Page 1: Nurses and midwives thanked ceremony

Issue 12 2015

Trust Headquarters

East Surrey Hospital

Redhill, Surrey, RH1 5RH

Tel: 01737 768511


Ground breaking


Former patient Emily Parsons and her four young daughters performed the honours at the ground breaking ceremony for the new East Surrey Macmillan Cancer Support Centre. Michael Wilson, chief executive and colleagues from Macmillan put their hard hats on and joined the family to mark this exciting milestone in the build. When the £1.5 million centre opens later this year it will provide a wide range of support services in one place – information and advice, emotional and psychological support, complementary therapies and more Michael Wilson said: “I am really excited about this project and what it will mean for our patients and their families. It will enable our staff to provide all round support in the heart of the community and people will no longer have to make a 20 mile round trip to their nearest support centre.”

Nurses and midwives thanked

to say a big ‘thank you’ for the fantastic job they do. Chief nurse, Fiona Allsop said: “I’m sure that most people would agree that nursing and midwifery are professions to be very proud of. We are extremely fortunate here at SASH to work alongside some truly fantastic nurses, midwives and nursing assistants and I personally would like to thank each and every one of them.’

To mark International Midwives Day on 5 May and International Nurses Day on 12 May we held a celebratory event in recognition of all our nurses and midwives and as an opportunity

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Star of the Month Award

Our theatres - team vision

new departmental vision on the 27 June 2015 at our perioperative education/open day event.

Second step “Using the Trust values as headings, the team co- created statements to articulate how we demonstrate the Trust values every day in our clinical roles. This has produced our new vision demonstrating a real shared purpose of commitment to a supportive, kind environment where quality and safety is a priority. We look forward to sharing this Trust wide following the launch on the 27 June. All staff are welcome to attend.” By Maria Boutabba, practice development lead

As an organisation we are asking you all to discuss and have conversations with your team about setting your departmental objectives, based on our organisational objectives – safe, caring, effective, responsive to needs and well-led. Our theatre teams at East Surrey and Crawley Hospitals have taken this one step further by reflecting on what our Trust vision, values and expected behaviours mean to them in their day-to-day work. From this, they have developed a new perioperative vision which has drawn out key themes for developing the annual objectives which will be part of the new vision launch.

As part of our SASH travel plan we are introducing a new staff car lease scheme, giving you the opportunity to lease a brand new car at a discounted rate through a salary sacrifice scheme.

23 June at 12 -2.30pm in the PGEC

You will have the chance to test drive cars - come along, find out more and register your interest.

To take advantage of the car lease scheme offer you need to be a permanent member of staff (or on a minimum of a two year contract). Further details of how you can apply will be available at the launch event and published on the Intranet in the coming weeks.

Cerner move on June 20

On 20 June we will be moving our

Cerner Millennium system from the current British Telecom hosted environment to a Cerner hosted Data Centre. We are working to keep downtime to a minimum during the move but Millennium will be offline for about twelve hours on Saturday 20 June, with service expected to return mid to late afternoon. During this time you should follow the established business continuity plan for Millennium downtime. If you are unsure of the process please speak to your line manager. Instructions for downtime procedures are also in the red box in your department. All other systems should remain unaffected and can continue to be used during the Millennium downtime. You will receive an email notification when Millennium is available again.

New staff car lease scheme

“Perioperative services has experienced quite a period of change with refurbishment, team restructuring and service development. It is an opportunistic time to step back and revisit core values - what drives our passion and commitment to patient care? How do we as a team define our shared purpose to continually develop our practice, improve service provision or just simply support each other and our resilience during periods of change and when facing every day challenges.

First step “We engaged in a ‘word activity’ where every team member was invited to contribute a word that they identified with, what was important to them in demonstrating values based behaviours. This proved to be a very popular exercise, producing a lot of positivity and connection. It also counted as a very valuable listening board for how staff are feeling. This word board is being further developed into a word cloud and will be launched with our

Well done to our Stars of the Month – the estates team. They were nominated by Trisha Burrett from our emergency department who said: “They are unfailingly polite, have a great positive attitude and are so efficient. I think they deserve

recognition for all their hard work in keeping the hospital functioning.”

The icon for accessing Cerner will look different (see the image on the right) and the main screen will look different. All other screens and workflow remain the same.

The picture shows the estates team receiving the award from Sue Jenkins, director of strategy.

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Our SASH culture champions

You will have already heard about behaviours and expectations that explain what our organisational values look like in everyday practice and how we must make sure they become part of the way we work each and every day.

To help embed this a network of culture champions will offer a point of focus and visibility to help us all embed our values and behaviours in everything we do.

