  • 8/7/2019 OB Assigment no 3 for scribe




    Project Report

    Organizational Behavior(565)

    Give an account of Organizational reward systems. Match your findings to

    different local organization

  • 8/7/2019 OB Assigment no 3 for scribe





    In The Name Of Allah.Most Gracious, Most Merciful

    And He (Allah) Taught AdamThe Names Of All Things

    And He (Allah) Taught ManThat Which He Knew Not


  • 8/7/2019 OB Assigment no 3 for scribe




    First; I would like to thank Allah Almighty for providing me an opportunity and patience to

    complete my internship.

    Then I would like to appreciate Assistant Manager Marketing, in Telenor Pakistan who shared

    his knowledge with me. That helped me in understanding of the management theory and practiceand tends that make the job more motivating

    Finally, I pay my deepest gratitude with deepest sense of respect to my parents whose love and

    affection kept me steadfast and enabled me to attain the targets and goals of academic life.

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    Table of Contents

    Abstract ........................................................................................................................................... 5Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 3Practical Study of an Organization ................................................................................................. 8Data Collection Methods .............................................................................................................. 11SWOT Analysis ............................................................................................................................ 12Conclusion .................................................................................................................................... 13Recommendations ......................................................................................................................... 14References ..................................................................................................................................... 15

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    Rewards in the organization

    It is through the organization's reward system that good employees are attracted to the

    organization, decide to stay within the organization and then consciously decide to perform well.

    Employees perform at the level at which the organization rewards them.

    People continue to do what they have been rewarded for doing. This is a form of positive

    reinforcement. Yet managers must know what rewards mean the most to which employees in

    order to be the most effective. To give John a bigger office when he actually responds better to

    more money does not elicit the desired performance over the long run. An inappropriate reward

    has been offered. This mismatch of reward with the individual may have the same ultimate effect

    as giving no reward at all.

    Therefore, the astute manager must know each employee and what rewards will effectively

    motivate them. In addition, the manager must be constantly aware of the rewards available in the

    organization. To compensate for rewards not available, the manager must be creative and work

    within the boundaries of the organization to create a menu of rewards for staff members.

    The Effective Reward System

    In order for a reward system to be effective, the rewards must hold some importance for the


    If none of the potential rewards holds any importance for an individual, it is most unlikely that

    they will provide the motivation to elicit the desired performance from the worker. If the reward

    being offered is a new title, but the employee wants more responsibility and greater visibility, the

    reward may be labeled unimportant and hence ineffective as a motivator to this particular


    The reward system should offer flexibility for maximum effectiveness. That is, rather than being

    hard and fast, the options of rewards should leave room for flexibility. Tailoring the reward to

    the individual goes a long way in motivating an employee. This could be termed customizing the
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    rewards. This, then, heightens the importance of the reward to the individual and motivates


    Rewards should be given with certain frequency. An example of this is the annual salary review.

    Each employee being reviewed annually knows with certainty when to anticipate a reward -- that

    is, a raise. Understanding the frequency of the rewards gives a measure of trust to the system. It

    makes the employees feel more confident in believing their good performance will be adequately

    rewarded and will be done so on a timely basis.

    The most effective reward system is visible. That is, all the employees understand the possible

    rewards which are available. This can be likened to a carnival game where prizes are displayed

    around the game area. How disappointing it is to succeed at the game and be handed a cheap

    plastic toy from beneath the counter. So, too, it is with staff members. They need to know what

    "prizes" they are striving for and that they are indeed available. The rewards should be ever

    visible. There should never be surprises pulled from beneath the counter.

