
--OENT-RA:~S~A-T-E- --


Girls Glee Club Gives Sparkling Performance In ThirE_Annual Concert

An esl)eclally appealing program ot choral music, in terspersed by s~ las, duets and · trios , was heard at the th ird annual concert presented by the co llege Girls Glee club , on April 1 under U1 e directlou·of Peter

Stevens Point, Wis., April 8, 1954

Kahan, Cast, Say 'tThe Play's The Thing" As· "The _Comedy Of Errors" Approaches

he-CuD- ln-Sha·k cs1>e.'\.r-e!s--!!!f..h&-Co111 edy...ot.Ji:.m:ou " ~\:.hlcl l\'ilLb p.c.:e-e4-1~,La!;,lil­sented in the auditorium on Monday and Tuesday e\'en lngs . April 12 and 13, begins at the point in the &ecpnd scene or the pla)' where Dromto or ·E 11ht!· sus mistakes Antlpholus of Syracuse for h is own master and Is In turn mis­taken by him tor Dromio or Syracuse. From t h is .point on the audience ls kept in a state or al most con\'ulslve mirth by the comple:dtles wh ich develop through mistaken identity of 'two se ts or twins.

J . Michelsen.

The pleasant sounding group open- Aege!1~~ ~::~,~!1r! ~~I~~~~ '. A:t~!,1~~l~~~ls B~;~IIC~ell~~~ ~nut~;l;ol~~~~n:b:~~:t ·ed its prog·ram with polyphonic ar- scene; Donald Smith. Oromto; J oel Weaver, Oromto in the las t scene; Lew­rangements or tnvorlte motets or ~s. Daltbasar ; James Stasko, Angelo; Roland Marsh, Pinch ; Tbeo­TschenesnokoU, ·Schuetky, Mozart , dore Staniszewski, ]Btlor-headsman ; Colli ns, tlrst merchant; Tom WJrkus, and Verdi. Especially beauti[ul was second merchant ; Marsh. firs t omcer: l\littness. second oHlcer; Maryjo Re­~~1e a~ang;ment ~[ Yt~d:~s "~ord znlch~k, Aemllla; Glad ys Lebmann, Adriana; Marlys Hvass, Luciana; Kath- SO, THIS IS COMEDY! Gerold Kohan (l•ft)' wotchH anxiously o1 Mo,ly1 Hvou, Glodys ~i~.:; b~r R;~~·er.Annw Charl:S\\~Or~~~ leen Guell, courtesan ; J o.nice Friedrich, Luce. l •hmonn, Dan Smith and W•ndelin F,en:t:el practice up for o Kene In Shoh1pear•'• "Com• soprano, against a background o[ B111 Collins Is stage manager o[ the play. Carol Crosby is in charge of dy or Error," which will be prHented in th•. ouditorium on April 13 ond u . humming. · ·. set design. The stage crew include Pat l\Ialtck; chairman, Frank Brocker, i======-----------,----c:__-~-----

The mood veered to the modern . ~:!: i:~~ich~ay O:a~s:~~:~ aJ:~;::t~e Gso::::ing,ot::~1;::n~ ai;;10~:s~~t~=~: idiom to• the second period which Mnrge qerha rd, Evon Beckwith, Margaret Lorenz, Janet l\lad lson 1 Pal Sisal, was mnde up of specialty numbers. Carey Ale[[ ; properties, on,·e Silverman; Hghts, Vern Stogbauer, Harold au!:1::! rC::et!n:;:,/~r r

3u0n v~~:~:::~ Smith; publicity , Ellen Eide , chairman, Cnrol Peterson, Betty Peterson.

National Magazine Lauds Pan-Hellenic Dance Will · Point's Home Ee. Review Climax Pledging ·season

tu r ned to con'l.plete the reeital , ot­t ering trom the works of W'illiams, Woodside, Grieg nod Puccini.

"Best of Our Lives," the theme of last year's Home Ee­

High Schools in the area hnve been issued lnYltatlons lo attend the onomics department style rev.few play. here nt CSC, is a feature article in

The play wlll be directed by Gerald Knh.,11n, speech and English lns truc- the April , 19 54, Issue of "Practical

tor, an·d Is sponsored by i he College Theatre , with Jim Stasko, president. :aoz~nee !~0t~~m~ci~e t:: :!!~0

~~e:1t:~ On behnl[ or the club Nancy Court presented Mr. Michelsen with The article was Wfitten bY l\llss a gift, "ln appreciation of nil you -------------,---------,------

School M~sic Clinic •: .. : .. :••:••: .. : .. : .. : .. :~: .. : .. : .. :• :~1~0 ~~ud~;::tm!!:.dan°; t!!0ac~~~ haYe done for us." ·when he opened

the attractively wrapped ,package he found a rulntnture hat. However, upon reading an nccompanying note. he learned he was lhe r eceiver or a new hat of his own selection at a local clothing s tore. ,

••• ••• scr ipt used in the revue Is printed 0 csc Ca : Don't fo,gell A1 if you would! • i th to n ffl pus ·:· Easter Yocotion " begi111" of the •:• DA :1!u::-at the top Of the page

The Elementary School Music CU- •:• ~~:r 1:f 0~:i':;0 ::, ~=~un;:d0!t •i• shows [Ive Central State gals who

;~~1oo~po~::;~cd a!:ocli:t~on~1;~~:~

1t~ ::: ::~!u~~m·af"1h~•!:::~i:~ :::iln!!; ::: :~p~~:er~

1:n~h:1ta~nhn;; ~~!n~a~~:;

of Public Instruction and cooperat- : iuue. of the ~OINT~R. will not be : Thurston, Ruth Teetzen, Radlne :Mc-lng·colleges, Is being held In the audl- •.• publ .. hed unlll April 29. Happy ••• Intee, Kath leen Conover and Mary

The Pan-Hetlentc dnnce which will end tho second semester pledge lng senson at Central State college bas been set for April 24. The dance this year wm ho a formal atfalr, to follow the banquets and Initiation ceremonies of the campus sororltlea and fraternities. It will be held trom 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. at Debell Union. It ts an all school dance.

Committees appointed by the Pan­Hellenic council are: Orchestra and location, Phi Sigma Epsilon; theme and decoration , Psi Detn Pat ia.nd Sigma Phi Epsilon; ticket and pro­grams, Omega ?alu Chi; publicity, ine vltations and chaperons, Tnu Gamma Beta. csc Girls Soon Off torium todny. Miss Patricia Reilly is •:• Easter, everybody! . •:• J ane Wagner.

