Page 1: NSF Business Insights - Constant · Following on from the successful town hall event, I look forward


Well done to Ash, new BDM

McDonalds – preferred suppliers for food safety audits

Heathrow Airport - work expanded to risk compliance audits across all

managed and tenanted areas

Goals Soccer Centres – food safety consultancy and audit programme

Gather & Gather – food safety audits at Lloyds Bank premises

Unilever T2 – labelling compliance across eight countries

Barilla – olive oil supplier audits

Isagenix – labelling compliance work for sports nutrition powder


Greene King – retail food safety audits

Prezzo – retail food safety audits and food quality testing


Waiting for news on two big tenders:

Quality Meat Scotland (QMS)

Universal Feed Assurance Scheme (UFAS)


IBERIA Airlines – supplier auditing and micro-testing

Grupo VIPS – implementation of FSSC 22000 across their restaurant


New Business Wins

Top News

Welcome to our new UK Managing Director

First impressions from Rob Chester

NSF Business Insights Winter 2016


Page 2: NSF Business Insights - Constant · Following on from the successful town hall event, I look forward


HR News


Takeaway Expo 2016, 27-28 September, 2016

The Restaurant Show, 3-5 October, 2016

Compass Group Supplier Conference, 21-22 September, 2016


Cream Awards, 15 September, 2016

GLOBALG.A.P. Summit, 27-29 September, 2016

Farmers Guardian British Farming Awards, 20 October, 2016

Coming up:

Food and Farming Industry Awards, 11 December, 2016


Fruit Attraction exhibition

New starters

Jo Pugh, new RTS Account Manager

Duncan Parkinson, Crops Scheme Manager

Emma Sully, Helen Blackwell and Abby Condon in Ag

Personal news

Congrats to Will Smith on the birth of his daughter

Bitesized training dates



Working with the FSA to help shape the future of regulation in the UK

People Profiles: Getting to know Jackie Healing, Consulting &

Technical Services Director

A Day in the Life of…Adam Longford. Would this be a job for you?

Food fraud training in South Africa


NSF Traceable Down standard approved by Debenhams

Two new BRC modules now available for our clients: Imports to the US

and food safety culture

Certification renewals standing up despite heavy competition in

Crops and Beef & Lamb

New NSF Scottish office in Edinburgh – meeting rooms available

NSF Kitchen Compliance package launched

Association of Labour Providers (ALP) and NSF help stamp out modern


‘Raised Without Antibiotics’ – our new verification programme

‘Non GM Verification’ – EMEA provides consultancy and support for

exporters to US

Introducing our Training Services by Dawn Fassam

Health and Safety Update by Steve Wood

Winter is coming!! Important news for car drivers

New developments and initiatives

Page 3: NSF Business Insights - Constant · Following on from the successful town hall event, I look forward

Welcome to our new UK

Managing Director – some first

impressions from Rob Chester

Well the top news is still the arrival of our new UK

MD, Rob Chester, although he has been in post

for over a month now and most of us already

know quite a lot about him. Here he is talking

about his impressions after his first few weeks:

“First off, I am really pleased with the way

people have responded to my request for

feedback and warts-and-all views of the

organisation. I have spoken or communicated

with over 100 people and I think this has given

me a really good handle on what make us tick

in the UK business. I am now working to set out

some clear principles of how we work together

as we go forward. So a big thank you to all of

you and can I say again how pleased I am to

be leading the team here.

My next move now will be to talk to clients and

understand in a similar way what they like and

don’t like about us and how we can improve

our service to them in the future. My working

principle is that as a company and as individuals

we should be “easy to do business with”.

We start as we mean to go on and I am determined that we will be an open and transparent

business where information, good and bad, is shared as a matter of course. I said I would talk about my

strategy for the future at the Christmas conference and my thoughts on this are already taking shape.

Following on from the successful town hall event, I look forward to updating you further on the new vision

and strategy soon.

So, Christmas is almost here and everyone deserves a good break. A very big thank you for all your hard

work this year and roll on the famous Christmas party – I’m only a little bit scared!”

