
moat wbe¯

.p’~.’+~+"Trthtao the,11~

enemy of P.epub]3eanlmm,. upta to to deootaee’audof t degraded Adulate-

not wltheut


¯ . ¯ + ~.~omfitetereri of


Ne~ e,~ ~urth ~ccood S~ lstdaer below ~nme.We hare ¢eost~otly aa hood an ~eer~me¯t ef

¯ Gold" nnd Niivor Patent Le~tel,lr "Leplue and iqain Wltlehel r ’¯ Flue’Gold broil|l,, ~enl.%~. ’

and Key¯,

.... + .tlEDAZ.’LIO.V~i ZOOK~T~,.



HASONIC HARKS and Emble,~s of nil kl~smade tn order. ’’ The boat plated ware that h sold Io the United

States ,~ta be found at our 8retie.Watches tnd Jewelr~ by ,ki]3ful’and

experienced workmen; " "N¯]3.--Country’urdem reeoiyid ahd returnedHill or BXpreto.. Ju]30

’of’t80@--u lm.tha nl~+ on- s Lee’e Imrrender--mako

]taoe~lt~cllbn~XUSACUE~S or,

¯ ~ ta/~Yt. We are no 16~ler]~mttlmd b7 llar nt<~kdtlers lad wo must amend l~,oYol’..-Ol’l~ ~lflom.

war e/p~lmsatl. The preeent oond/tion¯ : ’thelrozre~ is m lfflvlOOl OTIt" ~ , . lWusketm and c~bines, 1

¯ : + ¯ .’~mlu. ¯ dollar dole ant¯ .~_j f.m~. *.Zt’..ay POCKET aND BELT gEVOLVERSI~+~ -: It ll’-’h’t’~m~m¯e t, REPEATING PISTOLS,imam ha8 /elba’,. hi does not know whether he" ¯ Ikal’~hte led of b¢ltd or ten. All business is RIFLE CA.VE~, //EI’OLI’I.’+’G +RZFZES,"

¯ ~lv¯risb sad unsettled. We tJ~lok this ran only ~ifie andShot.Gun Barrels¯ and Gun Hltorialetold by Gun Dealers and the Trade Generally.

I~ t~ete da~ja of ] and R.blte,Ts" treP~ Z’fOlta~p .½’toret 3lank O.~ccs’s&ould Stare

oaeef -

+Itp lrfloallrl ~e’lxe ehd~¯vbrlog tc~ create a Parties dcslrin= t,, avail themtelvee.of the last-wMe]lt’,~eta: only., result In the prostration iml+roroments in Pi+*tM~, and superior workm¯n.jim( ++l/~a lod,mm-y--lhe degratien of Labor and ship and form, will find 911 cnmbiw, d in thethe ~diasmeut e/English capitolls~. Daring NEw RFMINGTCN It EVOLVBIIS..~l’~IO~}’~BOre Of OUP WO r~ We hare +Strugglediq~at thii: interest We believe Protection Cereal¯re containlug eats and descr]l,tioa ofI~n~t:¯~oeelary now+than ever befo;es and’we our Arms w]31 bo funziM, ed tepee applieation.

.ihlJl~/}et++¯put/"Ills broadest aud xise.+U legit- R¯ ltEMINGTo~N & SONS, I]3i’ou. N. Y¯IiUonTor the Rights of I,a~or¯ + :

lathe l~erplexh~8 quosliot~ of Reeonrth~ction Huuno &’~ICIIUI.$ Agentl, -"wl~lsut ~+ ?eano¯ to ~,~ the policy ~yhlclx ,me ¯ " " ~o¯ 40"COurtlbnd SL,’~cw York¯hAve’asserted nlnce theclo;e of thew¯r. ~tthen ~4-10m. ¯~eumed tone th+tr E~anclpation of the~lmlnek8h.nld:be,fu)lowed by+’Suffrage’ tor+th’e Black. "[~ SI-]UTTLE


~sk forSo~vizzg ~chines

Are ~uperior t? all others for Family mud ~fanu

at+me of this ; I BMPIR]’I S.H. CO~., 101 Broadway, ~.~eo! . Amoe~ty ~ .......keen approvld by Co.gre~s--toa greater extentthsm~cl¯imzd in the Tribune¯, We hare held thatthe men who stnr.’ed oaf, Lives in’Rebel dungeon;,who murdered surreadered prisone~, who violatedthe rules ef¯~war, ~,ld alded in th~ us~ess[uationuf lira’ LineMus should hn Irked and punl.qhe~--Go~gress. and .the A~mlnistr+ition buys greed¯aat uo poni~h~e~kshould bc left:ted seen upon Ilien who are charged Wltb thee." erlme~s and tee~]y meson+re lcoklug, like punishment is+ tbc

¯ llolndmeut .uf "di~sfr:mchibement" fror~ boldingiJ"~J~ wE!oh to merely a icotiment.~l and not at [Trlmtloil pe¯¯lty.. Oa the other hand, the FU~e- ]

¯ ~ df the uirn-Rzghts "Bill, the Pr.+edmau’¯ ]]~m’,,iu Bill, and the Bill for Suffrage in the Dist. ]s’ist of Cnlu~b~a,:e~ow t}4~t--P.eottetruetion ~ilI l

lOUbe eoomummoted "wltheut%tffragu~nd pr.tec- Ielse’for the Bllmks¯ 2’"o po}i.y of the Triht,~.c .ku.beta ~rtetically"~iopted bY thosewho differ-Id With’ aa durbig Its discuesloe. We uererqulwt~l ~’lth frinod~ who are impatient with m.Wo do them the j~sti~o- of buUevlnK.thpt they~qt’ay towhi.t~ right just ~.~wstrn~ttheywill ~I0 utl’ toe Juettee ef belio~;bJg we go. our WayI~ W~httlslrtgh~.. We ~rork for th¯ slime objectIm~’~rhaplln dJ.~urent, .Wcbuvcnohlgh-¯ r Id~ thta to secure nation ~d t~


+. CLOTHING HALL,8. ~: COt. ~ceoml ,tad Mnrkct Stre~’ts,


Clothh]g-for teen and Iloy~,


Department for CtmtonP .~1+r0rk."’ Agenls for Oiled Clothing.


LumborI Briokl Limel 0oali


LU M]3~L.

of this ~ and in

¯ copBa~¯merle¯

Im(l".. Of tka’ earth, ellablisbment costa a grea/++deal s

When we state thatlndl-

,’eh&rged+ In ¯

¯ cwa we pay moneyst~¯ Vat ¯zpaose of nat pohlioldinn m¯y be Im-ilioe& ’~We Intend to enlarg~ these f¯ellltier, endnot only to lather news from .allw.rld, but to .ask the null gifted

%’e¯utr:u to write for ear #olumsm. With¯ t them we.have lreidy entered intotte¯l which will result in gltJog to thethe ;Crib¯no a levies of esters that bath for their~ntal¯s e’ value n"d the fame of their Ilins~rioua

suthur~, will long be memer¯bl¯ in the history ofInure¯Ilia, We I~ostpono for the present a more

Friemds of Impartial Justice andwe greet

believe th¯l as Increased elreuintlOu of tee Txibn~owould on¯dues to the political, Intell~e(ual and


,-... /¯ _¯ . ¯ +.

.++.; .. - ,.~ .:



" 18yasrs er~bltthed io I~¯Y City."*’ Only Infalliable remedies known."’~ Free’from Poisons.*’

,"Not daugerour to the Hum¯a Family¯""Hate coma out of thmlr holes to die.’:¯

"l~oatars,,, Rat. llomeh +Ae., EX-.l, ermlr.=loro . ¯

Ie a paste--t/sod for Rid.. Jl/’ie., .Roeelee,~taek a#d ~ed.A~te.’&e t ~e¯ +

¯ ¯ =s. Coninr?n" llog-BnE zexlO~Inrotor ""

Is a ]iquhl or wast--used to destroy, andIdao as a preventative to: /J’ed B.g,, Ae¯

’*Cosiar’o" Eleelrle Powder for¯ ’ IUtO@|O ’ , : .Is ’for Moth, .M,,.quli.., Fleal, B~’D’,~e, .

laaeet~ on Pinatat Fowl% and .~n~mub.

! !! BEWAnt ! ] ! of all worthlesstines. " : -

See tlmt "CoevAus’,’.mtme ts on aseh ?%¯Bottlp and Flask, before you hay¯’

4~4 Broadw¯y, N. Yo~.Sold t¯H¯mmontou .

J~A. By 4U. J. FAY.nd by Drufgists mad R+etallers everywhere.


BUOKTHORN SALVEFor Cute, Burns, Braises, Wcundt, BoSh, Can-

cers. Brnken Breasts, Sore Nipples, Bleedi.gItllu,i and Painful Pile.~; Scrofulous Putrid and.Ill-conditions@ Sore,; Ulcers. Ol,ndnlar Ewcll.

Affuction~, Ringwe~,

Hands, Lips, &e,. Bites of Spiders, Injects, ~oi-reals, J:e.. &¢.

**e Boxes. 25 ell’¯ bO eta’., nod $I. liter.?oB Sohl by all Drug~itts everywhere.e.~ An~by Bns~tv R. COSTAl|, Depot 4S4

Btn;t,lwrt~f, N. Y.~’z~’-An,l by C. J. FAY, ][~’mrnohton, N, J.


’:~OST_A.~t’S"¯ UNI~EILqAL


For Co~s, E~niont, W¯m, &e, "’~ew Boxol, 25 eta,, 50 st,., a~d $1 elz~,eae Sold by Druggists erery~he:o¯a.e And hy Hz.~ur +It. COaT.e, Depot 484

Broadway, N. T.e+e And by C¯ J¯ FAY, Hammontan, N. J.


illiter ~weet & O~a-gelllo~omsn

F..r Bolutifylog the Cemplexlsn.Uled to Sullen end lie,at[tying the Skint remote

J~reoktesrP--lm plo.,~Er uptloo Sr@~+I,adt~e are now ulicg It In preferenso to all

ethers. - .. ±use Bottles $1.

Sold Ky all Draggier+ ererywherl,Aod by lie,no E. Colrao, Depot 484

PO~8~A.VT~" O,V-HA,YD.- "- -

..... .. ..r. 8

L qFreight..+ Aeeem. ~"

¯ 5¯45".¯. .- :+ ~.00

,, {~,. ./.4~|1" . .-:\.,.

s.e3 :,,, L’~44 " .... ¯

${501 ;.’, .: t~.+~ ~:&el } ...~ ..~. ~

~I0.|11 "+ :++ "~ 5~29

10;50 &.M!.. 5.03

d.19¯ I|¯0S 8.~d

., .I|AO - 8.55

¯..~:NFTB~INS.. "¯" "

J~. It.’ .e.IS". ~aT’


.--Llg+-:~,,. 1.54-


8.21¯ . 8.35



] 5.:Ik~O :¯2,202.453.08|,21

. 3.8~g.deI.tZd.H+



RARITAN ,dk DEL. BAY il. It. CO. "Oa tad trier September I0~, 1860. 4,"


Ezpres+~ Hell. FemlghtA.X* &.W* 1%]~.

deu,~leav+e 9.10 -%|5 5.10¯ " 8.53 8.8S : S¯5~..

]0.]7 + 4¯00 7.1911.36 ~55 9.$51:1.571.IS

9.30 5.00 L m.¯ ~0R PIIILADELPH[A:

. ]lxpre~ Hall, Fr tlihtA* M. P’n. 11+. M.

New York--leers 11.00 d;00" 5,00Port Mocmouth. 12.3~ 11.15Bed B ok, 1".5; 11.d5Htaohoster, " 2.17 L$8 2.03ArMor, 3.31 8.57 - 4.00Jackson, 3.55-- e.29 4.4dCamden--art-Eve 4 30 10..113 8.05


~. 2aft. ~HZ~z.+r

. ¯,:

.Upevlor ia beauty

ere,s ehh :’." <


TAKR /UI~L DeraIL.The, enid/e.t =e .oa/= ¯ ho¯,


¯ remit 25 p0r of ro0te and herb,

1 Lly.~sfm ot the

do¯ .~ :< I !1uofpro~uouany~au]6a or elekoetoop the stem.a~hl b¯t’w~uu live¯ for Dyl, pepMl~ E ml~t be

c’ " proper" to, ~aso tbe~m ’i,+ - eo¯~ectlon wlth~SOUENCK’8 sEaWEED TONIC. ~y thlaJu*d|elou8 the fMultles, trl

. rfaJl Tiger lua~ the worlt’B+’u¯red. . _ . ..’

tbot to It II




AI~o, Gee. Sleek’& 0o’e/Haios Bros., R¯venh BKcon’ss and ethos ""

PzANOS "Prleee greatly redu~:¯t the Wa__+~roo_mu el’

J. E. GOULD.Cor. of Seventh aqd Chest¯at Ill,

St-If. , /~hlladePphis.

