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ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)TH21 Re rbani ation & Green DesignTH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design

Speaker: Mark VoglLocation: Jefferson ELocation: Jefferson E

Hear about innovative approaches to regional planningbased upon six “Life Principles” and the economicbenefits of healthy environment and community. Learnstrategies for incorporating green infrastructure toovercome regional physical/economic barriers and aboutthe potential impact of green infrastructure strategies onthe potential impact of green infrastructure strategies onrevitalizing regional urban centers.

ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

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ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)TH21 Re rbani ation & Green DesignTH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design

Speaker: Mark VoglLocation: Jefferson ELocation: Jefferson E

Hear about innovative approaches to regional planningbased upon six “Life Principles” and the economic Why you benefits of healthy environment and community. Learnstrategies for incorporating green infrastructure toovercome regional physical/economic barriers and aboutthe potential impact of green infrastructure strategies on

Why you are herethe potential impact of green infrastructure strategies on

revitalizing regional urban centers. are here.ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

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ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)TH21 Re rbani ation & Green DesignTH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design

Speaker: Mark VoglLocation: Jefferson ELocation: Jefferson E

Hear about innovative approaches to regional planningbased upon six “Life Principles” and the economic Why am benefits of healthy environment and community. Learnstrategies for incorporating green infrastructure toovercome regional physical/economic barriers and aboutthe potential impact of green infrastructure strategies on

Why am I here?the potential impact of green infrastructure strategies on

revitalizing regional urban centers. I here?ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

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ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)TH21 Re rbani ation & Green DesignTH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design

Speaker: Mark VoglLocation: Jefferson ELocation: Jefferson E

To encourage an open dialogue that will generatea provocative and constructive discussion on the Why am role of sustainable planning and design in urbanrevitalization.


Why am I here?PLEASE INTERRUPT ME. I here?

ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

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ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

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Unregulated sprawl is

Sustainable planning and

design is BuffaloDefinition

sprawl is damaging the

planet and

intended to reverse the damage of



damage of sprawl to heal the planet and Application

St. Louisthe planet and communities.


ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009


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ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

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Unregulated sprawl is damaging the planet and destroying communitiesUnregulated sprawl is damaging the planet and destroying communities.

ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

The Problem

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The Industrial Revolution:The Industrial Revolution:The Rise of Great American Cities

New technologies – production, mobility and architecture

Worker exploitation – immigrant labor, slave labor, child labor

Native American genocide and forced migrationsg g

Overcrowding and other social problems

R id i i Rapid economic expansion

Unprecedented pollutionENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

The Problem

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Second Industrial Revolution:Second Industrial Revolution:Social, Political and Economic Reforms

1860-1865: Civil War, abolition

1865-1900: Gilded Age, Panic of 1893 and economic depression

1900s-1920s: Progressive Era, massive European immigrationg , p g

Workers’ rights: labor unions, labor laws, 40-hour work week

R i 20 C h f 1929 d G D i Roaring 20s, Crash of 1929 and Great Depression

1932-1945: New Deal, World War IIENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

The Problem

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USS Missouri September 2 1945:USS Missouri, September 2, 1945:Urban Conditions on the Other Side of the World

Peak urban population, density, vitality of many American cities

Peak of mass transit infrastructure

Shifting architectural philosophiesg p p

War effort transformed concept of labor, manufacturing and production

C f l d b d i Craft replaced by mass production

Expectations for returned veterans and familiesENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

The Problem

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Post War Decentralization:Post War Decentralization:Accelerating Urban Racial, Economic Segregation

Federal policies and encouraged decentralization:transportation, housing, and educationp , g,

Northern migration of southern blacks seeking work Local discriminatory policies redlining segregation and Jim Crow LawsLocal discriminatory policies, redlining, segregation and Jim Crow Laws White flight to suburbs: separate and definitely not equal Dismantling transit systems; construction of Interstate highway system Dismantling transit systems; construction of Interstate highway system Public housing: demolition of working class neighborhoods

ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

The Problem

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American Industrial Cities Today:American Industrial Cities Today:Environmentally and Socially Dysfunctional

Struggling Rust-Belt economies Widespread central city and urban neighborhood disinvestment Widespread central city and urban neighborhood disinvestment Land areas growing much more rapidly than populations

P i t t i ll d i ll g g t d l d tt Persistent racially and economically segregated land patterns Auto dependency and densities that struggle to support transit High carbon footprint, inefficient delivery of services and utilities Economic burden of low density costs shifted to individual households

ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

The Problem

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ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

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Sustainable planning and design is intended to reverse thep g gdamage of sprawl to heal the planet and communities.

ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

The Solution

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Sustainable Planning and Design:Sustainable Planning and Design:An Response as Old as Human Settlement

Not a recent invention Technological response to survival: shelter food mobility Technological response to survival: shelter, food, mobility Living with the land is tradition common to all indigenous cultures

Ci ili ti ll h i t f t h l g h ti i g i t Civilizations collapse when impact of technology reaches tipping point:Europe: 1346-1400 Mississippian Culture at Cahokia: c 1400 Mississippian Culture at Cahokia: c 1400 Earth: Today

ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

The Solution

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Sustainable Planning and Design:Sustainable Planning and Design:Western Response to Industrialization

Mid 1800s: addressing quality of life and environment in urban centers Environmental conditions linked to poor housing and labor conditions Environmental conditions linked to poor housing and labor conditions Garden City and City Beautiful Movement (Europe, US):

Public open spacePublic open spaceMass transitIndustrial and commercial centers

Natural resource conservation: National Parks New Deal: agriculture, conservation

ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

g ,

The Solution

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Sustainable Planning and Design:Sustainable Planning and Design:Post-Industrial Transition

1883: Landscape Architecture (Frederick Law Olmsted) 1960s: Ecological Planning (Ian McHarg) 1960s: Ecological Planning (Ian McHarg) 1966: Landscape Architecture Foundation:

The mission of the Landscape Architecture Foundation is to support the The mission of the Landscape Architecture Foundation is to support the preservation, improvement and enhancement of the environment.”

1993: Contemporary “Green” movement, USGBC1993: Contemporary Green movement, USGBC

ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

The Solution

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Case StudiesCase Studies

ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

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ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

Case Studies

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Erie Niagara Regional Growth Framework:Erie-Niagara Regional Growth Framework:20-Year Smart Growth Plan

Analysis of environmental and built conditions across Buffalo region

Scenarios for future development and corresponding fiscal impacts

Action plan for moving in new directionp g

ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

Case Study: Buffalo

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ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

Case Study: Buffalo

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Pre 1900 1900‐1940 1940‐1960 1960‐2000

ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

Case Study: Buffalo

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TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

Case Study: Buffalo

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ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

Case Study: Buffalo

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ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

Case Study: Buffalo

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$911 m $334 m $112 m

ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

Case Study: Buffalo

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St LouisSt. Louis

ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

Case Studies

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Repositioning the St Louis Region’s Economy:Repositioning the St. Louis Region s Economy:Focus on Quality of Life and Health of Environment

Greenways, parks and open space

Transit-oriented development

Walkable urban neighborhoodsg

Emerging economic opportunities

ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

Case Study: St. Louis

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ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

Case Study: St. Louis

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ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

Case Study: St. Louis

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ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

Case Study: St. Louis

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ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

Case Study: St. Louis

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ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

Case Study: St. Louis

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ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

Case Study: St. Louis

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ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

Case Study: St. Louis

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ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

Case Study: St. Louis

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ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

Case Study: St. Louis

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ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

Case Study: St. Louis

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ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

Case Study: St. Louis

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ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

Case Study: St. Louis

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ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

Case Study: St. Louis

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ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

Case Study: St. Louis

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ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

Case Study: St. Louis

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ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

Case Study: St. Louis

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ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

Case Study: St. Louis

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ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

Case Study: St. Louis

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ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

Case Study: St. Louis

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ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

Case Study: St. Louis

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ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

Case Study: St. Louis

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ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

Case Study: St. Louis

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ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

Case Study: St. Louis

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ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

Case Study: St. Louis

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Transit Oriented Development:Transit-Oriented Development:Definition

Transit Station


Pedestrian-Scale and Priorityy

Urban Form

ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

Case Study: St. Louis

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Transit Oriented Development:Transit-Oriented Development:Benefits





S i bili Sustainability

ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

Case Study: St. Louis

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ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