    In addition, the cost of the rewards in the system must be clearly understood. Each employee

    must know exactly what is necessary in order to earn a specific reward. For instance, many

    companies have a raise scale known to all employees. Average performance may warrant a 4

    percent increase, above average a 6 percent increase and exceptional performance may be

    rewarded with an 8 percent to 10 percent increase. In a reward system such as this, each

    employee knows prior to the review what type of performance corresponds to the desired pay

    raise. The cost, if you

    will, is known to the

    employee. (It might be

    pointed out that the

    manager's responsibility

    is to give the employee

    specific, measurable goals

    to correspond to the

    appropriate performance

    level -- e.g. average,

    above average or


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    Extrinsic vs. intrinsic rewards

    Two major types of rewards exist



    Extrinsic rewards emanate from formal arrangements in the organization. Intrinsic rewards are

    inherent in the work itself.

    Extrinsic rewards are easier to recognize. These include the raises, the titles, the larger offices

    and the move up the corporate organization chart. Herzberg referred to this category of rewards

    as hygienes. His theory held that these are not the true motivators of workers. Their absence,

    however, can diminish performance levels.

    Herzberg proposed that the real motivators are the intrinsic rewards. These have a more long-

    term motivating effect on the employee. The key intrinsic factors are the meaningfulness of the

    job, the responsibility and the results. The more meaningful an employee sees the job, the more

    satisfaction is generated and hence more motivation. Likewise, the more responsibility an

    individual has in the job, the better the feeling about oneself and one's job. Feedback is also

    important. It can, however, be from oneself, a superior or a peer. An employee can see results

    and a job well done and gain satisfaction. Hearing from another peer or superior that the job was

    well done further enhances the motivational effect and the satisfaction in the job.

    The manager can work with the intrinsic rewards to create a more meaningful system that

    motivates better than just extrinsic rewards. Allowing the employee to learn a variety of skills in

    the position increases the meaningfulness of the job. In addition, increasing the significance of

    the task performed enhances meaningfulness. Allowing for more autonomy gives the employee a

    sense of more responsibility and more control. Giving positive feedback is perhaps one of the

    best rewards a manager can give. It definitely encourages continued good performance.

    The most common rewards given in an organization are extrinsic. Most managers feel they are

    easier to administer. These include pay, inventive systems, promotions and fringe benefits.

    Pay may be either on an hourly basis or a salaried basis. In addition, the money may be

    distributed either over a period of time or in a lump sum. That is, either as regular salary week to

    week or as a bonus.

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    Incentive systems can be very effective if they are administered correctly. Most importantly, the

    employee must clearly recognize the relationship between the performance of the work and the

    reward. The performance must be measurable and objective. (Subjective performance

    evaluations leave too much room for managerial manipulation. This, in turn, reduces the

    reliability and trust level on the part of the employee thereby diminishing the system's


    Promotions are a well-known organizational reward in the traditional system. The new twists to

    the old are job posting and career path planning. Formal planning of an employee's career path is

    an important addition to the annual review. It dangles the proverbial carrot before the employee,

    but gives advance notice of the reward to be expected. Job posting has been undertaken in many

    organizations to take some of the mystery out of promotions. This provides visibility of the

    rewards -- i.e. job openings.

    The move to provide a cafeteria-style fringe benefit program has resulted in more rewards being

    available. The mere ability to choose what suits the individual provides a reward in itself. It is an

    added plus to an individual to be able to select the reward most desired. Some employees may

    want life insurance rather than day care. Some may prefer dental coverage rather than stock

    purchases. Each employee can choose the most meaningful reward and hence better motivator.

    Why Reward?

    An organization's reward system serves both internal and external functions. The internal

    benefits include increased job performance, decreased absenteeism and decreased turnover. A

    good reward system motivates people to work harder. Increased productivity, therefore, saves the

    organization money in both overtime and additional employees. Better motivated employees

    have a lower absenteeism rate and remain in the job longer. These two conditions save the

    organization's resources even more.

    Externally, the organization is able to attract better people. Those seeing employment

    opportunities are more attracted to an organization offering a better reward system. Then once in

    the organization, the reward system often determines if the employee will stay and then

    ultimately, if he will perform.