GROV’~STEEN & CO.,,l’iano-]For te l~nnul’ae tar,s,

d99 Broadway, New York."The attent on Of th~ trade is "invlted to our

.Vetl ,~oale,’~e~en O¢lare, )~o.e*eood Pt¯ho-Pertl*.whioh for Tolumn .aodpur]3y.,~f tongare ’untie-tied by any hitherto offered in this market

modern im


r eholdd

b~8 the. ¯m of¢. ¯ ¯ .


r the

8c¯¯~C£7--Dm, 81r: I teks pl"c~t~’e:fnaddition te

the cure

experiemen overt lertptloo ; all my’s Is to the 0oneloslon that my timh iayery particular¯

chert Buch was the tsrrlblc:oOnditlon to WhichI To¯ "G~tot¯STOOX-PY~WO-~uarlL’~’~+~_+ lifo had,become abor-

¯ .- + rll~il~l.+,-

J~eecP.ed rite ~;9~£elt awtird ef mer+~+ nt t~+ ede-6rated World’s Pair @herb were ex~lhl~d inltrm, p,ia; Iweo]inmeet8 from the best mnker~ of London, Paris, wriOI ankletGermany, Pu~tndnlphla, .Daltlmor+, boston, and .OnN’ewYorkl ud also ¯ethe Amer[oo~t Institute th’e head, whichwem.ld fMlfor flva successive years, thu Oo/d aud Eilver’ would beJ/’~da~ from both of whloh san be seen at ourwnro-roumr, - ¯]1. By lbo tntroduetlo¯ of impr~vcmtato wc make reach my.caas~ hut ~f uO

astill~moro porfemt Pit.o-forte, and by mtat~foo~ rtoriog ]argely~ with’ a Itrtetly cerh eyltem, are OneTf them emi~ho could do-:In more for me

a~ ltthesW~d.v,.edm ...... t ....t. to drink co, ,irer

will preolndo all neap.tit on. ell. Not relishing the horrid trosh X declined toUniver’~ C finger,emnbled’to .ffer there in.t ..... U¯at ~. price that

¯ Our prices are from, SIS0 to $200,eheaper tham take IL Accident pat your adTcrt soment in my. The moat eopvenient, most dorhb]s, and th~’r’~" emy first class Pian,~ forte, "¯ ¯ hands. " I called 0o yon; you anamined me kndfore the cheapest Wringer ever ¯ roads; has rE.MS.--Net Cash in curre"nt fund8 " told me the uatfire of my disease. YOU them or-take= mo~o first premieres, at State and geaeral-; mriptlro circulars sent free. ]I & P" doted me the Pills and Touin with an observanceFOre, and ia used by more people th¯a all ++thor that in one weekWringers togcther. " ---

+ m*+~.~mat..


l~l.atlo=+¯r+ thr~ "+’I.~" or ~iwtm~ ¯a~.thrm ym’,il/zdy f: er fo6t ~ecsMosss .lael¯dl~l ..

t-* y, +m.,,p~,t ut thp.V.,~ml+..i+ :+’ ...

81fy is~-~--M~rid-lm~l]3m1-Hkanl, in. wldeh allb¢oue]~oe.’+f madI01ua(imd4m’p~r, are- la¯lhl,in+udl.+ ti.e prepar=iarY,.tkdim, wire¯at .Im~ltu say swtarl¯a Vl~we; ’~m0.j wbm’Ui.y&lm,.

Eebe|lelsm, lIydropalhy, et¢.r tttey~Jhdleve th~

~eefd"be taull~ ~. f¯ all’.wMi.r,golate~ +~edleal.ichool,, imd th~tev¯ry latotllleab h~i~i~+satl ....thorOUgh pmctftfo¯arlee¯tltled tamll’theeoerth. . .ales m~d privUogu of tim piJfeeelent’ wltksat H. "~rd In his l~oulllr.aol1~nk In thir.~ ,+- " " . "

¯ Y.+,,-*Tho feel for all branebei.iuelldlnl allthe.. tick*u,, matricultUm+/’~aud/dismeti~b me " ¯

~.. IoelJon~. or" IIg4~ ¯ year. Yhem who p¯r-ehuu’tl~c+" od|y b~r+ Io" matrio¯lath o¯~b wklehm,,Imt the’neond l~llion ~l, lanludi~g desmt,,~.ItralorJi fui, Ot~ $|k5 £tot* g full e*~u~t, f+* addJrOeag me+* of t~odlmf* man., the lYe[reaM17 ben

bsu°dfl~(i’ta~r~IreA°lur#k¢7*swhleh m asld+lo .Srmt eouru Itudsall fur $?~+and:teloe~d.enrt6 "J, tode~e and elerl~m,m for $00, I~h eoaifltullUlithe h~der a lifo member, ~,ith the .l~esp~|prlvlkgel’OP the le~tm.e~, to0 ~ I~P~ashinga~of. the 8ehoeL The only ¯ddJtlonal lass are n

ysat’ly+dhseetlng and matrle~latlag tioknt~ *.inkuf whlsh II $5" T~e Adea,,* of geko/aP+k~l~.--The e~od’.al-h+lding i tehol¯rth~’e¯a tateFtb¯ ~’ollege astay tkae°duH*g tke year, ¯ttee+d as Iouftu bwehooeos~ an@ re-caret the Institution ~ ~uenU)as desired.. ~ , ¯ .

~qulree on pr~vio,e rnd[ng or ,l~dy’~.lYoi+Porlily op Seholer~hIpsi hum ell

saved" " ,

o.t+ oth. be,~+., .,,.[+f th,,m. ..eandHwtefev gradult’loo 8oh ]pr~eut him.

re]~f at any timo~ tad rceeLro hi" ~g~m as eo¯wma qemdl~ed.

,-In eeee a mtudent ehoold I~old a ¯ohor-~hfp an,fn~t be able to atte,& leetorwt It eao be Wane.I’~rr~+ to thus preventing ouy le*e.

¯ P~reute~ guardltan eT f~de of Stu~ll WbI’-

i/,g tu pureh-’~e eehel¯rnblpe.for the~ a y~an el;more Imforo their ¯ttemdaheo ~lt-tho +]JIl[VteByaas.~ I,murLtbem by- paying oo¯.half the" prlN~tad p~log thebalsacs.wbea the IludeuLuz+te~ol’hyslo[ths tad benevolent men etn beet0w yr*atbemeflt upon poor yoacg men, by preee¯tinlf themaleholenbtp, ¯ud th~ eanhling.them to oblklm

honombie l+tofe~sluo. ~ . +

~e .~eg=l~r Fie,dis.

J£~t.i H¢CL,XTeCK. A¯ H¯, ~.’D., ProJ’t:llOT

llouselteebei’~ t3onS/der theFollowing Facts :


TAt C/oth**’.ra D’~str.yed,¯ 2’~e Labor is .for#re.HealtA i. ~,rpo~ad,

¯ ~’me is W.eted.


2’~e L=bor ie Notld,g,TA* He.Irk i. -r~e,er~d,

r/,.O’a Sured,


Tho+~tYn[vereel CIotbelgood for I

NEW YORK.0rear improvement in Se’wlng.Hu0bines Km-pfro Shuttle, Crank Mutton So@lug Hachine¯--It is thus rendered eel#clef8 |o action. Itl me-lind being all poMflvu it Is not liable to get antof order¯ It is the bole’Family H¯ohlne. No-tie ~royed M¯UO fa0-

Io whom liberalignl~est+ made.


.For ,ale by

A.=O. CLARK, F 0 U T.Z’8eaLoelAroa,o,. +,,o,..o_, .....+’°"+" H0m g tt]0 P0wdml’ownshlp, ~," ,. +.

Itmmonton, ~’~s eth I|~i.~- [daltf, "

628. HOOP SKIRTS, 6~8." IOPKIN’~ " _--N i.J~

__Now Fall S.~yles!etemt~bAre lu every r~sp~et first eli,s, and embrace a ..... t~neu.- ........

e,,mploto leSorlmeot for Ladles, MIIsto, andChildren of Ihe oewelt S|yltos every .cngth and

T IIE’I~IASON d~ HA~ILIN" Cabi-of the Pri.clp]e,~and Prantlte of 8urgery.llle~ "’Or~itll~l~ furry’ differenl styles,

~dap~cd to sacred and secular musio, f~ r ~80 to thank God f~r his g*od We. l’.~lnl~, M.~D,~ Profeslor of the Prinoiplel$009.cacb. T~lrty.fivc,Gold or.Silver Hoda s, ~o, I’am reltor=d and Pr~eileo ofHedleink I~d’Pathu~ogy. "uther tint premiums awnnled tb~m :II ustrated

wh~ aresufforing C,.S. QAu~,A.H.,H,D.,P~fis~orofChim.Bostta,catal°gUeor tree/HAs0~Addrew,BROTHERs,MP~ONNeW & RAHLINyork,to give your "Pills tad Tooio a fair trt¯l~ tad a htryt Pharmtey, nd Toz|eology. .."

3ably - .. eu~ will he effooted. I hare sent many" to you and they have all been cured, Am B. G: Di¯To.~, A. H:s,H. D¯, Pr0feto0t; ef Pbyl-

motlen my feilOw-elittou~, may req~ i*logy. -- J IEmpire ~lewing M[afhine Co. fro,Iv glv,n by he sub erlb+r i b|l H.J., Detour, A. H., u. D. Ysofe.o, ;f HUnPrlneipItl OIIlee, 616 llrottdwt~F, Na. 812 Federal streets between 8th

l’,sr~yuok road. . terl~ Hcdte~ and ~herapootbe..~-¯ " . A.’E. T¯ovAe,.M. D., Frofetoor ¯f AuetemT~0HARLES JOHNSON, St. s " Oemeral~ Spcelils HleroseepieM, end Faih¯loi.~

Formerly Painters’ I¯kManufaslurer. hot, -’" Joeeru g. Lo¯aiwolm, M. D., Professor af

DR. BCHENOK wili be Ob,tetrito~tnd Dltoatoe of ~Yomna nd ChUdreoo

4 m,I Bond ¯ ¯

A. TdYfiaov, A. M,, M. D., P,*itosor ef @lJ~l*¯lextinction of the lungs with Medicine. ¯the.oh¯roe is three dollarl, J.S. Leuanuonu, M. 1~,,, Frofemlmf e4’ 11]3nie¯l

Pdoe uf the Pulmonis Ryrup and BeawHd Obstaries,ToniCs e~.ll.00 per botil*, or $7.~0 per .t;affdolce,." ~i~hdrakoPIIIs, 2b ouute per boa. 0, J, L~a, M, D.. Prdnter ef Dlle~ ef tie

Rot Isle by all DrulglstJ and de¯lore... Eye and E¯r, ., . ’~"’ R.H. KL=Uo, IMF.-D., Fem~lror of ’11ZMlpal


|tnufaetory No. TIe Anon Street, above ~tk, tholuaF.I. Loa,¯s~ M. D., D, D.

Im~ertallee end Starry,

tlful r,l,otionl ut C. Mnn~urs MID., Profoml¯r et Modisel Jarls.-,~qorM wolf¯re of the Rupubile, tu otd n, i¯ effect-Jug snob luuroasu.,


¯ W~EA% Y 7~Hlf¯.VR.

M¯llauh*crlherm eingll¢opy, I year, 5.+ one, $2 00M~I |ubsorlberl, u ubi of llv~J, . 9 00Tta eoplto or over. addressed te~ names of

lubmcribers, *ask 1 ?0"" . Tw*nty ooJ~Ju, address0d to the ¯ames of

eubmrtherJ ¯ 5t 00Te¯aeplto+to oneaddress’ l0 00Twnty ooplee taooo ¯ddr~t, ~0 00

....... ¯ lfEJIl. W’EA’KL Y TRIBU.VE.M¯ll lub,e~,rc~ 1 copy t y,tr,--101 ,o,. $4 00

do . "~ ouplels do do 7 00do 3 OUp[U*t or oylr, e¯eh

e°KY, ~J 00Persool remlllJag for I0 oaplto $30 wl!l fl+llvo

......... ; " "’+a’¯alt.+ oopy for 0muhLh~Pureooll remhtlol for 15 sopies $/5 will reeelro ta I

eatra oopy o~s yeas. I]IP.r It00 we will Iliad Ihlrty.fonr @o~leS tad the [DAILT Tu,aula.


- Tie De]31rl ptr aCl, Um.I

t r~Mt* ceth Ill pair¯nee, ’ "., ’ , ~Do¯I~ uo Now-York, or Po,t Offino orders,

i~ylhle to the order of Tee Teravutb bll.ssa~, lure preferable lu any othor u o+ t ur r,mh.

"¯nhloribsrs Whelel~d InallOy by Rxprekl’ 1111411pl~e7 Esprussebergll, Addros,

.......... YHE ~RIISUNE, New York¯

" POIT F./tB.¯ ’ (:llt0tH.A]38,


TICggTh, ,

¯ A.d All Kisds of ]l,ilding M,t,rlal

euru AI

lalnes ~ednr emd 8prneo Nhlngl¢~.



UOARD$,I’],A+NK, -,






IIAMuot<roa Sras,oa, N. J.

