Page 1: Nothing to separate us · • Please give us a desire to connect in small groups and experience your love and care in this special way. • Please help us to work out safe/compliant

A few weeks ago I got a splinter in my finger – it hurt! And for the next hour that was all I could focus on. Do I let it fester until it comes out? Or do I dig it out? I decided to use a needle and dig it out – ouch!. But I can’t even see where it was now. We are facing a lot of issues in our lives and in the world at this time, and I know that many people are anxious, and some are fearful. And while I would never suggest that all these things are no more important than a splinter, I think that the apostle Paul does in his letter to the Romans. Romans has been one of our readings this month, and everyone should read it through once a year. And Romans 8 is particularly written, not just for the first Christians, but also for 21 century Christians. Paul is saying that neither sin, nor suffering, nor death, nor the devil, nor this world, nor

anything in the universe can separate us from God’s love, because of Jesus. Are we burdened with our own sins and disobedience? By our ‘little’ faith? By our lack of trust in God’s promises? By our judgmentalism and lack of compassion - and by our harsh or careless words? By our fear for the future? Whatever we think unlovingly or actually do, Paul has these amazing words that we should learn off by heart: There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus . . .” Romans 8:1. And, no matter what we face now, and in the future, Paul writes: I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. Romans 8:18. In other words, everything we go through in this life will one day seem like a

splinter in comparison to what God will give us through Jesus. Paul’s confidence in God’s love and power to do this is based on the resurrection of Jesus. If Jesus has been raised, as the Bible states, then everything Jesus did on the cross is ours too, and we too will be raised to life. The resurrection is at the heart of the good news. That’s why Paul can say: For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,

[a] neither the

present nor the future, nor any powers,

39 neither height

nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Pastor Robert

26th July, 2020

8 Pentecost

Nothing to separate us

Page 2: Nothing to separate us · • Please give us a desire to connect in small groups and experience your love and care in this special way. • Please help us to work out safe/compliant

New Worship Options The St Petri Governance Council has put an Interim Worship Plan together that

aims to help us safely gather in larger numbers for worship and fellowship

while still under COVID19 restrictions. At the moment we can have larger

gatherings but we are not sure. Depending on the virus spread we may need

to re-consider and we will advise as appropriate.


SUNDAY MORNING from August 2 9.30am Worship and Fellowship

• Service of the Word (not Holy Communion) • Blended Music/Style, • Extended fellowship time on the first Sunday in the month coffee served

to you or bring your own. Other weeks just Worship time no coffee • Pre-recorded still available for home/group participation.

WEDNESDAY EVENINGS from August 5 7.00pm Worship and Fellowship as Service is recorded.

• Service of the Word (not Holy Communion) • Fellowship Time • BYO Coffee/Tea or served to you at the back of the church

WEDNESDAY MORNINGS from August 5 10.00am Holy Communion Service FORTNIGHTLY

• In Church Building (not Hall) • Pastor Paul or Pastor Ken leading the worship time • Stay for a bit for a chat but no tea/coffee

WORSHIP AT HOME Holy Communion in smaller groups or for couples or individuals at home to continue.

• Recorded Short Worship Service available From Friday afternoon for use over the weekend.

If you choose to attend you agree to comply with the following statements: • I have not returned from international or interstate travel in the last 14 days.

• I have not been exposed to a person with a confirmed case of COVID-19 in

the last 14 days.

• I am not currently required to self-isolate for any other reason.

• I am well, and not displaying any symptoms of illness.

• I will practice good hand hygiene and utilise the hand washing and sanitiser

facilities made available.

• I will follow all reasonable steps requested by the St Petri Lutheran Church to

ensure the health and safety of all other personnel and visitors.

We pray that we reconnect and enjoy being together in God’s presence in

this new way while still under Restrictions and that under the Holy Spirit’s

working, we would grow in faith, hope and love.

