
My Occupational Identity

Component 1: Part Two Reani Ferrer

FamilyBeing a family member and an older sister has helped me learn many occupational roles and has helped me learn the skills I need to become my own person in the world. They have provided me with a strong sense of belonging and have supported me with everything I do.


FriendMy friends are a very important part of my occupational identity. They have helped me transition from living at home to living in Dunedin and have been people I socialize, live and spend hours doing nothing with.


StudentBeing a student is an important part of my Occupational Identity. It is an occupation I have done in the past, and is something that will enable me to become an Occupational Therapist in the future.


Lawn BowlsLawn bowls is an important part of my past, present and future. It enabled me to meet many new people around the country, learn how to be a team player and play outside of my comfort zone.


Fitness – Walks, Gym and Yoga

Doing exercise daily helps me unwind from studying and from daily activities, be stronger both mentally and physically and also challenges me to push myself. I strongly believe in keeping a healthy, balanced life and engaging in exercise helps me to do so.


MusicMusic is an important part of my occupational identity. My family has a strong love of music, a family gathering would not be the same without singing old songs around a guitar together. I enjoy playing the guitar in my spare time and listening to music to dance or just chill!


PhotographyPhotography makes up a large part of my occupational identity. I enjoy capturing everyday moments and find that it is a very valuable way of record keeping. I also enjoy going for walks and taking images of scenery.


TravellingMy love of travel started at a very young age, visiting the Philippines when I was 3. I hope to travel more in the future. This occupation enables me to learn about new cultures, meet new people and experience new activities.


ArtArt is an important leisure activity for me. It is something I did regularly in the past (as subjects at school) and is something I enjoy doing to relax and express myself. I also enjoy creating art work for friends.


Cooking & BakingI have a strong passion for cooking & baking, I enjoy creating meals for others! I would always help my mum bake when I was younger and now love baking for my flatmates (and for myself) on a regular basis.

