Page 1: NORI'HLAI{E IIOT4EOWIVERS...Restrictions ancl Easement.s ancl such .inrl:rr:vernents and adciitions thereto as ntaf' hereafa". Lre brought rvithitr t.he,jurisdiction of the Associatir:n








(hereinaf ter ref erred to as Lhe "Associat.iolt " ) . The pririci.pal

offj-ce of the corporat.ion shall- be i.ocaLed at 2BB Or-rtrigger Lane,

Colunrbia, SouLh Caro-lina 292I0, l-rut meetings of nrenrbers and

directors Inay L,e heJcl al- strch places rrithin the 'State of Soutlr

Carol.ina, as nlay be des_i-gnat.ed by i-he Board of Directors.

Sect.ion 1.



"Association " s ha l- f nrean ancl re f er Lo


Secl-ion 2. "Propertlr" slral] nrean and refer to thatce-rtain rea-L property desc-ribed in tlie Declar:ation of Ccvenants,

Restrictions ancl Easement.s ancl such .inrl:rr:vernents and adciitionsthereto as ntaf' hereafa". Lre brought rvithitr t.he,jurisdiction of theAssociatir:n.

Section 3. " Conulorr Areas" shall lltean all real property

t-he coirunon Llse and c=n joynrent of theowned by t-lre ,Fr,ssociatiorr forOwners.

T'he nanre of ttre corpc)rat lolr ls

Page 2: NORI'HLAI{E IIOT4EOWIVERS...Restrictions ancl Easement.s ancl such .inrl:rr:vernents and adciitions thereto as ntaf' hereafa". Lre brought rvithitr t.he,jurisdiction of the Associatir:n

Secti.on 4 "Lot " shall- Neall and ref er: to an)' plot

Section L.



{1Llt1gI 4g:rl!11gf . 'llhr-- f i rs L ann,:a-l rneet.inrJ

be hel.d within c)1.. j/e.r.r fronr the date of

Associatir,-rn, ancl each strl-rsecluent. reqtrlar

t-r f

itlrrIand, r,.lith iurprr:rvt:mertts tlrereutr, slrowrl upon arl)' recor,-lecl subdivis

nap of the Propert-y with the exceptiorl of the (lc,nuncrr Ar:ea.

Sect ion 5 . " Owner " s hal- l- irrean anr-l re f er tr) t-he. recorct

owner, r"rhether one ol: rnor:e persons L)r entities, of t-he fee sinrple

t itle to any Lot wh.i-ch is a part of t.he Property, including

contract se1lers, but exclucling those havin,g an int-erest nrer:eIy

as secrrrity for the perforntance of an ol:1igal-iorr.

Section 6. "Declarant " shal-I rrrean and ref er to

a Georgiu j oinL vt+rr l-ure comprisetl of.l,lolt'l'llLAI{Ll J(JINT VEI'lI'UItlJ,

llannove:: Development Corporation, anrl Stonehenge Development

Corporation, its successors ancl ass-iglrs, if such successors or

assigrts sl-rouId acquire more than one undeveloped Lot f rom the

Declarant for the purpose of development. '

Section 7 "Declaration" shall nrean alrd refer to the

Declaration of Covenants, Restrict-ions ancl Easements applicable

to the Property recorded in the Office of the RegisLer of I'4esnes

Conveyances for Lexington County, Carolina.

Section B. "Member shall mean and re f er to t-hose

persons entitled to nentJ:rership' i n the Assoc-i-at ion as prorric-lecl j-n

the Declaration.

of t.he I'lenrbers shaIl

incorporation of the


Page 3: NORI'HLAI{E IIOT4EOWIVERS...Restrictions ancl Easement.s ancl such .inrl:rr:vernents and adciitions thereto as ntaf' hereafa". Lre brought rvithitr t.he,jurisdiction of the Associatir:n

annual meeting of the Meml;er:s shall be held on the same day of

tlre sanle nrr:nth of each year Lhereaf ter, dt t-he ltour of 6:30

o'cloc;<, p.ln. If. the day for the annual nleeting of the lvlembers

is a SaLprclay, Sunciay or legal holiday, the meeting rvill be held

at- L5e sane hc,rur on the f irst ciay f o1-low:'-ng rvlt j cl'r is not a

Sat.urday, Sunday or legal holiclay.

