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An Executive in North America

A Child in a Developing World

Four Team Members in the Middle of an Open Ocean

An Epic Journey -- Unpredictable Challenges -- Come with Us

Africa to the Americas

Sponsor Information Packet

Canadian Wildlife Federation


Page 2: OAR Northwest Sponsor Information Packet

“It was obvious during the final weeks of OAR Northwest’s journey across the North Atlan�c that they had captured the imagina�on of my readers. Even though I regularly published updates, I was peppered with e-mails and phone calls daily from readers looking for more informa�on on their status. The day they reached land the story of their victory was one of the most popular on our website.” -Craig Hill, Tacoma News Tribune

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OAR N��������: A ����� H������ OAR Northwest was founded in 2005 by four University of Puget Sound alumni & Row-ing teammates as a non-profit organiza�on whose goal was to win the first rowing race across the North Atlan�c Ocean.

Throughout the 18-month project �me-line, OAR Northwest promoted corporate sponsors in Sea�le media and gained inter-na�onal exposure on na�onal news networks CNN & ABC, and programs like ABC’s Good Morning America and 20/20. Through their efforts, $50,000 was donated to the American Lung Associa�on of Washington.

The team exceeded all expecta�ons,enduring 72-days crossing 3,100 nau�cal miles of the North Atlan�c to win the first interna-�onal ocean rowing race from New York to England. By making landfall, they became the first boat to ever row from mainland USA to mainland UK without assistance – recognized by Guinness World Records.

A�er gaining two new members in 2009, OAR Northwest is now an interna�onal orga-niza�on with offices in Washington and Bri�sh Columbia, and includes an Educa�on Advisory Commi�ee of dedicated research scien�sts, educa�on representa�ves and mari�me pro-fessionals.

TOP: Brad & Dylan battling rough waters approaching landfall - Cornwall, UKBOTTOM: Greg, Brad, Jordan & Dylan relish victory; pensive to the remaining 70 miles

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Using human power, expressed through the sport of rowing, rowers will connect classrooms to the ocean rowboat-turned research vessel. Students virtually explore nature, community, the world, and themselves using STEM principles in the adventure educa�on programs.

This extraordinary crew combines an Olympic gold medalist with a Guinness World Record holder to offer sponsors unparalleled skills, dedica�on, merit, poise, composure, talent and outcomes.

T�� 2012 S���������� E����� April 2012: Circumnavigate Canada’s rugged Vancouver Island on the 29-foot ocean rowboat, traversing the wonderous Inside Passage & the “Grave-yard of the Pacific.” SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED! December 2012: Row across the mid-Atlan�c Ocean from Senegal, West Africa to Miami, harnessing currents and tradwinds, bridging con�nents.

The crew of four – which includes a Guinness World Record holder & a 2008 Olympic Gold Medalist – will row in one to four-hour shi�s, twenty-four hours a day un�l they make landfall.

The route will leave West Africa

and finish over 4,000 miles later

in Miami, Florida.

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Create las�ng change in the lives of childrenJoin the challenge, share the adventure

Inspire effec�ve, las�ng change in your cultureReceive a tax deduc�on

-Get no�ced-

The route will leave West Africa

and finish over 4,000 miles later

in Miami, Florida.

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T�� C��� A��� K����

Adam is a champion who teaches success & well-being. Adam won a gold medal at the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. Over 13 years of rowing, he’s won over 60 medals - 40+ were gold.Recently, Adam was named Athlete Leader of the year at the 2010 Canadian Sports Awards. A self-described “posi�ve realist,” Adam has spoken to over 100,000 people across North America and Western Europe on topics of

achievement, leadership and teambuilding. Adam is a member of the GlobalAssocia�on of Professional Speakers, and is wri�ng a book. Adam serves on the Canadian Olympic Commi�ee, and is a long-�me Athlete Ambassador for Right to Play. Adam is eager for this ocean challenge to sa�sfy his love of rowing and help raise awareness and funds for our charity. Adam holds a degree in Geotechnical Engineering and Hydrology from Stanford University. All said, Adam’s greatest accomplishment has been the rearing of his growing

son, born July 2010.