NSF Business Insights Winter 2016


Page 4: NSF Business Insights - Constant · Following on from the successful town hall event, I look forward

New Business Wins

Retail, Consulting & Technical Services

We’ve been storming in the last few months and well done to Ashvini Pancholi-Dhillon (Ash) who

moved to the position of Business Development Manager in August and has already made an

impact, getting a lot of interest from small businesses and mid-sized chain brands in the retail,

casual dining and foodservice sectors. We are also gaining new business from existing clients,

which is a great testament to all the teams involved.

McDonalds – We

have been

accepted as a

preferred supplier

by McDonalds for

food safety

audits. This means that we can

now pitch for work with the large

McDonalds franchises, so it is a big

opportunity for us. We have

previously been doing work in the

supply base, but this is the first

chance to work directly with the


Heathrow Airport – We have

worked with Heathrow for quite a

few years, carrying out their food

safety and health & safety audits

in the airport food concessions.

Now we are working across all the

areas they let out to tenants,

including workshops and offices,

carrying out operational risk

compliance audits, in areas such

as health & safety, legionella,

electrical compliance, building

safety etc.

Goals Soccer Centres – Goals is

the world’s largest operator of

dedicated 5-a-side centres with

over 500 synthetic surface pitches

across 47 FA accredited centres.

We carried out a consultancy

analysis of their food safety policy

and procedures in their clubhouse

bar and food areas, led by Jerry

Houseago, and will be auditing all

their premises this year, followed

by a twice-yearly audit

programme. We won the work

after being recommended by a

former client who now acts as a


Goals plan to open new centres

across the UK and USA, so NSF is in

a very positive position.

Gather & Gather

– This is another

existing client for

whom we have

been doing supply chain work.

They are the contract catering

division of the Mitie Group to

whom Lloyds Bank has outsourced

all their catering facilities. We

carried out food safety audits

across their offices in October and

are confident that more work will

develop from here.

Unilever T2 –

This tea


company is an


subsidiary of

Unilever. It exports all types of tea

to the EU, Hong Kong and China.

Jerry and Bob pitched for the

work, which we are carrying out

jointly with Euroconsultants, to

complete the labelling

compliance work for 12 of their

products across eight countries.

Barilla –

We are

conducting audits of their olive oil

suppliers to ensure their controls

are sufficiently robust. Olive oil is

one of the products that has

recently come under the spotlight

as being very vulnerable to food


Isagenix – This US producer of

sports nutrition powder has

appointed NSF to do the labelling

compliance work for its exports to

the UK.


Greene King – has reappointed

NSF to carry out their retail food

safety audits.

Prezzo – We faced tough

competition with this renewal, so

very well done to the team. Our

relationship is progressing well,

from initially doing only food

safety audits in their restaurants, to

now also assessing food quality –

to ensure it meets customer

expectations and Prezzo’s

specifications. Our safety auditors

now have to assess the look and

taste of the food, ordering a

random selection of dishes – nice

work if you can get it.

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Retail, Consulting & Technical Services

We have submitted two big

tenders recently – to Quality Meat

Scotland (QMS) and to Universal

Feed Assurance Scheme (UFAS) to

undertake assessment and

certification activities on behalf of

their schemes. We will hear the

outcome of QMS in December

and UFAS after Xmas, plus another

smaller tender for Biofertiliser

(PAS110) – fingers crossed for all!

IBERIA Airlines (part of the IAG

Group alongside British Airway) -

We have won their second party

supplier auditing programme and

will also be providing their

catering services with a food

micro-testing programme through

a sub-contracted laboratory

service in Madrid.

Grupo VIPS – one of the largest

Spanish catering groups with more

than 300 stores in Spain and

Portugal. They are the sole

Starbucks licensee for the Spanish

and Portuguese markets.

Following successful completion of

a consultancy project and HACCP

validation exercise, we have been

commissioned to develop a

roadmap to implement FSSC

22000 in their restaurant chains.