Section 2. Epgglgl-_l'{_eetinge Special

I'iembers may be called aL u,ty tinte by the pres

Board of Directors, or upon written request of

are entitJ-ed Lo vote one-fourth (I/4 ) of all of

Class A inembership.

nreetings of the

; cienL or by the

the l"lembers who

the of the

Section 3. Notice of ltleeLing. l.lriLten notice of eacl-t

nreeting of the Members shall be given by, or aL the direction of,

the secretary or person authorizecl to caIl the meeting, by

maj.Iing a copy of sttch notice, postaqe prepaicl, at l.east 15 days

but hot nore than 50 days before such nreeting, to each ltlember

entitled to vote tltereat, aclclressecl to the lulenber's ad.dress l-ast

appearing on the books of the Assoc j-at.ion, or- supplrec.l by such

Menrber to the Association f or tlre purpose of nol-ice. Such notice

sha.Il specify the p1ace, .lay aricl hour of the nreeting arrd, in the

case of a s1.iecial meeting, Lhe pllrpose of the meeting.

Section 4. Quolurn. The presence aL tire meeting of the

l,lembers entitlecl to cast r or ctf proxi.e:s entitlecl trs case, c)ne-

tl-rird (1./3) of the votes of each CIass of mernher-ship shaIl

constitute a quorunl for any action, e;-lcepL as otherwise provided

.i.n tlre Art ot: Jncorpora t-iorr, tlre Der:Iara tion, er these By-

.- 1-

Page 4: NORI'HLAI{E IIOT4EOWIVERS...Restrictions ancl Easement.s ancl such .inrl:rr:vernents and adciitions thereto as ntaf' hereafa". Lre brought rvithitr t.he,jurisdiction of the Associatir:n

Laws . If, holever, such quoruln shall- not be present or repre.set'rted

at any rneeting, the l"lembers entitled to vote t.hereat shall have

the por-/er to ad journ the meetitg, f rom time to tinre, rvithou t.

notice otl'rer than announcement at the meeting, until- a quorunlr ds

aforesaid, shal1 be present or be represented.

Sectj-on_ 5. Bf-e_Ilg_s-. At all meet.ings of l-lernbers, each

Menrber may vole in person or l:y proxy. All proxies shall be in

writing and filecl with the secretary Every proxy slt.rll be

revocable anci shall- automatically cease upon conveyance by the

Member of his Lot.



Section 1 . Nrrnber. The af f airs of the Associatiorr

shall be managecl by a Boarcl of three (3) di.rectors, r\'llo need noL

be. Menbers of the Association.' Section 2_-------:-_- Term of Office. Ai

meet-ing, and at each annual thereafter,

elect three directors for a tern of one year.

Section 3. Rernoval Any director inay be removed from

1-ire Board, with or witlrout cause, by a nlajority rrote of the

Itlenbers of the Association In the everrt of cleathr r€s;i.gnation

or r:enloval of a director, lris successor shall be se-l.ectecl b)' the

ll€llklittin,J Mentl:ers of the Boarcl and slrall serve for the unexpiretl

terrn of his pr:edecessor.

Section 4 Qt_iuggng i_t !gI . Nc_.r cl j-rec Lor-' sh;:rl I receive

service hc- nlay rencier t.o the rissociation.

the first annual

the }lembers shaLl

corrrl)ensation fo:: atly


Page 5: NORI'HLAI{E IIOT4EOWIVERS...Restrictions ancl Easement.s ancl such .inrl:rr:vernents and adciitions thereto as ntaf' hereafa". Lre brought rvithitr t.he,jurisdiction of the Associatir:n

I-iovrever, dDy clirect-or n)ay lre reinrbursed for lris actttal expeuses

incurred in the perfornance of ltis dut-ies.

