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Page 1: November 22.11 newsletter

November  22,  2011                                    Phone:    483-­‐6298    or  1-­‐866-­‐422-­‐5118

Check  out  our  website:

Wawanesa SchoolWawanesa School

Varsity  Boys’  Volleyball  Off  to  Provincials   The  varsity  boys  Finished  regular   season  play  in  First  place  among  single  A   teams  in  Zone  9  east  which  earned  them  the  right  to  host  the  Zone  9  ‘A’  boys’  provincial  berth  playdowns  on  November  8.  The  boys   started  off  the   night   defeating  Elkhorn  in   straight   sets   in  the   semi-­‐Final   before  watching  Reston  defeat  Sioux  Valley  in  the  other  semi-­‐Final.    That  set   up  a   Final  with  perennial  rival  Reston  to  determine   who   would   represent   our   zone   at  provincials   this   year.     The   Wawanesa   boys  triumphed   in   that   best   of   Five   match   defeating  Reston  3  sets  to  0.   Wawanesa   now   moves   on   to   the   10   team  provincial   championship   tournament   in   Pilot  Mound  Nov.  24-­‐26.    Our  boys  are  seeded  Fifth   in  the   draw.     You   can   check   out   the   schedule   and  track   their   progress   throughout   the   tournament  at:

http://mhsaa.e-­‐  guys  and  good  luck!

  Congratulations  also  go  out  to  Mitch  Thomson  who   was   selected   by   a   committee   of   Manitoba  volleyball  coaches  as  one  of  the  top  24  graduating  athletes  from  A,  AA  and  AAA  schools   in  Manitoba.    Mitch   will   be   representing   our   school   at   the  provincial   grad   all   star   match   in   Winnipeg   on  December  3  at  St.  John’s  Ravenscourt  School.    The  A-­‐AAA   boys’  match  will   be   at   1:30   pm   that   day  and   all   are   welcome   to   watch.     Further  information  is  available  at:­‐all-­‐star-­‐information-­‐2/

P.  Friesen

Wawanesa  Band/Choral  Christmas  ConcertMonday,  December  12

 7:00  p.m.  


Wawanesa  School  Elementary  Christmas  ConcertWednesday,  December  21

1:00  p.m.

Page 2: November 22.11 newsletter

November  22,  2011                                  Phone:    483-­‐6298    or  1-­‐866-­‐422-­‐5118

Check  out  our  website:

Grade  3  Social  Studies   Over  the  past  months  the  Grade  3s  have  been  learning   about   issues   that   countries   and   the  people  in  Africa  have  to   face,  and  have  looked  at  the  issue  of  clean  drinking  water  in  particularly.    As   a   class   we   decided   to   help   try   and   make   a  difference  in  the  lives  of  a  lucky  class  in  Africa  by  providing  them  with  clean  drinking  water.   The  Grade  3s  had  a  bake  sale.    We  held  it  over  two   days,   as  we  had  so  many  treats  to   sell.    Our  bake   sale   was   very   successful   in   that   we   were  able  to  raise  $217.00.    Thank  you  to  the  Grade  3  parents   for   taking   the   time   to   send   in   baked  goods   with   your   child  and   also   to   the   students  and  staff  who  bought  the  treats.    We  were  $33.00  shy   of   reaching   our   goal   of   $250.     However,  Student   Council   has   been   generous   enough   to  donate   the   remaining   $33.00   to   assist   us   in  reaching  our  goal.

Miss  Burgess,  Student  Teacher

For  student  safety,  please  follow  the  direction  of  traf?ic  ?low  around  the  

school  between  8:30  -­‐  9:00  a.m.  

and  3:15  -­‐  3:30  p.m.  Busses  and  

private  vehicles  follow  the  same  

path.    Thank  you  for  your  assistance  in  keeping  our  students  safe.