    Punishment, the opposite side of the coin from reward, is not as effective in evoking long-term

    changes in performance. Numerous behavioral studies have proven that the use of positive

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    rewards produces the desired results better than punishment. Negative reinforcement tends to

    disrupt the behavior temporarily and may often have undesirable side effects.

    Rewards are an incentive to workers. The anticipation of the rewards, however, is the real

    incentive. It is this anticipation that spurs employees on to perform in the ways which the

    organization rewards.

    The Distribution Of Rewards

    Once a reward system is created, a determination must be made as how the rewards are to be

    distributed among the employees. The distribution method should also be as well known to the

    employees as the rewards themselves. Rewards may be distributed based upon equality, power,

    need or contribution.

    Reward distribution based upon equality is quite common. Most cost of living increases are

    based on equality. That is, everyone across the board in the organization generally receives the

    same percentage increase. A department bonus for exceeding production quotas may result in

    each department employee receiving the same $50.

    Distribution based upon power results in upper management's receiving a bigger share of the

    reward pie. In this distribution method, those with the most power receive the most rewards. On

    an assembly line, the foreman (wielding more power) may receive a larger bonus than the line

    workers being supervised by the foreman.A distribution method based upon need is the least common. When it is used to distribute

    rewards, it is usually to bring underpaid employees in line with a predetermined salary range.

    This may occur when an older employee falls beneath the starting salary range for new hires.

    Some rewards are distributed based upon the employee's contribution. This can often be seen in

    an organization's incentive plans. A cost savings to the company of $10 million a year would

    result in a larger bonus to the creator than an idea that saved the company only $200,000 a year.

    The contribution of one was clearly greater than the other and rewards would be distributed

    accordingly under this method.

    Flexibility in Reward Systems

    It is critical that the manager learns to match an employee with an appropriate reward. The

    manager must, therefore, be flexible when designing the reward system. There is no universal

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    reward system that pleases all employees. Individual needs and personalities must be taken into

    account when selecting an appropriate reward. A mismatch of employee and reward is

    ineffective at best.

    The reward system must be viewed as fair by the employees. This includes the rewards

    themselves and the distribution of them. If an employee does not believe that good performance

    will actually result in the desired reward, then the system is ineffective and may be deemed


    Upper management often has direct control over many of the extrinsic rewards that can be

    offered employees. There may be caps on raises, no profit-sharing plan or no dental plan

    available. Yet the manager has the ability to be most creative (and most effective) by offering

    intrinsic rewards.

    It is through the organization's reward system that good employees are attracted to the

    organization, decide to stay within the organization and then consciously decide to perform well.

    Employees perform at the level at which the organization rewards them.

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    Practical Study of an Organization

    To determine how the multi national companies and Domestic companies are motivating their

    people, what are the motivation Factors among the employees and what factors are being

    provided by MNCs? We here discuss Telenor Pakistan to see how it makes the job more

    motivating which are in practice now days in Pakistan.

    Telenor Pakistan

    Telenor Pakistan is 100% owned by Telenor ASA and adds on to its operations in Asia togetherwith Thailand, Malaysia and Bangladesh.

    Telenor Pakistan launched its operations in March 2005 as the single largest direct European

    investment in Pakistan, setting precedence for further foreign investments in the telecom sector.

    The company has crossed many milestones and grown in a number of directions, making Telenor

    Pakistan a leading telecom operator of the country.

    We are the fastest growing mobile network in the country, with coverage reaching deep into

    many of the remotest areas of Pakistan. In the most difficult terrains of the country, from the

    hilly northern areas to the sprawling deserts in the south, at times we are the only operator

    connecting the previously unconnected.

    We are keeping ahead by investing heavily in infrastructure expansion. With USD2 billion

    already invested, we have extended agreements with our vendors for network expansion and

    services until 2009. The agreements, with a potential to result in USD750 million worth of orders

    from Telenor Pakistan, are some of the biggest of their kind in the industry.