Page 3: Nothing to separate us · • Please give us a desire to connect in small groups and experience your love and care in this special way. • Please help us to work out safe/compliant

WORSHIP SMALL - Sunday 26th July, 2020 8 Pentecost Pastor Robert Voigt & Pastor Adrian Kitson


As the Father sent me, says Jesus So I send you. (John 20:21)


Peace be with you Amen

WE SHARE JESUS’ PEACE “Peace be with you” “And with you too!” WE SING What A friend we have in Jesus LH 426/TIS 590

What a friend we have in Jesus All our sins and griefs to bear, What a privilege to carry Everything to God in prayer: O what peace we often forfeit, O what needless pain we bear, All because we do not carry Everything to God in prayer. Have we trials and temptations, Is there trouble anywhere? We should never be discouraged: Take it to the Lord in prayer. Can we find a friend so faithful Who will all our sorrows share? Jesus knows our every weakness: Take it to the Lord in prayer.

Worship Small Service Order (websi te or dvd)

Page 4: Nothing to separate us · • Please give us a desire to connect in small groups and experience your love and care in this special way. • Please help us to work out safe/compliant

Are we weak and heavy-laden, Cumbered with a load of care? Jesus is our only refuge: Take it to the Lord in prayer. Do your friends despise, forsake you? Take it to the Lord in prayer; In his arms he’ll take and shield you, You will find a solace there.

Joseph Medlicott Scriven 1819 -1886 Public Domain


The Lord be with you And also with you

GOD SPEAKS HIS WORD: WE LISTEN Romans 8:26-39 The word of the Lord

Thanks be to God

THE GOSPEL Matthew 13:31-33,44-52

The Gospel of the Lord Praise be to Jesus

WE LISTEN TO THE MESSAGE WE PRAY FOR THE CHURCH, THE WORLD AND EACH OTHER We pray to the Lord: O God hear our prayer. WE SEEK GOD’S GRACE FOR LIVING Thank you, Father in heaven, Through your Son, Jesus Christ, For protecting me all night From harm and danger. Protect me today from all sin and evil, So that everything I do will please you. I put myself and all I have into your hands. Send your holy angle to be with me, so that the Evil One will have no power over me. Amen GOD BLESSES US (From Psalm 119:129-136)

In the name of Christ

Amen. May it be so!

Page 5: Nothing to separate us · • Please give us a desire to connect in small groups and experience your love and care in this special way. • Please help us to work out safe/compliant

WE SING Our God (Tomlin)

Water You turned into wine Opened the eyes of the blind There's no one like You None like You Into the darkness You shine Out of the ashes we rise There's no one like You None like You

Our God is greater Our God is stronger God You are higher than any other Our God is healer Awesome in power our God our God

And if our God is for us Then who could ever stop us And if our God is with us Then what could stand against And if our God is for us Then who could ever stop us And if our God is with us Then what could stand against (Then) what could stand against Chris Tomlin | Jesse Reeves | Jonas Myrin | Matt Redman

©2010 Atlas Mountain Songs (Admin by Shout! Music Publishing Australia) Sixsteps

Music, Thankyou Music, Vamos Publishing, songs

Used with permission CCLI#62009 streaming #619313

Page 6: Nothing to separate us · • Please give us a desire to connect in small groups and experience your love and care in this special way. • Please help us to work out safe/compliant

Basic idea of how we will meet distancing and hygiene requirements

• The rows of chairs will be spaced 1.5 m

• We can sit as families or closely associated friends or as individuals and leave spaces between these groups. We are guessing that about 120 people will fit in the church, 30 on the gallery and if we need to, 60 in the hall. There will be ushers to guide you.

• If you don’t book-in you may be asked to sit in the hall or there just may not be room.

• You will need to hand sanitize as you enter the building and then be marked off of the list. Please then find a seat and stay with that seat for the worship time. Part of the hygiene requirement is that we don’t touch the same surfaces as others.

• We will stay seated for singing and maybe not project our voice in quite the way we usually would. This will help lessen the risk of spread of droplets into the air. If we have cases of the virus locally transmitted in South Australia we will look to not include singing at worship.