In chnrge or arrangements. .• .. • .. • .. • .. • •• • .. • .. • •• • •• • .. • .. • .. •• This mngnzlne Is In the CSC llbra- Each group will select three meme

,.CE Conferenc:e- . eglst ra on . I!} at 9 n.m. - we- w· s·G·A· ·w· .. 11· ••••• ! onZ t:~e :~oo~o~t hl~ve tree s_e- :::mt~~ee~en-o OD a olnt clean-U!l The Association [or Childhood come to the participants will be given I Present ________ · ________________ _

dueatlon- Inte•n•ttonal •- hold Ing by De. Qu~e>:_~ udno. ·A-Easter, Assemblva -"ph·~ · Bl . ·k· . . . ts 1934 annual conference April 18 At 9: 45 a .m., Lloyd Schultz, Wis- _ T I .jllr"' ac outs hrougb 23 In Saint Paul ,' l\tlnnesota. consln State Supervisor o[ Music, 1'he WSGA, with Joann Cutt and :, rlmary Councl1 Is sending Betty wi ll speak on elementary school mu- Bernice Hahn ns co-chairmen; wm "Phi ~lgs Book Fm"

~usserow as official delegate and s ic in , v isconsln. At 10 a.m. Mrs. present an Easte<.assembly on Wed- Theres something old , J onnn Cutt, as member at large, Marjorie Hunter, music supervisor nesday morning, Aprll 14. at 10 There's something new -\'bile Round Tab le, the Intermed iate a t National College or Education, o'clock. Featured In the prograni will And this year there's Fili h' islon gr oup, Is sending Caryl Ed- E\'anston llllnols will g ive a lecture be a movie, "Picture In Your Mind" , Jus t for you. und. Carol Mo~ and Olga Toman, and dem~nstratlo~ on- music in the. dep leting prejudice in America and Tho P'1,l Slgs have s tarted lining up celebrities tor their annual style

s the Cen tral State student repre- prlmarv grades . The second grade the world in genera'i:· - --- show-to be held Wednesday_and Thu.rsday evenings , April 26 and .21, In the cntatives a t tho concln\'e. The con- from lbe Training school wlll be A[ter the movie, a student pnnel college auditorium. This year's theme wlll be " Phi Sfi;llfiick:60.t:s:".

ava ilable tor this demonstration. wlH discuss the mm. Members or One or the main fentures of the program. wlll be Mademoiselle Flfl the panel : Jo onnlel, J ack Crook, brought hero directly trom Gay Par ee. Contacts were through Dene

,,------------l-=,0.J!'1c!~"-~''.c,1,,.!-:'":~:~,~;.!!:c?t!~~:tn- :~~~ -g:~~:, ;!~1:~r-~~:~~: ~!~s~~;-~~ ny Sc~;:u;~qau~~ey~:1:nn;n~ g~r~:~:IU come to m e as the=months ot the year

"Effective Education For All wood rnrk , Ill inois, will give a lee- ma n, Patr icia ' Howell , and J ohn pass Jnre,Hew. Some otyoifnitlY-t eme·mtrer ono otber-sucb •evlew.-a.--few~ hildren" is the themo ot t he con- ture and demonstration at 1 0:45 Gosbee, moderator. · years n,go. and it can now again be re1ieated because Jus t tho right material

~::"~!· ;~~ll~~t~a:~~:~\~~~:l:!/::= a.m. on music in the upper grades. Lo::~:ee;o~l~~to,:.~~l a:!t!~t~l:a~:~ has \~: ~e[osuu~~-ris~;r:t:~;r:rri~~~;~~~d~~·aw:~\tb~Yu;!~: ~~~e~I!~:ha~nd, our'ce people to learn bett er methods For her demonstration , Miss Bell will audience with organ music. Glndys Lehmann, severa l record pantomimes, a twirling act , a. few· aetec­or the ed'ucatlon and well-being or use 3 0 s tuden ts from the seven th Nancy Gayhart will preside ns lions by tho Omeg Quartetto, .and a. skit by Everett Moore nnd Jerry .Foste•. hildren .' The conference will con- and eighth grndes at the Training mistress or ceremonies. Music will be · In the search [or new material the best or the old hns not been forgot-Is l or discussion sessions. Inborn- school. provided by Alpha Ka.ppa. Rho. t en. tor what would the s tyle show be without Its famous chorus line? Thia. o~y g•oups, school visiting , consul- At the close or the assembl y, the year's director Is John Amburgy. atlon hours, brnnch [orums, lee- Noon recess wi11 be from 11 : 30 audience will join In s inging a pa- Co-cha irmen tor "Pbl Sig Blackouts" nre Fred Stcpho.nek, Bob Reed. ures. excursions, recreation and to 1 p.m. to11owed by a concert by triotic song. and Gordon Btgalke. unctlonal displays. lhe Girls Glee club at 1 p,m. Arter .............

1 • ~·,H,,,!J..#•:+:--:-:,-.,.~:,..,..: .. ,:-:.-,.+M•!.+-!-!••!•4-!-',.•!-:,,.+J"~~++I I Ii I 11 I 11111 ~ta 11 I ii t •• I tt 9 •tr

Miss Glad ys Van Arsdale, super- this Mrs. Hunter w ill t alk on music isor a t the Training school , past In the primary grndes. · ' res ident or t11e Wisconsin Assocla-lon for Chlldhood Education. will .At 2: 1 5 p.m. Miss Bell will tnlk ? ,.. ct on The conference s lat[ in the on music in the upper grades. A

pnclty or a resource person. Miss ,panel-forum based upon ques tions f Is le Grime, tormer · super\'lsor In from the audience will close the ell· :a= . ~00~1: ::~s:;~e~ 0;\e~~~ 1;":~:

1:f ntc at 3 p.m. Clinic participan ts and :t nut. has been Instrumental tn plan- members of the college music stntf + Ing the conference. ;

t ..