First cohort selected as advocates for SASH values

Our executive teams and divisional management have generated a list of people who form our first cohort of culture champions.

This selection acknowledges these individuals as role models for their colleagues, patients and families here at SASH.

The role of our culture champions:

* To help make our values real and

important for departments, wards,

teams and individuals and

recognise how embedding these

values and associated behaviours

contributes to a positive patient


* Advocates of SASH values in daily work and formal/ informal conversations

* Trusted as a ‘go to’ person and advocate to discuss all aspects of values related behaviour

* Find and create opportunities to share stories – informally and formally - where exemplary behaviours have been exhibited

* Identify activities within departments and wards which focus on our values and behaviours and bring these to wider attention

* Contribute to Trust-wide values integration events and activities and to tell ‘truth to power’ to help leaders to be role models

* Organise and participate in values-focused events/face-to-face communication with team members/ staff within their area

How you can help support our culture champions?

* Familiarise yourself with our values and behaviours and what these mean to you and your team (available on the intranet)

* Consider why these values and behaviours are important within your team and in delivering excellent patient care

* Begin to think about what behaviours within your area are exemplary and what perhaps needs to be addressed

* Let your local culture champion know of any activities within your area which focus on our values and behaviours so that these can be publicised as an example of good practice

“Our vision is to take our Trust from ‘good’ to ‘outstanding’. We will only get there by making sure each individual consistently has continual improvement, in terms of quality, safety, productivity and patient experience, as cornerstones of their decision making. A key enabler to this is a strong group of role models - our culture champions. They embody our values of dignity and respect, one team, safety and quality and compassion and are at the core of our culture and organisational identity.” - Des Holden, medical director.

Steve Buck is working hard to promote our values to staff within the Trust

Culture champion Lisa Reindel (left) is keen to promote our values

Launching the enhanced values: Culture champions Susan Stockley, Carol Dixon and Colin Pink supported by Director Jim Davey.

Keen to learn more? We all need to play our part in living the values

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Dates for your diary

June 16

10.30am - 2.30pm: Carers event –PGEC, ESH. All staff welcome

June 19

11.30am-12.30 noon: Senior leaders meeting – Lecture Theatre, ESH for all senior and team leaders – come along.

June 26

1.00pm-2.00pm: Schwartz Round – ‘A story I need to tell you’ Lecture Theatre, ESH (12.15pm for cake).

June 26

11.30am-12.30 noon: All staff meeting – Lecture Theatre, ESH. Please try and ensure that someone from your team is there.

Supporting the WHO

#safehands campaign

Welcome to …

Reassuring our patients and staff

The recent WHO Global Hand Hygiene Day (5 May) was backed by staff with a number of activities across the Trust. Staff enthusiastically supported the campaign which aimed to raise awareness of how simple hand hygiene can help keep our patients safe. Many staff were keen to participate in our social media campaign using #safeHANDS which proved to be a success with posted Tweets being viewed over 10,000 times.

A group of volunteers from the patient experience group and clinical staff from the wards, accompanied the infection prevention and control nurses in a search of a SASH ‘hand hygiene star.’ The team asked staff about their knowledge of the WHO ‘5 moments for hand hygiene’ and assessed their hand hygiene technique. The winner was staff nurse Harriet Gryg from Chaldon ward. A special mention also goes to student nurse Charlotte Davies (Nutfield), Dr Peter De Souza (Capel) and senior nurse Lucretia Ometita (Nutfield) who all showed fantastic knowledge and technique in their hand hygiene. Well done to all involved.

Welcome to new deputy chief nurse Victoria Daley who has spent the last two years working as head of quality/chief nurse for the Crawley, Horsham and Mid-Sussex CCG’s. Victoria has previously worked in a variety of roles in acute

Trusts across the south of England in areas including clinical governance, risk management, education, cardiothoracic critical care and accident and emergency.

She said, “I am passionate about promoting the quality agenda - patient safety, patient experience, risk management, assuring effective clinical governance processes and learning from serious incidents. I am really pleased to be working at SASH as I grew up in nearby Crawley and live there now.”

Victoria brings a wealth of experience to the role and may even take blue sky thinking to the next level as in her spare time she can be found in the skies over Sussex, training as a hot air balloon pilot.

Our new security lectern has arrived in our emergency department reception. Richard Bridgman, security manager said, “Even when a security guard is not sat at the lectern then just the visible reminder will offer reassurance to staff, patients and visitors that security is on site, if it should be needed.”

Staff and patient backed our #safehands campaign, led by Ashley

Flores, consultant nurse consultant & deputy DIPC.

Security guard Maciek Wisnieski at

the lectern in our emergency department