• You will have opportunity to give an offering as you leave the church.

• If you are unwell, please take the opportunity to worship at home using the online resource or ring the office to get a dvd delivered in the following week.

• And… just for the moment it is more helpful (in fact, necessary) not to help with packing up as this means more people touching surfaces that other people have touched.

SUNDAY MORNINGS 9.30 AM Worship starting Sunday 2nd August Hope to have tea/coffee 1st Sunday of month WEDNSDAY MORNINGS 10.00 AM Holy Communion Service Fortnightly 1st & Third Wednesday In the Church WEDNESDAY EVENINGS 7.00 PM Worship Service - Will be filmed Welcome to attend as congregation WORSHIP AT HOME Recorded worship service available across the weekend. Holy Communion for smaller groups, couples or individuals at home available upon request. You need to tell us that you are coming! Register at Or ring the office 8562 1011 Or fill in paper form if not on the internet. IF YOU HAVE ANY CONCERNS ABOUT RETURNING TO WORSHIP, PLEASE DO NOT FEEL OBLIGED, ONLY DO WHAT IS OK BY YOU.

Page 7: Nothing to separate us · • Please give us a desire to connect in small groups and experience your love and care in this special way. • Please help us to work out safe/compliant

Greetings St Petri People. We wanted to let you know of changes we have made to our church building to suit this Interim Worship Plan for this next few moths under COVID restrictions.

We have taken out the alter rail to allow us to rejig some things in the sanctuary.

We have put the band area under the screen in the sanctuary for three reasons;

1. This allows us to fit more people in the building under the COVID restrictions,

2. It allows us to do Holy Communion on Wednesday mornings with the required distancing, hygiene and ease of people flow,

3. It enables hopefully better singing because the band people are leading the way right under the words on the screen.

We have changed the lectern into a free standing lectern - same lectern wooden top on newly built 'legs' that are made of the same steel and painted the same colour as the existing sanctuary rails so we can keep using the lectern, and yet move it around to accommodate musicians and/or other things, as needed.

… Continued over page

Page 8: Nothing to separate us · • Please give us a desire to connect in small groups and experience your love and care in this special way. • Please help us to work out safe/compliant

1. We can learn new things quickly when we have to. We can adapt and help others do the same. We have adapted well to the online world and have finally found the fertile digital mission field!

2. The church is people. Gathered together or alone we remain the church of Father, Son and Spirit; instrument of his ongoing mission to call, gather and enlighten sinners into his fold.

3. Gathering in one building at one time that suits us is not the only way to be church – it’s wherever the gospel is proclaimed and the sacraments are administered according to that beautiful grace-filled gospel.

4. The Lord has given us very good gifts at this time.

• Fewer rosters, programs and busyness means more time to relate to others.

• God’s people taking responsibility for God’s people without the pastor having to tell them to do so or to do the heavy lifting. The flock have taken upon themselves to care for each sheep and have done a marvellous job.

• A shift of focus from how to keep the church running the way it has in the past, to enjoying what the Lord is doing among us in our relationships.

10 Things I’ve learnt during COVID-19 By Pastor Adrian Kitson

We have spaced the pews differently and put in the newer chairs from the hall and for 4 reasons:

1. Ease of use for the 10.00am Wednesday morning Holy Communion service 2. Clearer social distancing. People can distance themselves in a more defined

way than in pews. 3. Cleaning: We can identify what needs to be cleaned between services more

easily, and so save some time and effort in that process, 4. Flexibility: We can change things around between the various Services (Wed

morning HC, Wed Evening and Sunday morning) very easily. A less important reason for the changes is to learn. Changing things around in rough proximity to what is suggested in our approved concept plan for redevelop-ment and putting some chairs in the building might help people visualise what or church building could look like should we keep working towards that approved con-cept plan in whatever way is possible post COVID19.

This is all Interim. Everything can be put back where it was if our community be-lieves this suits our mission better. In this Interim Worship Plan, we are using tre opportunity to experiment so we can learn more about how our building can be so we can remain and become even more fruitful in our mission with the Lord where he has placed us.