M����� P������Markus believes in being the change through his love of filmmaking and adventure. His background in filmmaking and human-powered adventures provide him with a unique lens through which to view and record life at sea on a rowboat. Although he just started rowing in the spring, he is bizarrely confident that he can now row across an ocean. Markus is an expedi�on guy at heart, having climbed Huayna Potosi (6080m) in Bolivia, biked 2,500km of the US Pacific Coast and standup paddleboarded across the Georgia Strait (55km) in 10 hours. He is currently planning a human-powered circumnaviga�on of the world in support of grassroots environmental organiza�ons. Born & raised in Toronto,

he now surfs waves and plays with his nieces in Tofino, on Vancouver Island.

J����� H������Jordan is a writer who loves adventure. A�er winning the first rowing race across the North Atlan�c Ocean he was mentally strengthened by, “The hardest thing I could have ever imagined.” His resul�ng confidence and incredible stories have inspired Jordan to document his adventures in an entertaining way. A published author, he’s wri�en stories on a bicycle trip across Australia, and his circumnaviga�on of Washington State’s Olympic Peninsula. His first published book about the North Atlan�c trip, Rowing

into the Son, is available in bookstores . A deep love of explora�on and travel has fueled Jordan’s desire to dream up some unbelievable journeys: Hiking in Tasmania, riding bamboo ra�s in northern Thailand, and cycling the French Alps were just the beginning. Most recently, he canoed (and portaged) over 200 miles of New Mexico’s Rio Grande. In between living and recording these adventures, he struggles with the con�nuous project of renova�ng his 96 year-old house. Jordan is proud to be part of such a strong and diverse team in collabora�on with the Canadian Wildlife Federa�on.

P������ F������Pat is a self-proclaimed all around good guy. A�er being born in Philadelphia on the ho�est August on record, Pat high-tailed it to Connec�cut and began rowing in high school and con�nued through college and beyond. Love for deep powder and whitewater has kept him jumping for the last four years between ra�ing and rowing on the Arkansas River in the summer, and Ski Patrol in the winter. Pat brings a varied professional experience working in outdoor adventures that include, but are not limited to skills as a wilderness EMT and dropping bombs for avalanche control. When he’s able to find a kitchen, he loves cooking and baking - both of which will be highly underu�lized on this trip.

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T�� C��� A��� K����

Adam is a champion who teaches success & well-being. Adam won a gold medal at the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. Over 13 years of rowing, he’s won over 60 medals - 40+ were gold.Recently, Adam was named Athlete Leader of the year at the 2010 Canadian Sports Awards. A self-described “posi�ve realist,” Adam has spoken to over 100,000 people across North America and Western Europe on topics of

achievement, leadership and teambuilding. Adam is a member of the GlobalAssocia�on of Professional Speakers, and is wri�ng a book. Adam serves on the Canadian Olympic Commi�ee, and is a long-�me Athlete Ambassador for Right to Play. Adam is eager for this ocean challenge to sa�sfy his love of rowing and help raise awareness and funds for our charity. Adam holds a degree in Geotechnical Engineering and Hydrology from Stanford University. All said, Adam’s greatest accomplishment has been the rearing of his growing

son, born July 2010.

M����� P������Markus believes in being the change through his love of filmmaking and adventure. His background in filmmaking and human-powered adventures provide him with a unique lens through which to view and record life at sea on a rowboat. Although he just started rowing in the spring, he is bizarrely confident that he can now row across an ocean. Markus is an expedi�on guy at heart, having climbed Huayna Potosi (6080m) in Bolivia, biked 2,500km of the US Pacific Coast and standup paddleboarded across the Georgia Strait (55km) in 10 hours. He is currently planning a human-powered circumnaviga�on of the world in support of grassroots environmental organiza�ons. Born & raised in Toronto,

he now surfs waves and plays with his nieces in Tofino, on Vancouver Island.

