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DISCUSSION Tlic discitssioti wiis clticfly coiicernctl ivitli the

E.I‘.‘I!. visconictcr nnd its conipnrison witli tlic B.R.!I’.A. instriinicnt. In fnvoitr of thc fortncr it wns stntcd tltiit n sninll qiinntity only of niiitcrinl was ncccssnry for t,hc t,cst :itid t h n t the instminetit was nclminibly siiited for carrying orit intli\~idiiiil incnsiircnicnts. Tlic lLIt.‘I’.A. viscoiiietcr, on t,lic other hnnd, w:is more convcnicnt for ciirrying out n lnrgc niinil)cr of tests siniiiltnncoitsly since little of thc olmxtor’s tinic was rcqitirctl ; i t \\‘:is :I siinplc mnttcr to keep c:icli instriinicnt i i p to st:iiid:irtl.

Tltosc titking part i n tlic discttssion \vcrc Alnjor 1). AI. Wilson rind JIcssrs. Potter, Giitchoitsc, Ihtthr- field, Ewns , 1E:lrlllnll, 13ntson, ‘Clionins, Miirkwick, J:rnics, J. S. \\rilson, ‘Ilwist, Xitclicll, nnd I\Iurtloclt.

Nr . Fiiitlgc, i n reply, cnipliiisizcd t l int tlic IS.\‘.T. viscoinctcr wis not intended :is :i substitute for t,ltc B.R.‘I’.A. itistriinictit, I)ut only :is i i nictliotl for the iibsolirtc tnc:istircnicnt of the cqiii-viscoiis tcnipcrii- titrc. \Yitlt little priicticc tlic viscotnetcr wiis foiiticl cnsy to opcr‘:ito ; t h instriinicnt coiiltl l)c clc:inccl witliout tlilliciilty. l’lic tiir wiis i n closc cotitiict with tlic water :itid ;is ii conscqiiencc tlic tcnipcriitiirc of tlic twtcriiil \roiiltl not tlill’er iippreciiildy from tli:it of tlic hitlt. Since the sitspcnsion wire wits \ v o r k d \rdl below its cliistic liinit, no tlilliciilties \voultl iirise owing to fiitigiic or iigcing ; tlic IISC of :I p I t ~ ~ ~ ) l i o ~ - bronee strip might I IC iitlriintiigcoiis. ‘l’lic cflcct of ositl:it,ion on tlic viscosity of tiir wis i t bout onc- t\vcntictli of tliiit tliic to cv:iporiitioii of t lie volatilt! oils.

l’rof. Clcnicnts (in tltc chiiir) tltiinlxtl A h . I7iiitlgc for t,lic I)rcscntntion ( J f i t very ititcrest ing piper. I-lr eniplt:i.sizctl the importiitice ot’ controlling thc Iintlcr for siirfiicc tlrcssitig \vork which \viis carried out, to such n hrgc cstcnt iti t,lti.s r.oiintry.


1 Itoiids niitl Itoiitl Coiistruction, Jnn. I, l!l:J5, 1). 7. 1 J.S.C.I., 55, 23 ‘I’ (lhl). 7, l ! J N ) . 3 Tlir N:i!iircl i i i i t l I’ropwtit~ of Coiil ‘ h r , S. !Jet., (:IIH Co. ’ J.S.C.I., 6&,407 T (k!. 13. 1935). r, Stiititliir~liziitioii of ‘ h r I’roth~ctu ‘~‘c.H!H Coiiutiittw.

Itcport of tlic \’iscosity I’ii11i4 on tlic \’isc.o.4ty of .Ltoiitl Tnr, Fcl)., 1036. (19irstc L’iil~lic~ntiori.)

0 Tlic I\lciisiirciiiciit of tlic \’iscosity of Tiirs iuwl I’itchcs. I f . l’ic!kartl. 1). 38. ’ \V. l<irl)y, I<o;itl.q iuwl I h i t l Colistriictiori, XI 11, 1). 2.1 I .