Micah 5th, iS00. 51.If


BUPER-PHOSPHATE.We reoommend our S¯per.] hos,d at+ ta the

Irad., (a, luI o,mlhlen{ that o.. tr/.Iwlllprate It+ saporiorlty,

~m~It rea be had frum ¯ll reanltr dealers Inerllll:erl. We hare our u*ual IlOlk ofFrankfort FINK letting,


t, AND 1 LA,S’L’EB, &e,

Which we sell ¯t t,,+P,*r r,,/.*.We meke¯ Ilhwal dlseo,,t te regular dealer..


tS IJ lull pre-Vemtlre et sU aJi.v, N, J, IlrOS of w¯lst. . . eJU~ Inllde¯t t~

l hi= ~_tm*d~ ~ Im LUN O FEVER, 0LaNBE~I,, e And by C. J, hAY, Hammouteo, If. J, Oor Skirt, s v/hoverer known are more uo. vii+LOW W¯-yorsaily popullr thee any others biters the TEn, I[EATEII,suhile, They retain.their ’shape bettor, am -I~tUnlta, DIS. ~ilgh~r, more elestlo mote dorab]e ted rea]y TEMPgR+ Fg- -

V £+fi~l, IrOUJDSRCheaper the¯ any other Heap Bklrt Io the Loan OT APPJ- --market. The sprlooe and fastenings ¯re War- TITgANDVPPAL ,.... ranted perfect. Evory Lady ehcold try them! Iv.NinnY, he, lm _ _

They are now being sots¯sleety enid bT Met. am Improve ~e r~~[ chant+, throouhoat the Country, and alWhole, win4 Inexmum~ R IV " ~ ’I~

the¯pplntl-.llvm lj ~ t 1~11~ vlain end Itel¯lI atM¯ouf¢otory and Sale8 Room¯ ¯ .smooth ladNo.528 AItCII Street, below ~’th,, P||ILAD’A. |1011F ektu--lud~

¯ Ask for ILOPKIN’B "own make,"--buy trsm~-me Lhe . --other l mlNrlbto lash+tern into a finl.looklnl~l,~d-~l’tlte4

Cantlon--+]fonc genuine unllis Btomp~l, en herin.. -- +4+~; (~osrl~.~t~.~S~ eaoh Kid Pad--"Hopklu’e ]loop Skirt Hanutas- Te kmpem*t fewe tMs prelmmtlon le inTaleabie.

-tory, No, ~28 Arch ~lre¯t, Phlladelphle." It inmmlUml the qasatBy and Improvm the quatnyPY.G"TOI~L Ailo s Co Itl¯nll.7 On .hind full line ¯f New of the milk. II hall

I~m prorm by ~.York made gklrle, et vary low prleel, lull sxl~’lment Icr, _~.uout+, Remedy~T~Ms ~TCAh,r am= rEIm~O,LT. ~.,,, th. qu.+

- gty-~t¢ - mllk- ira4For Uough40ulds. Ito¯rto0111tSorl Threeis t " I,.15 .................................... -- . ~ lwenlUruup, Whqopiog, Cough Iufiaeast,, Asthmlb I ¢,emL and e--n-t~ec .....~,,oo, bro,,om¯I A0,st, ....d .it m,- OUR BT~C~ GLOBB bnttlr elm andcites of the Throat nod Lunge, awHt.

Is the uoly Arl!ele ured by

Fi~t Clalm Iloleln, Lnundrlene nnd

Thoummnd = oF Fmmllles. -

Ooe Beetles, 25 neat+, b0 ca+,, aml $I she. ,e,e Sold hy oll Drqlllll ororTwhere,See And by l[l~or B. COlrAlt Depol, d14

I~ruadw¯.~, N. Y. "e¯o And by C. J.~¥Ays II¯mm~nloo, N,J.

*. C O,~T.A.]L4S~ ,.


IBINIIrOP PILIAIIaA Unlemmd Dlo¯er Plll.

It lice. ¯ besotll~l poll*h, making the Ironps*l emoothly over the Moth, a¯vlud m.ek ~,.land labor¯ 0oedl do.o op with it krep oh¯.mesh lahger eonecqutally will not wear tat ealeon.

It Malta OM L{,en I, eo~ Libe flow.

OUR 1MPERIAL BLUEfs IA. ~e*# iN tAe World

IL h ,olubl. In hard as well ~a soft wet+r, ItII put np Je the unfelt+ ntolll~ and molt ann-vanienl form ut a.y to the publla

11 la tsarran#ed eel b, Ilraek IAe el*i#u~.Agent+ w¯nted sv*cwhete, Io whom wl off

eatrasrdl¯ry Iodneemeute, Addrrss,

tn ill ~ at gwlas, soeh ~ ~llt~ Uke~t la

N,,. d0 t%uth iVh¯rroi+/’hiim/t. For tad Blok~]lasdt+he, Co, tire,lies,15e.+.4~e

PETZlt it. TILTON,~geot for Hammoeton and Vlelnily.


JOB P~INT~NOk b ~ lilt PTTLE et the

," . .d~d~."Jlar~ImWSs O~ce.... L.~,good* or m¯uufsetutld . order iu o S¯Lt,lolI,¯ " 4~MI~"%+~/I; |learn+oleo, N,

Wool well kl*u ha r-v®lred JO aseb~ge for

’4~+ + ~.N~ T~V|~ES.Skirl*, 141u~,kll,| ,’111-11, (’arj,et I" .... de, ¯o,

All ao0di suarat eed t, be ur the *aml lUper

.... ~lliOITi~ Ul lad ¥OK lIALl~h,r slylo, l~.l.h, .nd dor¯Lilily . the*. lur ii 141¢b

" ’qW~lO]O~l~l~-~ and ’RellulL. ¢l~t.lh ....,,,.It.ccitt* l+a..ol, lh*b"hl~t+,, .........l, ib,.udhe.i

¯ , , * *, ’t’b* market ,:esh plioN ’l , /ut WvU~lY4~lvJdl¯llU4 Vfu~Isa C+erar c’. ,,. ,s i,,,,,l, si+.n I..s*,k.,,g..

311 L T. W/lITll d C0. ItOl T, l)vlIOIS Pmsidset,IM~14~al Itll’l~l, Phliedelpb~a, J. lh’llCtll4, ~ecr.larf,

t’llAg. ~, FITIIIA.N, T.,¯,(lldlnpllllplly 11111141141 to- .+I’-~I ,4 tb, l;..t Lthe 51ocular, t%. II.s

Iodig.,ll.o, Dg~Pipmle. llillouanu, Cemt p¯. NKW YORK dTAItCll OLOS8 CO.,- ~ tlua, Dllroehe. (’ollcl~ Ohllll, Peynrl, od IPmer¯l

tl~o I?ttl’IrlOl’lq tlnd ()t hol’t~, dersalemeet uf tim Dlgtlllra Orlanj, " T.Si Nee’Ill Fulton Be, New York,eea Bones. =5 eta.’, ~0 nhl,, ¯0d I~I IIIII. ’ -The Ea,I Lake W.olm, ~llllt I~tvlug ban ,ee n m.o Sohl by MI Dmlgllll eeerywbe~,

glook ~dallUfll,+tllrhlg t’omp¯ny, under Io~emt °me And Ly IIMUaY Ik 00SVAo~ ltopet, dll,t~t of Ineurpvrallou, n.tle. I= hereby slr.o thltnreodway, N, J.

herel.fu,.eu’t .....dead byk .tall kteds]L, ¯ j.willbDub.i,. .....i’+l~qmi to;+el ~ed. hy Ct J, FAY! H .... alias E, J,

Korosocm & G~’Btoves I

OIL CA,V,q, ~.,,&e,

J~ff’, All the oooklel,fol eIsmll7 may be done wltkEerulenl Oil or 0,~, qt~

~ wilh lull truuble tad ¯tleto sup¯rifle th¯u b7 tarethos feel.

Each artlole maouflmtured by thll o.mpuy IIptar~ot,,e,I t. perform all Ibel Je claimed f.r It,

eee t~ead fur ¯ tlteelar, eee].Ib¢,’.lllli~.mel te Ida Trnd*. .I

EEll08ZSZ 1.AldlP IlgJTE~ C0,,~+u4e.s=l 10d Pe¯iltlttust ~q. I’,

DANIgL WALTERSs’ly. Altar for Abe0oou aud Ylelnil0,

A Cnrd to Invalid¯.A Clergyman, while relJdieg Je SonLll Amerlm

,i a Hl~lt0anry, dllanvered ¯ lafl tad simple~emedy ~r the CUTe oT NerYOUl Weirdness, Early~e©a.v, Dl~elleeS of the UHnlry end 14eml¯¯l Or.lasl, mud Ibe wh.le Irllo o( dieorderl bronghl ta,y b¯nsl~l and vlolous beblll, Ur~it aumberillYe beull ¯Itea,lg t’urod by Ibl* noble rem,dy

’ 1’r.n,l*h,d l,y a ,l.elr~ I,, l,anedt Ibe l|letod andu.f,+rl,,nal., I wlll send lha sl+elpt fur l,r.plrlogcod llStns thJe mo,li¢l.e Jo a Sua]ld lave ,)pc, tumu?, ,,n. wlu, ,,,ads It+ ?’r.e ,+~ t’+~.rSl.

Pleesv h,t,l.~. ¯ l,[d eav’ ¯d, re.Hd,, yourlelf. Ad, rome,

Jt)SEl’ll T, |NMAN,14lariat D, ]31ble lh, ue*,

.’%sw Yolk Clio,

FANCY YURS. prodvnee.for Ladles’ and ~blldren’, We¯r Ju the City. W, M, Cunuatt,, H. D, LL. D.s Fsofeetor ofAhos ¯ toe ~sortm0nt of OeaL’s Fur Gloves and Hygiene and Phy*l’e.I Oulture,Callars. , B.D. WaAvuns A. M,t M* D.s Demoanlralor ef

X elate¯bled to dlrpoto of my goods aL ysryAnatomy,retoo¯ble prieoe and IWOU d therefore Iol e I o~

call from my fdendl ot At]lmtis ooanty tad 0. W. MaUalOTT, H, D., A, M,, D, D., ~egl~,vislnlty, + trsr end |up’eclat,ntis¯l,

Return,bar Ih¯ Names N¯mber sad Btreetl


No. 71& AROII ell. ¯b. 71h+ eouth Jlde s Philo ............I h~r* n* p¯rtoer+ nor oa¯nsetlon w~th I BdEW JIIqUtU]IKNe .

any uther’Store la Philt. .... ’ 11.. " ".PAIXa’I Peluyma Oe MaalCl1~ll.--~hu Wllm

GROVE~TEEN & tun., I Ir now complete. It is s loyal ost¯vu e+ oouthoetoed a em tad eo¯tMne l~lldetorl lie¯ ,fPiano Forto ~anufaotnrer=,[ p g, p .

alan w w. n~" all dl~¯sees Inolodln tko*e el !~ IIT,~ad af._. BI~OAD_AY, .,.W YO.... J ........... ~ ......... g ....Tbeto+Plaeeei ~’ebolem+d lh-e- |llgh’+sI" iwer~ ,’f ] Wnmei~ and ehlldl+dt I.letbsr wlth tbelr~ethel.Merit at the Worhl’l FMt, over Ihe ~oJt meke, s [ vgy bMtoryt eympleml, and trsatmeat, and sIYum Load.n, Pads, 0,r,oouy, the elliot t r I elelmed Io be one of the malt complete, elaborate

.~::~:,~p?~;~.2rh;:,":,,~+~.:~d,.:~,,,~,;~lan+~ .,,.o., ....,k. pen ,h .....bJ.., ....,FO+I, ]PIV]+ .SUCOE881VE YEARS I I ] islued from Ihe Amerleta prell, Pries, $I I p~.l*Our PisooeJ nest¯In the l?rtaeh Orocd Ae~iuuI [11|8, 50 senti. ’ I"ll¯rp l’edtlt Overitrung Eai,,.Full Irou, I ~.. . - -- " -aud ¯ll Medlrn Improvelnsnts. beery lucite. I haw co¯co., IIIMIIDIUl,--J~e oltaYl~ eeu.warrlotsd FIVE years, Mode under Ih9 loper. / talelni a fall dessriplio¯ o( ol~ the eoarentrllmi

;’r:’:,t.~ ,".%+;,.":,~"°’;’":’ who h.. : [and o.w ,..dl .....d b, ,,, ’.has,.., th. ,, the m.kerp or Or.r El:rr:n’r~hu~u~,"lYn?~:I~"~ r.ssl ..... nd .... pluto ¯tVh¯hnIIrd m¯h ql.lForlel, Oar foolllllee for nlanuf+tqtuth,g eneLle medico, Prlo*/ $5, Te thusl who order bulboslamlnufeotoretfitoeln,trnmeolslr~m$1OOto

beak,, $10, post¯5o prep¯ld’

$20t obsaper than tar trll 01¯to plane fate,, ~"

To tDonalt mllt|veu.~Tbehaving b~em tea .red to he¯ th ¯ a few weeks bya vary simple remedy, after herinI *ufferdd foei=rlrel yeerl with ¯ ioylre Inog ffoltlon, lndIhat dread dilcase, CunrnmptJuu--ls taalOOl io

m~ke., known to hh follow.surfs ....Iho m ..... t

Ta il whodeMre It he will os¯d oopy of thepresorlpl[e¯ ased (~ee of ebergc,) w|Lh the d re0.tines f0Tpr0paThlg end Oliltg the came, whlehth*y will tiud lllre/tsr (~.r,4;./it~41a, Aeth~wa.~re,tblt,,, G,.gAs, U,,Ids sod ell andl,e.g Aff.ollons. The oely ohJcal ol~ tha adver.thor In toudloI lhl Pr+,orlplloo Is Io beaeSt the¯ fnlrled+ and spread luloralstlon wkieh be euu.o.lvoe t. be InvMuohis lad be holms erery null.or.twill try hll re~lody, is It will suet themoat hies, sad mey prore a M"tiul,

l’¯rtles whkidi the p~torlpt[ou .frse, by n utamall, will ploue stld~s,

Ray, EUWAKD A, WILSON,Wllliamshurgb, Kiele t~u.s Mew York,

University Journal el ]lrd I~._ehlo aud Nurgor~.