J����� H������Jordan is a writer who loves adventure. A�er winning the first rowing race across the North Atlan�c Ocean he was mentally strengthened by, “The hardest thing I could have ever imagined.” His resul�ng confidence and incredible stories have inspired Jordan to document his adventures in an entertaining way. A published author, he’s wri�en stories on a bicycle trip across Australia, and his circumnaviga�on of Washington State’s Olympic Peninsula. His first published book about the North Atlan�c trip, Rowing

into the Son, is available in bookstores . A deep love of explora�on and travel has fueled Jordan’s desire to dream up some unbelievable journeys: Hiking in Tasmania, riding bamboo ra�s in northern Thailand, and cycling the French Alps were just the beginning. Most recently, he canoed (and portaged) over 200 miles of New Mexico’s Rio Grande. In between living and recording these adventures, he struggles with the con�nuous project of renova�ng his 96 year-old house. Jordan is proud to be part of such a strong and diverse team in collabora�on with the Canadian Wildlife Federa�on.

P������ F������Pat is a self-proclaimed all around good guy. A�er being born in Philadelphia on the ho�est August on record, Pat high-tailed it to Connec�cut and began rowing in high school and con�nued through college and beyond. Love for deep powder and whitewater has kept him jumping for the last four years between ra�ing and rowing on the Arkansas River in the summer, and Ski Patrol in the winter. Pat brings a varied professional experience working in outdoor adventures that include, but are not limited to skills as a wilderness EMT and dropping bombs for avalanche control. When he’s able to find a kitchen, he loves cooking and baking - both of which will be highly underu�lized on this trip.

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O���� R������: A Vessel of Opportunity

Small but mighty, the 29 � boat grabs public & media a�en�on • One-of-a-kind in North America • The world’s most technologically advanced ocean rowboat • Built to self-right when flipped in heavy seas • Ou�i�ed with communica�on and survival gear found on 60-foot ocean yachts

These innova�ons are the new standard in ocean rowing. OAR Northwest will use these expedi�ons to test new technologies, document dynamic visual imagery in HD video, and collaborate with a world-wide audience in real-�me.

I���������: Crea�ng new models for explora�on

• Ash core, carbon-wrapped oars. Many �mes stronger than hollow-carbon used by other ocean rowers• High-aspect ra�o blade balances efficiency and maneuverability, excelling in flat water or 25 � waves• Hand-loomed wooden handles with mul�ple alterna�ve grips provide comfort and ergonomics that speak for themselves: 3200 nau�cal miles with 7 blisters between 4 rowers.


• Built for the ocean and roll smooth, true and silent a�er thousands of miles without a�en�on • Design keeps seat secured in rough seas• Highest quality bearings• Seat height allows rowing in all types of water• 70% of ocean rowers have copied this design since we used it in 2006


• Built to row in more types of water with greater efficiency• Width from center of boat increases rowers leverage• Adjustable height allows boat to be rowed efficiently in rough & calm water

Since the 2006 race, ocean rowing crews con�nue to copy and adopt OAR Northwest gear in races and independent adventures.

Today, OAR Northwest innovates and creates opportunity from the challenges faced in

prepara�on and while at sea.

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OAR Northwest is pleased to announce a �tle sponsorship agreement with the Canadian Wildlife Federa�on (CWF).

The Canadian Wildlife Federa�on is dedicated to ensuring an apprecia�on of our natural world and a las�ng legacy of healthy wildlife and habitat. Through CWF’s partnership for the “Salish Sea” and “Africa to the Americas” expedi�ons, Wade Luzny, CEO-Execu�ve Vice President believes “the OAR Northwest expedi�ons will draw a�en�on to the health of marine ecosystems and re-connect the public with the outdoors, water sports and conserva�on. It’s an exci�ng course, with an ocean of possibili�es for water educa�on and engagement.”

CWF’s presence will be immediately felt and recognized as they come aboard for the next two ocean rowing expedi�ons: the 750-mile circumnaviga�on of Vancouver Island, and later for the trans-Atlan�c expedi�on from Liberia to Venezuela.

OAR Northwest expedi�on member & Olympic Gold Medalist in rowing, Adam Kreek, will work closely with CWF to ensure their message of marine wildlife and habit conserva�on is communicated throughout both expedi�ons.