Page 3: November 22.11 newsletter

November  22,  2011                                  Phone:    483-­‐6298    or  1-­‐866-­‐422-­‐5118

Check  out  our  website:

Beauty  and  the  Beast,  Jr.       Wawanesa  School  was  proud  to  present   their  canapé/dessert  theatre  production  of  Beauty  and  the   Beast     on   November   18   &   19th   at   the  Wawanesa   Community   Hall.   With   the   combined  efforts   of   the   choral   students,   staff   and  parents,    the  show  was  a  resounding  success.    Over  the  two  nights   the   audience   numbered   350   theatre  enthusiasts!     From   the   motley   mob   of   villagers   to   the  beautiful   dishes/servants,   audiences   were  treated   to   frollicking   songs   in   the   tavern   to  beautiful  melodies  and  can-­‐cans  in  the  castle.  The  narrators   (Chelsea   Downey,   Chelsea   Boisvert,  Krista   Wilton   and   Chantal   Bartel)   dramatically  laid   out   the  story-­‐line   for   all.       Belle,   played   by  Emma  Case,  was  a  Fiesty,  yet  caring  match  for  the  angry,   but   slightly   socially   awkward   Prince/Beast,   played   by   Cameron   Lucier.     Gaston  (Donovan  Hamilton)  was  very  brash  and  bold   in  making  his  advances  to  Belle  and  was  aptly  aided  by   his   crazy,   pratfalling   side-­‐kick,   Lefou   (Asia  Oleson).   Added   to   the  mix   of   Gaston   and   Lefou  were  the  fawning  and  infatuated  Silly  Girls  played  by   Kirstin   Greer,   Brianna   Downey,   and   Morgan  McBain.     The   slightly   odd   inventor   father,  Maurice,   played  by   Dustin   Lucier,   was   a   perfect  match  to  Belle's  book-­‐loving  character.      Belle  and  the  Beast  also   found  challenges  with  the  group  of  ferocious   wolves   played  by   Marcus   Trowbridge,  Reese   Rutherford   and   Kolton   Sparrow   and   the  menacing  character  of  Monsiour  D'Arque,  played  

by  Murray  McBain.      The  loveable  and  welcoming  characters   of   Mrs.   Potts   (Jessica   Plett)   and   her  innocent   son,     Chip   (Brandon   Lucier),   were  capably   assisted   in   the   castle   by   the   engaging  French  maid,  Babette  (Brett  Cline),  the  befuddled  and  Flustered  clock,  Cogsworth  (Patrick  Day),  the  illuminated   and   enlightened,   Lumiere   (Matthew  Lahner)   and   the   opera   diva   with   the   big   heart,  Madame   de   la   Grande   Bouche   (Ashley   Penner).  The  humorous  battle  scene  between  the  servants  and  the   villagers     (see   list  below!)  added  to   the  enjoyment  of  all.       In   the  end,   the  actions   of  the  Old   Beggar   Woman/Enchantress   (Dynika  Choptuik)     helped  to   teach  all   that     true  beauty  really  lines  within.    Servants   -­‐   Flynn   McFall,   Cassie   Power,   Megan  Penner,   Brina   Rathwell,   Tylyn   Riddle,   Jalynn  Cullen,   Jacquie   Burgess,   Samantha   Sullivan,  Amanda   Hopcraft,   Kaylin   Rice,   Hailey   McFall,  Jasmine   Oliver,   Chelsea   Downey,   Chelsea  Boisvert,   Shasta  Kalmakoff,  Riley  Sparrow,  Reese  RutherfordVillagers   -­‐  Shasta   Kalmakoff,   Tanner  McDonald,  Vincent   Herrmann,   Laura   Elder,   Josh   Diaz,  Marcus   Trowbridge,   Jacquie   Dolomont,   Ryan  Harding,   Chelsea   Downey,   Chelsea   Boisvert,  Krista   Wilton,   Jeremy   Cory,   Kolton   Sparrow,  Chantal  Bartel,  Dynika  Choptuik,  Murray  McBain,  Brooke   O'Neill,   Troy   MacMillan,   Mitchell  Herrmann.   Thank   you   to   our   family,   friends   and  community  for  such  great  support!

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November  22,  2011                                  Phone:    483-­‐6298    or  1-­‐866-­‐422-­‐5118

Check  out  our  website:

Kevin  Brooks! From  his  wheelchair,  Kevin  Brooks  shares  the  story  of  the  night   that  changed  his   life  and   those  of  many  around  him  forever  .   .   .  What  started  as  a  typical   booze-­‐fueled   Saturday   night   quickly  turned  tragic  as  a  result  of  a  poor   choice.    Kevin  left   a   party,   driving   at   excessive   speeds   after  consuming  large  amounts  of  alcohol.    He  was  not  alone.     Beside   him   sat   his   passenger   and  childhood  friend,  Brendan.   The  result   -­‐   a   horriFic   crash   -­‐   Brendan  didn’t  walk  away  and  neither  did  Kevin.   Kevin’s   story  has  reached  more  than  750,000  students   and   inspired   many   to   make   better  choices.