A llaad.M* qf Medls(~% ~M,,,yer~,PAyddqf.% llglrlens, a.,i Hea,r=l ¥’#--d,voted tu aA* Prq/’H*lo+ ,rod lie PseJde,

The ehe¯lmrl medical paper ht Ibe world, pub-Jr’bed eva7 IwO w,mki~lil’lhe Uelvelmlly neild.tag, Blalh Qtrlet+ g6ntk of Weloet,

SI.II* Ceplel ............... , ........ , ........II I SdFlye Coplto Io one oddreel ............... t 55Ten ............... T 5SFittNe " ¯ " ............... P I0Tweuly " ** ............... I0 00

The setter.ap ef Ibe .leh skid1’ b¯ve me espy5a|l. ly. , Italia. |t IS ,.~e.~ the ebe¯pe#l advertbing medium

.... m.... lr.-- up..._ v .. __ ..__~ n the war d, ~ Jt reeehel nearly Idl I kyslcleoeand dr.,s,.., h.,,d., k.,,... I.r,. ,ap,,o,hear r om¯Ikln¯ very luooh t q t h Iv¯alva¯ tegeb7 eirouls ~luu, The l’rise (at adverthlu I Ii lee eemlareturn moll ((~ ufeberll, ) by addreasl.g Ihe I per line, seran wordl mldlial ¯ lien, Nepapeul

:;_+’7.p.",~;’.b,Th"t’"::.’%?:’’ "/..~’"’¯.~".’.:,I~’" ,, ,,,.,,, .....,, ,n...,.d ..,.., p,.,.,,,aa s vii *n olnl LIII41OIStl, All

.elklrl will pllJute.wJdre*l thllr obedleol .eretal, I Address,TIIO& F, CIIAI’MAN,

I W, P,II~I, H, D., I~dllur.J 8Sl n, ,lwsy N¯w ~ ork el ’’ ’ ’ ’ : ~ l’hllld pki~ ! Ik

"7 :.. ¢ L

" Aftw m0rl the twd~a yeane of, eoanttat u,s,this highly eoooemttet+d manure hlUl +ttlaleed eW de Ipseed repatatl0U M . ’


PERUVIAN GUANO,|i,i"*g found settee’ ¯ Ire opsrellgnr, and ofnre¯Ld~-mblil y It dell ¯.L exhaust the r011,hut en the oootr¯ry,.|:erula¯ontly ImprasOl It,Th* inore¯*lug la~Ol eucually0 akundt~,tly provetheh gk F.pulmr v¯tue of this manure, an4 o,-tab Ith the fact of 4" being relied open hy swide eh’.o of agrleulturht+ t+, supply all wear+ in

earle¯ Of man|re* for elery or@}}.l~a dlr ................................


BAUGH & SoSs; .Role Manutseturert am! Proprleto~,

omen, No. ZO no. llollwth~ ave,



Oeoera! ]V/tutaal..40~.ts,

NO, 1111 /Pearl Nt. eor. oT ~edore

: be filled with fruit tt ~ea~oo ; they next


the ear.

half miles from the ,I,

0"Cl iig mihLltnd do!ight~f+ul the {v[nt~ra, beingabort tn~l opei+, oui-doSr-wbi~k ~ti fie-car-ried on neirly tall winter, .whilst the stun- :n,er i8 no warmer than in the north¯Persons w¯uthtg a ehan~,a, for h~hh Willbe satisOed hem--the mlmness er

is soon bonefloland the~

been~kuuwn for it

health. No Miu~ms,

¯ + The WaterIs pure and colt, of the bestaheund, in etteamsand is

¯ etude and foolish i~

.... +~+~+t" men:will learn tosee In it th¯t they

f¯ their owu oitL

ex mieed in the .Nbrth¯ ppear impervious to frost anti

.forgeneral use+’.. , . . .. ,

"... ISAAC L. ~clIRo~rJt.Arehltect Ill. Can. R. ~¯ Co J,

+ ;IAur~ +Vxmv, CO0~ Co¯; Ira2¯ + ~ -’. , : :Jan; 10,"1866:’.

D£+Att St~ : .The (~oncrote Brieke,:whieh were laiii in lay eellar Ivallhave-answered as

~abita~hua.tim kolled a:Johmmi ’

kind. .- ¯ ................

¯ ilesyoufoimd inaaid:iwtiele;’ ’ " ~’,Once a sUite ~fbl~lvor~a stale, ’



Hammontoo,~in this *tate,+llndltheoll¯ for lix weeks,, ¯t

lml*t oat la era7 wnek.

Order for pubtifatlod.filed their .bill.ln the abort

Arllr Irhd Iollelt*d biforl

wn¯Id little ’sum nf I¯ erl..l~rinbsrrile, buth nuitlrated un~In. luqlo qaiatillea aa avery ildo <ifamluut ef I.lid’ hi thll eoeetyl leltable fee eras-herrlo*~ Ii rink¯own, hut it mult b* Immense."

¯ *We. R. Belddegk. llf.Medford hu ihout n¯ehundred eeres phtnled la oraaberrleli tw+lnty ofwhleh weis la frutl lqlt year, end ylshled lln av.orltlie of @no haadrgit’buihols pe:. hernl lit II|,tw* thoulaud bnlhall -llhleh hroaghl him, hirer two laches, Thh ".uah.i u hulllln t IhatIIIOII IIIhll h~t.hed Sesb. ’ will he frost pro’.+’, tf th, doore mid ,~iudnws reaO00 lights Wlqdliw Bash. properly fltto.’i. . ~ , ¯

~or 7x9 glees, 9113,,10114, 14xrfl, tad 141,~0. Th* wer, l¯htlall hellew n~ dampaoal e,la pew.strels*lhtm. It II found that bulldlagl hilllt orAli~. Cedar fence peats, e~dar Itak*i and nldm* th*°.e brl~k, are nvlu dryer ]line .wood hulIdhi~l~

ralll.Itelldsnee laB. Y, Jeeml’ heele, aa Male Read¯ * l the melt drlvins etorm oauuut Sad a er.+©k or

atar Ion hi pen¯t/ete,JUI the hialdo w,.ll Is perfectly dry. nl

or tllthlng Is require’l, and l~o onlylilellllery [i the flnllhing noel¯ whirh

+~olleo I* h~rohy given Ih’~t nil the elrgelllllall four lhlllhed ehamhars ia stile. Thora II a goodnote£1 of the "h’atlonld Beak" nl Pliterson. I¢. J, Ivtlll or water In the yard¯melt b. prlloaled at tlil~ o~ee for red*mptto¯ .~ll hlqtllrh,e anlwetedl and the premllolwlthhi’ IIx molllhl Irsm the dllte her*of, after ihnwa 19 porooas doslrlag to’view the *ame.whlnh time the leeerlllel dopollied her* will ha 11¯ SAMPSONI

lhL.hitck. Thul, Itudding, lalll, nlllhtires e~at ef pllultllrihs or* Sliced.

Th* partltbnll ella also bo made of thh brink,whhoot Ituddlug ar lath¯

CELLARS.Ths brlehl are tht belt known m~t*rlli fur

aolltr w~,lil & w~lof them la eaeaper Ihiil awlllotito¯nl¯dllayAImllllettet. +The villar

::~’:, ~:t:~n,~:I~,,;~2,:P.:~V.P:,’.h~’; g’,,+,:ill double wl.duwi nnd P+ prop*r +Tstllm of vcnll-lallnno Ih* etllqipll.tthi’miide lirwoiliil~lllOit fruitill wluWr, aed nlmrly eeel ©aoMilh l’ilr lln 11:4.h+a,. llb rammer, eqd ~ll’wlth h¯l exl~S¯ll thinordle*iry ssllara irlbd II for, ’ ’ ’

They are *xteu.trel 7 usa4 foi rueqdaileal luClilgnl. I ned Vl hslag iatlldecul lu tT¯lli|at~.ton, "

"’COST,’|n Uhloago ~lUl| the Welt Ihoy loll at

five dollarl ¯ Ihgllllintl--liad elin.ldillnlSelllellliiel end Ill litlurliy iq bi,th wo,ldburnt hrlek, this la nllt ¯ high prlaeI nlir Is thillrotlt of ilili nianefligtlJrlr nt Ihil li ¢1 gr,i i+rIhlli Ibl iroat it lll~l prilliil i,rli©l uf u h~rbr ,k elld lif lumber.

Ihll It II prupuleil Io hiirlldure Ihrla In ¯ Ihlellglilli# hy illeaul~ioiarl,II lholn at & .ulail pr+llll~Ai, whmi Ul* I,r~lh tl ll~le~l aad Iho iillrglli lllil~lithl prollt laUat he in’oltcd I,y ally tlbtllllilt In thee.iI lltlU,ilirlld eled enlth* lirlcn I+f lhi,r Iheilloll 01aqll/ bll dqlll+i~ ~ IImLud I but It prelontl

iolltmill w~l| be la&d* fel lhi htl~kl~ll

,’~,0 t~ thouutind


I C7¯,.. ¯

elli,.;,, ~.., -~h~


.’~ r. |,.~,t

.... ¯ ¯IIEW,~RSEYLANDS ..-,’ . ’ :"~,<’~i~i~:;:i~.L~..-;


. . : : lii,uuoAores ..¯ , ’.. . . , -"~ ..

: ,.. + ¯ . ¯ + .ors, uporlor ll~li ...."i +.’ ¯ OI --de1 dli&glalIUo;ihl~ lgolidI

+" ..... . l~ b~i+ no~r. . ¯

. , ,.. ,

¯ ’ LAIbS snowxlaiz oil ixesls|..

+.... ~.,,~,.,,.+.:.... .... .. ;.~.’.. ¯ .. " E~ WltIGIIT. : ; ¯ "¯ , , ’ , MIIWll OII " .. .

’ ’ " . " " : " Atlaatlo lye., It. ~.Alee illy tel.aud Imree of Crioberry

’ IIIdlo ~eall ~ imer lafurmAtlimehnrt’ullyferwsrdod. ’ ’ :

c01¯..... " " " S~ATZD "


- . IP+7 A.. thl ¢liat lher.ulbf¯rn botwlle.ll New+Yurk" -nlnil.~lh31ii~hil. L’TbNe IAn~ m 41 ekeip al

lit ti.wdUlla tle vlk ,ilall; th~ All II’¢ll~le ti few ielley Aad IOlt admirably

-. . ;+. - ..: . , " . =, ¯ ; .:.: .’ ; ..... ’i:. :!+ ¯ . ,

C~,"; ’:" . ’ ,~ ; , .... .. ,+ ,;~ .:,:. +:.,,..

¯ l. ’:{ ; +-" . : .

¯ _. _ ..... ’=., ...~ ;T.:.,t::v,s,:nra,.~e...~ __ .. _ _._. ; ¯ ....... :-,:.+:1 ~ ---. Jilnt relolull.a el llfillallAny-Iiyll or Plete f0v Artlllelel Teeth in ua

,, ~"~" ~~.-- -- .lfl~lilA~. OOLD; 3ILVgll, VULCANITu, !Ae. mate whmi deiirld, and At " " . -! ’ eaplial~ at~eke ~f ibt

., +~.,+,..+~...+~’EA’""~-"’’~ ~.~T~S.~""rn" in~ :,i " " .’ £ ’ . " ~" TII R :PUR~ - " " ." .

w.rlaod RaHlis

MINERAL.,PLATE .¯ ’ ImPllllty~lt thll 0111qe. _p ....,.,in, .d..,.,.,-,,, ....,h,.dll.r. ~r-------., te lleeulelilh~tbmi Gl~ld or Ill[vet. n,I uineh/Irllnger

...... -- ........ " " It will llind better In ier~loe+ never get out llf: ¯ " n metier&re prleel

’.. to , Rnd hsl" n,lt Ihe

luformetlen ,.

To Au W~inting Fai~.’, n~,+,,~’o.., ~xr.~er,,vo ,, In the hd,t manam C’ EtA.l’, Za.9#l.

taJ Glai, g’c.+ when deeired. At "..¯ " ’ " &,~,,~ ’ -i ¯ . . DE. M. KEI~’S OFFICE,

(,ls .,;~ ~,. ~,li.i ~/St~e~ .~t,,,,.)23.~ ~l~.~lllY7 Ni IqlSTR 6T, pIliLA.

- ~ ~,- i ’~ , ¯ .,, , " t

::+Hammbiirdfi Ltmd 0flt0e.][n:~e Irelfiff¯mmolii¯n Frult Settle- IN e;niequeucluf thoirl.i l.q.lry’pir I ....

meiltl theb~,tindu~nldnta irebl~aced to prov.dFArm, byperluu, wbuaralu o.rro.ponill wiutlng tarms iu Iho must :delightfu~ di.0. wiibme froui-tll--p~l~e ~f the coun~ry~ Iend hmtlthy ¢lim¯le, wlth it gll~d prodUc~ hato opened A Iteal E.tAte ltegbt.e. PcreoultlvO soil, lleiilg among ihe best io tha dellringto e,II their piace~ cAu fl.d purohalerl

lr¯rden Sta~e .l ~eli Jersey ; ollly thlrlyby to¯ring delerlption ef pr.perly at thll ootee,

i.ilel4¯ frotu~ Philadelphiit ou Ilia (~¯lll~[Cllbly fllellhlel~ end experieuol lu tht. batiuehwl I gunrAutle |Atl~piCtIon¯ " : ".

lid Atleutle R¯ilm¯d, and but few lililee . ¯ it. J. BTRIE~.~ih~bW.y6ik-l{uilmad.=-The~e It,ida -ITatf.-- -------’----’~Uammonl+n. .nce ~1,1 to thn netu.l settleru at law prieesaid elly’terlna+ jtl five, ten, tweet) ’l r4~ /iLL Bu~ioeriiln :ReAl E~tAre beldngpig to

and jpward~ltJ I~tllt; The L;L~ 011~ Cll .."l. ittcphenGulwellintheWeymeuthtrnct, wlll

wlrru itce decd~,, deer of all io¢iiu ih a o II i ezecut,i by,-

give, whe¯ zll tho poreh~., money ii I, ,ii. ’ " 1]; WlfGflT

i . . :.~0s0m. " " " " Elwood, 1¢. J.