Helping the FSA to shape

the future of regulation in

the UK

Regulating Our Future is a

major FSA project to redesign the

whole regulatory framework in the

UK, to ensure it keeps pace with

innovation in the food sector,

makes best use of new

technologies and is fit for the

future. For example it must also be

able to adapt to our new

relationship with the European


The programme also includes the

Food Hygiene Rating Scheme

(FHRS). The FSA is proposing to use

third party providers such as NSF

to deliver the FHRS scheme and

to introduce paid-for (by food

businesses) elements in the

system. This is potentially a huge

opportunity for NSF Retail Services.

The FSA has been carrying out

consultations with consumers,

manufacturers and retailers this

year and Michelle Hardy-King’s

team has been closely involved.

On 09 September we invited

about 20 of our retail clients to

meet the FSA at a forum held at

Eynsham Hall. A feather in our

cap is that both the FSA’s CEO,

Catherine Brown, and their

Director of Wales and Local

Delivery, Nina Purcell, thought it

was important to be there, along

with several other FSA


The all-day session discussed the

reasons for change and what

form that might take, as well as

what works well now and what

should be done differently. The

meeting was judged by all to be

very productive and has

cemented our already strong

relationship with the FSA.

The programme continues with

two pilots involving our clients and

ourselves to assess the approach

and calibration of audits carried

out by different providers and

how to apply and manage the

programme consistently. MHK has

also been invited to sit on the

expert advisory panel to the

programme. It seems that the FSA

really value our input and advice.

Agriculture and Spain

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Getting to know

Jackie Healing

Our new CTS Director, Jackie

Healing, has hit the ground

running in her usual energetic

style. An old friend of NSF, or CMi

as we then were, Jackie says she is

very pleased to be part of a

company that she has always

respected as a client for its

innovation and insights combined

with a pragmatic commercialism.

And, of course, to be working with

such a nice bunch of people!

Jackie will be heading up her CTS

team of Jerry Houseago, Dianne

Waite and Mandy Lucas. She is a

longstanding technical expert

who has worked across a broad

range of food and non-food

sectors in supermarket retail and

has very deep knowledge of

responsible sourcing – in other

words a commitment to ensuring

that the food we source in the

supply chain is safe, quality and

fairly and ethically produced.

“I really believe we have a strong

responsibility for the food we eat

and a duty to customers to ensure

that everyone involved in buying

and selling food gets a fair deal. I

am passionate about bringing

sustainable food to the mass


Facts about Jackie

Recently returned from

Australia where she for worked

for 10 years

Is strongly solutions oriented

Believes in building great

working teams and trusting

them to do their best

Has hands-on experience of

running a pub with her husband

An animal lover, she has been

riding since she was six years

old and has competed in two-

day eventing

Has a rescue dog called Benny

who is 18 months old, weighs 39

kilos and is 10 ft long – it was a

bit of a surprise when her sweet

little puppy grew up. It turns out

that what she believed was a

whippet cross is actually a bull

mastiff/greyhound cross!

Jackie’s mantra: “We must all be

the best we possibly can.”

Something that she applies to

work, rest and play.

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A Day in the Life of…

Adam Longford

Adam is



known as

the son of

our much




Joy, who

retired 18 months ago. However,

never in his mother’s formidable

shadow, he has forged a rapid

and successful career in Retail

and Technical Services at NSF,

thanks to his evident talent and

drive. Formerly Team Manager

South West, Adam has now

moved to Team Manager

Midlands after his excellent

performance in his first manager

role. He works in Steve Nelson’s

operations team.

We asked Adam to tell us what a

typical day looks like in his new

job. Would this be a job for you?

First thing, I check my emails,

contact safety advisers who

haven’t been in touch the night

before to say they are safely

home, and run a system sweep.

Then I make sure that the audit

records are uploaded, schedules

sorted out and all the admin is in

order. This takes me about an


At about 9 am I probably set off

to carry out an unannounced

audit, for example at Costa

Coffee, and this takes me through

to about 11.30.

I will often then do a shadow

inspection with one of my safety

advisers. The aim of a shadow

inspection is to assess the adviser’s

knowledge, how well they deliver

the audit, their report writing, and

how well they give feedback to

the client and build a rapport with

them. After that I have to

complete a report form. One

copy goes to the adviser and

another is uploaded onto the

GRIP system (Global Resource

Integrity Portal) which is our

management tool for integrity

and enables all NSF divisions to

share information on employee

qualifications, training and cali-

bration. Employees are also able

to log onto this to view their own

progress throughout the year.