Sect.ion 5. Action Taken lrtithou b a _t1g_-gj!]]g . The

direcl-ors shalL have the right to take any action in the ctbsence

of a meeting r^ririch Lhey coulcl 1-ake at a nreeting by tlte

writ-ten approval of all the directors. Any action so approved

shall- have the same effecl- as thougtr talcen at a nreeting of the




Section 1 . Nornination. Nomination for election to the

Board of Directors shall- be nrade lry a Itrominati rrg Cornmittee.

Nominations may also be nrade f rom the f l-oor at the annual-

meeting. The Comnrittee shall-'consist of a Cirairman,

r.iho shall be a member of the Board of Directors, and two or more

Members of the Association. The Norninating Committee shall be

appointed by the Board of Directors prior to each annual nreeting

of 1-he lulembers, to serve f rom the close of such annual- meeting

until the close af the next annual meeting ancl such appointment.

sl-ralI be announced at each ?nnuaI nreeting The l.lom-inatirrg

Comnittee sliaII ntal'.e as many nominat,ions for elect-ion to the Boarci

r:f Directors as it shall, in it-c discrerion, determine, but, not

Iess tlran tlre nunrber of vacancies that are to be fillectnominat-ions nlay be rnade f ront anlong l,lernl;ers Lrr non-nenlbers.


Sectic-rn 2 El.ectitln. Elec tion to tlre tsoard ofDirectors shall be by secret writ-t.en baIIot. At such election,

--5 -

Page 6: NORI'HLAI{E IIOT4EOWIVERS...Restrictions ancl Easement.s ancl such .inrl:rr:vernents and adciitions thereto as ntaf' hereafa". Lre brought rvithitr t.he,jurisdiction of the Associatir:n

the l4enrbers or their p::oxies nay case, in respect t,o each

vacancy, ds many votes as l-hey are entit.led to exercise uncler theprovisions of the DecLaration. The persons receiving the largestnumber of votes sha_l-I be elected. Cunrulat.ive vo1-ing is notpermitted.



sec-L-ion 1. ngglil.-qr_l!-_es_qi=.llg_g. Regular meerings of rrre

Board of Directors shal-I be helcl nlontllly, without rrotice, dt sucS

1:lace and hour as nay be fixecl, fronr tinre to tirne, by resolutjonof the Board. Should saicl nreeting faIl uporr a Saturclay, Sunriay

or legal holiday, then thr-tt meeting slra.l l be held a b t.he sane

time on the next clay which is not a saturday, suncray or regalholiday. ..

' .!gg_-!lol_-?. 912_qcia]. rlge!_iljg_s.. Special neet.ings of rheBoard of Directors shall be held when called by the presirlent ofthe Association, or by any two directors, after not less thanthree (3) days to each director.

Section 3. Quorun. A majority of the number

clirectors sha1l constitute a- qllorllm for the transactionbusiness. Every act or clecision done or macle by a ma joritythe directors present aL a ctuly held meeting at wSich a quorum

present shalL be regardecl as the act of the Boarc.l.






Page 7: NORI'HLAI{E IIOT4EOWIVERS...Restrictions ancl Easement.s ancl such .inrl:rr:vernents and adciitions thereto as ntaf' hereafa". Lre brought rvithitr t.he,jurisdiction of the Associatir:n


Sect-ion 1.



Powers. The



Boar:d of Directors shalL have

power to:

a. adopt and publish rules and regulations

governing Lhe use of the Comrnon Area and facilities, and the

personal concluct of the Members and their guests thereon, and to

establ.isli penalties for the .infraction t.lir:reof ;

b. suspend tl're rights ancl right to use of

the recreaLional facilit-i-es of a l.,lenber during any periocl in

which sucir Mentber shaIl be in default in the payment of any

assessmenl levied bl' ttre Associat.ion. Such righLs nay also be

srrspendecl after and lrearing, for a period not to exceecl 30

days, for infraction of published rules -and regulations;


and not


c. exercise for the Assoc.iation all powers,

and authority vested in or delegatecl to the Association

reserved to the mernbership by other provisions of these

, the Articles of Incorporationr or the Decl-aration;

dec-lare the office of menrber of the Board of

Di-rect.ors Lo be vacanL in the- event such nrerrrber shall be absent

from three ( 3 ) consecutive regular meetings of the Board of

Directors ; ancl,

b . employ a nlarlag€r, an j-nclependent contractor:,(f,r-- sttch otlter employees as tlrey deenr r)ecessat:y, anci to prescribe

thei.r cluties.