" Tho Soil +o,.,.,,.,,,..,...,.,.+,c,a .....,.RLsley i~ Creighton, .


And [rop-rterl of

WEST I~DIA PBODUCE;I’--Chlirleliton I~i+ C.

¯ Con.*l¯~men¯ of veksele and Carguel IO~led;Charterl- made Aud fr~ighll lllueur.d. ""

Ordere fur CottoU, lime, Na~¯l ~lureP, Piieh-Piul Timber¯ and Lumb.r pr.mptly filled, [-~3-3t

,t 1-@ a UlaFlUntubstlio~ mixed all

w¯rni, and

eidspted, to- eell~.epectll ef .fruit ouLturl and or rock&.’ miArketlArdeoLng, grnllbSralu ladetoekgrowlu¯. IU the Union.+_ . JO-q. ~..P. ~IBBO IT.

..L/i.~/~:’~UUffilii~" L__+edi" ¯ Pea.. Pl~llO,,

Attorney It LWW. lille.ale, al ,

011re+t0 Is’Un O,~e,, +++-...,o=. ,. ,:..,,e.+ ....leln I a.llitie rlm+eld’ +ii’thi’ I~li I lirrlnl 10 Cfill kinds; rid/U other f’ruli~ nre mtisod ¯ m++’o, ~+. J. ;lllimt.lve l¯ thl~eiti¯lllmil~itllikJli~lly, hel~-iU |lnmeut q~lanthie~, and they.:¯m Colleetlnc ind Duilnell i" 3ultl~a Couit

..... , .: .. ¯seaght-¯fter lly thedealt;rs ¯od eomnignd .pr°mptly ai~llide d to¯¯ :. . II. ilOfF.ll¯i;e, ..

. " .....:. ; , STfl~l~ Q~I£RL UED~

-’ - ~IILT~,

lind ewllry fAoi!Dy f@r eatlallvo mmiuPleturtuI¯ 4riTeuud hero. ’- T~. h., ~" ,vc~,~ .

¯ ¯ Tk. levi .f .qloet.z, o~

¯ + TAe he.t ,.f Xe.Aa./e..

Tk,,. ,i" ,0m-+~, er no~tl~s Wile 3ad: ( id+ai~Iiro lly luqliIrlu¯ of ,,¯ .~ .. - +

¯ L-ongacoming,, + . . C.ln#~.V CO...~P.’li~*

~ousa lznd Lot For 811 e,: !~.ABSZCO~ .

f~rlllR Bu’~.~lher .ff~r~ hll ilou.e mud Lea~l |tteehod, fer i*te. Thl, preperLy 41 plesl-utntly I,i~llte,I ~a Ab,eeon vlllife+ and & rlwe o -lloP~nllyh efere4_fop thoae deleting to le~rA arell,hm~e h4w~’ i to hetwoel oae aud

~rlek llud.frlmtlag on two.lweeti. Ybe h.ulelb~i reetntly broo thoroaghly repillred, nld|l¢,l~mudlon. an,|’ ©unlenleot. Thore m f.ur

=- r~,,ml on liie’fli~ li,,l¢, fmlr g’n’ the "lecoud, endIPvur aulihid ~lllwthev. lu M~. ~ I+ ¯ lindm~ll or Wller~,the ylrd. , .

All Inlllltl~I ellare~ aad lb. prellielwhowu to pe~l delJ~lag’Lo TI~ lhi lime’. .

"¯ iI..tIAM P~ON,, " +. Abloom, g. 1.

ll.v.~t~lI0d~. . . 13 If

~fhi lubwrlher will lell at Private 811e, hla hlrm

~untnlalng41[t aet.i, a p ¯nod liar. nl,oulllrailen. ¯ lhe bnlanee inllmproreil anl I&~Irterlh wLth’wlluahle oytter liAll atttehgd,+ Tbl,,aht Pill will he Iold it a hAriilbl Ae theproprl.Itnr hie rlmored, l%v pArlill’arl0 !nqulre el’

. . ;OSEPliilOUhL -¯ Peb, 0, 1107 NeAr tile premllol.

. [27.tilSJ8, 1~|’I+ 8.8OMERS.

~ veSuahle Dnltneel 8tend nnd D xelllag, ¯libnr without Ituok, We wnuhl ILlll i~(+lrm

qhl puhlll. Uil| Wl Are lellln I off our entirealoek ef l)ry (Ioodl I Groeeflel, B.o¢Ii ~ho~|(all aliil Cnll~. at eolt II rllIi hnllOell.~lnrtleullri Inqnlre ef

i. B. IU+l, li¥ & ¢0, en thlllremllwh er~If

P.. T, FKAMBEII,No, I08 Vhl. St¯, PhllAdIIphli~

Thl, lte.d II nlthta eae hll.~ved yalde ef IhelhlIOOU D~lp"l ia lhe Cilln,lon asll ’ditlenlllItellroe~ P~..tlng en the ialhi ill.ilL Aay p.r.leb denial l ~n, lld hidAel, llid Lu this vlllxle,will dn well, l.lvi ill ealh ll.if,

¯ F0g SALEIA llaa.e +n,l L,it or tlr luiid o+nlalnlnl¢ half

~re, il~ele In Leo41vllle &beut 6 mllel bl-low ^bleeml, eelw t~ 8thai mid f~horchl alI%

+within i heurI I~Aih eftbe B.y; whole eriry. thhig Lh.t 0omel fr,lm the BAy CAU lle’lb~lne~

¯ A ll.d Well uf Werer hy the dunrt p¯~ed byllldI flel AhlISnl lie ~lmlrs Pulnl lYury dlI,Title rlll~oihl~ pIqp plrlloullri .ppl I to

llrk’, hi, ~lly’l L andlal, N.~.Ir te ~llnnl, I, ~IILIVl

~olirl Pulnt, P. 8. Iltf.

flue lid ~i,llr I+ulhlr ui ively dtiorlpllllII ildll, ulli ~hlaslle (ef.ll be.It ledlr endivi¢liln I # llehil wile,| $1# pip I100,

I~.iIal Illlllly ihlnll.i ’(ehell i i IlehSlleirowlrt ti, pip 10~.

pll.ilsl. I l+ilk. . . . I1 per 1~04~- ghlollloi I.ith, . . lipil ll0I IL

Yell Ill h el d.lll~iII. K, COLWIILL,

, I t~.lf, We~meaih, N. J,

WAGONll | " IVAGONIITht an4etdgn~ bevlnl ¯lll~l,.p n ah.p I

glwA+,4. Atle.tll ~llelly I II niiw pr.perld le II#ere ill t~erl IA llllial+ Tie pAIlllagli af blflrll i Onllllt il 1011elle,I. It~hlrt Ifew AI ,lie lhip ~lilllei A~,l Oarrialel fllr .lie. mttl0ilionlI who will shew ,he lllldA

, -- .1¢111.. ~ r,*.W, lh,tDl.¯ line nf elpnna¯, Fer |urthee luformetlouDeaIFileelt llili~du.+lll illi~l ’nqelm or I ddceu,TIIII&TgD nllh the ill,litI.^^~. o.,i,, 1, i. I~RNP,~,deAI ll.llAedITIlllllill~ film tl.i ii+ml ~llAhle ilerll i li~lnnloil lon. ~. ~. "Cily lid Olilnlry el.hi ilaa II hil iIeAo TblledieAl fM, ~l~ ele Ilrl~ I,, e leUl ..PAil IflPI +lu,to~’~l.pAIli-ll la ht hN le .M~I la all,’UP Alirlll01Ai lt~i+~li ¥117 dtdrabh Implored fie]l~I lhll~ llde ~ i¯LIlalllia, dll. llrml ~ llh~ ~ait

ne fruits ¯nd wine. ,Fco.i two huudred to fi~:e httodred d,,l-

lroln ex|)ea$C~ Der acre". ~wect

this braneh nt’than gr¯lu raisieg,

,.o~heasiei’ work. . To Whom It ]ilay ~Olieertii!¯ ’~ I b~ve r.lumod the pruet{eo ef the L. w :" ~ud

.wlll atte id th.~ Couru Of Athl.llle~lud Ul.ucu.tcr. Ihe Marke : .(~uunttol ._~." ,. ....¯ .... ’ , .: .J&~g.~M. 8COY~+L; . :...

t" Q ’ " I ~ : ~ I ..... ’ ’ " ’: " ..... " ’+ +’ Ciradeu. No.. 30, tS0ti+ , tg+tt. "

h.ti+City, "1 :.¯ ChlirlesT. Roed. ’¯:ears llel ta be ~tled whh hi tile ai+terilo~o i ~41-ttoi’noy a¢ l’.ml~v. ,

IOFFICE, ~. IL coil li^ltl~l~T i 4ia Svs.:, Cian~.~, ~; are hi " tiia niarket, i t

h;gllesl cash prleee ure-obtained ; 2 ] =¯ ny elliot tcoli’ prodeonr’than do’ ¢ONVgY.llNCING liONEtlevering che prndllce iu the Car. Neneofdao hnd uow ~lffarod is +e~,er one ¯nd-¯- " """ - "

hi f miles from tha Railruad.: ;Aekuowlld~ementa of Dae-Ja Taken.At Ihl ~ouuty Clerk’s 01~ce, hy ’ "

.... : ; +~- - 7 : ~ -/~.SO,~IEItS’RISLEY~,= = ---lh+ Climate. ,0.,,. 0.,...., ce.k~tftll Ihe wlntori I~itlg r~-~OS. ".A.USTtN,

-door worh call be -car’ ~iny yo:irl Ingslod nl ¯ pr"ellcli S.rveynr0 hAwhils~ Iho Sill,l- ~10ttled It llaullnOlltUl~ I

ol0r i el lie wsrnler lhSll ill th~ nuPth.Permli~ wanlillg a ehallfe t;ir hi+nl!h will When hi Intetld+ earrylng onllle buelne~l.

eiitisfiod" here--the niildiio~l ol Iho all- ~ Ord.r~ llft f.r hhn ll.~ ~$, P, O. R.II.w~y De , t, or I ear~ of It J, lvr e~. ~Iml,, w I

inatete t bei+~ohllly th~.t hy ~elioute leetwhhllr.ull,tntie.lh.leu,i,il~p~leil.[.tx4~i.~t]iO~n tlll~l~rinl fl~iii D~i,eiI-

la here will telq Iknown

8Ut~luer [i nOW h,ontod et John Frilullieli ~bout LWO mi].#for tlealth. ~n Dlia~ma,h~l.,w Abucco., where he is prol>urcd tu ¯nlnd le

Chilh and Fnver~ hi thh ~eotiOli. ill e.lls, "¯ I~liargel $1 00 A villi for sll vtllll wLthiu

mile. ~11 liver A Inil. extra. All .~ellreserll,,,i.n.,.,... ......dory.Is pup. snd/llv ,,...J.~oft, of Ilta best qliali{y. ]t D"" A. ~1AIliCIlilD*

aheltud~ ill SU~llll~nnd, 1.~ t,,nu d lly iligi’lig ¯ .~’UIIGt:O.V DE.VF[~’F.frenl ten to thirty feet. Well, arn ehmlply Olne. on Ihe ¢.ruer ,,f Third ill, .nd Cenlr.Illlde ~e~+ ~ theP~ i~ .o r+mk ttr-~o Avenn,’, ~’tJ+Talihenuulloodandlidvlc. tlveothrlulgh, liVn hat’0’ the llest hi tha fr+, or eh.rg~.O3tl~ly wherll luliill 1t sold 18 ehelill I%~ Teethlnlrioled wllhont plhi bI uee Of Lengh.

Illay are hi llhhldelllhht or ’Slew ~ni’k.-- I.I thl,

(~orlll idlOll]t whh llopetelit IPeelier~,--II,llU+niiiilll~ I 011. IL I,~li0.

ergyi~ott e ’all tl~utluihiiiiue~ I~hlo here II. l’. Ci-" EIVtsmite Of (helll tln~rt+g°ti¢lll~iSUllOI~ON DII:NTIST,other4 also ¯ noul-

her ot relired ,, I Ovriez--317 MAItK~T ilTllEE’f,UlliVi,l~llli~l~, hllvo, ( ll’/Ik De. II, F. H,,.I,)

~llills ~ltiveuietit. + C+Imi,i:.’l, PI,’J,RrB.#Je;e tl t traerq, lea i ,h. fl r I- 0ferl hLa profu,iI,msl lervleel te thu oilll.ul of

i’l~ cd[~.l’llr]lt~lrssl, ll[¢slltl+’(tml vl’aollf lhs Aihliillo I,hionl~.fol¢¢lf llrl’ceJ.

¯’EI’~l’tl ,et ml VUI.UANITI~, IIOLD, 81[1%’E1"1

iulali~u aoltlelileUt I~ ,,r I’I,ATI~A, lud .&lllf.clloa w,irralill,I,TEA"rll E.YFR,IC?h’D II’IFI[OU~

,~1 ,Idle aliil %Vollorii ~tlilel+ --Inletlluelit,he ule NIIr.l¯ Oshi.

~hhlr. fl,l¯ll in,I ~lhlIndustr]lnll aml moral, L i0 hulh llpll.sro ~lpt. ’~tl, I~011. II.

