Page 1: Objective Objects: Thinking outside the box - literally

Objective Objects: Thinking outside the box - literally

Page 2: Objective Objects: Thinking outside the box - literally

Objective Objects


•First “design” project for the L4 students.

•Following parallel units in visual studies and

construction technology/detailing.

Page 3: Objective Objects: Thinking outside the box - literally

Objective Objects


•To develop an understanding into the relationship between objects and space: scale, proportion and enclosure.

•To develop an understanding into the opportunities and limitations to design in the use of materials.

•To develop the use of methods of measurement and communication in relation to the design of enclosed spaces.

•To encourage the appropriate use of workshop techniques and processes.

•To develop an historic and contextual rationale to the importance and effects of objects within enclosed spaces.

Page 4: Objective Objects: Thinking outside the box - literally

Objective Objects

• Considerations:

• To challenge the accepted methods of displaying objects in the museum context and to reconsider their interpretation.

• To understand the requirements of the Client.

• To enhance the experience of the user (visitor).

• To produce a coherent exhibition.

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Objective Objects

• Objects:

• Context

• History

• Use

• Manufacture

• Meaning

• Materiality

• Form

• Etc..

Page 6: Objective Objects: Thinking outside the box - literally

Objective Objects

• Challenges:

• Thorough research into all physical and contextual aspects of the object.

• Thorough understanding of the curatorial requirements of the museum.

• Thorough understanding of the visitor.

• The idea of “exhibition”: the opportunities of individual expression balanced

with the need for a coherent, group, response.

• The degree of interpretation / explanation.

• Construction of a narrative.

• Lighting, support and the limitations of space.

Page 7: Objective Objects: Thinking outside the box - literally

Objective Objects


A Polaroid instant 20 camera from the 1970s manufactured from black injection moulded polypropylene.

Polaroid camera film includes photographic paper instead of the standard negatives meaning photographs are made instantly rather than having to be developed.

The Instant 20 was introduced in 1978

With a Polaroid it is only the photographer who decides what is in the shot.

No-one else need be invloved in its production, as there is no processing, no editions, no post production…and complete privacy!

Page 8: Objective Objects: Thinking outside the box - literally

Objective Objects


Lumibar Lamp: a large, hollow, blow moulded Polypropylene, bear-shaped light, designed by Klein and Leidig of Germany for Elmarflototto in the 2000s.

Behind this presentation is an idea that came from research into the trade in bear body parts in the Far East.

Shockingly, bears are captured and confined in cramp cages.

Bile from their gall-bladders is used to extract this fluid and often involves large open wounds with permanent tubes penetrating the flesh.

Bears on these farms are 'milked' twice daily to feed the lucrative medicine industry all over the world, creating a black market for its products.

Although this procedure is illegal in the majority of countries, such laws are not being enforced in the Far East, in particular. China.

Behind the teddy bear icon we all know, is an horrific practice causing pain and suffering to innocent animals for the purpose of human benefit.

Page 9: Objective Objects: Thinking outside the box - literally

Objective Objects


A red 2000s flexible silicone muffin tray by Tupperware which can be used in the oven, microwave or fridge and can with stand temperature extremes from -25 degrees centigrade up to 220 degrees centigrade.

Silicone rubber has outstanding heat and flame resistance and is food safe. It can therefore be put in the oven.

The fact that it is soft and flexible means however that it is not suitable for cooking, say casseroles, but it is, by contrast, ideal for baking cakes, and being, in addition, anti-adhesive, it is a material that facilitates their extraction from the mould.

I created a metal sculpture inspired by the movement of the spoon used to stir cake mixture

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Objective Objects


Blue and gold strapless swimsuit manufactured by Slix c.1990s.

This is not just a swimming costume. Within my research I identified that this type of garment can be associated with modesty for some people.

A person who is not comfortable with their shape or appearance may have a desire to cover up and conceal parts of their body that they would not normally reveal.

I have suggested the idea of 'concealment' through the use of tights/elastic. Although these obscure the garment, it is also possible to see though them, giving a hint of what is behind.

Properties of nylon include strength, elasticity, and translucency. Stockings were one of the first products to be produced from nylon as a cheaper substitute for silk.

With the cross hatch effect of the tights, I have created 'peep-holes', which are strategically placed in order to conceal the most 'vulnerable' areas. 

Page 11: Objective Objects: Thinking outside the box - literally

Objective Objects


Plastic rain hat, ribbed like an umbrella with two tie straps . c.1950s. The yellow and white patterned hat is made from extruded polyvinyl chloride (PVC).

As the designer is unknown I wanted to explore the object's design influences, focusing my research on what was going on at the time the object was designed.

The 1950s was a time when many women still had a 'hairdo'.

They were expensive and to protect their 'hairdo' rain hats would be worn. This is unheard of today.

This rain hat was unusual even for its era. Whilst researching my object I noticed the flower and triangular motif patterning on the rain hat and discovered this was a Japanese influence.

This hat also resembles a traditional; Japanese field workers' hat and an almost identical one can be seen in Hiroshige's 1833 woodcut 'Ohashi Bridge in the rain'.