After about 3.30 I will drive home

to do more admin. Once a week I

send an update to Steve Nelson

on team progress that week,

including movement of work,

annual leave and sick leave. I also

have to provide WFST (our

external fire safety service

provider) with a weekly tasking

sheet to ensure that all the fire risk

assessments created are in the

process of being completed by


Then a final check of the emails

and a look at my texts to make

sure my team are safely home

before signing off for the day.

The food industry in South Africa is

still getting to grips with the impact

of food fraud on the consumer

following the ‘horsegate’ scandal.

Woolworths, a top end retailer in

Southern Africa, approached NSF

Africa in July to provide food fraud

training for their suppliers,

requesting that the UK’s Kevin

Swoffer conduct the sessions.

AIG, Woolworths’ insurers,

provided the funding and in

October four one-day workshops

were run for 250 supplier

representatives. The course

feedback was very positive and

Woolworths is impressed with the

training outcome. Requests for

additional supplier training

workshops where received and a

useful overview was also provided

to their buyers and commercial

managers at head office.

Food Fraud Training in South Africa

Page 8: NSF Business Insights - Constant · Following on from the successful town hall event, I look forward

NSF Traceable Down





standard has




Debenhams, following a

presentation to their ethical

trading team by Mandy Lucas.

Mandy has now also been invited

to present to the Debenhams

category technologists.

This is an important profile raiser

for us, as we are the first into the

UK market. The next step will be

ostrich feather certification.

Renewals It’s a busy time of the year as we

work through many of our farm

certification member renewals. It

looks like our figures are standing

up well despite facing direct price

competition in both our Crops

and Beef & Lamb sectors. By and

large our clients remain

convinced of our superior

customer service, long heritage

and good reputation in the

market place, so well done to the

team in the field.

Food Certification –

new BRC offers

The BRC ‘FSMA Preventive

Controls Preparedness Module

and Guidance for BRC-Certified

Facilities’ is an additional

voluntary module now available

to help manufacturers comply

with the new requirements for

imports into the US.

The BRC Food Safety

Culture Module is part

of the BRC’s

Culture Excellence

programme. It

analyses the culture in the

workplace and is carried out in

addition to the food safety audit.

An effective culture drives the

right standards of behaviour and

attitudes at all levels of the

business. This module provides an

understanding of a site’s

culture and the areas for action.

New Scottish Office – meeting rooms available

The NSF branding is now proudly

displayed on the windows of our

new office at The Rural Centre,

Ingliston, Edinburgh, the furniture

has arrived and we have started

to use the space for both

customer and internal meetings.

There are also two other meeting

rooms – a board room and a

larger training room – which are

available for use free of charge.

For further information or to use

the facilities, please contact Tim.

NSF Kitchen Compliance

package launched

We have just launched our ‘NSF

Kitchen Compliance’ service for

small businesses. This is a one-stop

food safety and health & safety

compliance package aimed at

businesses with less than 10 sites.

For an annual fee businesses get

access to services including:

food, health and fire safety

manuals and support

e-learning for CIEH accredited


the NSF helpline

food poisoning investigation


compliance audits for FHRS

NSF Online

account management


The service is similar to that

provided for Just Eat partners,

who have their own tailored


For more


ask Craig

Adams or see

brochure here.

New developments and initiatives

Retail, Consulting & Technical Services

Association of Labour

Providers (ALP) and NSF help

stamp out modern slavery

Modern slavery is very much in

focus at the moment following

the introduction of the Modern

Slavery Act and the provision of

an extra £33 million by the Prime

Minister to crackdown on illegal

practices. ALP is the specialist

trade association for labour

providers, which aims to ensure

good practice in the provision,

use and management of labour

in the supply chain. ALP has

partnered with NSF to develop a

new scheme called Clearview, a

certification scheme for labour

providers, focussing on the

conditions faced by un/low skilled

workers who are recruited and

supplied by the labour providers

to work in the supply chain.

NSF provides the scheme

management, administration and

registration. It is very good news

for us to be seen at the forefront

of this important initiative.

