Page 1: Now We're Even...Not by Bertina

Now We’re Even…Not I know a lot of people who are the only child in their family and they’re always saying that they want a sibling to play with. Yeah, I’d think again. Apparently I happen to have a sibling and to make it worse, he’s my twin. Sure you’d think oh you’re in the same grade! You can help each other! You two must get along so well. We do NOT get along well. We do NOT help each other. We argue and fight. Like when my brother didn’t let me borrow his textbook; when he didn’t let me use “his” computer (the only one that works since he broke the others). Helping each other is a miracle that will never happen. Let’s just say that sibling rivalry is big in our house. We fight over the littlest things. This time, it was about who did what for who and getting even.

“Yes I can drive you guys.” My mom said just as I was about to slip on my shoes.

“Why?” I asked fumbling with the laces.

“Bryan didn’t get his homework finished and he slept very late.”

“So he can do it at school. Everyone does that.” I muttered adjusting my hood.

“Go eat breakfast.” My mom said turning away and walking towards the kitchen like I was supposed to follow her. I did, I mean, not like I had a choice.

“Bryan’s sick.” My mom said. We were back at the door. Oh. Well about time that happened. Not surprised there.

“So how’s he gonna do his homework?” I asked pushing open the door.

“You can ask his classmates or the teachers for it.” My mom said so mater of factly that I was taken aback for a moment.

“Mmmh, homework.” I muttered, my lips pressed together and eyebrows raised as I walked down the stairs.

“Can you get Bryan’s homework for him?” my mom asked. I was silent. “Hello?” my mom said louder. I unplugged my ear buds and sighed. So now she asked.


“Can you get your brother’s homework?” she asked again. I rolled my eyes. Did she really think I was that nice? She saw my expression and slowly shook her head at me through the rearview mirror at the red light.

“Why should I?” I grumbled plugging in my ear buds again. She should know by now that I was not a morning person. Usually talking to me in the morning resulted in a storm of grumbling, eye rolling and rude gestures with a bonus of door slamming.

“Because he’s your brother.” My mom said turning left, and soon the school came into view. I was still questioning the fact that my brother was sick. Can a sick person slam the door hard enough to shake the whole house?

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“So? Go an-” my mom continued expectantly, slowing down in front of the school.

“Maybe.” I huffed getting out of the car as fast as I could. Cutting people off was a bad habit of mine, sadly.

“Where’s Bryan?” my friend asked.

“Sick.” I said raising my hands to form quotation marks. It was lunchtime and right now all I wanted to do was to eat my salad in peace.

“You going to get his homework for him?” another friend asked. My fork stopped midway to my mouth.

“Uh…yeah. Later.” I mumbled. My friend arched an eyebrow and said nothing.

Climbing the stairs up from the garage I threw my backpack aside. Whew, finally home. “I’m home.” I mumbled more to myself than to anyone else and pushed open the door to my brother’s room and wrinkled my nose.

“Do you have my homework?” he asked still in bed. He wasn’t even looking at me, his attention directed at the computer, eyes all squinty. You know he could try turning on the lights, jeez. Then maybe his room wouldn’t feel AND look like one of those mad scientist labs. Okay maybe that’s a bit harsh, but the hourglass with green sand was a nice touch to my comparison.

“No, you never get my homework for me. Why should I get it for you?” I said shutting the door and trudging towards my room. My brother was saying something but I couldn’t hear it through the hole-filled door that could easily be described as “machine-gunned”. It sounded like he had said “Wait! What?” But really, who cared?

“Bertina did you get Bryan’s homework?” my mom called. Silence. “Bertina!?” More silence. Finally the door opened with a wood-against-wood grinding sound.

“Hey, easy on the hinges.” I said jerking a finger towards the hanging hinge. Wood shavings littered the area around it.

“Why didn’t you answer me? I called your name twice!”

“Third times the charm.” I answered without even looking away from my book. She stood in the doorway looking expectantly. “Nope. Didn’t get it.” I finally said. Wrong move.

“What! We need to go to the school now to get it!”

“School’s closed.” I said glancing at the clock, which now read 7:21.

“Then email someone! Who was that girl in his class you’re friends with? Ask her or that boy who…”

“Forget it! I’m not doing it! He needs to solve his OWN problems.”

“We’re going to the school! Get up Bryan!” my mom called swinging the door shut. I allowed

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myself a face palm to that.

In the end my brother had to get his homework and I ended up emailing people from his class for it. It would’ve been much easier if I had just asked at school. Sibling rivalry can be good or bad. Sometimes little things like oh you didn’t do that for me why should I help you could cause a big inconvenience for you and others. Mild sibling rivalry is ok since it’s impossible not to compete in things like homework assignments or “settling scores” and “getting even”. I admit myself that my ranking as a sister is much closer to "worst sister ever" than best. Even so, the important thing is that the person is your sibling, your family and you should always lend a helping hand no matter what. I'm sure I'll realize that when I'm older like my mom says, but hey, she did sound a bit too hopeful…