’St nllil haildmhiiih iiiql ~Ollie 41| Iholu ~iili, __ ~All tnalerhd~ I~ liuihUli~, hnlil~Wtnl, &e., ~TAT~ OP ~l,’lt’ ’l¯lt~Y’ 1il ll~lidl sill relhide int~linlll~S whn will Tnll~vili tlVrll,r.,!ivn sali~tael|nlh l+]vsry CnlWttlllnll~l loh~

li,ink ih, lill#imClll * j

~ii,] ,hat P~u Im llumd II aiiy Allier IdaCe,[Iortolil iIwnlog prop+’tly here otihli~ litlk. ~I~OTIP~ Ii he~hI sliei, i Ihll ~11 Ihe ¢lreu.

el ,he I|allmad ~lllilalily Io ¯lid h~llii l.~ llilhil linlll, of, ih. Jlii,k .I llhi.llilllhl,Ilililiiiltil, ldl ~. J,i mult h~ llrel¢~lill It Ihls

al ¯ dlsoolllit ot IWalil)’.live llor el,it ely. lllr rmlllil i lien Wllhlii ill iniullhl ~i>lli Ihlular lkre. dxl. hel~of, n~lvr whleh IIinl. Iho i¢¢111[Ih¯i de¯

7~a I.ath ~llt’~ #~n ~#llil~’#llf re,lind her., f.r lho relll, lU ilion .f euoh nlllel

nll~ f ]i+nl iiii bl il~lndlred lu thl el~lipl.lh+p,

’ilOl’ I~, J#i~, i~’tipOnBlsle TrcAlurer,

tl~tl ~[l’/.r n~ f)i~ Trl~leu, h’~v. I, I~d, 1~.30

N| vN,~’f<IN .4/r. Ju#lu (+I, ttT^TE OP NF+W ,il’:Iti+l+¥,’

[llltl’fllfr TnaAIUIIV OePI011, II,,~a lial,.inrnn,r,~lnd .tAsre, relmrh~lI T,’,~io~, ,#,i..,Irl ~1./0 l~ll/. )

llaliPp aflln ~+II¢I In h’r,,hy tille, lh I ill lhn +t the ".q.ll.lill ll.nk" at Pelete.n, N, J, hl prll+liled ill lhl+ ¢+l~ee fur lldilnpll.n

t/all’r¯ will,In ill m~l.lhi llln ilall hileif, m~lllwhi,th ,Ill thl le~lrlll.i ih,piiilllil I, il~l will

The~l laelh ¯rt being snld, nil lurrradlrld t’l thl ll*llolalhin. ’n0WAgD IVl~ti.

teeroaleII.lZ .~ lit re Tre.lni~iP~

the tiltllldor nl IITATI tip NEIf Jllil~KY, /~filAetlnT I)pPtl+lll

Ill II n tllIPil falsr,TmulollI .~lev, |ihh, I$01.N*,llol Ii beceby ib’on thll ell ihu elreulell.I

fllllll ir Ihl RIIh~nll Bllk of Niw Jlrily, ¯1Tlllil lib.#. ~. d.. lii.I bl l~ilillid it Ihle.Iol f-r ludlia ilhln ill,him ila lililhi |i.i Ihe~ii herlllf, lll.r whleb I ml I~e li, ourllltl dl..

p.lllld hl~ fur Ihl rldtmpII.n ef lulih ll,i.iw ~ IIl~adl~d li, Ihe Ii d Ali~lilll,

ll0WAali lVll~.II II, " lIill Trltrl.v,

Llil "elnuuhl


pr.I Idcd~llr+ et ~l-l.l+~ iml lhe

therefor, arn mi~e lie - the manner.,ll,I n+lll~elli , an,, In Iht case

1. Be It ree~lrod by¯ the.£ and O.neralAl:.ambly of rio niile’ld’.l<l i~y. I hat thetrel.urer of tlli~ etile b~ SU i "lq’~ tt ~+’l~forlhwlth l- lull.eribe In,lh~lY~*lmaif¯lhe It It¢ofor ill Ihe II, r~.~., liork ’(l~ .uid~4iiOpSll!¢l t;Iwhleh ~,~w lirli~gm~f hr~ollled. In~l to ~ lkethe ~)luenli ¯l~l~ufliv lt.:tttimu aoil I~ themiilDir htril(ifol delilu+’ilb$ .a ~l ©oipini~.Iu~,l ;" " . ( 3~I~ ,. ]

Ih! ©uuleut i,f the ll.llllir. It any I|ll lfierlalkin I" luch lubicription~ blreby ju ~1~ J ,,lie,mint ill++ !i~ltlilo, I ~ Ihe ilal¢ihould ~qulr¢ It, te Icll ll!~sald hlcrllied it,lekfor II e larae~t pr ee.llo d~li procure for t, ie.val]I or lueh uto In bo b~lhlm dtp.liiod lu ihetr.alury fclr ti.e a+c. ol th~ltate.

Approved ¥ohruary 4~ 1~7.

X fllrther rupplrmenl""~Tto I~ Itet entltlsd" An aelt~ iimpllfy tho p.eadlnl~.aud pr.l~tiCe-iu e~urll

".of law." -- I’ " ":1. De it enacted by the ~enate and General Ae

Ismb]y of the 8tare Of/~eW Jerlev, ~! whentu. eJcvice uftho lumm.lfll iu lilly Cl~l,~i’~’u"|’dcfectIr¢ or hielllCloul, g~ rca~un of ally Ini~lakodn tim part of~ue’pla nliffor of Ihe ,,l~cer, al t~the v3aee where, ur the~p0reoll whh wh,.m Ihe~U~OIle 0e ea ly,lf thI ilimln,ln~ enJllt tl, haY¢ll~n lell. lhl courl, nrlljiidlle thereof, nliyilltheir,n uid,r el- liew to be i;-Ph~d arl,I .~+ved hl .llcll,:ulaltnrr u~ they or ae~hull d.rucl i eud the Imv[co lu made llnd r~turn-e,liblllbeaiv41d alidef¢ctil,I ilal ot¢l+l

be it euaetcdI That thll ACt ihalLtakeeffcet lium.dtately. 7 ....


An-act repelllng "A further Jupplement to Inll~t .nliIl~d "Au a~t eun6erning Landlerdi andT~nentl.~" wh[.h furih.r luppJemaut wuI ap-pruveu. AprilllzLh~eight~lu lluudredlmd lixty-

1. Be it 0nait¯d hy the Senato and Ge.erslAI umhly ,,! the ~t¯te o. New" Jer|cy, Thnt " Af r her tupp~emeut m au act enthlld ’Au actcuuccr..!ng Lau,ilordi in,l¯T*nA.ts,’ ’s whLeh ~up-

w.ul appr0red April eixth, elghtcen hun-L ~ixt~-.iz~ bl9 ¯,ld the .~m, tI h~lehy

et imluodiatel . ¯UN.~ELLOtt AT "

ROLICiTOR,~ASTER A~D EXA31L’~EI~ A ftirthtr.suppl~ment t.--~" An aet to llz the sala-¯ "Ii~ CIIA~CEBY. rioi Ut" tao odt~erl%r tha ,." en lie au¯l tteneral

Cap~ lay. C. I1,, ~lew 3+rley, ~ As.embly i~f the Star+ ef.’~w J~i.e} "uppr~v-cd Febluary, 25, Ihl~L . -

]hlalwAyIaueuds IheAtluutleCouuly "-’ourts, 1. Be I! elia~tcd’ hy the 8cnnte And GeneralI;-ly, .......... .... + ........ Alselllbly ol thu ~lil!-,ul’{~tw Jer.ey,. That the

(teuerlt[ Atletubiy bi aulhuriiod tu Ippoiut ¯I,.~r..a Pejourui!clerkl wh,,ec ilu!y It aliall be,ulider bi~ cuntr~L llud, lu make uptile o~iginaLminutea oP Ihe Pelted aud ir,,¢u.++iiigw,.f the-G~eoral .Lliembly. iUd "W~io eh+lll r¢ccir~lr, lr hi~ lervicee Air altau61 tnlary oflii hulidr~dilulhtr, tub~ Dakd iU++-~u IIIOe minuet aithe I.d¯-

’~. lind UO It ~at’tudI Ihet Lhtl let i~lli tlko

.~lppruv~d i’lhru£ry 0,: l~l¯ : ;

Anact to~e~nfirm ,ihe at.kn0wlcdgmentl andprllof~ of d~e,l~, ’und uther in.truuacutl vf Wlil-l.g Uiken’by_~nLIrew J, C.,,ller. ¯

W hcrlai. It appeAre to tile Iogl IAture Ihtt AndrewJi C.lil,¢r W~U duly upp,lintcd uu Ihe fil’teotlthday ’ot’ .<51 e~li. lu tUl )’elf elghl~l,i hundred!y onli uf tbu cuniiilil~nlre t,i tike me..¯+-kliuwlodglaeut and prutlli of deeds lur Ihlt~lwnehlp ot’ WuuiWicb, euUnty Of ULiluceu:erintld IrAte of ~OIV JerIey "nti W¯~q climileIiunud

Ihml Aud whoroau, It Appear. ltllt the t.ldAndrew~J. Co.per, frum a ml~¯~ pruhen~[an ofthu tllu~ ufex illUll~n ~,[ hiu cummitl|un, o .n-tluued t~ take acklio~lel gnlel311 alidI-r the timO ler wbh,U he W.I.expiredI by ra~loii uf. which 41ofeutivu ackuowl.edguielit~ ltlidpru.fl hluocent pera~nI may bo

,lit |n~l ; thur~h,re.t lhe lleliutll lilitl G0neral AI-

r ,If th. . TIJut tlic leV-rkllllWlud~u~¯ r,,.li tlf d~udi alld

ccrtltl*dby Ibu =ahi AuiIr~w J, Uu.pcr lie’ ¢OlUluieJi.oer.lalor the .~l,lril!l;di/d’thl t,liiu I.r wb0cll h. Wul¯ llllt, hll~lt, be, kiid thu I~.~ all h. roh

llltd beill hlken ali:l’e+rlilla,t,¯,u +1 th. tiuie fur which

Wai ii ,pehil.,ll¯|. And’h. I i~l~l.d ,hAl thl. eel ehl leke ©f.

flcl lillllilhltu yApllruwd F~ ~rmlry ~ 1807,

~|y black guide, wlill~o "iiiOVelllVllt~ were

a~ hL,i~al0~ alld glhlhl t eL+ Iho~e nl’a ~liako,wa~ ahou~ t~o yal~ll hi ll¯,liit uf inn, liu~h-

hlg go,lily ~lit ~Wi’ll)’ Oil hiuid.+ iill~ kllel,~through Ilio’lliori, I crce lee¯. and I,"ilud

~uderwoad, which liliiil~ tha liilronce hit.’,lie ~eli~lo ali~ gluelily reee.~ol el Ili,~ Ini¯

iiieval Al’l’icaii uliiin~t hi,liar.hie hiIha I,anlie.l of th~ lillliiali r],~l, a!l!i Ielgt.r~ In!].whig ill Iho Iroek wliluli lit, hadliiadel lllcli li~ llldd01~ly luin~edo utiercdlow+ hl!~lit lil~+ end lihlcod hi~ i’l~ht liaodtmllhid. Jil!!h. nldde I g~lill~Wal’llliil( inn Io ho ail¢lit alill ~ltllhnll.

Ilnw hing Wh hell} rellluined lilUl]!lll?O~arid hardly da I,,~ to dr.~i bl¯ealll [ klIOW

nlit. It lien)’ li~v~ b~Cli ~t’o Inilililc& alille,irud in lile Ill iilauy bolero, I leh iiei. I

tiler fuiip tip Sllllrehoii>hqi ol dlllllil,l , Ldit lily Ililixi~,l)" hi iiltlliin a ~l~lit i,I il ih i.~ l.rili.,oud il,p.l.ibl~ in glot whl,ln !+1 hhii,alid Ihe liuli~ 117ai lily hlack liulill, r h.d nt

IOll~lh lilm~ed Olll!, cstl~+d Iii,v h ¯ t lutl P.h wilh rlliOulllihm so I-udl)’, ihsl hi

iliidui hi ,ltll It l wa~ ohllgml itl ho,d iiiybi+uitili I’.ioihly Itutll iho aell~e~ ol blll~u¢li¯thul hel’anlo tl ill!l.rahlei uud it wa~ wiih,lrcat dilllcuhy i relii’c+ml,d il Pllii~aiedio I,+li.delit,y to rdlovo Iho uPllr a.+ud hlligl Iw ateloiiilh ~l lellgt; iiiy guido IliilVtl~ hl~.wa~, hut ~ i ~ilollily Ihll lii~ llregPe.a wrliIIIOpO like thai ota elildilw Ihali oi iulythhlg

havhiR Ihe III~ wllthi In It.l’hu nilallco wat Ihiloei ll!lltliinl ~o w,al

thu dirklia.~ ii[ Ilia~ lUltt o0i !,l" Ihi ih, u,u Ilerell ’.In whluh h,i had pe.olratt,!I, V,.,ry iehartly allar Im hid elltel~d tile will,de Ihe,lla~l Ilaitnfthu ~eii hml ~a++~,d In lU, Ue.Iraie Ihe IPmiild eS~+l,t at raru h~trw’lh.