I i -+ .. .. +





i----­i !-

PAUL HERE WE COME! TheJe gol1 ore oll steamed up over the pro1ped of attending i international conYe ntian of the Auoc:iotian for Childhood Educotlon lnt•rnolionol ot St. i · , ~

')'. ~:;r~~!!;J; C;~zl '!:!g~~~h~:;:k~o~~.o[~:ter~;;;)~ff and Betty- Kuuerow- (p,im• t; t I I 11 I 11 I t+ff+++H-++++H+N .......... ++++H+t+++++~ ttt t f 10 t 'I 11,, I It I et I ett~tttllt

by DenJtn He.Id Blomlley

The Easter season is a lways one ot the most joyful of the year tor us. Hello there: because It is tho time when the earth awakens after the long winter 's sleep A good one happened down in the and It Is the comrnemornllon of the rising or Jesus from t he dead. That Student Health Center last week. event has become the most solemn and joyfu l tes tl\'31 in thc •Chrlstlan ca- The stethoscope was applied against lendar. the chest ot the a iling patient.

The Anglo-Saxons In northern Europe held a festival in honor or Eostre , " What's the Doc doin g tha t tor, tbolr goddess - ot springtime. When Chr istian ity came. it wns natural tor Tim?" asked his brother, who had them o eep Ile name asrerrt1ntte,vcctnt""Sunday-set--11.11l de-to-<:ommem- -nccQm-pnnfed- hhn- to- t·be--Genter: · orate the Resurrection . •· n e·s 'phontn' me Insides t o see

Easter bas many symbols and customs attached to it. In every countr)' what's the matter." in the world the people have a spec ial way or celebrntlng the glorious •

!~~:00~':h~:s~:rth~u::::r',~1~:~~~n ~fh:.~~na:!s t~hreS~~~ea;sw~1i8r:1~0~:! Ai~~;~0~u~::~·;11;~~~:no~::n\\~~: ~!!! A HciusE OF SIX WOODS b the obode of Fred J. Schmeedde, heed of the CSC Co,u•rvo-

egg Is the symbol of new lite , and its symboli sm Is attached to the Rcsur: is in the army - o.t Fort Leonard ~7;1:i:.po~;•,:1~9~:~,;~:~;c1~1•hi~e,:; ... ~~::ir::j~c:0;:;_.reon ogo, building the entire hou~ rectlon . Hot cross buns. with the s ign ot the cross on the top, aro emblems \\r"ood, Misso uri, and Lynn will go on ==~::....:::.:::::::=..:...:.__;__....;._-::-;--'--:-:--;-------of th~;;~!aro;:u~y~~~~d~h::s~!

1:! ~:h~~nc~~~~ of your hearts - He JS. :!~~e:r schooling here. Our best These Are Dreams That Live In RISEN - 3Dd b,lng. new hope and joy to you . • S.M.S The House .That Schmeeckle Built

Are you sick or being cold - start•

I ' F s I Ing you r days with chilly mornings, . 1 h f ll .. h

---FAM I L I A R A c E --- :~:~~·~~:··i:~~:::~:1:~~~~ ·~l'J,·.~ bl:.~.~~~~~.;t~~;::~:.~'~:::·~~~t Co~ m:·, :~:f~: ·~::,~:~·::~~ii:;~::. friends. The weekend of March 28 servatlon department bead, Fred J. ~:/~~/:~~n~ ~O~o:~l e~~;: ~~/~!: ~haer:i1i~:.uri/~o; ~:

0::n~f:e:~ Nor th Schmeeckle. The hou~f was st~~t~d fishing." .

Sally Scribner

" I',·e Just e.:r.lsted tor twenty-one years," Sally said laughing. After talking tor a little while we find she does more tho.n exis t. In tact , there's never a dull moment.

Sally was born here in Point. Her high school dn}'s were spent away from here for she went to Margaret Hall school at Versailles, Kentucky. It b a girls' school directed by Epi· scopal nuna.

Her first summer after graduat­ing from high school , Sally s pen t In summer schoo l here at CSC. " I didn't have anything elae to do ," she said. The· second semester or her sopho­more year she went to the Universi ty

plays. "It's killing me not to go out this )·ear, " she mourned. "But with 10 credits of practice t eaching and eigh t other credits, I didn't thl.nk I'd have time." (That Is a pretty fair reason) . She t each es English to the seniors a t P . J . J acobs high and science t o the eighth g rade at the Tra.lning school. Next quarter she wut teach French to the fifth grade a t the Training school.

" I llke school, but I'm anxious to graduate. That means it's closer to Augus t ," Sally said ha ppily. (Ah, yes, August Is a beautltul month!).

• • • • two ago this Apr out on g - On tho outsldC;I ot his house )Ir.

h.;~?. 1:t::: .• ':~~:':::· .. :::,~i ;~:£f~:~;::'°~r:;:d~~:: ~:1~ :~Fi~~~t:~:::r:;~~:~:~t:m1:::: ::;+i.;Y.:~?i!t::·:::: ::

0:'.::e~: :~~·~!~:':i~'7: ·~:!=ibjit:}:;::.;; i!.~:c;u~~I::i.:ir~£ i::l!~~

did you do?" as the reporter dJ\ yo°ii ~re n e o. lot or work on the Inside too, but

ey:~a:~:u~~a;e g~~~: h!! :!:w!~~~:; ~:::;:·· ~!d h:;fm t a~e sal~ v;1s~di1u!f tb~t~~tt!~J:~t:~ ~~:/~~Jt~C! .house? took care ot the cracked pots !" black cherry woot T:\:n~st ~: ce- Mr. Schmeeckle has been playing

• • • • able fea tu re Is t e u l- n rary squirrel for the last five years, Two men, ohe an easterner , the cupboards which form a three-e!~ed gathering all t he lY.J!.eS of wood and

othe r a westerner, sat In a cross coun- rectangle around the sofa. Ext~n ng hav ing t hem processed. The butter­try t rain. Over them In the baggage down on both sides of the s~ ~ I a r: nut wood ca me from Wausau , and

Bill Conway rack, was a box with a grllled open- bullt-ln end cupboards also o lld~c the black walnut and black cherry " I hatched from an egg in 1 932 Ing' wh ich the westerner glanced aL cherry, On top ls a c~se ;lths \ ng we re gathered along the Wisconsin

at Marshfield," B ill Conway recalls. so regula rly that the easterner over !~~~8 d:~::1~se~;;:n ~e • ;;tc:e~et~~ river , south of Portage. The knotty

!!f~t\11!r;~~e~d g~?:0:~~.! > a~: s:~ ~::1:0:~:n:.ynesa and aSked about It will have to be about tour or five :~~e c!~ t a 0:0~:~ ~:~ic;aa S!~t:;n;; since 1932 . "Dad packed me up lo the "It's a mongoose," the westerner feet long, as he plans on ti11ing the Mr. Schmeeckle and was done ,·err

