  • 7/31/2019 Notes on International finance


    Analytics 3


    Customer wants 3 month forward contract---- i.e. customer is Importer.

    Bank buys 3 month fwd from market

    Bank sells 3 month fwd contract to customer.

    Customer wants to cancel the contract one month before the due date ( on which the forward has to

    be executed)

    Original contract Sale: 36.25 (Dr)

    Cancellation : 36.45 (Cr)

    Gain : 0.20

    Gain is Rs 20000


    Fixed Floating Preference

    A 10 L+1 Floating

    B 13 L+2 Fixed

    300 basis points 100 basis points

    L --- LIBOR

    IRS: Interest Rate Swap

    We have to structure a product which will satisfy both A and B.

    Quality Spread Differential 300-100=200 basis points

    This is divided in the ratio 1:1:2



    Swap Bank----100


  • 7/31/2019 Notes on International finance


    If a party wants floating rate, we ask him to go for fixed and whatever u pay to the market, give to


    A: Pays: L+100+10

    Receives: 10.50

    Effective: L+50

    B: Pays L+200+11.50

    Receives L+100

    Effective: 12.50%

    Swap Bank: retains 100 basis

    Steps in structuring IRS

    1. Find Quality spread differential2.

    Distribute the QSD between the 3 parties in an agreed manner

    3. Change the preference (Floating to fixed and vice versa)4. Work out net for A using payables and receivables and satisfy A5. Work out net for B using payables and receivables and satisfy B6. Ensure the basis points for Swap bank







  • 7/31/2019 Notes on International finance


    In the above problem what if the ratio is 2:1:1

    A: Pays--------


    B: Pays -------


    Swap Bank:

    Sometimes changing from fixed to floating may not be possible.

    U can get quality spread differential when there is a change from one floating rate to another.

    IRS is between fixed to floating and vice versa for the same currency

    This is worked on notional principal basis

    The purpose is cost reduction over a period of time

    Cost reduction reduces operational exposure over a period of time.

    This is financial (operations) strategy.

    All derivatives have to get approval of management. From Basel III they have to come into the

    balance sheet, they have to come under contingent liabilities. Reporting may be in IFRS format.

    (Currently they are off balance sheet items)

  • 7/31/2019 Notes on International finance



    Importer since he has payables.

    10/07 booking date 57.85

    Cost of booking forward contract is 34131500

    Cash Flow Method 1 =34131500

    Buy 6 Futures @ 57.89

    Sell @ 48.09


    Sell in spot@ 57.95

    0.60 per dollar gain on 10000 (600000-590000)

    Cash Flow method 2 = 3414500

    590000* 57.95 = 34190500 = Cash Flow method 3

    10/09 due date


    Expected Spot rate = 43.75

    43.75 *200000= 8750000

    If he buys a call at 53.60 he will not exercise his right. The call option is out of money. Then he goes

    to market and the cost will be 44.15. The Rs cost will be 8830000

    If 3 month forward is taken 53.60 * 200000 = 10720000

    If he sells a put @ 53.50, the buyer of the put option will exercise his right. The cost is going to be

    53.00. Rs cost will be

  • 7/31/2019 Notes on International finance


    If he buys a put @ 53.50, the premium paid is 0.50. He will exercise the right.

    Buy from market @43.50