Page 8: NORI'HLAI{E IIOT4EOWIVERS...Restrictions ancl Easement.s ancl such .inrl:rr:vernents and adciitions thereto as ntaf' hereafa". Lre brought rvithitr t.he,jurisdiction of the Associatir:n

Section 2. Duties It shall be tlre cllrty of the Board

of DirecLors to:

a. cause to L're lcept a complete record of all j-Ls

acLs and corporate affairs and to present a statement thereof t-o

the l{entbers aL tl-re anrrual rneeting of the lulentber s , ot at any

special rneeting when such sLatement is requestecl in rvriting iry

one-fourtl'r (I/4 ) of the Class A lletnbers wiro are.: entitlecl to vote;

b. strpervis.e a1-L clfficers, irgents and enrprloyees

of the Association, ancl see that their cluties are prope::ly

pe::f ormed;

c. as more fully provided in the Declaration, to:

(1) f ix the arnount of the annual assessnrent

against each Lot at least Lhirty ( 30 ) days inaclvance of each annual assessnrent per-iod;

(2) send rvritten of each assessnlent

to every Owner sr"rbject thereto at least tiiirty( 30 ) days in ad.vance of each annual- assessmerlt

period,' anci ,

(3) foreclose the lien against any Lot for

which assessments are not paicl wiLhin ten ( 10 )

clays af ter clue date or to bui ng an act ion at law

against the Owner personally ,-.'bligated to pay the


cl. issuer or to cause

issue I r,rlfon demancl by atty pet:son, a

whether or not any assessment has been

an appropr:j.aLe offj.cer to

certificate seLting fortlrpaicl. A reasorrable charge


Page 9: NORI'HLAI{E IIOT4EOWIVERS...Restrictions ancl Easement.s ancl such .inrl:rr:vernents and adciitions thereto as ntaf' hereafa". Lre brought rvithitr t.he,jurisdiction of the Associatir:n

may be made by the Board for the issuance of tirese certificates.

If a certificate arl assessment- has been paid, suclt

certificate shall be conclusive evidence of such payntetrt;

e. pr:ocure and nta j-nta i n adequate I j.ability and

hazard insurance on proper:t-y orvnecl L-y the Associat.ton;

f . cause aII laborers or emS.rloyees having fiscal

responsibilities to be bonded, ds it may cleent appropriate; and,

g. cause the Contnton Area to be ntaintained.



.9-e_.r!-tol--1. -riU4telC!fgt 9_!-tlt-f-i_q-e-s-. Tire of f icers of

the Association shall be a presjclent and vice-president, who

shali., at aIl- tinres, be menrl-'ers of tl're Lloard of Directors, a

secretary, and a t.reasurer, ancl such other of f icers as the Boarcl

r[ayr from time to time, hy r:esolution cr-eate.

Sect ion _2 . Election of Of f icers . The e.l-ection of

of f icers shalI talce p.lerce at the f irst meet-.i ng of the Board of

Directors following each annual meeEing of the Members.

Section 3. T'e.rnt. The officers of the Association

shall be elected annually by Llfe Boarcl and each shall hold office

for olre (f) year unless he stral1 sr::oner r:esignr or shall be

removed, or otlrer:w-i-se clisqtraJ..i.f ied Lo serve.

Ses!_+on _{. :SIreqIgl__Sppe-f11l!_erEg . I'ire Btrard nray elecr

such other off-lcer:s as 1-he affairs of Lhc Assor--j.ation ntay

require, each of rvhont shal.l irt-lId of f ice f o:-- such perir-rd, have


Page 10: NORI'HLAI{E IIOT4EOWIVERS...Restrictions ancl Easement.s ancl such .inrl:rr:vernents and adciitions thereto as ntaf' hereafa". Lre brought rvithitr t.he,jurisdiction of the Associatir:n

such authority, and L-,erfr)rnr such duties as the Boar:cl nlay, front

t inre to time, detennine .