  Kevin’s   “Just  Wiggle  Your  Toes”  presentation  is   an   emotional   roller   coaster   that   makes  audiences   laugh,   cry   and   ultimately   think   twice  about   their   own   life   choices.     He   is   living   proof  that  one  poor  choice  can  potentially  change  one’s  life   forever,  or  even  end  it.    Kevin  has  not   let  his  paralysis  be  an  end,  but  rather  a  new  beginning  in  life.   Count   on   Kevin’s   presentation   to   be   honest,  straight-­‐forward,  relevant  and  memorable.


  Wawanesa  School  was  very  fortunate  to  have  his  presentation  on  Friday,  November  18th.    The  following  are  comments  from  our  students:1.  What  did  you  like  about  this  presentation?• I  think   it  was   the  greatest  speech  I  ever  heard.    Made  me  cry• He  was  funny.• I  like  how  he  moved  on  in  life.• That   he  wasn’t   just   talking   to  people   who   do  drugs,  etc  but  to  anyone  who  has  a  problem  to  overcome.• Kevin  got  my  attention  right  off  the  bat;  he  spoke  from  the  heart  and  was  honest.• The  fact  he  was  drunk  and  driving  and  killed  a  young  boy  and  the  parents  forgave  him.• It  wasn’t  all  sad  and  “woe  is  me”.

2. As   a   result   of   today’s   presentation,   I   will  remember:

• decisions  I  make  impact  everyone• the  three  chairs• never  drink  and  drive• always  wear  a  seatbelt• wiggle  your  toes• you  can  do  anything;  never  give  up• you  can  go  bungie  jumping  in  a  wheelchair• when  he  signed  the  poster• his  sister  wishes  him  to  walk  again• stay  positive  -­‐  make  something  good  out  of  something  negative• Mom  and  Dad  are  a  phone  call  away• how  he  answers  every  email  that  he  gets• don’t  think  you  can  be  a  ‘good  drunk  driver’• whenever   I   am   feeling  down   or   upset,   I   just   have   to  remember  to  wiggle  my  toes.

3.What   comments/suggestions   do   you   have   to  help  improve  this  presentation?

• He  was  awesome  and  I  believe   he  should  continue   to  go  to  school  all  over  North  America.• Kevin,  you  changed  my  life!• This   speech   really   opened   my   eyes   about   impaired  driving   and   getting   in   a   vehicle   with   a   a   drunk!    Thank  you!• I   really   enjoyed   the   whole   presentation.   The  powerpoint  while  we  walked  in  was  very  effective  and  the  video   at  the   end  with   his   sister   really  got   to  me.    He’s  right;  it  doesn’t  affect  just  you,  all  the  people  who  love  and  care  about  you  are  also  hurt.

Page 5: November 22.11 newsletter

November  22,  2011                                  Phone:    483-­‐6298    or  1-­‐866-­‐422-­‐5118

Check  out  our  website:

   Junior  Girls’  Volleyball   The  Grade  7/8  Girls’  Volleyball  team  has  wrapped  up  their  season  this  month.   The  girls   played  games   against   Boissevain,   Killarney  and  La  Source   School   in  Shilo.    We   attended  Killarney's  tournament   where   they   played   very   well   and   were  showing  good  signs  of  improvement.    The  girls  attended  the  zone  tournament  where  they  lost  in  the  B  pool  semi-­‐Final  game  ending  up  in  third  place   out   of  eleven  teams.    The   girls   made   great   improvements   in   their   skills  throughout   the   season.     The   team   this   year  includesMackenzie   Coleman,   Angeline   Badiou,   Shasta  Kalmakoff,   Haley   McFall,   Kayla   Wilton,   Chantal   Bartel,  Jacquie   Burgess,   Jasmine   Oliver,   Samantha   Sullivan   and   Brina   Rathwell.     Special   thanks   to   Mr.   Steve  Sullivan  for  coaching  the  team  this  year  and  for  Mrs.  L.  Elder  for  managing.