Pastor Adrian Kitson

Page 9: Nothing to separate us · • Please give us a desire to connect in small groups and experience your love and care in this special way. • Please help us to work out safe/compliant

• Pastors experiencing more space to listen to the word, to God’s people, to their family and friends and people in our local communities.

• The opening up of our ‘front door’ into the online world where there are not only regular church people but many others listening in.

5. ‘Getting back to normal’ as quickly as possible may cost us too many of these good gifts. Our goal is not to ‘get back to normal’, but to stay with the Lord in the present, listening and learning where he leads us, whatever that may look like.

6. Our Western society since World War II is actually not the ‘normal’. Communities of Jesus have always dealt with plagues, natural disasters, persecution, poverty, injustice and death – without easy escapes. Jesus is not our escape. He is our Saviour so he can call, gather and enlighten the world through us.

7. Worship can be big and small too. We can participate with Christ in his mission in not only one building at one time but in many small household buildings at various times.

8. God’s people have many gifts and can do many things in ministry and mission and should continue to do so.

9. What happens in small gatherings in homes and workplaces is just as important as what happens in larger groups on Sundays, and more effective in the ongoing nurture, witness, fellowship and service with and for our own people and people in our local communities.

10. We are called by the Spirit to listen to his word, not ‘fix the church’ as we want it fixed. We don’t have to ‘fix’ the church. We are called to listen to the word of the Spirit and let him lead us into his future for us all.

Pastor Adrian Kitson is chair of the LCA/NZ’s Commission on Worship and serves the flock at St Petri Nuriootpa in South Australia.

Lutheran Community Care need our help Emergency relief is a programme that supports a large number of local families and individuals with food, bedding and toiletries. They really appreciate our help with replenishing their pantry. Items like: ֍Tinned Fruit ֍Pasta Sauce ֍2 minute Noodles All donations can be dropped off at Lutheran Community Care, 26 Second Street. Please ring the doorbell and place donated items on the door step, someone from the office will collect it from there. Thank you ☺

Page 10: Nothing to separate us · • Please give us a desire to connect in small groups and experience your love and care in this special way. • Please help us to work out safe/compliant

Church after COVID Survey Notes

A big THANK YOU to all who responded to our “Church after COVID survey. We really appreciate hearing what people are thinking, especially as we try and discern the Lord’s will for us at this time of interruption.

Below is a brief summary of what we heard from about 70 survey reports and from a group of about 30 people (GC, Staff, some Key Volunteers) who met last Sunday to consider where the Lord is leading us a we return to larger public worship.

Q1 How has the COVID19 pandemic affected your view of church and your experience of mission? 1. An opportunity for doing things differently (Different worship times, smaller

groupings, more simple, less complex, not reliant on Sunday Service only, a lot in common with the Early Church.....)

2. Been confirmed in the truth that people need God. 3. Don't need building to worship the Lord. 4. More time to relate/connect with others – a real mission awareness displayed. 5. People loved the choice to be at home and yet connected. 6. Love the digital experience (Can control when and where and how long,

diversity of input, going to more people, easy to share with others). 7. Liked the simplicity of worship video (short, no-frills, real, authentically 'us') 8. People have missed regular opportunity to connect with others.

Q2 To what extent do you think the ‘old normal’ will ever be able to return? 1. Will return but probably not in same way - this is OK for most respondents) 2. Opportunity to be different. We should take that opportunity. 3. Possible - but with all the new regulations in practice. 4. Possible in time but not desirable or necessary in the same way generally. 5. Changes are expected but in whatever changes made, we must be gospel

centred (Word and Sacrament shaped). 6. Break with the past welcome but must still be 'us'. 7. Only be possible to go back what was if there was a vaccine. 8. We will be more grateful for worship when we can do that.