-- tall after 1- g ra.du.ate ___ btgh said tersely. ca~:· small hall lends past the base- capabl o because of--bl an

t:1:~!£~t;:t!:~cr:::.! ~;;t~f dJ~~~:;~l;F ~.~e.:.~~;.k ~~~~ ?.;:c\.o:~~,:~: ~;:: 1-·,t~:~~f~f ~~;:;:!{· e~::;~1:,::d~:A~:.:~::. -----f ... + - = - ~~,jll, ......... l,;.,,:r gi~~~r~tfs°-:6:eod~ ~~~~ad 18 ;;:s go~~;.: llls snakes.'' -

0- -:;;;::- clock-made COD\ let el O Od _ wh =~~~rlc~!tl wiring was installed

field ." _t.1£! b ea.sterner finally ventured , eluding the nu mbers, stands 10 here. "The m~st l~portant thin " sa DIil h b d I tdl a "It reall works too " r. c meec e, s that tt Is the

the Rollo11:om!er~cto

0r;~n ":~ars~~leld ~:t~~nakes e sees - trey'r Schmeeckle. work· of my own hands and with

the last tour summers . His father "The box Is empty," the westerner The kitchen of knotty pine with many future plans and ;resent pro-has a machine shop and does sub- added. builHn knotty pine cabinets adjoins jects I " ' Ill always have something contracting work so that Is how Bill ~~~u~'::'t~~t~o:~~a~h:r ~~::;Y,.:!:~s~~ to d~." became Interested in welding. In his And right along with the times, Ancither coat of varnish Is forth· -------~ spare lime be helps his Dad out. we find an e pitaph · tn Bath Abbey. coming. Dublin Players

ot Wiscons in. " I didn't like It so I ~Bet poor ~1~f I doesn ' t I gein:u~.~ H ere lies Ann Mann; F rom the kitchen you mo,·e into " We are meeting great came back to CSC," she es.pla ined. e lp now.) s an °? Y c · .. She lived a n old maid the room and the first thing

Sally 18 a major in English , with would sorta like to ha,e n.,1slster, And died an old Mann! you see is a birds-eye maple cabinet wherever we go, much to our own

---mlnore--in biology nd--Frenctr.--BllLsalcLheslta.nUy_ (So.r.t of - >- .- with a maximum or small fiilrlca e pleasure and- graUtlcatlonl.!!.....aaJd-B.o-(Qulte a combination). " I ha.,·e only During .. ~lgh school BIii pJa:,:ed Now as Ed Jacobsen so punnlngly drawers. This cabinet and the dining- nald Ibbs, founder and mainstay of



h A b cl

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.. ,

changed mf maJor four limes," she hockey.I .,1 hve gtot ,•, dfe",', Iscarsd t ~~ sp~lndctlwceb,e~Wietllw, al ebau,~eet.oto,be t~aucn~ room table ot birch were made by Mr. Th oCSDCubttn Pltayers , w~!o w3lll .r~l:: said hesitantly. (lt's a woman's prl- souven rs, e eca e · use • ' Schmeeckle and are perfectly match- a t to per orm on "ay • ' vllege to change her mind, you ning!" ed by birch chairs made by the 5 In the college auditorium, under know). American Chair company. the auspices ot the assembly com·

Miss Scribner's father is a dentist. h :\. tnrgc fourteen foot window set mlttee. Sally works part time tor him, and Frances Koc Receives in a walnut wall 18 another feature You know, laughter and· applause during the su mmer. "You know, I Nepco Foundation- Award or the dining room. From the window are the greatest sounds to an actor.

ha;~~~ ~!:r::~:Y·;:s~h!u!~~e~e~ally Frances leach or Port E dwards, :a~ar!: ;::: e:l~~ots~~~c:e~:~:~ :1~: ::r!~:m~':t ~~:: ~~!m~?\:;: :1~~ spent a month as hostess at Marga. :tJ°cn~~:

1:a~h~::1:t~~edl: ~~~::r:e~~ feeding s tations visited by many lbbs.

;~~f:~i~~! ~~~~~::~:~:~!~:!~~~1f{ ;:Pc·}, :::::?.:t;::~fi:~~.~~~:; ~~;iw~::•:f:L{f ~·,.;:~i:;;,t!;~ ;~~~~:~'.1~~h; l::~:::{;~:I:Yi equlph1ent and ordered groceries .. It plans to use the scholarshi p t o com- Mr. Schmeeck le Is working ou. Light ~~r::!~~l~~e~.e~;ew~:~i:~c~: ~~;i;~:~ ;.~iii:::~:n:::::~::~ as:::. gs

0:ed ::: ::]~~:::~:~E:•~ii.~";_::;::~•:; ~;~~,:~~~~~~.~,~~~~!~: ~a~,~~' ;.~~:d: : .~~··•~·o~.""1~:;i~:,!~e !:• h':'~:::

been to Florida , out to New York the Nepco Foundation. Ne koosa-Ed- room It you come In by the front pl~~::r!:r0•8

t his 18

because many of and to New Orl eans. The trip to New wa rds employees and thei r child ren, door . A fireplace des igned by Mrs. Orleana was made a year ago or children ot residents ot Nekoosa Sch meeck le catches your eye here. yo ur beautifu l cities which we 1~11Te Chr istmas with Mr. Specht's class. and Port Edwards are eligible for It Is made or Portage county sand- played during our tour have i5~

11 om

ab;~~·i ~~~~tbo~h~uc~~~·~ult;~s~otb~: ~i~l~= t°' "~:;a~~~~nn~~1: ~~~:t t:~u~~ the scholarships. ~~;o~:i~~ : 1:!'e1~r't" e~~ehl~:ku::t'r~~:: ~~:~1 ~.1;~n1a~~a!~:nbe::r:,"Ns;~: \':;~ summer. It's ,•ery interestln·g t o tra- and so It didn't hurt. " (No com- place Is a wa ll to fl oo r l ength built- suburb where we J)lnyed. 11 young vet with someone who knows the ments. ) BIil said . "Future plans, tr Uncle In shelf spnce which Includes a built- girl ru shed up to us afterward and country and can e:i:plaln t he changes BIil Is president ot Alpha Kappa Sam doesn't change them, are to In woodbox. Above the fireplace Is ·said, 'Oh, what you nre doing Is so

~~c~~e a:~u .lh;~e::h~-~u·~or;:,~!~n s~! ~ehr° o~n:i;:1ea b;:~ :;s~1!: ::a~e:~~~ ~::~e r~: r 1! ;·1~1~fc a:: ~a~nde~!!o~ :kr:~~·t:ir:i~11:~:~ ab:d t11~s~ 8;c::~:h ~:::! !:u:~~:1~~ ~~\~:~': t:~:111~:i

when alone. You really learn a lot!" Last semes ter he sang in the mixed School of !\foslc In Chicago." two woode n du cks projecting out or by a young girl might seem,· It 19 Sally sa id enthusias tically. Sall y likes chorus nnd orchest ra. He plays the "My hobby ts my WUl ys, a car , It, th ree dimensional s ty le. In .front something to cause oll.o to stop and the South best. " I'd love to live saxophone and clo.r lnet in band · and If you can call it tha t, and TV" ot the window facing bu8y h ighway think abollt the lac k ot live theatre there' ' , she sa'ld . In tho Swing Band. He plays In- Bil l laughed. 51 ts a combination nquarlum and In your wonderfu l country.

