenance – Rob Jones

Rentals/Lodge Management – Karen Thompson Hill and Lift – Bryan Gilson Entertainment – Anne Allan

Past President – Tom Atwood

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Gymnastic Society

President – Ray DeVries

Treasurer – Rich Gangnes Secretary – Rich Poelker

Greg Gilson Jack Gunner DL Gunner Gary Odegard Randall Karstetter Biff Turner Wayne Machmiller

Capital Improvement Committee

Brad Schrott Biff Turner Cam Thompson Greg Gilson Dave Galvin Randall Karstetter Lynn Boyle

Your Leadership

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Committee Reports Treasurer - Karen Odegard The balance we have in our cash account as of 09/04/09 is $20,100. The total cost of the siding and painting project was $22,500. In addition, there was an unexpected expense when the septic tank system broke and the cost of that re-pair was $6,900. In total, we have paid almost $30,000 for the combined pro-jects. CIC will be reimbursing Sahalie $12,000 and we will dip into the Emer-gency Fund to cover at least a portion of the remainder. Also as of 09/04, the club has earned $19,500 in profits from our three rentals to date. In accordance with the club bylaws, this money will be allocated be-tween the CIC ($7,800), Gymnastics ($7,800) and Emergency Fund ($3,900). Member dues invoices will be going out via email next week. If you email ad-dress has changed since last fall, please notify Karen Odegard at [email protected]

 Hill and Lift - Bryan Gilson The transmission for the upper tow was removed (by Ray DeVries, Mandy and Bryan) The transmission was found to be dead - we are shopping around for a new one. The Summit is also checking their inventory to see if they have one that matches. Tom Atwood expressed concern for these expenses vs. actual usage.. Assuming we acquire a trans-mission for the upper tow we will need a work party to install the transmission and probably another work party to splice in the rope from the lower tow to the upper tow and to install a new rope on the lower tow. No brush will need to be cleared from the hill this year - eve-rything was trimmed last year. We also need fuel tank parts (the tank was free - donated by Rich Gangnes). The big tow shack has been cleaned, the fuel tank will be held inside the tow shack so it's out of the elements. The only downside is the tank does not come pre-filled with diesel.

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Building and Maintenance - Rob Jones

We have burned up nearly a dozen work par-ties this Spring giving the lodge a new look. Anyone who has been back to see this new look in the cool light of late Summer knows what a tremendous improvement it is. That be-ing said, the most amazing thing about this pro-ject, to me anyway, is something that has gone completely unnoticed and unheralded - there was only one noticeable injury. Wayne took a caulking gun to the head when it fell off the lad-der he was moving. For all of the ladder climb-ing and roof traversing that we did, a band aid for Wayne's head was the only item pulled from the first aid kit. Now I know what you're thinking - "Rob, there is no small amount of irony in that event given that it was Wayne whose exhortation to 'grab a caulking gun and get busy' was repeated so often that it nearly became a slogan across the back of a t-shirt". To that I'd have to agree, and ask that you keep your thoughts to your-self since I was just about to write that. So now that's all behind us, what's on the agenda now? Well, off the top of Wayne's head - is a scar (Ha Ha Ha - a cheap joke, I know, but you stole my line about the t-shirt so now we're even). But otherwise, there's a plumbing job that needs doing; boot cubbies that need to be rebuilt; a kindling rack that needs moving; decorative shutters that must be created, painted and installed; carpet-ing that begs for removal; and for the kids 8 and under - an old water heater that needs to be hauled from the work room. Nothing but good times ahead. Be there.

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Wood, Fuel and Safety - Chris Rathe Summer rental months are past, with some Wood & Fuel Committee work par-ties coming up the first few weekends in September for filling the wood room. If anyone has well-seasoned cut trees that would be good candidates for our wood use this year, let me know via email at [email protected] or my cell 425-260-1001. The annual safety inspections are scheduled for later in September, and the pro-pane tanks have an upgraded fuel gauge system that shows all three tank's in-dependent status, which is emailed to a few committee members daily.

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LODGE MANAGEMENT - Karen Thompson We are now members of the Seattle Visitors Bureau under retreats and confer-ences. We are listed on their website: Their official printed guide does not go out until the end of July. Have you seen the new 360 images of the lodge, “Take the Tour” (Kitchen & Dinning Room, Day Room, Lounge Room, Dorm Room). Cam worked with a professional to take 360 im-ages of the lodge to represent it to prospective rentals in its many different uses and arrangements. Rob did a real nice job adding the virtual tour to the web-site.