Q3 What might a 'new normal look like? What implications might this have on our mission to share the love and hope of Jesus? 1. Exciting opportunity (new mission field in digital space, new 'congregation' on-

line', moving us to a new place, more in tune with Lutheran teaching on vocation - we are meant to live with people and bear witness there - this helps us do that).

Page 11: Nothing to separate us · • Please give us a desire to connect in small groups and experience your love and care in this special way. • Please help us to work out safe/compliant

2. Smaller groups crucial and wanted. 3. Digital space and small groups are better way to invite and share with new

people. 4. Different times wanted - people have thought about the need and the

possibilities for this. 5. Whatever we do , it must be sustainable. 6. Must invest in the technology to keep the online worship services (and other

digital things). 7. Social distancing will be 'normal'. 8. Digital MUST be available. Valued option for members and great potential for

outsiders/outreach. A tool for our mission. 9. No use of the common cup in Holy Communion (Some sadness on this).

Q4 What do you believe the Lord has been teaching you during this time? 1. People are the church, not the building. 2. Trust the Lord in it all for now and the future. 3. Less of taking things for granted. More valuing of church connectedness. 4. Patience. 5. Change is always with us. Things do not stay the same for ever. This is normal. 6. Church is alive and well. 7. Responsibility for caring for each other (not just pastor or staff) is crucial and

doable. 8. Can and should connect in ways beyond large gatherings/worship. 9. Teaching me to take personal responsibility for relationship with the Lord and

for care of others. 10. Helping me be braver and less ashamed about my faith in Christ (sharing digital

content and talking about my church and my faith one-on-one) 11. Cause to reflect on busyness and practice more one-on-one time with the Lord. 12. Not frightened of change but trusting in the Lord.

We have put in place an Interim Worship Plan that tries to take what you said seriously. We want to honour what we have learnt about being church, about peoples changing expectations and lifestyle, and about the opportunities the Lord is placing before us. Pray that the Spirit of Christ helps us continue to share Jesus’ love and hope as we return to larger worship gatherings on our journey together as his sent people in this community.

In Jesus’ hope and peace. Pastor Adrian

Page 12: Nothing to separate us · • Please give us a desire to connect in small groups and experience your love and care in this special way. • Please help us to work out safe/compliant

NEWS from the Cottage

Our WINTER TRADING HOURS are now OPERATING the Cottage is OPEN Monday to Friday, 9.30am to 4.30pm and Saturday morning 9.30am to 12 noon

NEWS from the Cottage … here’s 3 NEW

BOOKS recently arrived at the Cottage!

A spectator’s guide to World religions An introduction to the big five Wherever you look, people are worshipping, praying, believing, following, even dying for their faith. But are all faiths the same? Do they all call on the same God using different names? In this timely book, John Dickson presents each of the world’s major religions in its best light. He carefully outlines the history, belief systems and spiritual practices of Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam. John Dickson Founding Director - Centre for Public Christianity, Sydney

God and the Pandemic A Christian reflection on the Coronavirus and its aftermath We have probably all heard one or more of the following … … “This is a sign of the End - it’s all predicted in the book of Revelation” OR … “This is a call to repent. God is judging the world and through this disease he’s telling us we must change” OR … “It’s the fault of the Chinese, the government, the World Health Organization, …” Tom Wright examines these reactions to the virus and finds them wanting. He invites you to consider a different way of seeing and responding - a way that draws on the teachings and examples of Scripture, and above all on the way of living, thinking and praying revealed in Jesus. Tom Wright

Research Professor of NT and early Christianity, London

A spectator’s guide to world views Ten ways of understanding life How do I make sense of a world that tells me that all truth is relative, or that people are basically good? Can I really just look within myself to find the strength to carry on? Where do I find hope, meaning and purpose? This ‘spectator’s guide’ highlights society’s most influential voices including … New Age spirituality, Secular Humanism, Relativism and Consumerism. Readers will be rewarded with a way to process the complex and subtle messages of our twenty-first century world and understand how these relate to a Christian world view. 10 Australian Christians have contributed to this book