Operation  Christmas  Child   Wawanesa   School   had   the   opportunity   to  make   this   Christmas   brighter   for   many   needy  children.    Our  school  sent  a  message  of  caring  and  compassion   to   children   throughout   the  developing  world   by   once   again   participating   in  Operation  Christmas  Child.   By   joining   together  we   Filled  35   shoe  boxes  Filled  with  toys,  school  supplies  and  other  gifts.    It  is   truly   just   as   great   to   give   as   it   is   to   receive.    Kids  helping  kids!   Many   thanks   to   the   students,   staff   and  families   of   Wawanesa   School   for   their   very  generous  donations.    Appreciation  goes  to  Reese  Rutherford,   Marcus   Trowbridge,   Graeme   Hore,  Teegan   Harris,   Ryan   Harding,   Dynika   Choptuik  and  Chelsea  Boisevert  for  packing  our  boxes  and  to  Mrs.  Thomson's  Grade  3s  for  loading  them  into  the  ambulance  for  pick  up.    A  huge  thank  you  also  to   the   student   council   for   their   monetary  donation  to  help  in  the  shipping  costs  involved.

Page 6: November 22.11 newsletter

November  22,  2011                                  Phone:    483-­‐6298    or  1-­‐866-­‐422-­‐5118

Check  out  our  website:

Timothy  Waldner  Wins  Lions  International  Peace  Poster  Contest                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

C o n g r a t u l a t i o n s   t o  Timothy   Waldner,   an   11  year   old   Grade   Seven  student   at   Green   Acres  Colony   School,   winner   of  the   local   competition   of  the   2011-­‐2012   Lions  I n t e rn a t i ona l   P e a c e  Poster   Contest.   Students  from   Wawanesa,   Green  Acres   Colony   and   Nature  Valley   Colony   Schools   participated   in   the  contest,  using  art   as   a   form   of  expression   to   promote   the  theme  “Children  Know  Peace”.    The  posters  were  judged  on  the  basis  of  originality,  artistic  merit  and  portrayal   of   the   theme.   Thanks   to   the   judges  Marquetta   Murray,   Kirby   Stone   and   Carolyn  Rushton  for  giving  their   time  and  expertise  to   the  difFicult   task   of   selecting   winners.   A   total   of   25  posters   were   entered   in   the   contest.   All   posters  were   of   excellent   quality,   making   a   colourful  display   at   the   school   and   at   the   New   Horizons  Centre   for   the  Remembrance  Day  Service   and  the  New  Horizons  social  afternoon  on  November  14th.   Monetary   prizes   were   awarded   by   the  Wawanesa   Lions   Club   to   Timothy,   to   Mackenzie  Coleman  in  second  place  and  to   Jesse  Waldner  as  third   place  winner.   All   participants,   including   15  students   “in  training”,   not   eligible   because  of   age  requirements,   received   participation   awards.  Timothy’s   poster   will   now   advance   for   further  competition  at  the  Lions  District  level.

Calendar  of  EventsNovember  23-­‐24   Parent-­‐Teacher  Interviews   4:00  -­‐  7:00  p.m.November  24-­‐26   Provincial  “A”  Boys’  Volleyball  in     Pilot  Mound  November  25   Admin  Day;  No  SchoolDecember  1   Grad  Cap/Gown  Photos   (appts.  being  scheduled  with  Mrs.  Lane)

December  2   Phys.  Ed.  30/40  Field  Trip  to    Thunderbird  Bowl    (11:00  a.m.  -­‐  2:00  p.m.)December  12   Band/Choral  Christmas  Concert   7:00  p.m.  in  the  School  GymDecember  21   Elementary  Christmas  Concert   1:00  p.m.  in  the  School  Gym  


Information  forGrade  11-­‐12  

Students  and  Parents:Course  Selectionoptions  for  Semester  2

New  Bothwell  Cheese

  It's  that  time  of  year  again!  Band  and  Choral  students  are  fundraising  for  this  year's  season  by  selling  New  Bothwell   Cheese.    Every  unit  of  cheese   sold  raises  $2  for   the  Wawanesa  School  music   programs.  Order   forms  will   be  distributed  to  all  band  and  choral   students  early  this  week  and  orders  are   due   on   Monday,   December   5th   and   can   be   handed   into   Mrs.   Kaastra   or   Ms.  Klippenstein.  The  cheese  will  be  available  for  delivery  on  December  14th.