Toruhig a Ihila hi Ihe loll Iho Flli m¯di ;io~l ,or ma I¯ dnlw Ull-¯lonllldo ol h~iil

III II I theu dil,ven~ did iiillar o.lle or thaihrolhwnlld+ eiid ihil ¯ ulear alia~ ieruihlg i

¯ to,all ailpllllelier In ilio I’ul~l~ll wil he. ifol ol ~li InuPnilioi IITe. whloh illlledIn o¥orehulluw and deelr+.y Ivol# llllul llldihluh whhlu’+lia Isle, i~.llpled Ihe lnllr i

aod Pllrlucd the daol, i ~i¯OllY Ill lhia

nil7 ittnoii" lo !he f®t-of the

’one hand llboie lill ++lei, hllhnailnlmu.t ihede7 niln¢ bef0re +lt:ok-

inll, il6seCho glare 0t Ihem in die datl~ llLouldZt#?a0t the ttq.~ti0n 0four game. ’- l~ljVi:,g iliyS611 along Iny d:luble-bal~eledr;fle, I ehuded iily eye~ With both my Inends

~l towards ihe great +ree. " ~ithligo:t the gr0nad, ero~.|e~ged,’wilh hi. back~gllili~ ihe trdnk, hio hands lyiox carele~,lyaihis sides with the palm+ turiled up; andhls head nUllk down bot’weao hi~ sh01ildcrsin ¯ dozing, if not sleeping’Itato, ¯

I At’the Opposite: ~idd" of Ih~l at.pitlmater]~

lu01hu~ ~onb~;alin~he3u |rom~r’~’iew, were ah!aah sltd a young niale’fcedhig a.d gatherlng eoloe kind of nutswh’ch+the I~aiale m~t~iooally carried’ end

i t’lrew.on the" ~ioul/~l dose toher, d zlngi lo’d and master. -! A fewmome"tsnf ;! hi lily laying niy ~ I ati,l taking a i,~nl llld’ ~i~ady lhn al the si!hol’p.~t~r flndlia~. It! wa, "./if,’ah to di~lnvl:r iiiy ,hject. forflickering exhahtion ilas Ihi.g fret. iheinltir~ nurfase ol iho~rt’t,.!hmugh which. t h~gorillu-~eul~’d~to ~,o-ili~perpet U~Ltan-¯ tino,:ili and.nut of the ~iglit of oi’~ rift?, upauid dawn. flashlng and wavi"g,’n-~ing arid

i~liing,’- Uuiil I lost all eeilfideu~ hi nly pnw’.cr nf ~l~iiil a in ~o near Illu .runlet, ’ eracL" nlF, t Ua.di:r. 0rdhiary eirelim-

ulan~e.~, [ iiadja.~t ro~olwd to ¯fi..k itll bynla.di,g up and takhlg an open Shut ¯t himIrene the eh,m!d.’r, when a tufa wae nly ilidughi~ (and [ iliUS~ COhfd.~n I gnt

pea.ail~e nl i. !JeW sp6ri~otan in l~e furui ol

¯ ~hlaek payt!’on, soi,o thir!y fcetln leugQtc

I~el ~lit whleh my rapt attention i~i mygame had pleveoted me from Chs.~rviitg pre-vieusly, -- ¯’ The python had Unwounded’¯ fe~ coils,and iiaViiig thus fieedibout ten_or twelveteet oi his tlody to hioi to examinen!y preeeedings more chmely; he waa hang-ing ~ithin a yard oi mY fitee, his long black,

waving and retirillg ugoi" wiih theru

troul .le to ihe rifle ~ Ihm/gh he wouderedwhut ~rt ut lin anhiiai it was,’alld whe*herit ~liigllt prove to be more dliility ui0rselthan [ illy~lt.might be. :I laid ¯ Per.-Jan~einl:torll~keoo+¯.+-~ raaor in iiiy hunlh/g¯¯ beh. The anake hi his :vavinga t0 ¯rid hebrought hi.+. eeek withi~Lahl"t o! my ~h6ul.der. " Ialid ely right hund dawn tO fed tbrthu handle ot¯iay ~.wertl,%dcpiilg uiy eye~.filell Upua. the py~holi. : I g~+~Dcd mid wa.~

dl~lwiilg’tito weap.,, wmlderin~ wh~th’el"ilie ~ilake nr [ woold .qrlke ilr~l whcu huLh

Ulas were startled hy it. terrible ~hrick, -rrathcl a ~erie~’nl’ ehriek~,, es if el ~lr~ug,ruugh womau were reodiug the ¯i[ io mil/-

gled, rageaod pnhi. " " ¯ ¯ " ¯The pYihou vaili.-hed Immy sword tiew

out+ . . ’ ¯The ~hri~ks wero uttered by the femdo

gorilla, who had gone¯~mo di~ta’n~ ieto"

tryhlg in ahti at the male, a.d ¯fterwardwith watshi/~gllleterri~0reptih. She hadeilher disturbed ¯ lion who wae shepingaway Iho etlceta el a-h~arty supper, or had.met hhu on his way to the cowl depths ol,hi for¢~l, oiid h,~d’ neirly ifopled him inorilliig repest.’ ~he illnlug into ,hi ileal.e~t trfe i Uttcrhl I il~ Iho 8allia lime thigh

alurtling huiileu csi~ u’h!oh had lrilhlelledntiay iho i,yih,m niid nearly ~noert’ed ine.

ger mid wa~ atill u’alchhil the lnale gurilh,liliii¢lilly awailhlg Iny deeieiail elid txlleci-leg evoly |li.qalil the report ol niy ri~e.The ~lirit.k~ had .qariled hhii a Ihtli,;nof

lanoh however a~ Ihey had o~ceied lilOl

hip lie hud hoon] Ihe hku hclul% und liekliOW Ihey weald be UilOred the iiioiiieiilthet e,thor ¯ idiot would I~ Iircd Or Ihe le-lilUlO ~hould tli.-cow, r u.~ by pliy Chalice]

lliit W]IUli r.ur. tbst ~l:0t+k thu lzrilulld llllwliicli we lay, aillinun~td Ihe nuturo I f Ihu~lelligcr |ion, Irliich Ihe leinnle gurilla hall

liai’rewly’~+~CUllcdI lily Fun fllcnll, hl.ekho IVli~I ~,~tu~lly ~illlie Imllid th h f~,lul

¯ Tile re:Jr ol ,he Ihlu wa~ hl~lalitlycd hy a det, pcr, lieor~Pr, Itiu.lel, and

~lvligd lilt, A SUlllld eel elll~qlh.o ol’uu.getI tlC~liliCe I lied releiilln~, ~avilgeI oi~¢1iel~ldi)’, l t,evr~ hrard !

i hioked al Ihe ~all niid Hoiletl, lh lili-dmt.od i.o ilil+lmilly, Ilinlii{ to

tr, uil In. lie clo~e,I hh inottlh whh nn el.h,rt, i li!’li ~rhiued/l+hiced lii. lllltera lin liislill+ ~, aiid’i’urik~il In which the ~,uiihai whh, hwli~ liiiw iile~heble, aiid hi Iho ~%.¯rroli~ltll wliich hy oilr I~t holies ol Hth+iy

81~+ii’ecl), Ihh’ly yiird~ lili lin~ le~+ ,he li~lihad Odlile ciu.~llhig Ihroe~h tli~ luii~h.i lild

hid el~lnrcd the eh!,o hlnor la ,lllo +whh abiluilll, lie liiiw sllill~ hi .illit of Ihn nlolrIqii’li~ hi~ head opt, eli Ill, iiinlie siaullhig nillliiil niil i ~11 sire, ~ht, Ii~e Iho heir . en’i~r)’ caL lilitliiil)’i!i I hi, alilOU’.lil hiilk hicuhl~+nl llrllllOlll,iu~ i hi~ Jail, whleh ai lirl+l~lulul li¢lllly all¯.ighl, t!’a~ ~litiii~l~Ult ~idein bhh’, At Ici,tlh it tlrut, k Ida iilm al,el’.iioleh’ I,u ollher fide wlih ~onuidhig hhiw,+,

~lid ho Ullered n llliiller, inul’s h,rrillo lliiirIhali ihlt ~lilnh lie lead ~ ¥¢u when ,he I,ulol~ ~ult’la h.d opCnlltd .lllqll’ hiln, Oil¯

lli!~he tn hiiii hal lit nlala lliril~a. Ii iwI,uikhlg moll uiilike ,he iili~iiilli, tin I’Y

ltllti~ with le hid ~eli I, rOlliied uii%el. li lien Iree,

At lho 01~l ~hi’h,k ~llii hh inale I thegm’ills lt.d ~l,fuilg illln liltl Ill d tql#don ¢ti’

wpy, l’lad,,X Ihe keotitloa OI hh iilllin Ihe Aroen,I, ht hllmidad IillitllInln ilia air tn n i.urlnl.hig ht,14htI I’rtioi allIn,it hando I!llalhor , alid oollilng down llpue

all fiuir ulehi;%Vhell Iho lion ~a.~l, ihu gnrilh me!l~d

It onol tuoJmllrt, h~’od Ihu naltlrl holh ~1theehalhni~ and thr, e+~’e.arl.. ,n,l

: ~’00 LpEl~"y E~il,

have been easy for I i a to eaclpe by~prhi~-i.g inlo a tree. He-rose upon- hia- t,ipderh.6ds (or.fell;) and ~,~nding erect, lookingvery likea hr.-bodied, Iong.armnd short.

[ .epo, al;out ~ii teet lwoia hdght, uliemd hi.. trotadnd,m-

¯ a~epianea el tl e llo.’s challenge, bl~ hmhis brel.t at the¯aome dine with hla hug~fi~ a!lernately, an~l prodaeiog’sounda ikelleavy blows upon the hase drum¯

¯ iV hen tiio llon sprang inio the enelosur’e.end stood ~riatling be,ore ilim. the goriFe

dropped upcm .ll le-n .ag"in, wiih liiskuuekle~ Oil the g~l~lid, his ey~ Whleh

npOn hh dreadful e#it;luy, en¯~’ hl.ey~’b o~;’Wor~itig ~p aud wiih. iucm~&h’.V,crapiry, giving to iii~ eeU6;cnaneu d Io,,k uleuch dei.nnine ferocity th¯l it ¯ neemed v~make ibe ]iun I,ao~¢ at leait, if he did hotquail +: ’ "" :¯ L-t~hhgl~isaideawiih’hh lail .nt;l heroused hinlself to flirt, die li,m delivemlJli~ Imcolid roar, aa titough his llo,,0r wcle~neern~l in outronriag !10 I¢~s than iu va.-qoi.hi.8 by hh liOWern ail antaa.hhi-#, a: doil his part, the g!lrilla, alblut q,,e¯,tions elIt,n0r seenled tikdy Io be fa¢~,k,.~l or¯ eon-.aid!:rcd by hit:,’- ac~pted: ticv/tthe]6~e-th~pr¢li!uhlary ~tit~t olangry .i,i+e, nnd Ut-tered anoiher ~ ~ utterly demnfliae aodli~rrible, ~tanding o+p again’in order iode-liver it Ireely, t hat t tie Iiun-~+~,:fhed’. t a., ¢,¯to ~pril:g up’u him .rid bring thu quu Ih.,ot ~upe:i.r prowe~ito th~ liro,,t. A fewsl ort, swiit .tep.~, bou.d uf iwenty t~et.twoor three aharp, silar lug growls, alid !e:p~re~ io a the eemlm’m,+p le<ke4 i.,

AS the ]iou rose io hD long I~lun:]. the

gorillalplatlgaho, b t more ]ight]y an

.~truok upward to catch him ; the ac i iil.turned heat over, a.d he le]l heavily on I,i’

sidc, ~he:gerilla dropping an him, stri~illghhn twice, and theu apringing off witb¯sidlirg,]milpi¯ng run., t’0a-dhltan¢o Of" ~¢v.eral yaros. Jn~tantaneoos Is had beeo Iheea¢ounter, bJth wera S,;verel~ woundedThe gorilla was bleeding fVum

his rib.., and judging_ trom theb,ows whie~h~he had f~-

eeived, I lh0ogh¢ that iohie of hia ribsmust hsve been broken.’’ ": .

¯ heli~o whho¯uta momeht’e pau~ r~hrit¯ t:bis ad~’ersoryl.hut¯thc agility ~f:ihe’gt~r;~i;la Was iou great to per.tit the l,mia~ hie plca...llm g,r ~olae taitmtCs themnvemeni~ of the lie. in attack, n.d of the

were almost t~o rapidtbr the eye tololl~w thdr evolutioas~ AIle.gth the lime pliu:~d. b".wlIdered-~c~l aad aetivily ut Ms aotagollLq. Ia-et.ntly ihe gorilla ~prang upoli und ~lled

~lim over; with bI0w niloo the" ~ld,0f the head.¯ Again the ohas~ and ~oid-ail¢l~ were rlium:d hU~ th e trme for ~fimuoh Iool~er ;epa~thao I~.fore, the l?o!,

.~hig rcui]ved to’catch tl~e nimhle ape;hot agaln he waa ohiii<.d to pause; an~lagain he was i..tnnt]y ku~ked over. "Whenhe aro~l he et¯ggered, .whether-f’~-’.u tll~

receiv..d, or lrom giidilie~ resa,tin~ Irom"hhl/D.lutione iu por~olt et thu gur’lla, itwa~ iu~po~.lihlc to decide, b¯t he red~d aod_!hll oil ~veril stept te tha iight, helor~ h~r~wertd aul~eielttly !o I, epa~ Ior anolhetcharge. .

lu the mea. ilme the Ioriil~ w¯s d~ "g-ang al~alid ¯ad bobbing up aod dew.I~lbr~ him, .s ~ltlarcd moitkey~ m.y b~olte!t .e~li to do, hi thdr ~agaa whoa pdr-

Ilia kepl op au ll.i~, growli!ig,’.marlhlg, roariiig atl¯| i~i~inihig. %lii),ilitiheir lOiia~ ill aeoordali~ whh their a~lmll~Ior ulif~rhlg~, aii~ ahhoagh nethiiif like.clo~l haA lukeu place/ helh W~.’,’u bl¢¢dtlitl

Irnoly I Iho li,,-’e right c)’a w.a eiih{r ~liotoil or lone¯ lied Ihe toPi:la wai ,+early

~alpcd. ’l’lio lion hsd liuw le+..rncd ~,luioch of him eliClii~l’~ etrvutlh niid aetii’ I)’.that ho irled aevenll leiilta Io get him w’lih-

tu ran+~¢, lie hy dliwili ~ol lien gl!i’ilinkei,t jOJliph,g rireand lihii ail ilear ihut I.,was t+~li~d to SlU.i!ig run,ill witll’ eqiial

lllCrlllvSl toavoid behig iakea I,y e!wl!ri.~e.,In tlie!l ilnOlher I"+~li, hill lie" lh~il at ~r~t, and Iho lieu InFileil on

hi, bllck aiid re¢clvrd hhii whh leith a]ideluw~.