    We are spread across Pakistan, creating 2,500 direct and 25,000-plus indirect employment

    opportunities. We have a network of 23 company-owned sales and service centers, more than

    200 franchisees and some 100,000 retail outlets.

    Our Values

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    Be Respectful

    We acknowledge and respect local cultures. We do not impose one formula worldwide. We want

    to be a part of local communities wherever we operate. We believe loyalty has to be earned.

    Why Join Telenor

    Telenor offers exciting and challenging careers with competitive pay, excellent benefits and

    exceptional advancement opportunities. We care about our employees and provide them with a

    relaxed and enriching working environment. Our training and further education programs ensure

    a high professional standard amongst our employees. We believe that a talented and loyal

    workforce plays a crucial role in the organization ongoing business success. We strongly hope

    that after joining Telenor you will become an enthusiastic and valuable member of our family.

    Equal opportunities for all

    Telenor maintains a policy of non-discrimination towards all employees and applicants for

    employment. All aspects of employment with Telenor are governed by merit, competence,

    suitability and qualifications, and will not be influenced in any manner by gender, age, race,

    color, religion, national origin or disability. Today, our workforce proves that; with 18% women

    working at all levels in the organization, both foreign and local educational backgrounds.

    Focus on management development

    Telenor's management and organization is imbued with joint values. The Group Management has

    devised five leadership requirements that apply to all managers in the Group, and all

    management groups shall discuss what these requirements mean to them. The demands are:

    Passion for business

    Change and constant renewal

    Operational excellence

    Empower people


    All managers are subject to annual evaluations based on these management criteria.

    Human Capital @ Telenor Pakistan

    Human Capital Division at Telenor believes in continuous improvement and is taking the

    standards of service to the utmost levels of excellence.

    From providing the best administrative support to facilitate employees work life to creating

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    benchmark security solutions, we are a team of enthusiastic, energetic young people who are

    geared to perform the best always!

    From being the best in providing benefits to our employees to the best in providing development

    opportunities, we have managed to create a culture of passion for business, operational

    excellence and constant renewal.

    We are committed to assisting employees in exploring, developing and maximizing their full

    potential, encouraging continuing education through internal and external training and

    development opportunities.

    Together with your commitment, we will deliver positive results and create opportunities that

    will benefit the Telenor family.

    Employee Well-Being

    Telenor Pakistan cares for employees' well-being and works to create a healthy work


    Systematic Management

    Telenor holds itself responsible for supporting a working environment characterized by high job-

    satisfaction, opportunities for personal and professional development, and low rate of sick leave

    and injuries.

    Health and Safety Related Training:

    Telenor Pakistan regularly carries out trainings related to health and safety. This year, a number

    of workshops on AIDS prevention, drug-free workplace, anti-stress campaign, fire safety and

    allergy lookouts were carried out. Besides that safety training has been imparted to 255 drivers

    supplemented with drive test and eye vision tests.

    Trainings related to safety at work, designed to ensure safety while working on towers are also

    carried out regularly. It is mandatory for everyone to use safety gear while working with towers

    and equipment erected on towers.

    Safe business continuity

    Health, Safety & Environment unit recognized in Group

    Business contingency processes and advanced crisis management

    24/7 Safety & Security hotline, home medical service

    Emergency response trainings

    Health awareness workshops

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    Contractual staff trained regularly

    Internal Value Creation feedback survey

    HIT Project:

    Recently, Telenor Group has launched a new project by the name of HIT (Health Safety Security

    Environment In Telenor), this project is being carried out simultaneously over a number of

    Operating Companies, including Telenor Pakistan, to ensure compliance with Social

    Responsibility (SR) and Health, Safety &Environment (HSE) principles, guidelines based on

    National laws, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, SA 8000, ILO codes and the Telenor Group standard.

