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Dear Parents and Carers,

Week 8 already - the term has flown by so quickly. A big thank you to Mrs Zoneff who stepped up into the role for me

while I was spending some time with my London family. With all that has happened in the last week I am feeling very

blessed to have had this time as it would not be possible now. They are safely home in London and report it is the same

over there as here.

COVID-19 I would like to thank all of you for your patience and consideration as we have had to make changes to some of the

operating procedures for this week due to the COVID-19 virus directives.

Our students have handled the situation very well and the teachers have a done a fantastic job answering questions and

supporting the students throughout this very unpredictable time, especially with new information coming through daily.

All teachers are regularly providing opportunities for students to wash their hands with hand soap, most importantly

before eating. We have students eating inside before play and teachers are providing opportunities to sanitise hands after

play breaks.

The school has implemented a range of strategies during this time of uncertainty, including the promotion of personal

hygiene measures (hand washing and coughing and sneezing etiquette), physical distancing, cancelling or postponing

large gatherings, and reducing the mixing of students. All inter-school events have been cancelled as have excursions.

These are measures recommended from the Department of Health in conjunction with the Department of Education.

Our teaching and learning programs are still being implemented to make sure that student learning is not disrupted during

this time. In line with medical advice, there is no reason why those who are not excluded from school should not be at


Please keep your child home from school if they present any symptoms of cold, flu, COVID-19 or are in any way unwell,

and seek medical advice where appropriate. If your child is sent to sick bay with any type of symptom, you will be called

to collect them immediately to stop the sharing of germs among students and staff.

We appreciate your understanding that teachers are continuing to plan, teach and assess classroom programs as per

normal each day. The majority of our teaching day is very student focused. While we will do our best to provide work for

at home learning please be aware that this may take time.

If your child is sick and is unable to attend school, allow them time to rest and recover until their symptoms are gone to

allow them to return to school.

NULKABA NEWS Nulkaba Public School 5 O’Connors Road NULKABA NSW 2325

Phone: 4990 1805

Email: [email protected] Web:

Issue 158 2020 Term 1 Week 8 Friday, 20 March 2020

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The following website will provide websites for parents to support their children’s learning at home if you would like

additional activities for their child to complete. Many of these sites are used by our teachers for their classroom programs. The Department of Education has recently launched a ‘Learning from Home’ Hub on the Department’s website which

provides information and resources for teachers and parents to support students learning from home. Teaching strategies

and resources, learning sequences, student workbooks and materials are being regularly added to the site for students

Preschool to Year 12.

We will continue to keep you up to date with any changes that need to happen due to this virus. This will be sent home

by email and/or a note with alerts on Seesaw and Facebook. I have also sent home attached to this newsletter some tips

provided to us to minimise risk.

P&C Information is located in this newsletter re the Fair and what will be done. We do hope to run it later in the year but

this will obviously depend on where this all leads. Some things that would have been at the Fair will still take place within

the school day and with provisions made.

Many schools in our area have asked parents to wait at the gates for their students to again limit the amount of social

contact and to align with the "social distancing" guidelines. If this is possible could we suggest kindergarten parents wait

on the oval or near the back gates please. Try and do the same in the morning. I know this can be hard. Please do not

enter any classroom without first coming into the office.

Dance Fever will continue with the protocols they have in place for extra care and hygiene. No external sport or external

visits will occur. Scripture is also cancelled.

I would like to, once again, thank all of the wonderful Nulkaba Community for their patience and support for our school

staff as they try their best to minimise disruptions in learning for all our wonderful students.

Take care and stay safe.

To adhere to current Government requirements, we have had to make the difficult decision to postpone our 2020 School

Fair. This decision has not been made lightly, and we will endeavour to finalise a new date once restrictions have eased.

All wristbands and showbags will automatically transfer to the new date. Once the new date is announced, if you are

unable to attend we will provide a refund for your unlimited rides wristband.

Please return your camp refund form by Thursday, 26 March 2020. All refund requests are to be received by our payment

processing team in Sydney by Friday, 27 March 2020. If we haven't received your form by Thursday your payments will be

placed into your students fees in advance to be used throughout the year. Refunds cannot be processed from school after

Thursday, 26 March. If you require another form they are available from the office. Sorry for any inconvenience this may


School Fair Postponement

Camp Refunds

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Coming Events - 2020 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday


ek 9

23 Mar 24 Mar 25 Mar 26 Mar 27 Mar

Girl Talk - Year 6 Girls Dance Fever; Special Sausage Sizzle


k 1


30 Mar 31 Mar 1 Apr 2 Apr 3 Apr

Dance Fever;

Project - Closing Ceremony


k 1


6 Apr 7 Apr 8 Apr 9 Apr 10 Apr

K-2 Rewards Day;

Years 3-6 Rewards Day

Dance Fever;

T2 W


1 27 Apr 28 Apr 29 Apr 30 Apr 1 May

Staff Development Day

Students Return SRC Fundraiser

For more information, please visit our website:

Canteen Roster - 2020 Week 9 = Roster A Week 10 = Roster B Week 11 = Roster C T2 Week 1 = Roster B