Airg., 1U3-5. 8 J.S.C.l.,53, OO’r ( l l i i r . !I, I !Hl.) 0 ItitliisLrinl Cl ia i i i i4 , Jlitr., 1935, 11. 118.


ln i i report prcvioitsly pitl)lislid i n this Joiirtiiil (“ Note on the Cotistitiition of Liic,” ,I. Soo. Clictn. lnd., Nrircli 22, I!)%, 54, No. 12, pp. 82--YY T), ccrt.iiiii tlilbrcnccs \vcru notctl i n the properties of slicllolic iicitl :is isolittctl by its i i t td by Niigcl. Sinco tlicii wc Iiirvu siicccctlctl in isoliiting tlic Nngcl iicitl

( m . p 20U0-20L0 C.) :ind its di-methyl ester (ni.1). 1 4 9 O C.), tint1 ns yet we are not sntisficd :is to the reliitionsliip bct\vccn this ncid rind the one previously t1cscril)cd IJY 11s.

l a tlic ncnr future we Iiopc to piiblisli ii p p c r on tlic c o d t i i t i o n of lac it1 wliicli tlicsc mittcrs will be tlisciissctl, but we fccl tliiit oiir coiifirni;ition of tlic Niigcl iicitl slioiiltl be published without dcli~y, since no one lins provided iitiy confirinntion Iiitlicrto. 1)ct:iils of tlic nictliotl usctl to isoliitc :it id purify the slicllolic iicitl will be described fiilly in oiir piper, but tlic following oitthic will intliciitc tlic procedure iitloptccl : If the niisctl iicitls of Iiic obtiiiliccl by iilkiili siiponificntion, iicitlific:it ion witli itiiiicriil acid, nnd wiisliing with water :ire trciited witli hot iiqucoiis Iciitl iicctntc, tlic hot nqiicoiis cstract on cooling deposits crystals of tlic lead siilt of oleiiritic :icid. If .the filtrate is then slowly e\ritI)Oriitctl, 11 further C ~ O ~ J of crystills is obtiiined wliicli iirc :i inixtiire of lend siilts of slicllolic nntl nlcitritic iicitls. On trciitnicnt, with OSyo iilcoliol tlic iilcuritic Ictitl siilt C:LII bc rcniovcd, Iciiving tlic iilcoltol-iiisoluble Iciitl siilt of slicllolic iicitl wliicli ciin be sc1):iriitctl i n tlic forti1 of dkiili salt from the Iciid rind rcgcncriitetl by trciit- nicnt witli iicid. FiniiIIy, tlic ticid is cryst:illizctl froin wiitcr. I t sltoultl also be poiiitcd out tliat thc Ic:itl siilt of iilcuritic ;icitl loses its solubility i n :ilcohol on Itccping. C:rc:tt 1)rcc:iiition is ricccssiiry (luring i i c i d i h t ion iis slicllolic iicitl is very scnsitivc t o tniiicrnl :icitls.

d t i :iItcrtiiitivc procedure utilizing tlic soliibility of bariitni i i i it l citlciuni salts of Iiic :icitls i n wiitcr can iilso be iitloptctl, but in this ciisc sliellolic iicid is obtiiinctl iti ;r p ire forni tliroiigli tlic tli-nictltyl cstcr.

Lolllloll S l ~ c l l : ~ ~ I h m d l Niircnu h i n t Iic.w;ircli Stiition

‘hi I cl i I ig ton


AlJSTRlA ‘l’ltc triitling rcport- of the \‘citscli Aliigticsitc Co.

for I0:lG slio\rs i t gross profit of 3,%(16,000 scliillings, iis c.otti~~:ircd \ v i th 2,7!11,0UO scltilliiigs iti tlic 1)rcvious yc:ir. :\ft,cr tlw tlctlitct,ion of tiiscs iinioiinting to. i.lS,OOO scliillings (370,000 scliillings in l!134), tint1 setting iisitlc I, 1.12,OOU scltillings (1,466,000 scliillitigs) for tlcpreciiitioii, there rctiiiiilis ii net profit of I ,316,000 saliillings (!)6(i,OUO sdiillittgs), which pcrniitu of (I tIi\irlctitl of (is scliillings or i30/,, iis iiguitist 40 scliil- lings cir 8% for 1!)3l. Tlic enpitid of tlic conil~iitiy ivtis rctlucctl froin 10 niillioti t,o 7.6 iiiillioti scliilliiigs tliiring t,lic yciir by the rcpitrcliiisc of slitircs. Xo boo!; prolit \v:is tiiiitlc oti this triinsiiction, it is sbitctl, tis tlic shiiros \vcrc I~oitgltt a t tlicir iioniiniil viilitc. l!h rcscr\w of tlic conipiitiy no\\* stciiitl i r t 0. 1 niillion scliilliiigs, iis conipiirctl with 8.0 iiiillioti scliillings j+ tlic: previous yciir. l’lic fiivoiiriiblo trirding results of