Agriculture & Certification

Page 9: NSF Business Insights - Constant · Following on from the successful town hall event, I look forward

Introducing our Training


In March this year Dawn Fassam

took on the new role of Head of

Technical Services and Training,

reporting to Jerry Houseago, with

the mission of bringing together all

our various training work in

Retail and Supply Chain services

and developing a full UK training


Although we are not widely

known for our training services, in

fact we offer both nationally

accredited certified training

through CIEH, and as a training

centre for Highfield, as well as a

range of bespoke courses. Our

courses range from Level 2 Food

Safety for kitchen staff right

through to Gold Standard training

for Tesco managers. As an

accredited training provider for

BRC, we also train international

auditors in specific auditing skills

including HACCP and food fraud.

The biggest project and feather in

the cap for Dawn and her team is

the training they are doing for

Morrison’s to complement our

supplier audit work. We provide

three different courses for their


The team are currently gearing up

for a big marketing push next

year, with the help of Chris Slack

and Alex Davey-Turner and there

are several new courses in the

offing. If you get the chance

when you are out and about do

mention this new facility to your


Dawn and her team – Sophie

Atlas (senior training coordinator),

Kate Griffin and Licia Corby-Brown

(training coordinators) now have

their own office in Unit 22

between Accounts and IT and

said they will be pleased to host

visitors. Dawn let slip they have

treats box, so get down there



‘Raised without Antibiotics’ Governments around the world

are trying to raise awareness of

the accelerating spread of

microbial resistance due to the

widespread use of antibiotics in

both animal and human

treatment. Globally, antibiotic use

is split roughly evenly between

animal and human use. NSF’s new

Raised without Antibiotics

standard has been trialled with

large poultry suppliers in Thailand

for an Asian customer and there is

interest from other processing

customers too. It is to be formally

launched in Thailand soon.

The UK meat industry is not

expected to adopt this standard

as it is actively pursuing a responsi-

ble use approach and already

claims that UK livestock now ac-

counts for less than 37% of total UK

antibiotic usage.

See infographic on how antibiotic

resistance spreads here

Non GM Verification – big business

in North America

Consumer polls in 2015 found that

93% of Americans and 88% of

Canadians support labelling of

genetically modified organisms

(GMOs). Over 36,000 products in

North America are now registered

as ‘Non GMO Verified’ of which

about 20% are imported into the

US from other countries. For

exporters to North America non

GMO verification therefore

represents both an opportunity

and, increasingly, a competitive



can now



support and

guidance for

EMEA food


who require

Non-GMO Project Verification to

export finished food products to

the US market, helping them to

understand the issues, how to

comply and how to prepare for

verification. We can also assist

businesses that only need to

ensure legal compliance in the US,

where disclosure of GMO/Non

GMO on packaging is still

voluntary at the moment.

Page 10: NSF Business Insights - Constant · Following on from the successful town hall event, I look forward

Update on HS at

Long Hanborough

Following my report to the board

of directors on our current health

and safety management, there

are several action points for

everyone to consider:

Whilst as a business our operations

are relatively low risk and the

record of employee safety is high,

with no serious accidents, injury

and ill health, we must make sure

we meet the legal requirements of

the Health and Safety at Work Act

1974 and associated regulations.

There are some key areas of our

health and safety policy that are

currently under review and we

need to ensure that our risk

assessment processes are

updated for all areas of the


A key to improving safety

standards within our organisation

will be training and instruction for

employees so that our safety

policies are better understood. We

will update induction training to

include specific risks such as

manual handling, use of display

screen equipment, driver safety

and travel safety and any other

key business risks as they arise.

During October we provided fire

warden training at the Long

Hanborough offices to improve

our standards of fire safety. Thanks

to all that volunteered and those


We are also working to improve

safety standards and procedures

for external contractors who work

on our facilities and premises,

improve internal procedures for

accident reporting and update

our provision for first aiders.

We appreciate that there is some

work ahead for us all to reach

these goals and that it will require

everyone’s co-operation.