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Case Study: St. Louis

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TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

Case Study: St. Louis

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“FIT” ApproachFIT Approach

ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

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ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

“FIT” Approach

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The “FIT” Approach:The FIT Approach:Fully Integrated Thinking Tool

Evaluates environmental and social conditions of a system

E bli h i d b fi l i i l d Establishes economic needs or benefits relative to environmental and social conditions

Based upon “Life’s Principles” of sustainable systems

Supplements other planning and design processespp p g g p

ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

Case Study: St. Louis

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Sustainable Systems: “Life’s Principles”Biomimicry Guild + HOKSustainable Systems: “Life’s Principles”Biomimicry Guild + HOK

ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

“FIT” Approach: Definition

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Sustainable Systems: “Life’s Principles”Biomimicry Guild + HOKSustainable Systems: “Life’s Principles”Biomimicry Guild + HOK


A systemic approach or y ppdesign that causes no harm in its creation

ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

“FIT” Approach: Definition

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Sustainable Systems: “Life’s Principles”Biomimicry Guild + HOKSustainable Systems: “Life’s Principles”Biomimicry Guild + HOK


A systemic approach or syste c app oac odesign that is consistently adapted to its surroundingg

ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

“FIT” Approach: Definition

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Sustainable Systems: “Life’s Principles”Biomimicry Guild + HOKSustainable Systems: “Life’s Principles”Biomimicry Guild + HOK


A systemic approach or design whose processes design whose processes follow a cyclic path

ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

“FIT” Approach: Definition

Page 65: NOMA Conference Presentation

Sustainable Systems: “Life’s Principles”Biomimicry Guild + HOKSustainable Systems: “Life’s Principles”Biomimicry Guild + HOK


A systemic approach or design that maintains function following disturbance

ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

“FIT” Approach: Definition

Page 66: NOMA Conference Presentation

Sustainable Systems: “Life’s Principles”Biomimicry Guild + HOKSustainable Systems: “Life’s Principles”Biomimicry Guild + HOK


A systemic approach or design that systemically resolves all factors in context

ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

“FIT” Approach: Definition

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Sustainable Systems: “Life’s Principles”Biomimicry Guild + HOKSustainable Systems: “Life’s Principles”Biomimicry Guild + HOK LEVERAGES INTERDEPENDENCE

A systemic approach or design that finds value though interactions

ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

“FIT” Approach: Definition

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Sustainable Systems: “Life’s Principles”Biomimicry Guild + HOKSustainable Systems: “Life’s Principles”Biomimicry Guild + HOK

ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

“FIT” Approach: Definition

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ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

“FIT” Approach: Definition

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ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

“FIT” Approach

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The “FIT” Inspiration:The FIT Inspiration:Fully Integrated Thinking – Fred, Ian, Ted

Frederick Law Olmsted (social reform and landscape architecture)

Ian McHarg (ecological planning)

Theodore Roosevelt (resource conservation at a national scale)( )

ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

Case Study: St. Louis

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ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

“FIT” Approach

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The “FIT” Application:The FIT Application:Evolving Process for Different Projects and Scales

Cities of the Future: Atlanta, New Orleans, St. Louis

Khed SEZ, Maharashtra, India

Great Rivers Greenway – Regional Greenway Plan Updatey g y p

ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

Case Study: St. Louis

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ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

“FIT” Approach

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ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

“FIT” Approach

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ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

“FIT” Approach

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ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

“FIT” Approach

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ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

“FIT” Approach

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ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

“FIT” Approach

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ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

“FIT” Approach

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ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

“FIT” Approach

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ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

“FIT” Approach

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ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

“FIT” Approach

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ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

“FIT” Approach

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ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

“FIT” Approach

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ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

“FIT” Approach

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ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

“FIT” Approach

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ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

“FIT” Approach

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ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

“FIT” Approach

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ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

“FIT” Approach

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ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

“FIT” Approach

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ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

“FIT” Approach

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ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

“FIT” Approach

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ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

“FIT” Approach

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ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

“FIT” Approach

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Thank youThank you.

ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

The Problem

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Go Cardinals!

ENVIRONMENT track (1.5 LU) (HSW & SD)

TH21: Re-urbanization & Green Design2009 NOMA CONFERENCE | Wednesday, 8 October 2009

The Problem