Luba Mycio-Mommers Ph.D., CWF’s Director of Educa�on, believes in star�ng where students are at and crea�ng opportuni�es for them to realize they can make a posi�ve impact on the natural world. Her work is directed to empowering educators with capacity for this to happen. She also believes in the power of what young people can teach adults about their concerns of the future of the natural world and enabling that to happen.

OAR Northwest will proudly engage youth, adults, families, students and school classrooms on behalf of CWF, and we look forward to con�nuing to work closely with their staff to ensure an apprecia�on of our natural world and a las�ng legacy of healthy wildlife and habitat.

T���� S������: C������� W������� F��������� Generously underwri�ng OAR Northwest programs and expedi�on costs

CWF officer Randy McLeod makes it official;Adam, Jordan & Otto accept the generous offer.

FACING (TOP TO BOTTOM): Richard & Greg begin CWF Salish Sea Expedition; The JRH passes Vancouver’s Lions Gate Bridge; Greg & Jordan navigate Pacific Ocean swells.

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S������ O������ M���

S���������� L����� • Exclusive Title Sponsor → Canadian Wildlife Federa�on • Presen�ng Sponsor – $55,000+ (2 opportuni�es)

• Suppor�ng Partner – $15,000+ (1 opportunity le�!) → Kokatat → Lifestyles Markets → Panasonic • Other Opportuni�es – < $15,000 → Services → Installa�ons → Equipment → Clothing & Apparel → Travel & Logis�cs → Web presenta�on & maintenance → Professional exper�se (i.e. - weather/route guidance, financial management, etc)

Few sports sponsorship opportuni�es hold more powerful or elegantmetaphors than rowing. We know that when people pull together,extraordinary success is possible – and we’ve proven it ourselves with aGuinness World Record row in 2006.

What we do is extreme – four men in a 29-foot ocean rowboat, crossing thousands of miles of wild Pacific and Atlan�c waters.

We connect students across con�nents and demonstrate, through teamwork, that success is achievable.

Join us.

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“In 2006 they captured the imagina�on of the Northwest and the na�on. In 2012 the world will hold its collec�ve breath as these fearless oarsmen plow through waves faster than anyone who’s gone before.”

-Michael King, Evening Magazine, KING TV, Sea�le.

A� � S������ Y��: •G�� �� �� ��� PR - because expedi�on coverage has already begun. •D������ ���� ����� - because your logo is wedded to our ocean rowboat, clothing, website and more. •S������ ���� � ��� ����������� - and effect change in people’s lives and in marine habitat. •R������ � ��� ��������� - because we’re a 501(c)3 organiza�on. •S���� �� ��� ��������� - with exclusive, real �me video and blogs at •R������ ���������� ������������� - that are engaging, authen�c and inspiring. Team-building seminars are designed especially for your company’s crew, moving the culture forward in a posi�ve direc�on that your team will truly buy into.

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OAR Northwest PO Box 31402 Sea�le, Washington 98103

p: (206) 795-4184e: [email protected]

A���� OAR N��������Founded in 2005, OAR Northwest connects with partners to reach its expedi�on and program goals, while propelling youth, community members and businesses to their own extraordinary achievement. The crew for the next Atlan�c expedi�on: Beijing Olympic Gold Medalist Adam Kreek; Adventure filmmaker Markus Pukonen; Guinness World Record holder and North Atlan�c Rowing Race veteran Jordan Hanssen; whitewater ra� guide & Wildnerness EMT Pat Fleming. Greg Spooner will be holding it all together on land as Mission Control. Jordan and Greg rowed 3,200 nau�cal miles across the North Atlan�c in 72 days from the USA to the UK without assistance. This Pacific Northwest-based 501(c)3 not-for-profit organiza�on is currently raising awareness and funds for its mid-Atlan�c Ocean crossing. OAR Northwest proves that solid teams faced with extreme challenges can inspire excellence.

O�� M������OAR Northwest uses adventure-based rowing to educate & serve local communi�es while researching environments that we explore together.