Page 1: Nutrition Deficiency as a Cause for Skin Allergies in Dogs
Page 2: Nutrition Deficiency as a Cause for Skin Allergies in Dogs

Nutrition Deficiency as a Cause for Skin Allergies in Dogs

Just like human beings, dogs also need to get all the essential nutrients in adequate amounts to be physically and mentally healthy. If you have a pet dog, it is important for you to know what nutrients should be given to your pet in his diet. Lack of the essential nutrients may be the reason for skin allergies and other problems dogs commonly face. However, before giving any nutrient supplement to your pet, it is important to consult your veterinarian. The common nutritional deficiencies in dogs are vitamin B deficiency, iodine deficiency and calcium deficiency. Each of these deficiencies has its own symptoms. This article discusses these nutritional insufficiencies along with the associated symptoms. If you find any of these symptoms in your pet, consult your vet at the earliest.

Page 3: Nutrition Deficiency as a Cause for Skin Allergies in Dogs

Calcium Deficiency:

Calcium deficiency leads to a disease known as Ricketts. When dogs are given a diet having high phosphorus content and low calcium content, they suffer from this health condition. The symptoms of the disease are slow heart rate, low calcium levels in blood, hypotension, pain, changed urine color, weak muscle tone, fragile bones and deformities.

Apart from Ricketts, lack of calcium can also lead to hypocalcemia i.e., low calcium levels in the blood. This condition develops when a dog is not provided with a diet having adequate calcium. This condition is common among nursing dogs since the bodies of such dogs need more calcium to produce milk. The associated symptoms are vomiting, trouble in walking, fever, stiffness and seizures.

Page 4: Nutrition Deficiency as a Cause for Skin Allergies in Dogs

Both hypocalcemia, as well as Ricketts, can be cured by giving dogs a calcium supplement, after consultation with a vet.

Iodine Deficiency:

Iodine is an important nutrient for dogs, which plays a major role in regulation of the thyroid. Lack of iodine can result in health issues like hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. Iodine deficiency symptoms in dogs are weight gain, diarrhea, low energy levels, weakness, skin problems and hair loss. Dogs may show other symptoms too apart from these, when they lack iodine.

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Veterinarians mostly recommend giving thyroid supplements to dogs suffering from hypothyroidism. In case of a thyroid gland that is overactive, vets suggest thyroid removal through a surgical process. However, some people with pet dogs prefer going for holistic treatment options like iodine water supplement.

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Vitamin B Deficiency:

Lack of vitamin B in dogs occurs when the food of a dog is exposed to heat as vitamins are destroyed by heat. In general, deficiency of vitamin B produces symptoms like skin problems, excessive shedding, itching and lethargy. The condition can also cause anemia. Lack of vitamin B can be treated well with a supplement known as vitamin B complex, which has all the B-vitamins. Vets usually recommend natural vitamin supplements for treating puppies and adult dogs suffering from vitamin deficiency.

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These are the common nutritional deficiencies faced by dogs. In case you find your dog showing any symptoms associated with a particular nutritional deficiency, get the help of your vet immediately. The insufficiency of any nutrient may affect the overall health of your pet. Your vet would examine your dog and suggest proper medications.