The Cottage Christian Book & Gifts Shop

47 Murray Street Nuriootpa SA 5355

PH: 8562 4631 [email protected]


Open 9.30 am Closed 4.30 pm


Page 13: Nothing to separate us · • Please give us a desire to connect in small groups and experience your love and care in this special way. • Please help us to work out safe/compliant

What ’s on at St Petri Tuesday 28th July Coffee & Friendship Group (Jenny Wood’s Group) 9.30 am Venue: East Room (Meeting Room complex, closest to road)

Wednesday 29th July 7.00 pm Filming of St Petri Worship Small resource (last week of just those involved being there and 5th August is the date when everyone else is invited)

Sunday 2nd August 9.30 am Worship in St Petri Church, Service of the Word * Either bring your own cuppa or be served a cuppa in a disposable cup. No sharing of utensils.

Wednesday 5th August 10.00 am Holy Communion worship service *

7.00 pm Worship Service (filming) St Petri Church *

* Please register to attend these worship services. Just go on to our website and click on the round “Register to Worship” button on the front page.

Computer class being run by Bill Woods is being held on Fridays in our Meeting Room. Morning Sessions and afternoon sessions — cost $15 per class. Ring the office for Bill’s number if you are interested. Opportunity to ask those questions about the things we get caught up with in this age of technology.

After many years of service and many truckloads of paper that have been sold to help support the mission work of St Petri John Leschke has stepped down from his role as our chief paper bundler. Many thanks to John for a job thoroughly well done.

Robert Turner will be the incoming paper shed coordinator and is seeking to gather a team together to enable the paper shed to be operational again. If you can help in the paper shed could you please contact Robert on 0457 597 218. Alternatively, could you meet up with Robert at the paper shed on Friday 31st August at 10.00 am when the paper shed will be officially be reopened and able to accept deliveries of paper again.

We are expecting that a lot of paper may be stockpiled at the moment and do not want our

new team to be swamped with paper on Friday so we would ask that if it is possible that

you bundle the paper with string in a 10 cm high package that can go straight onto the

stack when you bring it in. If this is not possible, no problem - the new team can do with the

practice bundling paper on Friday.

Newspaper Shed

Page 14: Nothing to separate us · • Please give us a desire to connect in small groups and experience your love and care in this special way. • Please help us to work out safe/compliant

Our People, Stories and Faith

It has been such a pleasure sharing children’s messages

over the last few months. Thank you for kind words of

encouragement and blessing. Our hope and desire is

that many people will hear how much Jesus loves them

and this is more than possible on-line! God’s Word is

sharper than a two-edged sword and the power of His

love reaches out to every heart in this whole wide

world. Such a privilege to be a part of sharing His Word

with others in our St Petri Community and beyond. A

very big thank you to Brian Mibus our camera man,

who blesses me with encouragement, a serving heart

and a prayerful moment before we do each taping.

Thank you to Libby who shared the children’s chat last

week. I’m sure you’ll see her doing this again. I am keen to interview people from St Petri

every 4-6 weeks for our children’s chat. Special to hear people’s story. It involves a few

simple questions, (given in advance) about some of your life/interests & hobbies and

maybe a snippet of your journey with God. Please consider if you can share God’s love in

this way. I may just ask you ... All glory be to God.

Sharon Green

Avis and Geoff Stapleton double celebration—1st August Avis celebrates her birthday on 1st August and this was also the date on which this special couple were Married 50 years ago at Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Pinnaroo. Pastor Doug Radke married them and Olga Radke was their organist. Honeymoon was in the Flinders Ranges. After that Geoff and Avis spent 19 months in New Zealand, some time at Herrmansberg and Yalata and then to the Barossa and we have been blessed to have this couple as part of our St Petri community for many years now. We ask God to bless them both on this special day and for many years more.

Sharon’s Children’s Chats

Page 15: Nothing to separate us · • Please give us a desire to connect in small groups and experience your love and care in this special way. • Please help us to work out safe/compliant

• Today we pray for all who seek the kingdom of God. Work your Holy Spirit within them and lead them to the light of your salvation. Make us ready to give an answer for the hope we have in Christ Jesus, so that we can encourage and support the seekers and new believers, to your glory.