I am available for any health and

safety advice and can be

available to attend your team

meetings to give safety

presentations and updates as

requested, so please do not

hesitate to contact me:

[email protected]

Our overall aim is to ensure that

we have good health and safety

practice within the business. The

benefits will speak for themselves –

a safer work environment, lower

impact from accident and ill

health and ensuring that your

safety is paramount whilst working

with NSF.

Health & Safety Update – by Steve Wood

NSF safety committee


The NSF Oxford safety committee

meets four times a year to discuss

health and safety arrangements

for both office and field based


We discuss any health and safety

actions raised internally and follow

up on accident and incidents to

improve safety standards. It is your

mouthpiece for raising concerns

as to how NSF manages safety

and to request amendments to

our company policies etc. These

need to be sent to the board of

directors for approval.

If you have any HS concerns or

issues please contact:

[email protected] or

raise it with your safety committee

representatives: Karen Collins, Tom

Wood, Steve Bennett, John Brown,

Lorraine Cooper, Fiona Roberts,

Kevan Dickinson and Sue Pimm.

Accident/Incident reporting


As a reminder, please continue to

report any accidents or ill health

caused at work and any work

related potential accidents,

incidents or near misses.

Our accident book is currently

located on reception and must

be used to detail accidents/

incidents with 24hrs.

We also have an accident report

form that can be downloaded

from our health and safety web

page on the UK intranet, for use

by those who are not office


Please contact:

[email protected]

for any further assistance.

Page 11: NSF Business Insights - Constant · Following on from the successful town hall event, I look forward

Winter is coming!! Important

news for car drivers

Tom Wood, our fleet

management assistant, has made

available winter driving safety

packs, which are free to all lease

and registered grey fleet vehicle

drivers, so please make sure that

you pick up your complimentary

pack by arrangement with

[email protected]

We can also offer a discounted

winter pack to all other employees

and a sample is available in

reception. If you are interested in

purchasing one please get in

touch with Tom.

Grey Fleet Commitment – our

driver safety commitment also

includes employees who drive

their own vehicles for company

business on a regular basis. If you

drive on behalf of NSF, please

ensure that your driver and

vehicle details have been sent to

Tom Wood, so that we have them

logged on our driver safety


As a general reminder – NSF

regards driver safety as

paramount and an updated

company car policy is on its way

to all drivers.

Can we remind all company

drivers that it is your responsibility

to ensure your vehicle is well

maintained and to practise safe

driving, especially following any

festivities over Christmas.

We have started updating our

HS website – just click on the tab

at the top of our UK intranet

page. A massive thanks to Suzie

Marston who has helped

develop this.

This is your one-stop location for

any HS information you require,

including company policies and

procedures and other useful links

such as first aid, HSE information

and guidance, AA Drive Tech

and Simply Health.

We will continue to update this

page as and when new policies

and procedures are approved

by the board of directors.

Any additional feedback is

always welcome:

[email protected]

First aid training

19 January 2017 We have a one-day first aid at

work course to boost our first aid

provision at Long Hanborough.

Volunteers welcome, please

contact [email protected].

Web page news!!

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Takeaway Expo 27-28

September, 2016

This is the leading event for

takeaways and restaurants, held

at the ExCel London and

attended by over 300 suppliers of

all kinds to the sector. Just Eat was

the principal sponsor and their

stand took pride of place at the

centre of the exhibition hall. We

were delighted to be invited to

share their stand alongside their

team, to meet and update their

restaurant/takeaway partners

and give them advice.

We provide food safety services

to their 27,000 plus restaurant and

takeaway partners, with a focus

on improving their FHRS scores.

The aim is to bring the takeaway

sector into the 21st century and to

help them compete effectively

against the giant chains like

McDonalds and Burger King. Just

Eat also now have a number of

groups on their books, including

Papa Johns and Domino’s. Now

that we have been working with

Just Eat for a year our contract

allows us to target partners who

need help directly.

Their MD, Graham Corfield, spoke

at the conference on market

trends, the future of delivery, the

food sector and health. It could

not have been better for our



Retail, Consulting & Technical Services

Compass holds a big conference

every year at the ExCel centre. It is

an opportunity for their supply

partners to meet Compass Group

contacts, to give suppliers an

update and network. This year

there was a full programme of

speakers, workshop sessions and

networking opportunities across

the two days. Although we have

attended in the past it was the first

time NSF has exhibited there. It

was a great opportunity for us to

raise our profile with both

Compass personnel and suppliers.