Last September Sally became en- tramura l football and basketball For over two years his "steady" plant stand made by !\I r, Schmeeckle. "I do think that American cities gaged to Dick Harriman. (Quite a and last year be tried out weight lift- has been Gloria Suckow; a nother Creen vines and plants ~ro O h one day soon wlli be having good way to start school ). Next year she' ll Ing. music:- lover. " There isn't much end or the ririuarl~ w -0~ s tngo presentations done by bOth pei start ii. wltll the next step The Jas.L l~nlr-addi.UoA- tlme-i:.lg.h-t--now-to dating, but oc- J\ uni t, ott tho di ning room en- manent and touring companies. na~e

L....:A.uguat brings wedding bells. to CSC. was a rranged by BUI. Last castonally--we can," Bill complained. trance consists or a bMroom made I ho1>e tha our Dublin P:la)·ers nnd (-Dlck;-do-you- llke-1:bo-South too.?-)- year- at- Band- Homecoming- some. " ome-aweet_hom.9-hllLLs~t Del- of butternu t , a bathroom ot butter· encou rag ing aud iences to like Sally hopes to teach in Minneapolis alums put on a· program with a bottle zell . Good ole 218, second fl oor north nut and light grel}n tiling and 11 bed- want- m?r-tr-good-theat.r.o" becaua.e- D1ck-w.lll-b0---at-the Unh'er.=.. hand and got.-the.-fellows- lnteusted- e.nd....-wbere the · wi nds blow merril y room ot red ash. In this bedroom slty there getting his deg ree In Den- "After a tong -sear ch for the right f.h·rough- and the photie doesn't Mr. Schmeeck1e_ fs worfclng ~ --::--""'"Baslce tl:rall fina_ls _. tia try. bottles between the chemist ry lab work," BUI said la Tom Wlr- built-In dreHer contain ing a number ,.. WRA completed their 195,a girls

For hobbles Sally sews and knits. and the dru g s tores - plus some kus (drUmmer boy) ts his r oom o small drawers. Flanking the dress- basketball tour nament with the fl­"Alao· our latest hobby Is refinish- water and Wind - we have our mate. " An outstanding ennt of the er on both s ides are two s liding door nal standings

118 follows:

ou Ing furniture. An)·one who has any band," Bill commented. (Where's the year was one n!gbt when Tom and I close ts ot nonwarplng compressed 1

Tau Gama l!k. _ ~ldJUJ'nJture Jhe_Y.'d -U_!~ re1Jn l1!_h.ed music , BUI? ) _ got .t <?_ b(!d a t .~o : 30,'' B__:! l boasted. matter. In the bnthroom are two

2 Omega

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0~0~~- }:~:; 1~:~f 1!:~~:ts t::~~/fo~;'~ 3 NoteoA.H_o.1 - ~-----

et-I ack" ah e...a.dded. :W..e.'.d- P are--J naLi:umeotal- musle-and-mathe chool-:--It'-would-be--n1ce-to-earn: • t~c ec O espec a y likes that was a pretty good catch.) maUca. "I hope to teach physics or money though-!," he said lon gi ng- the thermo-pane windows In the

, .. Sally baa acted in quite a few b_e a band director when I graduate," ly. house. He claims they save him t wo

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All's Not Fun For CSC "Bookies" +=---=-=---•-- .StudenLLibra.cia.ns__licoc.tle_e.v.e.s~---•

Br Put Slsel Ne,•er a dull moment! .. . No, we're not referring· to Or. Pierson 's bi­

ology lab - we're tnlking about the Job or the students who work in our college library. ·

Most of us are aware of the girl behind the desk who smiles gro.clously




Big-league baseball nrrh·es back at our request. i;currles ort into the mysterious caverns. (of books) and re- ..--------- --~



0:;:~:· :.~~d~~·0 "::a~ ~u;:,!ie~~!1 r~~11~:s~~:)?~ 0c;.rr)ri:f h~\\~

1n!~tJ~ c?r·~~0a~!~!a ~;;1:::re0~rb~v~:~ Fred's Paint Store 0 Red Sox at County Stadium in comprises the work or a librarian assistant? Let's s tep into the covers now MAUTZ PAINT e final three games of a six-game tor a close-up view of tbe dulies, pet peeves, likes and dlsllkeS or the college rles started farther · South earlier librarian assistant. Phon• 2295 748 Church St.

South Sid•


For All Your Printing

Needs See Is week. Those who ha\'e been The dream of all our librarians. of course, ls that mass of stone next llowlng the Tribe during grape- door that Is s lowly becoming our new library. "Wonderful tor students -ult-league skirmishes ha\'e been librarians." en thusiastically com- ga, !\liss Syble Mason, and MlsS Ma.r- ~::::::::::::: :::::::::::; I WORZAL

-ewha dlsappoint.ed- w,it,h- th&- en.t.S.:.fu_dy_cJ_a.)' - " 1 h a!lfttnlsslstants, a, e. Nadin.+•-----s,t-e-P-----·H I ..... ~ - -

~:;:1nge,·=~h1~~~~hat tht!m;i;c~nos~; f~o:.x;~~~~:;c~r~~~:t:a~!~:tb:~:~~! ~:?:· ~~~:1;i1~;.u, o~!~C:yn;~~~!.en1~~ Take a Five PUBLISHING uh has an exhibition mark of un- of lack of space," ·states Ruth Tall- anne Chapman, Judy Clayton, Betty at COMPANY ;i/Ob~s~he~p~i:;e ~