• Thank you Father for revealing to us that worship is much bigger than what happens in our building on Sunday. Thank you that you chose to dwell in us.

• Please give us a desire to connect in small groups and experience your love and care in this special way.

• Please help us to work out safe/compliant ways to manage our return to worship and that all will be mindful of our responsibilities in this.

• We pray for Jenny Edmondson’s daughter, Catherine in the UK experiencing severe ongoing health problems recovering from Coronavirus. We pray for all who suffer this. Please relieve the anguish caused by this virus and people having to live with that.

• We pray for God’s healing and peace for those of our church family who are ill, facing medical treatment or recovering from surgery - and those who care for them:

Verdun Elix, Hedy Stanley, Margaret Kleinig, Barb Doecke, Janet Harris, Rosemary Angel and Helen Thiele and Kerry Norman.

• We pray for others of our St Petri family and friends by name: Pastor Vernon & Judie KLEINIG, Stuart, Anne, Alison, Ben & Daniel ROENNFELDT, Mick ATZE, Andrew ATZE,

Please email any prayer points or messages of what God is up to in your life. Send them to [email protected]. Or drop a note in the letterbox at the office.

We Pray


Pastor Adrian Kitson [email protected] Greg Schubert [email protected] Peter Lange [email protected] Rannane Zanker [email protected] Sharon Green [email protected] The Cottage [email protected] St Petri Lutheran Church Website

Office Rosie Edwards [email protected] 21 Second Street, Nuriootpa Hours Tue-Fri 9AM - 5pm Closed for lunch 12.30pm-1.30pm

Phone 08 8562 1011

Contact Us .. .

Page 16: Nothing to separate us · • Please give us a desire to connect in small groups and experience your love and care in this special way. • Please help us to work out safe/compliant

In Touch Our Coffee Talk Group is running in the hall every fortnight on a Tuesday from 10-12. It’s a great place to get to know others and we have enjoyed welcoming new faces to this group recently. We would really love to have a diverse group of people attend this group, all ages and people from all walks of life are so welcome to join us.

One of out activities provided that people can choose to use if they like is our ‘question boxes’. These have been used as a conversational aid to get to know another person or can be used as a tool for self reflection for the scrapbooking or craft.

Recently one of our volunteers was able to share their answer to a question about life goals thus elaborated on it being ‘on their heart’ to share Jesus with others and also non believers. It felt like such a natural setting to share life changing – life giving news! We are so thankful to have the opportunity to share with one another and this was just one of many beautiful moments.

Our weekly Thursday playgroup ‘Connect and Play’ is back after our school holiday break. For now we are in the St Petri Hall (10am-12pm). We have a few new babies in our group so this has added a lovely (and very cute!) dynamic to the group. We really appreciate the donations we receive from our community. Our volunteers and I have passed on nappies and clothes to many families.

I still have a memory of when I was pregnant with my first baby and just starting out – the list of baby and household items needed seemed huge and money was scarce. I attended a group that Sue Vogt was running. Sue showed me a table brimming with donated baby clothes and she encouraged me to have a look through and take as much as I needed. I was so relieved as well as grateful and it was such a treat to be able to take home a big bag of baby clothes. I remember the excitement I felt as I showed my husband the clothes for our little girl (Someone must be looking after me!). I can feel that similar excitement and gratefulness from many of our families and we thank God to be able to reach out to those in need in our community.

Volunteering We are still accepting new volunteers – If you are interested in volunteering in our Coffee Talk social group or our playgroup please contact Rannane. I would like to thank all our volunteers for the time and commitment shown, we value your contribution!

Registrations of interest We are taking registrations of interest for Toolbox course to be run at a later date. Parenting Toolbox runs over 6 weeks and provides practical strategies, support and encouragement to parents and carers.

To register your interest please email Rannane at [email protected]