    Through this initiative, Telenor Pakistan has become first in the industry to focus on work

    environment and conditions of supply chain partners, vendors and contractual hires. Through the

    HIT project, supply chain partners are made aware of legal and social obligations for work place

    safety and related standards. The aim of the project is to bring partners at par with the health,

    safety, security and environment related standards of Telenor Pakistan.

    What Telenor People say

    I am extremely thankful to Telenor Pakistan and specifically the Corporate

    Responsibility team for providing me with the opportunity to gain valuable hands on

    experience in a truly world class organization. I am sure of the success of this initiative

    looking at the eagerness of organization to embrace people like myself.

    Shabbir Awan,

    Visually Impaired Intern

    at Telenor Pakistan.

    All the given above data shows that Telenor is a renowned organization and they are providing

    much more to motivate their people.

    Telenor Pakistan is committed to employee well being and thats why people are eager to work

    in the organization. Their compensation is high and they addition many things for their people.

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    Rewards System in


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    Motivation for Employees:

    As we know Telenor highly awarded and motivate its employees in the best way. This can be

    judge but the enthusiasm and good spirit the people show in performing their jobs. There is a

    well advised system that telenor follows for the purpose of motivation. It includes both financialand non financial rewards along with the major motivators and Dissatisfies.

    The company recognizes the importance of making people drive towards their goals and the

    basic step towards this made through recognize the value of importance that the company gives

    to its employees. Telenor has a set of financial rewards, medical, dental vision and life insurance,

    retirement plan, paid vacations days, family and work life balance benefits and profit sharing

    plan. Annual bonus opportunities, company cars etc .other ways in which employees are

    motivated are:

    Employee Consultation for:

    Employee residence issues(remodeling, repairs, house-sitting etc)

    Legal matters

    Financial issues

    Education and schooling

    Parent and child care

    Resources for seniors and eldercare issues

    Emergency dependent-care reimbursement

    Adoption assistance

    Employees are safe in knowing that they will be rewarded for any exceptional work. This reward

    is not only money that is accompanied buy the employee being

    given recognition and greater empowerment. Employees aregiven a very beautiful and healthy work environment special

    interior is given to make the physical environment most

    productive. This is why telenor offers are considered to be the

    best decorated and organized. As we now Telenor has a desire to

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    promote the high achievers from within the company. Positions are given on merit and are

    transparent and fair in nature. There is not special treatment therefore each employee knows that

    he can aim for the top and actually get there. This has proved to be a great source of motivation

    for the employees of Telenor.

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    Our Values

    P eopleR elationshipI ntegrity

    D iversityE nvironment

    Look at the above one People the most important factor for the Sapphire Group of companies.

    They believe that they are at this position with the help of their people and in return of this they

    compensate their people in a very good manner. Sapphire group is paying good salaries and other

    motivation factors to their employees. People feel comfort and secure working in this group.

    Sapphire Group is the No.1 of textile sector in compensating their employees. Their competitors

    are Nishat, Faisal, Blessed, Bhanero, (in weaving units).


    Saphhire fibers are motivating their employees only with paying good salaries and some other

    motivating factors. But in actual employees need more to get motivated, which is giving by the

    telenor Pakistan. We can better, compare these two companies by mentioning the facilities given

    by them to their employees.

    Comparisons of Telenor and Sapphire Fibers







    Insurance Bonuses Medical Car




    Yes No No Yes Yes No

    Telenor Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

    Data Collection Method

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    The data collection method used in this report is Secondary data, which is collected through

    Newspaper, Reports, Magazine and Internet to analyze the market polices of consumer goods

    and services.

    These sources provided some very valuable data, which enable me to formulate and more ahead

    with this Project.

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    SWOT Analysis

    SWOT Analysis is a powerful technique for understanding your Strengths and Weaknesses, and

    for looking at the Opportunities and Threats that face. It helps to develop career in a way that

    takes best advantage of talents, abilities and opportunities. Here is Business SWOT Analysis of

    Telenor Pakistan

    Due to this technique Telenor Pakistan is progressing day by day.