1: 1~~:~ s~;~~n:~ ma;::t. to the new library, the Ii- Crook. Joann C.uff, Marga.rel Fetter­

ronger clubs, especially the Dodg- brnrlan's dream Is what we may call ly, Gloria Garfield, Nancy Gayhart, s. Mos t experts have picked the the "Ideal Student in the Library." Pat Giese, Claire Mueller, Detty

WESTENBERGERS atlonal League race to wind up Here are a tew of the specifications: ::~~r;:b;~~;o~!~te;: ~

1::~n~c~:= ~:::::::::::::::::: :::::~

mUar to las.Laea.son's form, with. TheJdeal s tudent i.n the l!brary tuts sen, Donna Witte, John Amburgy, e Bra,·es about fl\'e games behind out book-request sllps completely, Margie Benson Koepke, Delores Mil­e Dodgers, and the Cardinals, returns books one or two days ahead ler, Ruth Tallmadge, an'd Lambert ~il:~e: 0~::r ~::s~~i:u!!!!~n:er~~s~ut of l~n~: =~do~~~::~~:t~b:~i~~!!ian Schommer.

assistant has a rew minor gripes too .

JISHER'S DAIRY Although it's pretty early ln tbe

ason to pick a winner we're going sneak in a quick prediction and

nture to say that when the t e"ams me do'wn the stretch, scratching r all they can get, it' ll be the rlrom-company holding down the p rung. Pitching's the thing!!

Joanne Chapman, as assistant tor two years, wishes s tudents would ask for reserve books by author rather than the color of the book. The stu­dent who asks, "Can you find me a book on Frederick II?" IP. not one of the librarian's favorites. Neither Is the student who sits peacefully in the library all afternoon and then, the minute the beU rings, dashes

For the benefit ot those who do madly_ to the desk and i.mpatlently ot have ready access to the newly blu r ts out, "Oh golly, I've got to get vised ·track- record plaques posted to work. Give me that thick history the outer athletic oftlce we'll run book by ... or, can't remember the

rough the school marks that Point- guy who wrote It, but it bas some­thinclads will be shooting at this thing to do with hair, I think." (The

ason. These records were estab- guy who wrote the book Is Bear d, In bed In State College competition case you haven't figured it out. ) d include State meet marks estab- Ruth Tallmadge re-calls one stu-

sbed by Central Staters: aent who reques ted 20 books and 100 yard dash - Rollie Marquard, periodicals. After a laborlo u1:o search,

O seconds tlat In ,1952 ; 220 ya.rd Ruth returned, tired, but still smll­asb - Ted Powell, 22.4 seconds In Ing , with 20 books. The student look-

WSGA To Hold A Banquet For All College Women

The annual WSCA all college wo­men's banquet honoring senior wo­men will be held on Wednesday, April 28, at 6 p.m. at . St. Paul's Methodist church. Especially "spe­cial" honored guests w111 be those

"Saffer Milk l>,od;ds


Saffer Hea lth"

senior.& who have served on the ·-------------' WSGA board sometime during their ..-------------, four _years in cOUege.

Co-chairmen for the dinner are Leona Forth and Sally Rose. Other committee chairmen are: Place, Phy111s Hoeft; Invitations, Joyce Scheelk; decorations, Carol Fablsb ; favors, Jaii Bergelln; and entertain-ment, Pat Malick. ·

Berens Barber Shop Sport Shop Bldg:

"For tire f i11est Griu

in Town See Us''

Remember! this ls open to all t.-------'--------, college women. Watch for further details!

!;~e!!!d~a~: !:;! : ~2!e:a::i0;f ~~ ~ ~,t!~~:/:!~!~,~~~!~c:e~::d-~;~ Resume-Co-ed_.\{olleyball

urdles - Bill Cook, 15.9 seconds in two! Never a dull moment, as we After Easter Vacation


Men's Store 951: 220 low hurdles - Tom Cur- sald. Co-ed volleyball spons~red by the ·, 25.6 seco~ds In 1949; 880 yard Incidents like these leave the 11- Women's Recreation assbciatlon wlll n - Blll Rubsam, 2 mlnutes, 5.2 brarlan a little doubtful. but there be resumed again on Wednesday oni1 :'9'5'r.'"'iffl~a~a· s a Tfilifer'"'lffl1rtcn:tfefr"w ng , ·•cro·c n hel r ----la!IE.1

n 4 minutes 28 2 seconds tn &-1ha...nM•LJ:µ1oks as thev come ool1es&- s"J1:m.....a!teL...EW ton . .

65 CAB LINE · Phone 65

For Quick Service

in Radio Dispatched Cabs

Next To Lyric Theatre ·

POINT CAFE Short Orders Meals

Fountain Service

Radios - Jewelry - Music .

JACOBS & RAABE Tel. 1B2 111 Water St.

Normington's !AUN DERING

AND DRY CLEANING 953 ; 2-mlle run - Ed Jacobsen, In . coming In contact with different The two sessions held last month minutes, 66 seconds In 1952. personality types , helping others,• were attended by about 60 men and Javelin - Bob- Kowalsky, 171 and doing a vOriety of jobs makes women students. ,_ __________ __, , ._ ___ _ _ ______ _, et 1011.!: inches In 1960; shot their work interesting. · Trudy Scbnauter Is the sports head ut - · Jack Pierce, 42 feet In 1953; The librarians feel that most stu- tor WRA and is being assisted by iscus - Harold Pinther, 131 feet , dents appreciate the facl11lles or- Dave Jersey. Both men and women x l~es in 1950 ; broad Jump - Cered by the library, l)ut as Bettt_ are being asked to eJp_ r.eCeree the u6bs 1\111 er, 21 feet , 111.s Inches in Peterson says, "Many students are games. 951; high Jump - Art .Thompson, not aware of the almost unlimited - -------reet z,1 lncbea In 1932; pole vault study-old• to be round in the Ubrn- 1954 Football Scheel' ule