Qee_!+_qn_5. .tse_q_fg!q!.f9t .etg_._.89[9_f:e]. Any of f j-cer ma]'

be removed frorn of fice, with or: rvj-thout cause, by the Board. Any

of f icer nay resign , dX any time, giving written noLice to the

Boarcl, the president or the secretary. Sucl-r r:es ignat. i on shalL

take effelct on the date of receipt of such not-ice or-- at any later

t.i nre speci f iecl therein, and unl-ess ol-herr.rise s!)ec i f j ed the.rei.n,

tlre acceptance of sucl'r resig'nation shall not t,e necessary to make

it ef f ecl-ive.

Section 6. Vacancies A vacancy j-n any oifice may be

ful.filled hy appointment by LIre Board. The r-rf ficer appointed Lu

such vacancy shall ser--ve for the renraincler of the Lern of the

officer he replaces

" Section 7. }lultiple__OLf_i.ces. The of f ices of secretary

and treasurer nay l:e held by tlie same person. No Lrel:son shaII

sinrultaneously hold more tiran gne of any of tire otlrer of f ices,

except in tlte case of special offices created L)ursuant to Section

4 of this Article.

Section B Duti-es. -The cluties of the of ficers are as


Pres iclent

a. I'ire presirlent shal_1 preside at all meetings

of the Boar:d of Directors; see thai: o::cler.s antl i.-esolrrtj-crns

o f the Boarcl are carr j-ecl out ; .slraI J. s a l -t Ieerses , ntcrt:t!Jaq{...s ,

-l ()-

Page 11: NORI'HLAI{E IIOT4EOWIVERS...Restrictions ancl Easement.s ancl such .inrl:rr:vernents and adciitions thereto as ntaf' hereafa". Lre brought rvithitr t.he,jurisdiction of the Associatir:n


cjeeds anri o Lher

pronris.sory notes.

r+ritten ins trurttent s and shalI co-sign aIl

Vice-Pres ident

b. The vice-presj.dent shall- act in the place and

stead of the presidenl- jn the evenl- of his absetrce, i.nability or

ref usal to act, and shall exr:rcise and clischarge such otlter

dnties as nlay be required of him by the Board.


c. The secretary shall record the votes and keep

the minutes of all meetings and proceedings of the Board ancl of

the Menbers; Jceep t.he corporate seal of t-he Association and af f ix

it ol1 a1t papers sa.i-d seal; serve notice of nteetings of

the Board ancl of the Members; l<eep appropriate current records tlre l{embers of the Association) together rvitlr their

acid::esses, and shall perform such other clut-ies as required by tlte



d. The treasurer shall receive and cieposit in

appropriate banJ< accounts all monies of tl-re Association a.nd shall

disburse such funds as clirecti:d b]'resolution of ttre Board of

Direct.ors; shal1 sign all checks and promissory notes of the

Associatj-on; keep proper booJcs of account; cause an annual aucjit.

af the Associatiorr books to J:e made by a public accountanL at. the

completion of each f isca.l year:; ancl sha_l I prepare an annual

buclget ancl a sLatenent of j.nconre ancl expelrclitrlres to be presented

-l l-

Page 12: NORI'HLAI{E IIOT4EOWIVERS...Restrictions ancl Easement.s ancl such .inrl:rr:vernents and adciitions thereto as ntaf' hereafa". Lre brought rvithitr t.he,jurisdiction of the Associatir:n

to the nrentbershj.p at its regular annual nreetirtg , and deliver a

copry of eaclt to Llre I.{errrlrc.r--.s.


C()l4ivl t I'llEES

Association shall appoint an Arch.itectural tlontrol

provided irr the Dec laraticrn, and tloninating. The

Cc.rnmil-tee, as

Comnittee, as

of Directors

appropriate in

providecl in these By-Laws. frr addition, the Board

shal.l appoint sr"rch other comnrittees as it deems

car::1zipg orrt its purpose.