MEMBERSHIP - Chavell Gunner Below is a list of prospective that will be voted on in December to become mem-bers for the 2009-2010 Fuqua - Steve - Adult Tonya - Adult Mia - Child Eisenman - Josh - Adult Boudwin - Laura - Adult Alexander - Child Rachel - Child Weigelt - Dave - Adult We have purchased parking stickers this year for members to place on there ve-hicles. The stickers will used to help identify member cars from non-member cars.

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Sahalie Proposed Budget for the 2009-2010 Season



Actual +/-2009-2010

BudgetINCOMEDues 56,637 55,096 (1,541.00) 55,000Rental income 33,000 38,186 5,186.00 40,000Guest Fees 4,975 4,733 (242.00) 4,000Entertainment 8,115 8,469 353.50 8,000WAC 200 200 0.00 200Member Applications 200 250 50.00 200Season Pass Raffle 0 0.00 0Suite Raffle 420 420.00 550Interest income 1,060 147 (913.00) 0Fundraising Auction 0 0.00 7,500Miscellaneous - Other 44 Total Income 104,237 107,589 3,351.73 115,500

EXPENSESCharges against rentals 2800 9,340 6,540.23 7490Rent income transferred to gymnastic 9280 8,381 (899.50) 9384Rent income transferred to CIC 9280 8,381 (899.50) 9384Rent income transferred to Emergenc 4640 4,301 (338.75) 4692Committee Disbursements - Building Maintenance 4,900 7,534 2,634.13 2,500 Decorating committee 500 3,385 2,884.89 500 Building Improvements 7,500 4,449 (3,051.49) 8,500 Commissary Supplies 2300 2,575 274.51 2500 Entertainment 7100 9,141 2,040.84 8000 Fire and Safety 2,450 2,894 443.70 3,000 Hill and Lift 2,300 3,890 1,589.74 4,000 Membership 0 36 36.28 300 Packer 5500 4,708 (791.68) 7500 Propane and Wood 4089 8,774 4,684.97 2774Facility Disbursements - Alarm monitoring 179 179 0.40 200 Depreciation 3817 3,818 0.86 3818 Electricity 4,200 4,250 50.00 4,800 Garbage 887 1,683 796.00 1700 Lease (Gymnastics) 1000 1,000 - 1000 Insurance 22,400 21,482 (918.00) 21,500 less: Gymnastics Refund -1,500 -1,500 - -528Property Taxes 4,100 4,786 685.73 5,600Sentinel 0 0 - 0Website 500 0 (500.00) 530Telephone 1500 1,203 (296.93) 1200Sewer / Water 4,500 4,737 237.30 4,700Bank fees 558 558.00 336Business Registration 10 10.00 Treasurer 50 48 (2.00) 50Other 600 231 (368.75) 70 Total Disbursements 104,872 120,273 15,400.98 115,500Net Income -635 -12,684 (12,684.25) 0Transfer to Capital ReserveRental IncomeInterest IncomeLess: Rental Charge @ $150/ day House Mgr Credits @ $50Net allocation to Capital Reserve 0 0 0

Dev:increase due to additional electircal load freexers repaired lights, generators

Net Proceeds from RentalMacMiller $420.00 Clark Wedding $660.00Remote M $18,350.00UW Grad $590.00MacMiller $300.00Flanagan $-230.00Garce Church $1,370.00Robblees

Dev:Interest Swap Canceled 03/09

Dev:$50/weekend X 11 weeks (Raffle for NY and Carnival)

Dev:Using Membership ProjectionsTotal Proj. Adult Child Assoc. Life Inactive 85 45 5 13 15Dues Per 534 155 234 79 79Revernue $45,390 $6,975 $1170 $1027 $1185Total $55,747.00


Rentals completed to dateMachmiller $1,030.00 3 daysClark Wedding $1,220.00 1 dayRemote Medical $26,650.00 26 days

Booked RentalsUW Grad $1,350.00 2 daysMachmiller $520.00 1 dayFlanagan $250.00 ? daysGrace Church $2,700.00 3 daysRobblees $3,450.00 5 days

Total $37,170.00 41 days

Dev:$ amoiunt is lower, same number of prospectives but smaller families than previous year.

Dev:Realizing a tighter economy, this number is budgeted lower than last year.

Dev:4 new famlies

Dev:Proceeds from Auction - numbers are considered conservative. The 2007 auction returned 25K.

Dev:Washington Alpine Parking Fee

Dev:$80 - the cost of renting '' for 9 years. (due 8/09)$250 - web site hosting for 2 years (due 3/10)$200 - software upgrade for Adobe Flash (used for the 360 degree photo shoot)____$530

Dev:Sahalies contribution to the Siding and Painting project.