Cene- E'ol:dn.--1.l Jeet._9 inches l.n t}; •. c-"-----~~~~-~·l~ -'.;..,;:~;._-949; 880 yard relay - Schommer, Libro.rles may well be the "War - Sept. 18, ?iflcli:-Tecb-:""'""(8:"lfOr-B~ ---ook, Miller, and Marquard, one robes of literature," but In carrying Sept. 25. P latteville (2:00)-There inute 36.1 seconds In 1952. out this task, and several lesser ones, Oct . 2, Superior (7:30)-There

such a~ providing term-paper ma- Oct. 9, Milwaukee (8:00)-Here Athletic director Hale Quandt bas terlal, llbrarles demand an efficient, Pct. 16, Whitewater (1 : 30)-Tbere ,•eale.d that negotiations are being hard-working staff. And the library Oct . 23, Oshkosh (1 : 30)-Here ade· to contra.ct Lincoln university here. with the following student llbra- (Homecoming) . Missouri tor 8 Christmas vacation rians has Just that. under Oct. 30, Eau Claire (1 :30)-Here

asketball home game Dext season. head librarian Nells R. Knmpen- 6, St. Norberts (1:30)-Tbere lncoln U., an all-negro school , plays ch schools as Tennessee State,

aetfrn Illinois. nnd Kentucky State. incoln may also play Eau Cll!,ire d Superior it the Northern trip made. ·

Sports Calendar TRACK

t. April 24-Lawrence-There t. '.\fay 1-0shkosh-Tbere ed. May 5-U. or Wis. Ext.-Here

(Milwaukee) ed. l\fay 12·Sl. Norbe rts-Here t. May 15-0shkosh-Wbltewater

(Triangular) Whitewater t. l\lay !2-State Meet-Milwaukee

TENNIS t. May 1-0shkosh-There e. May 4-Lnwrence-There t. May 8-St. Norberts-Here t. May 15-Whltewater-Tbere t. May 22-State Meet Milwaukee e. May 25-St. Norberts-There

- OOLF -­t . May 1-Lawrence-There urs;"'"!,,ta-,=6-S . Norberts'-Here-.,,-,1-·=""'~===~~""'"" t . May 8-0shkosh-Oshkosh

-.ollf:--'-~-'CTrlangular Whitewater t . May 15-Whltewater-Tbere


od 1• od

e. Miy25-Sf:-Norberts-There ---


N-O-- f,-~:~Bld9 -,- ---1-H-· __ -__ .. _._o_,_' -"'-'~··~--c .. ir,!~1'°'c•~~~r·"~"cc-'""-'-0 ..:RT"'SW= EAc..R:c===i=t===--.LA~


COeA-COt:A- BOl'TUNG- COMPANY-------1 @IP'3. tH( COCA,COlA COWAHf ELMER KHST 20.5 Strong, Avenu• Whiting Hot•I Building


Former Pointer Writes Enjoyment In Store ---l'e:dbook On Engineering=P.-t-Summer-S-ession

By \"lrJcnn Drexler

Not many persons could read "Pr(nclples or Automatic . Controls" - and fewer people could under­stand It. But tho 409-pnge volume Now that It Is spring, s um mer Is bas eo.rned new laurels In the elec- around the corner, which means that trlcal engineering rle ld ror Its nuthor CSC is mnklng pre1iarntlon tor the Floyd E. Nixon, Bnltlmore, Md., 11 s ummer school sess ion. The s ix former ste,·eus Pointer. weeks summer sess ion will be trom


Applicatio~s Accepted ApJ:iL 10th For "Alice" SCRIBNER'S D~RY _


On April 10. the Wiscons in De- Pasteutlzed Dairy Products partment of .Agriculture wlll begin Phone 1376 accepting applications ror the ,,os i- Aik h•r, lhen ... ta,,.r :1011i°\:~~~~:s11~ ~l~~:)\~,~1!· nrc be- L::::::::::::::::::::::~ '-----------

tw een the ages or J S and 26. sing le, ,.. nnd ha ve bee n a r csldeut of the s tat e tor one yenr are eliJ; ible.

Selections are made through n se­ri es or interviews nnd are based on pe rs onalit y, po ise . beauty, health . :rnd ability to do public r c lnLlons

POLLY FROCKS Headquarlers for Dr~sses, Skirts &


PETE'S BARBER SHOP "Satisfaci ion guaranteed or hair cheerfully refund«td".


Nlxon Is O son or Dr. O. Floyd June 21 to July 30 with reg is tration Nixon, 1000 Clnrk street , head of da y on June 21. As ot now the sum­the mnthemntlcs department at CSC. mer school bulle tin s hn,•e not been H 1 1 Jc t o mechnnlcal _sn distributed but exnect to be, wnhln gi:ee~ ~~u~\1i0e ~l~t;n )... 1\fartiH= the next two weeks. Throe or four

----vvtnldcrttlOirCa:,,f-Datttnron:rnnd-recent n& oUeg- luatruotor ,v.-111 b&--&I) h as been working at the n nyy's ai r pointed for the summer to work tu missile test center at Poin t Mugu, the following depnrtments : History,

work ror the Sta te of Wiscons in . ,-t~=========~~~======::=======-f A form er Stuaen nr-W1sconsi .. ,~ State College at Enu Claire, Miss

Cnltf. • Psychology and geography. Nixon's book, which ho described The s t.P.,.dents nt summer school are

as an outgrowth of c lasses In auto- not l;o(ng to find It "nil work and matte control system design for the no piny( because seven or eight out­Martin company, Is termed by other standing assembly J)rogrnms are be­experts In the field as a . textbook Ing planned. The first assembly will for those who wish to learn and h be held In the evening of Ju ne 24 handbook tor those who wish to do with the dramatic narrntl\'e, The the work . Nixon wr ote the book, Theatre o f Mr. Poe. This two net with bis wife, Catherine, typing tho dramatization is adapted from the manuscript, In his spare time during famed Edgar Allan Poe's selections,

:!%'J~;::-~:~1~~:~ ~:c!:~lyw~~t. ;~::~ ;c:;o.!~''.~f!:~~!1heL~=.~~~:t0:1~!~

Uce-Hall as a . part of tt.s electrical Cat." The director is Paul Shyre, who engineering series, the book bas been has appeared In numerous Broadway adopted as a textbook by Syracuse productions, stock-work, and TV university, Brooklyn Polytechnic In- shows. s tl tu te, Cautornla Polytechnic In- The sec?nd assembly will be held s titu te and Lafayette college. the evening or June 12 and wlll have

Nixon was graduated from Cen- Mary \Vntcrstrect do her lmperson­tral State college in June, 1942. Dur- atlons of the presidents' wives. Be­ing World- served as a s es e ng a haitoflciil:-i)ICl1in'f<JU·e; tlrst. lieutenant and radar officer In program it wlll be nu­the marine corps and Is now a cap- tbenllc. She has beautitul costumes taln In the marine corps reserve. He which are exact reproductions o! earned his master's degree at Ohio gowns worn by those ladles whom $tote university before ho s tarted she portrays. with the Martin firm a t "Baltimore. Within t hree days, July 15, M11 ...

rlon Perkins will present a piano concert. She IS considered "One of

Ell Holds Conclave ~:'7~~;~;e:.,;, d:;~~~.';1~:!:~,~r;r:;;i 0 C A • 1 6 be presented. 1t Is a un ique ensem­n ampus pr1 ble of dance. drums a nd piano trio.