Tllu cli~i~ ef "llie baltle Ill~ alrlved.Gron’l~ mild aliltrl~, ~ln’ieke aiid rllal¯~ cauloiiOl ill I deuioiiiao ehoru~ frulli a OUlilu~¢dliiaP~t ul’ alt’h’lhig Icave.~ aiid thiali Iiiliba~el,cell, olilws, ~1o,.I, slid si,ringi ,g ’botlie~,li- tlio~th iCu Iithihig bea~t~ ili+~leild It tlrilwer cuuil~lt, inllliuid I a whlrllhidl "l-~c.cauio l{Icicileii tie,it [ ,,el, hi eeul~i, ly CUll-Ishi Iliy~ll. +l l’te.h lif nilla~hhig I.i’le

ho i.% el*d a h.rlihln shriek I The iioi.oull~l In, T nl Iho ~iil,ha~ trere mh!ohlcd lbr¯ Inintlln ilr two--lhen ~iiiio ¯ lllO~v. TheiI%.i aisl eluud .t" Icuvt,. ,ilbnld~d, .Tie

:llon wu.+ Ullpl,rllitlat ’l’h~ hl’t urln of the! gulilla wa~ acl’o~ lii~ tl’eiliL’lldOld iilouth

It wu~ ,be ¢iiiiiohhig tel + iho doolihl htilll!~of elm Ibre.r!a which I had heard, ili.©hiw~ wel~i tirliily Ib’od iU Iho g.,rill~’~.liooldcr alld head. hut lie w,le hhnPmll

¯ iIiil,’il’ly IOl’li ISUlider iii~ dl~eiii~lwl~lcd, iIlogu raoa w~rn hi i!l. tmdy, aiid Iho leel’OI Ihu g,,rilla wm I~rivd iii hiilohl~, .l+llilaIhn in,lilly iilht lrin uf the liii~ Wli I~l"i°rid woeld [itl acliVq ag iU Ilitvclly L,realhhod I~.~l lakvn.

Thll .lull slrugila quh:k’y ~llia. ~’1i

lllae ,he ~lood -I’ do.t aiid leavl, t aglhil

IVhlrll.g, e,riahief, bou.d,.ir, atrikln~,lmWlillg, ilruliglhllt, ItOanlng. tha eonlai.

imi inlsa llhed hhhur aiid ihhhor wlih iacl~Pased ~l~ill I Over’end nver li inllodlike ¯ ISn¥1a ’hi fllhllog dee,ha% ~ntll b

lei!mforli~l), Ill wlil~ I ill~-ly ~lrli guidl leri lyhl I hlddlo. IIiw~lmt swsI iml, ul. rltoPnl~] illhi, loUrd

n# ~nd Ihen I~rk, sn’i I,!.t sl th~ F+~. e.d.

- : ii,, I " i/ !" . ¯

All troadimt a~i~enhilmmiU II~k~’~#lladvinc¢.. ][erlaRir. the following ~li Will IXl ¯

Tmi, Ileei ~nllhnli a eqlmln. ’ "~ i .me 101th. WilT:. "

~10; i11 menthl, M~| .OI!!~ , ;+~,

,,$15 lie I Ilitlllluthl. ", 3’,i

.~101~l~ no~l. ~";3fin ¯

y h. eh’i~’i; ".-: 7: + ’~ ,- ;.++.:L’

M.y 2~ |Hti; ’ "

i-:.. :=" _T;" - . ._m+_’

the ~nttl!an~a;"lbcked iu Lheir d~ldlyembrlll~ lily,alibi’. ~--’-iililagaln~t u~ uTer intu a de0p;i~t llb]~!z we .’had .et le~’, .talii.i uim" ~ viih a ’"I;,rue wlileh f0r -+ii it/slsnt deprived moo[ tem,~ci,m~ne~. "Ilecm:erip~: m~’~If, bo*-,’.cv~r; [ ~iruggled t~rinu~ly, fearing Ih¯t if .’the beastaliadkl l~d eieh iother I i~o~ ~1’ "~be fimotherecl ,,nder’!he Lkedjllg ~lte~si’~,

"U-ficked, ei~uek, aul tried t~ I~,tlehltht~drdedlll|load away., rJhe uoi:e a~ovel~ewasterri.tto ’but I "~a~ 10 to dhti,gui~h :,ty ow~.~n~-e a~alld~t, th¯0 ’u~rocr, and it ¯s;r,ick me Ihat lhe "l~J~’id ~lhtch it wal proauun~d-- Will , ~nlnt~wli!It f¯mili¯r. Illali~d aa, effu#~-io PX!ric~t~lt’~ and’¯ htoo~l. A~tln ]and again nt~;.mn6w-u "~-.llled h#Udly: di~ [il~tly, ¯~!d Imrileall$ .... . ", ,,.Iuh,,:J.hfil’+’+’~;" . ~ .¯ It wael lhe Volce or+my Wlfe~whom 1 htul+left ~.le;y¯t I:o:ile hi’rtm(too I" "

"Jolio.. Jolill! IYake .up, ttill leu? " i

. cu’ve lot tliu ~itlit’ulare.i and~ have J’.lle.n ,lutot’l~.t:. Joh!i.J,ihll!¯d)getup, de¯rl .

¯ ~ . . , ¯You ve drurged.ll+the betle,othes duwn 6nt;l". floor with yn~. l’ou"l Lel ~ulotheredit y.u duo’t ~akaop. ~Oh. de¯r ~ 0h, deal! up,¯you g/’eai stupid, cl~ll" i ’ ’ .

ue~te---I;ow cur,cue"| b,; too, Ihat 711ti e" utd ~t~e ~ opl~o,tun,~l.v. Z~ was ",’t.ry ki id or;.ou. -ed ;.m ~u-i;;7~’~us ~id~l " ¯.- ,’.’he.did yo,. a,rive ou.’ D.. ,..nh.u.,Tw¯~ wn!.. ,daring ju.-.t ,., I-waa th{s horrid nh, why the gorilla’s wifildid!i;C come to hhl +¯s~ielallce. ¯ ~0 y¢~ ’k. ,w, ahe i.ight have’ dime it.ea..,ily ~.d .

a~e iiill !haie enabled’her, hu.lmnd Io "~.~hell hisgrip. ~t Ii¯vequiekty : i"

"~Iy goodae~ giaeioua l" mid my qiife;ioterruptiog.:me. "What etUffand’non-scn~e are you ralklug? J.~o~s nd golillu Ili..idhuticksl’.’ "7 "+. - ¯ . ’ .

!" Whut 1" s¯id 1, "wa~ it Ill a dream, .¯ ,iand isnot my noble Fan ¯ reahty ? ¯ ]

"Y0nr fan~ indeed!" re~orted-~I~_ ’was beginning to loee her phc- "

idi,y 9f l~mper, "it y0uam ~ W~rm s toyou may uee mine o , r

~0 you and welcome. Bot pl~lae let me :have the’-bedcl01h~, fer [ du.’t waut fan.:

i i~i.g. ~ly teetli a~i .ehatt~.dlig with thac.ohL The poE~have taken all the~fighb

’ screaaihlg gorilhu ¯¯rid

l’~nlale, to tI~e etadon ho~i.

,’ha i+i.~ ¯re ht the wa’rdrd~; De~ where’. .....-a-de¯r, g.’t u~p off thefi.or..Th¯t’s iighi.¯ ¯.. ,g _-; .... .. .

Z w~l notdy+ifrwintlm~: ’ ’:-+.. ’+ ;’ .i "Wlica wh~-ki~-i,uorhiz flOWi " ; ~i ..’

’ ~Vheu ponly guln uru. l-klltiog ¯ , ,U~r li,’Ids ~i ice a.d am~w ;+.. ’, "

. Witcu i~.~idge meiCia phrd’in~,.-& hieke/’7,/intdh ilfick+~ ¯ :’ ’ ~’’Ohl ~hocould ihlilk ofdyini, ., . ~

Or evlm.gottiog aick! ...... . . I .

I wud not dye in apring-thne. " ; ’¯;Aad lui~ Ihe turn up gr~lilN

of the Ihtle frawll ’

Whom hird.~ beii. Iheir Wooiug,& tutent ’ghl to eprout, ¯

W~en the turk~y~ ~ a gohblinz--*1 wud not ,ha. peg not; -

T wud ""i in su.lmer, ’ .& I~¯ve’ilie ii~eu’ mi.~si ....

~’hll I~ahlL’d and barte-milk, "~J’lln kmll plec+ in ~ ;

I w.;i niIc dye lit nalnmcr,W hell evi~’lliilig’a tt liol~

.lknd eat’e the wl .~kia jewl i,.q--Owe know ! i’d ~uLhar kliel. "

I ~llld not dyelu&urlumn. * -. ,¯ Wilh peaeliol lit tbr eating., ’~%’ hail wavy kurn i~ g,’ttinK ill+O,¯ & kaudidate~ eru treeth!~.Ph.r the~ ¯hd t,ther rea~tms ,

[d lill tlya ill lira pllall ; ’ >’~’~i t111 lye thuught it over~

lwltd a,lt dyi, !it ¯11.

" Cuz-lou,+ Cloolc. ’ ’ ’¯ V’,lUyy.t;a+~,,hom ;,., u oh<k m*ae

hy olil/D,’,,z, a lilmlla*li+ of O liiOVli, whi+hiVI~i rOll,i;eno,| lur ill iu~uOt ¢’Jlletru0-

~i,,n. Tile ol,lo~ wai I,i’a$ tie bJ ¢1.p,ibl0 el,p,~rlltri¯hi~ litUiy nlovelo~nlll ¯"l~l r~ wlt nu it a u~gre, n ~h~llh~rd-znt’ ¯~l dill. When llte ¢lul.i htrnck, the tliel-herd pl.yud slI lil~llll hia ~,liei lii~ I~.e ’d-g alllll~limhcd and fllvO~Wli hhu..

’|’li~loik lie ei~lihlte.l :l".+lh~ -~i¯g .if ....~lrlhi. wli I Wdt lro~tly ,l~lixlitel’ liiih It.¯ ’Tho~©iitleno~.taf in7 dot," a~tld ~ceiI ,"i~ hia Ioi.~t merit." li’yuoP .%ll~esty toudi ’.nee of Ihe apl,Lol l~tieh ;ol leo ill thn ,

-h I,hord’a hi+ket, y,,w will tdmiru Ihe [{.,Iolhy nt ihisaninill," The King to.k all~!l!lde, and tile dnl ~lll ai hit hand alldhark¢d .~t I,ml l~lil Iho¯l~hig’idoi, whiehwas hi Ihi mils i~ml diriull ih+l elhihl-

lieu, ~llSli IO bark Ik +it whloh the sli.i!er~liti.use,uriielt, lol d.u~tinlh luan allilr nf wllhl~4lll+~ooiu,~inlSiiig Ihenitel¥oa nsJhey lelll . ilarlag’In>lid Ihli ~llto~trliio, whu wiiill,~ only n~,+ whe dal~lll lie al~ hohiod, to .ll+~k Iho negl whnt .’el,~t it waa, Ihe~lie.

iltor ¯.kcd, but rc¢otvad lIO llD’y, lJrtllIheu ubiarvad Ihat lho nelro hid o.t yat,leirlind Sllanhli, upoll whleh ,hi Mi.biar "i’elU,aled Iha queeth.i In ~l~lich,’ iiid Ihl

hhek hl*o*~dlnl~ in~wnred hhn. li ihllnew ,ha ~¢aiuill of I~i ~!iillatei

a!.~ h!Pm.,k hhn, iiid ha raillaled wPldpl.!ulvly, d~larial Ihlt’lt u;lll bl Ihe work, I a lupnr.ntor.l l~lug, h ilproi4hhlthllIh, the Imlrlbrmauoe ¯of ththe Ir,ldll I]IVliaache,l eurlalu iu Iho meehl~ m,allheugll lhlt h UuL d_tlla io~¯ufa ol h~ dm,k.

Nevlr~,ow pelh’l.k. i’qev+r lellyo.r ,Im.els lolh+llvd--ul,l dmrl leldnm ~hlit I~l~l[i.


P.o,,1; .r’,,rm m, .r,i.Ioialle ~ li~i bi~lt latl~l el el,lit iheIall i~l Iitny I~lpw’r~dil. . )