Dev:2 maintenance agreements1) by annual hood inspection $630 per year, 2) annual fire inspect and additional if found $1200. Cost of Alarm monitoring $250

Dev:transmission for tow

Dev:Promotional materials/Parking Lot Stickers

Dev:Transportation $500.00Service Conttract $2500.00

Dev:The number is lower because we filled the tanks mid season 08-09.

Dev:Packer Depriciation

Dev:our half of the directors and trusties insurance

Dev:the property was re-assesd by the county

Dev:$28/month flat fee to handle credit cards

Dev: Charges against RentalsSupplies for rentals $440.00Cleaning fees paid $1,250.00House Manager fees $3,600.00Marketing fee $2,200.00Total $7,490.00

bkuenzi: Net Proceeds from RentalMacMiller $420.00 Clark Wedding $660.00Remote M $18,350.00UW Grad $590.00MacMiller $300.00Flanagan $-230.00Garce Church $1,370.00Robblees $2,000.00

YTD $23,460.00

Dev:Net Proceeds from RentalMacMiller $420.00 Clark Wedding $660.00Remote M $18,350.00UW Grad $590.00MacMiller $300.00Flanagan $-230.00Garce Church $1,370.00Robblees $2,000.00

YTD $23,460.00

CIC 40% $9384.00Gymnastics 40% $9384.00Sahalies 20% $4692.00

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Upcoming Meeting Dates

Board Meetings • Sept. 22nd • Oct. 20th • Nov. 17th • Dec. 29th • Jan 19th - Locations To be determine - 6:30 General Membership Meetings • Sept 14th • Oct. 5th • Nov. 2nd • Dec. 7th • Jan 4th - Issaquah Brewhouse - 7:30 p.m.

Mark Your Calendars Upcoming Fun Events and Work Parties

• Sept 19th - 20th - Work Party • Sept 26th - 27th - Work Party • Oct 17th - 18th - Work Party/Oktober Fest - Happy Hour • Oct 31st - Nov 1st - Work Party • Nov 14th - 15th - Clean Up


• October 3rd-4th - UW Dept of Bioengi-neering

• October ? • November 20th-22nd - Grace Seattle

Church Women's Retreat • November Thanksgiving - Gunner/Gilson/

Boyle Family

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Mark your Calendars


2010 Where: Skansonia Ferry on Lake Union When: Friday, April 30, 2010

Invite your Friends! Remember how fun the last one was…well here we go again! You have 8 months to save your money! Now’s the time to start thinking about what you can donate…dinner parties, ski lessons, homemade quilts, just about anything works. Committee members needed for outside procurement, alcohol pro-curement, check out, table decorations, etc. If you would like to help, contact Lynn.([email protected]).

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Sahalie Clean up and BBQ June 22nd-23rd

It was a beautiful weekend to have have BBQ not to mention wonderful weather for finishing up the painting project and preparing the lodge for the rental season.

The Gymnastics Club hosted the dinner and Chef Peter Levine prepared the dinner .

On the menu!

Barbequed Beef Brisket Baby Back Ribs

Chicken Rolls for sandwiches

Potato Salad Coleslaw

Corn on the Cob Watermelon

Peach Cobbler

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The Wedding Rental July 18th &19th

The wedding event went very well. There were as many as 170 people there at one time, 60 stayed overnight at the lodge. They loved our facility and even cleaned up! Below are pictures of the location where the nuptials where said, Gold Creek Pond Near Hyak.

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Sahalie Summer Shindig August 23rd

On Saturday August 23rd a fun time was had by all at Vasa Park Resort. The site was perfect for everyone to get together and have a picknick. The lake was warm. The swimming area, diving boards and slide made it a great time for all the kids. Brian Bogue and his girlfriend brought over a couple of Jet Skis which pulled some of the kids on inner tubes. We were also treated by a presentation put on at a neighboring site by the Reptile Man. He had all sorts of Snakes and Lizards etc.

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Golf Awards: Low Gross Group: Sargeants & Boyles High Gross Group: Tom G, JT, Aaron & Rich Poelker Low Gross Ind Male: Bobby G Low Gross Ind Female: Patty Sargeant High Gross Ind Male: Vern Hasz High Gross Ind Female: Annie Hasz KP Female: Patty Sargeant KP Male: Terry Gangnes Long Drive Female: Patty Sargeant Long Drive Male: Tom Allan

Sahalie Golf Shamble August 29th

Sahalie hosted another fabulous golf event, the weather was warm and overcast with a few sun breaks. The players gathered around 11:30 with the

first to tee off around 12:00. The event was a (Shamble Tournament) - a type of golf tournament that combines elements of a scramble with the elements of

stroke play. In simple terms each foursome tees off. The longest/best tee shot is used. The other players in the foursome pickup there golf balls and hit from

the location of the best ball. Each player counts the number of strokes just like a traditional game. Each foursome had to use one of the players tee shots as the best ball at least twice, once on the front nine and once on the back nine. When the tournament was over everyone gathered in the River Bend Café for

the prizes and a great dinner. If you’ve never eaten at this little Café it is worth the drive the food was terrific. Check it out at .        �

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A New Baby is on the Way

Dave and Marla Wellington-Weigelt They are thrilled to be expecting a new Sahalie baby this November.