Compass has been a very big

client for us for over 12 years. We

provide a number of different

services, including three food

safety technical placements in

their Brakes distribution

departments, a complaints

investigation service at Compass

sites, supply chain services and

second party audits.

The Restaurant Show

3-5 October, 2016

We also shared a stand with Just

Eat at the Restaurant Show, in

order to meet their territory

managers, partners and some of

the catering associations they deal

with. For example, recently we

were with the Asian Catering

Federation to promote our work

and help them understand the

importance of FHRS and the

impending prospect of mandatory

score displays.

Compass Group Supplier

Conference, 21-22

September, 2016

Page 13: NSF Business Insights - Constant · Following on from the successful town hall event, I look forward

We have been involved in a number of events large and small this year, all of which are a lot of

work for the teams involved – big thanks are due to Jo Bailey, Alex Davey-Turner, Julia Summers

and to our managers and field teams who attended the events and manned the stands.

Our three biggest events in the autumn season are the Cream Awards and GLOBALG.A.P.

Conference in September and the Food & Farming business Awards in December. This year we

also sponsored the Farmers Guardian British Farming Awards.


Cream Awards,

15 September, 2016

Once again NSF sponsored the

Food Chain Marketing award and

hosted the finalists at the Awards


The winner was the Organic Milk

Suppliers Cooperative (OMSCO)

for their Kingdom Cheddar, which

is mainly exported to the US.

The runner-up, Yorvale Ltd, won

for their kefir, a creamy fermented

milk product a bit like yoghurt.

Tesco was commended for their

Fair for Farmer’s Guarantee which

guarantees every pint of milk they

sell is 100% British. It also gives

customers information on the fair

price Tesco pledges to pay to its

dairy farmers. This will potentially

have a very positive impact on

the 600 British farmers who make

up the Tesco Sustainable Dairy

Group (TSDG).

GLOBALG.A.P. Summit,

27-29 September, 2016

The theme of the summit was ‘The

Future of Farm Certification’ and

marked 20 years of their global

assurance partnerships and 15

years of Good Agricultural

Practices (GAP) certification.

GLOBALG.A.P. is one of the

world’s biggest farm assurance

standards and the summit is our

most important networking event

for international certification,

when the Agriculture and

Certification teams have the

opportunity to meet both

suppliers and specifiers.

We sponsored the breakout

sessions and had a high profile

position for our pop-up display

stand and marketing material.

The summit was opened by Prince

Pieter-Christiaan van Oranje-

Nassau, of the Dutch royal family,

and as NSF was one of the

sponsors, he was pleased to

meet the main celebrities there,

Amanda McCarthy and Rob


Above : Tim Green with Nic Parsons, TESCO Fair

Price for Farmers

Page 14: NSF Business Insights - Constant · Following on from the successful town hall event, I look forward

Farmers Guardian -

British Farming Awards,

20 October 2016

NSF sponsored the Outstanding

Contribution to British Agriculture

award for the first time this year.

The winner was Donald Curry or

Lord Curry of Kirkharle. He is

Chairman of the Prince’s

Countryside Fund and has had a

distinguished career including

as Chairman of the Meat and

Livestock Commission where

he met our own Tim Green

who knows him well. When

making the award Tim ruefully

reflected on the fact that

Donald is now in the House of

Lords while he hasn’t moved

on from selling farm


Food and Farming Industry

Awards, 11 December, 2016

One of our most prestigious

events, NSF will be presenting the

Champion Sustainable Farm

Practices award at the dinner to

be held at the Houses of

Parliament on 11 December. No

doubt competition internally to

get a seat at our table will be

intense – as always!

Other events

We have also been active in

supporting smaller livestock events

throughout the UK as this gives us

valuable profile at grass roots in

the farming community. We

attended the Royal Highland

Show in June, where we used the

opportunity to meet scheme

owners and farming union

representatives, helping to

develop our relationships. We

sponsored the Arable Event in

Shropshire in June and our

managers also ‘walked’ the

Livestock Event at the NEC in July,

keeping up important contacts

with customers and influencers.

