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Nootropics and Yoga Go Hand in Hand

It’s no secret that yoga can do wonders for your body. Yoga can help you improve your flexibility, reduce muscle stiffness, and get you in better all-around

physical shape.

But yoga doesn’t just provide physical benefits; it provides cognitive benefits as well. There are numerous studies that show that practicing yoga on a regular

basis can improve a range of cognitive functions.

That’s what makes yoga and nootropics such a perfect combination.

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Nootropics and Yoga Go Hand in Hand

For starters, yoga has been proven to help reduce anxiety and depression.

In an article released by Harvard University, it was explained that yoga reduces anxiety and depression by helping to regulate the individual’s stress response


In turn, this helps lower blood pressure and reduce your heart rate, helping to alleviate anxiety and depression.

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Nootropics and Yoga Go Hand in Hand

As it turns out, nootropics can also play a key role in fighting anxiety.

For example, some research has suggested that L-Theanine.

(see our previous post rating the best nootropics) could decrease anxiety and improve cognition by increasing dopamine and serotonin levels in the brain,

neurotransmitters that help regulate anxiety and depression.

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Nootropics and Yoga Go Hand in Hand

Another cognitive benefit provided by both yoga and nootropics is memory enhancement. According to Women’s Fitness, yoga can prevent memory lapses

by keeping you calm and improving your concentration.

As a result of increased blood flow to the brain, yoga can also help improve your ability to recall information.

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Nootropics and Yoga Go Hand in Hand

Nootropics have also been shown to help improve memory. L-Tyrosine, for example, is an amino acid that plays a key role in the synthesis of dopamine,

which is a neurotransmitter that helps improve memory and mood.

Huperzine-A is another nootropic that can increase memory by preventing or slowing the breakdown of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter involved in brain

processing and memory.

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Nootropics and Yoga Go Hand in Hand

And of course, let’s not forget about concentration.

Yoga is all about improving your ability to concentrate and think more clearly.

There are also nootropics that can help improve concentration.

L-Theanine is one nootropic that has been associated with enhanced concentration.

Phosphatidylserine is another nootropic that improves concentration by helping neurotransmitters communicate more effectively and reducing stress.

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Nootropics and Yoga Go Hand in Hand

With so many shared benefits, it’s clear that yoga and nootropics complement each other wonderfully.

Anyone practicing yoga would be wise to consider trying a nootropic stack to enhance the cognitive benefits they’re trying to achieve.

What do you think? Have you tried taking nootropics while practicing yoga?