An Education, Industry and Labor The members are Daniel Nnrgln -conference of North Cen tral Wis- tho dancer - who is widely known

___ conai was eld---here at...-Centra.l. ) n (!road war and Holtywood_;_Ro-

Mary Ellen Jenks. Is now servh1g ns the State 's s ixth Alice in Dnlrylllnd.

Since ti1e Alice In Dairyland pro­gram began in 194 S. the acth·ltles or this project have ex1>anded to the extent that Ali ce now becomes nn

Whe"' Smart Me~ Shop

THE CONTINENTAL ~~;~i'!~~eA;~lct:l~u:!l~~~n:~: ~:::.rt- L----------~

During that )•enr Alice participates -------------, In hundreds or occasions rnnclng from assisting in store sales of da.lry products to reigning as offlclnl host­ess of the Wisconsin State Fnlr.

Since 1952, Alice has made ap­pearances a t some of the nntlon's top e"ents. She appeared In the Rose Bowl parad8 on New Years Day. 1953, and has reign d as hostess or the lnternatlonal Dairy Exposition at Chicago.

She has been guest of honor at everal lnternatloilnl con,•entlons

and has appear a- a:rscores. ot.neet­lngs held by dairy groups , service clubs , farm organizations and state and national conventions.

For Every Financial Service See

Citizens National Bank


--Membec~ "-'-'F.'-'O"':c.:1::. . ..:C::.. __ JJ

DON WARNER STl_JDIO coUrteous - convenient


"across lrom th,.. college"

In nddltlon·, her rol e as the ke:r figure In a well organized cnmpnlgn of merchandising, prDmollon , and nd­vertlslng bas sened to acquaint thousah~ ot consumers throughout America of the goodness of Wis­consin farm-grown products.

Applicants for the 1954 crown L----------_, should send thei r nnm'e, age, and ~------------, home nddress together with a snap-shot to Alice In Dai ryland, State C A R R Q L L I S '?c!:~!d !~~~;o:ill~os.enttjes can be t----M- U-SI_C_S_H_O_P----1-1


Onty Adwirfhing Wrln• n

&y frMndt and -'ohbon In loail l•Yt !, of und•ntoiKUng and b•li•Yabllityl

ltad Th. Want Adi in Th•


- 11-4 Harth TM,d---Sh"Mt::

"'-- 2000 - 2001 - 2002


Stevens Point Sweatshirts

98c School Sweaters



441 Main St. State on Tuesday, April G. The nald Gould, the dr ummer, who as theme or the conference was "Build- a11peared In many symphonies and Jn g a Better America Throug h Indn- radio shows ; and David Shapiro, stry-Labor Cooperating." the pianist, who Is the om clnl pianist .------------,

Conference co-s ons r - or tho Tldle Orchestra Socie ty and

Your Record Headquarters

o co ege, Stevens-Poto ;- ee BnYi ~e Wisconsin Headwaters assoc iation; cordlnss, Cent.rat Wisconsin Teachers asso- For an assembly on July 2G the elation ; National Association of co11ege attempted to get the filtned Manufacturers; Wisconsin Central magician, Paul F leming. But since Labor body groups; and the Stevens he Is not making a mid-western tour Poin t Chamber of Commerce. t his summer, the collego has engag-

Willlnm C. Hansen, president of ed In his place Dr. Polgnr, the world 's CSC, was one ot the co-chairmen of formost authority on hypnotlsm.__:I'he the conference. Polgar will present "Mir­

acles of the Mind." According to re­-~-------~•~l~••cc·•"-; of b is pre\'lous shows this

Schmeeckle Instructs ~:f;~!~ ,~~i°:"\fe p;;;;:t/~~h!~sei;=

We Now Sell

film s and Flashbulbs. One 5x7 picture free wit h each film de­

velope~d~· ---- -----24 hr. f ilm s ervice

(OtLEGE EAT SHOP At "Trees" Opening !.\\~sh!~: asnui;;:::_:~ta~:~~;

1a:t: .!~i° ~s '-------------'

The Trees for Tomorrow camp educational summer. at Engle Rive r opened Its high school t each ing sessions on l\londny, March 29 ;- F red J. Schmeeck le and M. P . Pinkerton , t ho Portage County agent, attended this first session as Instructors. These sessions are three o.nd one-half days In length. The high school s tudents attending them are taught the scenic nnd economical aspects of soil , water , wild life and the forests.

a re shown and explained. Tho even­ings are spent In discussion and any questions are answered. Mr. Schmee­ck le said that they cer tainty were kep t busy with questions.

The first high school t o attend the Trees for Tomorrow cnmp wns Kau­kauna. Many others will trnvel to Eagle River this su mmer.

Piano1 Accordion lessons


Instrument Rentals

~II at


On tho South Sida In tho morning the student.a are

told what they are going to do that day. Th is Is an outline of the field tri p they take In the afternoon. On this trip the· th.logs outlined to them

Mr. Schmeeckle wlll go to Madi­son on Wednesday, April 7, to a t­tend i.he sub-committee on Conser­Yation· Education or the Natural Re- '--------------' sources Board.

"More Fun Than You've Had In Years" Barbershop Concert Sponsored by Stevens Point Chapter of So. ciety for Preservation and Encouragement of Barbershop Sing·

ing in America

---.., Featuring the Famous -



110 N. Michigan Ave.


Frank's Hardware PHONE 2230

Th• $/,op T~af Sp•cia/im

1i7 North S.c.ond St. On Coll•g• Hoirc11flittg







-· - Food The Way You_..,,.._ HI-----Like-lt1-----IH-----=-===.._. ...... __J

3. Four Comers of Eau Claire 4, Rhcq>SO<iles of Wisconsin Rapids

P. J. Jacobs Gym - Sat.. May 8 - 8 p .m. • = ~ Special Student Price - 50c - =


HETZERS ~ 1;111iSid. - -·



'" n1

e l u l , h

DI ,, Ill .. h< ti

., DI

" -'


' 0 '