Tlte bool<s, records and papers r>f tire As-sociation shaIl,at. all tiines during reasonable business hours, be subject to

inspection by any Member. The Declaration, lhe Articles of

Incorporation ancl the By-Laws of the Associat.i-on shalt be

availabLe for inspection by any Member at the principral office of

t.he Association, where coi:ies nray be purchasecl at reasonabl-e cost.



As nlore fulty providecl .in the Declaration, each l.tenbe.r

is obligated to pay to the Association annual ancl specialas sessnents which ar.e .sectrrecl b), a coltt inu j nq I ien upon the Lot

against which the assessrirent is macle. Any assessnlents which are

not paicl when due shall be clelinqrrent. If the assessflrgli is not

pai.d rviLhin 1-elt ( l0 ) clays af ter the due ciay, che assessnler)t. shal.l.

bear iuterest from t-l're tlate of cielinqtrency at the h:'.ghest nraxinrurn

- 12-

Page 13: NORI'HLAI{E IIOT4EOWIVERS...Restrictions ancl Easement.s ancl such .inrl:rr:vernents and adciitions thereto as ntaf' hereafa". Lre brought rvithitr t.he,jurisdiction of the Associatir:n

.rate peunl j.ttecl by f alv or at tlre .rate of eighteen ( 1B t ) percent

peranJtun, v;hichever is -l.ower, aucl tire Association niay bring an

action at law aga.inst the Ovrner personally obligatecl to pay the

same or forecLose the lien against the Owrler's Lot or Lots, ancl

inleresl-, costs, and reasonable attorrrey's fees crf any suclt action

eguat to f if teen (l5t) percer-rt of l-he prirrcipal anrount shal] be

added to the amount of such assessnlent. No Owrrer inay waive or

otherwj-se escape Iiability. f or t he assLrssments prrovided f or

herein by nonuse of the Common Area or abandonment of his Lot.

1'he wi1-hin




Section 1. These By-Laws nlay be anrended, dt a regular

or special nieeling of the I'{embers, by a vote of a nrajority of a

guorum of iutenrbers present in person or by proxy.

SecLion 2. fn the -case of any conflict



Association shal- l have a

its circunrference tlie worcls


s ea l- i n c ircu.l ar f orm


betureen the

icles shaIl

Decl-ara t ion

Articres c-tf rrrcorl:oration and these By*Laws, the Artcontr-ol; ancl j n 1-he case r-if arly cr)r-rf licL bel-ween tlreand these Ry-r,crvrs, the Declar.rtir:n shal-1 controf .


I,{I SCEt].,;\}JEOUS


Page 14: NORI'HLAI{E IIOT4EOWIVERS...Restrictions ancl Easement.s ancl such .inrl:rr:vernents and adciitions thereto as ntaf' hereafa". Lre brought rvithitr t.he,jurisdiction of the Associatir:n


I'he f iscal year of

first. day of January and end

year, except that the firstof incorporation.

the Association shall begin on the

on the 31st day of December of every

fiscal year shall begin on the date

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, wQ, being a1I of the dlrectors of


i L day of A. {'+r1v->, , 1987 .to seL our hands this


Page 15: NORI'HLAI{E IIOT4EOWIVERS...Restrictions ancl Easement.s ancl such .inrl:rr:vernents and adciitions thereto as ntaf' hereafa". Lre brought rvithitr t.he,jurisdiction of the Associatir:n



and affixed the seal of said


I, the undersigned, clt: hereby certify:

THAT I am the duly elected and acting secretary of the


South Carolina eleemosynary corporati-on, anr-l

THAT the foregoing By-Lavrs constit.uLe the c'riginal By-

Laws of said Association, :" duly adopt.e,C at a nteeting of the

Boarcl of Directors thereof , helcl on the a b day of

O-r{,gt!z^ - ,1987.h;rve hereitnto subscribed

Associat ion this

, r9B7


ny name

day of