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday


k 9

23 Mar 24 Mar 25 Mar 26 Mar 27 Mar Sharon Bamforth

Help Needed

Anna Duffie

Leah O’Donnell

Darlene Farthing

Help Needed

Closed Jennifer Jones



k 1


30 Mar 31 Mar 1 Apr 2 Apr 3 Apr

Helen Campbell

Help Needed

Amie Scott

Help Needed

Danielle Codd

Sally Hare

Closed Lynda Hirst

Sue Hirst


k 1


6 Apr 7 Apr 8 Apr 9 Apr 10 Apr Help Needed Megghan Findley

Kathryn MacDonald

Melissa Carlisle

Ashlee Dodds

Closed Sophie Day

Lauren Goodwin

T2 W



27 Apr 28 Apr 29 Apr 30 Apr 1 May Helen Campbell

Help Needed

Amie Scott

Help Needed

Danielle Codd

Sally Hare

Closed Lynda Hirst

Sue Hirst

If you can help to fill our current vacancies, please contact Rebecca on 0435 011 319

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Class K/1E What an amazing start to 2020 K/1E have had. We bounce into the room each day ready to learn. We have been locking in our Jolly Phonic sounds and are beginning to blend them to make words which is amazing. We have been building up our fine motor skills through threading, playdough manipulation, pegs, craft, pom poms, cutting and pasting and many other hands on creative tasks.

We are copying sentences and even writing our own. Well done to the kinders who have even started doing handwriting with the Year 1’s. We have done a lot of reading around the campfire and love being read to, the Premier’s Reading Challenge is a hit. Some of us are working really hard to lock in our sight words… the more we lock in the more books we can read independently. Reading every day at home helps to foster a love of reading and an appreciation of books.

Dancing has been so much fun and the class really enjoys showing their moves and learning about the different aspects and features of dance and movements. The children are loving Alphablocks and Numberblocks at fruit break time, these are on YouTube and are a fun and catchy way to lock in sounds and number facts… some educational time on technology. The rotational groups are working really well so every child is getting work at the level they need. They are being supported and extended. We have enjoyed some tasty math lessons and M&M’s helped us learn about subtraction as we got to eat what was being ‘taken away’. I am so excited to see how the rest of the year unfolds. We are an amazing class, the sky is the limit. A big shout out to the Schilder’s, both Mr and Mrs who have been changing our RATS readers for us on a Friday, it really is so appreciated, thank you so much.

News from the Classroom

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Class 1B What a fantastic start we have had to the year in 1B! All students have settled into our classroom routines well and have been producing some fantastic work!

The students have been loving learning all about China. We have enjoyed learning about traditional Chinese calligraphy and as you can see, we have even been learning to write our names! Students have also been learning about the origins of the Olympic Medals. Did you know in the Ancient Olympic Games, the winners won a wreath made from olive leaves instead of a gold medal? In the coming weeks, students will be designing their very own Olympic medals. Some of these design may even become the gold, silver and bronze medals to be handed out at the Nulkaba Olympics Closing Ceremony.

Liling the Panda has been loving visiting her friends in 1B. She has been feeding chickens, riding tractors, going to the movies, enjoying birthday cake and has even developed a taste for chicken nuggets! I wonder what other fantastic adventures she will get up to next.

Thank you for all of your support in the start of my journey at Nulkaba Public School!

News from the Classroom (continued)

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Class 3B 3B have been working really hard on their homework projects and are enjoying sharing their Olympic sports research with their classmates. They have also done a great job of caring for our garden this term. 3B enjoy playing a game of French cricket and hot rocks in our Yarning Circle space.

News from the Classroom (continued)

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Class 5/6P We have had a wonderful start to our school year. The students are thoroughly enjoying learning all about the countries of Great Britain and the Olympics. Particularly the stories of Olympians who have fought against the odds and showed true determination and sportsmanship. An outcome of our project was for students to create a mascot for the Nulkaba Olympics. I was extremely impressed with the thought and effort that went into each mascot. Matilda W was our overall class winner, while Max and Kenz H were both runners up, with equally amazing mascot designs.

“Michelle the Kookaburra, represents the people of Nulkaba who are no longer with us and now fly above us”. - Matilda W

“My mascot is a snake swirled around a wine glass to represent Nulkaba’s animals and culture”. - Max

“My mascot is a three piece mascot and represents the teachers, students and our school motto, it also includes our school values”. - Kenz

5/6P have also enjoyed all sport/physical activities this term, including the dance program, sport and the wide range of events that our students have been involved in. Many students from our class have been selected to trial for both Zone and Hunter sporting teams.

One of the highlights of our term so far has been our work on coding. Students have been designing courses, such as theme parks, trips around the world and sporting games. They then design programs for the ‘bots’ to follow. It has been so much fun, while learning essential 21st century skills.

News from the Classroom (continued)

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Premier’s Reading Challenge We have had a flying start to this year’s Challenge! Six students have already finished their Challenge entry – a great start when the Challenge only started two weeks ago. Well done to: Sienna E of 6M, Ava C and Demi H of 5/6P, Cleo O and Layla M of 3/4N and Ellie C of 3S. Among these great readers, we have a Platinum Level awardee and a Gold Level awardee – a very special achievement BUT we are bound to have many more students reaching these levels. Mrs Morris has checked the entries so far and can see we have many Year 3 and Year 4 students well on the way to completing their Challenge entries. So much so that we might just set a new participation record this year! If there are any questions, take a look at the Challenge website:

OR for more details.

Of course, Mrs Morris is always on hand to answer any questions as well.

Newcastle Writer’s Festival Visit As mentioned in the last newsletter, our senior students were to meet illustrator, Tony Flowers as part of the Newcastle Writer’s Festival later this term. However, due to current circumstances, the Festival has been cancelled, including the school visits. The Festival organisers are now looking to 2021, and are sure to allow us another opportunity to meet one of Australia’s authors/illustrators.

School Library News

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