On the calendar are:

03-05/01/17 Oxford Farming

Conference, Oxford

12/01/17 Nottingham Farm

Conference, Sutton Bonnington

15-16/06/17 Cereals, Boothby

Graffoe, Lincolnshire

Tim Green is continuing his series

of talks at agricultural colleges

around the country over the next

three months, explaining farm

assurance and flying the flag for

NSF Agriculture.

SPAIN - Fruit Attraction,

Madrid, 5 -7 October

The Fruit Attraction exhibition is an

annual event for the fruit and

vegetable industry, particularly for

Spanish producers and distributors,

producers from Europe and Latin

America. NSF Spain did not exhibit

but it was a great opportunity to

network with existing and new

clients and other industry

contacts. HR News

R.A.B.I. Welly Week 2016 –

(Royal Agricultural Benevolent

Institution )

Thank you to all of you who

supported ‘Wear Wellies to Work’

day on Friday 04 November and

to all of you who donated – we

collected a grand total of £74.51.

As you know names were put into

a hat and the winner of the

calendar was Peter Lay –

congratulations to him.

Charity News

Above : Tim Green presenting Lord Don Curry with his award

Page 15: NSF Business Insights - Constant · Following on from the successful town hall event, I look forward

Jo Pugh, our

new RTS



joined the

team on 19


Reporting to

Gail West-

wood-Payne, Jo will be

responsible for the management

of several accounts within the

team and has significant industry

experience having worked for

local authorities as well as the

WSH Group (owners of Baxter

Storey, Benugo and Searcys

amongst other food service hospi-

tality brands).


Parkinson took

over as Crops


Manager on 03

October but

has been

working for NSF

since the start

of 2016. He has

been involved

in reviewing and recruiting new

assessor support and has also

played a large part in training and

coaching existing NSF assessors

through their Red Tractor exams.

Duncan says, “I am enjoying the

challenge of my new role. Since

2011 I have worked in agricultural

quality assurance at both assessor

and management levels across

crops and livestock schemes.

Coming from a mixed farming

family, I have always lived and

worked within agricultural


Duncan has a passion for Rugby

League, cricket and exercise and

has had some success showing

sheep at local and national


Helen Blackwell - New Livestock

Team Leader

I joined the team on 30 August,

after working for NSF since

January 2016 in

the RCTS

division of the

business. I spent

the prior eight

years in retail


during which

time I also

completed my

degree in

international business. I look

forward to working with you all

and learning all you have to offer,

so that my team can support our

assessors and admin team to

provide the highest levels of

customer service to our scheme



Abbie Condon - New

Customer Service Team Leader

I joined NSF at

the end of

July as a


service team

leader within

the Crops and


section. I’m

new to the

industry, but in the short time that I

have been here I have learnt so

much already.

Having previously worked for a

very successful equestrian sales

website for eight years I look

forward to taking on this new role

with my usual enthusiasm and

vigour to ensure a smooth, effi-

cient and happy working

relationship between the fantastic

and dedicated administrators,

assessors and members alike.

Kind regards,


Emma Sully, Harper

graduate, returns to

NSF Agriculture

Hello all!

I have


NSF as






my degree

at Harper Adams University. I look

forward to working with you all

again and getting to know any

new assessors who have joined

since my placement year.

My role will include liaising with

assessors, office staff and certifica-

tion managers, as well as helping

to ensure we meet scheme specif-

ic KPIs, including the delivery of

audits on time.

It’s good to see you all again!


New Starters

Bitesized Training

Sessions run between 12 and 1pm

in the training room. Further dates

will be published in the New Year.

You can join a session on

BlueJeans, or if you miss a session

you can catch up on You Tube.

For details go to the intranet.

If anyone would like to run a

session, please just let us know.

No topic too small, all ideas


Personal news

Will Smith - daughter no. 3

arrived on 18 September.

Josie was born at 6.04 am

weighing in at 9lb 7oz.

Congratulations to mum and