That makes 4 kids in college and 1 on the way!

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Our Kids are doing Great Things!

• Devin Gilson - starts (full day) kindergarten at Lake Forest Park Elementary • Tommy Allen - Starts (full-day) Kindergarten at Rose Hill Elementary, in Kirk-

land. • Maile Allen - Entered into Junior High • Madison Copper - Entered into Everett High School • Lucas Gobel - is on the Sammamish football team. • JT(John Thomas) Gobel - graduated from Sammamish High School and is

starting at Bellevue College beginning a program for physical therapy in line with a WSU program and will transfer to Pullman next fall.

• Katherine Collins - Dev’s Step-daughter graduated July 31st from Western. She completed her triple major in Economics, Political Science and Philoso-phy in three years Katherine is now working for the Rivas-Cantor law firm in Seattle.

Weeds on the hill at Sahalie, Noxious Weeds?  

Lynn was informed by the state that we have “Noxious” weeds on our property. “Our records indicate that you have had or-ange hawkweed growing on your property at 19100 Alpental Access Road within the last three years. Orange hawkweed is a class B noxious weed that invades forest areas, out- competing native plants and re-ducing biodiversity. Because this plant is so wide spread in the Alpental area and poses such a threat to the surrounding habitat, our program will be offering to spray your hawkweed for free in the 2009 season. A noxious weed is a plant species that has been designated by state or na-tional agricultural authorities as a plant that is injurious to agricultural and/or horticul-tural crops and/or humans and livestock .

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Sahalie SC - Trincomali Tour The Odegards, Coopers, Allans and McGuanes all met up for a week of island hopping in the Canadian San Juan Islands during July. The Sahalie Trincomali tour (named for the Trimcomali Channel) even boasted matching T Shirts! The trip coincided with the record high temperatures we experienced this summer so everyone spent a lot of time swimming in the relatively warm Gulf Island wa-ters. In true Sahalie fashion, Happy Hour was observed every evening in the “Sea-nior Room” aboard the Odegard’s boat.

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Sister Ski Club in New Zealand?

In August two Sahalie members visited a now “sister” ski club on the North Is-land of New Zealand. Steve Lepper, of Lepperton New Zealand, along with

Carson and Chris Rathe are shown here visiting the Manganui Ski Area. Sahalie’s new “sister” ski club, the Stratford Moun-tain Club (SMC) and their Manganui Lodge. This is true ski-in ski-out accom-modation!! Rebuilt in 2004 (after a fire de-stroyed the old lodge in 2002) it is spa-cious, comfortable and warm. Perfect for families. This lodge is a 20 minute walk from the Plateau car park, similar to the “old days” at Sahalie. Manganui Lodge and the Mangunui Ski Area are run by the

SMC the offers ‘Club Field’ modern style accommodation for up to 33 people, with shared living areas. More information including a webcam of their mountain can be viewed here: Another webpage shows the ski area with a full covering of snow, something we were too late in the season to see on our trip in late August, along with elevation statistics for the mountain:

Steve and Rose Lepper, here standing in front of the Stratford Mountain Club (SMC) and their Manganui Lodge. Below: The Lepper’s were first introduced into the Sahalie ‘family’ by Rich & Janet, Tom & Lee, Cameron & Karen and Karen & Gary during a Canadian Ski trip to Big White a few years ago. With their dairy farm in-terests, and Cameron’s work with PriTest for testing dairy and beef cattle for tuberculosis, a long-term relationship has ensued. They ask that anyone from the extended Sahalie Ski Club ‘family’ to be sure to consider visiting them up on any trip to the North Island of New Zealand. They can be reached by email at: Steve Lepper [email protected]

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The above pictures are from when the Leppers visited the States

Mt Taranaki in the Egmont National Park on with Western side of the North Is-land of New Zealand, with close proximity to New Plymouth, surrounding on three sides by the Surf Highway, a 100 km of west coast surf line from New Ply-mouth to Hawera, around the Taranaki Bight. You can be skiing in the morning and surfing in the afternoon in this particular New Zealand location. This area is a four to five hour drive from either of New Zealand’s two largest cities, Auckland or the Capital, Wellington.

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