    1. Good Salary Packages2. Benefits for employees3. Infrastructure


    1. Late decision making


    1. Balochistan & NWFP


    1. Promotional packages of competitors

    From this analysis, we will have a road map that shows how to capitalize on our strengths and

    minimize or eliminate our weaknesses. We should then use this map to take advantage of

    opportunities and avoid or lessen threats. After analyzed strengths, weaknesses, threats, and

    opportunities, we can use that information to plan how to market our self. Hence

    The marketing planning process entails a three-step process:

    1. determining objectives.

    2. developing marketing strategies.

    3. strategizing an action program.

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    Motivation is crucial in the process of management. Without little or no motivation you, as a

    manger of an organization will not be able to get as much from your employees as you may

    need. Motivation is the driving force in people. It makes people feel committed to others, and

    feel responsible for the actions of an organization. Motivating to excellence deals with how to

    ensure a positively motivated team of employees. This report states that "employees accept

    responsibility and work toward organizational goals if by so doing they also achieve personal


    There are basically three steps to follow to get your people motivated. These are; (1)Hiring the

    best people, (2) train employees, and finally (3) Communicate constantly. All of these steps are

    dependent on each other, and it is not possible to only incorporate one of these. Always

    remember that your employees do have potentials, and you are their primary motivator.

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    The following specific steps can help to go a long way toward supporting employees to

    motivate them in organization.


    Remember that everything that really matters starts with you, at the top: a commitment to

    excellence, outstanding service, kindness, courtesy, punctuality, ethics and enthusiasm. And, by

    the same token, employee engagement the emotional connection that people have to their jobs

    and to the practice for which they workalso starts at the top.


    Make sure job candidates know your expectations in the beginning, in order to help them decide

    whether the position is one in which they'll be happy. Two crucial tools for this purpose: written

    job descriptions and an employee handbook.


    As a start, ask employees: "What interests you most?" And "What do you do best?" Theiranswers may surprise you.


    Consider such alternative work arrangements as flextime (flexible work hours), compressed

    work weeks (work longer days in exchange for a shorter week), job sharing (divide one full-time

    job, for example, into two part-time jobs) and telecommuting. These arrangements help ease the

    conflicts many employees have between home and work. The possibilities to make work more

    enjoyable are endless.


    At a minimum, staff members deserve periodic cost-of-living increases. Offer additional raises if

    staff members assume additional responsibilities, acquire new skills, progress to the next level in

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    their positions, go the extra mile or garner positive feedback from patients. This compensation

    model recognizes and rewards achievement making a statement that you want employees who

    are hard-working, strive for excellence and take your practice to new levels.


    Schedule a staff meeting around the topic of "What in your opinion matters most in this practice"

    Have everyone first write their answers to the question, then discuss them, and reach consensus

    on the topic. It'll keep everyone rowing in the same direction.


    Schedule periodic performance reviews with a discussion of the following topics: clarification of

    job responsibilities, priorities and performance goals; recognition of good work; and strengths

    and weaknesses of which the employee may be unaware. Such discussions (properly

    documented) also provide you with important legal protection should a disgruntled employee file

    a wrongful termination lawsuit.

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    Reiss, Steven (2000),Who am I: The 16 basic desires that motivate our actions and

    define our personalities, New York: Tarcher/Putnam, pp. 288, ISBN 1-58542-045-X,

    Reiss, Steven (2004), "Multifaceted nature of intrinsic motivation: The theory of 16

    basic desires", Review of General Psychology8 (3): 179-193, doi:10.1037/1089-



    Maslow, Motivation and Personality, p. 66.

    Schunk, Dale. Motivation in Education: Theory, Research, and Applications. Prentice

    Hall, 2007. ISBN 0132281554

    Reeve, Johnmarshall. Understanding Motivation and Emotion. Wiley, 2004. ISBN


    Following are the main sources from where the Telenor Pakistan information has been

